The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, May 31, 1887, Image 3

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IN THE CITY. If any of SUHSCltlHUKS fail to re- teiee their PAPER, they will please notify ,, tf the furl iinmeiHatcly. TJtSDJY, - MAY oY ST, 1887 —Wiii.imied m( — A.J. Jernigan&Co., _)PUBLI811KR« * l*R0rRKlT0!«8.( — gANDKK.SVII.iLK GKOHGIA POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThU powder ntver varied. A marvel of p.irity, stri-ngth nml whul**omcn c*s Mure economical limn (lie ordinary kind* nml connot l>« Hold in competition with the multitude of low te*t*, short weight alum or plmdpate powder. Sold only Incan*. Royal Baking Powdeu Co. 100 wall tfi N Y. PK1KNONAL iRKNTlOlV. . M | s » lizzie Smith county •" V ' bUin K Y.l.e family of Mr. T. .1. - »mli ut Lovett, Laurens county. M'-. M. H. I5irj has left to visit hi. hi other at Atncabury Muss. m n W> 1,1 Htt,, «rave. and lady of Milledgeville spent a few days in the t-'ity lust week. mi:i) 1 he infant chi d of Mr and Stn DF Chambaradied yexterdny. ^19. E. A. Harley who has been E r* 8 v om V i ,' Mwi,U her '>'l>li"v, 5* K J^a-ton, i. now in Waynesboro. At !ss Ella Daniel after a pleaaant visi to her sister, Mr.. R. L. Ilick, | a 1 botnasvill*, has rctnrnod to her home. Aftss Lillie Hardison is now at Sunny Si<l«, where she will remain for some time. Robert Grover Iliues, son of N, C. »iul Sallie E. Duggan, died on Tues- 24th inst at 11 a. in., aged two years, one mouth and 28 days. May 13th, 1887, littl Hodge. Cox son of J. B. R1 „i L u |n (j OT) „g e( | a ■tears, 6 months and 11 days. He waa •juried at the Swiet burial groua hear Tabernacle church. C. T. l’». CBLUSji, Aunt Patsi, Moye, mother of lion “ “*• residene of Mr. M. G. Wood, Sr. last Thursday, Bessie, the littl* daughter ofDr. tnd Mrs. D. L. Che atham, d 1,4 on Wednesday, 18th inst., aged about eight years. •ro visiting relntives in tho city. Miss Maud G ray bill is visiting relatives uf Oconee. Miss Ada Hardison is visiting s at TVnutlle. Mr. Simon Thom**, is in the city visiting Air. W O Furse’s family. Col. E S Lnngmtiis, is visiting relatives in Alabumu. LOCAL IlltCVITIF.H Curiosity' nt V. J’s ltuiu on tho last of May. Stundurd and Sun time at Jcrni- gau Jc Sun’s Jewelry Store. Miss Mary Lott Gnrlick is quite sick. Mrs. Mil tie Down* wo learn i* W ry lick, we wish fur Jlter a speedy recovery. Mr*. John Morriaou has typhoid fsver. Quite a large delegation of Sans dersvillian* atteridedjtho picnic ut at Tooiusboro, last Wednesday. Air. Ed Rachels, who baa been quite sick we urn glad to sec was able to be in the city Friday, It ia a mistake about the roport ot the death of Air \Vm. Archer he ia quite feeble but ia atill liv- iag. A seriea of interesting meetings were carried on nt the Christiau V urch at Tennille last week. The crop prospect in our county was never better than it is |ttow. Our county is wet once moro. D is icportod that lac 88th district is dry but we hope that it has hud ruin by ibis time. The S A TRoud have placed on sale at their office here ticket* at re dtued rates, Via; six single trips for $i.OO; titty single trips for$fl.OO. The telegrnah lino from Augusta toSandersville, we learn, will be com pitted in a few weeks. The ttaudcrsvillo Rush Ball Club, to play Misa Alattie Cox, is visitiing Mrs Penny Jordan. Alias Maggie Whiddon, ia viaiN ting relatives in NVilkeraon county Alias Edna Caaou of Keyaville who has been visating relatives et Downs bus returned home accom panied by Mrs. F. M. Downs. Air. and Airs. t/V A McCarty visited relatives in Augusta last week. Hiss Alamio Arnau is visiting friends in Louisville Mr and Mrs RT Duncan are in the city, visiting relatives Alisa Julia Darby who has been visating relatives, in the city has leturued to berliome iu Augusta Mr H Walton has returned Lome. Muj Williiu Gallaker Atlanta. is visating Hon Virgil 11. Burne* of Ogeechee, is iu the city spending a few dnys with Air. Wurreu P. Lovett ami family. His regular and ouustaut visits to our eity, leud.i us to believe something is in the air, and we may hear the sound on w- tiding bells iu the near future. We will gladly welcome him, but would b loath to give up any af our fair ones to be moved ao fur uwuy. Do not fail to give.Miss Mary Perry an evrly call. Hei slock c.f lists u very large and uf ike best selections. Scliedelr cflbc tttiilral H. II tin tiny PsssemrcrAr at Tennille 11.35 am D-iwn ‘ “ 13 21 pm Up night “ * r “ 1,17 am D.wn night" “ “ 12 54 urn we it to Wnynesbor, yesterday Ibe club there. The A G A S Railroad has put on two more beautiful passenger coach «» on the passenger train that leaves herein the morning, We learn from Captain Raiay that there will he •operate coaches now for fho whites and colored One day' next week Elder W. D. drier, of the Christian church at this place, will establish a church at Lovett, on the W. dc T. Railroad. Quite a crowd from here is expected to tic present ou the occasion.— righisTille Recorder. Notice. Notice is horeby given that nt tho en« suing session of tho General Assembly Georgia, R bill will bo introduced entitled an net to niucuil an not to au thorize the corporation of the city of osndorsville to levy a tax for :he pnr- poseof establishing and maintaining 1 u .'lw Schools iu said city and to nu- «w e *! l<! coullt y School oontmigioner ” “nhingtou County to pay over to t , Luard of Education of said public Hnioolg such part of tho Stato School Hindu us way bo tboir just pro rata s ‘are thereof’ and to authurizo tho city council of said city to appropriate the 1 roceeds f ro m the grant of license to e ml spiritous liquora in said city nud i . • “quwn iu ltuiu uity uuu ^l i BU tlio iutsrest mid divideudsjfrom tho in vestment in the Suudcrsvillo u lenuillo Railroad said Public ocnool purposes,” and for other Post's, M*y 3Ut 18887. pur- M “J. Wm. •■ullalicr. are ghtd to learn lias been ap pointed Deputy Collector for the lb and 10th Cougressional Dint. lQ ^ ac<i of Col Mark Johnson re signed. The Major will fill the po- 8 "'° n Wlt h honor and trust and "‘‘ike a good officer. A wo Houses to Kent °UU a lour and one Linton School. The closing exercises of the above school occurs Suue 22nd. Un der the prim ipulship of Rev. M. P. Cain, the school has b>e.i very pros perous during the past scholastic term, llevcrly D. Evans Jr. Esq. of our city will deliver the annual literary address. The exercises will consist of public examination uud concert at night. Alias Mary J. Howard died from Ibe effects of measles, ia Davisboro tbe 18th inst. Near Downa on Wensday last Mis, Margiunn Howard. Wo are sorry to learo of' the Jf*tk of Mr B. B. Layton neer Tennille wbo Uied a few duye age very suddenly CASH PHICE8. BY Holt* Hr*. OoRRRCTKI>*W*KXLY. . Lori Hurds Snuff per lb Stick Candy *• AS cts 10 cts t& cts “ “ 71 cts “ “ 6 @ 7 cts “ 8® 10 cts “ “ 26 cts “ “ 5 cts “ “ ...»i@»icts per can 10 cts per cuu 10 cts per can 10 cts per gal 30 cts “ “ 21® 25 cts “ “ 17J cts Ribbbon Cane syrup |>cr gal 50 els Kcuiwmber w* keep all kindi of gro ceries ami ,*ll them choa|>*r than any ons el»e. We are also headquarter* for (ilash- ware, Tinware, Crockery ware, VV widen war* notion*. Jewelry, and every thing cl*e kept in a tir*l cla*a Grocery Store Donl fail to cniuc to ice ii* when in search of bargain*. We ran be fousd at the 10, cont (Store old itandj-md oppo* tc Pringle’* store. Re*|ieetfillly, holt a lino. May 17th 1887,-3 mo. 1’obncco Soda Sugar Lard Powder Soup Smoked met Apples Oysters Tomatoes Vinegar Moluases Kcrosine Oil CHCBCHKft The Baptist Missionary Society meet Alomlny after every third Sunday, The Alethodist Sabbath School has changed the meeting hour from 8:80 to 4 o'clock p. m. Preaching at the Methodist Church by ev. G. S. Johnston, ou the 1st. 3rd and llte fifth annual convention of the Slate Woman’s Christian Union convened la the Masonic Hall Suv. May 10th. '• lie session opened at 0 n. at. Mr Sibjey tho President in th* chair Miss Stokes of Atlanta Ga Cor Sec Mrs Claibern Sneed Augusi, Treus Mrs. Chandler of Augusta Record tng Stcrstary’assisted by Mrs 1 hoxias of Lov. The Vies .Fjwsidnm Afrs. W. R. Hill ot Macoa, Mrs Dr Blanchard of Columbuo and Mrs Thomas of ■ Augusts made aa 1m |u e ng gruupe.* Bev T T Chris tian led iu praysr after wliich the houee received an addreen of wel come by Mrs. Richard. Webb, ot Savannah breathed the true apirit ol Hospitality and was gracsftilly responded to by Mrs- J. T’hoiga, of Augusta, who uaid the hospitality of had Httjiiiinl wide a rap utatUjii os her artillery punch. M On motion the thanks of the convention was tendered those ladies by rising votfc The re|»orte of unions was then called and responded to, cither by delegate of by letter. Twenty-five Unions in the state reported In good working order with a membership oi tully 1,400.The reports wero full, showing much work accomplished during the past tvrelue months. Hans of work were discussed iu dear and -comprehensive manner und promise earnest endcavot in the yetr to come. Especially wero we impressed by the reports on Jail work. Airs Har per ol Atlanta is Slate . ouperlulend- anland showed how Itiliy alive she is to the necessity of tho work by ntr rejiort. Every Union takes up up this department and to hear these accomplished, graceful and muny, silver haired women, tell of weekly visits to jail and tonvict camps, of kible reading und instruc tion ef tract und holy writ dixlribu- ted: of verses read and reread until the unlettered' cun repeat a veree from week to week: truly this it fol lowing in the footsteps of Him who said *• if any nan will come uftei tae let him take up hit cross r.nd lol.ow me." Rev 4th Sabbath* at 10:30, a. m. and at 7.1^ p. id. on the fit 2ml and 3rd Sabbaths uf e.v h month. 1). D, Davih Ha* made nrsngements to get c .rrect central time from Savumih by Telegram every momlay morning nt nine o'clock. If yon wish correct Savaimh time call ot iiia Jewelry Store A Set your watch by li e regulator. UT. WALKER has opened a lint-class Grocery Store in lb old Photograph Gallery and solicits public patronage. The Following IK the Fro- gi'umiue of the Approcbing Coiunieiiceiiicul. June 12, 11 a m commencement Ser mon . June 13. 6,30 a m Exhibition iu Declamation. June 13, 12 m Prises awarded by Ccd. O. Rogers. June 14, 8 p m Annual Exhibition June 14,*10 a m Recitations amt Compositions by Graduating class June 14, 12 nt annual Address. June 14, 8 p in Annual Concert con ducted by Prof. Whitaker The exorcises will be held at Wat kins Hall. Public invited. Eureka Mills for Hale. Don H\ Apply to a six • room J.O. WOOD, A. M. MAYO, C, R. PRINGLE, 1 now offer tlii* valuable property for *nle. Will sell one half or whole i.ilerest, rent.or lease fur five years. The smoke snick has jtul been lengthened und one of Wilson* patent spark arresters (Hit on and no danger of fire from the smoke utaek now. The house is a good three story frame mill building as good as new, with four run of Fre nch burr stones 50 JI 1* engine, with all necessary macliinrry in good running order. Two run of corn and two of 'wllteut hurra, now doing a good custom and mer chant business. Located in Sat dersvillc Ga., with railroad f.icililie* in every direc tion. The mill baa a cotton ginnery attached to it. with one of Ibe beat locations in tbe South for a Cotton Seed oil J/ili Health and dim itc unsurpassed in the So tilt. Good schools and churches, A bar gain for u wide-awake man. Can gi re .satis factory reasons for selling. No fault iu the mills, for teima and further particular*, i.d-lrces C. K. Pbinoi-k, 3 times Baadvwvifie Go* There will be preaching at the Metlio- dial Church at Tennille every second Nun- day by ltev. U.S. Johnston.’ At the Hap- tilt every 4th Sunday by ltev. T. J. link Ladies Praycrmectiug every Wed nesday st 3 P. M, Rand of Mope and Golden Reap ers uveiy Friday* at 3 P* Al. The Ladies Missionary society meet the Monday after 1st sabbath n each month at 3 P. AI. Appointments of A. 11. Herring disciple of Christ, for the month of May. Popular springs 1st Sumlsy at 11 oc’k am Union *’ 7 “ I* m lktlissda 2 “ 11 “ am Harrison 3 “ 11 “ p at Teunille 5 lleme of jioor 4 ** 4 " r M Freaching al llielslleville. Every second Sunday at tho Baptist Church, Rev. Turner Hmith paster. Ev- fourth Sunday and Hatuidav before at the Methodist Church Rev. J. J. AnsLy pastor. Preaching at tlu Davisboro, Bap tist Chinch, the 2d, Sabbath in eaclt mouth, Rev. W. L. KillpatrickJ.. At the Alethodist Churah, on the 1st, and 2d, Sabbaths, by ltev. J. J. Ansley, Sunday Schools at b*th churches every Sunday evening. Appointments of liov. N. II Olmsteud for I8b7: Tuberti tele 1st Sunday and aturday betore. Deep Step 2d Sunday and Saturday before. Cabin Hill 2d Sunday and Sat-* urday before. Bay Spring 4th Sunday and Saturday bclore. Bethel 1st Sunday 3 P. M. Piny Mount 4th Sunday 3 P. Af. To Our SubMcribcra. Subscribers to the Alereury can get one of Dr. Kcudal’a treatment on the horse, uud new subscribers will get one also ns a premium to the Mercury. Subscribe now before they are all gone and get one. Price ten cents reduced from twenty-live aa heretofore. SANDEItaVILlE PUOVISIOAt niliUET. Bacon aides per lb 0 @ 10 cl' 1 Bulk Plain harm ' Shoulders 1 Lard Coffee Sugar Flour per hbl. Meal a “ bu Egg* * " do*. Butter per paund Chickens 9i cts J3jact» 7 cts <!'j 10 cts 20 cl* 6 ® 8 cts $6,50 (jh, $C>0 70 cu 15 cts 20 (5) 25 cts 15 (o) 30 cts If your watch is out of order take it to the old relia ble, A. J. Jernigan and Son’s Jewelry Store. FAKMEK* FAVORITE.’ Is meeting with satisfaction with planters iu Washington county, to be found at Eureka Mills. 7-14 ti , B»y,£ our L ,e “ Rope at LANG <t 8 and save money The mid day hour is to the white ribbon baud tbe bout* of pruyer, where ever found; and a* the hour npprouched bttsinesn wus suspended each day and the convention in one accord with one heart united in a petition to God lor direction uud guidance. The afternoon session of the re ligious *oxeicises ,wns devoted to a resume ) >f reports and tit* evening to an uudress of welcome by Mr Clifton in behalf of th* Mayor and responded to by Mrs. W. U.’iiiU in a witty and brilliant addeess. Afrs. Chapiu of S Gaud Mrs. Wells of Tcnn were presented to the con veil lion on the second day and hy their earnest words.nnd .unanswer able arguments held all s'pellpouud. Mrs Wells was direct from the west and.spoke with enthusiusiu ol the effort the Lov* tttar 8tat* is making to rid herself cf Uiu cvn Barrooms. “Only think what an influence th* women have slie’suid then use this God given power for good.’’ For ladies: we are 200,000 strong and suppose we are each a Unipai- unee mo.her with a boy old enough to vote. Wlmt an army that makes, then add the votes of the 200,000 husbands and there is u baud ol 500,000; for God and home and native land. Mrs Chapin iu her tru* caustic style said, during iter address "1 am, sorry all church members do not live up to prohibition. Wine on the table, on the side boards, these arc the stepping stones to drunken ness. These piopla are not the pii- lows ot the church they arc merely pillar shams." She condemned the liquor traffic in ’UBUcubUred terms drew graphic pictures of tilt suffering caused by it to innocent women and children; and implored the men to ruily fount* their homes,'and defend them from this evil which works to destroy. Mrs Sibley the houored president mad* a model report for the Augus ta Union, showing the work wcu up in ull the departments taken ,up, which is as its uume implies, Ch'ris- tian temperance work, and especially dwelt ou the the colored work, every where meeting with great encourage ment among that people who recog nize prohibition us their greatest need. Unbounded'pruise was given our beloved Senator, the hero of the Local option bill G’blC, R. Pringle and, after his beauiiiul and logical address,the ladics arose to their feel uud greeted him with the Chautau qua eulute a beautiful aud effective compliment. Tlie use of impure and adulterated wine at the sacrament was discussed. Th* Uuion deuoun- c*s the sacralidge and while it can not nor does it desire to dictate to the ministry, begs them to use their influence iu this direction, that the use of til* pure juice of the grape may be used lor sacramental pur poses. The following resolutions were adopted. Resolved, .That this convention docs not rccogahze high license as a step toward prohibition, but stand upon llie principal if the traffic is right it is wrong to impose n heav ier burden upon it than auy other traffic. If wrong no amount oi liccase will make it right. The auditorium which was at the first session wus very sparely occu pied increased with each meeting until op Eriday evening thero was no vacant chair on flour or gallery. I hs inomeatus theme which had drawn so many women from the quiet seclusiou of their homes, and impelled them to comwitt them selves to the grace of strangers, had taken straight hold on the great heart ol this beautiful city, but like th* majestic swel of the anthem as it pew fluff isle, gailory and base ment with the volume of sound at d | power of melody, so the puisc . this people must feel the quicken; n influence of so many strong word from such earnest workers aud i t suit in many voices taking up ib notes and swelling them into glorious anthem. God protect on own. ’ The convention closed its session EriJay when the following resold lionsAvbre unanimously adopted. THE CONVENTIONS THANKS. That the convention ol th. Woman’* Temperance Tuition hereby ten der tneir heartfelt thanks to the citizens o: this beautiful city for fheir hospitu'ities a, gracefully dispensed. "I was s stranger am ye took sue ip” J' e.os a new mcanini to issny of our hearts. To William ClTrtoi. Isq., who,on behalf of the Af.iyor, estende.1 thei welcome of the t-ily to the convention sad also to Rev. AM Wynn for the addiW of welcome from the tniuiat, r*; to the min ster* of the mngel for their pretence in the esenibly and their earnest wonts ol' coots. for hit sweet Holla itliy; of ti lias or temperance and for . . Wh; to Col C R Pringle for In*strum; stirring words for prohibition in county, town ami .State**ml for lit* hourly uqircciatioii of the Woman’s Christian Ieni|>eranee union and its work: to Afrs. Chapiu of South Carolina, Mr* Wells -:l lenneesee; and Mia* Jennie Smith forth*!, earnest, efficient words and work, to Mr* C'hnndiler and Mr* Jackson, who, in th< abseuee of your Stale Recording Secretary, have untiringly filled the duties of that office. Most Esiieeialiy do w* tender onr the Morning New* and Evening time* foretich generous space in their val- unule column*., We cun never forgot the latUful, efliciont und corteou* reporters. To the citizens, w ho by their presence in the convention have strengthened tie and bade us Ged iqieed in this work for “God and Home aud Native land," our heart* will ever have a tender recolection. AnJ to (he railroad* we return thunk* for courtesies exteuded by reducing the fares of delegates und also to the host* and hostesses who have so kindly opened their homes to our viaatois. Also i Resolved, That tkc thanks of the coiivcn- tiou arc ufiecliunulely tendered Mrs Rich- i W, bin President of the .S'avauualt Uuion, for her u.itiriug efforts in behalf ol the comfort of the delegates and the suects. of th*convention. Ami lastly but by nr intaas least, wc gratefully ’ acknow ledge our indebtedness to the louug Woluuua Cliristan'Teniiierance Union for numerous courtesies ami for the enjoyable recaption given ut on Thitisdav night. Resolved, That the dunks of ihccbn- venthm ire teudered to Mr*. (Justin and tin- lady and gentlemctt members efthe Bajitial choir who kindly gave their services on Tuesday nigi.t. Tennille Hot*. Misfos Bell ami VVostmorelatid or, OriftoH, are vi*ating their uncle, Rev. A B k Herring. Mrs. J. M. Huff ot Wrights-. illc, is vL-iting relatives and frieudsat this place. Misses Johnson are visiting Mrs. W. B. Thomas. Uev W D Oliver and lady, ol Wrightrvilie, are in Tennille. Tlie sociable at the Hardwick house on Friday nigltt lust, in honor of Misses Boll and West- nioreland, tvas largely ati outlet! and quite an cnjoyiiiile affair. DOHA’S IlOtlOEKEEFINO. One morning Dora’s tnolher was goiitf away to tUo next town. Slu was going to bring grandma on a isit. The carriage was waiting before she wns qui e ready. “Now 1 sbnlf not have time to finish mv work,” site said. "I will let you sweep the sitting-room, Dora. You did it very nicely lust week, and I know you want to help mo." Dora wa9 pouting because she ottjd not. go in the carriage with l‘ e r mother. She thought it very rttel that she must stay at home when sho wanted to go so mu It. So she did not answer hut sat by the window pouting till the carriage was gon^ Theu she said to herself: “I lon’t feel leel like sweping, and don’t cat c how 1 do it. I think It’s tdo hud that I cant go out to ride.’ So she swept tlie sitting-room in very heedless mttuncr. She did nut get the dust pan and take up the litter; she only brushed it together -id left it under tho hearth rug. When the mother came home site praised her (or making the room neat. Grandma praised her too. She said, ‘‘I like to see children do their work well. Then I know they will do their work well when they are own up. I am gtad ifour little girl going to he a good housekeeper.’ Oh, how dots felt! she was so ashamed of what site hud done. She felt worse because they praised her. She kept thinking of the litter under the hearth rug. Sue was afraid some one would move the rug and see it. She was unhappy al( the rest of the day.;* went to sleep at eight she dreamed that she could not find tlie-dust-pan. Site woke very early the next next mornitrg and went doWu stairs alone. She found the dustpan ant) brushed the Utter np as ' cUrefully at she cjuld. It seemed easy.enoug’h now.'She wished she had done it at *rst; then she would have deserved praise front her mother*, andi 'grand mother. Overstockediand mus t unload. Cut prices on all new and seasonable goods this week and on at McCarty’s two stores, Sandersville and Ten nille. Mrs. C. C. BROWN; —DE YLER IN— | Millinery and Fancy Goods, i NOTIONS, &c. Has just received her Spring Stock consisting in pirt, one of the most complete linos of Ladies’, Misses and Children’s Hats and Bonnets ever brought to this market. Feathers, Plumes, Tips and Flower* in great variety and I guarantee Quality, Style and Prioea. Cull early nud make your selections while tho stock lias nearly every V Alt I EH Y and STYE, found on tho Spring Fashion Plates of 1887. Notions of ull kind* con- stunt coming. FINE DRESSES Cut, fitted and made to order. Every lady in town, county or adjoin ing counties are earnestly requested to call at my slrore, see and ex tin. iue my Stock whether they wish to buy or not Cor. Harris and Jerut- au Streerts, Watkins’ Building. Apil 5th 1887. them told bnything that was ant strictly truo. Which of them do you think the teacher trusted moro fully liter that? And winch was the happier of tlie two?—Ex. Dora remembered thiw for a long time- 1 am-not ettie she cm for got it; it taught bora good lepson. She found that wrong-doiug made her unhrppy. When site grow older she learned to be a good housekeep er.—Our litleoncs. Sandersville And Tennille ltnil.Uoud To take effeet May 2W 1887. ..7,30 a m V Santlerxville Ar Tenikitle..1 Lv Teiiiiills Ar Samlersvillc.... I.v RamJeravilla... Ar Tennille Tennille Ar Bandersviile,.., Lv HkniieTsvitle... Ar Tenn, lie... hill Lv TeniJille Ar Bandi-ravUi* i...7 4-> a ra ....8 00* m 815 am ....1100am ...II15 a m ...1230 p m . .12 60 p ra .,.,4 80 p m ....4 45 p ra ....5 00 p m ... h 6 16 p m Usto of iffi. shape* aud W. W: Perry’*: Mary 1089 Arolk Straws. Philod'a. A Well Tried Treatment For UoiiHinaption, Asthma, llronrliits, Dyttpontthi, Cahirrh, Hay Fever, Head ache, Ueblllty Rheumatism, 'Neuralgia, Patronize Home In dustry. EUREKA MILLS, Sandersville Ga. T HESE milts arc now muking the I »est Flour and Meal of any mill in anti all Chrome and Ncrvoui Dieorden, When “CoM|>otkH<l Oxygen" is inhaled the iieurt has imparted to it it it-reused vitality That Organ send* forth tlie blood with more force and lo** wuir to lUelf; the vital our- rent* lesv.- on their circuit new deposit* vital force in every coll oftisniie ever which tbev pan* und return agi'in for & now Htip- plv. This simple Htory i* the rational ox- plinstion of the greatest ndvakice thut medi cal srienre li.K yet made, ‘‘The Coui|Kii«)d Oxygen Treatment ’ which Dr*. Starkey Si l'alun, No. 1529 Arch Street,-Philadelphia, have been lining for the lust sixteen yearn, inn Hcientilk- ndjnnt inent of tlie clement* of Oxygen and Nitro gen nmynetiud, and theeoiuponnd is so con di ensed mid mitde portable thut it in carries by express to every |>oriion of the country —indeed, it U sent all over the world. Dns. Sarkey & 1'ai.r.x have the lihert to refer (in proof of their standing a* Phy sicians) to tlie following named well-known person* who have trietl their Treat men 11 OX. WII.LI AM D. Kill.LEV, Member of Conyi een, Philadelphia. Rev. Viirron L. Conrad, Editor Lutheran Obtervcr, JViUadtlphia, Rev. Ciiahlk* \V. CtrsiiiNo, Editor American llefonntr Sew York. IIon. Wn.DAM Pknn Nixon. Editor Intcr-Ucenn, Chicuyo, II. Jcdoe Joseph R. Fukukii*, Temple Court, A r ew York. ■ Mbs. Mary A. Cator, Widow of the late Dr Harvey Cator Camden. Sew jtrtey Mrs Mary A Docuirrr, Jamaica, Lony Hand Stu> York Mn* Mary A Livekmor-s Melrase McuuaehutetU JUDOE It S V’OORtlKEM, ___ Sew York City * MrOixikiir \V Edwards —*• propl'r St George,« Hotel Philadelphia Ma Frank Siddall - A well-known Merchant, Philadelphia Mr Wii.i.iam H Wihtki.y, Silk Manufacturer Philadelphia, Pa. And many oilier* in every part of tlie U S ‘‘Compound Oiyrjen—if* Mode of Action and llesulti" ia the title of a volume of nearly 200 page*, hy Dr* Starkey A Paleu which give* to all inquirer* full information u* to thi renmrknble curative agent and a large record of Hiipriaing cure* in a wide range of chron ic case*—many of them being ah indonud to die hy other physicians. It will bomuiind tree an address on application DKti STARKEY A PALE*. I.Vi» Arch 81.. Pliilndelphiu I* A Captaib's Fortunate Dies o- ery. Capt. Coleman, aebr. IFeymouth, plying between Atlantic City and N. Y. Lad been troubled with a cough ao that be wo* unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. It not only geve him inetantrelief: bat allayed the extreme aoreneaa in hie breast. Hie children were similarly affected and a tingle doee bad the same happy efteot. Dr* King* New Dieooveay it now the atfodaid rente dy iu th* Coiemou houeenoid and on board the eohoouer. Free Mai Bottle ot thu Stamford iUuaedy at Bawling Dt W " tbe country. Every accommodation is provided for people coming in from a distance. Honest men are is charge, and EVERY BOUND ef . Meal, Flour and Bran I hut tho wheat and corn will make 1* GUARANTEED TO TIIK CUSTOMERS of the mill, less the toll. So bring in your WHEAT AND corn at tlie same time and thereby save going to mill twice. C. It. PRINGLE, Prop’ter 7-9 85—tf D. G. HOWARD, Miller, ^TNE LIGHT RUNNINQ^I * 4. SEWING-MACHINE HAS NO EQUAL. PERFECT SAtlShCTION New Home Sewinff tfaclune Co. —ORANGE, MASS.— 30 Unke Atisnta, L wmanv iS*uar*,N.Y. CWcago,!*. tt.Lada,Ms. a,Ga. Dalla* Tex. San Frudece, Cal. CITY DIRECTORY Mayor. J. N. G 11.MOKE, Mayor Pro Tern W. R. Tiiiopen. Aldermen. B. E. Rol'oktox, J. B. RoncttTs. A. M. Mayo. G. Lang. Clerk. IIesry Mitchell. Treasurer. ■J. Tarbutton. Marshal. R. M. Brown. ’ C. B. i Rmeklev’e Artilcm 8elve. Tbe Beat Salve in th* world for «sl* Bruises, Sore*, Ulcer*, Salt Whim. Fever Sore*, Tetter, Chapp*41 Chilblains, Coras, and allSkbrl tioas, and positively eun* FU**, or no pay required. It is gflMRSt**4 to give perfrat aatisfoetiou, or mono. refunded. Price g| seal FOB SALE BY XT