The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, December 14, 1886, Image 2

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. Jt'.ikMi Hu THE MERCURY. PAMil l SYIl.i.K, -• K«1A SWESIfF’S ORGAN, WHSHIKOTOH COUNTY A. J. JERNIGAN EdITOB, rCBL'.Sl-'KK AM) 1'lU‘l 111 IM« l: TUESDAY DECEMBER 14 h 1886 Mack Cruft, a will to tanner living near Coneonliu, < i.t'i » ,t it v. Died 1Y<\, Till l)S8(i, at his rcsi- ih iue in I!iilitloviPo (la., Amos .1. Fulyliiun, Hgc 'Jo yours nnd 20 days- Early in 1 ito hr coinu'i-ted hiinspll 1 ; with the taptist ehu:rh at HiiUllo viilo and to n tl : t time lived :i bright orn.ummt to the elinivh, a lovely son and hi nt lie I husband and father and a tender and true liiend. Becoming achtis pring littir of Hie he was 110 111 1 tttiti in tlit For E iscntur's Dismission. GEORGIA—Washington Count}. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. r \V S itter, Executor ef the will of W’m L, Taylor, ate ut said county, deceased, lisa »PI to It to me lor letteis ot dismission troui the udiniliisTalion of tin estate ot said de ceased, atilt t will pass neon Ida application on tin- tir»r.\l •lnliiy in Miroh. l887.atmyof- tiee in S.itid«revilta in Hint county. Given under my hand at d ottieial signs- a faith till turn, this 6 k day ot December. 1886 M. NEW M iN, Urd’y. 12-0 -3m Mart county, lias never bought a' one who in deed and in truth grew forsc, cow, or hog. bixty-ftvc dolarsistlic largest amount he ever owed, und bo | aid that with it bale of cotton and bad $4 left. The agunul tnccting of Jtlicj stowkboldcrs of the Central tails road will bo ltcbl in SaViititiali'r 22- St< cklioblcrn and their liitniliia will l e )mssoti over tbe roatl from December 1 !* to 22 inclusive, and, returned ironi December 22 to 2$. Prohibition went into effect. 1 Wednesday in Milletlgevilie, so far »s the retail itude in litpmr is con* uernwd. The license of one lin.. to ..ell hy the quart dees not expire till Jitnunry. Most of those whose business have been st >ppcd hy the jaw have cuinineuvcd the stile ltimily groceries. Of President At thin’ s Cabinet Frelieghuyseu and Fulger are dead. in grace as he grew in years nod the t last great change entne he passed away to his reward us calmly and i sweetly as he had lived Ilia short | aim gently life. His seat tins always tilled in church and Sunday school unless' providentially hindered, lie was ne\ er known to apeak reproachfully <fj any line, hut was gentle, meek and unassuming, lie leaves a wite and one child and a host of friends to ! mourn his loss. lie spoke ot his departure, yes' la Led lively to his mo her, several ! days before his death with great j taitli in his Savior, fully e uilliletil that Jesus would early him through 1 While in active life, i could he tin 1 Ii said id'hint that he was an honest and upright man. His remains was | 0 C] itiid away in t e Hiduleville eeme- I lery h >( the side ol his hoy, Ilarvi. the I u net'll I conducted by Rev. .1. J. Hyman in the presence of a large is gone Year's Support. GEORGIA—Washington County. ORDINARY'S OFFICE. Whereas tin- nppraisers appointed to net apart ii year's huppoit for tie widow i.t will Hauler, lute, ol said county, de- eetiseii, luive tiled tln-tr returiiH in this • liioe; nil pi rsons concerned are here by uootied to uppinrnt the Court ol Ordirm iv. to lie In I I lor said county on the ffrsl Munday in Jmiuary, 1 Mjs7 mid show cause it any they have wliy said return should Dot lie ipproved unit he made the judgment ol the < onrt. t his Gili Jay of Di cetiibi r, 1880. M NE A MAN. Ordinary, 12 '.I 4t County Treasurer. I announce myself ns a candidate for re- election as Treasurer for Washington ciitmiy. Thank inf; the people lor past cjii- liilcnee 1 cun only promise continued tidelit, loir ist it elected. I* K TALIAFEKUO. Sept 2 1886. For Treasurer. Wo lire authorized In announce the name of Mr. K. J. N. Walden for Treasurer of Wa-hingto i County 11 the ensuing election in January next, on true Democratic prin cipals. COTTON FACTORS, AVGUSTA - - GEORGIA MONEY TO LOAN. Hie nndersignsd are prep trod to mi tiu> MVAYS Ul'tDi It UL Ksrvi'li ucuritv or approved COi.LITERAL pa- ier. Terms easy. E/ans & Brans, Attorneys at Lxw. V tg. 24th, 1886 -if For Aduiinihtrator’B Distnissicu. GEORG1 \ —Washington County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. W J. 11, tdisoli, Aduiiliiistrutor of the es tate ot t h.irhs A. Hurdisou late of said countv d iccaso I, applies to me lor letters nt ihHinisHioti Irmu said administration, Hint I will pass lien sai l application on thetirsi Moinbii in M ueh, ihh7, at my ■ llice iu Hin di rsvtl.e in sui t county Given under my hand anil nfllcinl siguu lure this ItJlh day ot November, 188(1 .VI NEiVMaN, Ordinary. 12 2 3 m Hnttou iu editing the (.’hieig i Mail, Lincoln is praelicing law in Chieu- go. (Hesitant i« on the bench. Brewster is Inking euro of a larg** law practise in l’ltilt.ilelphin. Tellur is ill tlul’ni'ed Slates Seuiilw. Ubi zin Slaton ol l'nulio county, Ga., has been twice tntiriied. His lirst wil'u bolt him eighteen coil- dron, and the present Mis. Maloti twelve more. Ue eonl'oases himself unable lo remember all their, names in the order of ihoir birth. Five of his bins wvru iu one company in a Georgia regiment during l ho rebellion. For years a loon has had its home on Uio tichttyikill near Phil- ndoldhia, hut the other day it Now into the Zoological Gardens and was cap!tired. Around its neck was a little silv er collar, on which was engraved “Nemo, the hermit, 1804,” The head keeper of the gardens says that it.; has no doubt about the bird’s great age. concourse of friends. Amo lint not lost. Blessed are the ilein who die in the Lord, they rest from their labors and their works do lullovv litem. ,T. J. II. Thu Cluistiuu Index will please eop.v . Ni-w ltoad. GEORGIA—Washington County. Ordinary's Oilios. To alt wi.otu it tuny concern. All per-oas interested, arc herel y untitled 11)ill it tm g ind cause lie shewn In Ineuu.tia r.i, uli order will he grunted liy the undei- signed on the 211th ilsy lit Ueeemle r. l8'tt establishing a new roan a« nun ked out liy tin timid laiuimissioners uppoiDtad lor ttial pm pose, cnmiuu' ring '‘From the Shoals anil !S miters' lie ruad in a (mint ni„r Mineral Spring chinch to the O.iecbee river ut or neiirliicold Miiy’s litidgs (dace, which rosd is tu inti rsi ut with a load unw being pell- tinned for in < lisscoek county to lead Ir. Ill the ligeecliee Depot on the angnsla. Gill i n and H. i. ■ 1 ■ isvillr ltuli lluud lo ssid old May's hrioge | 1 .ue." Ibis il lb d»y < f November. 1880 M. NE eM.vN, Unlit ary. 12 2 ft o —oOo — n HI* Go to Y. Jackson’s and purchase your Christ mas Goods, he has them in an endless quantity, nnd will sell them 10 you, (the word CHEAP does not sound loud enough ) If you want to purchase a new No. 8 Wheeler & YV ilsun For Ex>cutor’s Dismission. GEORGIA— Washington Countv OliDINAH >’ 'S OFFICE, ” I Luther I>. lytmin ami Mm.\ F 1’iio , Ex ! ecutuih of the \^ill ul Oeor^H ^ i^uinn, i»*i< j ul M id uonut>, • © fiiHi-tl, have applied tome * lor 1 lh ra ul dlhiDirtHit-D hum the ailuiliHH- j • union ut the <>tn(o ot Kind dieeaHetl, and I a ill )dikn upon iln it ai pliuatiuii up the Ui For Slierl IT. The friends nml fellow citizens ot JtunosA. Jnckaon presents him to the voters of Washington county ns a candidate for the <dilce of SlieriN For She r I If. Tim friends nnd fellow citizens ol Charles A. Willl presents him to the voters of Washington county as a candidate for thnotlhc ofSheritl. 'I'o llie Pniilir Ilnicrall). The umlcraig icd hereby announces his name as a camiitptte tor ts.u utlicc of Sheril! nfllicco inly of Wasliingtoa, and res poet ful ly solic is the sullerages of his fel'oiv tacit for mu id place |i omising a full compILnce as to the duties it he should he honored w ith the olticc, nnd any statement as to coining down is a false one for ihcbcltehl ol design ing persons on v. Very Respectfully. Wm. I)Hggan. For Clerk of the Su perior Court. We are authorizoil to uBQounee the nunie of A. M. Muyo for re- election to the i thee of Clerk of Superior Court subject to democrat- ie uomiuuii >u. if any, Wo all know • auil our courts would look .dd without him, so lots give him our full rupport as usual, as we knaw lie is worthy and qualified. FaiKsns For Clerk of the Su perior Court. I res | ice tin liy announce myself a can" di talc H.r Clerk of the Superior Court of tVashihgton county al die ensuing January election. THOMAS J.DAVIS. For Tax Receiver. I am before the people as a can- eidute for Tax Receiver of Washing ton enmity at thecusuing election in January in xt. Dr. II. I). Ki-ttDAi L. I October fi'h lHMi. offer their services to the plans rs an Imerchanls of Washington county 7,")C a bale commissim, no storage when s.Nd on arrival or within 15 day . If sent of the A. G. A S. R. It. all expenses including freight drayau.. commission and Insurance wilt not be over 62.10 for a 500lb bale. M Jot Jan lias been iu the business for 12 years and we guarantee porfeei s'ttif liietion in every respect. Give us a trial and if you v.sit Augusta, ■ give veil ft cordial invitation to visit our office, we will gladly wuUouie yoi and Ao ifll in <>ur power to |>teasu you. NOTICE! To Every One In tVashlngtou It r Wilt* Wants Mniiev. 1 liave $300,000 to Uin, If you wish t in. ntiy uint. fw n $5),Oo to f-NHk), from three months to five yenrs time mine with proper security and get it. I tu prepared to offer your money on Itrrr III Tl'.ltUS Tll.lS KVKH IIIIKUUR. -jrlt V I'KS GREATLY RKDlIOlfiD! I loan money on city (»roi«irty. _ i I loan money on notes. ,1 lone money on irilt cd *»sl sesunty. D-,rl SUAVE I’ADEUS. have esp'rial offers fo r tin* next oinet* lays for all wlio wisti on form lands (2600 or more, It will be greatly tit your interest to cltli and see mo during that time- Rninmnbnr this is n» Sham Notice to Startle or mislenl yivv-1 mu* mmur II olid I say, which 1 will be plrasL>d t.» (trove to if yoi will call to see me nt the •Store of A. Y. Unities where l will ho Munuluutuiel's mid Dculoi’S in: Stcnni Engines ut all styles. Saw 'bid no serve you. 'i*'ftfi|»KV Mills, (irist Mills. Cotton Gins, Presses uiirl Miiuliiiicry ol all kimUj A lull linejot Rubber iintl Leather Belting k pt in stock. Stoatn nnd Water Valves, Steam pipes u*‘d Fittings, Insj Machine Oils and Mill Supplios. [ SAN IJl'llidVi LEE, (LV. “ ...... none iiinl as cheap and well- Will pnictlen i»th« Mtldlc Cwrit, in t we bo us rcp- lbi tho ciiuMWs isirroiiitiHng W-ishroga^ b 1 .SpeGal ntMnthm given loC*nnawciM l,»w* .Unoillv fccnpt'on of mvythiug vvuiiteJ! • IRON WORKS Lang: cto "Wilt. Propt’r s. Sandersville, Ga. curators, AW Repair work solicited and prompt as cuu bo done all Machinery sold bv resented. Write or call on us for Prices uui in 11io Machine line. For tfye best and cheapest STOVES and TINWARE, Go to the sandersville tin shop. \\c « ord aRv tfitiaaikil mil it HubM ttM lf «n ot laiU-** f iHttf, v«> li-.rn toll tmulilat. I , And i« vvtry uti IM given t.w.ftxtaiu. Altttt! it Ll»i, IImUiiv X YL !wM V r D*Mff(l««c riim #!.•#. ; For sale at Dr. A. Mathis* Drug t tore. Biiifrwrs M-loib.y lo M uch 1 V'7, m m, idllcu to tail dcn»wlii* in Mini cotiol). <»m u iii.ilt-r In) huor) mill olHcinl Higtm Lur« thif 2Uh iln) ol Nuv. tuber, I8S0. .VI. NhiiVaiaN, Utiluiur). 11 •2 ? i 3m For LctlerH of DiHmiN»iou. The lirst Christian burial Clininaman in Piltslntrg took plm on TuesJay . The services were! h >ld in the oliap.d of of a Pic,byte- rtan church. The dead man was Yce, who commiUc.l suicide! nnd the Rev. Dr. McKihheu that he had no doubt that he had been driven mad by the persecutions of too heathen Chinese ot’the city, who practically ostracize their emiutryincu who profess Christian- ity. • n ,r 1 • IT FU» lauucin in UlNHIhMOU . Sewing Machine, call; aEOltoU-VVWi.i,*.™ r on .,7 Jackson and yovxi OW)ISAI . y ^ omcB . 01 ! * will get botto’.n figures and easy terms, bee Y. J aokson before y ou buy y our Diu js. hiiUn) J. Tu) l> t. Exi color ol tin* wi'l ol JioiiihE In) h r, »p|,if s to i,ii-tor litn-r«nl oi.uiih-ii ti 11oiii ts- it udionir.tiii'11 ol th> i-stniM nl hid.I dici-iihhil. unit I sill | hhm upi Ii hlH npplii iitti n mi iLn lliht M'iihIh) hi Mulch, i)-b7, ul my i llice io tntjui rHvnle in shui COUtll). invm under my bund offlcinll) thin 20th iln) ol November. 1881'. M. NEWMAN, Ordioarv. II 2P-3ra Fur Tux Krrttivcr Mr. Editor: With (ilcaeure wo iinnoniico the name of Willium I*. Muuh nun camlldiitc lor Tax Receiver. We take tiii.oppnrttmil to tloiNk Ilia 'ricmlii fur their hhcial Hiqipott io lh») (last amt earnrnlly rti|Hihl that they eontiimc ii io the future i.nd gel ditto 1'iictidK and oeighliurn to giiiind do likewine at the coming election in January next. * Kmkniis. All kinds of tin and sheet iron work made 7 L and repaired VV. H. Hargraves: % : cc , AmniiiU’d ICcKihii'iilion Law. Tne Regihiration net fur W mdiingtun j ('utility lia-i hevit atoetuled, ami tin* tiovo- I in>r ap|iroved the same on t..e 7 th ii si ; Its main fci-iuii-s an : * ** ' 1st That llu- Rcgistrai'ii n of all duly Dr. Felton pi01 cosh Io wage a 1 , i' , f 1 l 1 lBwl "'r 1 ' "'- x l" 1 /*’ j 1 1 ° w111it'ii u -l.iin|cI un it Higihltied tur rigorous war on Atlanta s wine tdeiMiun in is..." (filling out tin* > for rp» .. i . . i vnIui-Ii rcgisiralioH in init’iuittl) fIiuIi lie vo- rooms. riio light was S ant’d 1^(1 all eleelimiH lu lie held year. j 'Jtl lU'ginl' ul ion nt \ utei'H nii.rd rlune li’: (I in k hi*fore each election, cxet |»! In n * lo« - liniiK are tu he held ( u du* iii>t Wtdiienfay i in .1 11.11 a 1v tilth lieg'Kli'a lion i*hnll rlopc oi. tin* pri'<'etiling HO tli ol* OecHinlir ;i I - tlim.}.It tiic rleiin.ii le hf-n l.i.h In days (di, l V'lthurizt s the Ordinary nnd Notarier Public to iict ns lleputv Regiktrid'^ in Hiip- l»lrini'll tm y Hiy’mnitloi h, when in unary, Weiluesday in tile Fimtnce Cum- mutco/it'thj lLmst). Far several ilay'H past the Finance Committee lias been engaged u the prepara tion ol the general tax biP. ami Weduesilay, as : t w s about to clo.-c its work, I)r. Felton proposed an item fixing a $llt,000 license on all wine rooms. A tier u spirited discussion ih was voted down and the bill will be reported to the llouse 4 tvitl)out any rolerenee lo the matter, except a provision tor such taxation tvs is now paid. Dr Felton gave notice that no would propose the uinendmetr, in the lloust? and urge its adoption. It is said that the I'ltlion delegation ■ will he unarjiinous in opjiositioa to, (he measure, ns both Prohibition- ists and anti-Frolilbiliouists of tit. city hiivo expressed a willingness to abide by the local option Is vv as adop'etl last November and give! prohibition as tlnn adopted, a tail trial. Executor's DimuiHKiiiii. GEORGIA—Wushi igt u court., ORLUN AKY’b Ol' FlCE, VV. T. W rod, Executor ol the II ill ol H II Woo l lute ul hiil.i county, iIccchhciI, np- 1'iicN to me lor littctM ol iliMmihHion Irom iiin ii(lmitiiHtrntiou ol Maid cxtiite, uutl I will (mom i.poll hiiiil n|i(ilicii.iou un the tii mi Mou- ilin it. Jiiiamr), 1 67, ut my olticc to bitn- iltrhVille. • riven under tuy lintid offlcinll) this 9th day ol S -plimhcr, 1.86 M NEWMAN, Ordinary. 9-10 -3m For Tax Keceivcr. I ris|ic--tfu ly utinuiincc my sell us « cun- nine lor the office of 'I'ux Receiver ul VViiMliitigton eoilnty ut the J.muur) election ion! Molieit the Mii|i(iort ol liic voters ol Hie county. JOHN N ROGERS. .Se| t 0, 3 4. For Ueccivcr. We lire inithoiir.ed to iinnounce the name of JumeM I" Atiicrson Jr. for the office ot Txx Receiver of Wushingtun coliilty, ul the elec tion in Juniiury next. « For I n x ilecel v cr. Wo are authorized to annonnec he utimeid’Mr. G. \V. Bateman for Tux Receiver for Washington cot.uly al the ensuing eloction in January ticx,. The Fanners Frieitil!!! IT OFF-SETS THE LOW PRICE OF COTTON.! llv cleansing the seed peri’cjt, never.clmkcs, nina light, g’iiis Inst,!^ and makes a good sa mple. The feeder stamfs on Hie (liHir, rt wil leed any kino ol uottoti rvgultir, everv gin gnanriiteeil as trvptrvKuutcd and to give | satislaelion. Prices b is been rod neon). Util ou or address, LANG and WILT. Manufacturers Ag nts, Kandersville, Georgia. For lull des*x»plioi. prices and terms. A gin vv il b- Kept in block .v* It we it eat be seen at any time. For ExrciHnr'n DiMmiusi'in, GEORGIA—Washington Couuty UHDINAHY'S OFFICE, John (J. Duggan, W Ilium Duggan. CharltK I Dug| au, Lx' t utuiH ot the will ot Ami Duggau. «u*(‘'»(»•»• (I, have applied tu ujo for fettFra ut diMiiKhiou from th* ir Administra- GEORGl.VWashington Co. | itix DivcRss ti.i:. In |i oi'ii re of nu tilth r trim the ( hiiiici'ili r nu iii in tl.e cure of (iihiun tk : (o., \h V- 8 Jijtir W Hio now (iemliii(( ii. 11 i M 111 ii i t “ in I ul f ii ill ci t nry. I u ill m-II : I (a 1>Iit- nut t ry to U r hiui - r-t hidilri' ut (i.i. ht-giuiiiut; lit lo o’.-hiek A. M on tl.e tll.d iiiiv of Dec the | len’i-t iniiiith. All iluil nli i k ol Geiirc.rl j .Wri ehtiiidi'c in the more of V. S Joy u)' u-il Ho. ut mill |ilme ( i i.Hinling of mi: iiKHimmciit olrlii.'iM di.v-cm (In). i i«t-ritH itr. AholioiMt-H ei.MH, I.ikm, \m (■)!'I'm, I op; pyx nnd J'J.’il iinlnlMif.i tn uiuri or .cum. N m ;iM the ) ii.|'rilv ut N S. Jr) ml A Itro. liuyl.e lielulit ol their r'rililuiH. Ill mu of.— ill t- t Af 11. 8;tid Hide will ruiuii ue 11(••ii cloy to duy iimill all *3 mid |illl(,olt) In Mild J . S. \\ OOD, ltieeivi r. Deeenilirr [2 18-9. TE XINT’ 2LPETY ‘CPPORTSE For Tux Collrclor. We are authorized to announce the name of Mr Stephen J Jordan for the office ol Tux Collector of Wiodiintpan county ut the cn- Mtiiug c!eeliun in January next. Ceji I'rn. Alexander ttn«( the ml. It is with pleasure we attention to the candidacy ot tin.-, gentleman tor thy position oi President of the Central Rail' K"ttd lie is a .Southern M ,n able fnp.bic and reliable ami has the tottfidencc ot a large imijority ol ihe tstoek liolders in Georg.a. \\ ho will givu him their sujipori! Ti.ore who have given pi-ox os to v to their stock can give other* ■ if they desire to and ny lev .king: al tormer proxies the last one I , iveti will be the one counted. Mr. Alexander will operate the r.itl it elected i i t to int- rests; or all the stock holders, and of ' to wh ) e can ity tbrougli wh eii ! t ic road passes, and we nope onr people lio.didg stuck will give to | iuu. heir suDtioi t.. linn ol the ihtiitc ol miid deutmHcd, uua J will pu«M ii|iou th-ir iip(iliiHtiOL ou tin-tirm Mol.,In) in Duct mtu r next, ut uiy office in • e. tii.en under my bund unn official RigBa- lure thiM Jd du) ot September, 1886 Ju NEW llAN, Ordinary. 9 9 3in For Leuve to Sell Land. GEORG I —Washington County. O, DiNAtty’s Office. Sli-phen M tiilmore, Admini-trutor de ho- riM non on the fHtiite of VV m Johnson, dt- ci iimc,', ioiH in dun form upplind to the nudur- siuin*a lor luive to suit 142 scre-i ol laid in lh>- 99 h Dihtiiol, G M. unjoining IhoIr ol Win W utkiriH, A cunt nnd otlierK For Mo- purpose ol diHlnliutioo of the pmce-d- nuioiig the In itm of nid w id Johns n, .‘c ceMHt-d, m iiecnrdiilice with terms id his will, nnd siild HpiiliUHtinn will la- hear i on thi- tirst. Moudn) in Janunr), 1887, ut m, . fflee . in Sundersv llie. M NEWMAN. Ord'y. I Tiiis (1th dny r.f Dieember 1886—a Kk'i'lioii >olici'. GEORGIA—Wash-:, gton Couuty ifRDINARY’i? OFFICE, For 4'oi'oiiei" We are authorized to announce the tmniH of (J. W. Graham for Cor oner for Washington zounty at the • neuiug election in January next. For Coroner. We uro nntliorizcd to nuuotiuc the nnnte nfIVter Yules for re-election to die office oj Coroner at the ensueing election in Juniiury nexa. F . • C i.m t)’, Mil. IJditoh: PIcusfl nnnnuncc thcnnme of John F. Holton as a cnndulntc for Coro ner. We take ph-asnre in antinuncing that Mr Holton is un honest, up right and ou puble limn nml if elected will he the righ mull in the right place. Many Friends. For Coroner. Mr'or: While We are Releefiug our Comity officers may we suggest n name fur Coroner, which I dare say will give entire sutiofuetion «u<l who wi know to he eminently qua ith-il being yonnj,, iiiltve ai-u ulwnys ready ui do u s iltily unit wli use » m is to‘‘Le Jtisiiee Lit clone tlmug' die llnMVelJS sUuUld full.” TlilS is R For 4'uronei'. To Kilitor .U.roury. You will plena* announce the name ot Green M l.ow as a Caud d ue for Coroner h<r Wnshingtoii cviuity hi ihf cnsiliiiK election in January ik-xi tilui o course su'jeet to mi) Demo ratienomination that tuny he hail mid in proposing M • Isiw's name for this position l simply usk the voters of VViishiueton county to do un o h m ns won <mld wish lo be done hy IW h sheen so unformntile .is to 1uk‘ hisuiiu which renders him unfit for the minuet duties which lie billowed heretofore and while 1 liiiow him to he perfectly willing to undergo imy hardshi|N of life to enable him to make his living he being rendered inr-itpuldc by his misfort: sic ! Cor him, make .bD appeal to the Voters Ucling that You Citizens of Washington county are no MiK-ur-e to giving position where merit combined with capability usk it. Read and n member that n beslowel ol thi. office of Coroner will possibly relieve Your fellow citizen and‘lo linn ii service which he will ever thank volt for. Again I say Vole for Grcc.n M. Low for Coroner ami let him liw; by his Iriemls, CmzKXSt » tion:KM FAVORITE. Is meeting with satisfnetinn with pbintei's in Washington county, to be found at Eureka Mills. T-14-U' Burial Cases. Of nil grades for salehy T. N. J. AV. .Smith at Tcimille. Leave your order with Mr. Miu-ehison- (lOTFiY TO LOAN TO FA It* ML US. if you want money on easier terras than Von can get it elsewhere call on Hines & Rogers. .17.ueh 30, ti if. CLEVELAND A IIENDUIfIBi, These are llie two liigheat grades of flour made by the Eureka Mills Merchants are buying them and they set freely. 7-14—if TAXNOTICE LANT ROUND. Pay your tax tor fSSG and w hen yon pay y-.itr tux see iluil you . lire registend and the word is wiilteu. wit your receija am? ii dineil. lt-meinlMT,JtlnV cun only be d-nw in p.-Ksoo, ,-uul yon is i.t he 21 yt-ar* old, in the state one voir, in the county six Hionth- prrriotis to thv cleelioo und (Hird iv ! l ytsirrixes m.iicvT7 then ywn an- entillwl b> Vole f If you civil shoy \usir lii-grstereif rcii-i’iil *o>rbe managers, no miller ■!'-> rsir iMiwe (foes trot apnear on lie- list furnaiheil vhs- »Kioagcrs, liy the Orili- I'arv; iind tbe mimtger who prevents ii loan lima Voting bee;iuse i-,is mvnr tfoe- »ut appear on Iftu list runirshesf IW tin Ordinary wlium tilie Vi*er shows Lis revcrni iiroptrly regi-iered, grossly violates tin law. and robd vivc vrfrs of rh* dearest Ika > nfa (reemao, So yon sewyiMt are still tin guardian, uf ycsir own vula-if vou w ill iuvve me to write “registered" on your re ceipl nud dale il tbvn ymn-paasparj ta tin ImiIIoA box in complete ml no (H.weroi earth.con either hy misu.kR or olherwisi (irevint yon front. Voting ercent IVy trainp iiwg th« law nod.yoursiumd rights- mnlei fiMg. UUJCl oVrolv 8Ucuut. L'UUnu-l'a., A Well Tried Treatment For Consumption. Astltiuu, llroiiehits, ityspeusiu^ Caliii'rii r Roy Fever, lietuL (itelte, llebilil) Rhetuiuitlsnk, Nenraltfh^ and Ml (fw-oonrirw/ \ JXkouiUi'I. Wh • n "Coicipotiml tlx) gen” is inhaled Ihe lo-art has inqiiifted to. il iu-ieastsi vitality. I'll.if Organ sends forth the blood with mora lomratui less near to itself; tUi vital sw-r- Fi-entsilswve imllyir cirmit twwr tb-peeiia ut vital force iresvery ut-lik oiiLsne oxorwiNMA ihev pass am) rvtnm ieg- 7n Iwra u**« stl|i>- (ilv. This simple story is.the ru-tiuiMl <ra- plioslinn of thegreitest adivnncv tlmt modi- a:al schliec liw yet nuuk-. The ( ompiauui Oxyipm- Treatment" .krola, fitlr , . f Niiveoifter ri-Tt the 10thf "cut ol tlm clens.-ills o! Oxygen,aiw) Nitro- •ei. um! tlveeot)>|Miiuid isso coir loiiswii am? made porta Id t that il is carrieil iv ex(i sw to every pewiiouoi', the tsmutry —iiuleeil, ii is sent all ew er thimaorUI. . I w ifi be irr SVndV'rsviT’e rvrrv day fron [wldeft Drs,. Slaukev A Pifunw .ts 10i!9 .krola the t-Y afOetnlier till ihe r(1 w dsy of Nov (‘-Street, i'lvilHilelphlir, h-iv* hi-eii u-iiig: fAr I will lx* in, Nuiuftr svvll'e rveirv S.-iturdMv bhe list sixteeu years, is a sewn tide .uljilsl* from tl«- Itah d d ly Decemiier nu»? tlh»n 1 vti 1 1 he S-imlwwville every day fro n the N)th dsv of December fill the 2»lrh of Dectmcr oi which atay ma’ Risks n 17( close. ( 'baric (Valuer's stoic Wvdnesdny Dec D' (hs rge Vfalkn's score- 'Jhursda.v Dee- 2ml tiibs Friday Roolrigltito ac»i5iiiyv Jlfhndiy Oconee Tuesday Pearson Wednesday l>ecp Ste|v Thursilny Tahei si de . Friday I hope iiev friends w dl'nol fi»H to mvih me b) a ilv run! skunking, sjuiltmgt oirpart' l hat in my occur while l am in ihoir ion J A. RORSO'Nf, Tax Collector ami Ucgis- 'rar Mr.Nuwnvmi will cidlesl ir.. Smuhirsvill. in ra / ih»cuue- J.. like 3n lAie 611 Dee- 7 tl JK‘C Hth 9tl Dec Rill An E'ectiou for I h rk nt the Scperior I'ourl. .Shi i’tt, Tie-surer. Tax Uceeiwr, Tax ■ . , , ... , , t ol lector, Sut vi) nr ami Coroner for said ! '•tuuU'GU “ Ul ‘ ti™* ^tm a Huiy go-.d county, will l»« In l l nt the vnrioitd electiuD | S i|)\) *4‘t. i I l * *1 iVill oVjf 'liinlv pr* eints iD »he oouut y oo WhilrjeHrlny tbe Ath * ny it J ?• n um r \ . lh. s 7, uiifler the tmtue rnj-t* kod reguUJioLH which govern the eKctiuOh Sheriff’s Sale. for January 1S&7. GEORGIA—Washbiglon County. Will l>e Mild before, llie l imit House lor un ii.tiers ol the Gem ml AkhhioII). G v. n m.dcr mj l.mid officisll) ihis 6th U) i t Dtcimln-r, I86(i, M. NEWMAN, Oidiuarv. 12-9 4t belt. A. irluiat. tally t until Ins door in Sandersville on the lirst Tuesday in Jai.nar) next willun the Legal hours of sale, one tract or pircel of land Ivin, in Well done good uua faithful 1 M ‘‘ 1 cnuniy,and state known as the "home . .... ...ti’ |»lrt«:e ol h* f 1>> nmil enut iimiiu two •*mM1i SHit», Sn»N|>ortf»r f ri^lilou tiUiL a Gui ter, roll BA I.I! BY /Ul T-TUST-CI.ASS PTORKS. S:vmpl«*K k«-nt jx; t-pni(k to any uiiUivss upon !'i • i : tcv iii ii- cut slamj'H. fJiW’TS STLIV, * ('till at Jotnigun & Soii’m Jove 1 cy strife and examine their Sewing Machines belore lUiclutsing else- v) here. ilci.d qnaflcls ft if Sewing (liines next (Incir lo Jemigtiu ,t Soils Jewelry stole, call at their stoie and iney witi be (ilei.sed to w ait u.| on y on. ‘ihe New home wi'h the new servant, euti r ye iusu your ■ ffiei we have prepared it lor yt.u ” Hut at> for R. A. iiurat fm I Corouei id tbe moitoe of, Maxi’ Votuis. For Treasurer. i ii sp.-ctiu11\ uimuunce lo my le - ! low- ilizetiH of Wash i g <)li r. that 1 tint a iainitiinte for me offiee of (a umy Ti« iu ei, ul eimti.u Jii.n tv i leeli n, mt earnestly s - licit the kih,(>■ irt poop!.. JO.iLBit It, TII.Gt EN. iiilotuati • winder h per led. gem,’o he found at Jeruigun & JlOU.H. 'I lie Nt w National at. J-28.00 is a tea buuty, al Jtruiyau ii buii’o. F»r t orwaor 1 offer as a c n.diilale for Coronor at the Elis timi .n J n nary next, mid ruspectfuli;, solicit .he s.-sis aiice ut die voters in tin county . A MO FE ET. place” ol U. 1' It) Horn enut on lug I hiimlrvd and seveliiy-six (276) a- res more | or less, and bounded on tl .e Ki»l by I nah ; of J T Yotiughlood, loath In, Isnds of es- l latent Bran ly, on the Went by lands of H. ] p. Itvn11in and W. K. Doniirtie and Ko lb ! liy lauds known as iho Willian s Uunls, the I (iiace whereon deleudalit now resides, lev- j n-d ou as the pnioerty.uf Jl I* Rynum lev- Isiiisfyii* |ienoi court Fi Fain ia or of Isaac llcnoun vs it- t'. JJfn.iun, iVo|K-ity |i lilted out > lid iegal notice given fie .an il in in pisiessioii. This Dee 6ta 1886. Amo ni the suiue nt.U (ifv<v wm ,e -old two tuiets o. (i ireem .4 mini ., ii.g n W-ishington couuty lontaiiung fifty (5t>) acres e.icii. known as the Freeman itl oid ini M (i ii’ (dvtit's uint adj if ing i .oris o. .Niioe, ox, Joiiu it llisig.s, t* it ^iilleos ami other-, Lex uti on aa tli prop ■ ru oi James Baron a no Nunie !. iiiuon io siituiy a Mipermr foon Fi tin fa- ,Oi of Ma ei.lni .(Ci, an Vs Jiiincs Baton and .voiii'- L U ion id-open pom cd out an legal notice given. Inis Dee 6 ii 1886. C A ii /VLL,, .'iheikU vV U Patronize Home In dustry. EUREKA. MILLS, Sanders Yille Ga. T HESE nubs -are sow >;«iki«g t)n. fws-t Klc/iir tisd .Mv.el oftHvy rwtfl ji Vh« ir«»n.Vrv. Mvery nivtstnittoflatioii i.w ptfiwklctL ii>« ijM'DpIc-c-oaitiugin from ft (disrf.nti'tir. H'om-nt men aix- it. barge, ami EVERY VOL' N.U ot,' ..Meal, Ftew anil Bran I bal the v,iicataud voruwiiHnicvkpis 11U A R A NT K E & '1»'? if).; c b'STHWI-; Its of oln- tniiH, Iusm iIvc tidl. Dits. kiAiiE.KV A Vaxmw hwv* the NDrrty 0 under (in pinaif of Uveir standing im Pliv- ioinlis) In tiut following luiKu-ll -Vell-knoWIt persons wh» hove triedtfivi*Tmatmewl: ti liOS- WlO.HAM LX Ktjj.KV, MtiitLfK nj thivjrr**, jl.&ttlrJpkut. ‘ itklV. VlCTlIll L. Cu.NllAl*, , ■ JzjI'Mh LiUlwsun OAvi-h-ffT, /’/.« MoL^U‘<< i(BV. ClIAIILKS W. CVsJI ISO, i’diioi.- .tiissv’Pin* Uejwmt,* Aew York , lux. Wh.lim Pkn.n Nixon. JtjfiU'i? lutin- IX'tim, Ulti*utp\ M . 1 CUf.K JoSKI-ll R, 1 l_l NOHimg. TctUfiU tluirlr Stw V‘/i:l- 'Iks. Mahy v. l Aimi, Widow of d* !»*• Dir Hauvkv i 'aiok ViutuUn. Set* jmtatg Miis.uai.v A Duvourv, Jnimmr«i Li>n<f liltiul S»v husk vIks.Uauv A Eivk .mdicu. MArnw JiussiwA usvU» In: «k ii i, Sew 1'utk City; .lilt tu wilt or. i\" I'.nvtAic&s J'l-sfiiV .St (Icottjep IMUuV FKiMtltHflU** llu V'lt.lNK iJDPAtiL *1 mrll kutivn) Merrlustt, JVtikirDpVia M» \\ iui.i.8 ii WuriKtv, tail: Minwjitnhmt)s I’hiliuit'ltfl.ia. Vu. \nd m.oiy oiheosln every piu uoii li») 0 If “CVMii/XMMri O.ojp/ov - V* Muir ef Jetiu* HimJjL: is live litie oi avtohi oi-uf oenrlv 29'8 Ipagis, oy Drs Mu rimy J, PaJati. which give*’ ui akkimijiiimsH Uii.1 inti>»si iav to ltd* reiiau k.itwe cniaitus/e agent and. a.l.iEpr r<-«orii j.n snjp-iaitig wnn.-g.iu amide aaagenffehron- c K . tie calks:—manv of ■ heiw oeuig.iW.wvd«n.<£ ,-1 v(> i frag m yotar VA1ER.,VF AND filne-liy Mher (diyskciaiuH. Li igill ha iiinaho* thei t-iiv .kite u t utilizes- an a.yydcu iwi ' j, r It*. XTAUK.E1 A FA LEAL I |.m lu ll si.. PUkadvIpkiB i » t'orz at tis*' sitmvp time aae tbV iKki-li) t W iv•D „ 'G- K. IMdNGLE. I 7- > >k>—»c s>. u. Howard. . 8> ' W Miliwr Kindtleu’s Avuha Silllti kOOk i’liOCi'K, j TIm* Boat StiliVH iu lUe tvotrh! for ti t-whiuts atn.' buy mg n mi sc-fli'rrg 1 bkriuwi f*, Sires, tUcy-us, Salk Bliinw“v. •■ud ily Urc tiew lirxii/l (.A llour oi' th>l Enver Tetter, Oxippiiii H..uT* Etin-ka Vt'klU. 744—4 ClulWaiiim, CornM, and milt SkiaJfrHV' lions, nurd {piiB) tv. lyt t-urcH YIK;*, wc 'TLlYI'EUs PIUIH;; . iwspuiy, I'pquiru l It „ nw La a nww iwaud »># Ho»r tfeali!to-^ginn*perfeck satwlactioii,or mo-'«.V ts oivMi.g good. MrLtiniAeUoO; grininil at 'rataodtj I. l‘iri,uv S5 ctjirfa ufl* E'lldtiii Miidrh 7,-ii ^,r TtHi SilLF. HA tTV tt’JLVVSPJiU't*