The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, December 21, 1886, Image 2

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■ scryirr; - ,r«; ’I lie aiilir<i t otiind iii. i mgiuige monl of l Lo Orj.Iiau'sj Home at Uo- ca'.nr, lias been placed. by the Con- fi i'oiiue, in tlio hands of Km. Sam | Joura. Ho will appoint tlie super- . x, i — yTf^TT* TtT intoiuk-ni ami bo responsible for tbo .&• <*•” » XfXtJM AvT-cLaw j maintenance of the institution. Ho Ki>iT«it,.|IV'RLt^UKU ASI> I*BontiKTon ( sn3*8 il' lio lives lie will make it an honor to Ccoi'ina ami a l*ltsauiir to SA^Bf. STILUS, II CIA SHERIFF*^ OLGfefl, WASHIROIDH COUHTY TUESDAY DECEMBER 21st 1880 hundreds of children. The lull to charter the town of 1-lnrrison has passed both Houses. In the Alabama House of Repro sea to lives yesterday a bill was pass- Thcestate of the late cx President j making tlu: retail liquor license Arthur is valued at between$1100,000 and $400,000. As many as one thousand qttak- ings of the earth a day have been registered in New Zeaiaud. On March 4, the United States Senate will stand thiity-ciglit Dem ocrats to thirty-eight Republicans. Tbo I,C0o convicts in Sing Sing $250, which is equivalent to more than doubling it. A proposition to make it $5000 was voted down by a small majority. The Assembly lias passed prohibition lulls outright f.»r two of the largest black counties, up on petitions Iro.o nearly all the white inhabitants. Loeal prohibition bins are passed almost without ob- icetion from nnv member. The Son- Ev U SflJBZ \olicc. GEORGIA Washington County ORDINARY’S Ul'TiGE, All Flection ter ( li-rk of ilie Superior Court, Hliirill, Treasurer, fax Read' »r, lux Collector, Hntvi->or amt Coroner lor said count,!. "ill l>e til l Ht tbe various eteolion preoiota in the eimnt) on Wednesday the 5th ,mj 1.1 .lanuery. 1837, under tbe mum- rul-s and regulalious wbieb govern tbe elections lor members of the Gem rat Assembly. Giviii under my band officially tins Gth day ol Did uiber, I8M'< M. NliWAMN, Oriliuary. ia-9 4t County Treasurer. I announce myself ns a candidate for re- election ns Treasurer for Washington county. '1 banking the people lor past con fidence 1 can only promise contiuutsl fidelity intrust il elected. 1>K TALIAFERRO. Sept 2 188G. For Treasurer. Executor's Dismission. GEORGIA—Wushi igmu court.,. ORDINARY’S UlEICE, \V. T. \\ ood, Executor ol «Lie II ill ot H | //. Woo l lute of mud county, deceased, ap plies to uie lor litters ol dismission Iroin pnscn cat Hour daily. twenty one barrels of j ato has passed a general 'ocal op tion law lor all the counties. Covonov Lee, of Virginia, lias! granted a respite to Cluvciitis, till 1 danuary 14, at which tunc he will in all probability hang. The President has appointed II. I A. Haralson, of.Georgia, to be <h p- j uty auditor of fiio treasury ol the j pint-1Hlce department. (.'apt. J. F. Butko has made nr- rnngemcuts to take thu Gate City Guard of Atlnutf, on an excursion to Europe next July. The census just taken by the publishers ol a new city directory gives Atlanta a population of 00,840. Of this population, 41,008 are white ami 18.040 are colored. ID l lain -oOo -o- Lis ndministruli in ol mid estate, sud 1 w ill puss ,ij on said applies.iou on tbe |iist Mon- ,lu) u. January, 1 87, ut uiy tffioe iu Sau- iiitsville. Liven under my band tffioisll} this 9th day ol September, 1.80 M NEWMAN, Ordinury. 9-10 9m __ Put Lxcuiuor’s Dismission. »■ GEORG 1A —Washington County OHUlEAIiY'b Ob EWE, John O. Duggan, William Duggan, Charles I Duggan, Executors ol the will of Asa Duggan, deceased, have applied to me lor letters ol diriuissioB fiom their Adminislr.t- tion oi the i slate ol said deceased, mid I will pass upon their application on the #r»i Monday in Uoceuibir next, at my tBloe in HanderoVllle Given under my hnud and official signa ture this I'd dux ct He| temlier, i860. x. NEW MAN, Ordinary. 9-0 -3m We are authorised to announce the name of Mr. K, J. N. Walden for Treasurer of Washington County it the ensuing election in January next, on true Democratic prin cipals. Fur SherllT. The friends and fellow citizens ot James A. Jackson presents him to the voters of Washington .county as a candidate for the plllco of Sheritl For SliorMT, MONEY loan. The undersignsd lire preptroi to neeati.u !LOANS L 1*0A Its]U, KUWl'K COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA - - GEORGIA iiccurity or approved COM, YTKRAL u». Ipcf. Terins easy. ~ offer their sorvioes to the plansers and merchants of Washington county 75c, a balo commission, no storage when sold on arrival or within 15 days. Evans & Evans, Aftnrncys ut Law, Aug. 21th, 1880 -tf NOTICE! To Every One In Wnahliigtun Win Wants Money. 1 lmve. $300.(100 to hum, If you wish from $50,00 to If sent ot the A. G. d: S. R. II. all exponsos including freight, drayage.ijt in any amt. from $50,00 to $2000, g..\ .. IT.... .ail-111 ms hanvia. *9.10 fur u 500111 liule. Milfrom three months to five years tjmu eoine with proper security itiul got it. j am prepared to olDr your money on couniiission and Insurance will not bo over |2.10 for a BUOlh bale. M »-»r sm-nn. Jot Jan has l>oon iu the business for 12 yeurs and wo guarantee perfect The friends and fellow citizens ol i satisfaction in every respect... a trial and il you visit Augusta, * | Ii;:rrFI , t.-.kmatiun kvkb ni-:rojtx ■ ‘ ' vifittion to visit, our otlico. \v« will gladly wmojuio you TRS GREATLY itKDUUKDl l loan money on city property. I loan money oil notes Charles A. Wall presents him to the j give voi.t a cordial invitation voters of Washington county ns a and a6’itll 'in our power to please you. csmlidatc for the ollli 0 of Sheriff. To llic I’ll pile (iciicrally. The undersigned liereby announces lib nnmu us a uuidinate lor ike office of Sheritt oftliecointy of Washington,and respectful ly solicits the ..itler igea of his ful'ow men for said place promising a full compliance iin to the duties il he should be honored with the office, and any statement ns to coining down is a false one ftjr the benefit of desigu- b-g persons oniy- Very Respectfully. (Via. Duggan. Go to Y. Jackson’s and purchase your Christ-1 mas Goods, he has them in an endless quantity, and will sell them to you, (the word CHEAP does not sound loud enough ) If you want „ ^ , to purchase a new No. GTi, ; ’t r? 8 Wheeler <fe Wilson Zlr i Ja " k 7;“ Sewing Machine, call etnbezzlem<,l,t nml scnlo„i-t‘(l „«,.!<>“ Y J aCkSOn and yOU on vo«„ in LI, , ■ xvill get bottom figures ! and easy terms, bee Y. Queen Victoria has forbidden the j Jackson before yOU buy ’ ' ' ” ‘ yourDrugs. admission into her household, at Windsor Castle, or within its pie cincls, any news-paper containing reports of ilic Campbell divoice case. The South Gn , Conferenro of the Motho.iist Episcopal chuivl*, South, will hold its next annual sessisn iu Sandeisville in the month of De cember, IS87. A ten-year did boy ol Marion, Ind., has become insane, and phy sicians say that it is solely due to tobacco, which he has uaad since he was 5 years old. TI8II GEOiiGlA CONVICTS. Tlio present law under wliivh convicts are leased tor twenty years, is a disgrace to our civili zation, Let the Legislature do something to give tins unfortu nate class a chance for reforma- ! lion. Under the present system Mrs.“Hannah ISuston has left to lhoj aro Ul ,° P ri '; i !VK e , o1 ' () j. I being prisoners of hope. Like the galley slave, dentil alone is almost their only r lief from surtering and despair. Gov. Gordon’s reeconimomlatioiis look ing to reformation in the system should he i'avoitihly considered. —Aug. Chronicle. For Lfto-iN ot Diauiihnion. GEORGIA—Washington County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. Hid In-} J. Til} lei, Executor of tbo win Ilf J ana E liij tor, uppliex to ilia tor lelier» ol -.iitllilhbi n liom i Be a* * lo ill idl rat ion of lb aKlaU ol hi> 111 liioeimeil, noil I "ill puaa Upi u ui- applicalieu ou ibe liial M"lnl«} iu Maiob, ISS7, at ioy i iuco iu , Halnleibvillo iu Haul county. l.ivct. under in} Icind offiuiull} ibis 20tb da} ol November. 18h((. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. 11 35 3m ror Exeeiiii.i’s lliNiuishiou. GKORG1A— Washington County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE C. w H.ilur, Ex' ctitor i t tlu will ol Wm L, T.i} "r, -uto of Hai l counl}, deci’a-od, hna „,.j l . ,i to me lor loin ih ol dn-miatiion from liu- ad mil.ini rat ion of Ibj ealate ol Haid de- caM'd. at'd I will | ai-H upon bin npplio.itlon on the hint M -mb'} in Miroli, m) ol- lii-e in Sal.delHXille ill H .id tolllil} . Given nnder my'bund aid hijjua- lure, Ibu CilU dll} ol Ueoeuiber. 1880 M NEB M VN, Urd’y 12.0 :im F,,i Ext (tutor's HiHuii’Hiou. GEORGIA— Wuahingtou County OH DIE AH Y 'E Ob EWE, Lutliei l>. » igaiUH and .\iary F. 1’iie., Ex ccutorH of tbe will il G'orga Wi^gioa, I.-. f , 1 Neid, diceaaid, buveupplied tom Charleston, S. ()., the sum $400,000 for Rio purpose of''mak ing old age comfortable." Mr. Spurgeon has admitted 10.000 people into church memberrship since the beginning of his fruitful ministry iu the Metropol itan Tabornr.cle. THE TI HMXtl TIDE. lor 1 UerH of di-uiiHMi tt from the ndiniiUH- 11 Hi ion of tbo «htuto ui HUI.I dico.H.-.l, and I will pahH U’m.ii ll iii ii|.plionti"ir on iLo Ini Monday in M noli lss7, at ui> offiao in H», - deiHviliu in Haul county. Liven m-di r my band and official «igna- turo ibis 2fib day ot Nnvi mbor. 18sG. M. NEAMaN, Ur.Unary. 1125 3m Nivv Hoad. GEORGIA —Wushingtou County. Ordinary 1 !* Ollloa. To all w run it may concprii. All persona inlt resto 1, aro hereby notified Glut il tui good causa Iu- shown lo tlioe.Ultra r>, an inderWvill be gratiled by tbe tu.dei- signed ori llie 29tl) day of D, c.-uilc r. lMXli, establisbing a iu w roa ns maikedout by tlo Hoad l'oinmissioners appointed f"r that pm |,osa, comma ring "[.^0111 the Shoals and Handers' 11" road at a point nr-ai Mineral Spring church to ilia Ogi acbea river at 01 uear ilia old May’s brldga plaoii, which road in to intersect with a road now being pen- limed for iu < 4 issooclt county to lead Iroin tbn Ogeecbee D-pot on the Ailgusin. Gib-uli and Hand, rsville Rail Itottd lo Haid old May 's For Clerk of the Su perior Court. We uru liuthofizdil lb anmuuiee the nttnio of A. M. Jluyo for re* ’election fo llie cllloe of Glerk of Superior Court subject to democrat ic nomination, if'any, Wc ull ktiow ‘Mack” and our courts would look odd without him, su'lels give him our full huppnrt as usual, us wo know hu in worthy and qualified. Friends For Clerk of the Su perior Court. I respectl'u|lv announco myself a can" di nilc far 1 lark of the Superior Court ol VVashLigton county ul the ensuing January election. THOMAS J.DAVIS. IRON WORKS 'lamg & Wilt __ . . _ ... 1 IFmtti 1 say, wh’c'i 1 will Do plBiised io Propt’rs. Sandersville, rat I ioiiii moiii'v on gilt e(l.-:n4 seatmiv Chtrl SHAVE RAPE IRS. t have i' .p.n'i'il oll'ers fu'' the next uinef^ ilnvs for all who \visb mu fawn l.nuU $2001) ur uioi'c, ll will be. fiitmfly to your interest to call and- see 'me during that time Ileimunlier this is no Sham Notice to Slnrtln or mislead yon l mean f.vkrv IFoitu I say, wh’cb 1 will lm pleiisod lo Miiuutacturoi'H and Deuliirs in: SUmm Engines ol nil styles. SawU| a d ao servo you. Mills. Grist Mills. Llottun Gitis. Fresnes and Machim.'ry ol all kinds W. u. llllQPKN A, lull liiiOyUt Knhber and Leather Helling k pt iu Htuek. I P I 1-IARR 1C Steam and Water N’ulves, Steam pipes amL Fittings, 1 nspirutois, ! ATTO T^TSi-E-V' AA.T XGf! ■ (totto and us cheap and 1. we guarantee to he 11s Machine Oils and Mill Supplies Repair work solicited und prompt as can he done all Machinery sold in resented. Write or call on us tor Prices and in the Machine line. ^1CMHMMI - <■ -. .L-x-.cxzxr.-vi’^. •- xxjjh: .A.'W well rep- tcriptiou of anything wanted For Tax Receiver. 1 am before the people us a can- oitliite for Tax Receiver of.Wanning- ton county at theeusiiiug election in January next. Dr. II D. Ivenuai t. Gctober 6th 18.8(1. * For 'l ax Itcridvcr Mr, Editor: . - With pleasure v.o iinnmmco the mime of Wlilomi F. Hmiib as a candidate lor Tax Kecuiver. Wc take tuixopportunity For the best and cheapest STOVES and TLNWAjRE, Go to the sandersville tin shop. All kinds of tin and sheet iron work made and repaired W. H. Hargraves: SANDERSVILLE, GA., Will practice ill the’Middle Circuil, and in tbo counties surrounding Washiuigtoit. Special attention, given lo Commercial .futi23-ly , v , A&*-**. i '(■'..•V ■ v« ’■ 1. i;5 r v»v; r 1 . «' {. V nfcuAO .(Cl K\u- LT'- is 17 t."} ’?• id J It>• rcvi.'^ra n.; .t.Gi.*^ f-rt-dv »t»Cori*.J». -4i*n . oh I . . anti in cvriy . i; 1 veil u..l .favUgn. Aleut I LUL* lt.Hl.5tt N. nsri:«r!::J'jj. •inclr.v.a.l.l “ilftii... Ohio. For sale at Dr. A. Mathis' Drug tore. Told -7 r>ru«g’.Mi. rrktt 01.00. IT OFF-SETS THE LOW PRICE OF COTTON. Rv cleansing the sceil porl’u M, never clmkes, rims light, gitm last to thank Ids iriends forttieirliberal auppoi t iimJ makes a good sample The feeder stands on the floor, it in tbv.pusl und earnestly request that ibcy continue il in ibe future and get thc.r friends and neighbors lo go and do likewise at the coining election in January next. * Fuikmos. For Tax Receiver. I respectfully alinoimce myself 11H a can- 1111 e lor llie ollics of Fax Hieei.’er ol Washington couiilv at tbe January election and solicit ike support of the voters ol the county. JOHN N KOGERS. 8cpt 9,18 0. WnmoD are cinploj ed on tlie itntT of over two bundled newspaper!, in thn United Slates. Some of the leadiug papeis und periodiurls in this country are edited entirely by women, bridge 11 ice." rpi 1 • . r ci Fbis 27iu day 1 f November. 1SHG Ihc Hhipment of n cargo of hay ke\sman Or iioury raised iu uissiBsippi to New York, 122-41 via New Orleans, is a significant For Leavi to s.-iUlamd. event. It shows that, our farmers ; GEORUI —Washington 1 ouuty. in the pouth-west have begun to! CY dinauy’h Office. diversify their agriculture nml that .. . T , , „ , 1 instead of buying hay tioin ErhI l< r#nois Lorn, of England, , .1 J 0 ’ o*i 0 |. \\ (, s j they lire preparing to sup ply not only their own section hut llie sections bevond them. Instead Alisa says that the best paying matter to write in London is religious tracts. Twenty-five dollars for one of a few hundred words is the usual price paid. The Chinese code of morality does not say: "Wives, obey your hus- b.mdij, ’ but "Wives, respect your husb-und8.” This, it will be seen, is very much more difficult of com pliance than the first version. At a Baptist church festival in Now Haven the other evening Mrs. Nancy Gorham, who was 91 year* old that day, sang a song ol her childhood in vivacious manner. HtophiD M Gilmore. Administrator de bo t-is non uu llie estate of ui Jubuson, de cease has in due form applied to tbo ttnder- aigne t lor biivh to h*-1I 1-12 aoro-l ol laud in Ilia 99.1) District, (> M. ic j oning Ends ol Win Watkins, Avsnt and otbors For tbo purpose ol distribution of tbo piooeed- Ol paying 50 emits U day to destroy ; among Ibe heirs of s.-id Will. Johnson, de- : 111 r * I oeesad. in accordance with terms of bis will, glass, It wot d 1)0 Well fot Uian\ | „ n ,j H „iit Huulioalion will tie bear l on 1 tie limners, ill ail Southern btales^tj ! first Monday ill January, 1887, ut iny office make buy instead of having* it j 111 ^crsvitie. M newman, Ord'y. elscwhnv. Ill,sis einmeutly true j T ;.is Cth day r.f Dn-embcr 1880 -li of the Piedmont regions ot South | fw A.rmimS7?DuSS^S: Giuoiiria and Georgia, winch lire 1 geOUGI A — Washington County, so admirably adapted to this cult-j ORDINARY’S OFFICE, lire, — | Allg Chronicle. j W. J. Hardison, Admit,istrulor of the es- j isle of UUailvH A. Hardison talc of said oiintv d ioaasel, applies lo me lor 1-tlers For Receiver. We arc authorized to announce the n.tmc of James f Aincrvmi J r. for llie office of Tux Receiver of Wusbington couuly, at the elcc- 11cm ill January next. * Foe Tax Kcceivcr. We are authorized to ann.mnoe .lie name of Mr. G. W. Bateman for Tax Receiver for Washington county at. the ensiling election in Juanacy next. For Tax Collector. We are authorized to announco the name of Mr Stephen J Jordan for llie officeolTax Collector of Washington county at the en- suiug election iu January next. toed any kind of nothin regular, every gin giiaranteeil as represviitcfi and to give [ Aiitisfaotion. Price* h is been rtdueed. Cal on or address. LANG and WILT. Manufacturers Ag,nts, Sahdersville, Georgia. For full descriptim prices ami terms. A gin w 11 he Kept in stock where it cm he ut* 1 an v time. .n.; .i-aji-iaq-agaai wniaima——P* (For Coroner. To Editor J/ercury. You will please announce tbe name of Green M l.oiv aa a (.'and <l <le for Coroner for Washington county at tlif ensuing election .in Jam.ary next and n course sip.ji-ct to mi} Demo ratic nomination that may be bad and in proposing Mr. Low’s name for ibis pusilion 1 simply usk tbe vutera of Wiisbingloi unty lo do line bim as we would wish to bo done by He baa been an uulbruiimtc .is to bia urni which renders him until for the inanuel duliea wbieb ba followed berelofore anil while I linow him to be perfectly willing to timlergo any hardships of life <0 enable Min f.* Irf* hit* livinf/ Iu* heiwiT rendereil GEORGIA-Washington Co. RCCF.1VRU8 9AU1. ✓ I11 pci’sunnce of en okIcc from tbe Chancellor Hindi- in llie case of (libian W Co., is V-H Jiyner & Uta now ponuing most agrceuble and io ti e Hapciior l. ou>t ol mid cm.nry : I w ill sell m public out cry to 11 c high- j en bidder at Oconee (ia. beginning at 10 David Buttrick, who was born i~ 0 clock A .Ot dismission trom said administration, and ! I will pass epou said application on tbfl first j Monday in March, 1887. at my office iu Sm- Jersvil.e in said county Given linder my band and official signa- I turn this Jab day ol November, 188(1 M NEWMAN, Ordinary I 12 2—3m M on the 2Jut day of Dec the , present month. All that slock of Concord. Mass, eighty-seven years ! J/ciTliindi-e in the store of V r . s Joy er ago, and his wife also a native of' iUfl I!r< ’ » ,1 1 at ’ e - ‘-‘■"sisting of an AKHoiTmunt olcnoiht di\ native of the plue-d, celebrated the sixtieth an- j Also bmscs cows, hi g niversary of their marriage the other 1 iJobn-bt-lsofcorn more „ , , . . j as tbe properly of \ H. Jo; Ybri’h Snppnr'.. GEORGIA—Washington County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. Whereas llie appraisers appointed to set , apart a year’s suppoit for tie widow ot oods groceries iXc. ^ ,|j lliimer, late of said county "ag.a> i de- have filed all persons i ceased, have Hb d their returns in lids less.Held I ,, f p (v; (l !l persons concerned are l.ere- « r ... I -;v v ... . ... Jo\ncr& Rro. i,., >j0 tili d lo upprnr Ht tbe Court of Ordina- (AHin ra . lneu ill c stilts fought in ; lor’ibe beuellt ot their creditors. I rv, lo be In 1 I lor said count} ou ibe Ursi tbo war, and 0110 was killed at Terms of Hale - CASH. Said sale \\ ill | yinuday in Jamur} 1 , 1887 and show cause if I contir.ue from day lo day tiuiili all of mat ; any they have why said return should not ; propoity is sold. I be approved and bo made tbe judgment ol J . 8. WOOD,, Receiver, j tneConrt, Getty si iu re December (2 IS si). , 1 Washington uftcr ti n I lutrs- ■ adjotirmiietif. His luuga nre Eunice Barton, an eighteen -year- old girl of Frederick. VV. Y.t., \v:iz shot dead by her younger sistci who was examining a revolver that she know was not loaded. Eunice was to have been married day to Asa Gray, a young fanner,! threatened more but She was buried ou that day jn- slcud - ‘ Florida . /-,- a umn Rl’OWU A Cincinnati girl 1ms been saved from a watery grave *11 four differ ent occasions. It seems to be great fun for her, but it’s Inn d on the Sunday Miits ot the heroes who jump in after her They Sliuald c o 10 Cciitoii. From tlieCliei’okee, Ga. Advance. Senator Brown will »ot go to iC Christinas This Utb Jay of December: -1K80. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary 12 9—4t _ ■ N. w Road GEORGIA— WufddrgtoD County. than ever , liis physician demands tliitt at OiuMNxiiv’s Office of said Co. All persons int. r.’-Mi rl are berch- nr.lifitd that il n.) gia).1 can e lie sb wn In thn enn , irary, uu nidi r a :’.l t.e grunted by ibe under *d ' signed on SiturJa} tbe 15th Jay nt January lie to Florida at once. Mr. •Julius Brown is also ordered south been like of a condition ot his Itings that nlaimi his friends. It is probable that he will go to Cuba. Most likely llie magnifi cent climate of Canton would 1887. i-z-tal I;.-hint' a new road, commencing at tb« Hiindersvill -sud Hpnrts road leading to Union chnrcli, by July Cooper, 'en . Mrs J,,ne Lewis, Mrs. bnrl.nis Vinson T V ,lcs, Mis. Natiey Walk.-i's place, N T. Brut roe, Ooct II N Hellili.-lJ’s place, Mrs Matilda i'-.jlor’s place lo H.,n lersville road at Little Jicg err- 1 , Tois Utb day r-f D. c-tnher, 1880. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. 12-10 -It ^ Unpt. F. W. Dawson, editor o; f lic Charleston News and Ciuiriei. lias accepted an iuviialion to deliv er the annual address at the reiin ion of the Society of Un> Army ano Navy ol Iho Confederate States in Baltimore, or. the 22d of Fell nut in His subject v ill be ‘ (Jur Women in the M at. ’ For I.ettsrH of Administriilinr, G"ORG: A —V\ -ishington County. Oh I) IE AH Y ’S Of- b ICE. M - Kl-'air Walden lias in due fosni bonefit Senator Brown and son. We would be glad te have them -pend aw Idle at their old home j m Canton, believinsr they would 1 he benefited unci enjoy their rest 1 |; p. .1 1. n.e undersigned lor perm"n Here. We join huudicds ol^'i letters of Ibe estsli o| Ira i„ ci.u-ok-. a. jgsrw;.r noth il sp> edy r> turn to health. ! firs. M ,b,> in Febr ary, 1887, a, my . ffi.-, - \ iu Handeraville. Inquisilii o are the funerals Givi-n under inv of conversation; tuey do not talce ... anything tor their own use, but I nierely to j’.ass it u ■ "'AUt?', J band officially ').is9Ui | day of December. 18811. 51 NEW5IAN, Or.iiLary. 12-1C 4t For Coroner We aro authorized to an non not the iimno of C. W. Graham for Cor oner for Washington county at the neuiug election in January next. For Coroner. We are authorized fo iinnouno Hie name of Peter Yutca for re-election to tbo office nj Coroner at tbo ensuring election La January next. ? Mr. Kditok: l’lense announce the name of John F. Holton as a candidate fur Coro ner. \Ve take ph-Miire in nnnomicin< that Mr Ilriton is an li('ini*it. op riglit and ol puble man and if e’ectcd will t«) the rigli m,m in tbe rigid placo. 1 Mnrvy Friends, Mr For Coroner. Editor: WliileWenVe selPeting' our County eiTieers rnfiy we suggest 11 namo for Coroner, which I dure sav will givo entire satiofuetion nnd who we know to be einine’ntly quit ifl-d' being young, active and always ready to do ins duty and tvll osa aim is to “Lc’f JiiHiiee b«. done h tiugh dio Ilcitvi-iif. sttoulcl fill!,” Tins is Robert A. Hiifst.” rally .round his standard nud givo him 11 u lily good s ipp ii'ti 1 l 'i v 1 dV'ji’ * Link "Well done good atm faithful servant enter 5v into your "lfiee as «e have prepared it )or j'ou.” Hunvb for R. A Hurst for Coroner is the mo: loe ol; Many Vomits. him to make bis living be being rendered incapahla by bis miafortl-ne l fur him' make fids appeal to die Voters fteliug that You Citizens of Washington county are no adverse to giviug position where merit combined with capability ask it. Read and remember that a bestowal ol this office of Coroner will possibly relieve A our fellow citizen and do him a service which be will ever thank vou for, Again I a iy vote for Oreo 11 M. Low for Corouer and lot hitn liwe by bis Irieuds. Cnr/.KXs: FAKMEUM FAVOKITF-.’ Is meeting wit It satisfaction with ihintors in Wasliington county’, to be found nt Eureka Mills. 7-14-lf —aawa—1 -,i 1 g T OTT r'! ^ !Stnm.jg in id ti .u Citing 'tone with A XI v/ A lVXJ^ el | n ,. RS IIU( 1 Latest Style. Shar- LAST ROUND. 1*hv vour lax lor I88.ll and 11 ben yoiil pay your tax see that you arc registered and that the word is wtitlrn on you, receipt and il da.ed. R’member.Itbi-. can jpening Sh"!trs ,1 Specialty. KECIBTCHKO. TRADC MANIT Burial Cases. Of all grades lot sale by T. N. J . VV. Smith at Taniiillo. Leave your order with Mr. Marohison- UONEY TO LOAN .. T<> FAH- raicKS. 4f you want money ou’ easier terlna than you can get ft elsewhere call on Hines Rogers. A/.ireh JOtli tf. ’. CLKV KLANO A 1IE!YDUIC’K«, These are the two highest -grades of Hour made l»y the Eureka. Mills Merchants are buying them and they neb freely. 7-ld—M only be dune jn person, and you 'must b. 1 years old, in the slate one year, in tlu county six months previous to'the election and have paid all your taxes s'nce 77 then }an arc entitled fo vole, if vou can show vour Registered roeeinl '.a tbo managers, nt matter if tour iiuinudoes not appear on do list furnished the managers, by tbo Ordi nary; and the manager who prevents s man fiom voting because bis imme doe- nut appear on file list furnished by tin Ordinary when thu Voter shows his receipt 1 properly regbiored, grossly violates tin law, and robs llie voter of the dearest boo' ol a freeman, Ho you see you rtre still th, guardian of your own ’ vote if yon will nave mu to write "registered” on your re eeipt and dale it then your passport to thn ballet box is complete nd no power Or earth can,either by niisuike or oiherwist prevent you from voting except by tramp ling die law and vour sacred rights undei frsrt. b I will be in Ssiidersvil'e every dav from Mie 15, of October till llie 10, day of Niv. i will be in Hando.svillo every Saturday from tbe 10th d ry i f November till tbe lOlb dsv .if December and then I will be i. S-indersvilie every day fro u lire lOlb da of Decfc-nber till the 2l)tlr of Dcccnu-r oi wbieb day my books will dose. C.lrarle Walter’s sfore WoInesday Dec l»t Getfgo Walktu’s store Tluu-stlay Dec 2nd Lues Friday Deo 5,-J Bostriglits academy A/oridsy Duo Htii Oconee Tuesday I)ee 7ffi I’carson -Wednesday Dec Bill Deep Step Tbnr.sday D.s* 9tb Tn bern ntle Friday ’ Duo iOtJi I lirrpe my friends will^not fail to invifi me to any corn shucking, Quilling, or party mav Grcur while I aiu in ihoir J A ROBSON, Tux Collector and Regis trar Mr. Newman will collect in Sandersville 111 m t absence. J. 4620 A roll btr-uut, l'Ulluii'a. Pa A Well Tried Treatment For L’nusumption, Asthma. HroitchiU, Dispciisin, Cnlili’rli, llnv Fovor, llciid- delic, Dcliilily Rluuimntlsm, NcnnilgU, and M Chronic amt .Vareoas l)i.tor<(cr.i. Wli .n “Compound Oxygen” is inhaled thu livavt Iras imparted to it increased vitality, flint Organ sends forth lbs blood with more three and lots wear to itself; the vital cur rents leave on their circuit new deposits of vital for, e in every Cull of tissue over which l\'V pass and return ug-in lor ii new sup ply. This simple story is tlie rational ex- plication of iliegreUesl advance that modi- ju 1 science bus yet made. ’’Thu Compound Oxygen Treatment” which Drs. Htarkey I’alen, No. 1529 Arc'll,. Slria-t, I’liilndelpbia, h ive been Using for Uie last sixteen years, is a scientilic adjust- incut of the elements of Oxygon r.nd Nitro gen viagnetizciJ, and tbe compound is so con denseci and made portable that it is carried by express to every portion of the country —indeed, it-is sent all over the world. Sheriffs Sale. FOR JANUARY J8S7. For Treasurer. I respectfully announce to uty i'd- low-ciliziuis 01 Wash ng.ou ei.tinty that I ai»i a rimflidat f t l.lie office of County Tr-iifu'ev, at flit, ciiouu Ja utii'y ••lection, rut . arnost);, so- 'ieit tin suop - >f tite [... o|)l- JOSEFri 11, THiGJ'EN. For Coroiioi* O ECHO IA—Washington County. 1 Will be sold before llie Court llouso aioor in Sandersville on the lir-t Tucsd iy Li January next within the Legal hours of sale, one tract or ptreel of land lying in said comity und state known as the "home plate” of R. 1’ Bynum containing two hundred and seventy-nix (270) acres more or less, and hounded on tbo East liv lands of J T Youngblood, Scith bv I unis of rs- talent Ilian Iy, on ibe West by lauds of R. I’. Bynum and W. 1C. Don. ittie and North by lands known as ibe Williams lands, the -place whereon 'ieleiidant now tesides. lev ied cm as ibe pronerlv of R 1’ Bynum Jcv- saii'fy a s iperior court Fi Fain i.tvor of issue llerumn vs R- Bynum, Property p inteu out and legal notice given de.fen- d-ill in pcsiessiun.' This Dec. Otli 1888. Also r.i tlie same time and place will ■ e sold Ui) tiacts o. parcels of land i\ ing in W.isbingt'.i) con uiy containing fifty (oi5) arris coo, knnwu .s tin Bland nnd .’>/ '• II . i -..s pi res and adj.d-itng i .. tls of x.tnei > ox, John it Hodges, I’ II 'Hens Patronize Home In dustry. EUREKA MILLS, SandersYillQ - - - Q a . "j*} * k”'"’ Jj*. 111 '1 1 s. a i'c no w in a k i ny t It t hesi Flour and .Meal of any mil! in l lie country. Every uccwnmodalion s provided for peuplu cotniug in fro in distance. Honest men aro it, hatge, ami EVERY POUND of ,, iUUif I I Dili GIIU 01 tl„ r 1 ) 1 T !l , t ., t , h x'J'!! (>! " ;i ‘ n<l ( ' orn "'ill make is (’UARAN 1 FED TO THE CUSTOMERS nt the null, l e3s the toll. So blind in yriur WHEAT AND corn at the same time and therein save going to, mill twice. -no. PRINGLE. Piop’tc” 7-9 R5—tf D, c, HOWARD, .Mill ui - Merelia.a-.ts are buying and sell Das. Sarkey & Rales have the lilieyty 10 iv-fer (m proof of their standing as Phy* siciausj to tlie following'mimed •vell-keowa • persons wlj^jjaye trj($d their Treatment: ’ 1 L'on.NVii.uam D., . . :7 ■ Manlier nj Cor.tji fM, PhiiuJcffikia. Ret. Victor I,. Cun had, Jitlitor LuJhuntil. Observer, I'hi'rulrlphirf., Kkv. W. Coiiinu, Julilor American lirfonner .Veto York .. ilex. W11.1,\m 1’isns Nixon. Julilor Inter-Ocean, Chicago, l.. Itrndii JoatJi'u R. Flandkks, YtunpU Churl, S'mo York. Mrs. Makv i. Cat cut, Widow of ih - late. Itlt HARVEY Catuk Caamlcn. .Veil’ ./cruejtr Mas .ua 11 v zY Douuhty, Jamaica., Lang Inland Nrv York, Mies Mauv A Live ...Moan MHiukc JUECK It H Vo’lHIlEta, zV.xc York City- MeGeoiuie iV J-.nwAiiPfl 1‘rept'r tit George,a Hotel IhiikiJelphio/ Mil Fa.ISK Hit) I) A LA, A tedi known Merchant, Itit iladrlph at Mil WlI.UAM 11 WltlTELV, tiilk Manufacturer I'ltilatlelfthia, J’a. And many others in every part of the V 8 ‘Compound Oxygen—us Mode tf Action andi Results 1 is die title ol a votunleofrtarly iNid- pages, by Drs Stu-key A Pivieti.w.hich gives to ail inquirers fail informathuv cs to this- rviiiArkabie ourali vc agent anil a largo record •->- hu prising eurcs-in a wide range of ebrou- i*s e.iik-a—many of them, being abandoned, to die by otluir.pb v.sxiHna. Li will ba mailed trie nr. v-- address on application UKV mKKLYAPAIEI'. IM9 Arch SI., Fhiludclpliiu Y» BnehleiTx Arnica Salve. rite Bus. .'Salvo lo l 1 in wori.i forifDi- Ikruist>a, .Sa)res, CJicoph,, Suit. Ifc’beMffir I ofTer as a eai.didnte for Comnor :ii tit Elc. tionia Jactuinry next, and rcspeclfully ml others, Levied on hr the prop-1 readily the new bramI id' ,.r 1 U m .; , ,, erty >11 James Baron and Nonis Ij Baron Eureka Mills, ' , " ^,| !V , < 7 1 Totter, Glmripcd llt.nJ Pi satisfy a Mp trior court Fi F:t in fa- . * * •-jChliWiii i'i, Cori>8, ;.Uit ail .Skill El'tip* \ or.of Malcolm uacb-an 1.-James Baron j “Fl^4 UTK A-. .. Ilioa.s, aild p >sif i Vsj-y CUTOH Fiktd, Of and Nor.i- 1, Baron. Properti poinii-d ‘PU.YTKits FKlsjj.;,' l’liis is upjv braud of I no pay ivqiiii«J. it. 1.4 ^naranleBil j count}. WMm& smlictt ihe assistauce of the voters in the j out. and legal notice givyp. This Dec. 61, | U «f Kot.r thaiJtO'^ivfe peHec'fcTatwfaoiiobT'or mt»«^ MCFFET. ■JeilSS&k