The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, August 30, 1887, Image 3

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CITS' ispcOUSIY "~}f ant/nf °" r *VVIIIOil tilKUS fail In rc- itlt - Ih •ii' P. 1 PA’R, Mey wifi p/.xw; noli/;/ «« t j fa f:id »»naedhilely. 1: li S D A V, August 30th, 1SS7. — 'PUBLISHED liv( — A.J. Jernigan&Co., —)PUBMS11KUS «t rUOI*UElTO«8.( — H SaaSl Absolutely Pure. 'This powder nivor varies. A iniir'vc of parity, strength and wholesounlies More economical limn tku ordinary kind mill connot lie s<>Id in tom petition willi ilie multitude tiflow teats, h!i ii _ w. liflit iilnm orjiliuspato puwd.T. Sold in cans. ROYAL BAKING PoWlit: l 10. 10(5 wall Si N Y. REMOVAL. 1 have tinned to i in' store formerly tu-cupicd by J. 1) Newman, mi l am better |ii't*i»are;! than ever to servo on.-An mors, with the best "nmU at lowest prices. Thankful f .r past iavors, anil soiif itingucont nuance, llespactfully, V. .J A OKS OX. LOCAL iTlttf Vl ritig Nca A onihy U t oml. New subscribers still rolling in. Let the f irmer! save the hay e ropi Cotton crop is short an 1 prices are low, . Might cent don't whoop the cots tou up. Mr Mack Duggan has given up the muQiigmunt of Wutkins Lhill Our yning ladies of the city will soon all be borne and our place will look gay again. The bole worm and cata|iillar lnih made its appearance iu sonic of the cotton fields. Mrs J M Minnr and children, after a pleasant visit with friends at Bartow, have returned homo Miss Sullie Wicker, bus return ed from a visit to Burtow. We have been iu several coun- ties in the State lately, and we found Washington ahead of them in giiculture, A pleasant littlo sociable was given to the young people Wcdnes day evening at the residence ol Dr J B Roberts Ben Barnett cidored was ngnin at rested last week by the U.S. Mar Hindi charged with ioiling crooked whiskey, and wi s oarried'o Macon and committed. The Mehoury gives you some thing to read. It is not tilled up with cross-road poetry and such startling intelligence as John Smith has a sore buck. The prospect for a large cotton crop is blasted in our travels in ours and several other counting, wo find tin cotton badly damaged iioui rust. Wo were glad to see Mr Robert Wicker, who has been quite sick was aide to bu in the oily a few days back Tom Winn the painter is a good workman and parties that have business in his line would do well to call on hint. See advertisement in another column; Mr Rufus Ferrill in the 94 h, District, died on Thursday night of typhoid fever, lie was a member ‘f White Oak Church and leaves a wife and two children. Capt. Lingo the polite conduc tor on the W. T. & D Railroad, is the right, man iu the right place. We had no idea of the travel over triis road until we gassed on the l'iie of tickets that was sold last week. Holt and Brother are rccievir.g a largo new stock ot goods, and a iul.l no of t n cent crockery and tin ware, Look out for their ad* Visrtisein. at next week. As the Muthodsil church build* mg is undergoing repairs, the Baptist church kindly tendered Ihe use of thuir building to the Methodist Pastor Rev. 0. S. Johnston and to the church, until tlieii own house is ready for use. Mrs Penny Jordan moved out in the country to the residence of her i'uthck Mi Bryant Watkins, wo are sorry to lose this mo.t exec lent lamily from our community Mr D G Watkins has moved to the losideiico of Mrs Jordans on Jcrnignn street and Mr Henry Lkind will live at his place, we are glad to welcome this good family to our city. In every community there nro o number of men whoso whole time is not occupied, such us teachers, min isters, fanners' sons, and others. To these alamos especinly wo would say, if you wish to make sovoral dob !a:s during tho ip xt few months, write* at otteo to S. F Johns to ti &C). of lticbmond, Vi., aucl they will show you bow to do it,. Qui c a largo crowd attended the camp meeting at Deep Stop. Our county should bo well rep- r s n'.cd at the Htato Fair at Mu* o m ibis (all. Let our farmers see what they can put on exhibition We have turnips of own raising pimted in July, uud all we need now is the liesli meat go with (hr ill The crim'nnl docket will p ob .ly be taken up Wednesday of the ii rat week of court. PKltS J.\AL ME YT10Y. Mr George D Reinhart made a /.sit to 1>ub!in lust week Smith has returned Mr and Mrs L C Perry turned to Dublin Mirs Paulino Herman quite sick. Mr W F Hailey of Bartow, was iu the city Saturday. Miss Mollie Duggan has rolurn* ed to Valdost8. Mr Edgar Brown of Tenuille, i» at Dr Rawlings Drug Store. Mr Aluc home Mrs W M Posey who has been quite sick, is improving. Mr A S Sparks has returned to the city Mr J M Harrison of Kite, was in the city last-Week Miss Jev c! Johuson has returned 1 o n Atlanta Miss Addie Stone of Linton, is tho geust ol Mias Emma Lawson Mbses Carrie, Myrtle and Veniic Roberts have returned irom Linton Misn Mollie Anderson of Pines lucky, is visiting her sister Mrs Cad o near Kite. Mr James Harrison of Kite has been visiting Tonnillo, and will soon leave lor Lexington college W.C\ T. fi T . COTil' Tom Thomas c lira lirst hale ol gtiano cotton ISat* ttrdiiy. This is the lirst bale if gumio cotton tbit season in the county tint has been brought in, 0,1. Du -'gift & S m got the cotton, T an owns it smell home and cigits ty acres of land and is out of debt. £ Judge Dugg m will accept our t nuks for a lat ot green peas If you want any painting done address Tom Winn at Tenuille this week. A part of the colored baptist church congregition hive pulled off honi Daniel Partner and now hold their meetings under a plank arbor near the Augusta dpoet. 1) L Hays on» of Sundorsville painters has his card in this issue. Dorse does good work Wo call special attention to the card of Messrs Jordan& Smith Cotton Factors of Augusta Gu‘ This is an old Firm, well kuowu, Mr Jnrdim bus been activly en gaged in the cotton business during tho past thirteen years. Augusta is a good cotton market uud you would do well to give this lirm a trial. Did you ever rido in a jim crow car where tho color is mingled to gether? We have, and not only on the W & T Railroud, but otheis. We don’t believe in this mixed car, or school business. Quito a com plaint was made nguinst the W &T all along the line for not running but orio car and tho colored and whites had to occupy it together or stay home, why it was iuu this way for several days wo can’t say, we heard that it could not well bo helped since tho freshet This road hntf always been an ac commodating one and we don t think that President Thomas will lot it occur again if lie can possibly help it. Wo bad a pleasant lime and one long to lie re.nilabored in Laurcnse Co mi the 20tb and 21st of ibis mon- tlt where we attended protracted meeting never in our lives have we received n more cordial welcome than the people at Marvin clfiuc-h and tho surrounding county gave us they are a warm hearted generous people in ever sence and it was with reluctance we tore ourselves away leaving our hearts bell ml. The mee ting opened with fair signs of being ii good one and so far .as we are capable of judging, their work will nit be in vain; but the blessing will be obtained. We expect to hear of m.anv being happily converted, and a goodly number joining tho church; for there are some earnest, zealous workers among its members; and the voting people manifested much inte rest ”ind feeling. We were only at tho begining ot the meeting, and would have been pleased to stay the whole week, but business prevented- the short time we stayed seemed to infuse new life in us and has braced up our tired bo-lies more tlion any trip we have taken. This is our first (but we hope not our last,) trip to this place. Mils Mary Arnuu lorcd brought in a,1,llivt -’ 3 Dublin Mr J S Brown ol Oconee, anti Mr T L Brown ami ludy of Davis boro are visiting New York Mrs Mary Ann Brown ii visiting Mrs B J Tarbiitton anil other relu- tives in tho cily. Mr L A Chapman and lady made a Bhort visit to Milledgcvtlle last week A Wllitt) TO lints. y.'.oxi. lias re' i Were I to nrk the boys throughout ■ the linited Mates whether they would like to become strong n.H*n, | the answer would fume in one grand in si'll 11 chorus, ‘“Yi s.’’ Now, boys, the question is, how are you to become strong menV Do yon think smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco will make you strong? No! just the re verse; if you want to bo strong phy sically never use tobacco in any form, for it is tlio lirst step toward making you weak. Wlint if some men do sny, “You never will be a man unless you learn to smoko”? Yes, you will, and the best kind of n man, too. Boys, don’t begin; if you never •smoke the lirst time you are safe; you neverwill the second. If other boys laugh and call you a coward, then you will have a chain, c to bo morally strong; for one may be like Said, luad and shoulders higher than any other man, or like Samson, able to carry the gales of Gttza, and yet bo morally weak. Boys, show your colors! “Dare to bo a Du tiled, Dare to stand alone; Dare to have a purpose true, Dare to make it known.” Do not let the fear of being laughed at move you from the right; and let tlm ruling motive of your life lie the echo of Henry Clay's, “I would rather he ii ;lit than to iie president. Then, boys, you may have n strength greater than physical or moral, tho strength that Paul bad when he said, “i can do all things through Oh rut, which strengtlienet h me.” It is llie strength you need to enable you to insist temptation and overcome bin, so llu.1 at last you can •-ay with Paul the aged, "I have fought a good tight, I have finished my course, [ have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for mi a crown of righteousness, which the j Lord, the righteous judge, shall give i me at that day. And not to me only, | but unto all them also that love bis • appearing.''—U. S. CJH 15,1!Ii ETCS COLUIflX. Finding theJiilloiuJig in a Scrap and thinking U inndd please ihe dmn w i publish it. chil. w is visiting J.yiia A (. < ltiislina | i I-'alry Siory of the Olden Time. CHARLES W. IIUBNKB. Religious Appointments. jttn iTiSODIST OJIUISCIIES. We are glad to note the improve nieut ot Miss Mattie Founds Irom her recent sickness. Masters Jimmie and Cosby Car. lisle of Irwiufoii, are visiting rela tives in the county % Miss II it tie Be. ry ol Louisville, who has been visiting Airs Dr J I Irwin 1ms returned home Mr Durant McOonlo of Irwin county was the guest of Mr uud Mrs W R Tliigen last Friday Miss Minfcu Curry of Riddli villeGa and Miss Ersic Alison of Evergreen Ala, are visiting the families of Messrs W R and J Ii Thigpen in the city. Mr and Mrs A W Kennedy ot Macon, are stopping ut the Gilmo’e House and will make, Sandeisville their future homo fat the present We were glad to meet our old friend and former townsman Mr. Robert Webster of Bartow, in tbe city last Saturday. Tho attention of om- faithful white ribboi era ia again called to the call for a d iy of prayer for I lie World’s I lomporoncu easse, November 12 and Jo. Mi,a Willard desires us to call especial attention to tho fact Unit nut-only is this a call to prayer for tho World's \V. C. T. U-, but also for the blessing for God upon cur own approaching National Conven tion, to be bold November Hi to 21. She uL'o urges that local unions re quest their paslois to preach on eouio phase of uio subj :ot. A IS!<»il LICENCE CATECHISM Mrs J A Irwin, Mrs II A Ilincs Mrs General Wart ban anti Mrs J S Wood of Suvnnnnli, viGticil Dr A J Irwin and lady of May Held Miss D.icia Garner Mrs llcfiry Bland Mr and Mrs E Twilley arc visit ing relatives in Mitcliei and Augus ta. Colonel Pringle received a cubl - grain yesterday announcing the safe arrival in Liverpool of Airs. J. P* Huntley, Miss Lillian P. Huntley, of Atlanta, and Miss Jessie Campbell, of Rome. These ladies sailed on the steamer Un - ! bria on Saturday, the 6tb instant, from New York, and arrived safe ly yesterday morning in Liverboo). Dr. J. P. Huntley met the party on its arrival..—Constitution 17th DON'T EXl’EHIMENT. You cannot afford to waste timo in experimenting when your lungs are in danger. C msuuiption always seems ut first only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King’s New discovery for consump tion, Coughs and Colds; but bo sure yon get the genuine/ beenuso ho can make more profit he may tell you he has something just ns good, or just tho snino. Don’t be decieved, hut insist upon getting Dr. King’s New Discovery, which is guaranteed to give relief in all Throat. Lung and Chest affections. Trial bottle free at Dr. Win, Rawlings’ Drug Btore. Large bottles $1. Question—What is license, wlictli- liiglt or Imv? Answer.—li is a law which for a stipulated sum authorizes tho rum- seller to manufacture drunkards. Q—^What raw material does tho rumao’l use in such manufacture? A—Boys. Q—Whose boys? A—Anyboih’s boys, your neighbor's and your own. Q—What benefit wlil bo derived fiom a high licens law? A—It will elevate the business. Q—What mildness? A—The business of making drun kards. Q—How docs it propose to do this? A—By shutting up tho (lead-falls nud rendering the palace saloons more attractive. Q—What'-is tho difference between a dend-htll and a palace saloon? A—A palace saloon is where the hoys lake their first lessons in crime; the dead-fall is wboro they graduate. Q—Who are in favor of high license laws? A—All the far-seeing rumsellcrs, the whiskey politicians, and a great many “strong temperance mcn”( ? ), | some editors, and some permanent, , j whiskey-nnd-water temporenca men. vial in,4 ; (> —who arc opposed to it? A—The cranky prohibitionists. Q What is the difference between a prohibitionist and a high liecnsisl? A—High liccnsists believe iu put ting whisky into a boy through a •IH,000 funnel, and then putting the boy into the gutter^ the prohibition ists believe in putting tho whisky info tho gutter, and saving the boy. Moderation is the silken string running through the nearly chain of all virtues, THE ITDEEITY Of WONSAN. A man gives up a sinking cause sooner than a woman does. The men ran away from the cross; the women were f.iilhful unto death. Men like tho winning side; women are cham pions of the desperate hope. Debo rah saved Israel, and Joan of Are. delivered Franco when no man could be found to lead an enterprise so un promising. The men outran one an other to catch a glimpse of the risou and victoious Christ; but it is doubt ful whether they would have gone to tho sepulchre at all simply for the sake of embalming tho dead and defeated Christ. Women, too, linger in memory over the past with u richer tender ness than men. Women are retros pective; men autieioative. Women tarry long, wiili a fidelity painful and sweet, over tho recollection of their chiliIbood and the littlo incidents of their betrothal and buried faces of their lost children.—Selected. Groceries of all Kinds chaep at Frank Castellaw’s,Whitaker’s old stand. Mis Imir was black, straight and very long; iiis feet were clothed in curiously fashioned boots, running out to a sharp point- at the toes the buff lops were ti iinmod with er mine, and scarlet l-assels, sprinkled with pearls, bung down nearly to the iuslep. He a lvancod into the room with a brisk slop, and nodding bis head aff ably at the nin.-u**d inmates, with a beaming smile he addressed Rose us follows, “My dear Rose! I nm called “The lit lie Man in Green” by those who know me. I nm Uio lord and ruler over a mighty and wonderful king dom. Tim Innumerable spirits Hint dwell in the great forest, in llm fruit ful fle'ds and the green medows, and they that have their habitation ill the green valleys and on the lofty nfomitnins, are my people, and owe me allegiance. The great (tecs and the tiniest Made of grass hear the impress of my royal seal. Tbe zoph- ors nl' summer whisper my name, the birds end brooks know me m-1 slug my praises, tho rivers speak of me as they rush to the shore, and the mighty voice of (!m ocean sounds peons in my honor, night niul day. I love all my subjects, tho greatest- and ilm least are alike and equally the children of my love. Any slight they roelove, any wrong done to them I resent and punish. The super stitions niul iingroul.fnl among the children of men. who refuse to honor me or to love my beautiful and be nignant subjects, cannot escape the penally of their unkind and fitly be havior. J punish their unwise te merity and their hurtful aggression. 1 bumble their wanton pride and re- I ulsive iinehni itablciicss. “4 nu, however my cl.ihl, possess the piicclcss gifts ol a pious and hum Ide iituri, ii meek and benevolent spi rit and li.ivo compassionate sympa thy for Hie soi'rmvs and misfortunes of all iu every station in life. Your charily emlirneus all things Go.I lias made, bo it ever so lowly or apparent ly inslgaill ant, and lienee utdnnor- ed by the world. You honor all of God’s creatures hoentifo Iiis nl' lov ing and almighty hand created them for this reason you regard them with uniform kindness and your good heart goes out t i them at all times and itiidcr all cinmmstauecs. “I nm p.ailieuiur.y lejok-od nt your fondness for, and tender care of, my forest children. Your earnest prayer and innocent, presistenr. onlreaiies shall not remain unansweied. L this purpose I am here. “Yonder little pi no in (lie corner,” continued the apparition,’ which yon cured for with such tender solieiiu le whilst it stood in the forest glade guarding the moss and floworcovercil mound at us foot, which you have since converted into a lovely 'Christ mas Tree' ill honor of the birth of the “l’riuee ol Peace” shall become the moans of great an unanticipated Joy to you,and exemplify the magic power of my scepter. The lost shall he found. Life shall b i born of death The. enchanters spell shall be hrjkcn. Tim coffin changed into a throne, the dismal gravo into a palace. I f na ture. haired, pride, oppression, sor row and despair shall give way to truth, love, lopcntnueo, humility, mor cy and their beautiful offspring. There shall be gladness in tbe world The lowly shall be exalted; virtue shall be honored; love, friendship, and duty shall lie glorified and made divine by the power of littles, Be- bold! behold! The dwarf stepped in front of the shining Christmas tree and touched it thrice with tho point of his golden j scepter. Iu the twinkling of an eye | Hie blitzing taper* dropped from the brunches, the Oakes, nuts, apples anil tissue paper ornaments disappeared; a slight shock set Ihe leaves to shiv ering as if a breath of wind had sud denly passed through them: a strain ofeuliiiii music, similar to that which Rose had heard when the bird with golden plumage sang to her in the moonlight many days before, rose, trembled and died upon the air, and lo! fjie, over whose untoward and in explicable fate the heart of Rose had mournd so sincerely, lor whose re- turn she find wept and prayed, the beautiful Almira, the enchanted Prin cess, stood alive before her! “He said tne royal dwarf, addres sing Hie disenchanted Princes, and pointing his scepter to Rose, “there is the pure-hearted and pious child to whoso devotion and prayers you are indebted for your release from the dark sleep of death. Her love and faith have redeemed you. With a radient smite the Princess advanced av.d addressed Rose, kiss ing her blushful cheek tenderly and taking her hand. Every trace of scorn, anger, and hateful pride, had disappeared from her features, her face was as radient with joy as the face of the angel must have been who appeared to the wondering shepherds of Judea to announce the birth of the child in tho manger nt Bethlehem. “We shall never he parted again,” said the Princes to her humble friend and deliverer, looking into tbu tear ful eyes ot Rose. My royal father has had bis king dom restored, bis subjects have be come loyal and peacefif 1; our palace has been rebuilt, and is now more splendid than ever. Henceforth, you 'shall live with me, and we will be to each other like lov ing sisters. I will share with 3’ou all that I possess.” [to re continued next week.] S \ NIlKRSV I I.LE-—Rev. G 8. .Taluwlon. 1’iMlor. Preaching oil the l*t,!!rd and -fdi SnhUallia nl 10:.'!(), n. m , nml on the let 2nd and 3rd Sabbaths at 7.15 p. in. of each month. Prayer Meeting every Thursday night at 7;15 p. in. Sunday School every Sunday evening at 4,00 p. m, TKNNILLK-—Rev. (1.8. Johnston, Pastor, preaching every 2nd Sunday nt 10;30 a. m , and every 4th Sunday night ut 7*; 10 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday evening. DAVlSJH"IvO.—Rev. J. J. Analey Pastor. Pet-aching every 1st and 2nd Sabbaths in 0110! month. Sabbath School every Sunday evening. REV. N. II. OLMNTEND’8 Appointments, Tabernacle.—Every 1st Sunday', and Saturday before, in each month. Deep Slop.—Every 2nd Sunday and Saturday before, in e.ich month. Cahiu Ilill,—Every 3rd Sunday, mid Saturday before, in each month. Ray Springs. — Every 4lh Sunday mid ■Saliirduy I elore. in each month. Rollin'.—Every UtSunday ut l;00p. 111, I'iney JAmnt.—Every 4lli Sunday at 3:00 p. in, El DDLEVIERE.—-Rev. J. J. Ansley.pas- t.»r. Preaching evo;y -ItIi Sunday, and Snlurd iy before. CAMP MEETING....At Deep Step, begins Saturday before llie 4th Sunday in Au gust. PROTRACTED MEETING...Washington circuit. At Tabernacle, begins Thursday Ii l-n-n the 1st .Sunday in September al7J o’clock p. 111. At Now Bethel, begins Thursday before tlie 2nd Sunday in September, at 7j p. 111, Visiting preachers expected, BtArTIS'l' CHUKCIIES. SAN ERSVrLEE.—Rov.R. II.Ivey,pan- tor, Preaching every 2nd and 4tli Sun days in eaeli month Sunday School every Sunday morning. Prnvor meeting evtry Eridav night, TEX Nl ELK.-Rev. T. J. llcek, pastor. Preaching every -till Sunday at 10;00 a. 111. in each month, KIDLLEVILLK—Rev. Tnrnei Smith, pastor. Preaching every 2nd Sunday iu eneli inonlli DAVfSBORO — Rev. W. E. Klllpatrick, pastor. Preaching every 2nd Sabbath in each mouth. Sabbath School every Sunday evening. —o— niiiiMTt.vN < iiuucii. —it— SAN DEESVI LEE....Rev. IV. 1). Oliver, pastor. Preaching every HI Sunday ut 11 o'clock n. 111. Sunday School every Sunday evening REV. A if. HERRING'S Appointment* for the moil'll of August. Onion... 1st Sunday nt It o’clock a. m. ]lclhsml i...2ml Sunday at 11 o’clock 11. m. IIiu-rison...3rd Sunday at II o’clock a. 111. Tenuille...4th Sunday at II o’clock a. m. Home of the 1’oe.r...4th Sunday ut 4 o' clock p, m. —o — catholic; <11 listen. SANDERSVILEE....Services every 2nd Sunday in eiuh month, at Saint Wilt Ham's Church, PASTORS...Will please send In changes to their appointments, also if their appoint- mems do not appear in full, they will please let us know what part is left out. Pastor’s iu the county, whose appoint ments do not upper, if they will drop us a postal suiting their appointments, we will gladly publi.-h, SPECIAL MEETINGS. —1>— LADIES PRAYER MEETING...Every Wednesday nl 3 o’clock p. m. MENS PRAYER MEETING.... Every Wednesday night, BAND OK IIOPE...Evety Friday evening at 3,(10 p 111. GOLDEN REAPERS...Every Friday eve ning before the Hi Sunday in each month nt 3;00 p. ni. BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY... Meets Monday aflcr every 3rd Sunday in each month. rVO.VI ANS MISSIONARY SOCIETY...Ey cry 2/ondiiy after tliu 1st Sunday in each month at ";00 p, m. Y M. O. ASSOCIATION...Regular meet ing, every Tuesday night, in tho City Council Chamber. Devotional Exercises every Sunday evening, at the Enptist Church immedi ately tiller Methodist Sunday School. All young men cordially invited to both meetings. \V C. T. IE..Meets nt the Rapsist Church. Tuesday before the 4rd .Sunday, at 4 p. ni in each month. THE METHODIST... P.irsonngo Aid so« ciety meets every 1st Tuesday in tho Metli odist Church at 4.00 oeloek p, m. PROTRACTED -MEETING...At Smyrna M P. Chill, pastor Saturday the 4th Sunday in August. Sanilersyille And Tenuille Htt il-Hoti:l To take efleet May 2 Id 13S7 1 m nnd 1 n SVille am Ar leniiillo 7 45 a Ev lemuRs m Ar Sundcraville 815 am hv SandemviHa 11 00at ArTennille Ly TeiinlHe........ Ar Sandeisville Ev Saiidcrsviilc.... Ar Tulin, lie Ev Tuun'illc Ar Samleraville ... II15 a m • 12 30 p m 12 50 p m 4 30 p m - 4 45 p in 5 00 p m 515 p iu TIME TABLE OF THE Will UIITSVI LEE, TENN1LLE and DUBLIN K. 14 To take edect November 14 18S0. GOINU SOUTH. No. 1 No. 3. A. M. 1>. M. Lv Tenuille 5 .(3 l.vHarrison fl jo Lv Donovan Ar Vf riglitsv’le... Lv Wriglitsville. Lv Lovett Lv Bruton Lv Condor Ar Dublin 0 30 0 50 0 50 7 20 55 8 15 ooinu NoKrn. No 2 1 00 I M 1 55 215 2 20 2 50 3 10 3 30 3 50 No 4 A M I> U . 30 4 20 ...0 00 4 60 .. 9 18 6 10 .. 0 35 6 10 ...10 00 OlO .. 10 00 C 10 . 10 18 U 30 ...10 35 0 50 ..11 10 7 20 W. B Thomas, President, Gim’l fiuperiti teudant. Nov. 14 1S80. Lv Dublin Lv Condor Lv Bruton Lv Lovett , Ar Wi ichtsvllle.* Lv Wriglitsville Lv Donovan ,,,,, Lv Harrison Ar Tcunillu A. 6. & S. RAIL-ROAD. No 1, A. M. Lv Samlersvillu 4..53 Lv Wurtlien 5 18 | Lv Hines 5.40 Lv Gibson t 20 Ar Augusta P.00 No. 2, Leave Augusta 7.18 Lv Gibson 11,12 Lv Hines 12-1,3 Lv Wartlieu 12.44 | ArS'ville 1.1« No 4 p. m, Lv Augusta.. 5.14 Lv Heplizibali 0.14 Lv Gibson 7.62 Lv Hines.,.. 8.34 Lv Wartlieu.. 8.69 Ar Saiidcrsviilc 9.19 No 3 p si | Lv Knndcrsville 2 05 Lv Wnrtiien : .39 Lv Hines b 05 Lv Gibson 4 00 Lvt Heplizibali 0.42 Ar Atigustu 8 00 SUNDAY—PASSENGERS ONLY. No l A. m.- I No 2 A.M. Lv San(lersville6.6l I Lv August'! 8.14 Lv \Va alien 0-10 Lv Heplizibuli..9 14 Lv limes 0 40 | Lv Gibson 11.04 Lv Gibson 7 22 | Lv Hines 11.53 Lv Ilepbzibili 9 13 | Lv Wurtlien 12.19 August 10 13 | Ar.S"ville I 241 No 3 p. m. | N« 4 i* m Lv Sandersvillo 2.61 | Loav Anngnstn 3 1 Lv Wurtlien 3.10 | Lv Hephzibali.,4 45> Lv Hines 3.40 I Lv Gibson fl' 1 Lv Gibson 4 22 Lv Hinas 019 Lv Ilepbztbah 0 13 | Lv Wartlieu .7 01 Ar Augusta 7 13 | ArSaiidersville7.53 R. M. MITCHELL. President. CENTRAL R.R. Sa VAXNAtt Ga., July 3, 1387 tin nnd after ibis date passonger trains, will ruu ns Daily unless marked f, which are Dally except Sunday, The Standard time by which these trains run in 30 minutes slower than Savannah city time. Lv Sav'li 7:10am 8,20 pm5;15 pm 5;10 pm Ar Milieu 9;40am ll;03pm 7;30pm Ar Augusta l;46pm 4;00alii 9;35pm ArTennille 11:33 pm 1:17 a ur Ar silicon Ar Atlnnta Ar Columbus p i 1 ;40 p m 6;40 p m 9;30 p ni SUPERIOR COURT CALENDER. DON. JAMES. K. HINES, Judge. COL. O II. ROGERS, Uolieilue (/aural. A. M. JIMYO, Clerk. Q. A. WALL, Sheriff. CASH PRICKS. BY iioit a iti*o. CoBftECTKD WkEICI.V. Lorillai'tls Suuffpef lb 55 cts Stick Candy “ “ 10 ols lb Tobacco Soda “ “ Sugar ' “ “. Lard “. Powder “ “.. Soap “ “. oa ti T Ti titco per Apples per cau. Oysters per can. Tomatoes per can.. Vinegar per gal. Molasses “ “ .., Kerosinc Oil “ “ .. Ribbbon Cane syrup per gal 50 els Remember we keep all kinds of gro ceries and fell them cheaper than any one else. We are also headquarters for Glass ware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Woddenware notions, Jewelry, and every thing else kept In a lirst class Grocery Store Dont fail to come lo see us when in search of bargains. We can be found nt the 10, cent Store old s.andjind oppos te Pringle’s store, Respectful! 25 cts .. ..7\ cts 0 @ 7 cts 8 © 10 cts 25 cts 5 cts 55 10 cts .... 10 ct8 10 cts 30 cts 21 @ 25 cts 17^ cVs Ma 17th 1887,-3 mo, HOLT ally, & BRO. SI00 to $300 A J/ONTH can bo made working lor us, Agents preferred who can furnish their own horses and give their whole time to the business. Spare moments may be profitably employed also. A lew vacancies in towns and cities' B, F. JOHNSON & CO., 1013 Maiu street, Richmond, Vn. A 23 3m It is better to bo nobly remembered jlian to be nobly born. 3:20a in 7;15 n m .... 2:45 p nt Ar Montgomery 7:25 a m 7;09 p iu Ar Kufnula, 4;33 a m 3;50 p m A r Albany 10;00 p in 2!45 p nt Pmjengers fir Sylvnnio, Niii»<CrsvIRn \Vrights,-ille, Millcdgtville and Eatonton should lake 7;iQ a m train. Passengers for Tliomaston, Carrollton' Perry, I'ort Gaines, Talbot ton Ruonii \’is- la, Blakely and Clayton should take . the. 8:20 p m train. Lv Augusta. 10;00pm 0;Oo a m " Lv Mucon 10;35 a m 10;50 p m ArTennille 12 21pm 12,54 am Lv Atlanta 0:50 a iu li;50 p m Lv Columbus 11 ;00 pm 12;45p m Lv Montgomery 7;25 p m7;40 a m Lv Eufaula 10,lopm 10;49am Lv Albany 5;05 a m Ilj55 a m LvMillen 2:28pm 3;10atn 8,15am 5;20 am Ar oav alt ojOOptn 0;I5nui 11,30am 8;00 urn Sleeping cars on nil night passenger treins between Savannah and Augusta and Savannah and Jlfacon, Savannah ami Atlanta, J/acon and Columbus. 'lrnjn leaving at 8;20 p m and arriving a 15/55 a m will not stop to put off or take on passengera between Savannah and. Mil ieu. Connections at S.ivennah with Savannah rlorida and Western Railway for all points in Florida. 1 ickets for all points and sleeping car berths on sale nt city oilice, No. 20 Bull street, and depot otiicc 30 minutes beloro departure ol each train. G A WHITEHEAD “ ■rn . ... m .9 onerul Passenger Agent JC SHAM', Ticket Agent CITY U1HECTOICY Jllaijor. J. N. Gii.moue, Magor Fro Tern W. R. Thigpen. Aidermtm. B. E. RouaiproN, J. B. Rodeuts. A, M. Mayo, S. G. Lang. Cleric. C. IIenuy Mitchell. Treasurer. B. J. Takbutton. Marshal. R. M. BtiOWiV. TOWN of TEMILLE, MAYOR. John liar man, ALDERMEM J D Franklin, II S Hatch W J Joyner, J. F. Murchifeon. CLERK S H B Massey, MARSHAL ^ C Hamilton