The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, June 14, 1887, Image 2

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Tile Mercury 2V Sheriff'* Organ For Washington (nm* fy Jiilttishnl hy A. J. Jernigan & Co., —)|*l’BMSIIMP( A l‘ll(>nilKToHS.( — HA SDK IW VII, IF, • • • • GKOIU.lT, TUESDIf • JUNC IEI7 KIMTOKIAL. Snow foil in Virginia Innt week. 1'oiniiiPRc iiM-nt Sermon. Rev Chtw Lino of Mftcon jirenehed tlic commencement set's innnoftho city Jligh School on yc8terilny*in the Methodist church He prci.chcd from the .'17 clmptvr ntnl 85th verse . nnd W2 ehupter uml 12th ver.*c ofPslnm*. On the o mpumons ot the—Bay imd t’nlm tree. He held l.'s large audience spell hound one hour imd a hull witli one of the most masterly re nio is we hive ever listened to in tunny a dny. The comparison he made between the liny and the palm tree or ti e good or had man were wed por* t.ayed. It was a gem of rhetorical fiction and logical conclusions, Gen. A. If. I .aw ton, minister to Austria, and wife left Savannah on tho 1st inst., for Vienna. He was ai. nted a lenveof absence for a year by tho Central Railroad and II ink' iug Coiupinv, and the legal intir- «st8 of tho company moan while will in in the hands of the firm, Lawton & Cunningham. Tlic l nioii I'oiiii. The time has come for Sanders- »ille to take hold ot this roul and not, put it oil'any longer, By i.imki Itoiiiilsln ka (ijrasc D. A. l’rmlfoid, wholesale pnper don'- erof Chnttnnonpa, Ten'i., writes, thnt I lie was seriously i tHictod with a severe i eold that settled on his lungs: 1 ad tried many remedies without liem lit. licit 8 ! induced to tiy Ur King.s Ni w discovery : for Consumption, did so aim vum entire* j ly cur< d by use of a few h. files, t.'inoc I which time lie bos used it in Ids family ! f,„* nit Coughs and Colds with best re mv'ts. This is the experience of tbo’; l8 » amis whone lives have been s;, fed by bis Wonderful Uiscove' v Trial bottles tree „t ILwlingi.’ Drug Store. ONLY 10 CENTS roM nvc wtui' trial or THE UNION 8ICNAL. MAFIV ALLEN WEST, Eoiton It Ih tlic «»iVn iul organ «f Ihc National Woman** Christian Ttinpcramc I’nlot*. It is a woman** naiH*r. bv ^omcn, for nonun. It is full of the news every week from the I Kittle* field of THE WOMAN v«. THE SALOON. II i. ;i nnigiitfirrnt home |Mipcr, for it IIv, * In pro- to. I tin- hump. Trv It if you want to by in luntuct witli tin, ititinl* uml the lirart. of MISS FRANCES t. WILLARD, MRS. HANNAH W. SMITH, MRS. MARV B. WOODBRIDOK nial many other li-aili rs in t-lu- grumlcsl moral ri-fonn of tin* ulm-Uvnth n-nltirv. 'flu* pa|M-r will tic wilt only for tin- tin week* unto you order it rent for R ofWhiirv. AGES I EADING J O Cents Cents als ages or Pune One 1° and Good ■lined avtalm-t tlic v lilskv tur»c. Will you try THE UNION SIGNAL for live conurciitlvi* wicksf Addrr.stlm I’ulill.lior, G E O. C. HA LL. 1SI LASALLE STREET, CHICAOO., ILL. West by buds if Julia English, IKouth ly i lands of .1 I* Page, and oil] the Eat and Snath liy oilier lands of T ItjNniith l.evic! . on as the property bf T R ft^ttii'| Also one tract of pared t.'f lafid lying on Dyers creek I naif Irwins X Rond-being the ?;nnie " d( , t * f/flnnd deeded by Augustus franklin to Janies * Mnnlli the same M, ^ |ri( ,, , )f | Imd whereon the" ,,, r„mcs K. Smith no\V I h»"'i . K " “ , ’'‘ 1 ,v ' n " '•( said oimnty and '■ htale ^onlnhiingThree hundred and fifty | .Iiree t*l-* ) -lens more ori less, adjoinin'* i lands of J. s >ph It Din ids, Mrs. Orr Cj Smith, .l/cMilliaUi I’.t'm'er a|itd Mon', I Lev ieil on n* tie pn party of iJstm f E. Smith A Iso one I ret or'pnrccll of land | lieing and I) ing In add Comity ml sta’e n.iitai.illig one thousand sUul seventy live | (1.1 7oi aeres more or I*s , lliiannlled on ‘.lie Ninth lie lauds of the Fstnlhnflfi T Hohson on the Mast hy lands of ftdorge | Winn. o:t the r until liy laud, of W L l’mliprvvnod ami on the West hy the Oconee Riwr. In'vied en ns theproprrl v of J W Fluker. Alsoo ie tract nr parcel of land, being :ii,d lying in said eotnily and state. Conuiiniifg two mm- | Grvd (200) seres more or less. IJlouaded on! the North ntnl West l y lautlsof | .1 K Page | nnd on the South liv •imd* of lik'd good and Itiddle and on the East by Iannis nf K I* ' lleding ieltl. known ns flic 'William K j Smith place. I,' vied on its live property of 1 K Page. Also one trnctjjo* pair eel of land being and lying in said c;oUnty| nnd state. Ct ntnining Two Imndren '(200)1 acres more or less, ltminded on tlie .N'mlliihy lands of .Uartlni Sheppard and (III the West hy lands of Virgil Powers nyd on |the Hast hy lands of J. K Page andlym lllie South hy lands of 11 S llriit. knownjio)i the Sltep* iianl plane. I. ■vied on «s the | prmwrtv of If S Ihitt. Also, one tra^t or parcel of land helng lviog in said dountyf and Stile, containii g nine hmidred nnd seventy six (i*70) aeus in rcor less, adjoining lunds of J H ,1/n on the North 1 and West, and on the South hy lands of M i E Wnrthen and tlie Ogtci ltee ltiver on t|'ic Einjit. Known as the Armstrong place, la'vjietl iva as the prop erty of J If ,1/ay.All the shove said proper y ,'ietl on to satl-fv two Tax Kxeention . The Mkkccmv will h,. 6unt for thc *'Uiu Mini of (l |[ w |, n p.,y c,1s *' "i.ien they subscribe. Wo will tlo our host to give you, your money’s worth; and make the paper desirable h the future. TAX ltUCHIVUK'K AOTHi: l'lltHT ICO (VI). DIST. DO Monday 8S Tuesday OH Wednesday DO Thursday lain Fridav April I “ '» “ 0 I8S7. It iniwrs Oconuo diet iron Dei pslet> Titbvrniic'o Ituneomh Clay’s Wartlien CPes, (’■toe's Sun Hill D.vvislsiro Josoy’s ( lev land Itiddjevillo Harrison SttiUlWilll Witnjinoek Temillle Sandersville D7 SiturdavD 1(1, 23,110 E DAVIS STRANGE, T. U. W. C. Black Nmfill Shop lUiaaiES, nnd W AGONS Rcptiiretl PLOW WORK and IlORSK SHOEING, n Specialty. Henry ’!. Little. SOTH E.' 130 Monday •• JI 100 Tuesday “ 12 1350 Wednesdiy '.Hi Tlmrsday " II 95 Friday “ 15 93 Monday 18 91 Tuesday '* 19 92 Wodnesdny •' 20 l.'k.'f Tlmrsday “ 21 1253 Friday < ■ 00 91 Monday " 25 1345 Tuesday •' 20 89 Wednesday « 27 1399 Thursday <■ 28 Tennillo High School Male and Fem a l e ' Tennille, —Qaoj^' W. la. DUGGAN, A. M. Trin, The Spring Term of thks institution open* on Monday, January loth, 18H7. Thorough instruction will be given in all nmncliea commonly taught in High Schools Pupils will bo prepared to outer any class ill '’olluget For further inlormaliim apply to "the Principal i-r to S. li. Kollev, I"ros._Roir(l Trustee* Tennille Ga, ee. 0D 1880—tf. g7 VV. 11. WHITAKER, DENTIST, SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA. —TERMS CASH.— GRAININC COLOR OIL COLORS "P KR8 ALABAMA DECATUR Si v arnishes.BnuSHts 5ENDro - R i!, "-iwirdowglass. ' ** COLOR LARDS AND PRICES - ,v In Ulrinoriiim. The second one hns been taken from my class in one short immlhg time; I. it in lust losing these dear ones and their vacant places make me led sorrowful; but I feel that I shall incut them, and not far in thc future will he the meeting. These dear girls have entwined themselves around my henrt more than tongue can tell, and I would revolt if eitrtb- levtoil on p; sati-ry iw|t» issued by the Hlii'e ofGyprgia vs JAlt ih- son Tax < ’ollcntor of said count!y ami U F Drown T D Hmith. James PlSmith, J W Fluker, J E Page’ II S lit ill (and J II .May spcncttrelleo Property pnlnlled out • y de- 'ot., slopped from Albany <in, ^ fendants and legal uoliita> giviim tenants in J. R. V’ICKI'.R. Agt possession. I 1 , Also at the same time and place will Ik* sohl to the highest hid ]«r for tj'tisli one tyr- I tain tract or | ‘ ' '' ' 1 , -'“- IV ill lie sold in 30 days to pay freight charge*, One Dot of merchnrdise ship|»ed to the order of it W Nelson Sandersville, S. At T. Uaiiroad, Sandersville, Ga, March, fitlt 1887. panel of land iptiintcd lying and being in Washington county said State, t out lining nnu'Ji'ilndred and twenty | six aeres more or less sit'd laitpided on lit** North anil East hy llfttris tt Stintli , hy Ohonltie creek ail'd on the Wmt hy lantls of w A F Smith said pirn|ierty levied] W, Q. ROBERSON. A rney At Law. SAN ..SMILLK GEORGIA. on as the propi rty of Alexander llridgcs to Siti'ur, Collue, TobttCCO, ( satisfy a Superior Court'II ta i issued front ] Canned floods, Hardware, 1 the Sm*nor Court of \\ arfhmjton comity I « • n • r in favor of Mrs. T W Si rangel .igainst A S * tL'HW.irc, tliWitrc, banning I buying tho privilege from tho Aa j ly hand-cHitserl t-lto sep<>rntion, hut Itnstn read of using their truct to | *1tlic will of my lioaveuly Fit-, and putting down one I llMS , r ’ 1 8 !', b l m ’ t ' 1 ! ,oii t cvo t , hu!l0 dmr .. ” i girls will Im tetuly to welcome me lull jou will have ton ini.c.s ot | when my Kthorshero arc ended. A the road to start witli, Tliero is | lew tmmlhs ago Ilro J -vante.l me to no use to dispute the fact, that i , :' la T 8 nu ! 1 t M ® tliu unU o . . . ..... .Minnie snitl “please don t for we Hundernvillc is at a point Mint some thing has got to bo done for her future prosperity, and when von get this toad, “the Rink, Ware will follow you. Sometimes when thc dear girls are careless I think t.iey take nu heed to my council and care not for my tcaehiug, hut they show -,r . , , . their love whenever eull td upon to House and the depot cm the squ ire change and 1 feel that these two you will see a change for the hotter, loved me no little and listened to me you tliut think your property is I *"° 1 ' K 0 °d to be derived. Hut God do— .1 ar - .* elh all things well and they are in now worth S.t per square toot, will better hands than mine, though re- just sit still n whilelongerand wont | luetent has been the parting, happy act, will soon see that it will not ! "'** l,,! l * !u meeting ami .Minnie untl l-ring ', of tlint nmounl. ' rTr^'"J k ”“Z , : r “ r* u,; high standard nlrcatly attained hy , together the Iruitioii of Homo. Dear him, is to lay upon him a flesh nidi.; girls you that are still left to my g.ition to keep up to that standard. ■ wl, ’ e stimulate you to he* And n true man is likely to be I ,,l0|n h u, ' e °f the school , , , . ,* loversol God s word ami workers in spurred to greater el tort hy every , lU vineyai . a ao tll (lt yoi| m moet valued recognition of ins best and share witli them thc glories of a 'hievement. No true man is content* Heaven, ed to have it appear that his best Farewell dear girls work is already done hy him. He * l ’ U!, se my sighs ami dry my tears; wants to continue to do as well a» 1,1 #,,lnu '"j'ltea * , lll<! lb " 1 ’ ' H he has done. lienee commomlal ion Yj sUall know" mtSt of sorrow, is stimulus and incentive to a man grief, or fears: As 1 have known. For it is well Willi you dear ones, ami witli your it appear that his standardis really T>ltl0 pieman t lll rhvrs lf Zander you o.yitr than it has scouted at be t , beside, mge| .igi-.... - - _ . . w Hurtle* I’rlnctpnl Aluxinulvri DritlgeH So- tneuts, (Soup, eiiratyaml 111) Joiner inth|»rscr Haiti II ft I now Imnsfir.'il to D I) Joiner transferee and j 1 legal notice given ilefi.*mlaiit| in iio-fen.-don. | Aluo at llicHamc limy and iplaco will Ik' fold, tine tract or |'ari l el of land Hitnated I) big ami being in the 1 bounty of Wr,*hing- ton unite of Georgia, Cont diiing one hun dred acre* more or It kJ, nilji|iiiiing lands of Deuj. Drantley, Didiif..d Walker and G H Meadow*. Levied on |Va the , property ofC. S* Meadows to unduly n, Supierior Court II ft in favor of It. L. Smith vs, C. 8. Mead ow* and Joe Snell Property pointed out hy nlHiiiiiil* Attorney a ml tltiiaeriptinn given ami legal notice given i«h i-olllred hy law* June (Ith 1887. . 1 I C. A. H ALL, HlicrlifTH. Vaar's ahipport. GEORGIA—Wi)8l|iugt0D County. OltDINA It Y '$ OFFICE, Wborens the appiabera npipointud to m apart a yeur's support tor Mrs. Lydia Canter, widow of W. H. L. Canter Into ot auiJ coun ty, deceaacal, havw tiled their return iu thin otklee, all persona uoncurtie'l mre herd y not- itie.k to ntipoar at the Uourt i of Ordinary to New store NewOnotls, Flour, Cigars, Wootl a tuple* Potash, Stationary, n TWA LF.R, -Most Excellent. J. .1. Atkins, Gliief of Police Kuoxvdlc, Tunii., writes' ‘My family and 1 nre the beneileiaries of your most exeollent medicine, Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption; having found it to he till thill you claim fo.' it, desire to testify to its virtue. My friends to whom 1 have recommended it, praise it at every op portunity,” Dr . Kings New Discovery for Consumption is gnatvnlccd to cure Coughs, Colds bion hitis, Asthma, Croup and every ntlcctiuu of T trout, Chest and Lungs. Trial Dottle Free at Win Rawlings Drug More. Largo Size $1.0'0 Uriind Jury. September Term 1887. Ollice upstairs in the Photo- giaph Gallery formerly occupied hy T. U. Glenn, Jones liuilding. Apr 20 '8U JERNIGAN & SON will fix your wat ch or clock as ch eap, if not cheap er than anyone else, come and see. NOTICE! •1.000.000 to Coil!! All parlie* in Wndiingtnn and Rnldwin conilllt'i-whiwe loan* ihi imiiroTcd farm* n.iittm.* ill 1880, nml ib‘*irt , “EATKN8!ON" ut grvntly nalilcvd rat in; will Iiml it In their udvmit 'go lo call and nee mu nt theii leailiest convenience, ut my ollice in Co ir. Hollxe, Sumlcr*villu. where my rap* i rcHentntiilivi) or my nelf will be pleusvd to ! iiccomiuodate them. W. R. THIGPEN. JJad el fratt Nolle*). I hereby notify nil pnrtieM dint on the i third dny of December lSXli, 1 withdrew from nml erased to hour every interest in this mill hiisincs* of Sheppard uml Com* pane uml will not lie responsible for nny of the debt* of the concern, llowel nml A/uthew Shcppmd retulning thc propertv mid becoming rcs(Hiiisiblc for nil oiilsluud- ing indchteuncsH. I>. T. D.irke Dec. 18th 1880. IT OFF-SETS THE LOW PRICE OF COTTON. Hy clcnusiug tlio sclmI iturib'Jt, never chokes, runs light, gilts last, u ukes a good sample. The feeder stand on the 11 tor, it will t ny kind of cotton regular, every gin gn untoed in represented a to give Batbfnetion. Prices It is be reduee l. Cull on or address, LANG and WILT. Mnnu acturers Agents, Sandersville, Georgia. For full do erinti o prices and terms. A gin w II be Kept in stock where ic e i be ete tinny lime. VABIETT Im held lu and fnr mud county ou the hrnt >T. IE Davis, Monday in July uext land allow cauae ifuuy nrn nluould not he ap- I he jindgmout of tho ttioy have, why euid ret proved and tie made I Court. | Thin 25th day of Mat 1 5*20 -4t M For Lettors of Adminni ration de kooU nou GFOIIGIA—Wasliiugtjou County. who deserts conimeuilalion. He trim knows that his standard is counted a high on', will bo unwilling to let 18871. NEtVMAN, Ordy. IF. .V. Harman, It. F. Gladden, John. T. Gross, L. ,J. May, i .S’ - M. 1/itvhcovk, S. J. Jordan, John Taylor, I,. It. Kendrick, Jno, C. Dnyyan, ir.a. GuUuher, Jno. M. Havhels, IK 1). Hunter, Macon Warthen, A. ir. Aid red, A. IK Gain, Alonza J. Holmes, IK G. llailey, Dr. L. S, G nr tier, ir»t. It. Francis, OIWINAHY'S OtFlCE, i Jmuca Wood aud othsira ha ve in due form M D U M Summerlin, Syl Prince, applied to the iinderNigned (lor the appoini- It. T. Found T. N. Smitll meut of E. A. H'llliv*in, Comlity .1 liuiniatra- nr nr d/o/Ais l‘n‘ H Nlieimavtl tor. aa Adminialrator idle honia non on the „ //. • estate of Jutuua Wood, late ot amd county, alios, ft' JlroWII, Geil Ala.Ins, dtuoasuJ, and 1 will pmss upou said apphuu- Frank S.Slranye, Dr.J. /**. Henderson tion on the iirHt M iuifay iu July, 1887, ut ip,.„/. Tencevse Turn ,Vi*, my otlioo in Dumleraviile. i lust ivt.eic xiavnse Jury aepienxbei Given under my hand oIRoially this 25th dny of M iy, 18»7 1 The uiau ie* The membars of tlic Wusliin ton County Grange, tna earnestly - re- qiU8teJ to attend tlm next regie* Tar meeting on Friday .July 1st Jiusinoss ol intwrest wili come be- 1‘our the meeting. We hope the c will be u iu I attendance. W J Hendehson. JM ASl'Eit. * l iA. ] TIME TABLE OF THE VKIGIITSVIL'.K, TENNILLE axd Dl’DLIN It. It To take eflcct November 1-1 ls-’fi, GOING SOLTH. Lv Tcni.iile No. I J A..M. 5 4j fo. 3. P. M. 1 (0 1 35 Lv Harrison 0 H) i.v 1 Ionova 1 0 30 1 r 5 Ar \i rigliLv’lc C of) 215 I.v Wrightsville ti 50 2 20 I.v Lovett 7 20 2 50 i.v Druton 3 10 Lv Condor 0 30 Ar Dublin 3 50 quixq xoitTii. No 2 A -U No 4 P .1/ Lv Dublin S 30 .| *jo Lv (Condor 00 4 60 Lv Denton y is r, 10 Lv Loved <i3j 5 10 Ar Wrightsville: lo 00 (1 lo l v Wrightsville 10 00 0 10 LvD.rn.vm 10 IS 0 30 Lv Ilurrison 1 3,5 ,50 Ar Teimillo 1 . 10 7 20 W. D Thomas, piesideiit, Gen'l ,‘Supeiiutemlant. Nov. 14 1280. ItUtllSTltATION NOTIC E. . My books arc now open for the registr*. tom of votes for the City election on II. M-hool tax to be held June I81I1, 188, Dock* will close Fridav, June l();|i t HENItY, MITCHELL,City Clerk. GF-OR *IA—Wu.-h 11 i r, n f> Buy your Groceries, Hard tvar'. Tobacco, Cigars Tinware, am Vyeodenware from R : T* WALKER. Or strike sweet harps upon its silver tide— Ay; it is well. 'illi.iK i’kaciikr. Sheriff’s Sales. For file First Tuesday in July. STATE OF GEO /MIA, WASHINGTON CO GA Will be su’d I eforc Ihc Court House door in the city of AUmlcrsvillo to tlm liigho t mlilcr,on (lie lirst Tuesday in July next, the following property to wit: Ouc truct or pi reel of fml lying in the Ibloth Di-lrict G. M in Washington county •Suite of Georgia, known us Williams place joiitainiiig two hundred mid forty (240; s more or less. Doiinded on the North hy mils ol Wiley Harris, East mid South by mils of JT Youngblood, on the West by 1 in Is ol \\ E D mlillle. One oilier tract or ireel ol land lying in said District, con ty and stale, four.lining one hundred and ixty (100) acres inure or K.s b-i.inled on ie North by hinds of Wi uy Harris mid C 1 chambers, on the East by lands of Ain chi S« im,|aud 011 iheHoutn ami West . . »-*nds ol G W. Ro iglr.on One other tract or pared of land lying in I the Doth District G. M• s.IJ cciuity mid Hate containing one th .usand and sev?i.ty ■Iglit tlU.O; acres more or less, known r.s , llr.imley and.Smith Tract*, bounded on the I si ml.'.by lamb of Donnie Heath and the J/ irphey tract, on the West hy binds of ' bourn Newsome, ami on the South by f 8eabo"i - " No.isum and the Mouth 5 20 -4t M. NEWMAN, Ordinary, For Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—Wushiugltoo County ORDINARY'S OFFICE, Mrs. Susan A. Smith baa 1 iu duo lorni ap plied to the oudcraignod for letters of ad ministration on the estate ot) Miss Jennie L. Smith, lute of said county ideocasod aud I will pitas upon said applicaliinn on the Aral Monday iu July, 1887 at my I otli ie. Giveu under my hmnd an.a otUeial signa ture this 25th May, 1887. 1 M. NEWMAN, Ordinary W. C. 5-ili—4t For Administrator's Dismission. GEORG IA— kVasilliiDglton County. Oidiumy's Ulilice. 8 ep'.ieu M. Gilmore Adiulmistrator of the esiute of Martha Wadswor|th late of said comity, deceased, has in dap lorm applied to me tor letters ot Disiiuissioi)) from sdd ad ministration, and I will pnsi^ upon his nnpli- cation on the first Monday ip August 1887, at ui.v office iu Smdersvllle in .said county. Given under my hand tidUoiully this 2d day of May, J837. , M. MEWMi-lN, Ordinary. 5 12 -3m Term 1887. Ft. Twille.i/, F. IF. zoinpkins, Abel Cason, L. D. Newsome, Julius S. Frown, Jno. E Sindh Abe Youngblood, Fob'l Chapman, IF. G. Knight, E. H. Dudley, 11. V. Joyner, Marshal 11 Hodges m ids .'rung of Williamsons Swamp Creek aud .... lie North by lands of Winfred 1‘rime. ami ' R Cringle and 1 lie* Wot by lands of /, T Is antley, a .4 on tlie East by lauds of lhitsey Gieen, and on the North by Wil- a-inixins crceV. Aud one oilier tract’lyiio* iu Jitli District G J/ said county amt state, 1 ml.lining three lilimlred and seventeen ; 417) aeres more or less, known as ibe old {■*' e Lamming place, and bounded 011 the .01 Ih by lands of J L. llaltaway, and W - Amm-scm and on the Soiuli by lands ol l E \\ arthen a.c 1 I Fed by lands of Den 1 mersoii unit the East by lands of Stephen a)’- Ad said tracts levied on us tile prop Ilyot J. A. Robson Tux Collector ol 1 uslm.gton county Slate of Georgia. Alsu ne tract containing foiiv hundred and fifty JoO) acres more or less. Dounded on the 'oilb by bums of I L Smith, and on the mthby land* of s If Ji Massey, am! on be ') est by- lieestate of William Irwin and itruwu ^ 0 " aH lllU 1/ ol R F r ....> .in I.. Also one tract -r parcel if land, betng and lying in said M '-iy and state, containing two huulred •OUJaeies moreor less. Rounded on tia- -«.)rul.y Limestone creek, and mi the Administrator's Disimission. GEORGIA—Wuski igt'in county. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. Isaac L Smith, Administi-ator of the estate nf Mrs Mary At. Smith lale ol said oouaty, deceased, has in .Inn* fordi applied to me for letters of dismission irotn 1I10 adminis- tritiou of said estate, and II will pass upon bis iippficu.ion on tho first iMondu.y in July 1 *87, at my otlieo in Sani-fersvilie iu suid co mty. Given under my Imud loifioiully this Cth day of June 1.87. 1 M NEWAJIAN, Ordinary C-0 -3m James E. Fage Jr., J. G. Whiddon, David L. Tanner, Elias IF. Tunner, Marcelus Nuilhington, F. A. Walking, Seth It. Hedges, Joe A. Frinve, It It Cor, A. J/. Itiddle, IF. A. Smith, ills! IFm. E. Tanner, 11'. Thus. Hruntley, John T. Frown, J/. E. Fridges, ' Chits D. Thigpen, John h\ Tunner, Jas. 11. Fage, J. II. Franllvy, M. 11. Hartley, Gid Slaver, Elias G. Joiner, Taos. .1. Curry, Joseph Fell. Second Week Traverse Jury Siydt m)ior Term 1887. * James T. Foyers, S. M. Fage, 7lios. G. Moye, l.-aac A. Smith, IF. C. Hrinson, A. W. J. Wood, Linton A. Tunner, J. J. Smith, F. It Sheppard, John T. Hudson, D. S. Smith, Joseph II'. Fluker, Thus. E. Vickers, It. .1. Fage, A. F. Hudson, J ltd sun Lord, IF. A. Snelling, G. T. Horton, J. It, Young, Jas. F, Nurthington Jno. IF. Fraswell, Geo. It. Jenkins, A. C. Griffin, Itenj D Joiner, Feauford Tar]de.y, John A. Robison, Notice I Itert hv forewarn any one from lrat’.ing for ihe following notes n« | they, nre lost or stolen. One in Itivor of ntysell given liy Wr.t II Sniitli of Washington enmity for IRIS. One in furor of myself given hy Squire Martin for .tlo. One in favor of myself given lay Itenj. Davis for $14. One in favor ol myself given by Sccney Newton for 8U7. One against Win Smith 01 Johnson county for $110. Mosics Smith. Dec. 10th 188(5. 110111,TOY IIOS, Tennille, Georgia. Situated convenient to tlie depot, i’olite servants. Good rooms nud charges reasonable. Kespectfullv, J. C. HAMILTON, Proprietor. Honey To Loan. The undersigned tiro prepared to negotiate I.GA.S UPON REAL k’S TA I’F, seenrity or approved COL LATERAL paper. Terms easy, Evans & Evans, Alloriiey* ut fatw. Lang «£& 'Wilt, Propt’r s. Sandersville, Ga. Manufacturers and Dealers in: Steam Engines ol till styles. Stttv Mills. Grist M'lls. Cotton Gilts, Presses and Macli'mcry ol till kinds A lull linejjut Rubber an-l Leather Bolting k pt in stock. Steam and Water Valves, Steam pipes a-d Fitting.-, Inspirators, Machine Oils and Mill Supplied. Repair work solicited nml prompt v (tono nml ns cheap and we 1 as cun ho done all Machinery sold hy to we guarantee to he as ro[ - resented. , . . . , , Write or call on tis lor Prices and t.bcripDqn oi anything wanted in the Machine line. GUN SHOP. Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines Repaired by li. TWILLKY, on Jernigan street, next to Mr. Benj. Wihddon’s residence. CALL ON BARBER--S HOP!- S H 0 P IIENRY BRANTLEY, THE FASHIONABLE BARBER HO TEL BLOCK (Dbitiraini. Thus. F. Smith, IF. J. Taylor, A S. Mitchell, /. G. Greenway, Win. E Josey, Sam IF. Foyers, Kinchen Fridges, Chns Freeman, J. D. Orrr, 11. S. Turlington, A $20.00 BIBLE REWARD. The publishers of Rutledge’s Monthly Her tw. Ivu valuable tew unis in their Little Olnrerwv' Arthur Rosier, infant son of Mr. nud Mrs J. L. nunier, Uexr TeUbille.Gu.. was born Aug 14th, illBSO, and died on Wed nesday mor.Mug 4 o'clock, i May 18th, 1887. It i» hard to pnrt from o.iriloved ones never to meet again in this world, hut our hearts nre oh<*«red with n bojpe, tfint wo will meet them in » world of taiirer bliss where sick ness, pniu nud death, cau i never ent-r, and .... , ... IMruu* will be no luore. «I«j tbe abound. I V> r ,U ° r ? Sun \w'TY* mm rc€eiy < idu iiriiue ol God oomiort |the bereave l dr- Bwvvuiil will e clivulccl. Ihc money will r be forwarded to tlie winner oli'cr tw. Ive valuable rewtinrs iu their Moi.lhly for February, among which ia the following: We will give $20.00 to (lie person tellin us which is the middle verse in tlie New Testament Scriptures, (net the revised ed ition, hy March Unit, 1887 Should two ing grace ot God couilort rents aud rdatives. You were so sweet when Jioro How could wo hour to part, With one so lovely and s|0 sweet;' It utmost breaks our hearts. We see him now iu spotless white We hear bis songs of Siweet delight, Reside the living stream |be rests, And Jesus makes hint truly blest. T J. C. H. money J/ureh 15th, 1887. l’ersous tryiHg fur tlie reward must send 20 cents in silver or postal notes, (no postage stumps taken) with theii answer, for which they will recuite li,e Moutiily for Apri. iu which the name and address of the winner of tlie reward and the correct an swer will be published, and iu which sever, al more valuable rewards will he ullered- Address, Rctikixje ITiilisuinu Compa- E.'tj.i, Ft. Notice to TressiMiNNerN. I forewarn anil forbid nny one from tresspassing, hunting, passing liuough or in any manner, tin mv plantation, known ns the (Jnodwjn Da\ is place, under tlie penalty of the law. D. G. Watkins. Feb. 22d, 1887. Notice. Tltlt copartnership of Mcddows & Medtlows, of Ilurrison, Ga.. Ifhs hofr-n dissolved bv mutual consent and by tlie withdrawal of C. S, Med dows, the business will be continued at the same stand by Medtlotvs* Bedgootl who will settle and collect all accounts of the old firm. C. S. MEDDOWS. S. J. MEDDOWS’ Thanking tlic public for past pat ronage anti hope they will continue to patronaizt the new firm C. S. MEDDOWS. Harrison, Ga., Feb. 7th, 18S7. W« are Still in the Field. Friends our Jewelry Store in in lull blast ntnl work done by com petent wotkmen; we keep it nice lot of Jewelry, Spectacles, Clocks and Musical instruments lor sale. We hope our old friends and customers will not desert, ns in o*r hour of affliction, wc huve done you good work heretofore, and will continue to do so new. C’hufers, Spanish peanuts Seed Peas, l'or sale hy A. S. Stakes. A R B E R sandersville, Georgia, T H £ lEMINGTON ISewing Machine, Uirn tub |EMI»GT0N EfFLE, UNEXCELLED BY ANY. | Sure to Give Satisfaction. General Offlco, Illon, N. Y. Now York Office, 283 Broadway. Buying Agents Wanted. REMINGTON (Ooublo and Triple Action) FORCE PUMP. Tho REMINGTON ITMP i, nliond ot till compotitioa i n working easily and rapidly. h * It issecuro from freezing; and never needs priming. , 'V; rnttNisn sttackmextb to tub MaL 11T TlU: ' 1 10 “ VSB WITH WIND 11 lust rated Circular and P.-ico-, with icstiinonluls. Address, REMINGTON AG’L CO., mon, n. z New Vokk e^-icEi 283 Broadway. AGKNTS NVANJ’i’iiiiy. | CENTRAL R-R. Savannah Ga , lx*e. U> ISSti, Gn anti after this title pn-smiger If.tin- | will rut* ns Dully unless marked f, which ! are Daily except Suutlay. Tlie .Sian,lard time by which these trains run in ..0 minutes slower tunu .Savannali city time. Lv .Suvnnnidi.. 10:04 am 8,20 n m 5;to pm Ar Milieu 12;!lo pm 1 l;U3 p in 8:45 j> nj Ar Augusta 4;i5pm 0,15 a m Ar Macon 4;-4Upm : ;'J0 a nt Ar .Atlanta 0;tl0 p m 7;20 a m Ar Coliimblis . (i; ,0a lit 3;02 [i ut , At- Montguinery. 7;0‘.l p in Ar Kufaul.i 3;>U p m i Ar Albany 10;08 piu lU;50tt tit l’asengers lit* Sylvania, Stmlcrsvillo, Wig'liisville, Milledg'vi.le nml EatoiUun sho tid lake 10:00 a m train l’assengeis for Tiiomiiston, Carrollton, Ferry, Foil Gaines, T.i.ho ton, Duunn Vi*- t*. Dlakuly nml Clayton should taku p m truin. Lv Milieu... 12;55pm ll;15pm 5;IUaui I Lv Augusta. 10;20 u m tlj.dO p m - Lv Maeon... S);50 a m 10;50 p m Lv Atlanta.. 0;:t5 a ui 0;50 p m 1 Lv Columbus 10;20p lit U;15n lit I Lv Montgomery 7;l5pm7;IO a m ] Lv Ellfaiilit... J 0; ID it in Lv t Ibanv... 4;50 n m 3;57 pm ; Ar .S’lvnnuuli 5;00 p m . ;55 u m 8,04 n ni | Sleeping ears on nil night pa-sunger trains betwetii Savunnuh untl August i ( ami Savannah nml A/ncon, Savannah ami Atlanln, .Maeon nnd Colllinhlls. Train leaving nt 8;20 p m and airiving nt5;55 a m will not stop to put oli’or lake on passengers hi tween Savannah and Mil ieu. , Coni'oetioiiH at S.ivannali with Savannah Morida nml Western Hailwny for ltd points in Florida. iiekels lor nil points nnd sleeping car berth* on sale nt city office, No. 20 Dull street, nnd depot oiiiee 30 minutes beloro departure ol each train. G A WHITEHEAD General Passenger Agei-.t. J C SHAW, Ticket Agent Al*f* ASitmlersville IS. It. PSSENEN’GEU AND FREIGHT (Excel t Sundays) Just received 2 hundred lbs el Lorillards Gentmie Jar Snuft which we are selling at 5sets a pound. HOLT & PRO I,v Kaiulersviit e 4.. r >3 | Leave Augusta 7.IS I.v Wartlien..., ...5.18 1 I.v Gibson 1112 Lv ...6.40 | I.v Hines 12-18 I.V ( ill SOU ...r.2() | I.v Wartlien...12.44 Ar Augusta.... ...900 | A rS’villu 1.1 i No 3 t> M. | No 4 j*. m, Lv Sandersville 2 05 j I.v An 'Until 6 1 f I.v Wtirlhcn.... 39 | I.v llivh/ibah G 14 Lv Hines ... 3.0") i Lv Gilium 7.53 Lv Gibson ...4 00 1 Lv Hines S.."4 I.v Ilepli/.ibaii. ...G.42 j i.v Unrtlien 8.9 Ar Angiisia ...8 00 1 A r S imlersvillc 9. 9 SUNDAY— PASSENGEHS ONLY. No 1 a .. M. 1 No 2 A, M. I.v Bamlersv ilie5.51 1 i.v Augusta 8.14 Lv Wiirllien.... ..IMG Lv llcphzibnh.,9 14 Lv Hines ..0 40 | I.v Gilison 1 l.o4 I.v Gibson ,.7 2' | Lv Hines .... 11 53, I.v Ucpliz bill. • •9 13 I I.v Wnrthen... 12.10 Ar August .10 14 | Ar.S”ville 12 44 No 3 i*. M. | N • 4 f. M. I.v .Sandersvill e 2 51 | l.eiv Anugnsla 3.1.5 I.v Wnrthen.... ..3.1b | Lv I[epiiZihali..4 19 I.v Hines ...3.40 | Lv Gibson t-' 1 "- 1 Lv Gibson ,4 22 1 Lv Hinas 0 5.1 Lv llt-plizibaii ...G 13 1 Lv Wnrthen....7 17 Ar Augusta .713| Ar Handersvillu 7 41 B. M. MlTCllEI.L, President. Do not pny high prices fni Spectuek'H, wIk’d you can get theta, ut Jornig ui Sou lor h’SS tuouey,.,