The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, June 14, 1887, Image 3

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BN TilE 1'ITY. If mi'J of o '■ 8 0 li$01l IIIICHS fill i n re ccin' then' l .11 II It, th ey u'ill please notify tIt nf the fuel immediately. TUESDAY, - - - JUNE UTH^~^I387 — 'I'L'IILISIIKO J»v( — A.J. JElliVIGAN & Co. —)ri; it us units * j , «hi , «kitous.(— ^ASDKItSVfLtiE GEORGIA phrsoVal MENTION. Mr. Richards of Wurronton is 1 s 1“ 8 br «tl*uf in tl.c city •« Cl ™\ n ™«n of Tfiimillo 7 ^°» quite sick with fever for J .°"t two\vocl<s past, ut his moth- vl " '‘ 0SI,,U " CIJ >•' this city but we “ ro ^ llul to Irani is improving. miii' SS • V' * 0 « boon 1 8Kk - we ulu tfladto slate is improving. Miss Snllio Wall of Terrell rnnnty ami Miss Sessions of Ten • mile * ‘ ‘ °ur High School. The annual coni "dcigt ilit? High School takes place to day, and as usual a large crmvd tendance. The oritor gentleman highly ill, POWDER Absolutely Pure. THU powder ncvor^v.irim. A marvel of parity, Mmtgili and wlndminien no> Mine economical lliiui the ordinary kinds ami coimol he sold in competition with die III iltil'lde of low tent*, nliort weight aliuu or plmipatc powder. Kidd only ill entiH. Koval 11akino Powder to. loo wall .Vt.N V. "'ill be in at '»• the day is a gifted and will aquit himself with honor. The graduating class is the \vo have ever known in the institution numbering fourteen and nrc ns follows. Misses Rosa Tatirferro. LscKirk- 'vood, MiiiyJMai tin, Snllio Parsons, Mozollc Whitaker, Anna Robson’ Clara Tratviok, Gertrude Walden aMary Roberts, Lola Scarboro, Addle donea, Minnie Whitaker, /1/essr G. L. Youngblood, lie tj. C Gilmore. 1 he musie under the charge of I r<>lessor Whitaker will bo spluudkl and our people have reason tj he proud of their Public Schools. (The exercises will he continued at night.) tociidi of Minn Aliiiniv 4'aslcl- lnw. Death lias again entered our mid*, and borno away ono mud: hived •Sad! sad! indeed it makes us to re cord it. Minnie was a ch timing lov able front I tened tha slip to ono ot tho legs o 1 of the j the bird. Spring cnnie in Norway, ntuPwith it tic* stork. The eyes of tlie widow brightened for ho remind ed her of her lost son. As he took the food troin her hand she noticed i it letter tied to his leg; she tore it j open, nhd to her indescribable joy ! she iccognize 1 thej handwriting of, her liny. Site haslned with the r.ews to Iter pastor, soon tho community know it and decided to rausomc him. Every one contributed his mite, and through the intercession of the king the business in Africa was dig patched ns quickly asstorsible; and bel'ori the faithful Jposk prepared itself for flight t.) the south again joy fill (ltmes announced Conrad's ret it n io his happy inotner. To this day may lie seen over c mrelies and houses the image of a stork, as a remembrance of this wonderful deliverance. W’S. €. T. I ’S. C OM MAT. Tlio 75cts offer lbr the Union Signal does not last long you miss much if von fail to subscribe. Our Union nre working bard for the suppression of impure litem- hire All mothers should belong to To Our Knbscrlbm. Subscribers to the Mercury ea - - gel one of Dr. Kendal's treatment on llie horse, and new subscribers will ••ftone also as a premium to the .Mercury. Subscribe now he thru they me nil gone and get one. Price ten cents reduced from twenty live us heretofore. J* VISUl " g lhoir relatives, Sheriff Wall mid family. Mrs. G dial,or and her two •laughters 0 f Wrightsville, nre visiting Cupf. llenj. Wbiddou and family. Mr. linger Boll,well. made a Vl8,t Milledgevillo Sunday. Me. Miming Duggnn of Uubl is in the city Misses Cl nulla Garner, Claudia ,, .. -. > - j ( —.. r L . ';"' 7 r "r^ •» ; iwm ?„ ,*.j' 'rsiri!!? 1 ^ | ,iioir ,,, ' i s i,w ’> u , ■ ts us ackson and family heenjtlcFpuircd ol for some time, it j Oil for a mothers meeting to lay Col. B B Thomas was in Hi 1 l ' v,)l , not have been so hard; but lo before all the importance ot tench city Sutmday. u ' Cl1 Hl) suddenly mid unexpeet- ing in their homes unil also to try „„ . Ir . ! an L0 , ll0!lf> Wu CiUl ^ them in in the Mis. J, I. Irwin after an absence 1 tu ' ,zo ll,al 8,115 18 »o more, it ol several weeks IVoiu the eitv has re- ”' !L ‘ ln8 ,J " 1 yesterday we heard her tariKil home * ’ j laugh and saw her moving in and ... „ ' :ul among us: how uncurtain is life, . nss t onny Duggan is visitidg rcl- **ow curtain is death; it comes al k • allies in lcoinIjshero, to all, ihe young an old, the strong Afi- w n /,i • „. . 118 "ell as ilie weak. Only eleven »u a visit i„ ||ia rcbiu’., .° r .^ I 0 , 1 ’" is <luvs 1,151010 her death she was at our H 11° h 9 * datives in Harrison, home and hade us all the most tcu- ; she w:ll not only he missed 1 this Union and woik for purity and the Inmily circle, hut sadly | temperance to elevate their (and CASH PRICKS/ BY . Holt & IIro. • .'oHURCTKlV WFTIMvI.V. I/orillaids SnulTper lb; ..•....•.-...55 et.« Stick Gandy *■ ‘•.... to e.ts Tobacco “ « sr, cls ' S( ">a “ - 7J -c, > ^'•g-u - w “ Cht 7 e.ts Dnrd •> » 8(t». lOcts Powder “ “ 25 cts 5 cts White meat per lb 8j (tv 8.1 L Road Tobai co per lb lift Apples per can 10 els Oysters per can 10ct,s Tomatoes per can 10 cl.- Vinegar per gat 30 cts Molasses •• “ 21 (n 25 cts Kerosinc Oil “ “ I7.y t -ls Ribbbon Cane syrup per gal 50 els Roinenibor we keep nil kinds of gro- c/rii-s nod ► oil them cliunper tli:in nnv o c-- else. We are also lieadipinrlers for (ilass- w ire, Tinware, Crockery war,-, Woddenware n it ions, Jewelry, and every iliing elsekipt II a tlrnt class Uroc-ry Kl ire Pont fail to conn lo see iis when in search of bargains. We can lie found at the 10, cent Store old stand, md opposite Pringle's store; Respectfully, „ holt & 1iro. May 17tli 1887,-3 mo, SAXDRKSVII.I.I? 1‘ltOVIMIOX niUKBT. Sabbath School which is Ihe great est aid to the church. Misses Ida Hell of Patillo and I l * ur ' loving gooilhdyc weaver k: cw «'>t-hj wo Ida Westmoreland of Grillin' who | * ,CI '^ l0 S ,vc » ‘li‘1 «’« think that. o' 1 '‘year - have been visiting Iriends in Ten- 1 ' V:ls ll ' l- ,:lsl visil ,>r l,R! P»*'ting was ! a special LOCAL BKKV1TIKM ('ni'iosity at V. «1 s The Tolegiaph lino is now com pleted from Augusta to Suudcrsville ami in operation. The Central railroad on J line 1st declared a setni-aniiual dividend ol 4 per cent. A good many of the dwellings and the Christian Church nt Tenudle have been painted up niiely. HP,j, Ncwinuu has had the well mi the old Jail lot put sn order. This i» tlie best well of water on the s | mire. What has become of all the little sugar pours in this Ck unify, since tncst- blighted, pours have been intro- di.eud? We dout see any selling on our streets. Mr. S L Parsons is preparing to put up a Blind and Sash Factory &j near his rcsidjueo. Mr. Frank Caslillaw has 1 ought out the grocery store of Mr. Goregc Whitaker, and will opeu a first class Family Grocery Store. The Tcnnillo High School ex amination comes off* oil the '28rd anil 24l!i of Jjinc, l)r. J. S. Wood visitccd his old Iioiiip in Wasliiuglon county lust week, lie gives a glowing account lending m tho prosperity of the county, and says that crops are lino and the farmers, generally, are cheer fill.—Irwiuton Appeal. Mr. Win. Murplny made 110 bushels of wheat on four and time •purteiH ol an acre.' uille, have returued home. Mir, Gabrel Stubbs, Mrs. C. M J 1 ci.Mrs, Emina AitiHivm-i Mi ugiy given because the hul s icli is Iile here to-lav. tunioriow goi.e. Minnie, as her Pastor said i.s ■joy‘cr,Mrs, Emma Ainsworth and j »ot dead hut sleeping; we hope to Matti • Ainsworth visited I ^ h r ngain, without this hope «o ' ie annly ot .Mr. M. G. Wood, Jr, I would ho miserable; what a nr.o m h neai Oconee 1 ist week. j boon to her loved ones i stliis knowl- f iipt. W. C. Mall hows has re- sn gC “ r ' l re,, 1 " ion il1 tlic 8 '^' 8 - Ves tin licit frmii ..nil . • ° I Minnie you have only gone bolore tmm. 11mu qtdte an extensive tour f and will be waiting at the henutiful m. r the State of Texas. | gite lo welcmne those yoii loved on »i,. a .. . .. ... ... . I earth ()! what a meetingtliat will be. Mis. « A. Moore nee Miss Minnie | and l.o v sweet the thought Sve shall i.tppei, ol Lawruus conwty, visited know each oilier there’ Mother, Sis li- r parents in the city, last week-! lei < Brothers “Ye shall know your . i , ' ,0 '' c ' 1 a '" 1 ,ost one” in the homo of t M' 8 * Bangs and daughter, Mrs. B. the bid how: wo rejoice t» know 1 Itawlings, and little Ralph, also . there will hj u i m ire parting tl.Cit Mrs. Dr. Summerlin, left for a visit.! nut he lung, your jmiruey Imre Dear Sister.1 you should all havo the L nion Signal; several ot tlie Union have expressed a desire to subscrib-; thu pricj last yoii was 31,75 I tooK itat that would not, hj wii limit it, if it was 33,00 t lias been $1,5^. Iloio is offer, send me your inline last | now and you can li ivo it ono year f *r 7.0ets this is a special trial offer, to get the paper circulated where it has never been and only lasts for a short while O.d sub-, scribers will have to pay $1,50 to renew; but those who have not sub scribed can got it this time at 7. cts Now dear friends l make nothing by this but I am very unkiotis to help circulate the paper as I fed HiKon subs per lb. hulk I’liiin hams " Klioiiltlers “ Lint “ Cofl'ce •ffngar i-'loin- per hhl. Meal “ ba Ktfgs 11 do*, hoi ter per pound Chickens .0 (if 10 cts !M els 13JDc-Ir its (o'. 10 cla ........ 20 c s (.1! o els $5,00 <" SO,50 70 el» ■ ■ 15 els .20 (or 25 els .15 (11, 30 els Hnil-Uuml To take ellect May 2 Id I8S7. ,30 a m 7 15 11 in 8 00 a ui Overstocked and mu; unload. Cut prices on all new and seasonable goods this week and on at McCarty’s two sores, Sandersville and Ten- mile. to relatives in Texas, WVniaduy. Mr. IL C. Jones, is in the city. Mr. Charlie Duggan of Texas, is in the city, visiting ids brother Mr IJcnj. Duggan. will soot be ended, then tlie same eyes will meet yours, the same arms encircle you, the same smile grcc. ! you only your Minnie will In- ! brighter and more bountiful andO.'i so much happier titan when here. j “Silie slialt bo thine! Kin,, us on earth' you I knew tier— loved ! 1 V Sandersville ... IV-mulle Lv Tcnnills Ar Sanders /- i 110 Lv -Kander/villu..., . Ar T.-nnibu Lv Tennille Ar SmdeiHville Lv Sandersville Ar Tenn, He i.v Teimffllc 8 15 utii 11 00 a in II 15am ....12.10 p m ... 12 50 p til 4 30 p in 1 -45 p in 5 00 p m Ar Sand 1 rsv.llo 515 p CHIIRCHEH~ The Baptist Missionary Society meet Mo.ul iy alier every third nil need it in their homes. Plcast* | Suotlay,, give me your name. The only I o'p I The Methodist Soil) ith School i get lrmn your name is this, tin- : | ms c |„ moro literature I sell forth) lions- ilu uhenper I get liicratu.e for Band of hope ifej besides it is help- ing one ot the noblest cutses 011 earth to take this valuable paper come now subscribe at once and don’t procrastinate longer. S. F. Jl-htNICiAX. Tin: STOIC Y OF CYICIJS. 1). L>, Davis Huh made nrangementsto e irrect neutral time from Savanah by Telegram every momlny morrdnii id nine n’uluck. If you wish oorreot! uvanahtimo call at bis Jewelry Store & Set yoHr wutcli by his regulator. Tlie Passenger Wrpal 5Ve learn there is a inovement on font by tho city council, and the S k T and A, G k SRailroads to have a union passenger depot on the w|mare, this should have been done "lien the railroad first come in, hut • t is btter late than never. hrdieiiuie ol I lie Or 11 teal K iff' day Pawn-liner Ar at Tennille 11,35 a in Ilinvn •« » “ <• 12 21pm I I 1 ni^lit “ « “ 1.17 a m Ihiwn night -‘ ’<< “ 12 54am A Still. Notice is hereby given that at tho tinning session of tlie General As xt'inhly of Georgia, a bill will bo in troduced, entitled “A Gill to incorpo* l! " l! the Bank of Sandersville, and for ntiier purposes.’ May KH-h ’87 blank DliiiDS. Jus UM 1 <)NS, ami Ft FA t the MhiU'UUY OFFICE. ' ,ui >e 2nd 1887, Mrs. Mary ticks. On Wcdnusnay June 2nd, .it Linds.v a, i the infant sou of Mr. and Mrs •n. A. Walker, (aged four months. 1 1 l'riugle Ga., ou Thursday Mis. John L. Martin, tl e daughter |1 lr J °hn B. Wright, of Wrights j*" 0 6a., died on AVedneiday n n'... Hor,ing lReachcd 00 Thursday last. lur iglits Rev. bin wul uiciicomont ut Macon Miss C.illie Jolins'on, ot Tennille visited her brother Rev. G. S. Jolm- stoti iu tlie city last week. Mrs. Wilt has returned home from Macon. Mrs Cheatham the wife of Dr. D, L. Client ham bus been seriously ill for several days. Mrs. Z II Houghton, of Sans (IctMville, accompanied by Mr. VV A Galla icr, wife and child and G Gainer Itmighton, ot the same place viritsd her son, Mr. Z j II itougl - >ti, of our town 011 Tliurs day.—Dublin Dost. changed tho meeting hour from 8:HO to 4 o'clock p. m. Preiiching ut lliu J/,-lbo,|ist Clinreli by tt.-v. U. S. J.ihnsloa. oa tlio Jst. 3r,l ami till Sabbaths ut 1U:30, .1. in. and ut 7.1<j p. m. on the 1st 2nd ami 3rd Sabbaths ol each month. There will be preidling at the Metho dist Clitirdi nl Tennille every second Sun- duv by It-v. G. S. Johnston. At (lie flap- list every 4th Sunday by Rev. T. J. Reek Ladies Frayeriaocting every Wed nesday at 3 1*. M, Baud of Hope and Golden Reap ers every Ft flay at 3 !’• M. The Ladies Missionary society meet the Monday after 1 t sabbath n cacii mmilit al it L\ M. Appointments ot A. B. Herring . king ae'ed kindly to the Jews.“and | tlil,ci l ,le ol 'Christ, for the mouth ol A , . ”, „ . ,, ,, ! helped them when they wanted to I Nlay. A bit of Mikado Hair Rolls at, , vtmn t(( their own country an 1 ,- c . i’-ffmlnrsprings 1stSundny at U Miss Mary \\ . Ferry’s. build Jerusalem. But the story 1 am I Mrs. C. C. BKOWY, —DE YLER IN— Millinery and Fancy Goods, rNOTIONS, &c.i Has just received her Spring Stook consisting in p irt, one of the moat complete lines of Ladies', Misses and Children's Hats and Bonnet*ever brought to this market, Featluirs, Plumes, Tips aud Flowers in great variety and I guarantee Quality, Style and Prices. Cull early uud make your selections while tin stock has nearly every Y A KICKY and STYK found on the Spring Fathion Plates of 1SS7.‘| Notions of all kiads con* st nt coming. FINE DRESSES Cut, fitted and made to or Jer. Every lady in town, e.iitnfcy"*or"“adjoin? ing counties are earnestly req-tested 11 call at my strore, see and exun- iue my Stock whotlier they wislt lo buy or not. Cor. Harris and Jerni- guu Streorts, Watkins’ Building. Apil 1887. WAOSTAI'K. Mrs. It. I Harris is vLitin<v rel-1 Tl,u ,5 i>sy° 1 kissed, the imn.b yo , ., 0 to press — nines in la. | Only a fuller Ufa bj circling tlirniigli iheni, I llonG'. R. P,inglo is attending 1 U “-r' Ji * , »/****“» ani1 u '" 5lli h.iiincs Who was Cyrus? A Great King. I - — «il. »*:■:- Msrw r'd o you it may never come; you know | f igllt( lt )s in t Uo book of Ezra that lot tue day ot the hour when you we uru to ld how the great and good will bo cubed to lullow Minnie. them told Lnytliing tiiat was not strictly true. Which of them do you think the toucher trusted more fully iftcr that? And which was the happier of the two?—Ex. Oc’S A M Eureka Mills for Male. 1 now ofli-r this valuable property for sale. Will sell one half or whole i teresl, rent, or lease for live years. The smoko s in k lias jest been lenglbei eil <iml one of Vilsons patent spark arresters pm on ami no danger of tire from tlio smoke stack now. Tlie Iihiiso is a good three story frame mill ImiUliiuas goo I ns new, with four run ol French burr stones 50 It P engine, with all necessary machinrry in good running order. Two mil tf corn ami two of wheat burrs, now doing 11 good custom and mer chant business. Located in Sin dersvillc Ua., with railroad ficilitie/in every direc tion. The mill Inis a cotton ginnery attached to it. wi'li one of (lie best locations in the Sonffi for a Cotton Seed oil J/ill. Health and clim.itc 11ns irjiasseil in the Smith. Good schools and churches, A bar gain for a wide-awake in tin Can give satis factory reasons for selling. No fault in the mills, for terms and lurlher paitiouhirs address C’« It. Phixoi.k, 3 limes Sandersville Ga. Tlie CloiiiiiioiH-oinent. Of the closing exercises of the Hepli- zib.ih High School, ('. IL S. Jiiekson, A. M , Principal: June SB rcl 8 p. in , annual exhilu ion and concert. dune 24th 9 a. 111., commenccinc:’l cx mdses and delivery of Diploma* to Graduating class. June 24ih 12 m„ annual address by Kb. T. Williams Esq. Public invited UT. WALKER has opened a 11 rot-class Grocery Store in the old photograph Gi-lUry and solicits public patronage. }{ny your Co:lo i'fess Hope at LANG it WILT’S and save mumy Good Goods Low Prices Square dealing to til as Frank,Castellaw Whitaker's old stand. Groceries of nil Kinds cheap at [frank Castellaw’s Whitaker's oid stand. Best G/een Coffee 25ct per lb at Frank at.tellaw’s Whitakers old f/nnd.. A NOIMVIIUAN LEO I END. f)n the. church door, and over many (houses of a village iu Nor way, a stork is represented. Why? Listen to ihe following beautiful legend. In I lift village iu former times lived a widow auditor little hod, Conrad. Every su.uiuor a stork came and liuilL its nest in the vicinity ot her house. Little Conrad and his moth er were very kind to tlie bird. They fed him and shared so much with him that he learned to know them, and as often us Conrad whistled to him, became down to eat out ol his hand. Every spring they looked for him, and when he cuinc, he appeared to he as much rejoiced to see them us they were to welcome hiiii. Ths seasons spud on, and Conrad grew to Ho became a sail or. and tlesi td to earn enough to maintain his mother in her old ago. He sailed to distant lands, but as his shiii ttppioaehed the coast of Af rica, it was captured by pirates, and tlie crew sold as slaves. Time passed Conrads mother he etiine anxious because she received no tidings from her son. At last she gave up all hope of seeing him, and mourned him as having perished al sea. Tho entire village sympathized with her she, s’iH continued her in teest in tlie stork which returned every year, For Conrads sake she welcomed him and fed him till a itiun came and the birds tlj.v t > the Sunny South. One-lay as Conrad was hard at work, a stork Hew near and poised above his head. Immediately ap peared before the. slave’s sou! as 11 charming vision, his home, his moth er and their yearly'guest. Involun tarily lie whistled in the accustomed way to call the bird. To his intense delight the stork came directly down as though lie wished to. he fed Conrad lifted his heart to God and lhankoti him with tears that lie had found an old ftiend so dear to him, Day after day he spared from his scanty supply as much as ho could to have the pleas tiro of seeing tlie bird eat out of his hand. As tit,: time approached that the stork sit). 1 | e k again the North, C nra s lieart oceanic troubled. VVould he lly again to his mother* cottage? Was the nest he so viiidlv remem bered still existing? Was there still some one alive who would welcome and feed him? A11 idea canto to him: “Perhaps the bird can help m * escape from this miserable ilace:* He wrote a lew words upon a scrap ol paper tolling of his locality and his condition as a slave; he than fas, Union liilh.H.nil.i going to toll you is about something 1 that happened long before Cyrus he- eamoa king, when lie was only a lit- tie boy, not older than many of you. When he was born, Persia was a very small kingdom; but some of tlie customs and laws were much wiser than those of any other nations What sort of training boys of Per sia have, you may learn from the story I am going to tell you. Cyrus had a grandfather who was called A sty ages, who was king of Media. The country was afterwards united to Persia, when Cyrus grew up to be a man and became king himself. When only twelve years old Cyrus went on a visit lo his Gtnnd- fatlier, and when thcro he asked to be allowed one day to net as cup bearer, The request was granted, ami Cyrus dressed himself for his dut\ ; and coming into tlie king’s presence, lie balanced the enp nicely on three lingers, just as ho h uJ seen a regular officer manage it and kneeling down, he handed tho cup to his Grandta titer. The old man smiled, and said he had done his duty, but -had for gotten ouo thing' “What is that, grandfather?” asked the lad. “Why, you should have pouted out some of the wine into your hand and then have tasted it yourself.” This I should lei I you was always done by the cup bearers in those days. Cyrus’answer was no grandfather, I did not forget it.” “Why did you not do it then, chi'il V” “Because,” said Cyrus, "I thought there was poison in the liquor,,’ “Poison, child, how could you t | loc ity think so? Teunillo “Why, grandfather, the other day, when you gave a feast to the lotils of the court, I noti.ed that after the guests hull drank a little of lhat liquor their heads were turned, they sang, made 11 noise, and talked all soils of nonsense: even you yourself appeared to have forgotten that you were king, anil when you got up to dmeo you could scarcely stand upon your legs.” “Why,” said the old man “have you never seen anything like that hii| pen to your father?” “No, never.” “dovr is it witlrliim when he drinks?” ‘■•Why,” sad the boy, “when he drinks anything, it is water; ai d; when he quenches iiis thirst, that is alt, nothing ever happens to him.” It Cyrus was a heathen, is it not clear that there are ionic things which we may learn from, him?,— Juvenile Templar. 3 il u Harrison Te/mille 5 Home of j sour 4 “ 4 " r m FrcacliiiiK til llhltllrvillo. Every second •S'unilay at the llnptist “lunch, Rev. Turner Smith pastor, lv.-- fourth Sunday ami Saturday hel'orc al the Methodist Church llev. J. J. Amdey pastor. Preaching ut the Davishoro, Bap list Church, the 2,1, Suhlmlh in each month, Rev. W. L. KillpatriekJ.. At the Methodist Church, on the 1st, and 2d, Sabbaths, by Rev. J. J. Ansh-y, Sunday Schools at both churches every Sunday evouiiig. Appointments of Rev. N. II Ol instead for 1887: Tabernacle 1st Sunday and ntni'duy before. Deep Step 2d Sunday and Saturday before. Cabin Hill 8d Sunday and Sat> .urday before. Bay Spring 4th Sunday and Saturday before. Bethel 1st Sunday 8 1*. M, Piny Mount 4th Sunday 3 P. M. Notice. Notico is hereby given that at the en suing session of the General Assembly of Georgia, a hill will be introduced entitled nu net to amend nu act to au thorize,tlie corporation of tlio city ot Sundeisville to levy a tax for :ho pur pose of establishing and maintaining Publi-i Schools in said city unit to au thorize the county School cornmisioaer of IFv.shiiigtou County to pay over to tho Board of Education of said public Schools such part of the State School funds as may ho their just pr» share thereof’ and to authorize the city council of B/.id city to appropriate the proceeds from I ho grant of license to retail epintoiis liquors iu said cit y and itso tho interest and dividemlsjjfi'om the Ami many oilier; i the city's invest mini t in tho B.iudci-.svillo ] Railroad auiil Public School purposes,” and to abolish present board of trustees and authorize the legal voters of city of Sandersville to. elect 11 board of six trustees to muuuge said school, and hold their office for six years, and for other purposes. M iy 31st 18887. 1620 Arc-n Street. UUMlud'a, Pk A Well Tried Treatment For Consumption, AM Inna, llroueliits, Dyspepsia. Catarrh, lluy Fever, Head- ache, ftehility Rlietiinatisiii, Neuralgia, ami oil ('li too ten 101 \errou.e l)inoi\lrrs. When “Compound Oxygen" is inhaled tlie oe,nt lias imparled lo il increased vitility Tliut Organ sends forth the blood with mor? force and less wnxr lo itself; the vital eiu- rents le.-tv: ou tlu-ir circuit new deposits . vital force in every cell of tissue over which lliev pass and return ag'-io for new sup ply. This simple story is the ration'll ex* plication of the greatest advance that medi cal science has yet made. “The Conqaivid Oxygen Treatment ’ which Drs. Starkey A l'ulon, No. 152!) Aren Street, I'hiladelpliin, have been using for the lust sixteen years, is a scientific adjust ment of the elements of Oxygen and Nitru gen ».-»(ujnetixeil, and the compound is so con densed uud made portable that il is carriua hy express to every portion of the country —indeed, ills sent all over the world. Dim. Sarkky & have the lihert to rufur (ut proof of their standing us Phy sicians) to the following named -veil-known persons who have tried their Treatiucu Hox. WII.LI AM D. Kum.kv, Member of (JonijeeeA, IVtilailelphla. Rkv. Vic-Toit 1.. Cun HAD, Editor Lutheran Obuerver, Philadelphia. Rev. Ciiaiilks W. Cusiiino, Editor American Jieformer Xav York Hox. Wii.lam Penn Nixon. Editor Inter-Oeeon, (Jhicayo, 11, JurmK Joseph It. Flanueiis, Temple Court, New York. Mrs. Maiiv A. Catou. Widow of tits lute Dit Harvey Gator On mien. New j entry Mrs Mary A Dotmtirv, Jamaica, Lony Inland New York Mrs Mai^ A Livermor-z Mel ram MniutachuneUa* Judge R S V'ooitiiEEs, New York City Mr George iV Edwards “ 1 l rnpfr St (leorye,n Hotel Philadelphia; Mr Frank Siddall A veil knewn Merchant, Philadelphia Mu William H Whitkly. Silk Moiiufnetiirrr Philadelphia, Pa. io every part of the U 8 Patronize Home In dustry. EUREKA. HILLS, Sandersville - - - Qr T HE8E mills are now making tka host Flour and Meal of any mill in tit 0 country. Every accom modal ion ts provided lor people coming in from a distance. Honest nten are is charge, and EVERY POUND of . Meal, Flour, and Bran 1 hat tho wheat and corn will make in GUARANTEED TO THE CUSTOMERS of tlie mill, less tlie toll. So bring in your WHEAT AND corn al thu sumo time untl thereby save going to mill twice. <’. R. PRINGLE, Prop’ter 7 9 85—tf I). C. HOWARD, Millin' ttutii If your watch is out of order take it to the old relia ble, A. J. Jernigan and Son’s Jewelry Store. FA It ME Its FAVOHITE.’ Is meeting with satisfaction with planters in Washington county, to be found at Eureka Mills. 7T4 tl Two Houses to Rent Ono a four and one a six roo, u House.. Apply to J.O. WOOD, A. M. MAYO, C. K. PRINGLE, ''Compound Ojyyai -lit Mode of Action and Resulh1” is the title of a volitmcuf nearly 200 pages, b,v Drs Starkey A Paleu which g'-vrs to u11 inquirers full information as to lid remarkable curative agent and a large record ol suprising cures in a wide rangeofeltrou- ie cases—many of them being ah mdotied to die hy other physicians. It willbomuihd tree an address on application DUS STARKEY A FAI.E*. 1429 Arch St.. l*liilu«lcl|»liiu I* Briico Up. You arc feeling depressed, your appe tite is poor, you are bothered with Heutl- aohe, you are fiilgetty, nervous, anil generally out of sorts, anil want to brace up. Brace up, but not wttli stim ulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and ‘which stimulate you for an hour, untl then leave you in worse condition tliau beforo. What you wnut s au alternative that wilt purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality,, and give renewed health and st.engtn. Such a medicine you will find iu Electric Bit ters, nuu ouly 50 cents u bottle- at Dr wliugs Drag Blare. • " l PERFECT SATISFACTlOk SEWING*MACHINE[ HAS NO EQUAL. Atlanta, —ORANGE, MASS.— SO^Unlci Square, H. Y. Clllcago, Ilk St. Dull, M*. ' Ga. Dallas, Tex. San Francisco, Cal. CITY MI1<E< TOI<Y Mayor. J. N. Gilmore, Mayor Pto Tem W. R. TmorEX. Aidermen. B. E. Rol'ghton, J. B. Roheuts. A. M. Mayo. 8. G. Lang. Clerk. C. Henry Mitchell. Treasurer, B. J. Taubutton. Marshal. R. M. Brown. ‘ Riicklcu’s ArMicit Satlve. The Best Salve in the world forests Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hoads Chilblainn, Corns, uud all Skin Krup- lions, and positive!;, cures Piles, or no pay required. Jt is guarantee a to give perfect satisfaction, or monfc refunded. Price 25 cents per hoik FOR SALE BY DR. R AUXIN Oft