The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, March 01, 1887, Image 2

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V c SkvifTa Organ Fui ly. 1‘nbHiiyd by Washington Coui- A. J. Jernigan & Co., — )rUItUSHfiB3 A rH01*RlKT0HS.( — NAMttltMTLIj; T'J'SOAY, ffliGCifh GEORGIA. 1857 Sheriff Sales. FOR MARCH, 1SS7. f EORGIA, Washington C.nmtv. \ A Wil.l, bo K''l,l l>efnrv tli.- Court House door in the eitv of Kitidersvillo, on tin’ First Tuesday in March, the I'd low'itiR prop. rtv to wit: For Leitirs if Aduiiiiistriiliou. GEORGIA-Washington Couuty ORDINARY'S OFFICE, . Hiuh hut: in duo form np| l c.l to the | undersigned lor | ormatn nt let'em of admin istration on tbecstntpof M s, Jihoda F» Itnsli j Into of Raid county deceased and I will pass ■ upon said application < u the first Mouday (INK HOISK ntitl I.OT, in (lie Town of I in March 1887 at my office. Riddleviib'. slid Comity nml State, liottnd- [ cd on tin- Nr,rill hy Kiddie fin ct. Kn t !,\- } lands of Jesse Rrown, iunrth by hinds of S Tiul ok, -ini on the West In lands of Willwm Knlghtim, containing Three Acres more or less. Levied upon ns the I proper! v of R, !■', Rrown, In sndsly a Su perior Co-irt l-'i Kn, in favor of tire I Wrightsvllln and Tcnliillc Ridlmml ( o, j R, K.Rrown, Property pointed out hy $1.00 For Subscription to the Mercury, one year. EDITORIALS. Tlic Hank. At Inst it appears tint through the ontcr- i rise of our citizens we are going to have a national Bank, it will he of great use to onr uerchants in making the deposits giving l'rnf.a obtaining bills of Exchange etc., it will -benefit the Public hy causing a cotton Inis vs \V A Davis and Green llranlly, Le tt- are house to he built where the lleecy sta- j gel notice given the defendant in possession p'e o il) hestorctl and advances obtained tt|»- 1 on it, the same ns in other places and will givet' the cotton market such an impetus ns will n no the giving of Savannah priers for cotton here less the freight, it will make money cheap, and also plenty for those who •in deposits prefered eoll.Veral or gain sat (tivi-u tinder my hand and official signa ture this tflii Filiiuary, l.v>7. \t NEWMAN, Ordinary W. C. For Admini-t'utor'- Dismission. GEOllG IA— iVashingtm Couuty. Oiflimtry'a Office. John J. IVroer, Admitiistrator of tiia es tate of ClmtlcH A. MoCullera late of saici Jr V •* 1 "T* 1 *.* r'ooie-i Ola oy | tato oftJlmil.H .1 .McOulids lal Plaintilj’s Attorney ami legal notice given i couijIj, deceased, has in duo torru ippliod to parties in possession, | | Ue for letters ol Dismission from said nd- 4 I .SO at the same lime and place will lie rnt ion, and I «IP , a-s upon his nppli- A S( ,ld One tract of land king and being ,m " on -"“ M '»V!“V 111 A !’ n1 ' lt,S7 ‘ *" ying and being in tile‘doth I*isl (L M Containing 407 1-2 Acros more or less and known as the Green Brantly home tract and the plaoe whereon defendant now resides, Levied upon to satisfy three Superior court Ki Fa’s One in favor of J \V Ruck vs \V A Davis and Green Br.intiy and One in favor of Mary A ,Smith, Elizabeth lkrksdile, dcraldcli ’ Wicker, W W II irk, ami S W Back dr, I Representatives of Nancy Laurence Vs Win A Davis and Green Brantly ami One in fa vor ol K A Kmiisaml wile,, Kli/.ahealh Eli A LSO at the same time and place, will he sold, all that tract or parcel ol lamb situated lying and living in the 83tli and OOtli, Districts G. M. in Washington county (la - , containing Sixteen lliiit iretl acres more or less the right of way of the feat a. R II. and it inking company of Georgia, riming through said lands and station No ialactorv endorsim.-nt or aeeeptance, let us I 1 located thereon hounded other land nf II W Snell the Nort hy ivc the Bank by all meins and thus aid ;*"« p «» ‘‘V ...... J . . i laiitl* ol \ S Jovner, on the South uv the in building up our town uiul county, nml | w(JllC ofiMo<4t . H J oym . r Jim , oll u l0 * Wwi lie interest of our peoulc, ■ by the Oconee river, sajd plv.utiti on being —* I knowan ti* the KhImihico Lo.ieti upon ih Jackson county will hold a I lit aor | the pro|»eity of J1 U Sm-li to satisfy a sim L 1 net lor court mortgage i t rain favor of ( F'ClIOJ) on Alnica (lie 14th. Baldwin Ac Co vs Snell At Wood. Legal ■ . notice given defendant in possession. l’rop- CongreaS lias sustained tile Pl'CSi cr| y pointed out ill mortgage Ki Kn. .lints’ veto on the pension bill. , ^ wlLLllKsuLD ' ■ One tritcl „ r p.iroel of land lying in Hon. T. M Norwood has been j Washington eonnty G.I., ami containing one (ft'iosen to tl olive* I' tllO continence*. 1 humlnd acres of land more or less; fentyfivo in 'tit oration for Emory college. ^LSO nt the SAME TIME and PLACE my r.ffii'.c in Saodetsville in said county. Given undet toy band officially tills 22d day ot December. 1886, At NIC'ilMVN Ordinary. 12 23-3m N> w Road a, GEORGIA—Washington County. Ordinary's Oflies. To all w: om it nmy concern. All persons intitresle 1, are hereby notiifed that it no good cause be shown to tile contra ry. an order Will be granted bv the under signed oil the 10th day of March. 18^7, establishing the h llnwittg diserihed two now roads in the Et'.l'.llh Dist. ti. M., as marked oat by the Rood Commissioners appointed lor tlist | tit| <xe. l-t. t he 1 trnier juiniie way e n.m- nclng at the D'-ep Cut roa t in in tbs til th Di I. and r* tiriiug by J. It Daniel into the Piney Mount road near S It. [.ayton's. 2nd. A road commencing at the east mouUi ot tho lane at Miss l| intiie Phillitia’ and running in tiro direction of Teanillc tl.rmgli the hinds ol Miss Phillips, hy the residence and tliruu*>li lauds ot Martha Hays and uniting with tiro new road Irom W. A F Bin i ill’s to I etitiillc in front of a settle meat on S. it Layton's land now occupied by Jas per Hartley. Flits 7th day r f February, 1887. M. NEWMAN. Ordinary '.V. 0. A cyclone struck Eutcutrm Sat' lirJny blowing down 20 houses, a ltd killing oik* pc'ison. The Alabama Legislature linn resolved to ask congress for the passage of the Blair educational bill Tho volcano Manna Lou, on the Hawaii Island, is in native erup tion, and flie Island, is undergoing almost J continuous cmtlnjunkt thocks. Tho premium co.unilteo of the Agricultural Society which mot at Macon on Wednesday last have agreed on offering a premium of SI,Dt it to the county making the j last display at the next Slato Fair. There 1ms been a terrible earths quake itiEurope; whole villages wic ked out of existence. Two thousand people were killed. Six thousand people have leit the city ul Nice for Paris* Work will commence on the St v.mnali, Dublin an 1 Western Short Lino in a tow days, and Gen Van, Fosscn expects to have tho road completed and equipped betoro winter So newspapers report. Gen. Low Wallace, lcccntly United States Minister to Turkey says that the Turks love their children, tire afraid of women do not get drunk, are elm devoutest mid politest of peoples, and uK ways bravo and heroic. For the ability and character of the pre sent Sultou lie hits the highest es teem. N( W Rond. GEORGIA—Washington Co u n ty. To whom it may coucutu. All pcrnotiH interested or» hereby notified, that It no good can e lie shown to the non- ! trary, alt order «iil bu granted by the under- of which are ctilti valid, including dwelling signed ontbe 19th day ot M iroh, lf«7. estate house stable Ac,adjoining lamia of Mctpiir- lisbing a new r ia-l es marked out by tin ier, hound-d on tlie North, South an ! East, ltoad t’oiumtHsionerH appointed for that | ur- hy lands of Mrs Nancy Price, on West by pose commi tioiug nt the .Savannah road near lands of John l’rice, seven miles West ol W J. Taylor running on tlm lines between Bartow one mile East of the Wrighlsviile T. M. //arris, Holm-s it Beall; tbencc across the lands ol sai l lb Lues and Beall, thence and Dublin public roa.l the place vviiereutt I defendant now resides. Lev ed on as the property of S li pi ice to satisfy one Stipe- until it crosses Bt. el creek; thence to the rior eottrl Mortgage l-'i Ka in lavor of ,V L i* vtisvtl e at.ti 8 mdersviJlu road at the cor- AroltcrJr, vs S. P, Pi ice property pointed I at,r "* *i- b Hrowt.'- lot. - - This 13ih day ot February, 188(i. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. 2-17-41 defend- They have been txpermenting w ilt juries of 6ix men in Michi gan, mid the people seem to bo satisfied. Support Georgia give it ti trial, if it works well, it would he a great saving to each couti' 1 v in the State. out in l'i Fa and legal notice giv ant in possessioti, A LSO at tho smictimc and place wifi i lie sold, One 12 horse Engine and j Boiler, One Saw Mill with all tuo lixtnres I Hereunto belonging, One Log Cart, Two | iel'ty Saw Gins, One Side N’piing Buggy, i Olitu End Spring Buggy, One Ox Call, line | Two Ilorso Waggon, One Four Horse Waggon Twenty* Head of Goat*, 'Two Head of Sheep, Ox du m colored | Three bend* of cattle, Olio Bav Horse j named Dexter, One Lay hone ,1/ttle named | Fox. One black horse Mule named J/ike, j and all the Stock of ,1/erclt intlisc. consisting I of dry goods, groceries, hoots, shoes etc, and fixtures, contained in the store of II \V ! Snell, at Keep Step, in Washington county J Ga; said projurty levied on as the proper ty of I! W Snell, under and l>y virtue ol j mortgage Ft Ka in favor of Warren At Ax j sou vs B W Snell, property pointed ou u'mortgage. A I.SO nt the same time and place will be sold. One 10 horse Centenial Ellgiie and Re turn Flue Boiler Leviedonas the property of A ,S Aviiut to satisfy a s iperio Court Ki Ka in favor rf Wiliiam Archer vs A S A vun l Legal notice given AS Avaut de fendant in possession Alsr nt the same time and place will ho so'il one tract or parcel of land situated; lying and being in the town of Davishoro Washington county, Ga, containing two acres being the same tract conveyed to James W Hudson hy t'ornclius Jordan Ly deed bearing date Jan 29th, 18S1 amide- scribed in said deed as all that tract or par cel of lai d lying and situated on the east side of the Davishoro and Kenn’s Biiilge ltoad, fronting on said road seventy j arils hegimng at tho corner of the Davishoro Baptist church lot, and ruini ng down said road to a stake each side line of said two acres to run square off front Davishoro aid Kenn’s Bridge Road purnlcll with each other, one hundred and lifty yards long and seventy yards wide at each end, ad- mining lands of Cornelius Jordun and cor ner ol tho Baptist church lot, hounded on West side by the Davishoro and Fans Bridge road North, South and east hy lands of Cornelius Jordan, sold as the prop erty of J ames W. Hudson, to sat sfy u Superior Court li (a issued from the Su perior Court of Jeflbrson co an ly in favor of Garnett, Sltibhs A Co vs James W Hudson, John T Hudson principle anti George F Hudson security, 1’roperlv pointed out in li fa and legal notice given, as required hy law. C A WALL, Sheriff of W, O, A b’.ll bus been introduced into tbe Tennessee Legislature oiler- ingto thcUnited States the Ilernti tage farm, famous as the home of Andrew Juckson, as tin asylum Jor disabled and invalid soldiers. The bill irt'ovides that Mrs. Sarah Jackson, the adopted daughter ol Old Hickory, shall he allowed a homo and maintenance upon tho farm lor life. “A Main newspaper wants its readers to believe that a citizen of that State 1ms split a hurricane. Seeing it coming straight towards his barn lie took two hoards, and holding them with Ids best hold before the barn, the ends togeth er so that they formed it sort ol wedge, he spread the hurricane up n t, so it only took off two cor- n -Ts ol the bam.” 'Ihereisau inestimable b'c RAKDLlDiVIJIU: (Tfl’T An Ordinence to fix the license tax for the sale of domestic tvit ea, cfe. Be it ordained hy the J/nvor nml Coun cil, mid it is hereby ordained hy authority of the same, that from and iil'mr "the pass me ol this ordinance that sections 5, (i ami 7oi the Ordinance known as (lie Tax < h-dimme-e of said city, lie so amended as to read: ‘•No person shall sell tiny aoirstous, alco holic, mult or fermented liquor, beer, foreign or domestic win x, or any other spiritous, fermented or otheli intoxierting liquor tinder any name whatsoever, or in any quantity, from any barn om, wine room orany other building, without having first obtained flout the City (Jerk a liceiiso, for which license he shall pay into the City Treasury FIFTY THousam, ooLLAits per annum, Liuiintisly adopted upon .second rending, at regular meeting, Council Jan’v. 20iii 1885. 0. Henry Mitchell, City Clerk. For Administrator's Dismission. GEORGIA — Washington Couuty. ORDINARY'S OFFICW. W. J. Hardison, Administrator ot tho on- lulu of Charles A. Hardison late of said county Uneo.ised, ap|liustu mo lor I tteis of ilisinissioii Irom said administration, and 1 will pass upon said application on the first Monday in March, I8»7, ul my ((lice in Sai- dersvillu in said counly Uiv.-n under my lian t and officia' signa ture tliis 3dlU day ol November, lsati M. NEtVMAN, Oidiuary. 12 2 3 m For Exicirtor’s Dismission. G EORG1A—Washington County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE C. W Salter, Executor ol the will of Wm. L, Taylor, lute ol said couuty, deceased, has applied lo me lor leltcts of dismission Irom tlm administration of the estate of said de ceased, and I will pass upon his application on the first Monday in March, 1887.111 my of fice in Saudersville in said county. Given under my hand at d official signa ture, this (ith day of December, lbbli M. NE wM AN, Urd'y, 12 9-3m For Stock Law in 1399th Dist G. M. GEORG I.A ■—Washington County, Ordinary's Gill ■(*} Feb. ‘2'2d, 1887. Notice is hereby givn Hint a i eiition sign- id by 17 treeboldeiH of tbe l.T'.lt i Ilist. G, M. in said county, has hccu Lie i iti my of fice. pray ng tor an (lection to lie lul l in mid Distiiot upon the question ol For Fodcc or For Stock t aw for said District, Now in compliance with the provisions ol § 1455 of the Code ot Georgia ol 1882 it is ordered that notice of tho tiling of sai l pi-ti- lion lie published for'20 days in the Hutulers- vilie Uebalii and posted at the Court houso door in Sanilersvilln at the place ot holding Court in the 1399th District and nt tho Post odloe, and another public plaeo in Teunbl-', beginning with ttie 2-ith day ol February 1887. It is fui titer orderi d that lifleon days after the expiration of said 2d days, to-’wit ou Thnixduy the 7'b day ot April, ls,S7, an election lie held t tin- election praciu t of said 13‘J'Jrti District known i s Tennill i under the same rules and regulations, which gov- • in the eleulion of meuibir.a of (lie General \ssi ml ly lo determine the q-u-sti n of •'Koi Stock Law ’ or For Fouco" tor said 1399vli Dist. U. M Given under my hand officially this 23d duy of February, i8b7. M. NEWMAN, Ordy. A true fxtr iet from Book ot Minutes B. Fa go 5. 2 2-1—5t For Dismission. GEORGIA—Washington Couu Ohdinaiiv’s Office. W S Collins, guardian and administrator ot Mrs. Susan Curry, applies to me lor let- I ti-rs ol dismission Irom said guardianship and administration, and I will pass upon Ins application on th- first .Men |„j lt , .-p iv at uiy office in Sau ltr-villo. li, , ,i,' Given under my hand officially ibis 2d day of February, 1887 „ „ 0 . M. NEWMAN, Ord. 2-J — 3m* Wi Cl€>€5te<, r? to J©W©li»y, IMS Sandorsviiis Anil Tortile ICiiil-ECoatl uve S unlersvillo J 1:40*u uv Arrive Sunilersvillc———l‘2:. r i(»*pj m Leave Samlcrsvillo 2:25 p nt Arrive Samlcrsvillo 11:30 p. m TIME TABLE OF THE WRIGIITSVILLE, TENNILLE xsn > DUBLIN R. R The Farmers Friend!!! IT OFF-SETS THE LOW PRICE OF COTTON. Hy cleansing the seed perfect, never chokes, runs light, gins fust, an tin tikes a good sample. The feeder stands on the floor, rto will’ lee any kind of cotton regalar, every gin guaranteed as-represented an to give satisfaction. Prices has boon reduced. Cal' on or address, LANG and WILT. Manufacturers Agents, San tiers vi lie, Georgia. For full description prices and terms. A gin w 11 be kept in stock wliere it can bo scfco natty time. To take ell. cl November 14 ISSft. GOING S0UI'II. No. 1 No. X A. M. ]-. M. And Dealers Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, .i-i Toys, Confect ioneries AND Lv Tcnnllle A r 1 lurrioon Ar Ibmovnn...., Ar rihhtsv’lc. 00 7 45 8 10 8 40 Lv Wrightxville, S 45 Ar Loveti 0 15 Ar Brutoa 0 35 A r Condor I) 55 Ar Dahlia 10 15 2 29 2 50 3 10 330 3 31 3 65 4 16 •1 30 4 45 iD'Nu north. Lv Dublin Ar Condor A r Bruton Vr Lovell Ar WrightsvilU-;. Lv Wii{htxville. Ar Donovan i i Harrison No 2 No 4 A M 1> M 10 30 10 55 I I 15 11 35 12 05 12 10 12 30 12 50 4 60 515 6 30 5 60 (i 15 (i Hi tl 35 (I 60 7 20 Ar Tcnnille 1 30 \V. B Thomas, Piesivleot, Gen’l truperiuLud'int Nov. 14 1.8(3. COTTON FACTORS, AOOUSTA - - * GEORGIA offer their sorvices to tho plnitHTS and merchants of Washington qonntv 7.)C a halo commission, no storage when sold on arrival or within 15 davi! If Rent ot Ihii A. (J. A S. It. U, all expenses including freight il ray age icommission Aiul riisurtuico will not be ovor $2.10 for a 50l)lh hale. Mr’ Jot dan 1ms 1)0(11 in tho bnsiuoHs for 12 years anil wo guarantee iferfoet satistiiction in every respoot. Give us a trial anviifyon visit Augusta, wo givo you a cordial invitation to visit our ollico, we will gladly welcome you and do all in our power to please you. 1 VABIETT ~ • mOM WORKS- CENTRAL R-R. Savannah Ga., Dec. 19 18stJ, On nml after this date piissonger trains will rtt-r ns Daily unless marked f, wliieli m- Daily except Sunday. The Standard time hy which these trains run in ,(i minutes slower titan Savannah city time. Lv Savannah.. 10:0 J am 8,20 a m 5;40 pm Ar Milieu 12(35 pm 11;03 p in 8:15 p m Ar Augusta 4; 15 pm 0;15 a m Ar Macon 4;5Upn> 8;20 a tu Ar Atlanta 9;0O p nt 7;'20 a m Ar Colttmlius.. 0;'i0a m 3;0'2 p m Ar Montgomery. 7;00 p m A r Eu fan la 3;50 p m Ar Albany 10;08 p in 10;50ain j Pasengers li r Sylvania, Sainiersville, . Wrigliisville, M illeilgeviile and Eatunton | thou Id take 10:00 a in train Passengers for Thotnaston, Carrollton, Perry, Fort Gaines, Tallin ton, Buena Vis ta, Blakely and Clay tun should take ;'20 p ni train. Lv Milieu... 12;55 p m 11; 15 p in 5;10 a m Lv Augusta. 10;'20 a in !);30 p m i.v M.ieon... 9;50 a tu H);50 p m .v Atlanta.. t>;35 a m 0;50 |i in ,v Columbus 10;20 p m 11:15 a m j\- Montgomery 7;15 p m7;40 a m jv Eufattla... 10;49tt in jV Albany... 4;50 a m 3;57 p in Ar iS’.ivannah 5;00 p nt 5;55 a m 8;05 a in Sleeping ears on all night passenger trains between Savannah ami Augusta, and Savannah and J/ucon, Savannah and Atlanta, il/aeon and Columbus. '1‘rain leaving at 8;20 p in and arriving at6;55 a m will not stop to put off or take on passengers between Savannah and Mil ieu. Connections at Siv -nnah with Savannah Floi ida and Western Railway for ail points m Florida. T "‘rets for all points and sleeping ear In . ilia on sale at city oflice, No. 20 Bull s reel, and depot oiliee 30 minutes before dcprrture ot each train. G A WHITEHEAD General Passenger Agent J C SH AW, Ticket Agent Dm;-LfjVl, Gib-oia A Ssiiitlci'M ille 11. II. IN EFFKtITHATTRDAY November 14th LS.Sli at 4:20 a. in. city time: PASSILVKNgEK AN FREIGHT. (Except Sundays) Propt’rs. Sandersvilie, Ga. Manufiioturcrs and Dealers in: Steam Engines of oil styles. Saw Mills 1 . Grist M’lls. Cotton Gins, Presses and Machinery ot all kinds A lull linej)! Rtihlyer and Leather Belting k ]»t in stock. Steam and Water Valves, Steam pipes and Fittings, Inspirators. Machine Oils and Mill Supplies. Repair work solicited and prompt v done nml ns cheap and well as can ho done all Machinery sold by us \vc guarantee to bo as rep resented. * Write or call on us for Prices and u t script>oii of anything wanted in the Machine lino. No 1, A. M. I Nl). 2, A. M. Lv Sandersvilie 1..05 | Leave Augusta 7.P2 Lv Wui-then 4.30 | Lv Gibson 11.00 I.v Hines 6.05 | “BelleSprings 11'23 Lv Mitchell 5 15 | Lv Miuhell....11.43 Lv BelleSprings 5.30 | Lv Hines 11-58 Lv Gibson 5 43 | Lv Wnrthen... 12.3s Ar A igusta 8.58 | ArS'ville .1.12 No 3 i’. m. | No e i*. m. Lv Sandersvilie 2 18 | Lv Augusta 4.00 Lv War.lieu 2.65 | Lv Heplizibali 5.05 Lv Hines 3.35 | Lv Gibson, 7.10 L%' Mileh.'ll 3.50 | ''Belle Springs 7.25 Ly Belie Springs 4.10 | Lv Mitchell...7.45 Lv Gibson 4. -5 | Lv Hines 7.58 i.v Heplizibali...7.28 | Lv Wnrt’uon 8.35 Ar August 8.45 | Ar Sandersvilie8.58 f U NDAY—PASSENGERS ONLY. No 1 A. ,'i. | No 2 a, m. I.v Sandersvilie5.00 | Lv Augu-ta 8.14 j Lv Wa then V25 j Lv Hephxihah..9.21 | Hines 0.00 j Lv Gibson 11.28 Miichall 0.10 | “Belle Springell.41 Lv Belle Springs 0 25 | Lv Mitchell... 11.50 l.vGihson 0.37 | Lv Hines 1206 I.v neph/,‘hih...8.-10 | I.v Wnrthen...12.41 Ar Align.t 0— | Ar.S'andcrsvillel.06 No 3 r. m. i No 4 Notice. I hereby notify all parties that on the third day of December 1880, I withdrew Irom and erased to hour every interest in this mill business of Sheppard and Com pany and will not he icsponsible for any ol the debts of the concern, llnwcl anil ,1/athow Sheppnid retaining the property and becoming res[smsihlu fur all outstand ing indebtedness. D. T. Burke Dee. IStli 1880. Notice I liort-hv forewarn any one from trading for the following notes as they nre lost or stolen. One in lit vor of my sell given by Wm II. Smith of Washington county for -T* 1 Ho. One in furor ol' myself given hy Sqiiiru Martin for $10. One in favor of myself given by llenj. Davis for $14. One in favor ol myself given by Secney Newton for $97. One against Win Smith oi Johnson county lor $110. Moses Smith. Doc. 10th 1880. A. PETITION GEORGIA, Washington County. To the Superior Court of said Coun ty* The petition of A. Mathis, John C. Harman, Samuel G Lang, Wal ter Stephens, William A. McCarty. Bradford E. Houghton, B. Church Harris, William Rawlings, William Martin, Irwin L. Adams, and others. Shows that they have entered in to an association under tho name and style of the Washington Coun ty Publishing Company; time the object of said Association is the printing and publication of a week ly newspaper and doing job work in the city of Sandersvilie, in said county and state, with the power to rent, purchase, and hold property, real and personal, to sue and he sued, and to exorcise? a: 1 powers usually conferee! upon corporations of simulur character, as may be con sistent with the laws of Georgia; and that said Publishing Company is to have its place of business in said county, and is to be operated Adivi, IMixhiiig ;t! :si Kelusblo. Dr. liawiingb can always Lo re lied upon to carry in stock ,thc purest and best goods, and sustain ; Do reputation of being active, push ing and reliable, by recommending articles with well established merit and such as are popular, lluumr the agency for Hie celebrated Dr. King’s New Discovery for consump fiott, colds and coughs, will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely euro any and every affection of the g in a clicevl'i li spirit, wile u J throat, lungs,or eliest, and in order For Letters of Administration. GEO RGIA — YV ashiugtou County* ORDINARY'S OtJrlUE, Stephen G Jordan has in due form applied to the unilersifiueo lor permanent letters of, ou the estate ol 1 Ijoh. Joiciiifi, late ol Haul county, d« 4 CfHSfnt ■mil 1 will pass upi'U said up, I.Jution ou fne first Monday in March, 1887, at my office id iSitudbr*villt*. Given under my hand officially this otth 1I113 ul Jauuary, ldS7 Liile r the MEII OFEsCLl 1 -27—4b M. isEAMAN, Ordinary. Executor’s Dismission. ^nr j*/’ vYt; County ORDINARY'S OFFlOE Luther D. Utkins and Alary F. l*,i c ,.’ j? x . Give lliein a cal!. 'lie soul il tows its windows wide open, 'ctli 1 g in the sunshine, and presenting to all who see it the evidence, of its g adness, it is not only happy, bn it hits tin tin* pjftkabb po.vM' of do' tg good to prove our claim, we ask you cail and get a Trial Bottle Di ce. GcO to Joi'iiigan & lion’.‘3 for tvl u-- siCs.ti uixi u,£i‘.j g ntsufall kmdi.' ocuturs ot the will ol ticorpj Wilms’ mte' I" "«(* fioucty, deceased, huve appifed to br.' or U'-ts ol ot 'e,,^.^, Irom tfiu udoiinis. | 'l.lMtGlol It,. » . I i to 0. ;. a j:{ I,Will Jj/18 :. . , . 1 MoiJihiV ill M *! i, ilL 11 dtirhviliu in siii«t county, ‘ " '"“ N * w * M oau * | Given under »"v' **••*• ■* *■• j •• rs is the OLD RELIABLE Jewel- 1 l»i|J Uii und Iht sy Store of Sanders- tu^tuVMu-•t^m'v 1 ..: im ! o,i k" : s'gntr-! v 'iH e * Formerly A iJ. JERNIGAM Niudei'svillu 2 27 j Leav Auug'ism 3.03 ( and run by said association for the purpose of printing, publishing and sending out, to subscribers and oil, ers a weekly newspaper, to be known as the Middle Georgia progress and Lo connect with the said paper a complete job oflice for printing cir culars, hill hoods, letter beads and work of like character and selling the same for profit. Petitioners further show that Lite capital stock ol said association is Five Thousand Dollars; and that hive Hundred Dollars ot saitl capi tal stock lias been paid in. Your 1 etilioners pray thti passing of an order by said Honorable Court, g 1 anting this their applicalijit, and that they and their successors he incorporated for and during a term not exceeding twenty years, with ‘.he privilege of renewal at the expi- ration of said twenty years, Ibr the purpose herein before set forth. And )wtn Petitioners will over pray. S. G. JORDAN, Attorney, lor Petitioners. Georgia Washington County, 1 nic extract from minutes, Superior Court, Hook E. A - M. IIAYUj Cleric. January 27th, 1887. Lv Wai'dion 2.52'[ Lv Hephziliili.,4 10 Lv Hines 3.27 j Lv Giuitan—-6.18 i.v Mitchell 3 37 | ‘* licllu Springs 6 30 I.v Belle Springs 3 52 | Lv Mitchell (i 43 Lv Gibson 4 04 I Dv 11 inns 055 Lv Heplizibali ...0 10 | Lv Wnrtlien....? 00 Ar Augusta 7 00 | Ar.Sainiersville 7 35 ft. M. MITCHELL, President. The undersigned are prepared to negotiate LOAN UPON REAL l:S TATE, security or approved COL LATERAL paper. Terms easy. Evans & Evans, Alloriicyti at l,n\v. N^TiCK! 8i 10 All parties in Washington and Baldwin comitie swlmse loans on improved farms mature in 1886, and desire “EXTENSION” at greatly reduced rates; will find it to dfi’ir advantage to call and see me at their earliest convcnii-nee. at iny otfiee in Court House, iSaiidersviile. where my rep resent .tative or my self will be pleased lo accommodate them. IV. U. THIGl’EN. <>ICAAI> JIJUV For thr. March Turin 1887. Wm. Lindney, Dr. S. //. Mill*. • Fall. Dr. (J. I. Haiti*, U . R. (/Quinn, C. II. Rrinqlc, l noma* Ifarthrn, I Km. F r „*i, Foal right, O. IK. Rmtock, IP- M. En<jU*h, IV. 11. HWt/on, Otto. IK. Smith, Ja*. IK. MdU, M. E. Warlhen, Mo*m T. Sioint, 0. 11 R. Jleall, If. lt. Robison, 1. J. Peeler, J. /*'. Sheppard, Stephen F. New, O. IK. 11. Whitaker, Ja*. E. Page, Dr. O. M. Duggan, Rev. Ja*. M. Smith, IKm. Simpiefietd, C. J. Trussed, Dr. A T. Cheatham, M. 11. Roger, Win. E. Doolittle, Fra verse Jury for the First Week March Term 1887. %: °' JVow/ Jr. w. 11. Jernigan, Cltus. M. Hailey, Robt. Tjouny, Mail: A. H ood, Wm. C. Northiugton Jno. !•. Salter, Wm J. Rush, Jus. ,I. Walker, W. T. Wammads, /'.- 1. Rachels, Thomas F. Rrown, Muses 1) Smith, Joseph J. Underwood A. N. Wammack, Walter Stephens, IKm. A. Smith, Isaac Rrooks, R. If. lira swell, Gao. M. Rrantley, J. (S. Joyner, IKm. Rurgamy, Jr, 11. J. Everett, M. 11. Odom, D. S. Rurnes t J. D. Rrantley, Jno. Stubbs, T. J. Orr, A. S. Prigeon, Wm. A. Wood, T. J. Taylor, S. J. Taylor, J. J. Palmer, A. A. Rogers, Jno. G. Williams, U. II, Rainwater, Tracer sue Jury for the Second Wee'< March Term, 1887. Geo. JK Salter, J a „. //. Jackson, O. J. jhartin, Mark .4. Rrown, Ja*. A. Wilson, ... , Oeo.O. Wail dell, \our;. ri ‘ M i J - Frank Roa!right, / ’ /. 1,9.!! rr - v ’ Thomas Smith, J. 1. If il/iam, IK. P. Smith. •las. R. Rualriyht, S. A, Fleet wood, Jas. Ellis, JK. S. Joyner, J. A. Marhn, Newt. M. Jordan, Jno . A. Martin, II. R. Hooks, J. C. Morrison, C. C. Walts, J. IK. Walker, Jno. T. Webster, N. 1). Tompkins,. T. 1). Guilt ns, IP. 11. May, Jas. Sailer, J. R. II'ilLarson, Geo. F. W alkt B. F. Sessions, E. J. Rurgamy, G. F. Avanl IP. win. Geo, W. Waller, IPmil. Goslor, Pho darkest limit' cun t lied the matches. is when you Ftrsr Class painting at M, IL Bird s Carriage shop. Tennille High School Male and Female. Tennille, —Georgi a. W. *L. DUGGAN, A. M.^Prin. ®f he 8pring Term of mis institution. otwns on Monday, Januacy 10th. 1887. 1 borough instruction, will be given in all ■'ranches commonly taught in.High School* 1 uptls will be prepare I treater any class- m ' 'olleget hnr fnrtber inlormatim apply to tho Principal or to S. It. Kellev, 4Ve.s. BorrA 1 rustoes Tennille Ga» ec. !)L> 1836.—tf.