The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, March 22, 1887, Image 2

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The Mercury IU Sheriff's Organ For Washington ( ow».* |.y. l*nOliiti€iiby A. J. Jernigan & Co., —)PV»LHHKU8 * ritOPRIKTORS.( — 9i!U»KRMVli LK, • • ■ • (JK01MJIA. MkRCHU N : n| • • - • IM7 TUESMT, $1.03 For Subscription to Mercury,; one year. (•valid Jury presentments. Tb* Qrsnd Jnry of the Soper or ConF. *»• l.ctail, o o*en snd * »orn tor the Msieb term 1W7. l*-g 1«-sto to m k* the lollow eg Gen- ti.l Presentment*: We In) grslefr.1 io »n i 1-wlss Providence for tbs in' nilolil blessings He ov.towed upon «l slid tor the enre lie bits t.'t.n of ns end ours during tbe post jeer. Onr peo ids sr# g< nerslly bcsltby; no pestiiei c* bi.» visit!due; our harvest »** sbondsit; pro vision* sre plentifol, snd cheap, and w huve none suffering lor tbe necessHiiea ot lile; pesce snd quiet reigu *upr<on ly through ml Trap' rsry Losn.. 900 our county ■ and, though, money is scarce, lieu ti o 1 si Collector. 600 it U not a necessity, hi d we feel that we have •• ol Ulasceok eo and sala ol cattle 37. 11 . It n olliitii »utit ltd iLUch to be thanklul lor, An investigation of onr county i.ffsir* i •1 owa that our eipensea greatly t ic ad our Our revenue being H 3 *23 30 | < xbibits bis nets snd doiugs aud the Record ol prisoners now shows who wns rceived at the jail, for what offence committed and the disposition made of them; from it we And that nine prisoners wire received in the past six months, flveof them were sent to M rights- ville jail and one to Macon jail. Two were con lined in tbe Calaboose in Sandersville and it being very insecure they made tbeir es cape, and one was committed recently to the here. Tbe changes and alterations of which are however still incomple e, and the Building as a jail 1* in its present condition very nna.>lr, the TnF.Asonp.n's OFPicr, Sine onr last report has changed bands and we superintended its transfer from Oapt. P. R Taliaferro, who was a faithful and oon- -cii ntions officer, to bia successor Joseph R. Thigpen; at that time the showed as follows: BECXIPTS. Temporary Loans $8671.20 llahinoa of Tax of 1886 41 20 On Aocountof Tax 1886 1263 20 Prom other sources .... 121 10 Total 16,300.70 KXI’KNDiTUUU. balance due Tram, last Report.... 213.27 Jury Script 1304.00 County Script 12401.83 Corn'ra on ltsieipts 317,40 “on Expenditure, 298,67 J 617.17 • ola' 14,715 06 Au-inat paid lo J. H. Thigpen 681.73 16,306.70 Since that time and up to the first of March the 1 rea-iire - has received. 900 00 00 80 office rent 60.00 oifoimer treasurer 681.73 Totul UAEKDITl'nKS. 2179.53 And onr .ipenaes. H',048 06 r , id 8orip t $1830.02 t .. 2,224 68 Jury Con. mission on Expenditures. “ " Receipts, Total 6.00 46 05 37.44 allowing a deficiency of We fael centtdent onr Ordinary will contin ue to exert every means to onrtnil expense, and keep our oounty Irnui get'ing behind in her ficanoea. snd in this laudable underb*. Tot# j $1'.126 61 king he will be assisted, we hilieve, by ev«- . CmU on h,nd 264.02 ty (ffleer in our oounty. V. hsve, by committee*, examined the $2179.63»fflo** of the coufity, bnd, in *• do- Qood order and perfect system is lobe fog, have been greatly aided in our labor* by y OUO( | )n thii office, and the nccouuts are the reports of the finance (ommitlee, *p- , cbrreo Hy and easily understood. Tbe noibted by the Isst Ursnd Jury, ? I '' c " " ! J ur y cetlittctlei suil Cously Script «m c»r»- f ere inserted, having l>v* n adopted by this , , ull ' , xtn iiued and compared, and then Orand Jury as part of tbeir Genital rreaeul- . coun | el j nu j burned in the preacuco of the sueuta. rtasNca covmittxs's nnroiiT. To the Grand Jury of Washington Co., March Urm Superior Court 1887. Gentlemen: Tbo Finance Committee of the Ctunty, appointed by )our predecessor*,beg leave, mbit r<spictfully, to aulmit to you the folh.wirg report: We have pi rformed our duty faithfully to 4h* beat of out ibillty. TIiboiiunabt'b officb ta, aa nrual, In most excellent order; the books nestlv kept, snd tv. ry psprr properly recorded. Tbe records full snd complete, properly indexed and easily releried to. . 1 bn expense of tbe County for lbs past y*ar waa a* follows: l to Jtmout refunded ) W J. A. Robson, V tat col overpaid ] Office furniture for lex col. A cl'k court R*fe and freight for lax ecllector From March From Hept, T . , o Kept. 1886. 86 to M'ehB7, 40 085.00. 126.00. . .686. CO Transcribing tax digest 26 00 125.00 112 80 ‘I, 00 86.00...$0).... 93.00 112 80.... 70.00 ...70 00 Rarveylng new and A changing dial, lint* Rslanoe dua clerk duplex index Insurant e on courthouse 60.00. .24 23.. .74.26 General account in-) eluding janitor, rc-T 169.23. .ICO 50. .310.S2 (pairs and postage ) A.outt expenees in-1 666 08 331 95, .887.03 elusive jury acrip | Revision jury box ( 45 99 45 00 clerk and commis rs 1 Horn* for Poor 1185 7C.12C4.11.2H9 87 Mew building*at Horn* 391 t>9... . 31169 Ont door poor 180.07. 324 12 .00 > 10 Offlca book*, print- I 292.99. .196 73. .489.72 ing and stationary i m Lunacy trials and } support of lunatic* > 284.60...157.20, ,405.70 and epileptic* ) Registration expanse* 96.47 Election expense*.. ..208.00.. .492.55. .795.72 Jail expends 601 40.. .469 16..960.56 Roads and bridges. .2208 UH.. ,953.37.3167.35 Ualarv of Ordinary. .200 00 . .100 00. .300.00 In quests .39 50... .32.00... 71 50 Chain gang acoonnt.. 18 20.... 18.20... 36.40 Jnry acrip A com'tee 1822,00.1410.00.3232.00 Lot for jail, removal, j and fnsw buildings - 1405.47.1655,47 on jail lot ) Total* $9,330 37 7402 69 $16,733.00 THE BOMB FOE TBE 1-JOB. This inslilution is well kept and its in- mstfs amply provided for. Tbe expense in curred in its luaintainaDce is large. The present year, although only $381.69 was for new buildings, tbe paupers ol our coun y iiiaw (torn thu treasniy the sum of $3315 75. and if lo tbit we add thu sum of $405.70 laid for lunatics *Dd epileptics, it makes the amount puid out $3751.45, and ve huve been asked by several if tbe cost oi the support ol our paupers could not bo lessened, this is a question lor your body to consider, it is an important one, and requires attention. Rut it an institution for the support of our poor ia to be maintained at a great expense, ought not all—including Lunatics, Epelepdc* and out door poor be required to go there. Du ring tbe pasteix months (here have been lour death at the Rome, one white and three col ored. , . , The number of Inmates at this time are as fellow*: W bits Males 7 15 •• Total 22 Ci lore-1 Mules 4 •• Friusles 5 •« Total 9 Total Whit# snd Colored. 31 Treasurer and oi eaoti other. TBE CLFRK OF TBE fUi’KBIOB COl’bT. This official, A. M Mayo, has placed all things in hi* department in excellent order. Every paper bus been recorded, bled and in dexed, the recording alone taking up seven hundred and Utty pages together with other work. The dudes ol this office are heavy, but will performed. At the last September court the Chile issued Jury Haripl to the amount of $lt'0.00 and at the March court, 1886, to the a-uount of $1822.00, uukiug a total of >.>232 00. This office 1 a to be congratulated upon the present condition ol affairs in his office. TUE TAX COLLECTOR'* OFFICE. An cxumiuation shows the total amount of Tax on the Digest one (beoounty lo be $13,- 902.67, of this there has be. n paid to the trsasun r $13,163.28. Paid lo Receiver on hie eelary $182.89. AmcULt of tex collided noton the digest re ported 10 ue, $402, oi which the Kiate's share is $187.60 uud ik« county's share $214.40. The errors in Digest allowed by the Ordinary are $168 25, of w hich tbe State's part is $78.- 72 snd the county's share $89.53. Tbe Dice- sou tax restrained Irorn oollectiou $187.90, of which the county's part is $100 20, and tbs State's share is $87.70. Tax Collectors commission, $361 37, Insolvent tax as claim ed by fi las $382.26, of which tbe State's eh re is $178.19 and the county's share $2' 4.16. Totul on* $14,117.07 •• paid 14,101.44 Balance due 15.63 lie regret to sav that this office is not in s condition we would desire. The stnbba in the receipt hook do not comply with the law. In place of containing the name of the tax payer, the amount ol tax paid, on what ac count paid, date of payment, elo., they are generally blank and contain nothing. The executions placed in the hands of the Constable* are returned many oi them without any entry whatever on them, and others haying various and irregular en tries not in conformity to law. frequently the sinnature of of the officer being omit ted- They are accompanied by no affida vit of the officer that lit lisa done hie beat tv cullect them as the law requires. Should not theae officers he required in conse quence of the great irregularities in their re- tnriiH to come before your body anil be sworn as to their action in the collection of these fi fas? They should have them in hand on the 20lh day of December and to return them by the 20th day of January, Yet the court wuacouipelled louse its ail- authority to secure a return ut this term of court. Why were-they so slow? wit* is to bhinu? It is to be regretted that in sixteen districts in our county thu Constables have given no bond and this no doubt to a certain extent delays the collection of these execu tions. Hancock county has had an injunction issued restraining our Collector fiom col lecting the tux on the Dickson lands lying in Wasldi-gton county amounting to $187.93 It whs properly returned in this county ami belongings here and we can see no good reason for its going into the Treaaury of another county. The execution* as issued from our col lector do not comply with the laws requir ing an original receipt from the stub and receipt hook to accompany the Fi Fa, The special taxes have all been collected viz: From Llquortax $300- 00 " Sewing J/nchin* (Brantley)$10-00 “ Show (Dellaven).- $1600 in good repair and most excellent eondi'ion except the jail, which ia in nn unfinished state, at tliia lime, therefore, very insecure. But little attention has been given to ven tilation, and no nrrancement has been given to warming the building when necessary dnriug the wlncer season. It must he done nnd we request it on the score of humanity lo make it comfortable, the bed-clotidng we think insufficient. HOME FOBTllK POOR, The committe appointed by the last Grand Jury to supervise llic Home for the Poor have reported, as well as the commit tee from this body, who visited the home to inspect it. It is" well kept nnd in good condition, those in charge pcrfotiniog their duty- We regard this ns Washington county’s noblest charity. It is maintained at great expense, and we therefore desiic its benefits extended to nil who require the charity of our - minty; For lids reason we recommend the abolition of the list of all out door poor after the 1st of June next, a.itl request all to go thcro and enjoy the privileges there extended; but none to lie admitted unless they have tesidetl m the cuttnjy for at least two years immediately preceding their application for admission. A careful estimate of our expense* for the coming year and the probable amount of taxable property returned will in our opin ion make it necessary for the Ordinary to nssssa a tax of forty ctnts on the hundred dollars to meet the demands upon onr county treasury nnd we iccomme-nd that that rate he assessed. ST A X 111 N (J COAIMITTI Eg. We have appointed as standing com mitte to visit the convict camps during the coming year at such times as shall seem t» them best. Geo. W. Peacock. C. R. Pringle, and J. O. Peeler. The standing committee to visit the Home for the Poor James W. Smith, W. N. Harman nnd BS. Boatwright And as County Finance Committee for the coining year we re-appoint H. N. IIol- llffeld, 11. J. Tarbuiton nnd J. 11. Roberts. All of the committees to report lo the Grand Jury at the Fall term of this court their acts and doings as well as at the next Spring erm of the court. COUNTY FCII00I. COMMISSIONER. The hooks nnd papers of the County School Commissioner have been examined by us nnd found correct and in J order. The report of the- Finance Committee in reference thereto is adopted by us and made a part of these presentments. We won hi insist with them on the imporntneo of insist ing upon all teports from the public schools being approved by the local hoard before being audited by the county Commissioner. We insert the reports as follows: Iti compliance with my duty and the laws, I herewith submit to you my nnmuil report ns County School Commissioner for the past year ending December 31st 1886 There were seventy-nine teachers exam ined, of which number sixty-seven were li censed and twelve njected. A number holding cei tificates of llie second nnd first grades, licing for two and three years re spectively, were not re-< xnnitied. The whole number of schools in thi county was 104, of which 64 were white und 40 were- colored; The attendance ns follow: White Males ' 1117 White Female* 1154 officers be furnished m-oMu-r docket, so that the civil niul uritnual business may bo kept seporato. PUBLIC ROADS, The public roads Imvo received onr attention. They are in passable order, except tlioso in jtlie !)7th district. Tin- road leading from Sandt-rsville toward Milledgovillo from tttiuderavillo t> K- g creek, nnd the abutments of the bridge over Keg creek need repairing; also the road leading from 8 inder-viile to War then at doublo branches needs attent on The road commissioners of this district have been before us, and we believe lint in a very short time these roads "ill be put in a good condition; nnd we would call the attention of all road com missioners in the county to tho neces sity of keeping their respective rciuls in good conditions; and the prompt re moval of all obstihctions as may occur, nnd if said obstructions arc not removed within live days they will bo presented lo the next Grand Jury. Wo recom mend that (he Ordinary furnish the Sheriff a receipt book for the purpose of taking receipts for nlljexeeiitions or Fi Fas that may be taken from liis office. We have had before us a petition from some of our business men asking for n portion of the public square on which to erect a bank nnd cotton ware house nml also to exempt it from taxa tion by the county for ten years The capitol to be fifty thousand dollais. \Ve after fully considering the matter would, if it call bo doiw, recommend that 110 bmikink and Warehouse coni- pai y (if they have a cash capitol o. fifty thousand dollars) bo exempted from taxation for the time asked for. H e |rceomniend that our members of the Legislature have a bill passed to this effect. We recommend the nppointmort me 1 the following Notaries Public in their respective districts: High School Male and Female. Tennille, —Gcoorgi a \V. L.'rDUGGAN, A. M. Pi'in 89.. . .dist.. ..13. D. Joyner, 38.. . .(list.. . .OhaH. E. Elkins. 136.. . .dist.. . .Simon 1). Slutlu. 1345.. . .dist.. ,.J. Lewis Harrison. 1350.. . .dist. . .. Wm. L. Knight. Total While 2271 Colcrtd Males 1061 Colored Females 1201 Total Colored ...2202 Total White nnd Colored. 4633 Avcisge attendance 3-<43 29-100aver*gecosl of tuition pcrscliool per month wns$l 40 of wliieli 71.4 cents was paid by the State fund. The branches of study taught were as follows: Orthography 4385 Rending 3545 Writing 2659 English Grnmmrr 1226 Geography 1400 Arithmetic 2370 Tha total of the school 1 fund for 1886 was / $7826.02 The total expenditure* .$7666.92 ^ Onr Hon Ordinary Mark Newrnsu a nn '•bia and efficient officer and prompt iu the 'diacharga of over)- dnty, aud the coudi nn ol affair* in his office it would he difficult to im- p ova upon. TAX RECEIVER Books-show a toisl value of property in thf oounty of $3 475,666 00 this at 40 cent* on th* hundred dollars giv. a ua a couuty Tax $13,902.07 Tbv'po.u aa returned are, White 1753 Colored ’n-tal number of Foils. 3 621 Fiofesslous ....45 ’ Tue looks are ntatly made out bnt w, find soil# omissions, parties not being re turned, uLd this iu our opinion is to a great * Client owing to the tuilure ol tbe Justin* 01 Vne Peace in tbe several districts, lo return H tbqT-<x Receiver a full and complete list of all lie taxable cdiEtns in iheir re-pictivi ' diatriyts, tLis is tbi r duty under theL ws und tbeir oath ol cilice us we understand it, (section ot Ibe Code No. 457.) We may be wioug ill our opinion, but if light we hope some measure ui-‘J bo tukou lo compel tbe tumisbing of tbise lists iu future, and tbe psvine ol them tor the services perlormed, It will greatly sssiat the Receiver in the dm- obarga of hwdu j and be of. v..lue to tbe to inly and ot beuclit lo the Tax payer, du mber trouble in our county iB tbe iailure ot Constable* 10 give bond, only four dis tricls having officers wbo have filed their blind, aud we have experienced great trouble as well ns vexatious delays in getting returns from these officers 01 tbe tax executions placed in tbeii hands, of some oi them in lact—without the assistance of your body we would no doubt have failsd iu. obtaining a uompluto report. Ine Official Bonds of onr county officers making a total of. $325.00 Wc have asked for, but have not re- c-rive l, the names nnd amount puid by those not on the digest- The total howevar, is given ns shown in this report. The expenses of o lr county last year were very heavy, notwithstanping the in creased vnlue of property nnd the larger per cent, levied, yet the revenues of the county f iled to meet the demands of the several departments. Much .of the increase might he termed and placed under the head ofextraorJinaiy ex;eu es, such as moving jail, repairing the same, the erection of a house for the jailor, purchasing lot, and the erection of new bridges, nearly ad hav ing been swept away by the flood; and as the increase of this character could nolle iorcsscn, no steps could be taken lo prevent it ami probably it will never occur again Fur this reason w* feel assured that a tax. the same as last year of forty cents on the hundred dollars will he sufficient to meet the demands of the county next year, re lieve it of its burdens, and leave our treas ury in n healthy condition, ready to begin nno hir year. Wheu necessary, however, this yesr, temporary loans can he had to meet our piesent necessitses at eight per cent, per annum. Parties arc anxious toloan it to our county at that rate. Horatio N. Hoelifielii ) liENj J. Takbuttcn V Finrnee C>n-« John 13. Kobkiits J Wc recommend a settlement with the Collec'or herein set forth. We having altered the committre’s report to some ex tent so as lo arrive ut a conclusion and make a settlements, we feel confident the committee will not find fault with us for taking the liberty so to do, for we are in full accord with them in every respect, and we would have been very much gratified if Leaving balance on hand $168 1C Great difficulty has been experienced in the locating of schools, and the keeping thc mimber within bounds. The fund being •mall for the umount of work it is required to do, it is impossible to make ill the schools as efficient as they shall d be. The passage of the Blair bill by Congress, and thu additional fund that would be received therefrom, would, however, obviate the difficulty. The effi rt made by me to have all repoit* of teachers approved by the local lioards before receiving and auditing them has been partially successful, and 1 think, should he insisted upon, except in some rare cases to be judged of by the County Board of Education. Hesncetfully Submitted, II N Hollifiki.d, School Commissioner, W C We have examined the hooks and vouch ers of the County School Commissioner, nnd find them neatly and correctly kept. Wc found among the teachers' accounts sonic that were not approved hv the trustees ol llieir schools. That this should not bo is patent, and wc would suggest that the com missioners insist oil the endorsement of the local board, and he authorized to refuse all accounts not thus approved. The receiptsand expenditures are as follows: RECEIPTS, j Cash on hand of Coinmis \ sianer as per last report j 21 Am't ree’d from poll lax in '86 $2244.00 “ “ ‘‘ “ previous year $813.98 from Stato School Counn’r 4893 83 Total $7825.02 EXPENDITURES, Am’t paid teachers $7346.92 Salary School Commissioner $308.00 Incidentals $20.00 Cash in hands Commissioner $168.10 eltcvea Hi Jcnuaiv last, have uil be»u nled ■ the laws governing the office of ColTectar luio nre raustac.iwy. ; had been fully complied with. thf. Sheriff a cffice | i-oblic buimhnuf, ^gd^Imit^TneE^uti^ugkG > E-Ths publie buildings of the tour.ty , $7825.32 Relative to the number of schools taught and the number of children in attendance the past yesr we would refer you to the commissioners report which you will find lull and complete. B J Tarbutton \ J B Roberts j Finance Committee JAIL. The jail fees are in our opinionFtoo high snd we recommed that the jailer be Allowed thirty cents per day for the feeding of prisoner*. The settlement by the Ordinary with James H. Jackson, tlie lesee of the couuty chain gang must be made in aecor lauco with the contract with the county and the books of the Ordinary, We, however, recommend that he be paid twenty dollars for the capture of two convicts who escaped from tno former leasee. Our committee who visited tbe convict camp re ort it in good order, but no arrangement what ever for the warming the stockade during the winter months, nnd making it comfortnble for tlio prisoners wheu conliued iu it on Sundays, and on in • clement days during the y iar. DOCKETS OF JUSTICE />F PEACE AND _ NO TAR. 18 PUBLIC. The dockets of the Justices of Pc-ace aud Notaries Public of the county have all been received (with the exception of the Justjco docket of the 94th and 136th districts), all of which have been exam- inedaud found correct (and in accor dance with law, but find that only one docket has been furnished these t’ffic :rs ootopelliug the keeping of the civil and orimnal ctiscB in the san e docket. We would thercfo.re_recotnmeud that tin se We recommend that W.[S. Collins Ik- j paid $10.00 for the buviel of two patio pers, wo also recommend that the 1 Ordinary be requested to sell the eom- pany a lot, on the south-west corner of the public square on whiobtto erect a i bank building not more tlum 25 by 10 feet. PnOIIIBlTION. As this is the first Superior Court ses sion belli siDi-e the 1 <-nl optiou act was ad opted by the people of Uih county, and m it is a subject of gruend reuinik that “this session ol tlio Coatl las been the must quiet (>tni ever held iu the county," we iliiuk wc hut n fleet the vieus ot tho poo- plu of the oounty in sttribniing this 1 u.-py -tute of nlltdrs In tbe barrooms causing drinking and drunken men. Wo n juice also iu tbe prospect ol lessen ing couit expenses in the county, ss it must folluw ns a natural r»-«i.It under pro hibition; uud hope that all good ci izeus ol the county will not only abstain I mm the violation of the local optiou law them selves, but will use their influence iu pre- vmting others from so doing, uud in tv. r\ way possible assist in I Dton-itlg tho l.i-v, whleii promises to do so tuuoli lor tho peo ple of tho county, not only financially, hut iilso iur the ulovulinu ot the morals ot the people and for the cause of humanity. Iu taking leave ol ids Honor J udge Sam uel Lumpkin,it is with pleasure that we beur testimony to his kindnews and cour tesy as a gentlt man as wi II ius to his abili ty as a Judge and his knowl- dgo in a law yer aud thank him lor tho impartial man ner in which be bus discharged Lis du- li< R. To Hon. O. II. Rogers, onr esteemed So licitor, we teil under m iuy obligations lor courtesy exti luted, us well as lor the zeal and ability manib sted by him iu Ids oi- tlcial capacity and to him and to their Honors Ja.lge’s lliue* uu.l Lumpkin, we tender iu behalf ot our people, tin ir grati tude for tbe milliner in which they ha\o disposed of the busius-B ot the Court, cut ting shell its sessions und thus suvi g out county great expense. lo h s Honor Judge Jus. K Hines, we leel generally indebted lor his able and eumprelionstve charge to this ho ly as well as lor hi* prompt discharge ot all the du ties of liis position, maintaining tho dig nity ol the bench and eutoreing order in the Court, such as does credit to his he . i and heart. We fuel that ho ia a good Judge, deservedly popular uud our people leel proud of him. We resomtneud that tbise presentment bo published iu the three Banders!ills pa pers at Ilia regular rates formerly charged by the Herald and tne Mnrcury and the umoiiLl lie divided equally between the three papers GEU. W. fl. WHITAKER, Foreman. \t a . A. BiNquEFiEin, Keoretury The Spring Term of tins institution opens on Monday, .I notary 10th, 1887. Thorough instruction "ill he given in ah ; ranches commonly taught in High School* Pupils will he prepared to enter any clsss iu 'oileget .I, For further information apply to the Principal cr to S. R. Kelley, Pres. BoaiU Trustees Tennille Ga, ec. !)D 1886—tf. gTW. H. WHITAKER^ DENTIST, SAKDKRSYILLK, Ci KORGIA. —TERMS CASH.— OUloo upstairs in tIur lMiotn gitipli Gallery t’ortnoijy ooi'iipiud 11v T. ('. Olt:mi, Jones lluildinj. Apr 20-’80 JERNIGAN & SON will iix your wat ch or clock as ch cap, if not cheap er than anyone else, come and see. NOTICE! M .000.000 lo l.otli! All parties in Washington and Baldwin cotintie swlmsn loans on improved I'.irnu mature in 1886, and de«ire“KXTKNSlON” :.t greatly reduced rates; will find it to their advantage to call und see me ot their earliest convenience, at my olliee in Cour. House,Sandcrsviilo, where my r .p- rcstfiitat.itivu or my self will he pleased lo accommodate them. W. K. THIGPEN. 51(111(11’. I hereby notify all parties that the withdrew interest in und Com i for any llowel and iVm. Frost, liinius W. Mills, W. U, Wec-don, ti N. HollitieUI, W. It. Hall, W. E Doolittle, lienj.S. Boatright, G. W, .Smith. G. W. Wilson it. English, Chas. J. 'l'ruaae 1 !, W. it Uobnon, M. T. Swint, J. i). Pago, Wm. Lindsay, Isaac J Fueler, (J. B Pringle, Peacock. A Captain's I'wrliinalc Discov ery. Capt. Coleman, solir, JFeymoulli, plying between Atlantic City and N. Y., had been troubled with a cough bo llmt be win unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King’s Now Discovery for Consumption. It not only gave him iustuut relief; but allayed the extreme soreucsB in his breast. His children were similarly affected aud a single dose Imd the same happy effect. Dr Kings Now Discoveay is now tlio standard reme dy iu the Coleman household and on board the schooner. Free Trial Bottle of this Standard Remedy at Kawling Drug Store. third day of I>.caliber 183 from and era-. il lo hour every this mill business of Sheppard paay and will not he reaponsild of the debts of the concern, J/atheW Shcppaid retaining the proper!) and becoming responsible fur a l outstand ing indebtedness. I>. T. Burke Dec. 18th 18S6. Notice I hereby forewarn any trading for the following they are lost or stolen favor of myself given by Smith of Wnalii’n $135. One in favor >ne I mm notes a" One in W:n II ton comity for of myself given by Squire Martin for • v10. One in favor of my sell given by 13onj Davis for ijili. One in favor ol myself given bv Stieney Newton for $97. One against Wm Smith ol Johnson county for $110. Moses Smith. Dec. 10th 188(5. Tennille, Georgia. vStlnated convenient to the depot. Polite setvants. Good rooms uud charges reasonable. llcspeetfnll v, J. C. HAMILTON, Proprict ir. RESTAURANT 1 tun now prepared to serve my old customers and the Trsav*‘!it»u D'uhlir. at my new stand under the Mercury olliee. Meals 25, 50 and 75conts. Respectfully, ElC.D'Z.'K,?Mi!) A $20.00 BIBLE REWARD. 'I’he undersigned are prepared to negotiate LOAN UPON’ IIUAU KS TA IT, security or approved COL LATERAL paper. Terms easy. Evans & Evans, Attorneys ut Lnxv. Notice to 'I'resspiissei’s. I forewarn and forbid any one from tresspassing, hunting, passing in any manner, on my Good tvyn place, under the penalty ol Davis tlie Feb. 22d,‘1887. Notice. 1). G. Watkins. The publishers of Rutledge’s Monthly oiler twdre valuable rewards in their ! tilloilgil of Monthly lor February, among which is the ; plantation, known as til following: We will give $20.00 lo the person tellin us which i* the tuidule verse in the New Testament Scriptures, (not the revised ed- j ition, by Miireli lodi, 1887 Slmtild two j or more crrect answers lie received, the < Reward will be divided, Tlie money will I he forwarded to the winner J/arch 15th, 1887. I’ersons trying for die reward must send 20 cents in silver or postal notes, (no 1hh copartnership of Me blows-A’ postage stamj is taken) with their answer, lor Moddows, of Harrison Ga. has Which they will receive ti.c Monthly for | been dissolved hv mutual consent r W i ,,ch tl, «-- e “^ nddreSHof,1,e h»nd by the vvilhdrawnl ofC. s. y;,,i winner ol the reward and the correct an swer will he published, and in which al more valuable rewards will lie oflercd- Address, Rutledoe Puhlisiiino Comi’a- NY,Eestoii, l’a. Uneie Jack returnes from a long walk, beiug somewhat thirsty, drinks from a tumbler he lituls on the table Enter li is little niece Allie, who in stantly sets up a yell of despair. Uncle Jack; “What’s the matter Allie?’’ Allie (weeping): You’ve drinked up my aquarium a :u:d swal lowed my fr.’o pollywois. dmvs, the business will he eontinuecl at the same stand by Me(i(low» it Redgood who will settle ami collect all accounts of tho old linn. C S. MED DOWS. 8. J. MED DOW S’ Thanking the public for past pat ronage and hope they will continue to patronaizc the new linn C. S. M ED DOWS. Harrison, Ga., Feb. 7th, 1887. fraft, f!if|'f[ nn,, iers B 3aH7 k u£:it ijnvft u fi a fivixusot IT OFF-SETS THE LOW PRICE OF COTTON. 15v cleimsiiig the seed perfect, novor chokes, runs light, gins fast, a “ tikes a good sample. Tho i’ecdor stands nn tho floor, it will I iiy kind of cotton regnhir, every gin gnarantoed as represented a to give satisfaction. Prices has been reduced. Cal’ on or address, LANG and WILT. ManiTuetnrers Agents, Sandersville, Georgia. For full description prices and terms. A gin w II ho kept in btoek where it can ho etc nanvtimo. l 1 ' - 1 -3 \y oESton Ltbas cKia \J t-L mftajcsai uani IT T2T? 4 b Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines Uepuired by J5. TWHjIjFY, on ili’rnigan street, next to Mr. Benj. Wihtldoii’s ri■siih’iicc. BARBER--SHOP!- A CALL ON 5 cSz: "Wilt, Propt’rs. Sandersville, Ga. Manufacturers and Dealers in: Steam Engines of all styles. Raw Mills Grist Mills. Cotton Gins, Presses and Machinery ol all kinds A luii line lot liubber and Leather Bolting k pt in stock. Steam and Water Valves, Steam pipes and Fittings, Inspirators, Machine Gils aud Mill Supplies. Ilepair work solicited and prompt v done and as cheap and well as can ho done all Machinery sold by ns we guarantee to ho us rap- ' Write or call on us lor Prices aud . scriptinn ot anything wanted in the Machine line. CENTRAL R-H- Savannah Ga., Deo, 191880, On atui after tills date passenger tr.iiiiH will rim ns Daily unless marked f, which arc Daily exi’c|il Sunday. Thu Standard lime by which these train* run iu .6 minutes slower (nan Savannah city lime. Lv Savannah,, 10:00 a hi 8,20 a m 5;40 p m Ar Milieu 12;35 pm 11;03 p m8:11 p ni Ar Augusta 4;I5 pm 6;15 a m Ar 4;50 p m 3;20 a m Ar Atlanta ...., 9;0(l p in 7;20 a ill Ar Colmuhus.. 6;o0a m 3;02 p ill Ar Montgomery. 7;U9pm ; Ar Eufanla 3;50 p m Ar Albany 10;08 p m 10;50am I’asengers fi.r Sylvania, Sandersville, Wrightsrillc, Milludgovillc and Eatonlon sliould take 10:00 n m train Passengers fur Thumaston, Carrollton, Ferry, Fort Gaines, Talliottuli, Buena Vin. ta, Blakely and Clayton should take ;20 p m train. Lv Milieu.., 12;55 )> m ll;15pm 5;10am : Lv Augusta. 10;20 a m 9;30 p m | Lv Macon... 9;50 a m 10;50 J> m Lv Atlanta.. 6:35 a m (i;50 p m Lv C ol itmInis 10;20 p m 11,15 a m I Lv Montgomery 7;15pivi7;40 a m ! Lv Kufaula... 10;49am Lv Albany... 4;50 a m 3;57 p m j Ar iS’ivamiah 5;00 p m , ;55 a in S;0> a m I Sleeping ears on all night passenger trains between Savannah and Augusta, and Savannah sod J/acon, Savannah and Atlanta, J/acon and Columbus. Train leaving at 8;20 p m and arriving at5;55 a rn will not stop to put oil’or take on passengers bitwieu Savannah and Mil ieu. Connections at S.ivanra'i witli Savannah Florida and Western Rai way for a.l points in Florida. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths on sale at citr office, No. 20 Bull street, nnd depot office 30 minutes belore departure ol each train. G A WHITEHEAD General Passenger Agent, J C SIIAW, Ticket Agent Uibson ft Santlei’Hvillc IX. It. FAS SEN ENG Hit AN FREIT (Except Sundays) No 1, A. st. | No. 2, z- M. Lv Sandersville 4..05 I Leave Augusta 7.1- - - ' |, oe IIENIIY 13RANILEY, THE FASHIONABLE BARBER HO TEL BLOCK sandersville, Georgia, ii. it n tfauuGio’tiiio Ail^ Leave 8 tmlorsvillo — -11:40 a m Arrive Saudcrsville 12:50*p m Leave Samlci’svillo 2:25 p m Arrive Satnlcrsville 13:30 p ni TIME TABLE OF THE WR1GIITSVI L'.E, TENNILLE and DUBLIN R. R To take effect November 14 18:0, GOING SOUTH. No. 1 No. f Lv Warthea 4.30 | Lv Gibson H.u» Lv Hines 5.05 | “Belle Springs H'-;> Lv .Mitchell 5 15 | Lv Mitchell....1 Lv Belle Springs 5 30 | Lv Hines Lv Gibson 5.43 | Lv Wnrthen...l2-J’ Ar Augusta 8.58 I ArS'ville 1- J “ No 3 A. M. F. M. Lv Sandersville Lv Tennille 7 00 2 20 Lv War.hen Ar Harrison 7 45 2 50 Lv Hines Ar Donovan 8 10 10 Lv Mitchell Ar Vf rilihtsy’le 8 40 3 30 Lv Ib lle Spring Lv Wrightsvil'c s J5 3 31 Lv Gibson Ar Lovett 9 15 3 55 Lv ILqihzibah.. Ar Bruton 9 34 4 15 Ar An ust Ar Condor 9 55 4 30 SUNDAY-I Ar Dublin 10 15 4 45 No 1 A. GOING NORTH. FA !Wir. liV> 5'A % <5 FAST EC.’ Is mcelinw tviih snlislticlion with planters in AYashinuton county, to be found at Eureka Mills. 7-1-1—Li No 2 No 4 AM P M ,lfl :-0 4 50 10 56 515 Brutun 111.5 5 30 F, )V '-" 11 35 6 50 12 05 G 15 12 10 G 16 12 30 0 35 12 50 6 50 1 30 7 20 B • B Tiio.m \fj. Piesideut., ( o-u'l ;- iip ( q i.j(end tut. *«ov. 14 im Dublin Condor W riglitsvillc.., W i i;; htsville... Donovan i hirrison Tennille .3 50 | ‘Belle Springs7>> 14.10 I Lv Mitchell ..7 4? .4.25 | Lv Hines 7.;>» .7 28 | Lv Warthcn i f .8.46 | A r Sanders!ibebJ» ’AsSKNGHKS ONLY. m. I A ' s M j 4 Lv Sandersville5.00 | Lv Augusta.. Lv Wa then 6-25 Lv Uephzihalt.. Lv Hines 6 00 [ Lv Gibson “G Lv Mitch-II 6.10 | “Belle Si.rmsel ’i. l.v Belle Springs 6.25 | Lv Mitchell."! ■ Lv Gibson 6.37 | Lv Hines Lv liepbzdjah...8 40 | Lv Marlhen... ^ Ar August 9- ArSander»v.llH- OI » No 3 v. m. i No 4 r, . ( Lv Sandersville 2 27 | Lea V Aaiigusj- - • Lv Warthcn 2.52 | Lv HepliZibah..; « Lv Hines 3.27 | Lv Gibson ' j() Lv Mitchell 3 37 | ‘• Belle Springs b- Lv Belle Springs 3.52 | Lv Mitchell < Lv Gibson ..A 01 | Dv Hi»f Lv IIephzihah ...6 10 | WMrthen ...< Ar Augusta 7 OP | K.M. MITUlilLL, Tresnl'-i’b