The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, January 11, 1887, Image 2

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•TO p- ^ iLLK,--- iryiA .rfifr'S ORGAN, WASHIROTDN 'COUNTY a~ yr jebwi-s An ■d ratci V •, but you 3011, vrill Will iewiTOK, Pl'BLlSUEU ANll I’llM l.Il lf ll TUESDAY^JANUARY llth 1887. 'lilt; c.atlion lor county officers on Jim. 6th passed off quietly the re sult was as follows: For Clerk, A. M. Mayo, ] 353 •• “ T. J, Davis, 64(1 " Sheriff, C. A. Wall, 1102 “ “ J. A. Jackson, 47f* ** M Wm, Dttggan, 229 " »* Wouunoek, 170 “ Treaemcr «7. ft. Thigpen, 017 <• “ P. R. Tulinferro 7 i 7 ** “ K. J. N. Walden 208 “ Receiver, Strange 762 •< “ J. N. Rogers 6G6 w <* G. W. Hutcmau 301 « *« W. P. .Smith 220 « “ L. 11. Kendrick *15 “ Collector, -7. A. Robson 1241 » “ S. J. Jordan 153 j “ Surveyor W E Clark 1030 1 *• Coroner J C Tennille 185 *• 11 Peter Yates l(i° « “ Graham 12G •i •> John Holton 71 “ “ Green Low bill! « » RAUur&t 405 <i “ Ilnmmoek 185 Since muni age of Secretary Lnivinr and hi its Holt, Macon fce! s »ho bits n personal interest iu tlie present administration. A fanner in Cherokee county. Ga., whose hogs wcie dying oil with what was supptsccl t« bo eliolern, adopted tlie* pi. n of starve* ing it out of them, lie did not feed or water his hogs for sevens days, at the cud of which lime (lie symptom of iho dis> euro h:ul disappeared. The fact ihnt. 1 he treatment saves corn will rnako some farmers wish their begs were attached, n An electric motor for n street cr.i" which is in the car itself and not ne I *n independent engine, has been worked out by Mr., an Kn- glisliman. It is placed under the var between the axiea anti does not interfere! with the couelructiun ot lie car. Yon are boys n soon be men. Then you win nav your mvn’way to make iiTthe wor Do you mean In be idldo and fret, 1 and dueeive people, and give them a bid opinion of you? Or do you in. lend to go to work, and act bravely sne! uobly, and do y-otir duly, and leave a r.mne behind you wlmn you die which the world will love and respect? Take care-now i.» the time! Did you ever notice a largo troc that grow crocked, and was an ugly eye sore on tlmt account? Perhaps it stood on the lawn, right in front of the porch, and yoor fatheu would have liked very much to etruighton it, it. WR3 impossible to do eo. hundred horses could no*, have dragged it erect. And yet think of the time when the large tree was a email napling; a child might have straightened it then, and it would have grown properly, and every one would have admired it. By this 1 mean that boys should grow nil j straight, and not crooked. You a.te young now, us the tree was once; begin in time, and you will be as an arrow when you are a man. It you wait, it will be too late. The way to make men erect and noble, is to take them when they are boys and show them that there is nothing in this world so noble,us doing their duty. Once more I say, remember that though you are boys now, you will be men so a. You may do good or evil. If you are false and worthless, you and eve rybody ol*e will have a hard hard time of it, You may bo soldiers, judges, statesmen, and president. What you say or do, may decide the fate of millions of other people. These will look to you 1 and more than all, God will watch you, am! hold you to a strict account. If you arc brave, and true and unselfish, Heaven will bless you, and every one who knows yon will love and respect you. If yen are mean and cowardly and think of nothing but your own pleasure, God and man will be dis pleased with you. ‘Which will you i he? The host ot all things is to bo pare and do your duty. , ittg Jlh. i •vc vis 8 u <t ’OM’.VJ 1 t'A ' ■ *,_• tstv 0 —o- What is the difference between the ancient Catholic sale of indul gences and the modern Protestant sale of license?—Annals. There was atone time in i ISO' lour hundred orphan minors in the penitentiary of Texas. Temp. Annals. Fifteen thousand children, mem bers of the Band. of Hope of Great r.ritnt!', took part in thcohoial con cert - given at their annual fete last year. T mp. Annals London gin fdiop.v formerly* ad vertised tints: “One can get drunk A j for a penny, dead drunk for two pence, and when drunk clmis straw will be furnished in a good cellar fie of charge.”—Annals. •ivii. «• hu • F. ierapii*m. (> • ■ I.. •. -'Washington County OntuxAuv's Office. •J. G. Joiner La ; npt*ti..<l for rxotnplion of ■*- iMOr.iUy and m-tti, upiut ami valuation ot lino mend, anil 1 will pus* upon Ibeimmo fit 11 oVtorli on i):o iUlli ilayg ot January, 1887, nt my office. ’i'iiis 27lii ilny of Dflimmber, 1 .‘ISO. M. NEWijuYN, Ord. 12-30—2t MONEY m^TYi For T.ptters of Dismission. GEORG IA—Washington County. (JUDINA GY'S GEE ICE. Sidney J. Taylor, Executor of tho will ot Janus E. Taylor, applies to me for tetters ot oismisMon from tko adminUtmtion of the estate of KiiiJ deceased, nn,l I will pass upon Lis application on the first Monday iu March, 1887, at my cfHoo in Kauduravillo in said county. Given under my hand officially this 20th day of No vein her, 1881!. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. 11-25-301 fypE; EYgg p I? *, h.4 / .tkiM COTTON FACTORS, ‘"ST tv -a \i . AUGUSTA - - [GESEGM offer their services to the planers and merchants of Washington county, 75c a halo eo/nmtPBiou, no storage when'so Id on arrival ov within 15 days. London, Eng., has a for t he cate of destitute female inebri ates. Th* best kind of a picnic is n pick at old Nick, and if ho sticks up his head in the shape of a iuin eas- I go for a crack at it.—E, II. Clia piu. The $ 10,COO,000 Morgan estate in New Yoik lias bfen scttlad without the lawyers getting above half u million dollnrs out of it, and the profession a o advertising boys to learn the ! locksmith's trade. There is no Huger any money in law. I'SHE liUAil.'X MAN AN'S* W©- ftun. :'Ik-.T, EL L'j«,-r;li, Of «ror» encS P2i>-s Chlwra (iuina, Ot Liiliuh W a had quite u time getting ou mar lest issue, in fact, Ihoughtit iinpouzible atone time. The weiitli- or was so very disagrenblo it was a hard trial to set type; tho candid" fttcr. put eft' having tickets printed untill tho last moment, this crowds ad uu pms day: Wednesday morn ing our pressman could bn found nowhere, our mart that rolls molt- id our roller. Such a bad begining to hope will bring ua a good end- iKg- "When we trust 4 in frames and feelings as soon as they are gone the soul is discouraged and de lected; but wheu we trust in Cod s promises.which are always Hie runic, tlien it is we are right; and a ecueo of God’s unchanging love towurds us, proceeding from such trust, fires our souls with "Ontinual love towards him Toccoa, Ga., January 5.—[Bpe- cmij—Ecvcral days ago it was pub- 1 • e 11•d lu *’HK CoNbTlTCTlON that Mr. T. E. Edgeworth, oi Carrol, county, wan the largest man of hi uge iu tlm* County, being twenty., 1 hi eo yvara old six loot three inclis full and weighing 2ft) pounds. There lives in Puoolet a vfltuig lady, named Miss Eldora (juiun, who is twenty five years old, live A whispered word may touch the. heart, And call it back to life; A look of love bid sin depart, And still unholy stilie. Work on, despair not, bring thy mile. * Nor care how small it he; God is with all that servo tho righl, The holy, true and free —Anon. Nf\» Usui. GEORGIA—Washington County. OjuuNAint’ft Offich. of paid Co. Alt p>.rsonn mOrcuOd aro hereby notified, Unit if no pood can-8 bo ahown to the eon- tr.iry, <m order will he granted by tho under- ,»c 1 on Smirday thn 15th day of January, lbS7, i-tahlieliing a nm road, coinnienoing at thu Sandi-rsiill" and HparU road leading to Union churob, bj’ July Gooper, Hon.. Mrs. 1 -win, JArn. flathara Vinuon, T. Yates, Mrs. Nancy Walker’s plane, N. T. Krnfroe, t- 1, ii. !>'. Hollifiild’s plsee, Mrs, Matilda J'l-yjor's j-l-.ce to Snnduisville road at Little K’.-i; creek. Tlii,; 11th day of December, 1888. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. 12-16 dt If rent of tho A. G. & S. it. 11. all expenses including freight drayngc commission nud Insurance will not he over $2.10 for a fiOOlli halo. Mr. Joidan has been in the business for 12 years and we guarantee perfect satisfaction in every respect. Give us a trial and if you vmit Augusta, wi give you a cordial invitation to vihi b our cilice, wo will gladly welcome yon and do till iu our power to please you. IsO.A' u; iji'd.'rrt'n^Airdhiy? ;> -ici ii*v -1- approved COl.I.AjiTF; \'i ‘ l*' f T'.irmB ca.-y. l a ‘ Evans iSL JBvaua, Attorneys at l.aiy. 21th, 1880 -tt'" NOT1CI 1 ) (0 !y To Every One In Washington Who Wants Money I lmvo 5300,000 to loan, If yul , , v j N . it in any mu', from 55),0() j 0 :wi W() from three montin to five years 'tiled conic, with proper security and ; < t jj "r tm iircpnrcd to offer your money BKTTiiK wuia Tttwt Rvnn nr mi- '.ri'F'RATKS GREA TLY RJiDUCUDl 1 loan money on city property, ’ 1 an money on notes. \/ rri-lka. r.JWi VH i'JU tujua Prot Lang dte"Wilt, Sandersville, G T&. For Excmptiou. GEORGIA—Wivohington County. A. W. Wirker has applied for* Bupplemsnl to his pxpmpttoti of psraonalty, approved Jiuiusry -ith. I860, and I will pass upon the Mine ou Kuturdny thb Ifitli day of Jutinury, 1387, at 11 o’clock a. m. ut my offloo, This 22.1 day ot Dcocmbpr, 1886. M. NEW MAN, Ordy. 12 23-21 There is nothing gives me ho niui'li pleasure, na being able to find something to please the dear child run , and at. the same time lead them to love Jesus and work lor him. I think I have procured that something and shall be able hereafter to eauso them to come out on Thursday. I promised to tell what it vvuslaat Thursday hut tho weather was so severe Ij, thought it imprudent to cull the dear little ones together; hut ! hope this Thuradup will he better For Artuiitmtruter'g DiiimisMt.n. GEORG1A — Waahingtou County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. V, J, llnrdi-.-ifi. Administrator of tho cn- •sA* of ( h.irlwi A. Hardison l»to of said county (loanlaid, applies to nio for lrtUrs of dismission from said administration, and 1 will pans n poll sai l nppliaution on the flirt'. Monday in March, 1887, at my office iu S ui- deraville in caul county. Uivpn under my hand and official Bignn- till-.i t!ii;l 3 Ith duv of Novi>iabi*r, 1886. Id. NKWllAN, Ordinary. 12-2—3m rs. Muuufucturers and Dealers in; Stoavu Engines of all styles, haw Mills. Grist Mills. Cotton Gins, Presses and Machinery of allkimh A lull lincjoi Rubber and Leather ltelting kept in stock. Steam and Water Valves, Steam pipes and Fittings, Inspiraiors. Machine Oils and Mill Supplies. Repair work solicited and prompt y done and ns cheap and well as can bo done all Machinery sold by us we guarnntoc«to ho U3 rep resented. ..... . Write or call on us for Prices and G tseriptifin of anything wanted in the Machine line. GJ \ . ► .3 i ii j. For tlio best and cheapest STOVES and TINWA.RE, Go to the VDERSYILLE TIN SHOP. 1 louo uioi'.ov on ci'.t edged Kcuarltv WI 8NAVE PAPER';, f have especial offer:: fur the next ninety lays for nil who wish on farm l; liu |.. mine, It will be greatly to est to call mid kco me during :2500 yonr iutr hut time - Remcmher this i‘h no Sham Notice to Startle or mislead yon 1 in:ah IFonn l ay, wlih'h t u iil ho pie i .;,] j,, prove to if you will cull to nee me at tlm Store of A. Y. Haines where 1 will | )(J *hul no servo you. YV. It. TTIIGPEN ATI SANDEHSVI U,E, GA., Will practice in the Middle Gir. ait, m-.J in the eminth-s surromuling W.ishiimtan, .Spvei.rtlatl'Midon gi ven to Coimnercial I, ov' J iiid'Mv fN-r- v...V,-l :,Y" 'at Vf .lev, !, .'.aurirtS-W. >'. duel - v> i.'-' , e- OI:; '"’ajijlTVv- y] I';-, fi.vj. For h".Ir. at E r. A. Mathia* Dnir the bell will ring halt past two ! iu Hamtusville. and all are expected to ho there For Letters of MmlniHlrulion. Gv" O P»G1 A—VVaebiiojton County. ORDINARY'S OKf ICE, Mrs. Do fair Waldt.n Iu* m iu dei *>m Pf'licd to thn tiDderaigDed for p>*rnnrvriit I'i'.torH of adminirttratiou on the estate ol X; \ e'cl l n, Ut- ot banl county, dvcratied, rii,', l wi’l.p*-*. upca s*id application on the Ijiei Alouday in February, 18S7, at njy offle*.* All kinds of tii\nnd sheet and repaired flqll ' ' Ml ’ xnht^i siih bkLl/L h it Jiron WOT.-L KJ J'V V/. .71, 1:1 GIF • -V - ■■ • l>y three 1 ahull then ha able to 1 ha show us well as tell \yhnt lor you, Aunt Fannie. Two scholia for girla have been calnbliuhed in CoaB'.actinoplc by the Sult-ua of Turkey. Fifty years ago it was considered' a shame for a'womnn of that country to road. of The ladles of the W, (J, T. I Greenville, l’a., have succeded in u citing all the churches of that eity in tTe greateBt religious revival in tin* hiiitoiw of this cominunity Tho Bight meeting'., have nu attendance of nearly iWiO each evettiug. All t t mue and ouclialf inelics tall, have thrown aside petty ditferwiees and weighing H.OO pounds. Her mother Buys die was very small at and are working heroically in th harvest of souls. This is the third her birlli but at IwulYM months old I weok 0 rtlie meetings. site weighed forty-nine Founds. | — She has gained tweuty-nine pounds iu tho l ist twelve months, Home showmen made a plot to steal hci wheu the was twel ve year:! old, hut her aaothiif frustrated their object. M.iis Quinn had her picture taken a few days ago, and expressed a desire at the same time to be weighed. As she outbalanced all the ordinary scales in the commu nity site had to bo taken to a cat ion warehouse, and was weighed like ii bale ol the fleecy staple. She is a good-looking girl intolli- i'ent in conversation and icftaed Wo have received the January, number of The Word and The Way, iiu eight-page published by tho Illarion Tract Depository, Saratoga, N. Y, 25 cents a year. Each of it hose Groecrymnn ]Tingle of Thomas- vUle (> G»., waa accustomed to keep live fowl., lying <iu the sidcivaik is , front of his store, with their legs ni0n,U >' ! tied tog-, ther. The other day a big ^ turkey gobbler, thus tied, fluttered ,( J into the air and then flew straight ‘ a crow 8 the street and through cue i . c ,, „ , , , * ot tha big plate-glass windows numbers ts full of choice Chris- the Mitchell n,>us*\ A Mub. Chavin has presented a petition to the South Carolina legislatuie, from theW. G. T. U- of tho state, asking for (he separa tiou of juvenile criminals front those Wore hnrdenediu ctiuic. She hasal.-.o visited the legislature of North Carolina, and has had throe hills introduced—one lor sci entific temperance instruction, one for prison reform, and one to char ter the state W. C. T. U, Protec tion for women is also being agita- before Christunio she Oivt'ii uiuier my hand offioinlly tlia 9tl :ir.y of Dovemb'.-r 1886 M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. 12-16—41 For Ext'caU;; .1 Oinuii-aion. GEORGIA- Washington County cumSA li Y ■$ OFFICE, Luthor D. M i^itia end M*ry V. Frio-, Ex- *- utors of tUu will cf George Wqigian, t-,i,. Ol said county, d^oensod, Imvc V^.u iL.I! lo 1. 9 for lttUern of disciiswion from thu adtainia- iruliou of the <:»Ulo of nxid doccuntil, and i will par* iiiion ttn ir application on l!,o 1st Mi.mliiy in Xl.o.'l) lss7, at my offic* iu Sun. li-rsvillt* in sai l county. Oiv'-n nadi r my hand and official ni(juR- tnre this 24th day of Novomber, 1886, M. NEiVUAN, Ordinary. 11-25-3m For Admiuistiutor'd Disiuinsion, G EORGIA— Washington County. Ordinary’s Ollico. John ,T, 1'rtlioEr. Administrator of tho ch- tiilo of (tharlus .4. MoEullors late ;,f said county, deceased, hns ru duo form applied to mo for letters of DiHiuissioi from said vl- udoifitratiori, r.n*l [ will jiasu upon his *ppli- cation ou iho first Uouday in April, 18*47, *i my office iu IFiiidermille in aald county. Given under my hand officially this 22,1 day of December, 1886, M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. 12-23 -3m led. wem to Clmrlesdon lo superintend a Christmas tree for the jjoor. ‘•the need Ibis year” site says, “is terrible in my poor, desolate city’' —[Union Signal O! lor more fcuclt vvoikit.'O' women. G EORGIA—Washington County Tho uudersignod Commisf ioners will m*ll id tow t.'ourt t-un.-o door in SHrnisrsvilio *t. public outcry on tho flrit Tuesday iu Feb ruary, 188/ ut 12 m, th,, Jail lot 105 f,-,.r trout by 84.) feet deep, either in whole or in 3 lots ot 36 by 84) 'terms one half cash nud ;uo half payable 1st Kuvctubnr, 1887, with 8 per c ud interest. This l*h day of Januarv, b>87. II. NEWMAN, Ordinary.’ J. T. YOUNGIiLOOD, GEO. D. II AKTUEN, J. 15. ItOliEIiTfl, Coiur’s. 1-0—It tian reading, including a valunbh iormon. The mover in the en terprises is tho well-known Ken after tin ot days a turkey lieu, under^ihe same eircuniatanees, went through th# other window, li. cost Mr. , ,, , I’riugle tj>75 lo repair damages. Ho deih 1 na Tract Deposit any is : takes eaie of his live fowl Sup of named Marion,.after his precious Christian daughter, who died over a year ago. Tho March cir- nuhition of the paper is more ttun 21,000. Sainplo copies will he aeiit to nil names and drt-SBCS furnished. Mkk Hunt of scientific the YV. C- T. U. i ton D. C. for the of aiding in getting bill passed for ^ the disbursement of the surplus J lund for aiding jiublic schools, She lurner, of Hie ji*nitouliRry j wont me blank petition to get nun National instruction at Washin purpose pis now. system, reached Atlanta >Y /iih a family o: daughter and two cons ufl of whom night with a family of i ^ ^ Knd COlia ^ to j f; !gn, several of our prominent gen- vill going to the Dado cole n-.inea i tlemen signed without hesitating i " K . i'“‘v?. 0 ^ ™‘XtS hl , e r r.f t* lmt , ll “' t •!*« «««W 1 , t "' ! -.uc i ,ho othei aiul jiress oi business defored me For E loon tor's DisiniHKicn. GEORGIA—VVashiugtoD County. ORDINARY'S OFFICE. U. W. S;dt»r, Executor of the will of Win. L, Try tor, late of said county, decease ], has ; lb 6 to;,me for leltets of disuiiMion Irom the ndtnimstr&tioa of tho cstnto of said de- coaeed, and I will pass upon his application on the Ural Monday in Murob, 1887, at ray of- ia Samlergvilla in said couotv. Gwen iimier my hand and official signa- lu: i, thi» 6'.h day of UcoBmlirr, I860. M, NEW MAN. Ord’y. 129— 3m Patronize Home dustry. i? T « _ tiil on or addr LANG and WILT Mau u fuel urers Agents, Biuidorsvillo, Georgia, i-’ur full descr' prices and term;?. A gin w 11 he kept in stock where i ho s it j itRiiy timo. xsstatvutzijMAUr.n. aMiMaamaiarianisersi-xm To Editor Jrerciwy. You will please 'announce tlic nnmo of Green Af Low as a ( andid.ite for Coroner for Washington county at p't ensuing election in January ne xt and o coursekii! jecl to any iMnocriUic nomination that may he had and in piopodn;: Mr, Low’s name for this position l simply sw the voters of Washington county to do tndo him as wo would wish to he done >* ; V- >fe has been so unfortunate as to lose his arm which rwiifleM him unfit for the iiiutiihm duties wliieh lui followed 1g rttoiorc^ iind while l know him to be jjerft^tW willing to uiuUrgo any<3^hir>^ <»f Jit^ to tnub.ij him to mako bis livinK beiaj' renit^rj d iui.'MpHblo bv his mirtfort'.aie 1 bo* him, \1\\h upjh-ci.1 to the Voter:* feeling tbat\ou Citizeu.i of Wanhingtoii county are mn adverse to giving )K)rtition wJiere merit combined with cafahilitY ask it. Kcad and remember that a b'Mtowvl ot thia ot Coroner will possibly relieve Vour fclhr.v citizen and do him a *wrvicv which ^he will ever thank you for, Again I say vote for Grcon M. I/*aw for Coroner said let him five by Kin friends. Citizens: -V"?^ ■ ■ : " ’■ ' ' ... WT ''M Sandersvillo - — Gia. T H ESE milts are now making the ] best Flour and Meal ofany will in! liic country. Every accommodation is provided for people coming in from 1 a disluuco. Honest men are in j charge, aud EVERY FOUND of i bbaving and llair Uniting uoi,u aatu Nea’minN and Litost Style. Shar- jpening Shears a Gpednlty. 10ao Arch ciuteot, 1'iiilu-j'a, I’ee MHJH!I£y SF.A V4>W.5’fl'E.' Is meeting with satisfaction with planters iu Washington county, to be found at Eureka Mills. 7 1 i—t*i Burial Cases. Of all gVfiduK for uni-by T. N. & J. V/. .Saiith at Tconillc. Leave your order with Mr. Marehisoii- 520KEY TO 2.0A?i TO FAH- MKHS* [f you want money on eiwier tcrun than yuij can gf.t it olflewhere call on iiinei Si Koirerrf, ibTttreh 80th tf. A <\i < 'iho N#w Orleanes Times Dem ocrat claim os that the supposition th.ft-the majority c f tho cupital ] mei ; c, ‘ !: ' invented in tho coal and iron! HTrmW eids of Alabama u Fort]] is erroneous. The Times Democrat claims that the new •• ov.fn owes its origin to the .Southern people themselves ami to outside influence. The ■ rnp'c is set by the Phit- «t who bus just . i part of his wealth he says, that ho might lioro the I » e< ’ uir him Belt' tho bonefim derive] worn it. Ha thus makes sure, that bii gifts wili be used hismvn u! IsG.i. imiiuifv win mi i.» im 1)ute d ft in cam-asing farther. Mas Hunt carried Iho temperance education, with her petitions. Year's Support. GEORGIA—Washington County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Whereas th* appraivora appointed to set nps-t a yesr'e gnpport for tho widow and four leiucr childrvn ct JatneH 0, Amerson, Uto of r.v.intv, dewaaod, have tiled their peti- »o thin i/itl'U*; ail persona concerned nio herehy uotilied to appoar !it the Court of Or dinary t*i ho helJ for sa-..I r*,.;,;r*.7 on ta.; fii,;, Monday in February, 1847, and" show oass'e if any they have, why Buid Ketnrns should Dot I* j approved end made tho judgment ol thoCouit, This 3d day of Jauutn-v, 18S7. M. hEWMtN, Ordy. CLKVKUND A EIEM»»MCatS 4 These are the. two highest grades of flour made by the Eureka Mills Merchants are buying them and they sell freely. 7-1 J,— 11 GEORGIA-Washington Co. ISEGilH VS728S SAJLE. iSotico. tccoruing vo p.'au.*. more inpiortant I d Native Earn] timt they will not b c ,|; amorous heirs. not 1 lot idenlial Journal, comnio n t- upon tins statement, C ou- Gudcs that if this ho so. the f„- of tho Soulh is assured, as TU0 temporary lack o 1 * ou1 ’ 1 «»orc than compensated i ?\*T’ nu<l Pln ®< h*- the ouerjy oi the pc<c j c j v, ’ 4th ,1,B h(i 10 nchievo g, 1 H. W. Lo-mik'Dir Wer.k minds make treaties with I the passions they cannot overcome ' and try fo purelmo happiness «t the p-xpensa of principle. Rut the resolute will ofa strong man voorns flea no) great deed th! ] o v Dear Bisters! what are wegoing to do this year? alill plod along at tho same sleepy rate, or amuse an,] strive to help our sisters who aro doine so much for “God and Home j tfe hsijie it will j l be the In at: for the sake of our j j homes we need tc work more ear- • ; neatly in this cause-. All persons indebted to the firm ot Lang & Wilt, aro requested to call ami settle before the lirst day of January, 183;, us on that day notes ami accounts wili be placed in the hands of an Attorney lor collection. LANG & WILT. In fpcrsuance of tin order ' from the CluuK’ctlnr made in the enao of Gillian & Co., v.*» V- J). Joynar A Kro now painting in (he S !|**iior Com! of t-.-iid coiinry. I will M-li.;it public out cry to i!.o high- Rt tiiddt *' Ooonra Gu. bt*ssinnihr at JO ’clock L W. 'in the 23rd flay c! i*»i( the preemt month. All that stock of Genocal fl/<rriknadt-i: in (liestore of V. M Joy: ur «i-il Hi-,, at saiil place. Consisting of an R.exmuient ofehoise dry-goods groee: iea &.*. Also linrses. cows, liogs, wngg*. as, buy- gys u,l Iflobnshclflofeorn ruore ot ie. a. Si, 1,1 in* (tie property of VS. Joynerfs tho, foEihe benefit of their creditors, i’ernis ofSaic CAS!f, Haiti site will eentiuue from day to day tiniill all of yaid proporty is sold. J . S. WOOD, Receiver. December ['2 1849. , - dill! yijU’3 j A Wpli That the wheat nrnl corn will make is!.. 1 ' "««•»« A « v<Av«Z18IIV GUARANTEED TO T1IE CUSTOM ERS of tiie mill, less the toll So bring in your WHEAT AND ecru at t!ie same time aud thereby save going to mill twice. C. R. f’RINGLE, Prop’ter 7-9 85—tf I). C. HOWARD, Miller. <»G-OtD Merchants are buying and selling readily the new brand of flour of tho t Eureka Mills. 1J- SherifFs S^ile. FOP. MARCH 1887,Y < i LOKUIA—YfIslington Cuunty. Will b 0 sold tvjfore tl.o Court llous;: door in Eanderavfile on tko first Tuesday in Mar eh noxt wiiKin tlie toga 1 bours of Oslo Wo trues or paresis of land lying in Washington county contaiuing tifiy (50) acres u iclc known «« tlie Frcmuan Eland and.!/ G I) iliuina place* and adjoining lands of Nancy Cox, John K liodgta, F ft CtiUeiMi and otlisr.*-, Levied on ns tfu* prop erty of Jam*i Jirown and-Nome L flrov. n to satlifr « Huperior court Ki Fa in fa vor of Malcolm Maclean v.i Jam to ilr,.wi. and Non is I, Drown. Property pointed out nnd legal notice given. Tiiia Dec. Oil 1886. C A WALL, Sheriff W C Highest Honor. riltlM TUB World’h Exposition for f biu-uniptioii, A'llu.ii.i, {(niitckh*, i)y: ;,rp-bi. Cutarrlt, iiay tVv* •, Heart* neho, Efbiiiiy Ifii?iun:ttis:!i, Nenrnljfitf) and nil Cmmic iiipl A- rt'cu.i _/h ,v*'*7*,'*. Vi hen “(’ompouiid ().-.ygen” is ir.lialed (lie iicnrt lias imparted to it iricreai.e-i vit'dity. I hat Organ eend.i f irth the blood with more f roe and less wear to itself; tlie vital cur rents leave ,m their c'reuit new deposits of vital force in every cell oftisnue over which they pass .and retuen ng: In for a r.tnv sup ply. This sirupic story is (lie rational rx« plination of flic :.-rc usva advance that me.b- cal seleucc has yet made. “The Compound Oxygen Treatruoat" which i)rn. Starkey A Paluo, No. 1529 Arcli Rtreel, Philadelphia, have bran u-*iim for the last sixteen years, is a rcianlific r.iijust- ment oi ihe cleiueists oi'Oxvgen and Nilro- g«a wfiyn-f.r-.,J l iu compound is no con denned and msda portable that il is ciw'rioil by. o•••■press to every portion of tho roiinfry —indeed, it is sent nil over the world. Ti Tho Secretary of Treasury reports ' I !o CongresB that the capacity of the 1 ; to,nits, for slornge oi silver doliMj’s in ! 1 now eihansied. Estimates for a ucw j vault place the cost at 037. , <' mm m iso , i. . stopping the 1 ■ >ini ;■ cf o ■ a, Hud remit *c ' K,-.!:!: ; ■ ; - v. --Ur ‘ ”, i til V. ■ - JEI42TCGAN&SQN will fix your -wat eli or clock as di eixp, if not cheap than auyoLD To 8ell. or Rent A. W XL r> 1; E. W. & W, R. SMITH,oft) CSMME-RCi/U. COLtE;*?' Dus.! ..*. i’.kkv ,■* u,i;:r I in vc t!io liberty to refer i m proof cfllnsir standu.g ?.h l‘liy- .•iciaus) to the ibi,swing named. isGI-kpo'.vil person.* vlw have tvi* t thcii Treatment: ilOK. WlMUA.M ft. Ki'.J.I.hv, nf (Oyer,- ., J ’!iil:nh:!phiii. Kuv. Yictoh I,. (:*:■,nad, ly.l'.iur Litt.’ji.*■*;,! 'll a. P/ti'iuIi'iihli, P.UV. CHAitl.K'l W. th'VIUKCI, l'Aitor A,....,(*i, Rrfarmer -Yea* York, How. Vv’ Pkkn Nixov. Eli tor liUer-Oitim, Chicago, II. •ICJKJK Joi'Kt'Jl K. Fl.A NOI, Tri.tpU Chari, If,-r Y„ : -f:. Mis. Mr.kV jV. C.vrifii, \S i,tow of the lu to 1)h Hah )t*.v i'Amu Comiicn. Stic jerrey Mss >f akv A ftot;c,nrv, •for,mica, Lnr.y hku.d Nt* York Mu..* Mahv A 1. *, .jui; Mtlroic 3/.;,... ,'j | Juror H ,S Voonm rs, jVt u* York Oily [MuGkojuu: V7 Euwamds Vropl'r ti George,) Hotel rMluiidphm Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.! R Fuakk ffmriAu *y*i,gv i -t.a.v.' .titran A’, Vyif. UloSi Xs 11-1.1A M H Whitmlv, ISilk J! .. ii betfia.nny \vf« r*ovacntion. Time to corep^* Course about 1) nenks. Aver,: tiou. 9ft of Ibmltii. nnd Hoard in Tho “ i.'jflfi’* .Gal !)•!(, ■ .".iiiftif . ir iir, fiiWi. TVIecrn’-tn •» ,VP') V/iDIlt Y-ifcri 'iLlJi-ilnhia, I'l. s 0 r2Mf\.»itSk M fSlSSfft And mw, y ' ■•■ M in every part of the U of* ItUG. itfttc-ft. lusfiu :ii.*ri D *.Pj 1'lfllvf -— •• r>ti fr>r TcuFherif B/lrt i i { /v • / \,f.‘■J’ulcI *t> f.> »■■. * '■ Cf'' CA-i /'.; if- llfspA.-lcn be ti> t-j'sh’ * Mm. Univi Ft tl fll I . 11jadlng u llruft-ln. led f**r lt-1 h'.'ditti , ^ - Mode of Action and i;j liicii.i volumcofi'c.trly 209 »«jvag. .1, by lVPa: '„:y ,*i paisa which g» v V* to all impiirttrs full information as to Aid. 8 ook whioh rrcylrtwf eke hi,' v v»‘> s^yitrl j c.bjtion f ;• In Fixij>nsfivd, f r*r. .i.m.'.i Ht:] : ’■ '■•' " 1 c> ai eAenj. - ... . , ... , ■ ' ' ■ ; t, ' • • - id rt largo LY , "! 1 '(;!L?"7L l ‘?LT.'LL.:L"1k !' 1 • 4 '-. r *s in a wide mm-;;:.;!cbyyf ru-stf* It. Bwraf.a. cmm W8 « IV ofthwu beia'» a&ndo<Kp> jdie hy otli-r physiciuus, it will lie mailed | .ru; sn v iiddress on application ' i K8 :■*'!:'j jj -ft. !F if & sVil.uJIV. 1521,1 Ai cF*. Phiigdciphiil f’ 1 * Machine Nee and Lot on t,bu Ganrt House Sfiuaro, [ '.Vest, side | U'Urt.'iitiing -l room and miLhouscs. inid good well (»i wa ter. Price $1,150, terms of' sale cash Rslmttles, or s*.cured note, It'not sold by Jasi j : ■. '-07, tlior, for rent apply to V/. I ip-p ■ ■ f i wm aiJti'no F WAorrifirw. m r *ai* L 1 iiL “ l , nr "J ir . nlnaa Uu.t get. bullion, far which uc ,y I'iCCifti u»3 wnnr^fl I'iC’Ctftl UI4 WiVTUcU. -'•G- FT ’VJIO'API, KiicJifcn'si Ai". >• Salve. Tho Best Salve iu (.ho world for cuts L* uises, Sorea, Uiecr.,, Salt Rboum, Fever Soros, 'J'.*l!er, Cha-pped Cl-ilbl.ilun, Cort-H, nud all SkinErup* tioua, and posiliv* ly cnrc3 ftik'f, °' - no pay roquirotl. it is gnnrnntt'cil to give perfect siilirnu-l ion, or money I refunded. Prico 25 cosl? Iftft l.oj FUR SALE LY