The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, March 08, 1887, Image 2

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The Mercury The Slurift'e Organ For Washington ( 01 if iy. Published by A. J. Jernigan & Co., —jPUM.ISlIEUS «V Vlinrmi:T01tS.( — SANDS RSYILM!, «1:01*9 IV. TUESDAY, MARCH 7ui, 1887 $1.00 For Subscription to the Mercury, one year. Editorial. Oiir .Superior Court. Criivcixd nil Monday morning :it nine o’clock, hi« Honor James K. Mims Presi ding, with Hon. O H. Rogers onr faithful Solicitor Gcncrnl, A. M. Al.iyo Clerk ami Ynltla Hell ns liis assistant ami C. A, Wall our aide nml olllcient Sheriff in this place. The Grand Jury was organized by the flection of I)r. O. W. II. \V hit iker as fore man. The charge of the Judge was full and able nml complete doing credit to his Head and heart and was listened to w ith tnwrkcd attention hy the large crowd present. We see in attendance, lion. 11. 1). D Twiggs of Augusta, lion..I. W. llohison of Macon, Hon. J. T. Jordan of Sparta, lion. J,C. llnrmnn of Tennille, Judge Janus S Hook, and Judge Wm Gibson id' Augusta Judge K I. lingers of Atlanta: and Cel A F Dairy of Wrightsville. And our local lion. ES Langmnde, Col. B D Evans Sr, 1! 1) Evans Jr, E II Sallidd Hon J N Gil more, E G llostiek, J A Hob son, W O Hobson, Col H L Wartlien Hon. O ]I Hi gets and S (i Jordan. Court is well attended the Judge is push ing business and the Sheriff' with his Ha lids arc keeping most excellent order. Congress lms adjourned General Stonewall Jackson was once asked By a It it lid to give hint a good motto or rule of life. His reply was “I have found a rule laid clown by Hie Wise man a sale one to bo guided: by‘In all thy ways acknowledge Him and Ur shall di- trect thy path.’ ” HI Ell. At Sandcrsvillo Ga„ on February Id. 1887, Anna Hehceen. infant daughter of Orphila and Millie Wilt aged 11 months and !> days. In God’s acre, quiet, holy little An na, Dreamless, lies; Her bine eyes, dim and unseeing, flashed open in Paradise, When her freed spirit Hew to Heav en. Mother, father, cease thy grieving, for thy baby lies at rest; Cradled by the angels singing, (olded to the Savior's breast, Anti olio bright star in yonder skies Watclus o’er thee with Anna’s eyes. Ily Miss Georgia Wilt, from the Yoik Dispatch i:\citornotil in Te\ti«. Great excitement lms been caused in tlie vaciuity of Paris, Tex., by the re markable recovery of Mr.,J. 12, Corley who was so helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise his head; everybody sitiil he was dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. Kings New Discovery was sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King’s New Life l’ills; by (lie time ho had taken two boxes of Pills mid two bottles of I lie Discovery, In. was well and had gained in llesh thiity-i ix pounds. Trial B i:t| >9 of this Urn 1 D.iijvary ^or Consuiiiptiount Dr. Rawlings. Yeur’o Support, j GEORGIA—“Washington Count}’. 1 OUBINARY'S OFFICE, Whereas llio appraisers appointed to set apart a year's fitqqiott lor Itetm Dickson wid ow ol //airy Dickson late of said county, deceased, have tiled their lit-timis in this (lllec; nil persons concerned ore hereby notified to appear at the Court of Or dinal)- to lie held for said comity on the first Mom!it) in April, J887, and show cause it any they have, why said Hi turns should not be approved and mudo Ibo judgment ol the Court. This l!d day of March, 1RH7. M. NEW MAN, Ordy.»r- 3 3 — 4t «" ICOSTt’lt OP OFFICE KS OF W\SI!l\GTON COUNTY. Senator 20th Senntoril Diet., Hon. ,T. 11. Bring c. Hepifsenlntivt s lion. 15. I). Evans, Sr., lion J. R. Move. Judge Superior Court, lion. J, K- Hines. Colieitor General; Oscar 11. Rogcis. Ordinary, M. Newman. Clerk Superior Ctitn t, A. M, Mayo* Sheriff, C. A Wall. Tionsurer, ,) It Thigpen, Tax Receiver, E. Davis Strange. Tax Collector, J A Ruhr-on. Surveyor, W E Clink Coroner, G M Lowe Sailor * * .1(1 ICY CO.lliVI I'XSIONER*. A T Cheatham and Isaac 1)8 to Smith to 1SS8; .1 T Youngblood an tl LI G Sr. to lt-90; •1 C Jugi/au and Wm Gallaher 1892; A M Mayo Ex otT. Cletk. COtX'I’V HO A KI) 01’ EOPCA- TIO IV. II N 1 lollifield ) A L Houghton | to 1SS8 M c | Va t hen ) 0 11 P lit all StolSSO M G Wood Sr. ) ,t IM l< 12K OF PEACE. DIST 88 ( conee M S Clanco 19 \\ i li mack's \\ ileon Sheely 99 .1 iatwi it l.t's N ], ,ji i nigao Administrator's Dismission. GEORGIA—Washi igtou county. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. it, F Kitchens and II. 0. Wilson, Admin- tilriitoiH of iho iMnle of it. I,. Wilson laic of said county, deceased, have in due form applied to me let letters of dismission Iroin the administration ol said estate, and 1 will pass tlpou their applies.inn on the llrst Mou lt ing else than heading martial. Hi I vnio ^haiff’eonmy.' 11 t ' <ll00,n Hnntkts - the Tennessee Legislature, the other I Givm under my tfllcially Ibis 2d iltt}’, o member nained Ball began ■■ 1 ll11 * °* Brass bands are good for some- fourth pf July oration, when a brass band entered ploying for all it wn* worth' It is saitl Unit that Ball was broken up) quicker than any other on reckon!. Sav News. Advicis from Washington have been received to the ell'ect that tests ot samples of Stone Mountain and Lithonia granate, taken from the quarries last week hy a coinittpe from the Cincinnati Board of Public Adairs, were made by the govern- incut engineers and prove highly satisfactory. The committee ex pressed themselves as sntlstied that the test was perfectly lair and care fully conducted. —. • —.1 — Our Country, Wc noticed in a now Bpnpcy, a few days ago, u statement relative to one ol' the U. A. B. posts, which was not tlour- i.liiug. Its membership had fallen off, decidedly, and its financial condition was very weak . A reference was made to one of its members, who wns very devoted to its interest, nud it wait stated him^tlint “llo was one who had not yet got ready to ask pardon for the part lie took in the civil war, in lighting fu tile old llag, the Union,* stc. Wc regret to see such remarks as this at the present day. Our opinion of the American people is that they are not re quiring the min of the north, or of the bouth, to ui-k pardon for what they ilul in the mightiest struggle of modern times The appeal to the swi id was made by botn sides alter each hud been justified in Die foiuin of conscience, J2avh was true to its raising, and to the principles which had_been instilled into the minds of its population, and each stood ready to lay down life, if necessary, iu dt fence of. tho principles which it laid been taught. The war, ns we consider it, wns n means which nu overruling Providence used to bring about one of the great evpnts iu the world's history. The lighting which wns done between the (u nties of the north and of the south was aTmnguilicent exhibition i f valor and endurance. Both sections are now under a con men government. Both elect representatives to jointly admin- ibo affairs of that government. In Reded States Senate a member from Georgia has many right, anil is as pinch entitled to take part iu acts of government us a member from New York, Maine, Michigan or Oalaforuia. In the slate of A rkansas, whose legisla tive House of Kepresen tuilves lias recently eleeteeil an ex-Union soldier as its Speaker jt is recognized that the turn who fought tor the Star-spangled Banner are as worth) of confidence as the men w ho wire willing lo Iqllow even to death the “Bonnie blue T lag.” M NEWMAN, Ordinary, 3'3—Utn J New Honda, GEORGIA—V\ aahingltiu County, Ordinary's Otlleo. To all whom it nniy concern. All persons interested, nru hereby notified that it no good ciinse be shown to theoontra- ry, an order will l,e granted hv tho under signed on tho lhth day ol March. 1 bh7, establishing tho h llowiirg describe l two new roads in tl.e IJltOth DiBt. O. M., as niorkud out hy the Bead Cointnissionirs appointed lor that purpose. 1st. fi e ternnr private way commencing at the Deep Cut road in in the Will Dist. and running hy J. It. Daniel iuto lire Piney, Layton's. 2ml. A mud eomineneing nt tho rust mouth ol the Ittne at Miss l| innie J’Gil 1 ii s’ mid running in tho direction ol Tmnille through the Innda of Miss Phillips, by the residence and through lands ol Murthir Buys and uniting with tlie new rond Irom W. A E. Smith's to 'itnnille iu front of ir settlmicnt on S. li. bii) ten’s laud now occupied by Jus- per Hartley. ibis 7tli day of February, 1887. M NEWMAN. Ordinary VV. C. For Adruinistiator’.. Dismission, GEORGIA— \VufabiDgton County. Oidinory’s Ollico. John J, Pir’mer, Adruinislrirtor of tho os- intu of Char lee A. Meddlers lute ol said county, it* erased, lifts in duo form applied to uio tor letters ol Dismission from suid «d- mioistration, and ! will pa-s upon his appli- ciitii u on tho lirst Monday jn April, 1887, at my i Dice in Smdersvillo in sniit county. Given under my burn! officially thru 22d day ol Dtcimbit, 188(1, M NEB M.\N, Ordinary. 12-2J-3in For Dismission. GEORGIA—Washington Gouu Okdinaivv’s Office. W. b ( oijiuH, guim’.iun nud ndminislrntor of Mis. Fuhuu Curry, apj Iub to me for let- ters ot dismission treni said guardianship und administration, and 1 will pass upon his a IT hentiou on tl-.e lirst Monday in May, it- 87, at ni) i Hico in Kundersvilie, in sard county. Given undir my linuil offieitdh- this 2d day ol Fehruary, 1887 . M. NEWMAN, Old. 2-J —Jm* 91 Hiumtu g2 JoK-y’B AV F Siniiii 9B Sun-11 il! C I) Thigp in 94 DuvihLoio D5 Cato's J Q Aincrson I/O Gilts A 15 llatawny f7 SamltTbvillo Dlsi'J' 98 Hebron \V A Smith 99 1 liep-Step A S Avunt lot) Clay's J T Sitniison. Dili Iltincotnb L) Hood 125!] Riddleville VV LI English 1815 Talienmcle .) T Chambeis 1.1-15 Stonewall John Hooks I85O W milieu W G Knight I3U-I Cleveland Win A Dukes lauo Tennillo \V 1’ Davis KOTAHIES i’l IlUC. DIST 88 ,1 LI Everett 89 R D Joiner 9l) 11 Jordan Hodges 91 A \V J Wood 92 Enoch M Smith 93 Joseph Tanner 94 J 1! Jackson 95 J Frank Walker 90 W T Harrison ( J7 Wi\i Duggan DIST 98 99 Muck R Tucker lot) A il Trawick 180 S D'Sludo 125 - Henry F. Sheppard 1815 R 1’ Hynum 1845 J L Huirisou I35U W. T. Askew 1884 W T. I’rieo 1899 E S l’eacock W 15 Adams J Q Jordan W R Robison 99 James Dr mien L A Gladdin E C I’roKK, v 130 Hitt Adams Wm Murphev G W Silas 1253 W D Hunter C B Hyman J 12 Josev 1335 Sol Brooks \V E Doolittle J V Sheppard 1315 El* Bedingfield W II Bed ingficld J E Womtnack 1350 J T Alford L F Godfrey C LI ,J oynnr 1384 TB Fulfont L 13 Piieo Eli Wilson 1399 W A Sinqtiefle’.d S H B Llassey W N Hannan CONSTABLES WHO HAVE F1I.EI) 1IOADS. 92 It B Wells G 1* Smith 90,1 11 Hawkins N Wilkins 97 U W Brown 1315 J F II nninock G W Hummock Sherifi Sales. G EORGIA, Washington County. Ian 3.1 1887. I have this day levied the wait- written 1-i Fa issued from the Superior Court (lie following properly to wit: On one tiuet or parcel of laud situated; lying and being in the town of Rawsbom, Washington lonnty, Ua, containing two acres being Die mine tract conveyed to Janus \V Hudson hy Cornelius Jordan by deed hearing date Jan 2Dtli, 1881 and de scribed in said deed ns all that tract or par- eel ol land lining lying and situated on the east side o! the ilavishoro amiFenn’s|Bridge Hoad, fnmling on said road seventy yards begin 1 ng at the corner of tho Ravisboro Baptist church lot, and miming down said road to a slake eaeli side line of said two 1, -. , - acres to run square oil' from said Davisboro T Jl kiit ppltltl i and Finn's Bridge Road puralell with eaeli II. IL »MM. Ia Wood Sandersville And Tennille Leave S imlersville- -11:40 a m Arrive Samlersvillc 12:50’p) m Leave Sumlorsville 2:25"p nt Arrive Santlersville 3;U0 p m TIME TABLE OF THE WR1CJI1TSVIIJ 12, TEN N1LL12 DUBLIN R. R 18S0. To take effect November 14 GOING SOl l’U. No. 1 No. 3. A.M. I’. M. Lv Tennille Ar Harrison Ar Donovan Ar VJ rilililsv’le,,. Lv Wrightsville, Ar Lovett Ar Bruton Ar Condor 00 ...7 46 ....8 10 ....8 40 ....8 45 ....!) 15 ,...11 35 55 Ar Dublin 10 15 GOING Nonru. No 2 2 20 2 50 3 10 3 30 3 31 3 55 4 15 4^10 4 45 Nt w Bond. GEORGIA—Washington County. To whom it may concern. All persons iuuristi.d are hi-nby notified that it no good cuu e h u shown m 11,e num triiry, an nrd. r wi.l l,o granted by the under signed ontbe l'Jth dll) ol Maieh J887, estuh- li.-hing 11 in w road i s umrktd out by the Bond Coma issiouurs nj,.| ointed lor that pur pose c-onnui nemg at the Savannah toad nuir W- 'f- 4i-ylor tunning on the lines between 1. M, 7/mris^ Holiuis 4* Beell; ttunee across ihu limits of said Hi lm, s anil lteall, tlienee on the line divining me lands of II. G Wright until it creases Sinl eteek; thence to the Biniisvil e untl bcDdeisvillu roud at the tor- uer ol J. L lire.Wu's lot. This l'Jth day ot February, 1880. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. 2-17—41 For Stock Law in 13.0'Jth Dist. U. M. GEORG FA—Washington County. Ordinn-.y’s Offiee, Feb. 22d, 1887, Notice is hereby given that a petition sign, ed by 17 freeholders ol the 13t)Ulli Ldht Tl M. in said county, has been hied iu my oil lice, pray mg tor in election to he in id in mid District upon the question ot For Fence or F01 Block Law- lor said District. Now- in compliance w-fh tl e provisi ns ot $ llnoct tLo Code ot Georgia ot 1882, il is ordered that notice of me tiling ot s, id p u non he |mbli»hid tur'-U dajs in ihe ISandi-rs- vi.le hi-riALD and posted at the Court house «>AI» < 'OiVfllMOA’F.Itn l-Olt 1MM7-IKKH. DIST 88 E Llartin S T LIcAfeo W T Wood 89 L N Ratcliulor LI D Smith 15 D Joiner * 0 15 S Ht'tilw tight J A Palmer J 11 Mackey 91 A J Wood A E Rogers J LI Hummock 92 W 15 Francis S J Taylor S A Llitchell 93 C D Thigpen F A Watkins L A Tanner 94 N J Newsome VV S Collin; A T Horton 9; C J Ti ns sell Stephen May Dr J II Liny 90 J Q Cohb E C Franks John Ritchies 97 K j N Walden Wm Slade C G Rawlings 98 ,1 .15 Smith S LI Gilmore C W Elkins 99 J I Giles ./ W Veal A S 100 J D Boon G W Bateman Robert 1 loud 180 15 C Harris B F Murphev J \V Davis 125 3 A Y 11 Jordan C C Wood ward 11 F Sheppard ISI5 Geo D-olittleT R Cox T J Brooks 1845 C S Meadows R Layton II L Smith 1850 J E Gainer K II Wicker Ceo Gilmore 1384 J w Welch S X Price Lla:shill Cook 3299 J B Stephens R F Cochran W A Jordan, Ei) IS j ether, one hundred and Jiffy yards long I and seventy yards wide at eaeli end, nd- 1 ioining lauds of Cornelius Jordan and cor ner ol the Baptist church lot, bounded on I W est side hy the said Davisboro ami Fans j Bridge road North, South and east hy j lands of Cornelius Jordan, said property [ pointed out and described in (Iff, n fa. Levied on as the property of James \Y Hudson, and legal notice given us required hy law 10 tenant in spu.sscssion, Also at tin) Same time nml place will bo sold twenty acres of land morn or lossl)ing or being in tho ill Hi Dist. M. Washington county O.i. bounded on tho North hy hinds of ,1/iss Mary Hartley, on the West By hinds of IS. II. 15. Massey, 011 the South by lands of II. L. Layton, on 'letjJEist by 1 unis ofJ.L. Uozier Levied upon as tho property of R K. Hartley, to satisfy a Jmtico Court Fi Fa in favor of J, T. Ln- v igne vs it K. Hartley. Levy made i y W. F. Glenn constable of thu 91st District au i returned to me. Also at. tlie same lime and place will be sold before the Court Iiuu-te Dot r in tlie city of Satidtrsville Or. Washington county on tlie 1st Tues day in April next, within tlie cgal iiours of sale one acre of land more or less located in said city on which ttt. Mi daub's church is located , and ad joining tlie lot of James U- Floyd and otliers. Loviod on as tlie property of I’eti-r G roenliold, Mike Samuels and other. Trustees of said St Michaels church to satisfy an 1 xoculiou issued from tho Superior Court of said oouiily iu favor of E A. Sullivan against said Trustees. Property pointed out By Plaint iff. i'his March 3rd I8H7. C A WALL, Sheriff of W, C, No 4 A ;M P M ,,.,10 30 4 no ... 10 5) ....11 15 ... 11 35 ...12 05 .. 12 10 ,. 12 30 ...12 60 ... 1 30 W. B Thomas, President, Gen’l hsuperiiiletidant Nov. 14 P-'SQ. Lv Dublin Ar Condor At- Bruton \r Lovett Ar Wrightsville, Lv VV'ughtsville..., Ar Douovitu t\ Harrison Ar Tennille 515 5 30 5 60 (i 15 0 10 0 35 0 50 7 20 CENTRALR-R- Wc, theufore, repeat that we can sec no reason why either side should be expected j door in, n-vil'L at the nl.ico' ol'hiddm,': lo ask juirooii lor the part tl took in the , Court iu the ]3D!M, District ,md at n,« i>, , great conflict, The govetunient “■ 1 ,l "- - 1 ' j ost j eople hy tlie people and lor the pi means the people of Georgia, ol Illinois, ol Texas apd ol Yermuii , i' 1 , -uu ni < nt) J Uhl cl Hie j oliice, uLd anoiber )4ibJiu [ laco in TeiiLiil opU*, , with (Lo 21ili day ol l\ln\ar\' 1 hr mu-), al'te Shing is said to he tlie short cut to an iiica; but better not cxpie.-s our ideas unless wc have time to tlo so without the use of this short cut. John Henry at four; eating gu.c-n corr, was ^bothered with tlie silk, -f wish saitl he, “Whoever made this torn had put eu out Lite basting— Threads” 1887. B is 11111tier ordered that liltcon da) ihe expirutiou 01 sniff 20 da) s, to-a it on ; lliiiiMtay the< 2th day ot April, is87 no election be hi id at the election preeiin't ol I *"•*•' B-yhtb Distnet known i.s Tennillo under the seme rules urn) regulations, whmh euv V 11 the i k cl ion .11 men.teis ot the L.t Lera,- Assi ml 1) to clttermiuo the question ot "Foi oteek liiiw oiler Fence” lor said 1321)1, Uitt, ( , M Given nudfr my hand (llicially tLia 23d da) ol leLnuim. J867. A line B- 8- - ebiuul), J867 M NEW MAN. Only tract from Book ot Minutes . 2 21 -Ot .axi) v iciti a. ies 1SN7-18S8 fclST. bd R R G Walters II LI Fisher J V Nc-thingtou Jr lS9 Z T Hart Ed E Smith E N Wttmmock 90 T D Cullen G J El Vim N M J 01 dan 91_J A Jeffers Wm Kirkland G W Smith 92 J B Davis 1 E Rough*on AV r C Paradise 93 II II Holmes S J Newsome J J Tanner 94 J D He 11 W S Collins A M RiddJj 1 J A mason 11 T Downs R l5 Wail,or 9(i A C Jl unison L J Liny J LI Guns, Pistols in d Sewin Rachels 97 LI II Boyer Wm Marlin B T Rawlings The Mtittcuitv will Be sent for the small sum of $1.00 to till who pay cash when they subscribe. We will do our host to give yr.u. your money’s worth; and make the paper desirable n the future, X'UtiCC lO 'B'l'CNSptlMKCr*. I forewarn and forbid any one from tresspassing, Instiling, passing lliiotigh or in any manner, on my plantation, known as the Goodwyn place, under tlie penalty of Savannah (1a., Den. 11) 1880, On ana after this date passenger trains will ritu as Daily unless marked -j-, which are Daily except Sunday. , The Standard time hy which these trains run iu all minutes slower limn Savannah city time. , Lv Savannah.. 10:00 am 8,20 a m o; 0 pm Ar Milieu 12;35 pm 11;03 p m 8:1) p m Ar AnRnntn 4;l*>pin « bi Ar Miienn 4;50pm 3;20am Ar Atlanta 9;00\» m 7;20 a m Ar Culunibiw.. r*p0a in d;()'- in Ar Montgomery, 1 1*. 1 '* I' 111 Ar Eufauhi 'C’O P 1,1 A r Albany 10;08 p m 10;u0a 111 ltiseiigers fer Sylvnnm, Simlersvtlle. Wrightsville, Milledgoville and Ealimtim should take 10:00 a 111 train Passengers for Thoimiston, < arrollton, I’orrv, Fort Gaines, Tallin toil, Buena \ is- ta, Blakely and Clay ton slmuld take ;20 p m train. ... ... Lv Milieu... 42;55 p m 11 ;l > P 5;10 a m Lv Augusta. 10;—0 a m Oi-'O l’ 111 Lv Macon... 0,50 a m 10;50 p in Lv Atlanta.. «;35 a m 0;50 p m Lv Columbu-110;20 p m iJ 'J-> t' m Lv Montgomery 7;lopiu7;40 a m Lv Eul’aiila... HljtO a in Lv Albany... 4;50 a m 3;67 m Ar N'avimniili 5;U0 p in i-;5o a in 8;0 > a m Sleeping ears on all night passenger trains between Savannah and Augusta, and Savannah and jl/aeon, Savimnuli and Atlanta, il/acon and ColumbllH. . Train leaving at 8;20 p m and arriving at 5;55 a m will not stop to put off or take on passengers between Savannah uiiu Mil- Conncctlons at Savannah with Savannah Fltnidii and Western Railway for ail points in Florida, Tickets for all points and sleepmg ear lierllis on sale at city office, No. 20 Bull street, and depot office 30 minutes before departure ot each Uijm wmTE1IEAI) General Passenger Agent J C SHAW, Ticket Agent Davis tho law. Feb. 22d, 1887. I). G. Watkins, G. W. II. WHITAKER, DENTIST, SANDERSVILI.I2, GEORGIA. —TERMS CASH.— Ollico upstairs in tlie Photo- graph Gallery formerly occupied by T. C. Glenn, Jones Ruikling. Apr 20-’80 BARBERSHOP!- CALL ON s Aukus7.ii, (iltbsoii * Suiulci'svlllc it. it. IN KKFWTSATTUDAY Novcnihcr 14th 1881), at 4:20 ;t. tn. city time; PASSI2N'12N(il2U AN EUEIUIIT. (Except Sundays) No 1, A. M. Lv Sundersville 4..05 Lv Wartlien 4.30 Lv Iliues 6.05 Lv Mitchell 5 lo 1 4 v BelleSpri.igs 5.30 Lv Gibson a4 : ’ Ar Augusta No 3 No. 2, A. M. Leave Augusta 7.12 Lv Gi won 11.00 “Belle Springs 11-23 Lv Mitchell,,.. 11.43 Lv Hines 11-58 Lv Warlhen...l2.3) ....8.58 I ArS’vtUe., 1.12 i*. M. I Nuu I*. M. The Fanners Friend!!! IT OFF-SETS THE LOW PRICE OF COTTON, Bv cleansing tlie seed per feet, never chokes, runs light, gins fust, an a nkes it good sample. The feeder stands on the floor, it will toe tiny kind of cotton regular, every gin guaranteed ns rcprcsentntj an to give satisfaction. I*ricc» has been rcducod. Cali on or address, LANG and WILT. Manufacturers Agents, Sundersville, Georgia. For full description. prices und terms. A gin w 11 be kept in stock where it cau bo sete tinny time. COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA ■ - [GEORGIA offer their aorvioos to tlie plans'-rs and merchants of Washington county, 75c a bale commission, no storage when sold on arrival or within 15 days,* If sent of the A. G. A’ S. It. It. all expenses including freight draysers. commission and Insuranoo will not be over $2.10 for n 5001l> balo. Mr! Jot dan has been in the business for 12 yours and we guaranUe porfoct satisfaction in every respect, Give us a trial and if yon visit Augusta, we give you tv cordial invitation to visit our ollico, we will gladly weloomo 'you and do all in our power to ploasoyou. -IRON WORKS. XjiSL'ogf cto "Wilt, Propt’r s. Sandersville, Ga. LI unit fact urora and Dealers in; Steam Engines of all stylos. Saw Mills. Grist Mills. Cotton Gins, Presses ami Machinery of ullkinds A lull linejjot Rubber ^ und Leather Belting k pt iu stock. Steam and Water Valves, Steam pipes and Fittings, Inspirators Machine Oils and Mill Supplies. ’ Repair work solicited and prompt v done nud as cheap and well as can ho dono ull Machinery sold by us wo guarantee to bo as rep. resented, r Write or call on us for Prices nud ■*' soription of anything want d iu the Machine line. HENRY 15UANTLEY, THE 0 FASHIONABLE BARBER P HOTEL BLOCK Mrsville, Georgia, ^ RESTAURANT Lv Samlursville 2 18 | Lv A tig Data 4 0U Lv War.lien 2.55 | Lv Iic|4izibah 5.0.') Lv Hiae* ,,.,3,35 j Lv Gilvui 1 7.10 3.50 | ‘Belle Springs7.25 Lv Belle Springs 4.10 | Lv Mitchell...7.45 Lv Gibson 4.25 | Lv Hit)eu 7.58 Lv lle|ih/.ihah...7.28 | L.v Wartlien.....8.35 Ar Almost ,.8.45 | Ar Santlersville 8.58 8 U N DA Y—1*A881CN(i KUS ON LY. No 1 A.M. 1 No 2 A.M. Lv 8antieravvile5.0(1 | Lv Augusta 8.14 Lv Wartlien..,,.,5-25 Lv He|)hz,'tbaii..l) 21 Lv Iliues ft.00 ( Lv Gibson 11.28 1 l.v Mitchell 0.10 I “BelleSpringe 11.41 H i l.v Belle Springs 0.25 I L.v Mitchell...11.50 l.v Gibson.,,, 0.3" [ Lv Mitres 12.00 l.v IIephzibah...8.40 | I,v WartUen... 12.41 Ar August ,0— | Ar KimWt'sviBcl.OO N<> 3 r. m. ( No 4 t‘- m. l.v Sandersville 2.27 | Lcav Aaugusla 3.03 Lv Wat-then 2,52 | l.v IIe|>h/,ihali..4 10 l.v Hines 3.27 I l.v Gibson 0.18 Lv ALitchcll ....,,3 37 j “ Belle Springs 0 30 l.v Belle Springs 3 52 | l.v M itchell 0 45 Bv Gibson ,.4 04 | fiv Hinas 055 Lv Heph/.ibah ...0 10 | Lv Wartlien....7 00 Ar Augusta 7 OP | Ar Sandersville 7 35 K. M, MITUilELL, Fvesiduit. I am now prepared to serve my ohl. customers and the Ti'tivcling l»iil»Hc, at my ucw stun I under the Mercury ollicc. 25, 50 and 75eents. Rt-spectfully, EJLPKEDGE BLAND gx If your watch is out of order take it to the old relia ble, A. J. Jernigan and Son’s Jewelry Store. BUN SHOP. Repaired by 1;’. Machines TWILLEY, on J, The undersigned arc prepared to negotiate 1,0.AN Ul'OX REAL KS ta i ]•:, security or approved GOL- LATEltAL paper. Terms easy. Evans & Evans, Attorneys at Law. NOTICE! $1.000.000 to EosC! All payJv-i in Washington and Baldwin couulic t-wLosc loans on improved farms mature iu 1880, and desire“EN.TENSJON" i.t greatly reduced rates: will find il to theif advantage to call nun sec me at their earliest convenience, at my office iu Court House, Sandersville, where my rep- lu Mr. Buitj. | *» * m l*"" 1 - \\ thdt. oil li residence. \V. R, Till GLEN. Notice. I hereby notify all parties that on the third day of December IHSli, ] withdrew from ami erased to hour every interest iu this mill business of Sheppard ami Com pany mid will not lie responsible for any of the debt* of the concern. Howel anil J/athew Sheppai d retaining tlie properly and becoming responsible lor all outstand ing imlebteunesH. D. T. lhtrko Dec. 18th 1880. Notice 1 hereby forewarn any one from trading Cot- the following notes as they tire lost or stolen. Ono in favor of mysell given hy W;n II. Smith of Washington enmity for it'll!,'). One in favor of myself given By Squire Martin for ijHU. One in favor of myself given by lienj. Davis for $14. One in favor ol myself given by Secney Newton for $1)7. One against Win Smith ot Johusou cQuuty for $110. Moses Smith Dee. 10th 18S(i. A. PETITION GEORGIA, 'Washington County, To the Superior Court u( said Coun ty. The petition of A. Mathis, John G. Hannan, Samuel G. Lang, Wal ler Stephens, William A. McCarty. Bradford E. Houghton, B. Church Harris, William Rawlings, William Martin, Irwin L. Adams, and others. Shows that they have entered in to an association under tlie name and style of the Washington Coun ty I’ubUshing Company; that the object of said Association is t he printing and publication of a week ly newspaper and doing job work in tlie city of Sandersville, in said county and state, with the (lower to rent, purchase, and hold property, t eal and personal, ta sue and be sued, and to exorcise all powers usually eoufei'cd upon corporations ot sUnuhvrcluu-aoter, as may he con sistent with the laws of Georgia; j and that said 1’ G'umpanv is to have its place of business in said county, and is to be operated avid run hy said association for live purpose af printing, publishing and sending out to subscribers and oth- 1 ers a weekly newspaper, to he known ;ts the Middle Georgia Progress, ami to connect with the said paper a complete job office for priming cir culars, bill heads, letter heads, and work of like character and selling the same for profit. Petitioners further show that, the capital stock of suid association vs Five Thousand Dollars; and that l' ivc Hundred Dollars ol said eapi tal stock lias been paid in. Your Petitioners pray the passing of :m order by said Honorable Court, granting lids their application,, and Dial they and their successors he incorporated fat' and during a term v.tot exceeding twenty \ctii-s, with .lie privilege ol renewal tit tho expi ration of said twenty years, for tlie purpose herein before sot forth. And }ouv Uetiiioiiers will ever pray* K G. JORDAN, Attorney for Petitioners. Georgia Washington County, inie extract from, minutes, Superior Court, liouk E. 1 4 A'M'MAYG, Clerk. January 2/tli, 1887. i’ irst OJuss painting at M, II Bikd a Carnage slvup, (•HAND JCKV. Fur the March Term 1887. B’m. Lindsey, l) r , S. A. Mills, )E It. Hall, Dr. C. 1. Dae Li, IP. 11. O Ouinn, C. II. Pringle, Tnomas Warthen, Wm. Fros), A- S. Jloalright, Q. W. peaivcl', IF. II. May, Jas. Sailer, J. II. Wilkerson, lieu, F. Walker, B. M. English, W. II. Weedon, (leu. W. Smith, das. IE Mills, M ■ E. Wartlien, Muses T. Swint, 0. 11 P. 1'eaH, II . It. lluhisun, 1. J. Peeler, il. F. Shepjiard, Traverse Jury fur the First Wei March Term 1887. M. G. I Pood Jr. IE. Jl. Jernigan, (jhas. 31, Dailey, Duht, Young, Mark A. Wood, JEm. C. Nurthingto Stephen F. New, G. W. II. Whitaker, Jas. E. Page, Dr. G. M. Duggan, Dev. Jus. M. Smith, Wm. Sinquejield, C. J. Trussed, Dr. A. T. (Jiratham. M. II. Doyer, Wm. F. Doolittle, Jno. F. Salter, Jas. J. Walker, E. T. Dockets, Wm. J. Hush, W, T. Wammock, Thomas F. Drown, Muses J). Smith, t/nsephJ. Under wo A. N. B am mack, ll'atter Stephens, jGm A. Smi li, Isaac Brooks, Geo. M. Brantley, It. II. Braswell, J. S. Joyner, 11. ,/. EurreU, D. S. Burns, ,/. D. Brantley, Jno, Slukhs, I. J. Orr, A. S. Pridgen, I Pm A. Wood, Wm. Bur gamy, J M. II. Odum, T. J. Taylor, S. J. Taylor, J. J. Palmer, A. A. Rogers, Jno. C. Williams, C. It, Rainwater, Traverse Jury fin' the Second Wee March Term, 1887. Geo. W Salter, Jas. II. Jackson, O. J. 3iartin, 3lark A. Brown, Jas. A. Wilson, Geo. G. Waddell, IP«i. AL Everett, J. Frank Boatrig W, IF, Carry, Thomas Smith, J. P. Williams, W, P. Smith. Jas. It. Boatright, S. A, Fleetwood, Jas. Ellis, w. A'. Joyner, J. A, Marlin, Newt. 3D Jordc Jno. A. Martin, H. B. Hooks, A- F. Sessions, J. C. Morrison, A’,Diirgamy,' 6’. C. Walts, G.F. A cant J. W. Walker, W.J. Irwin, Jno. T. Webster, Geo, IF Waller, X. D. Tompkins h Wm. 11. Costar, T. D. Cullen*,, Tennille High School Male and Female. Tennille, —Georgia VV. Iu .DUGGAN, A. Mjt’rin. Tlie Spring Teem ol thi& im.tit'iti oiwm 011 Aloud iy, January 10th, 188,7. Thorough instruction will be given in orivaclies couvmouly t tught in High ScliO 1 Pupils will bu prep trod to eater p* ill Bolloget - For further inloruntion apply to ,'i' Principal or to S. R. Kjlley, Pres,. Bos Truntecs Tennillo Ga, I cc. !)D 1830—U'.