The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, July 05, 1887, Image 3

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v r; ■ m*?. w ■ \ \ -v- JUS -i- _ 'J IH THE CITY. ’~]f~iaiy of our SURSCRIRERS fuil In rc- tl -lrc their P-i "a'y v ' il1 Incase notify Vi t f the foci immediately. TUESDAY, - ~ ~ -'mMLV 5 l!l • 1887 —VrUKUSHEi) jjy( — A.J. Jernigan&Co., _)puitusii];US & rr,oi*i!i:iToi!s.(— *,ANBKKSYILIjKj (illOIUilA POWDER 1 lie fourth of July was celebrated in the city by the * colored people 5as« ball, climbing the greasy pole, " lioelbnrrow races, singing’ speaking *e was the order of the day. The gingurenke eaters were quite nn interesting feature; like the tor toise, the slowest eater won the race. IHEIV CHILDRENS COLUMN. Mrs Annie Hartley formerly Miss Layton died Juno 19 th. I lie infant child of Mr Iverson Lord ofTeunillc di cd June tbe 211 rd Mr Charles J. Duggan, of So- giiinc. 1 exas, who has been on n visit to t datives in our county for several months, will leave for his home this week. Mr. Duggan has traveled very extensively in our county since lie has bean hero and speaks verj flattering of the crops. The District Conference of the Sanderst die District will convene in \V I'ightsvihe, Rev, G. S. Johnston will preach the opening sermon on Thursday y The delegates from Sandersvillc are B. J. Tarbnt ton and W. J. Gray; from Tcnnillc Hubbard Fraukliu and W. A. Galla her. Col Sam Whitaker, of Baldwin county,Jdied on Wednesday night. Mr Iverson. Lords of Tennille, little child died on Thursday June 301 li, ult. Mrs. Emily Peeler died at the res idence of her sou Mr W. P. Peeler of Hancock county the 21 of June age 77 years. For Tax Collector Wo arc authorize!) to announce the niune of Mr. M. G. WOOD, Sr., for the ottlee of Tax Collector at the election in Julyjtlie 20th 1887. The mclon colic days Imve come the saddest of the year.—Dixie For Tax Collector Groceries ol all Kinds clump at Frank Cnstellaw’s Whitaker’s old stand. Absolutely Pure. ..This powder never varies. A marvel of parity, strength and wludesomcncss More economical than the ordinary kinds mat eonnot lie sold in competition with the niitltititdo of low tests, short weight alum ori'hospatc powder. Sold only in nans. Koval Baking Puwdkii co. 100 wall filN Y. LOCAL BREVITIES The Legislature convenes to morrow SkcriffWulls residence bus been painted up nicely Mr II F Walters, lost a fine horse lust week llig time at Tennille, next Fri tiny night. Several loads of tvutormoloiis have been brought to tho city. Mr, H. Sandman lute had tho front of his Grocery Store painted red. Head notice of the Ordinarys call ir.g election for Tax Collector. Mr, Ilcmy Eubanks, is building a store near the Augusta depot Re union r.f the 1st Georgia Regi ment and '.be 12llt, Georgia Raltal- ioii on Lite Jrd of August. Crops arc looking well, flic corn is Imre some by the hot dry weather Mr B T Bawling'', card for Tax Colleetor can be seen in another column The hell for the Methodist church at Tennille. has been re ceived and is the'largest Otto in the county. The card of Mr O P Doolittle of Augusta will be scon in another column’ The li tunes mouldings Ac raatlo by Mr D. arc beautiful. Mr. S. H. U Massy, and Mr. M. G. W.oodJ Sr, tire announced in tho llorcury as candidates for Tax Col lector til the election on the 2Uth of July. Wo are glad to learn from Presi dent Mitchell, of the A. G. A S-' Road, that it is in good condition and doing well. He is the right nian, in the right place. The,colored people were badly dis appointed. The July exeurtiouisls took the central for Savannah and Charleston instead of their intended trip to Sandersvillc. The Ice Cream Festival at Dr. S. L. Brantley's on last Thursday night was a success thirty dollars we understand was the amount real ised We wire glad lo meet with Congress man Hon4 George T. Barhes in Au gusta, last week and seeing him look ing so woll, the interest of the Staie is always safe in the hands of men like him. Mr J, A. Hunt whose candidacy fot the Collectorship was announced in the last issue of Ilia Mercury Lias withdrawn from the race, in favor ol Mt; J( S, II. B. Massy, whom lie will support. The adjourn Term of the Johns sou county Superiot court convened in Wriglitsvillo yesterday, with Judge Ilities, on the bench and Solicitor Goueral Rogers at his post. Conductors Raney, and McNeer on the A G & b R, nre ns polite und clever gentlemen as e ter pul led u hell lino over any road, Capt. ^ bite, the courteous rought agent 18 just the man for the position he iills. Len Burnett, colored, who was nt'iested by the United States Mar- nlmll, charged with running the blind tiger and selling liquer withs ou t license has been released for the want of evidence. PERSONA L MENTION. Mr / II Roughlon is in the city. Miss Lizzie Joins of Atlanta is on a visit to the city. ’lho Editor am) Lady made a brief visit to Augusta hist week. Mr R C Jones, and lnmily left for North Georgia last week Prof V E Oi r, of Forsyth, made a brief visit to the city Mr Clayton Mathews, of Ten nillc, is visiting the Northwest Mrs Russell Cox of Hebron visited Mrs. Penny Jordan last week. We are glad to see Mr Lucian Robson, out t lignin. Prof, W. B. Whitnkcrof Alabama is vifiting bis relatives Prof, Whita ker and family. Mrs Kate Roberts, of Linton is visiting her sister Mrs C C Brown Mr. Editor.—Please announce the name of Mr. S. H. B.MASSEY as a canbidate for the olllcc of lax col lector at tho election in July the —DrIt 1S87, Manny Voters COACHUT NOTICE. Miss Annie Roberts of Linton, has returned homo Mrs Margaret Scnrbooiough, is visiting relatives in Ilanison lion R J Moye is attending tho Legislature, Hon. B D Evans, Jr., who lias been quite sick, is improving Miss Loo Kirkwood lias returned to Iter home in Florida. Sir. J. C. Parker will open public school at Tabernacle on tho -1111 ol July Misses Claudia and Madge Hull of Wrighlsvilie are visiting Mrs Dr, Brantley. Hon. C Tl. Pi ingle, left to-day for Atlautu, to attend the Legisla ture, Master Albert Ilcath, who lias been quite sick is able to he at his post, Captain I Herman, who has been quite tick is tilde to bj nt his post n gain Mr. Frank Cullens, residing near Buffalo, was partially paralyzed on June, the 24th. Mrs. Stephen Gilmore of He bron made a visit to Mrs, Penny Jordan in the city last week. Misses Stella Rhodes of Bartow, Gilbert, of Cochran, Jones Tusca loosa, Ala, nre visiting Tennille Mrs, James Vinson, was taken speechless on Wednesday night, we have learned since she is much bet ter. Misscss Effie and Nora Cham bers, of Invinton, Miss Sallie Pear son ot Oconee, attended the com mencement at Teunillc, Miss Louis Rice, of Jefferson ville, visited Mrs J C Harman, and Misses Sillio Smith, and Sal- lie May Burnett visited Mrs T N Smith, at Tennille, last week Cols E. J. Langtnade, E. O. Bos tick wite and daughter Miss Annie Lee Holt, Messrs Ed Orr, and Sam Robison, were in Wnghtsville last week.—Headlight, Misses Jinnie and Pauline Boat wright, visited Mrs J D Fiftnklin, Misses Annie Bill Gilmore, Nora Cohn, visited Mrs Louis Basbinski at Tennille, last week. RT. WALKER has opened a first-class Grocery Sto c under the old Photograph Gallery bo solicits public patronage Fop Tax Collector We nre authorized to announce the name of Mr. B. T. Rawlings 1 or the office of Tax Collector a .he election on Ju;y 20 th 1887. G W Peacock, John A Martin G W Hartly, George S Avant M Iv Wood Sr \V H Avant C A Moyo John A Robson John W Layton Abel Cason ALCOHOL AND THE NERVES REA. GEORGE W. JAMES. There will be a Concert at Ten nille on next Friday night. July 8th tor the purpose of raising funds lo purchase a Bell tor tho Methodist Church of that Town. The Concert will consist of mu sic, Tableaux, Charades &c. It is sufficient to say that this concert will bo presided over by Mrs Alex MolTot, formerly of Sandersville who with her accomplished daughter husband and sons, lo-gether with all the best musical talent of the city will certainly insure a feast of “fat tilings” lo all who attend. Admission fee 25 cents for nil. Concert will be held at Tennille Academy. The train will go over for tbe benefit of all who will go from Sandersvillc, and their attend mice is earnestly solicited. Best Green Coffee 25ct per lb at Frank Cuttellaw’s Whitaker's old s and. AKc-Unton oftlic list Hu Regiment und 112th, (*n, Raltalion. In pursuance to n previous call a portion of the survivois of the 1st, Georgia Regiment and the 12th, Ga. Battalion, assembled in tbe Court House on tho 22d, inst, to organize tor the purpose of holding a re-union of the above named commands at Sandersville, Ga*, the 3rd, of August 1887. On nioticn of Col. John N. Gilmore, Col. B. D. Evans, was appointed Chairman of tho meet ing and W. G. Robson, Esq., See rotary. On motion of B. S. Boatwright the chairman was requested to appoint a committee ot forty to be selected from each command, to solicit for a Barbacuo lor Reunion of tbe 1st Ga Regiment and 12th Ga Battalion on the 3rd, day of^August, 1887, at Sandorsvillo Ga, who arc requested to report to the chairman Col B. D. Evans 1st Tuesday in July 1887- Tbe chairman appointed the tol lownig committee. B S Boatwright, W O 'Mathew-, ‘.Telegraph wires all over me!'’ exclaimeb John ill response to some thing I bad said. “I’ll never believe it.” “Indeed! Rut hadn’t you better wait awhile before you say that? “Shut your eyes. Now, how did you shut them? You don’t know, do von? Let mo tell you. Wlion I spoke the air was set in motion, and began to make waves, one striking against another, as the waves of the sea do These waves entered your enr, where a little tiny drum is stretched to re- eievc them, and this was made to vi brate. Tho waves from the drum are in turn taken up through a perfect maze of telegraph wires into tho brain, and the brain being the head telegraph office’ at once knows my wish, which is, “Shut John’s eyes!” The chief clerk in the office then sends a message to both of your eye lids'saying,‘Go down!’ and in an instant they obey* But let me see it there are any tel egraph wires in your body bosides these. John shuts bis eyes, and I touch bis nose’ then his little fingei then his leg, and finally his hall and ench time bo ,oays he can feel my touches. “Of course you can feel, them, for all over your body these little tele graph wires are to bo found, and they send up in a flash tho message to tho head office, the brain, saying, „SomeUilug has touched me on the nose, finger, leg, and hair.” these Bimple experiments fully convince John that he is filled with telegraph wires. Edith nnd William arc also deeply Interested, and watch the proceedings as closely as John. “Now, Edith, I wish to ask you a question. Suppose I were lo cut a telegraph wire iii two, could a mes sage be sent over it?” “Ot course not. is her reply. “Suppose it were covered up with snow, or twisted around a tree, could a message go through it?’ She hesitates a moment before she replies, “Perhaps it wouid, and per haps it wouldn’t.” “Well it might go through, but mo9t probably it wouldn't. Now, did you ever see a man who couldn’t use his arm or leg, and vot to look at it nothing nt oil could be seen that would indicate disease? ‘Yos. Ikuow a man, Mr. C— whose right arm is paralyzed so he can scarcely use it at all. “Paralyzed! I exclaim; “What docs that mean!” “Why, replies thoughtful William paralysis is simply the stoppage of those telegraph wires you’ve been speaking about!” „You’re right, Will. But what is the name we give to these wiies? ‘Nerves! ho quietly explaines, while John nnd Edith look in won derment at my allowing him to sug gest such a thing' But so it is. Now. when a man snffers from paralysis’ wo say that ho is afllieted with a most painful disease; and yet there arc men who willfully pnralyzo thomsclves—men who do it purposely, “Dear* me! How foolish they must be.” “Itbink so too. But let me hasten aud explain how they do it. You remember my telling you about that peculiar, wntery-looking liquid we call alcohol? ‘ Well, that alcohol is mixed with water, sugar and a few other things in drinks that are called beer, wine or spirits. ‘ Now, when men take these drinks ill to the stomuohe, tho alcohol that is in them paralyzes the nerves some-what in the same manner as that man wns paralyzed lo whom Edith just now referod. You only to sec man who has taken a quantity of such liquor to be con vinced of what I have said. Go to him and ask him if be can walk straight, and then to test him, draw a straight chalk -mark twenty yards long and ask him to walk upon it- He may try, hut will assuredly fail Now place silver dollars at every ten paces, and tell him he may have them if ho will walk the line, even then, although he is anxious to walk straight, he will stagger aud leave lho lino’ What is the reason of this? Edward Martin, Johuaon county, T O Wicker D R Cumming'jfTliere is but one answer, and thatJD Walker G Knight Geo W Mills M M Mathis J Frank Walker N II Jordan J J Jordan G B Thigpen I Herman J T Youngblood Jasper M Stubbs L D New soulc M O Lcverett S M Gilmore W J Jordan Anderson M Riddle A J Trawiclc M K Kininan of Jefferson County. B. D. Evans, Chairman, W. G. Roiison, Secretary. W II Ilincs W II Fulghum W R Robison R J Moyo M H Boyer W E Watkins R J McCoy John R Wicker W A Smith 25.00. AT JKRNIGAN and 80N’S JEW- [ELRY STORE. Machine! given by the leading scientists of the world, “Alcohol has paralyzed his nerves.’* “Try again and see if any ether nerves are attacked besides those of the legs. Ask him to write his name nd even then, although ordinarily he can write like a Scribner or a Ctaskelh, his writing will now look as if you had dipped a fly in the ink and sent it walking across the paper His nerves in the fingeis aud arm are paralyzed by the alcohol. ‘ Try once more. Ask him to say, This is a truly’ rural retreat, ami in nine cases out of ten ho will bring out. ‘This is a tooral ooral treat.’ “The nerves of his tongue are pa ralyzed- “And so might I give you many similar illustrations of the way in which alcohol paralyzes the telegraph wires or nerves of the body I trust that none of my readers ever wish to thus injure their bodies, my advice is, ‘Don’t drink any liquid that contains alcohol. After writing sentences one day, the scholars exchanged work for cor rection. A small boy marked an er ror, and then at the loot ol the paper made the following explanatory note; “lie didnt’ begin Massychewsits with a cnttorpillcr.”—Harpers Ba zar. Chufers, Spanish peanuts Seed Peas, for sale by A. S. Spakks. PerMAiial. W. D. Hoyt & Go., Wholesale and Retail Druggists of Rome Ga., say: We have been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Bueklcn’s Arnica Salve for four years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such univer sal satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King’s New Dis covory, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Dr, Rawlings, LANK FRICKS. BY Holt elk. Itro. Corrected Weekly. liori llards Snuff per lb 55 cts Stick Candy “ “ 10 cts Tobacco “ “ 25 cts Soda “ “ 7J cts Sugar “ “ 0 @ 7 cts Lard •* “ 8 @ 10 cts Powder “ “ 25 cts Soap “ “ 5 cts L Road Tobacco per lb 55 Apples ‘ per can 10 cts Oysters per can 10 cts Tomatoes per can 10 cts Vinegar, per gal 30 cts Molasses “ “ 21 (d) 25 cts KorosincOil “ “ 17£ cts Ribbbon Cano syrup per gal !H) cts Remember we keep all kinds of gro ceries nml fe l them cheaper than any ono else. We areals) headquarters for Glass ware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Woddonware notions, Jewelry, and every thing else kept In a first class Grocery Store Dontfailto come lo see us when in search of bargains. We can be found nt the 10, cent Store old stand’wid opposite Pringle’s store. Respectfully, JIOLT&RBO. May 17th 1887,-3 mo, To Our Siibscribors. Subscribers to the Mercury cat- get one of Dr. Kendal’s treatment on the horse, and new subscribers will get one also as a premium to the Mercury. Subscribe now before they arc all gone and get one. Price ten cents reduced from twenty-five as heretofore. Furekai Mills for Hale. I now offer this vsluahlc property for sale. Will sell one half or whole interest, rent, or lease for five years. The smoke s’ack has just been lengthened und one of Wilsons patent spark arresters put on and no danger of fire from the smoke slack now. Tile lieitse is u good three -lory frame mill building as good as new, wttli four run ol French burr stones 50 U P engine, with all necessary muchiurry in good running order. Two run of corn nnd two of wheat burrs, now doing ngood custom nnd mer chant business, Located in .Sardersville Ga., with railroad facilities in every direc tion. Tliemill lias n cotton ginnery attached to it. wi'h one of the best locutions in the Son'll for n Cotton Seed oil A/ill. Health and climate unsurpassed in the South, (iood schools und churches, A bar gain for n wide-awake man. Cun give satis factory reasons for soiling. No fault in the mills, for terms and further particulars address 0. It. PttlNUI.E, 3 times Sandersville Ga. If your watch is out of order take it to the old relia ble, A. J. Jernigan and Son’s Jewelry Store. "cililKCHES The Baptist Missionary Society meet Monday after every third Sunday,! The Methodist Sabbath School has changed the meeting hour from 3:30 to 4 o'clock p. m. Preaching at the A/ethodist Church by Rev. G. 8. Johnston, on the 1st. 3rd and 4lit Sabbaths at 10:30, a. in. nnd at 7.1o p. m. on the 1st 2nd and 3rd Sabbaths of each month. Thera will bo preaching nt tbe Metho dist Church at Tennille every second Hun- day by Rev. G. S. Johnston. At the Bap tist every 4th Sunday by Rev. T. J. Reck Ladies Prayertncoling every Wed nesday at 3 P. M, Bund of Mope and Golden Reap ers every Friday at 3 P* M. Tho Ladies Missionary society meet the Monday after 1st sabbath n each mouth at 3 P. M. Appointments ol A. B. Herring disciple of Christ, for the month of May. Popular springs 1st Sunday Rt 11 ou’k A M Union “ 7 “ r M Bethsada 2 “ 11 “ am Harrison 3 " 11 “ l* & Tennille 6 Home of poor 4 “ 4 “ l* M I’l'cucliiitg at Itiddlcvillc. Every second Sunday at tho Baptist Chuich, Rev. Turner Smith pastor, liv- fourtli Sunday aud Saturday before at the Methodist Church Rev. J. J. Ansli-y pastor. Preaching at the Davisboro, Bap tist Church, the 2d, Sabbath in each month, Rev. W. L. lvillpatriukj.. At tho Methodist Clturuh, on the 1st, and 2d, Sabbaths, by Rev. J. J. Ar.stoy, Sunday Schools at both churches every Sunday evoniug. Appointments ot Rev. N. II 01 instead for ISS7: Tabernacle 1st Sunday and nturday before. Deep Step 2d Sunday and" Saturday before. Cabin Hill 3d Sunday and Sat urday before. Bay Spring 4th Sunday and Saturday before. Bethel 1st Sunday 3 P. M. Piay Mount 4th Sunday 3 P. M. FAItiHEKS FAVOKITE.’ Is meeting with satisfaction with planters in Washington county, to be found at Eureka Mills. 714 tl A lot of Mikado Hair Rolls at Miss Mary W. Perry’s. Election of Teaeliers- The annual election of teachers for the Public School of Sandersville will take place on the night ol tho first Monday in July All parlies who desire positions as teachers are requested to send in their applica tions to the President or secretary of the board betore that tiiui. By order of - John N. Gilmore President City Board of Education Horatio N' Holliiield Secretary. Named for a Bible character.—“ May I ask what the middle S in your name signifies Miss Bullion?” “Cer tainly, Mr. De Crashhe. It stands for Sbazzar.” “Shazzar?” “Yes, I was named after an eminent woman mentioned in the Scriptures, Belle Shazzar, Overstocked rand must unload. Cut prices on all new and seasonable goods this week and on at McCarty’s two sores, Sandersville and Ten nille. Mrs. C. C. BROWN, —DEALER IN—£j Millinery and Fancy Goods, i NOTIONS, &c.i Has juBt received her Spring Stock consisting in part, one of the moat comploto linos of Ladies', Misses and Children’s Hats And Bonnets over brought to this market Feathers, Flumes, Tips and Flowers in great variety and I guarantee Quality, Stylo aud Prices. Cull early aud make your selections while the stock has nearly every V.VUIERY and STYE, found on the Spring Fashion Plates of 1387. J| Notions of ull kiuds con stant coming. * FINE DRESSES Cut, tub'd and made to order. Every lady in town, county or adjoin ing counties are earnestly requested to call at my strore, see and exam ine my Stock whether they wish to buy or not Cor. Harris and Jerni- gau Streerts, Watkins’ Building. Apil 5th 1887. In- Patronize Home dustry. EUREKA HILLS, S andersYille Ga. HESE mills are now making the Tl | best Flour and Meal of any mill in th o country. Every accommodation is provided for peoplecomiugin front a distance. Honest men are in charge, and EVERY POUND ©r Meal, Flour and Bran That the wheat and corn will make is GUARANTEED TO T1IE CUSTOMERS of the mill, less the toll. So bring in your WHEAT AND corn at the same time an«l thereby sure going to mill twice. C. R. PRINGLE, Prop’ter 7-9 85—tf D. C. HOWARD, Miller TOWN of TENNILLE, MAYOR, oltn llarnmn, ALDERMEN J D Franklin, II S Hatch W J Joyner, J. F. Merebisou. CLERK H B Massey, i MARSHAL J H Davis V TWA DC MAR* *680 Aroh Stmt, Philatt'a. ffa OTHE LIBHT RUNNIMtS A Well Tried Treatment For Unnsuiuptlmi, Aatltma, llrenchlto, Dyspepsia. Caturrli, Huy Fever, Head ache, Debility Rheumatism, ‘Neuralgia, and all Clirouic and Nervotu Diiordert. When “ Compound Oxygen” is inhaled Iht neiirt Inis imparted to it increased vitality 'pi..., /, i. j-....,,. .i .«. ■ ... J That Organ Honda forth the blood with mon Tea force and loss wear to itself; tho vital cur- SEWING-MACHINE BAS NO EQUAL. PERFECT SATISFACTION Nev Heme Sewinc Macliine Co. —ORANQE, MASS.— 30 Union Squire, N. Y. Ctilcago, lit St. Louli, Mo. Atlanta, fla. Dallas, Tex. San Frandacn, Cal. Jernigan & Son rentH Inavi on their circuit new deposits vital force in every cell of tisane over which tliev piss and return age in for a new aup- plt\ This simple Rtory is the rational •!« plitmlion of tliegrc.itoot advance that medi cal science has yet made. ‘‘The Compound _ Oxygen Treatment 1 ‘ " ala ■which Drs. Starkey <k I*aion, No. 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia, have been using tor ami the lnut sixteen years, is a scientific adjust- AUjU ment of the elements of Oxygen and Nitro gen magnetised, and the compound it so eon de Jenned and made portable that it is carried by expresa to every portion of the country —indeed, it is sent all over the world. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. Tho Best Salve in the world for cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands Chilblainn, Corns, aud all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, o no pay required. It is guarantee to give perfect satisfaction, or mon^ refundod. Price 25 cents per box FOR SALE BY DIi. RAWLINGS Drs. Sarkey & Pales have the libert to refer (in proof of their standii.g aa Phy sicians) to the following named well-known persons who have tried their Treat men Hon. William D. Khlley, Member of Congress, Philadelphia Rev. Victor L. Conrad, Editor Lutheran Observer, Philadelphia. Rev. Ciiarleh W. Cushing, Editor American Reformer Sew York. Hon. Will am Penn Nixon. Editor Inter-Ocean, Chicago, II. Judoe Joseph It. Flanders, Temple Court, New York. Mrs. Mary A. Cator, Widow of the lain Du Harvey Cator Camden. New Jereep Mrs Mary A Doughty, Jamaica, Long Island New Yerk Mrs Mary A Livkumokc Mel rase Massachusetts Judge It S Voohkees, New York City ■' Mr Gbouoe \V Edwards ***" Propt’r St Gcorge % s Hotel Philadelphia Mr Frank Siddall A well-known Merchant, Philadelphia 2! Mr William U Wiiitkly, Silk Manufacturer Philadelphia, Pa. And many others in every part of the U it CITY DIUECTOHY Mayor. J. N. Gilmore, Mayor Pro Tem W. R. Tuigpen. Aldermen. B. E. Rougiiton, J. B. Roberts. A. M. Mayo. £. G. Lang. Clerk. C. Henry Mitchell. Treasurer. B. J. TAunurroN. Marshal. R. il- Brown,* ‘‘Compound Oxygen—its Mode of Aelion and Results" is the title of a vohuneof nearly 206 pages, by Drs Starkey & Palen which givea to all inquirers full information as to thi - remarkable curative agent and a large record of .nt prising cures in a wide range of chron ic cases—many of them being abandoned to die by other physicians. It willboiaallad tree nn address on application »lt$ STAKKEY St PALEN. 1**1) Arch St.. Philadelphia P Two Houses to Ben One a four and cue a six room House. Apply to J.Q. WOOD, A. M. MAYO, C.R. PRINGLE. Buy your Cotto Press Rope at LANQ 4 WILT’S and save money