The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, July 26, 1887, Image 2

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fulfill 1mm i *The Mercury Tin* S)rrijl'x Organ For Washington (onr (ij Publishnt by <4. J. Jernigan & Co., —) H iti.isiii.R3 *, ciinrmr.TOiifi.(-- *indkksy»M,k geoui.i YUESD4Y - - ■ - JULY 58th “ t83 EpiT<jiRtAt. Drought is causing water famine hi Mu tic'u ester England It is reported that Henry M ley, the African Explorer lint to u rdcrod. feylvnims Cobb Jr. tbo great Writer of llio Now York Ledger is (lend. ■ .. •• The Governor of Missouri 1ms fetntek it lie is appointing women ns notniios public Tlint’s the itlen fcxnctly—Aug Chronicle Recorder Anderson, of Atlanta, has the biggest foot of any recor der in the South. The Atlanta b {fenders say it is tho si/.e of a hiountuiii* and twice as henvy.-Tol We arc glad to see the prosper ity of tho Macon Tulkcihapu, it will soon go into new and larger* quarters. This old sterling journal Macon should feel proud of, IY IIIUIOKIUI!. 1 lie f >1 low i.njr lines were written 1 >y J/rs. I*. N. Clmlkcr nf Wiirlhen, (Ictirgia. •1111v Si'll I - ; 7 Lillie WillieMuv, infant daughter ,.f Mi A Mr-. I li. K ill.'ln.-u, aged niie year, four months, and li>ur il iv-. Y es Willie is none, It Meins bill yi-lvid iv llie swell vnive railed in me, 'iis Invil In realize I linl voice is in u;i 11 mi mure on curl li; hill hy noil hy -lie wiU lie nne of those In welcome me on die oilier shore. 1).-,ir par ents, I III- i- :i s:id*”hlow loll she i ■ heller nil! while yniir hearts me It it desolate nml yoil mis-ilie ileHr one li'nin ynur lire side; she is chaining sweet iinllieini nlinve. wniil.l yon Cull her hack? you kuowWot wlnt the liilnre uiifnlils; then wish her iml Imek. Inn rejoice ill it she will never know sin or snrnv. Vmi can live sn ns In nieel her in I leaven never In part again, then dear parents would yon, i I' you eniild; fill her bark? II.ii'k to leave her sptili’s brightness; To lay aside her robe of whiteness; link In leave her angel mold; From leaving yon bright si reels of gold? Ilnek to earth and sin ? Nay rather, I would not call her if 1 could But patiently wait the high decree, That calls my spirit home to thee.” "All, those little ice cold lingers, TInw they point our memory hack To the hasty words and actions, Strewn along our Inckwnrd track. How the little hand.* remind us, As in snowy grace they lie, Not to scatter thorns, but roses— For the reaping hy and by, For the Jl/brcury. Knndersvillo Herald and Hibson Knterprise copy. TOUKPTE OF IIESI'INT. Whereas, it lias pleased Almighty tied in Election lor T:i\ <'ollerlor. Massey. linwlings. 83 G1 . 22 90 1 nr, 35 91 40 21 31 1 D i ;n 98 91 ... .♦ 00. .• CO 19 102 06 6 *. 73 «i? re. 2(1(1 SH 40 39 1(10 18 Gl 130 14 41 1315 ..17. 32 135ft-.... 21 100 13*1 00 no 1399 fill 44 1253 .... I olid . . R T. WALKER has ripened n Ill'Kl.-cl ass (< rocni'v Sto e under the old I'liotogruph Gallery he solicits public patronage ^^“Jcrnigan ami Son will put. a glass in vour watch for the small sum of loceuts. . gOr riavo your watch fixed by Jcrnigan A Son, they will give you stilisfacllon. i and II. It. Jiritt. i Mtti. 11 n. m. Preaching. 1 !)ih. 2 p. tn. Tho importance of nil the ! elnue.hes id this Association being rbpresyi- Ir d ill this Body. J. A. Stephens, T. .1. Dolmen, Louis Deal ,V .1. t’. //.irnmn. mill. The itiipnrtnnen cl (ind's people ! iii.niile.-.t mg u rtyepor, n more lervenl and a nmiv aellve piety mi their lives. .1. li. Ilrnnt- ■ i"\ Wiley Deni. II . A. Simplcl'iidd, and 11. i' Smhh, an.l .I, M. Donaldson, i lllli. Snndai u a. m. Prayer-meeting con- ilneied by W. A. Harrison. l-lli. a. m. Stinday School mass meet- ing. Kith. 11 a. tn. Preaching, llrolhren will bo appointed by the Conven tion to pro,toll nt the lionrs designated. If possible, let all tho churches in tho Assoeia. iio reprcaonted by one or more brethren. Tho puldii! in general, Sunday School workers es pecially. aro cordially invited. It !h highly probnblo that llio. Boykin will ho present. Wo earnestly hope and pray that llio meeting will bo both pleasant and profitable. GEORGIA—Washington County. • ORDINARY'S OFFICE, .July 13th 1887 After thirty days from ilnto, all olUoial no. (ices emitmting from thin office, requiring publication in a public gnzotto, will bo pub- llshed in tho Middle Ueorgia Progress of Sandorsvillo. M Nowumn. 4t Ordinary W. 0. 1\ NIHIOItUJI. Death lias agnin cuterod otir midst and ta ken ono whoso loss is felt in the social walks of lito, in the churob, at the fireside and iu tho hearts of many and admiring friends. Mrs. Virginia, wife of Col. ,T. B Warthon, and daughter of Mr and Mrs, Bsnjamin Smith, of W'ashington nounty, Ga , depat ted this life nt Forsyth Office Herald Georgian All official notices emanating from tho Or dinary’s ollico requiring publication in a public gazette will bo published either in full or in a carefully condonsnd form iu llio Hint- ALU A Oeoiuiun ol Sandersvlllo. Win. Park Ed. A Prop’r. •It Year’s Support. GEORGIA—Washington County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. Whoroau tho appraisers appointed to sol Tim Atlanta Constitution conic but with a -to page daily on Sun* day, When we called for the mail, tv i thought that the postmaster bal made a mistake and had given us all the Constitutions for Bandersville. The hill to protect farmers in the purchase ot guano, is exciting lunch attention, and was debated „ v „ . Sunday evening, Juno his divine wisdom to remove, through the lOlh. 18*7, aged thirty-throo years, eight I apart a year’s sup’port for Mrs. Ann Joinor instrument of death one of the brightest and j months and Itftooni days. ! widow ot E. Gardner Joiner and her live much loved Sunday School teachers ol the Tho subjeot of tins notice, though not for minor children, lnrvu tiled their return iu Bapii-1 S. S. of Antioch, Washington Co., 1 many years a citizen ol tiro town, by her gen- . tbis oillee, all poisons coueornod aro hereby Mi— Annie Slav, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I tlencss, bfr cxcallenco nnd elovntinn of elmr- . trotillcd to appear at tho Court of Ordina- ■ • 1 nctor. had won a largo eirclo of Inends that ry to bo hel l In and for Raid county on the will long cherish lior virtues, and hold her first M rnduy in September next and show nnmo in fend romcmbiauce. In her was canso if any thoy havo, wlrv said return found muoh to admire. Tho alToetion, (whloli Hhould not bo approved and bo imulo tho sho exhihitedl. of tbo daughter, tho faithful- | judgment of tho Court, ness of tho wife, tbo devotion ol tho mother, j This loth day ol July, 1887. and tho modest, confiding trust of llio hum-' ai vj’AVMAN Ontinnrv ble christim,—theao all blended In unity to j 7-21- lt ' ’ 2 j perfect tbo loveliness and beauty of nti esti- — - —— . mablo character. j For Exemption. ; aKoitoiA—WuHaim-to,, County. I her lather mado tbo tendrils of lier heart j ltobort A. Hurst has applied for exemption at length ltlsf, Thursday, hilt WHS Resolved, 3rd. lhnt we cherish with cling to him as tho vino to tbo old trunk. of personalty nnd I will pass npon the snme Hot disposed of III Tlccortlcr ,OVl ’ '* 1C ni, l"° ,ll ' s '* u ! l!,rt f l * l P un< J 111,1 i sho ennsontod to move because the good of | at 10 o’clock on Saturday tho (lib day ot Am Stephen J/ay. Therelorohc i' ibsolved, 1st. That in the death of An tic we :i- ;i Sabbath School how submissive ly toiUe will of him who giveth and taketh away. Ke.-olvcd, ’-’ml. That one of llio bo-t, brightest and most loving Sunday School teacher* l as been taken from il*, and wo be- lie. e is enjoying the bliss which awaits righteous beyond the. skies. Slit lias now passed ov r tbe river and is resting under 11. • trees. I teiu hei, nnd strive 10 meet tier in that h mu 11 imV otic needs protection, it | where all is beautiful and bright; where we . c | , ' too mnv lift our voices to Je.-us, and sing is llio fanner, tor he t* the buck llU |fl . a i BU f l)r cver more. I Ktsoived, llh. That we tender to her | class our lieurlfoll sympathy. She had \ promised them a prize if they would lie hone of the country A New Jersey hoy lil'tecn yens old died recently fiom the effectsul cigni’etlB smoking. But this an- •nouncement Mill not alfeet (lie utnull cigti’ctle smokers ol' Alhiuln. They will continue lo smoke them Belves into their little grave —Con btitution. Cnpt John Smith ot Dublin, never drank any milk tea or j collec ntc any honey nor did lie -ever taken vliew oftohaeco. never played a game of any kind, never went a fishing or hunting, and lie has traveled all-over the United States. Pool-Uillei’N Isooliiai;;- for Tliom. i'ailhl'ul and puneliial. Dear children your prize is waiting for you, hut not an earthly one, but one you can wear to walk the gol den streets; now dear children try ti live so her children and tho dcsiro of tho husband to provide for them advantages for future good commending itself to her jn 'gment made this to her both a duty and a pleasure. To meet tho wishes of all and eontributo to tin dr combined pleasuro seemed to bo the wish that actuated her as mother, ns wife and as daughter. Several years ago sho bocanio intorosted on the subj-'ct of rdiglon. Sho professed a change of heart and n purpose to livo a now life, hut not till last vear did sho decide gust, 1887, at my otHci This 10th day ot July, 1887. M. NEWMAN, Ordy. 7-21—*2t • Courier Jourml. Those scientist who have been saying that the sun is grtulualy cooling ur.e requested to send in their address ns soon ns possible. Jinny citizens are looking for thorn. Felton'w Wine Itoom Itiil. Felton’s hill levying a tax of ■$10,000 on all wine rooms, will, should it become a law, extern)i* juito them A kTooi)I;iTss yia\. A Soldier IIiin IDtggers ami linlveK It mi Through Him Without Iit- J H *’ .V • Telegraph and llmcvgi r. A dispatch from Berlin to the Philadelphia News says: l'liysiei inis nnd scieiitisls are at a loss to account for a strange of nature which lives hilt a few miles from here, 'flic man, whose name js Otto Sckrciber, apparently has prize. Itcsolved, .'itli. That we sympathise pro foundly with die grief stricken father, moth er, sisters and toothers and coniine id. them I to Him who said "Yu than labor nnd are ! heavy laden come mid 1 will give you rest.” .Ifny they ho comforted with the thought that Annie sUiuls on the bunks of the beau tiful river wailing to welcome them lioinv. Itcsolved, (ilh, That this memorial be recorded on llio roll hook of onr S. S., t! at copies be sent lo the bereaved family, and ta the Bandeisvillc papers for publication. Gibson Kntcrpris ■ please copy. His requested that each member of the school wear crap; or black ribbon on the lesson paper for four successive Sundays. July 17th, XS7. Keail ami adopted the above date. V. M. (TKUY.Sop. J. F. CHALK bill, See. Committee: J/rs, I). ('linlker, “ Minnie Killehrow, Mi.-s Ailiinio Harrison. gar Juwciry Uepnircd witli notiL- mcss nml elciqmtcli :tL Jcniigua and Son’s Jewelry Store. Sliei'ilt'sMale. First Tuesday ill August, 1SS7. I GEORGIA,—Wuslimgton countv I Will be sold before the Court house door J in tlie city of S.mdersville t hi, Washington County, on the First Tnealay in August I llio following property to wit; The entire I life interest of ,1/oscn Smith in one tract, or j parcel of and situate lying and being in the J (’only of Washington State oflJeorgia, c.m- I laining I’wo Hundred acres more or less; I I a >n i:d. d on the North by lands ol T C. Ar- line, I! i-t by lands of T, C Arline and I’. .1/. I lurris, South by lands of B i) Evans; on the We-l bv of II 1) Evans situated on Buck Eye Creek. Lcviul oil as the property and life interest of M uses Smith to satisfy a Superior Court Fi; Fa; in favor of B l> Evans or t le use of olli 'ersofCoilit vs Mises Smith. Property pointed out by plaintiff and b'gul notice given July 2nd 1887. c. a; wall Sheriff W.C gOr (-'heap Clock* at Jcrnigun eb Soil’d Jewelry Store. Bi lire I'p. You nvo fooling depressed, your appe tite ie poor, you aro Bothered with Iiouil- lio blood, This Kiel was discover' ache, you mo iidgetty, nervous, and Oil less than ft month ago, when geuoruUy out of sorts mul want to X , , . i j; .. ' ... llt ; Iniico up. Dr.ico up, but not with stun. Sclireibei, wlio IS .1 soldic i c )J |) ( )l* j u |, lu j H> spring inuilicinos, or bitters, ill, bad a duel with a Itdlow .soldier, j w 1 •»ic!i lmvo for iheir Imsis wry elie.ip, Jlis Oppoil,ent rail llirn llirotlgli j had whiskey, and ;avhicli utiuiiilnto you with ft sword, but no blood flowed *' 01 ' hour, mid thenloave. you in worse , , ]• | ’ . f i eouditiou than betore.. AVImt you wnut and he did not appeal to he j j s nu u iii, n uitivo that will purify your jiarm,ed in the least. 1 he man i i,i nov .i t H tuvt healthy action of Liver mid. wus SO astonished that Otto had Kidneys, restore, your vitality, mid give 1)0 difficulty ill killing him. Since I renewed health and sUvngUi. Such u ?, , ,- | f i,- , ,,,„,i inodiomo you will llud lit Eleetno Hit that time lie has let Ins co niadeb terH> llll(l a bottle at Dr am use themselves By sticking KuwliugM JJrug Store. knives and daggers through his ...— body with no injury whatever, not Bnckh'ii’s Arnica waive, even a drop of blood flowing. I le ! The Rest Salvo in the world tor cuts GEORGIA—Washington County ORDINARY’S OFFICE, W. 11. mid J. A. Fulgkum. Executors of (lie will of Matthew Ftllgbum di reused have in due form applied to tbo undersigned for von cm meet her there and J 11 "* n ™ “,‘ 1 i "'".rV"’ a t£V , .° I i h ° ,ttl,d ." brton B in|| bo tim es- “ fnPv to loavo nil and follow tho Savior. With tata ot said deconsod, nnd Raid application dlilUouon nnd modest Irust nho applied to tlie Baptist church nt Forsyth fur member ship, "'us baptized by Dr. I. It. Brnubnm and I over after exhibited tliiso lovoly traits of Christian oharactor that will crown lier nnmo with praise and hoi juiitHy children in call ing lier bio-nod, ! From tho effects of a fever several years ago ! she never fully recovered. Buo oiteu said j slie never felt like herself afterwards. Sho ; soomel in readiness to depart when called, j aud wliilc the stroko was sudden nnd at nn hour not expected, she went, not ns a galley slave, but "liko ono wlio draws the drapery I ot bis couch about him and lies down to i pleasant dreams.” Fond shnll bo our mcm- ! ories of her i To tho lather, to tho husband, to the olii'- dron, to tbo family all tho sympathy and best wishes of this community arc drawn, itnd the desire is, Hint those, all. may be comforted in tho liopo of a reunion in brigh ter climes, "Yet again wo hope to inert tlieo When tbo day of life is lied, Then in heaven again to greet tlieo Where no farowt.ll tears arc shed.” Emend, will be heard on the tirst Monday in Septem ber next, at my otlice. This 13th day ol Jule, 1887. V. NEWMAN, Ordinary W. 0. 7.1.1_4t (Dbitmmr. Died on tho filli of July. 1887, at his rasi rlenco in Washington Co , Ga. Mr, Gardner Joiner in tlio 37th year of his ago. Tho subject of Ibis notice was tbo young est son of Mr. and Mrs. Elina Joiner. Iio was devoted lo bis parents. 11is self-snoritl- oiog and self-denying love for thorn was ro- mavkabla. Iio bad no joys or pleasures which bo did not desire them to share. If Iio had any special luxury or rare dilionoy, lie never forgot to lay aside a libera) portion for "father and mother.” When iu the early part of tlie year bin mother was thought to be very near lior end and every day was ex pected to bo lior 1 >st, bis lilial devotion was henntifnllv exemplified. Neither the fa tignes of labor nor tho demand of business interrupted liisdaily attentions to lior. When night came, however wearied by the toils of the day, lie could not rest till ho "bad been over aud seen mother." During this time ho otton told her that ha could rot bear to think of her dying first—that his oonstant prayer was that sho might bo permitted lo surviva him; and strange enough God hns so ordor- tsl it. That mother Htill livos whilo her strong and robust son lias past away. Tbis is tho Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. For Administrator’s Dismission, GEORGIA—\Vaahiugtou County, ORDINARY’S OFFICK. Isaac R Smith, Administrator of tlio os- talc of D.mii i 11. Smith late of said county, deceased, bus iu duo form applied to mo for letters ol dismission troin said administra tion, aud I will pass upon said application on tho first Monday in October, 1887, at my oilloo in Sandorsvillo in said county. Given under my hand and ofiicial signa ture tbis 28th day of June, 1880. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary, 0-30 -8iu For Leave to Sell Land. GEORGIA—Washington County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. Boston II. Dickson, Administrator of 7/ar- ry Dickson, deceased, lias iu dno term ap plied to tho nndorsigued for leave to sell the lauds belonging to the estate ot said de ceased, and l will pass upon his application on tbo first Mouduy in August, 1887, at my ofilce in Snudorsvillc in said county. ibis 28th day of June, 1887. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary W. C. (i-30 It Administrator's Dismission. GEORGIA—WashiQfitou county, ORDINARY'S OFFICE. Isaac L. Smith, Administrator of the estate of Mrs Mary M, Smith late of said county, deoeasod, lias iu duo form applied to mo tor letters of dismission irum Wic adminis tration oi said estate, aud I will pass upon bis application on the‘first Monday in Sep tember lt>87, at my ollico iu Saudersvillo ltr county. Given under my hand ofiioially ibis Gtb day ot Juuu 1 j'67- AI. NEWMAN, Ordinary 0-U—3m For Guardian’s Dismission. GEORGIA—Washington County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. • F. Smith, Guardian for Charles L. Alert;;, auplies to mo for letters of dismission from said guardianship, nnd I will pass upon ” ‘ ' An- said county. , , .. Given under my hand officially thid 2'Jth day iio bad cherished a good liopo through day of Juno 1887, J grace, am. when the dread summons tame, 2 ’ 1 i This devoted son was also a loving bus- his application on tho first Monday in Ac band and a loud lather. 7/e had no lean; of ; t , ust , i sa y, nt my offioo iu Eaudorsvillo, sai deatli, More than eigliteeu years ago ho had , made his pei than eigliteeu years ago ho li no with God and ever since that G 30 - It M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. Fur Guardian’s Dismission. Ordinary, Bruises, bores, Ulcers, .Salt Rheum, j ^ Fever Sores, Tetter, Clnij'pect ilt.nds j ’ Chilblains, Corns, titul till SkinErup- j lions, nml positively cures Files, o uo pay required. It is guarantee to give perfect satisfaction, or mons refunded. Trice lie cents per box FOR HALE IfY DU. UAWLINCb sale tit F. M. visited a medical college in Berlin, uiul in the presence of whole col. lege, had a sharp knife run through his mouth, coming out at tlio buck of his head. No murk whatever was left, lie was then examined by a committee ol dis* tinguished surgeons, who confess* cd themselves totally unable to S xplairj. the tip rude. Otto Hehrei- er is a corporal in the German army, and next year when his time is tip, he will exhibit himself ill Berlin, Paris London and America.—Telegraph. “Maud, dear, you know that I am getting a very smal salary but would you be content to live tor tt little while on ‘bread and olutso and kisses*' ” Vos d irliug, ut you know 1 0 J.u‘t like lread aud Erank’sWlxitakcr’s eiteese. ‘stand Voruon Association to bo bold with Now Bethel church beginning Friday bolero the oth Lord’s day iu July, 1887. 1st Friday 1J a^ m. Iutro.dnclory Sermon by II. T. Bmitli, A. L. Brantley, zUtcrnaio. 2nd. 2 p, m. Organization of tho body. 3d. Importance of Home Koligiou, J, M. Donaldson, J. C. King, T. J. Beck and J. F. Fuller. Tt-li. Wbat it is to bring up a child in the way in which he should go? I. S. Feeler, T. ed J. 7/olwos, W. -1. Siuqnelisld aud C. I. Da- j vis. t Cth. Saturday !) a. m. Frayor-moeting eon ducted by A. W. J. Hood, at i Gtb. ‘j, 20 a. m. Is the Sunday School a human or a Dirino Institution? J, J. Hyman, j J. M, Smith, A. B. BrautDy and J, C. V/.ir- Gioceiies of all Kinds cheap at j yii, Is it possible for a Sunday School lo old be kept up iu every churob? (J. IF. Smith, F. J. Fiptiin, \y. .1. Harrison, ,1, W. J, Wood Fresh Hams tor Caste! laws., A lot of .Mikado Hair li >lls at Miss Mary W. Ferry’s. Cinders, Spanish peanuts Sc Peas, lor sale by A. C- Sharks. gar li. R. Time can l>e hud Jo.’uigan & Sou’s Jewelry Store, -vidow ot J. F. itogers Into of said conntv, deceased, and for live minor children, have bled their Returns in this office; all persons concerned aro hereby notified to appear at tbo Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said uounty on tho iirst Monday in August. 1887, and show cause it any tiioy bme, why said Returns should not bo approved and made the judgment of tbo Court, This loth day of June, 1887. For Administrator’s Dismisstou. GEORGIA— tVashiugton County. Ordinary’s Office. Stephen M. Gilmore Administrator of tlio estate of Martini Wadsworth lute of suid county, deceased, has iu duo form applied to mo tor letters of Dismission from suid ad ministration, and I will pass upon his appli cation on the first Monday in August 1887, at my office in Sandersvilie in said county. Given under my hand officially this fid day of .May, 1887. 41. NEWMAN, Ordinary. 0-12—3m IMtOITiSMOiVlI. ( A Jt l»>i. E. S. LANGMADE, ' ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, SANDERSVILLE. Ga. n. 1». Evans, H. Kvan#, J» EVANS & EVANS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW SANDERVILLp. GA. F. H, SAFFOLD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . SANDEItSVILLE, GA, Will praotica in all the Courts of tha Middlo Circuit and iu tlio counties lurroundlng Wasliington. Special at* tentiou given to connucruial laiv. G. W. H. WHITAKER, DENTIST, SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA. —TERMS CASH.— r or Office upstairs in the l’lioto- ginpli Gallery formerly occupied by T. C. Glenn, Jones Building. Apr 20-’80 H. N.HOLLIFIELI) IMSYSH IAN & Sl’(iliO\, Sandersville, Georgia, Office next door to R. T. Walker’s Gn cny Store, W, G. ROBSON. Attorney At Law. Sandersville, Ga. Office in the Comt House. IN GEOllGIA, P. J. Oooleflge & Bro. 21 Alabama St, Atlanta Ga. LllllillSIvl Pure Linseed Oil Paintg, Rail Road, Car, Bridge, Iron and Roof Paints, One Coat Carriage Paint, any one can use them, Lead Oil Colors, Graining Coiors, &c., &c. Write for color cards and prices. We are malin as good goods ss are made in America, Al- WINDOW GLASS. JERNIGAN & SON will lix your wat cl 1 or clock as cli cap, if not cheap er than anyone else, come and see. NOTICE! SI .000.GOO 10 Lon!! All piriie* in Washington nml Baldwin coiintiu mvIioso loans on improved farina mature in 1880, and de*iro‘‘EATENSION” ;.t greatly reduced rates; will liml it to their advantage to call and see me nt their cm best convenience, at my office in Court House, Sandersville. where my rep- resentatative >>r my seif will be pleased to accommodate them. W. It. THIGPEN. HV liiilliLi vit ji Tennilie, Georgia. Situated convenient to the depot. Polite servants. Good- Tuoins aud charges reasonable. Rospeetfullv, J. C. HAMILTON, Proprietor. The undersigned tire prepared to negotiate LOAN UPON REAL It’S TA TE, .security or approved COL LATERAL paper. Terms easy. Evans & Evans, Attorneys sit l,»u’. «jfaai el )pjcafl s Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines Repaired hy E. TW1LLEY, on iternigan street, next to Mr. licnj, Wihddou’s residence. O.P. DOOLITTLE OIIinEK . jm via j manners F.ic..,;;;; IT OFF-SETS THE LOW PRIC 3 OF COTTON. Ry cleansing tho seed pofloat, never cho r runs light, gins fust* a akes a good sample. Tho feeder suL n the floor, it will 1 ny kind of cotton regular, every gin f r nteod as represented a lo give satisfaction. Prices lu-V reduced. Call on or address, FH w r > LANG and VYILT. Mann actnrcrs Agents, Sandorsvillo, Georgia. For full duscrintio prices and terms. A gin w 11 bo kept in stock where it oa bo etc many time. VAEIETT^ - S la © M WORKS- & 'VST'lit, Propt’r's. Sandersville, Ga. Maniifuctiircrs and Dealers in: Steam Engines ot all styles. Saw Mills. Grist Mills. Cotton Gins, Presses and Machinery of ul'lkiu.L A lull linejjot Rubber and Leather Belting k |.t in stook mSS Miasr i,ii,cs '“"'' mu *> Repair work solicited and prompt v done and ns chcnn nml «-,.ii as can be done all Machinery sold by us wo guarantee tobo as ren resented. t • Write °r cali on us lor Prices and description of anythin-- wonted in tho Machine line. n R. R. SCHEDULES. Sandersville And Tennilie Itnil-ICtuKi though so suJtlon, liko a stroko of lightning o it ot a clear sky, ho was not at all terrified, i llo of conrso regrottu.l to lmvo to leave his companion aud littlo children. This snpa- /<tv\t•/■<t \ t • l • ration was painful to contempiito. Yet bo i GibULUiA—■Washington County, wua ready to submit to tbo will ot God. liis , Ordinary’s Ohio?, wile aud children ho commended to tbo Tames U. Floyd, Guardian tovj. Floyd kind care of a moroiful Fa'her. It was 1 Jpncs, applies to mo for loiters of dismis- earnest dosiro aud n quest tlmt ail with whom slon **' onl 8 “>d guardianship, and I will pass his children might in any way bo associated, j 11 pon his application on^ tho first Monday ffi would do them all the good they could by [ August, 1887, at my office in SundorsvilU their counsels and their example, liis broth- j 111 liftltl county. era and sisters who were greatly attached to ! Given under my hand and official signa him experienced the deepest grief iu his , Giro this fi'Jth day ot June, 1887. doatli. The church and u wide circlo ot j , M. NEWMAN, Ordi . friends share this ailliotion and loss. Mat. ; G30- It j God bring out ot this bereavement good to * ' — — all it may concern, j Yours Support. ! GEORGIA—Washington County. . «. YM. Vernon \ ORDINARY'S OFFICE, 'txxocilliiaii, Whereas tho appraisers appointed to set The Sunday School Convention ol tho Mt. ; “P 111 ' 1 a year’s support for Mrs Matilda Itogers, BARBER--SHOP!- A GALLON B HENRY BRANTLEY 0 THE E FASHIONABLE BARBER P R HOTEL BLOCK j U D U I g Id i HusiiIs Rl'GGlES, and YVAGONB Repaired PLOW WORK and I10RSE SHOEING, tt Specialty. iicury Mb Little. CENTRAL R.R. Savannah Ga., July 3, 1887. On an i alter this date passenger trains ! will nuns Daily unless marked j, which \ arc Daily except Sunday. The Standard time by which these trains j run In 30 minutes slower than Savannah | city time. Lv Say’ll 7:10am 8,20 pmojl.j pm 5;-IO pm Ar Milieu 0;4Oaiu ll;03pm 7;30pm oriopur Ar Augusta l;15jmr i;00aiu U;3opm Ar Tennilie Jl.3>pm 1:17 a m Ar Macon I;40p m 3:20a m \ r Atlanta 5;-10 p m 7;to a nt Ar Columbus l);3l) [> in 2:10 p m Ar Montgomery 7:20 i>. m ”;09 p m Ar EtiffUtln, -1,33 a ni 3;0'J p m Ar Albany 1U;00 p m .2140 i> m Fasengers fir Sylvania, Saiirler.ivillc, ! Wriglosvillc, Milleilgcville,und Eaton ton should take 7:10 n m train passengers lor Tlionmaton, Carrollton Perry, Fort Gaines, Tnibotton Buena Vis ta, Blakely and Clayton should take the 8:20 p m train. Lv Augusta. 10;00 p m GjOq a-iu Lv Macon 10;35 a m lt:;6o p ni Ar Tcnniilo 12 21pm 12,04 am Lv Atlanta G;00 a in tl; ,d p ni i,v Columbus 11;00 p in 12; 10 p m Ev Montgomery 7;2 >pni7-40 a > Lv I'J_ulaula 10,15 )> m 10; 10 a m Lv Albany 0;05 a m i 1;00 a m Lv Milieu _2;28pm 3;l0amS.15am 5;20 am Ar (S’av’ah 5;00por 0;10am 11,30am 8,00 am i Sleeping ears nil all night pasi.uiger ; trains between Savannah and Augusta ami Savannah and .hneon, Savrimah - anil Atlanta, Jtaeon ami Columbils. j I rain leaving ut S;2U p to and arriving, j at5;00 a m will ,iot stop to put o.Tor take i I passengers between Savannah amPMii- j I len. j Connections at Savannah with Savannah 1'lorida and Western Railway for ail points m Florida. 1 iGrets ior all points and sleeping car bertha on sale at city office, No. 20 Bull street, and depot office 30 minutes betore departure cl each tin'-'. U A WHITEHEAD „ General Passenger Agent JCSIIAW, iicket Agent To take efieet May Lv Sandersville Ar Tennilie Lv Tennilis Ar Sandersville Lv Fjandcravilla Ar Tennilie Lv Tennilie Ar Sandersville *.* *. Lv Sandersville s\r Tenn. lie ..." I.v Tenn’ille Ar Sandersville fid 1SS7. i ,30 a m 7 43 a m 8 00 a m 8 15 a m 11 00 a m 11 Ion m 12 30 p in 12 50 p in 4 30 p ni 1 45 p in 5 00 p m 5 15 p m TIME TALE —or thk—. WIHGIITSVIl.r.E, TKNN1LLE and DUBLIN 11. li To take efieet November 14 18SG. GOING SOUTH. Lv Tmmillc Lv Jlarri.on Lv Donovan Ar X! rightsv’le... Lv Wrightsvilic.. Lv Lovett I.V Bruton Lv Condor Ar Dublin Lv Dublin Lv Condor Lv Bruton Lv Lovett Ar Wrightsville;.. Lv Wrightsvilic,., Lv Donovan,..,,,,. Lv Harrison Ar Tennillo 1 U0 1 35 1 55 215 2 20 2 50 3 10 3 30 3 50 No. 1 No. 3, A. M. P. M. 5 40 io ,.<i 30 .0 50 di 50 ..7 20 .7 33 GOING NORTH. No 2 No 4 A M P M 8 30 4 20 9 (X) 4 50 9 18 5 10 9 35 5 10 10 00 (i 10 Ill 00 « 10 10 13 0 30 10 35 0 50 11 10 7 20 IRUfetiee., I hereby forewarn any one from hireing Jomis Ephrain, colored, as he is under contract with me foi the present year. June filth, 1887, John Si'acluino If your waocli is sEaiS out of order take it to the old relia ble, A.jT. Jernigan and Son’s Jewelry Store. Buy your Groceries, ILardwaro Tobacco, Cigars Tinware, any Weoflcnware from R. T WALKER. W. B Thomas, President, Geu’l iSiineriiiteiiilunt. Nov. 14 lYSa. *5.00. L Nn J, B. & S, RAiL-ROAD. T,-’ J _ A. At. | No, 2, A. M. Ev Sandersville 4..53 | Leave Augusta 7.18 Ev \\ in then 5 1.3 | Lv Gibsan 11.12 Lv Hines 5.40 | Lv Hines 12-18 Lv Gibson (■ 20 | Lv Warthen 12.14 Ar Augusta 9.00 | ArS’ville 1 18 , - N ” :! , i; JI J No 4 r. _M, r ‘^ ll,t ^ rri ville 2 05 | Lv Augusta.. 5.11 " urtnen ’. .39 | l,v Hc,hzibah 0.14 J- v .V.ftftM 3 05 j Lv Gibson 7.52 r ' Vi , 11 : ! I Tv Hines 8.34 E\ Ilephzibali 0.42 | I v Warthen.. 8.59 I A rSandersville9.19 SI. i\ DA Y —PASSION(:Elis ONL Y. t i . A ’ Jt ' I ^°2 A, Jt. Ev . andersvilic5,51 j Lv Augusta 8,14 -V E arthen (blti Lv I lophzibah..0.14 Ev limes 0.40 | Lv Gibson II 04 Lv Gibson. 7,22 | Lv Him* 31.53 ' Lv Ilephzibali 9 13 | Lv Warthen 12.19 Ar August 10 13 | ArA’ville 12.41 bo 3 v. M. | N.4 x*. m, Sandersville 2.ol | Lcav Aaugusta3,15 R n- i,rl lun I IjV Uenhzibah..4.lJ a I lines 8.10 | Lv (iihson C.0.' \Z u T'rr'-i- 1 Lv os: Lv Ilcphzibah G 13 | Lv AVarthen ,717 Ar Augusta... .7 13 | Ar Sandersville 7 41 ii. -U. idliCIIELL, l’rwidmt, Machine! AT JERNIGAN and SON’S JEW ELRY STORE. IP A lime "CS P,1 V OKITB.’ Is meeting with satisfaction ivi tli phi liters iu Washington county, to he i'utmd at Eureka Mills.