The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, August 16, 1887, Image 2

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TI*© BKcrcux'sr rieoAC >43 Firm* i;\r.»iSi'i The Xhrrifl'V Organ Evr H'u./nn ti/ 1 nidified by Tlio followin' A. J. Jernigan & Co., —) l t ni.i-'iu its a iin ri.n n Jis.( — nam>i:ksyilij' ttKORfiu T l KSDA V JULY UUli lSSd rather curious piece of composition was iven tly pi cod upon tho blnt-kbour 1 at tho teachers institute, a*i'I a prxio of a \Y.*b>ter s EinroKlAt. We clout want any "ii\* Wo don't want any Dio ioimry offered to any person who I Siuidersvilto. 4t tiHOIvGl.V—Washington County. V It DINA H V 'S OFFICE, July mil 1HH7 .Ifirr ftiirlv dnys ftdm duto, all official no* i ttui-u •iimiui'ini* irom thin office, mpiirtna i pnhlicalinu 1!i a public gnz^tto, will be ptlli* lisliHtl in Hit) Middle Ow>r<’U Progress of M Npwmrtn. OrdlUHt-y 'V 0. d Schools cuti'.d rend and pronounce every word coitoc tly, '.''lie book was not carried oil', however, a* twelve was the lowest number of mistakes in tile pionumialion made; "A snerileg- son of lielial who slilf-rod fl oin I ', r j n ,»"-art In tly condensed form iu the Hsu tironeliitis, having exhausted his ti- I ,u.i> A. Okoiuiun ol SaudersviMo. Office HiituLn «fc All official nutiut-s cm,mating from the Or. dinar)'a eltico rcpiiring publication in j public gio.-tte will bo published either ld^filU nr in i\ I'.ari-fnl President Cievtdnr.d will attend 111*' l’eiilmotit exhibitio i We don’t wtint tiny Stale 11 ail If it can be sold to it pay the state debts W<i want less legislation, and wind we do get let it lie better tli.m some we have already got' j, m ordev to n ake good tliej r.mtly llill. I deficit, resolved to ally himself to a j — | comely, lenient and doeilo young . lady of I lie Malay or C measiau race. 1 le accordingly pinchuced calliope and coral necklace of a chameleon line, and securing a mite of rooms tit. a principal holt), hi engaged the hta l waiter as a coadjutor. He then Will. Park Ed. A Prnp’r. For Adinioiiitrutioo. GEORGIA—'Washington County. Ordihavy’s Otlioe. Moses nbd John Tison have In dnr> form applied lo the nndorsigued for piriuamnt | IsitHM of administration on iho u ut« of Mntlhiiot Tison, late of aaid county, dei-enaed, 1 and I will pass anon said application on the i patched a let ter of a most unexuflp- I first Monday in September 1887, at u*y olHce Lny (lie Nortlu-.'t eight per cent bill on tho table ninl let it rest Th ( . tanners da not want tiny gunuliaiH \ et Washington comity luts no tervi- tory to spare to adjoining counties; without it is Fauns luidge mill u part of tbe swamp tional calligraphy extant, inviting the veung lady toil linitiiioe. Elia ro.vol- ] ted at the idea, refused to coutidorj herself sacriticiiblo to itis desires, wml sent a polite note of refusii'y on re- I eciving which lie procnrotl a carbine and howie-ki ife, said th t ho would not now forgo letters hymeneal with with the queen, went, to an isolated j spot, severed hi* jugular vein, nu l discharged the contents of tho car bine into his abdomen. Toe ilcbri;. was re,moved by the coroner." in SnideMvIlle in anid county. Given tinder my hand officially (his lal day of August, 1887. M. NltWM.\N> Ordinary, —4 8 jj* PKOI'UbMOXAI. « \ ltI»S. ONLY 10 CENTS ro. nyt «»«as- rai»L or tNC UNION SIGNAL* MANY ALLEN WCIT, tOiTON. , ft i* the official orphan of the Notion:!I onutn • fchristiun Tcmperum*® I'ninn. Il U n paiuT, by women, for women. It Jl* lull ot me news every week from the battle•nelu of THE WOMAN vs. THE SALOON. It Is a tnapnlficcnt home paper, for it lives lo pro tect the home. Try it if you " ant to be in contact with the minds and the hearts of MISS M»NCCS C. WILLARO, MRS. HANNAH W. SMITH, MRS. MARY S. WOOOBRIDQC and mnnv other leaders in tbe grandest "*"*;I*t reform t .i ......ti. I..,,. 'Pin* will E. S. LANGMADE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SANDERSVILLE, Ga. B. 1). ItVAM, **• 8 viN *. J * EVANS & EVANS, ATTORNEYSAT LAW 8ANDERVILLE, GA. of the nineteenth century. The paper will be sent only for the five weeks unless you order it sent tor longer time. i4 0 fr T ‘ TSSi&S'KoV.W.ti. nd Good Readino F.H. SAFFOLD, attorney at law, SANDEItSVILLE, GA. IN GEORGIA, F. J. Cooledge & Bro. ENTS AND aimed n;;nlnjt the whisky curse. Will yon try TH I UNION SIGNAL for five consecutive weeks? Address the Publisher, G E O . C. H A I. L. 1S1 LASALLE STREET, CHICAGO., ILL. Will pract'ce in all ths Courts of Iks Middle Circuit and in the cmintit* turro inding Wiwlilngton. Special at* iniitiou given to commercial law. Tbe Legislature bus j.nk’sed a bill lor tbe prot*;elion «*1 terripins now let them give 1 he goplieis a hbowitig Quito ti large number ot infbtcn- eial liirtncra in our county liave aigutitl a petition lo lire legisla 1 f tire asking theta to vote again-* tbe Northcut y percent bill, Tbi bill if pnssetl will make it listnl lor them to get money to run their • arms with. IS ( OMSUMPI ION 1N( l liAHLK Hoad tho lollowingt Air. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark,, says: Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and fiicnds and physicians protioun- ced mo an Incurable Consumptive. Hogan taking Dr. King’s Now Dis eovery for Consumption, am now ou my third bottle, and ablo to oversee tho work on my fur in. It is tiie finest medic ine ever niiule.” Jesse Middle wart, Decatur, Ohio, says; “Had i/ not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I ' would have died of Lung Troubles. ■ Was given up by doctors. Ain now in host of health.’' Try it. S imple bottles froo at Dr. \Y. A. Rawlings Drug Store. For Leave to Sell Laud. Q EORQIA—Washington County, ORDINARY’S OFFICE. II. It Joyner, Aduilniatratcr ot Mrs. Mar Ilia M I. Robison dveeaned, lm» in due lorni applied lo the utidi>ri.i|{Ded tor leave to sell ihu land bdongiuK to th* estate ot aaid dt wased, and I will pass upon bis applioa- lion on the first Monday in September, 1887, at uiv ollh'B in Kaiidt.raville in aaid comity. Ibis 1st dav of August, 1887. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary W. C. 8-1 • 41 r 01 all tbe railroad horrors in tho history ot this country were suppassed at Chutsworth lust week, when an excursion train on 1 lie Toledo, Peoria and railroad drooped through a burn ing 11ridge and over 150 people wore killed and four times tbut a noun to i:i>v<i, Year's Support. GEORG I A—Washington County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. Whereas the appiaUer* appointed to sol apart a year's support tor Mra Ann Joinor alow ot E. Gardner Jotuer amt her live minor children, haw tiled their return til tli is oflice, all persons concerned arc hereby hi.title.I to appear at ttie Court of Ordina ry to he hel l in and fur said county on the first Monday in September next nml show cause II iiiiy tlioy have, why said return should tint he approved and ho made the jndicuient of the Court, Tins 13tb day ol July, 1887. U. NEWMAN, Ordinary. 7-21—4t A Well Tried Treatment G. W. II. WHITAKER, DENTIST, SANDKRSVIL1.K, GEORGIA. — 1 TE11MS? CASH.— Otlleo upstairs in tile l’lioto- giapli Gallery formerly oeeiipictl by G. Glenn, Jones building. Apr 20 ’80 H.N.HOLLIFIELD 21 Alabama St, Atlanta Ga. rilVSICIlN A NUOKON, Sandersvillo, Georgia. Otlleo next door to 1L T. Walker’s For Consumption, Asthma, Itroneliits, j Grocery Store. Trntli is ono of (bn rarest gems i Many a youth ha-* hoon 1 ist to soeie I ty by allowing it to tarnish, and loel- \\ esterii ishly throwing it away. If this gain stilt shines in your besom, > tiller j holliii'g to displace) (>r dirii its lustre. ; I’rolauity is a mark of low breeding. Show us tbe man who commands tbe number badly injured—Exchange ■most, respect; aacvitti never trembles 1 on his tongue. Rond llm catalogue For Administrator's Dismission. GEO RG l A — W uRhiugtnn Couuty. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. Isano Ti Smith, Adminiatrator of tho eB- Inte of Datih 1 11 Smith tale ol aaid county, deceased, has in due lorui applied to mo lor li tlers of disniishiou from outd admiiiistra- tarn, and l will pass upon said application on the drat Mondav in October, 1887, at my oltion in S itidersvillt) In said cunuty. Given under my hand and ntttcial signa ture tills 2HtU day ol June, 18Hti. M NEWMAN, Ordinary. G 80 - Dm Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Hay Fever, Head* at-lie, Debility Hlimumittsiii, Neuralgia, and ull Chrome and Xen on* IUmnla a. When “Compound Oxygen” is inhaled the heart Inis imparted to it" increased vitality That Organ sends lurtli the blood with uier* force nml less wear to itself; the vital cur rents Inav; on tlcir circuit new deposits vital force in every cell ol'iissito over vtliicli tlivv pass and return ng-in lor u new sup ply. Tliis simple story is the ration'd ex plication of tliegreitest advance dial medi cal science lias yet made, "Tho Compound Oxygen Treatment ' which I)rs. Htarltev l’ulcn, No. 1 o2!l Aivn Street, I'liilmlelpliia, have been using fm tho last sixteen years, is a scientific adjust ment of the elements of Oxygen and Nitro gen tnognellxfil. and the compound Is so con doused and made port tide licit il is carrietl by express to every portion of the emuary — indeed, It is sent ull over the world. W, G. KOBSON. Attorney At Law. Sandersvillo, Ga. Otlleo in the Cou r 11(11180. Nine poiHtms m one huiiso wove intmlo.'eil Finlay otli inst., at tho r?s’uleiice of Mr. U. F. Woullblk on tho C’u lntltn about twelve Miilo3 from Alaoon. Tlio viotiniH aro R. F. Woolfolk bis wife Mr . Ennna Wool folk, Rich’ll F. Wool j of crime; inquire into Ihu character of those wli) depart from virtue. Without a single txo ption, you wiil tin! Ilioin to to profane. 'Ihink t.f tin •(, t ml lot nut one vile word ili.i- graco you. Itncklcit's Ai'iilra halve. Tho Rest Salve in ihu world for cuts fork, Jr. Susan Pearl Wool folk " raiw »* Ho ™\ S ' llb . , 1T . i Fever SuroB, letter, Chiipputl Iluinls Annie \\ oollulk, Rosebud \\ non J Cbilblttiiia, ConiR, und all SkinErup- •ilk, CliiiB Howard Woolfolk, Milt 1 io Woolfolk, and Mis Temper-, nnco AYest, a visitor at thu Wool ,'olk house According to the coro ncr,s jury the deed was done by Tbonuis G. Woollnlk, oldest son of Mr R F Woolfolk by bin first wife, and wlio ia about 27 years old. : W, It. Thomas, President of '.lie AV, A T. railroad, worked like a Tro gan to pave the warehouse and eon tents at|Dul>rm during the llootl. At. the first iniiinatiou of that quarter lions, and positively cures Piles, o no pay required. It is guarantee to give ] ei'fect satisfaction, or mow-, refunded. Price 25 cents per box FOR SALE llY DU. RAWLINGS GEORG I A—Washington Couuty ORDINARY’S OFFICE, W. II. and J. A. Futghum. Exeontora ot tlio wilt ot Matthew Fulghiiui diccaacd have in due form applied to the niutersigiu it lor leave to sell the taints ht longing lo the ch- (ate of said deceased, and euid npidication w ill he heard on the first Monday in Septem ber next, at my ofilon. This Utli day ot Jnlr, 1887. M. NEW MAN, Ordinary W. C. 7 14 It — kkTIl IMITS. Ailmitiisti'utor s Diamissiuu. GEORGIA—Wasbiagtou county. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. I"nno L. Smith, Administrator ot the eatate of Mrs Mary M. Smith late ol aaid county, dummied, lias in due form uppliej to me for letters of dismission Irom the aduiinis- tratiou of said estate, and I will pass Dus. Saiikry <Sr. Palkn have the lihert to refer (ill proof (if their standii.g ns I'liy- sicians) to the following named •veil-known persons who have tried their Tl'eatmuii Ron. William J). Kki.i.i:v, Member of Omgrat*, I'ltihuleljihia. IIkv. Vurron 1,. Conhad, Editor Lutheran (thea ter, Philadt ljdda, Rr.V. W. C'UsllINd, Editor American Jtrfnrmer Sew York, I Ion. VYilllm I’unn Nixon. Editor later-Ocean, Chicago, It, Juikik Jossrii K. Flaniisks, Temple Court, Sew York. Mss. Mary A. Catok, U idow of th» Inti Du IIaiiVKY (/AToll CUmdcn. Sew jer.iey Mas Mary A Duuuiity, Jamaica, Long Island Sew York Mils MARY A liiVK'lMOItK Mel rase Mi issi i eh use! Is Jr Dos. It H V oo ill i res, Sew York City '" 1 MrGkoror iV I'fmvAnns * J rojit’r St (icorge.s lintel Philadelphia, Ala Frank Siddali, A veil knowII Merchant, Philadelphia Mr William II Wiiitki.y, Silk Manufacturer Philadelphia, Pa. And many others in every purl of the U 8 Kite is si ill on the boom. Our nidreliaiils are laying in n large supply of goods. ,1. Stephens & J R. Van have hml their store enlarged lo make rota:'; lor the fall slock which they tell u, wi.l be comph'to in,every respect. Some of our hoys wont to cull on tho lair ones several nights ago and i staid until night hud thrown In npi his applica'.inu oil tho first Monday in 8c temher Is87, ut my oflice in Sauderaville county. Given under my hand officially this Gtb day of Juno 1.87 M NEWMAN, Ordinary, 0 l) - thu ‘Compound Oxygen—i/t Mode of Action anil ■' nils" 1H Hamit*" in the title of a vuhimeof nearly 200 P* | l*y Din Starkey e'e Daleu which give* 1U | to all iiii|uirew full information as to ilii be immediately went down with a big ! somhio imialle over all tlio creek train ol hands and proceeded lo work ( with glows off. Retook liis position i'' 1 - ilIU ' bring very dark with the hnlnnil of crowd and by hi- 1 ,,< ’ t 11,1,1 lliu l "" ; 1,ru!1 ' r-killfnl supervision and until ing en ergy saved the road several hundred dollars worth of property, which otherwise would have been destroyed lie remained in the woods,'surround <-d by the lising, surging waters for four long day s Inking the same rough fare with tlio rest of the gang in Iheeffoit to protect the interests of Vhe road and to save its property from imijient peril, and he succeeded petecUy. Indeed, Capt. lii 11 Thomas Is a most excellent railroad man thor ouglily versed in all the detail of the same, and his crowning virtue is his devotion to the cause. The W. ife. T is a successful nml prosperous enter prise under his udminslration.— YYriglitsvilb* Headlight. The latest notable accession to the A.V. C. T. U.. ndccording to rumor, is the Hon. Jellersoti Davis. There was it cinip meeting iu progress on the Misissippi t-oust near lliloxi. The itrtiees included a temperance ad dress by Mi- Sidlio F. Chapin. Jfr. Davis was present and listeugd alien t uely. ‘When J/rs C. conolu ltd he «cv(ii.ced to the platform, and taking her by the hand, said, with consider able emotion; I indorse every word you have mulcted and am with you in ..ll yon have said.’ He inquired When nlio would speak and s.ti t; "I will bn with you and la ing my wife, she is in ■ t lent, sympathy with your Union. Air. Davis left '.be tabernacle woarThg ^b.i silver 1 adge of the M • C. T. I . Which Airs Oiiupinhad pinned on his Vleast. We are glad opr much loved Davis is in sympathy with this noble. I and and has et-popsed* tho prohibi mm caitiO We wish same of men vould near cue of Airs. Chopin’s elo utu-nt tiddtcstep, and bo converted ncan darkness to tight as Kr. D. was was very lull on account of the fresli- the.y could Wi.ndcaing iihont awhile they concluded to ford it und hml to wade three hundred yards. Wutchout hereafter boys lor rainy nig lit s. Mr E. Eie'ds is quite sick with le ver, we hope lie will soon roe >vor, iSheim.-in Van will nltc-ud the Ti-n- nille high s.-hool this fall, Sherman is a clever boy. Ur. I. I. Smith is having a large practice is riding nil the time. Our Rase ball emb will soon be in fidl blast. Our school under the charge of J. M Harrison will soon close; he has had a 1'lou: i»hing schoo. and we wish him \ him success wherever he gov. Ale if l'rovidence smiles I. will soon see her, alfei an absence of three months j this will he a treat indeed. 1 think in a few days I slia l visit, your sanctum; doll' your In t o'.d hoy when you see me coming for I shall have the news.—Allegory. ,/ IF. Damn, IF S. lhvman, 11. F, (iladth'ii, John. T. Grouut /.. J. Mat/, S' M. lliiohttocl-, S. J, Jordan, ,1 i.hii Tai/lur, L. />. Kendrick, (dra in tl Jury. Snplttmlier Term 1887. Jno. C, J hi (/(/an, I Fa . Gullalley, Jan. M. Jlacheln, IF D. llanter, Macon Warthcn, A. IF. Aldred, A. IF Gain, Alonza J. Iluhnen, IF G. Haile;/, Dr. /,. S, Garner, IFn. 11. Fruneiu, M D CM Summerlin, S;/l Prince, It. T. Pound, T. N. Smith M. M. Malliin, Pa’. 11. Sheppard, Thun. E‘ Drown, Get/ L. Maihin, Frank S. Stramje, Dr. J. 11. llsndernon First Week Traverne Jury September Term 1887. 7willey, Abe Youngblood, F. IF 'fompkinn, ltob't Cho/man, Abel Canon, IF G. Anight, A. />. Kewnomr, Julian ,S'. Drown, Jno. F. Smith James K. Page Jr. Dauul Fj. Tanner, E. 11. Dudley, 11. V. Joyner, Marshal 11 llodgen , J. G, W hid don, Elian IF Tanner, ELECTRIC RITTERS. This remedy is hecomming so well : known and su popular as to need no special mention. Alt who have used i Electric Litters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not ( xist and it is guaranteed to do ! all tlmt is claimed. Electric Lilteisj wi.l cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, , Roi s. Salt Rheum und other ntfc-.c- I tiona caused by iinput' blood.-Will drive Malaria from ihe system and prevent as well ns euro all Malarial- fevers,—For cure of Headache, Oon slipaiion and Indigestion try Elec trie Liltinv.-E itiro a it.i-f iction guar anteed, or money rcfuupcd. Price 50 ct.s. and $1 00 per bottle at. Dr. \Y. A. Jiraw biigs Drug Store. Marcel us Norlhi nylon, F. A. Walkinn, Seth L. llodges, Joe A. Prince, J! D Cox, A. J/. Diddle, IF. A. Smith, 9Is/ IFn. E. Tanner, IF Than. DrunUcy, John T. Drown, J/. E. Fridges, Chan D. Thigpen, John E. Tanner, Jan. 11. Page, J. II. Ilranlley, M. 11. Hartley, Giil Siarer, Elian G. Joiner, ' Tnos. A. Curry, Joseph Dell. Sxuntl Week Travere Jury Sptcmhe?) Term 1887. James T. lingers, S. M. Page, '1 iwn. G. Muye, Dane A. Smith, IF C. Drinsun, A. IF J, Wood, Union A. Tanner, J. J. Smith, D. 11 Sheppard, John T. Hudson, Joseph IF El ulcer, 11. A. Page, Judnun Lord, G. T. Horton, Jan. F, Norlhinylon 1). S. Smith, Then. Ii. I 1(7.(.’/•.• A. F. Hudson, If. A. Snell ing, J. 11, Young, reamrknblecurative agent and a largo record ol aii|irising euros in a wido range of chron ic cases—iii-.iny of ilium being abandoned to die liy other physicians. It will lie mailed tree an address on applical ion 111(8 MT.4IIUGV ft l>tl,IA, ■ Art'll SI.. lMiilntlt'lpliiii I* JERNIGAN & SON will fix your wat cli or clock as ch eap, if not cheap er than anyone else, come and soe. Pure Linseed Oil Paint#, Pail Load, Car, Bridge, Iron and Hoof Paints, One Coat Carriage Paint, anyone can use them, Lead, Oil Colors, Graining Coiors, &c., &c. Write for color cards and prices. We are malin as good goods ss are made in America, Al so dealers in VARNISHES, BRUSHES and WINDOW GLASS. IT OFF-SETS THE LOW FRIC E OF COTTON. ilv cleansing tlio seed potTiufc, never olio + Huts light, gins fast. tikes u good sample. The food or sHf, ii the floor, it will 1 ny kind of cotton regular, every gin ? .. nteed as represented a to give satisfaction, l'rieev h.i^’ reduced. Cull on or address, Q LANG and WILT. Mann iicturers Agents, SaudeiMvillo, Go »rgia. l ,, or full de<eriptio prices and terms. A gin \v 11 be kept dn btoelc where it oa cto nany time. bo INO’I 14 Li! 91.000.000 •«> 1,011'.'. All parlies ia Washington and llaliltvin coimlic mvhose loans on imiirnvcd farmo mature in 188li, and (!cah-o“KATKNSIt IN” i.t greatly icdnccd rate/*; will Had il •<* their advantage to call and hcc iiiu at their cal lient convenience, at my olllce in (Jo iri IIoiiKc, Sandersvillo. where my rep- resent.italive or my self will t»c pleased lo accommodate them. W. It. TIIItiPKN. 1 Jill rn \n Tennille, Georgia. Situated convenient to the depot. I'olife servants. Good rooms and charges reasonable. Respectfully, J. C. HAMILTON, Proprietor. IRON WORKS- XjELTT. Propt’r's. Sandersville, Ga. Manufaeturorsand Dealers in; Steam Engines ol all,stylos. Saw Mills. Grist Mills. Cotton Gins, Presses and Machinery of all kinds A till! liiiOjOt Rubber and Leather Rolling Ic pt in stock. Steam and Water Vuivcs, Steam pipes u*'d Fittings, Inspirators, Machine Oils and Mill Supplies. d and prompt v dono and as cheap and well Repair work solicited t ;is can ho done all Machinery‘sold by ns we guarantee to bo as rep' resented. Write or call on us for Prices and in the Machine line. scription of anything wiude.l Tho undersigned nro prepared to negotiate I,LAN UPON REAL It’S TAIT, security or approved COL LATERAL paper. Terms easy. Evans & Evans, Allonicj-N ill l.utv. tinv ynnr Cotto 1‘iudhItupw s LANG .6 \V 1 L’rs and save mom y Sheriff’s Sales. First Tuesday in September 18S7. GEORGIA. —Washingt >n County Will lie sold before tlio Court House (loot* in the city of Sandersvillo, on the first Tuck, day in September 1887 between the legit hours of sale, to tic highest balder the fol low log propel ly to wit. One tract of land lying in said county ami (Statu. Two Hun dred and thirty five acres (23o)inorc or less and hounded on the North by lands ol J. M. Kmitli, on die East by lands of It. I). Joiner, on (heSouth by lands of Edwin Sivint, on the West by the big Olioonie Crock. Lev ied as the properly of lb W’, Smith to antis- He two Justice Court li fas in favor of A. Kalk & Son vs U \V Smith Property pointed out by plaintills Attorney and legal noiiee given .tenants in possession. Also ut same time and place will be sold, Olio tract oi parcel of land lying in Wash ington County Georgia. Containing Fifteen acres more or less, and bounded ou the North, South, EuhI & west by lands ol Mis. Itosu (1. Smith. Levied upon as the prop trly of Mrs lto.s-i G Smith lo satisfy a Jos- dee Court l'i l-'a in favor ol a Labor Lieu of C. (f. Stewart vs Kosn (». Smith. Levey made by H 15. Wells Constable o <J2nd Dostriet U- M. and returned to me. Also at same time and place will lie sold one tract or parcel of land i, ing ou the pr, -*g of Williamson’s Swamp Cieek iu Washing ton County, containing four hundred and sixty (400> liens more or less known as Green Brantley's Home i’laue and binuuLd on the North by hinds of (ieorge Prince, on the East by lands of J. A. Hobson trustee, South by William/- soli's Swamp Creek und <>n the West by land of M. Newman' Levied on ns the nroperty «f Groce lirnutley to satisfy a Fi ■'a is.-ued in from tie Superior Court of said county in favor of Joseph E. Brown Gov, for the use of Cob & Ilirbuek vs 15 F BARBER--S HOP!- S A GALL ON R B 1JI5NUY RIUNTLEY, THE F A S111 (J N A R L E 15 A R R E R HOTEL BLOCK H 0 ISIack Smith Shop RUGGIES, and WAGONS Repaired PLOW WORK and IIORSK SHOEING, a Special ty. Henry II. I.ittle. If your watch is out of order take it to the old relia ble, A. J. Jernigan and Son’s Jewelry Store. Patronize Home In dustry. EUREKA MILLS, T Sandersville - - - Ga. 11ESE mills are now inti king tin/ best Flour anil Meal of any null in tho country. Every tii-comniodalion is provided for people coming in from a distance. Honest men aro in charge, and EVERY POUND of Meal, Flour anti Bran That the wheat and corn will make is GUARANTEED TO THE CUSTOMERS —DE YLER IN—;*]] Millineryand Fancy Goods, [NOTIONS, &o.i Has just, received lior Spring 1 Stock c.onsUtinjf in pirl, one of tlio most complete lines of L-idTo.’, Misses and Ohil Iren’s Hats and Runnels fiver brought to this markot. Feathers, L'lniues, Tips and F.owors in groat variety and I gu-irnuteo Quality, Sryle and Prices. Call early and make ymir Hiileations while tin stock Ins nearly ovory ‘ VARERIKV andNTVB^ found on the Spring Fashion Piato.3 of 18.57. jj Notions of .dl kinds coil- stitiiF coining. FINE DRESSES Cid, fitt-d and made to order. Every lady i’i town, county or ndj lin ing counties are earnestly n q tested to call at, my slruro, n-ie and ex inl ine my Stock whotlier they wish to buy or not. Cor. Harris nti-.l Jerui- gati Streorts, ’Watkins’ Building. Apil 5th 1887. •I. S. WOOD -CIIAS. S WOOD. J, S. WOOD £ BROTHER Cotton Factors, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Bagging and Ties Usual aocoiniuodation to Shippers andjBuyers always on hand Jno. IF Drasiwll, Geo. II. Jenkins, A. C. Griffin, Denj l> Joiner, lieiitt/brd Turpley, John A. llobison, I'll ERE aro a great, many people in liu; poor house who got tdieiv by at tending to oilier peoples business and neglecting ihc-ir own. Thus. Smith, IT. J. Taylor, A S. Mitchell, J. G Green way, Hon. F Jos’ey, Sam IF. Rogers, Kindien Bridges, Chas 1< cceman, J. L). Orrr, 11. S. Turlington, The Union Signal, $l.i>0 a year 'dhc Young Crusader, fit) cents a year Oak qnd Ivy year; Leaf, 25 etjnts a iff®*" Lave your ivalclt Jernigan J- Son, they "il! satisfaction. hxo rive 1 by y-M tflggr* Cheap (ducks at Jeiuig ?/ py 4'y))'s Jewel l-y (Mi'll!.. ■■ /■ R'jT. WALKER l.:,s first-c-lass Un eery S <>:e old Photograph Gallery u • lie patronage opened a under tin; he solicit; Subscribers to the Mercury call get pne of Dr. Kendal’s treatment on llie hor.-e. and new subscribers will rclone also as a premium to the Mercury. Subscribe now before they are ail gone and get one. Price ten ,cents reduced from twenty-live as ' heretofore. Rudisell, lVin. G Brantley, Julia U Wick- j o[ . tUu n)illi lt)3S t | le lc) || er, ami A. A. Cullens Securities nuW proceeding fur the use of Lawson and Cason ttdmiaisiraloi-s on the estate of Nich olas liurlatek, survivor of die firm of Cobh and Harhnek. Written notice given Green ilrai.tlcy Defendant in possession. This Aug. 8th 1887. C. A. Wall8heri(f, W. C. We are able to prove beyond u doubt tha the Compound Gxygen treatment is a sure cure for sore throat we h rdu chronic ease ol of lo yeaia standing permanantly cured by it; those who are not benefited from its use, fail because they do not carry out the Drs.’s directions- To fierivebenefit Jon must send cored diagnosis of your case to Drs, Starkey and Paten, ltii'J t rch Street Philadelphia Pa. Cali at this Oflice for full particulars So bring in your WHEAT AND corn at. the same ti mo und thereby save going to mill twice. G. IL PRINGLE, Prop’tor 7-9 85—tf ,J L. YAOR Miller l*r R. IL T ime can be hail Jernigan & Sou’s Jewelry Store. at Notice. I hereby forewarn any one from hireing donas Epliram, colored, as he is under cuntract with me I'm the present year. June'iLlh, 1SS7, John Hcauldixo- #. P. DOOLITTLE (tILDEH AND PICTURE: JIAMFACT1HLK 126 him Street, $25.00. Hacliine GUN SHOP. Guuh, Pistols and Sewing Machines Repaired by E. TWILLEY, on Jernigan street, next to Mr. Ben}. Wihddon's residence. SEWING-MACHINE HAS NO EQUAL. I PERFECT SATISFACTION MlnegeiiiMacilCi). -ORANGE, MASS.— 30 Union Square, N. Y, Chicago, III, St. louts, Mo. Atlanta, Ga. Dallas, Tex. San Francisco, Cal. Ar JERNIGAN and SON’S JL' V ELRV STORE __ Field We me SiMI in “u* j , Friends our Jewelry bum. a lull blast and work done hy ^ pelent workmen; ' vc q., s a nice lot of Jnwt-hy, .^J*j. |llI)Bll l4 Clocks and uhiciu ... u lor sale. We hope our old h tnd customers will ,,ot 1L ” have in our hour ol iifflu-tw".• ((t - ( , re done yon good work * and will continue lo do so now