The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, January 18, 1887, Image 2

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THE MERCURY. INF) mi LI 1\ - HO IA 7'"V! •.VV'. I"?} ' cor i A. J, «JEK.MiG!'AA EtUTOR. ri.UL.SHEll AND PnorKlt'mi TUESDAY JANU »KY 18tli 1887 A mine nt beryls Inis been ills cow red iii ('oniu'tiont. John Roach, late guvcrnnu-ii ship builder, died Monday week General D'gati was the 1 hii - ! tei<nih member ol the 4lbli Con- ! grciS to di>- -i e- 'lie election* Mr. On s ot‘ Alabama, has ii - I tinduced a hill in Congress making ; a ten year's residence hv a for , t-ign.T, nccc-s in for nutr ilir.rtion. I Burke i o.. '-Hi h d h r name on the li-it ol prohihition ooMntii -• on tin' 2nd inst. Wo K irn ill town ot Wnyin-hhoin is movie along mnleiilediy in the sti iigii path. Our tnem >rv goes hack many pleasant scenes and wa *i chi dhond iriends in dear • d Burke. Wo arc glad she lias chosen the right path. Wo Win that miwuiti h b n:r ing great pr< perations to celehn <• Lee’s birthday no lh" Iflth iart. We have received the Jnnaiin number of thu‘‘Word and the Wav’ an eight page month! , pnidished by the .1/uiioii True! I'epn.sitorv oi j Sarntuira Springs, Tim tract !)• 1 posilory is a pare'v !»• nevolen* *.. fiMinn t iiicrpri-'C devi.t. d t tl ■ dissent iii i ti ii i i< i ol religions I i t < • r: 1 tare. A large . line of tracts an I planished In ii aiio theirdeleianna ! t on is to lie largely ini triunentul in j aiding he cause of Christianity The found r l)r. Kendal Unit his outi (iaigh'er M.-.iion about tee; ’ - d eliri- lem d the sociel \ it) I.of honor. n 'I In V ay i- hd.u v. r • -i- • tiding .li: i t Ik M C*v*i . .U k tlo \Y. and t mi Iron , (•;<],. Wt"glUsviIle. Monthly ihe J-. i Ihe lolloM ,ng i•liicci'H weie re s ei( i. ted; W. B. ihoirms, I’u-siih i ar.d iSTipeiintendent; W. C Ma li- ews. h’ccrelary nidi Tii.ismcr; ]■* ^ • Edwaidy, Auditor and hook' keeper; Board ot Directives to, IH87: It Jj Win then nml „C J( I’ring r of rtunilcisviiie A 1 Daley ot Wrightsvdle,' William liegeis of Snv.iniuili, W. L Muih- ews mid \V. B. I'liomas iennillr L. Beuclmm ol Condor, \V. A. it an i sey of Dublin G. B. Hurmiii, ot Hnirisoii. 'J In- j rineipal cii.n Imp- been ciittngiil i'roiu \\ li-diis viili te ''' ° eaii 18S7. Dk.ui Me: As the bn/./ of ( hl ist inns is over and the war lioip. | friends for candidates in the <■ tion lias ail reeuaeU aim gun quiet. and all is well save i go , number of defeat, d eamlLhm s w' no cl mliL uni reclining upon the ' experience that all voters does n . v "’° as they prouiiso every tin. (not much.) 1 heard a do eat. candidate say one Umetlini six Ini dt'ed people had promised to v.e ■ for him and wlien tlie vole .1' county was <• msoii.l;. ,.-l two hand . ot • . he i c- I thu to know her,- . four l.u a died p« ople in die , tlll , that failed to come m tlnir to him. Would not be Mirpn.uii i some ot the late left candid,des could say so be it lint ni\ s\, i' ways with the ilel'eatel whic.i said to he poor coin fori ,vnh..| lief, but such is life an man But Me, ! wan 1 1 , j,... mothei earth in her o\-c>I nt iow r. leit ns up Norm, naiur. s mnml,- “pend upon the earth Ibr i|,o seien proceeding days has munv indie:.- lions of North, it licks like Nnrt mid feels muchly so. If so , mUh(l ! earth has turned us to the | : ,t jmdt ' of cool and left us. “Will p ,. lt , , . tlio eloeti.mV’ Will (in,.,-* \ use do for a weather yni,| ( . day of the month will ti u . 4.1, . y ecune on this year; IV|j, „ „ m next election come? We „iv ,|„i. very little in these parts in the » of croping save eating, only waiting for a iVitic . , " * -o have .Join jj , don to 1 ho plow and 11 1 cart, tliusly we cxpo.a to n. things lively on a small scab., V,', Me yon town folks haw b. u, T ,. ing than we country country j cople an f good 0.1k tiro a' the bv . 1 • , . Sira Fnm Wi kers * pasture a ro Jersy heir- mark car, split in right, horns sa.-.e cues,. than (in li bel, on a:.o may h .w , j town id tv j 1 be paid 1. ■ "heioahmn T. £ lip; * <-V ■■■■!: j 8Q. sg.-.;. Vl i \Fif : *ME? S ■ • kSRSEBBHSfSl I “The Iuott’able Temple ofllon- I or is the name of a new temper- 1 mice order organised in Florida j in 1880” The Wesleyan Methodist Con ference of England,, composed of 1.200 ministers, nt their unuiral | meeting in 1880, passed a strong resolution urging all ministers of ' the connoction to aid in the j social purfty reform.—Annuls. “While Home and Carthage I were in their prime the psunlty | for dunkotincss in their r.rmies | was death.’ The lessopi learned is, to Jbe prosperous vve must bo strictly temperate, for it takes n clear brain nml steady hand to accomplish much. “For every missionary of -tho cross we send to heathen lands wc semi 70.000 gallons of rum „ j Evsry true missionary at hear j should also belong to the temper' I mice work, for what does more j harm to the Christian religion tlniH Alcohol? jf wo desire to bo instrumental in bringiug liea*. tlions to the Savior, wo must work against this great enemy, for tbo ship hearing our mission aries also carry this* groat do- ■'trover of body ami soul. Awoke! fcDuar Sisters, and “come over |iud kelp us“ in our fight against King Alcohol. •All thought of ill; nil evil deeds, 1 lint have their roots in thoughts ol i!l; Wliatevn hinders or impedes The jution of the noble will! — Ail these must first be trampled down Beneath our feet, if we would gain In the briiilit fields of fair renown The right of eminent domain.” When shall wc have a meet ing? there has 11 jt been 0110 in a long time. Cannot some mem bers suggest a time to suit uml a plan to interest the sisters and awake zeal in this work. Nosh was the best man of his tiiu*, j-el 1 iij£4-r overcame him. What a long list of great uieu might be nam ed, geniuses, rulers, generals, who have liouu ruined by strong drink! Mow many g#od men have been made evil by il! it has Hindu many besides Noah regardless of sc) f respect, and cause. I them to commit doods for which they were cove rod with disgrnco. Noah when sober was modest and ligailied; Noah when drunken was immodest and indecent. So there ire many kind 1 mbands -iud fathers shorn drink lias transformed into fiends; many good men whom it lias made bud; moral men whom it has made licentious. No man is ever muilo better by, drink, and most men nre made worse. How many homes it has broken up! How many children il lias driv on away! How many [sons and daughters it has placed at vaiiance! J TV0 nre taught in the first chapter of genesis that man’s origen was di- 1 vine. We come from a celestial j murce. Tho poorest slave on earth is tho child ot the King of heaveu* ; 1 hat as the child bears tho likouess of his earthly parents, so wo wore I uiado in tiio likeness of God our fa- I tlior Too worst man in I,ho world 1 has some trace of thii divino like— | ness in him. Lot us not shame our royal birth. Wiss anil Otherwise. There is a traneondent power in example. We reform other* uneou- eimisly, when wo walk uprightly.— Mm. fcwotohine. ,'Georgie dear, don’t you think it is rather extravaut of you to eat butter with that delicious jam? “N 0 raiunina, it is economical. The same piece of bread docs for both. “Blessed nre the pure in heart tor they shall see God” Our burly is the temple of Goil^ and when we indulge in impure thoughts, words or deeds we defile this temple and make the heart within unfit for Ilis presence. TVritosix ciphers In a lino, nuu they amount; to nothing. Put the figure one beforo tliom“ and they am oiint to a million* All human tall- euts and possessions are but ciphers until you put the name of Josus at the head of them- Toon they make their owner a millionaire of Heaven. -Dr, Cnylor. The Subbath belongs to God and we nr3 commanded by Him to surrender to him, not as an : arbitrary demand but for our good as well ns God‘s glory Uoii set this day aside to bho 7 nmu hit; I duty t» hold alias God's gifts and no parson or people cun ho truly happy uuless they observe Gou'a day. NOTES FROM UNION SIGNAL j 1 Lore are over one thousand boy* 1 on the trniuing ship.; slulicned in [ the river Thunns, E ig!m. 1, which I are pledged io tot;;’ iibsliueucs. It i3 stated that George TV. Cable, he novelist, has Como out strom-Iv for prohibition. There are Torty-eight female stu dents of medicine in London, twen ty-nine in tho university of .Zurich and 0110 huudred and throe in Paris- There are live ladies, enrolled in the law department of Michigan uni veisity this yoar. is u voun<^ girl from tho Sandwich Island, th” gr* ^daughter of nu honored missio,, I try of the Oongregational church, i Her lather, who is a prominent law : ver 1ms fostered her natural bent to- 1 ward legal study in a practical way j introducing her into tho details of We copy from The Word And 1'he Way the following sayings ot eminent clergymen concerning a new book just publi.-.hcJ. “Christ Crowned Within’ i* cbnr, scriptural mid warm with the pnlsulmn ot Divine life. The method is original, the « r yle is attractive, ami tho spirit is most delightful; It is cspeccially rich in apt‘quotations from Boripturo, very appropriate and spiiitual com ments, and striking illustrations from the lives of noted writers and saints. 1 believe the book will be read equally with any Bishop Taylor 1ms written. The evange listic fire of the author glows ou every page. It is one of the bos' books over punted. It is worth its weight in gold. From my heart I thunk tho author lor hav ing written and published it. I shall prize it. among my treasures, and I heartily commend it to all. Price in cloth cover "5 cets, iu paper cover 50 cent, On receipt ol price it. will bo sent by mail from the Marion Tract Depository Saratoga Springs, N. Y. NiUKWIILK, .iutrustii, Uibtna A Sandorsvillt: 14. It. IN K8FKCTM; T ,’RL)A Y NovemWr 14th ISSfi, ut I 2 1 11. ui. oily tiin.': PASSKNKNoKR AN l-’KKlUIir. (K.iuejit 8umi«y.i) Not, • a. x. | No. 2, a. m. I.vR'litlerAvilK 4,00 | Ix-nvo Augunta 7.12 !.v W.iiiUm 4.30 | Lv Gibson l.'.CMj I.v llinuH .0.00 | ‘‘Bollo Springs 11',23 I.v Mitckiill 5.10 | Lv Miu-uoll..,! 1.43 I.v HuiloHpriags .*>.30 | I.v ilint-s 11-08 I.v Gibson 0 IS | I.v \VailIu*n...l2.38 Vr AiigUHla 8.OS | ArS’viHe 1.12 No B i*. m. | No o r. m. I.v HiimlerHville 2 18 | I.v Augiinla 4.00 I.v Witi-.liuu 2.00 | I.v llcplutibnh 8.05 I.v Ilimw M.;l5 | I.v Gib-inii 7.10 I.v Mitulisll 3.00 | '‘15»!U> Spring 7.2j I.v Hidle Spriuic'i 4 10 | I.v Mitoliull...7.40 [.vOibssn 4,:.0 | I.vlliuw 7.08 Lv Hupluibuh,.7.2S j I.v YVnrtlicn 8.30 Ai- Auailut 8.45 | Ar S.iinlcriivillt-8.58 HU NDAY—PAUSENGKU-S ONLY. Nn 1 A. M. I No2 A. M. I.v Hiindi'ravilleO.eO Lv Auxiivta 8.14 Lv Wa (hen 5-20 I.v llepli/.ibab„U.21 I.v lli.nv li 00 I.v Gihrton i 1.28 Lv Mitchell 0.10 j “BelleUpi-in(;cl 1.41 Lv Bello Spring* 0.25 | Lv Milcholl.., 11.66 Lv Gibson 0.37 | l,y Ilium 1210 Lv H(‘plir.ibah...8.40 | I.v Warlhon... 12.41 Ai- Aiii'iut 9— | ArNamleriiVillvl.Oli No 3 r. m. j No 4 r. m. Lv Hanilcravtlle 2.27 | Le-ivA&a,;UHta 3.03 Lv Wiirlbori 2,02 | I.v IL pbz ; ‘-i.-ili..4.10 Lv Hines 27 I I.v Uiluon 0 18 Lv Mitcholl 3 37 | “ Bello .Spring* U 30 Lv Belle Springs 3 02 | Lv M itclu-1) 0 40 Lv Gib-on 4 04 | I)v Hinas 050 I.v Ilepli/.ibUi ...6 10 | Lv Warllit-n ...,7 00 \r Augiisln 7 0p | Ar Samlersvillu 7 35 It. M. .MITCHELL, President. COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA - - 'GEORGIA offer their sorvioes to the plnii*?r9 Rud merchants of Washington county. 75c a bide commission, no storage vrhcu sold on arrival or within 15 days. If sent ol tha A. G. <fc 8. R. It. ull expenses including freight drayagi. commission and Insurance will not be over $2.10 for a GOOlh bale. Mi Joidan lias been in tho busiuess L r 12 yours and wo guarantee porfee satii-laetiou iu every respect. Give U9 a trial and if you v.sit Augusta, w< give v bu a cordial invitation to visit our odiuo, wo will gludiy welcome yoi and do all in our power to please you. » • IROM W O St Si S - Lang* cto "Wilt, Propt’rs. Sandersville, Ga. Manufacturers and Dealers in: Steam Engines ot all styles. Saw Mills. Grist Mills. Cotton Gins, Trusses nml Machinery o( all kind* A lull liuojot Kuhhor and Loathe:* Bolting k pt iu stock. Steam and Water Valves, Su.uu pipes and Fittings, Inspirators. Machine Oils and Mill Supplies. Repair work solicited and prompt y dono and as cheap and \rel as can bo douo all Machinery sold by ns wo guarantee to bo us rep resented. Write or call on ns for Prices and nscriptiou ot anything wantoJ in tho Machine lino. Notice. All persons indebted to the firm ot Lang Sc Will, are requested to call and settle before the first day of January, I887, as ,)n that dsy mites and accounts will be placed ia the bauds of an Attorney f01 collection. LANG & WILT. For the best and cheapest STOVES and TINWARE, Go to the SANDERSVILLE TIN SHOP. All kinds of tiirand sheet iron work made and repaired W. li. Hargraves: -Bum F~«;COTOFSiT The Fanners Frieml!!! IT OFF-SETS THE LOW PRICE OF COTTON. W j By •leansing the seed perl'c. t. never chokes, runs light, gins last ij ami makes u good FStniplo. * »•** feeder MauiI.* oti tho floor, it will toed ui-iy kind of cotton roguiar, evory gin guaranteed as represuuted m and to give satisfaction. Prices has been reduced. ° (Jul' ou or address. LANG and WILT. i* Manufacturers Agants, Sandersville, Georgia. For lull description! prices aud terms. A gin \v 11 bv kept in stock where it can be sit 1 nauy time. The nnler*i ? ne.l are pret, u-efi to m ,„ hOA.K UPON’ IUUL hNiWy 1 * cc-inty or approved COLLATEk \ i ‘ l*«r. 'i'ernm eiusy. . * 4 i’ v Evans & Evans, Atlorueys ut L;w 21th, 1880 -tf NOTICE! T ^ nr ^:^Jrss,r c «> I have 8300,000 »o loan, If you w ; 1 t iu any amt. from $50.00 to $‘’000 Vom three months to‘five years timo :uuie with proper Bocin-ity and got p r uu prepared to oflVr your money' 0 i JETTKR TKI1US THAN KVKR BKFClftK, ItATKS GREATLY REDUCED! i lonii money on city property. I loin money on note*. I lone money on gilt edged netmritv KtTI SHAVE PAPERS, r have especial offers fur the next ninet** lays for all who wish on farm | an ,[' a *2500 or uinr*, It will be greatly tu vour interest to call and aee mo duriag hat time- 8 Remember this is no Sham Notice tg ■Bartle or mislead yon I mean evruy IKord I say, which 1 will be pleased to •rove to if you will call to see me «t j| K , 4tore ut' A. Y. Haines where 1 wilt bu chut ao serve you. W. It. THUiPi;\’ SANDERSVILLli, GA.. Will prnctiue in I bo MiddL (.'irroii, in tbt comities surrounding \V>: hi, . ,-d IpeculiUteu'.nM given to Commvivi.d j , " J iin2S-ly woforUlfcPr tv - • . . JOOT U Ut Itl • o bud (Meet. W« U irt loli! « • , I'l l.*. M.«i i*» t\ -ly s.u« |i Liw. git ui * it eLituii. Alvotl A Link, • 2 iutkoi, N. Y« Sold by r>;Tipg u tfc. Tik« (tl GO. For sain at Dr. A. Mathis* Drug tore. (iUUvnJi'KY Far thu March Term 1887. Dr. S. />’• Mil!*, Dr. C. /. I)avi*, V. R. Pringle, Win. Frost, U. W. Peacock, Stejihm F. Sew, (I. IF. II. Whitaker, ,/ns. D. Page, Dr. O. M Duggan, Pen. Jus. M. Smith, IF//i. SinguefieUI, C. J. Trussell, Dr. .1. T. (,heat ham, M. H. Payer, I Fin. E. Doolittle, the First Week JFia. Lindsey, IF. II. Hall, IF. LI. O'Quinn, Thomas War then, H. S. ) l oat right. IF. M. En jUsh, W. H. Went on, Ueo. IF. Smith, Jan. IF. Mills, M. E. Wnrlhen, Moses T. Sicint, O. // P. Peal!, II. It. Pubison, I. J. Pieter, J. /•'. Sheppard, Traverse Jury for March Term 1SS7 .V. G. Wood Jr. IF. //. Je> Chas. M. Hailey, Murk A. Wood, Jni). F. Suiter, Jus. J. Walker, T. Packets, 1 gan, Poll. Leung, IFm. C. .V-. uiuglon IF,/l J. Push, IF, T. Wauimock, Thomas F. Prsu’ii, .Joses I). Smith, Joseph J. Underwood E. N. Wammaek, Walter Stephens, 11 "mi. A. Smith, P. H. Bra swell j ■J. S. Joyner, II. J. licerelt, Jsuae Brooks, Gao. ,l/ Brantley, IFm. Pui'gamy, Jr. M. H. Odum, JESNIGAN&SON will fix your wat eh or clock as ch eap, if not cheap er than anyone ols«, ©<wu@ and see. Burial Cases. Of all glades for stile by T. N. A J. W. HONDA TO LOAN IIERS. TO FAR- ilia work at 1111 early age. 8he iu j 4niitb hi Tenuillc-. Leave your or.Ur wili. lends to practice,nt her homo. Two ’ V 1 '- Marelnson- other ladies are married uml are the classmates of tiieir luudamb, with whom they will practice after their 1 . . o-jursa is completed. Instead of I [ «?°7 y i'" eM, n r ter K?‘ “'•J 1 .... *, . 1 . .. r , , . ,* 1 U1 voj coil g«».t U elsewhere call on llincrt causing domestic discord higher ed- Hogcrs. J/in-eh 30 u tf. xoalion lias, iu tliesj cases, brought ! — about a deeper harmony of thought I than most people can ’realize i 1 Tbo matrimonial etute. L>. S. Humes, T. J. Taylor, J. D. Brantley, S. J. Toy'or, ,/no. Stubbs, J. J. Palmer, T. J. Orr, A. A. Royers, A. S. Prigeon, Jno. C. Williams, H in, A. Wood, G. It. Rainwater, Trawmje Jury for the. Second licet March Term, 1887. Geo. W Salter, Jus. II. Jp.ckron, IF. //. May, (>. J. Marlin', Jus. Suiter, .hark A. Brown, J. P. U ilkerson Jus. A. Wilson, (Do. F. W alker, Geo. G. Waddell, Wm. M. Ecaretl J. 1’rank Boatright, W, IF, Curry, Thomas Smith, J. P. William, IF. P. Smith., t/uti. It. Jioatnght, *S’. A y fc'tt.vtuood, ■Jus. Ellis, IF. S. Joyner, J. A. Martin, Newt. M. Jordan, Jno. A. Merlin, //. B. Hooks, P. F. Sessions, J. C. Morrison, E. J. Buryamy, G. V. WulIs, G. F. A cant J. IF. Walker,.*. 11’. J. Irwin, .Ino. T. Webster, Ga, IF. Walter, N. D. Tompkins, IF/n. It. Custor, T. />. Cullens, Highest Honor f Jf' r ~ J World’s Exposition FAK.HDKS FAVOUITE.* Is meeting with satisfaction with i planters in Wn.-liiugton county, to be [bund at Eureka Mills, 7 14 - ti* Machine Needles, Oil and ShutUos, Fort ALT, KIYD8 OF MACHINFK. foreal*. 1 will »l80 order pn-rtH of Mnc'iuM tiial gut broken, for which utw pltcc* ur« wanted. jfit J. JEllNIOXX . —-w A B, D ED TO E. W. h W. R. SMITH, oftha - COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. ®tuA«nu o*n begia any week-dly Aurnig Li« y»ar. h'O MMAttOU Tima li>ompWM tb« l ull DlpluVS RUAlpt-.g Cutttm stunt ii) wen*«. total OQftt* Inchidia* Tul- U«b. 1st of Jieofet. ail 4 Board Ina $00, Talcarawdy, Phonography T/p« Writing *p^cl*lljr». Liteffiry Caurao fraa. Lading rcrrlwd. 0»e» OOOO Snoccsafaj OraAiiatcs. Or*» MO pupDs Ust yoar rroiu IS to *0 year* v* age. from TJ daui. Inttraction la pruotlctkltr and iLdlvItB^lly Ijnpartad by 10 teachers, cwurra f**r teflabera and ITusf- uMstfao. University Diploma pwvnttsl to li»Rr*4»* t# v. I This beautiful city ii nuVo^fur Iu iiaaJibfuiusM And aecisay and i U OO IradlAl railroads. . i Tba Taxt-Beok vhluh rccHred tba hlghr.t airard si ib« * World*a, Bzp09ith>n f«*r Its Kauttaits. Practical, aud Ora — 1— e-. - . Patronize Home In dustry. EUREKA MILLS, SandersYille Qa. T HESE mills am now making thu best 1 lour ami Meal of any mill in the countrv. Every accommodation is provided for people coining iu from a Honest nicti am in charge, and EVERY BOUND of Shuvaig and Hair (Jutting uuhu vita Neatness and Litest Stylo. Shar pening Shears a Spocinlty. f TMAOa MANIC WSW ■eairrmcB. M Flour and Sran AwdTS'TiS^ai hat the wheat and corn will make is .. * i I hat the wheat and com will make is GUARANTEED TO THE CUSTOMERS «1 the mill, less tlie loll. So bring in your WHEAT AND com at the same time and therein save going to mill twice. C. R. BRINGLK, Piop'te.- 7-5) 85—tf I). C. HOWARD, Miller. UOOU f'LOIflt. Merchants are buying and selling readily the new brand of Hour of tho Eureka Mills. ' 14 —i THE lEMINGTON |SewingMacl|ine, li'SZ TU* [EMINGTON RIFLE, UNEXCELLED BY ANY. \suretoG4w8aUafaeHm%. General Ofllre, lllon, N. T. New York Office, 283 Broadway. Buying Agents Wanted. REMINGTON (Soublo and Triplo Action) FORCE PUMP. Tho REMINGTON PUMP to nhond of nil competition in wurkinff easily mid vapidly, It is socufo from frecaincp; acid never nootls priming. Or l'l'HNI-U ATTACIIMr.NTS TO TUB Tu evs Tutix roil esu wrru winjj Send for Illustrated Circuluruud P.-lco- Llst, with Testimonials, Address, REMINGTON AG’L CO., nion, n. Y. Nnw York Gmcr.i 233 Uroailway. AG-RNTS AV.VM'rj,fU. CLKVELAND a Ili;,>!HU« K8 These are the two highest grades of Horn- made by the Eureka 8 arc buyi freely For (*unsuiii|)tloii. Astliuia, Itrom-Mts. Byvpeusui. tularrli, lluy Fever, Ileal. *«'he, Debility ItlieimiaHsm, Xenraljciu, nun alt Vhruuicami Fervoui I)imh\ti','». Wbvn ‘Compound Oxygen" is iiilmled tin liearl lias imparted lo it incre*i<ed viuluv I nut Organ sends forth die blood nidi more lorconnn loss wear to itself; the vilul cur- t erns lervo on tle-ir circuit new deposit* ol vital force in every cell oftissue over >vbit4i lUev ps»s and return u^du fora new ssp ply, J bis sifuplc story is ibe ration? a( plinuliun ol tho greatest lulyao o ilul mod. cal scicBctj lias y«t made, lbe Componml Oxygen Trciitmoal" •yliu-L Drs. Siarkvy A Falun, .N„. 152ilArcb I Si reel, l’liiUdelphia, hive been a-inK for jtlie Iasi sixteen years, is a rcienti/ic udjii-i- | ment of ibe element* nf Oxygwi ..nd .N itro euiynrliz?g. uni! tbo, impound is so con Ut-nscd and made pi-.'lab!o tlut ii ,s enrrie-l bjr^ «xpj*tv}M to eve. . **i>«;: • ij »>f ihe cuumry —indeed, it is sent all over lbe world. Dub. Sabkky & Pai.u- have tb< Hbcrly lo refer (m proof of their .nail .'b.g-m Phy sicians) lo tbo following uaitiod a oil-known persons who have trim their Trentuenl: Hon. Wii.liam D. Kju.i.ey, Mouther of a-ngi csi, PhUntUlphU. Itav. \ icroa L. Uonrad, Editor Lutheran Ohio, tor, Pi.i' Dtlphi* Kr.v. rn.iiii.KH W. Cushing, JidUur American Reformer Xu* York IIbn. Will cm Nixon. Editor Inter-Ocean, Chittyo, ti. Junok Josurii K. Flaxuek*, Temple (hurl, Pew York. Mas. Mchy A. Catoii, \\ idow of ih,’ late Dfl llAiVK'Y ( aTuft OaniUtH. Xtw Jerapy M ks AiAHY A I>oL'«rrrv, Jasuaoa, J.omj IJan-t AVv York Mas Mary A Live-smoiic Meiraue Massne/tusctU Julok It 8 Yoouuejss, New York Oita MrUeohok W KuwAnna PrvjH r St (i*orye,e Hotel Philadelphia, Mn I-HA.VK fclniJALL A melt knottn Merchant, Philadelphia Mil Wll.llAM li VVlIJTELY, S'dk Mam,factum- Philadelphia, fVi. And many others iu every pail of the U 8 ’‘Compouiul Ooyijen—jlt Mode o/ J cl ion aim Jeesuhe is lbe liUeofa voluim ol nearly 200 pages, by DmStirkey ,V Psion which sivei (o nil imjuirers full infmiM.nion ps in alii i remarksblecili'ati vt agent khiI n ',i.r„a r.toifl 1 t»I HUprirting tfiiifs in u wide- v^ngcof cdj&KKi<* ie ohbcs—many of ilium being aliandoW^l'h die by oilier physicians, h will be untiled'' ;rte an v address on npjdicaiimi F'KS 81 ABKfiV A PiLEPf, isao Arch SI., Thiinc.clpiiia Tu BhcRIch’s AriiiDM Naive*, Tijo licHt Salve iu iho world for cn Bruit cm, Sorea, UIcci-b, Salt lilieun Fever Horen, Tetter, OhaupBcl Hum! Chilblaim, Corns, and all Skin Em ; lions, and positively etima Piles, i r, no |>uy rocjuk'od. Jt is gmiruntei- ie Eureka Mill jto give perfect satisfnclion, or mo .i ng them and they re,funded. Price ‘JT) cento per be 7 U -» FOR SALE B"Y DR. RAM E1M7