The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, September 06, 1887, Image 2

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(OMtmnu i.l, Hi. \ t«ll SANi>KR>V:i,! i:. 'J IT KM)A V. SKI’l Judge Samuel Hull cl tin Supremo Court, died on La night the 27th iuHst. umli r to The Georgia State l air, the inspiriting (mult <>l ideiil, Noi l hem, is begigning Mime creditable pi'opotlions, live farmer like himself is heti ihnn n lmlfdcz'n comattsf-c ]u>!it rums like TSvini:stou ler th> pn lion which lie occupies—Spurt.i 1 maelite. < < 5Eiitnmi« :»le«l. Jl/r. Editor Seeing in Monday's issn the CoiiBtltution lie? ho. >. gotten i IV | in leproentnlivt K >rl nt?r fro u John I son, reminded me of pretty much j meli u one on Air. John Snell who ; i(“presented Iho same county in IS At Unit time the Hon. Clonic Holms i member from Laurens County, (n j?d- Jv good fellow ho was and full of fun) \ approached Alia Snell confidentially, n8 n fiiiend and mkeil him if ho was uwrre of n certain meium'e on f ait. Snell's reply was, no, that ho never tried to keep up with half the meas ures that wore lu mg presented. Said Holmes there is a bill being pivp nod to wipe out Johnson, and place it back to the counties from which it it was cut, which if done will forever ruin your political fu ur >. 'Iho old gentlemen (while he could not be considered a wicked man.) wluna- l'oused ou occasions like this, always used n certain cuss word peculiar to himself and in reply t" Holmes said: ‘‘Well what in the d—and h— will 1 do?‘Eight it with all your pow<r,' was Holms’ advice. Hut I e.mT rpi al.. and it will ruin me if I let tlmm take my county away from me, jus the fact of the liusiuu s is 1 will nev or go home if they do; 1 tel! you what •Holmes there is no telling llie. (level- , incut going on here, 1 never would have known this luid it not neon . thiongh your kindliers. Ibdu.r final , ly advised him to employ the servie ? of a lawyer, which the old gentleman readily caught on to, ami mid I will go light now and employ my old frieudOJ. Guns Kmnim v ho live s heroin M lledgvilic, which lie did. (Kennan being posted, )agret ing to give him a laige f e if in? g .iued aie? only lulf if i.o iost the ea-o. V? In n iho session adjoin i <“<1 lm weld to K n nun (exulting our the fact that J j in (ounty had not been dibiin k<ul.)to pay the fee, win n the Col, lit the old uuitlenivn into the w cn i; tolling him i;. win only a j??ko of Holmes’. S id Snell, “1 have not slept one night's sound sleep since Holms told liw, tin I knew they wi re always getting up lomelliiDg I could l ot u d? r-t xml m know anything about, but 1 am wil Jiug to pay you something for your trout le, but of couiho C ol. Kennan would accept nothing. So Snell i-.-ii Milleclgovillo and went home a wi•> t and better man, promising himu It tbut lie would go to Milieogevill no li.oio as a Georgia Legis lator.- J’l?d ?s SPimr, - .■« £4jhmi yz:,4t ' ON LY 1O CENTS rott rive weensr trial or THE U N I O PJ SIC N A L. MARY ALLEN WEST, KoiTon. Tt the »ilTtc‘i:»l orijnit of the National AN omntt » Christian 'lVinprr;im-o Union. It is a woman 5 • 1: ,. ,. r , 11y wormn, for women. It i** fall of Ihe news t• voi‘v week from iho battle*field of THE WOMAN us. THE SALOON. It i ,; a tna'Mnficcnc home pnper, f"r It lives to pro* 1c, ; i; u * l : . I rv it if v <1 want to be in contact with the minds amt the hearts of MISS FRANCES E. WILLARD, MRS. HANNAH W. SMITH, MRS. MARY B. WOODBRIDGE and many other Icadai s in the ^raiulcsl moral reform 1 f the nimlrrilth century. 'I In* psipr . nlv (orthefiNC weeks utiles I Ot lic vill lx cut for 10 Cents Oisr Ddink ofWui$iiy. (,| i to Cento also CQ Pases of Pune and Good Readiimo ... .1 i Uu- v lii .i.v Will you try j THE UNION SIGNAL r live con sr. ?■! i v.? wculi!.? A ' lrr? ?■ Iho 1'u 1’1 iithcr, GEO. C . HA LL. 161 LASALLE 3THEET, CH-CAQO., ILL. ms-" il I'.poti, tn chronicle ' of whom il cAO more j “lvis leu al n v* ” T Ihnn in Ilia cm r.f he w >s turn In .b it r- s n Co., G>.. Orl 30th. ISll, j titled llm chiiirli i.t the old lt.thiny (Jump ground to Mr. .loho Ln,\ton and t)**p «rte»l this lifo nt her hotii« in \Va«:h y July. 1*87. 8 joii nt tor )»er iDiirtim' , l t r i i on 1 f r n i p wn, tmupfoi rod m M i: c!.tireli South In lb'il sh*) retnnied to her native county, >\tid jiiht one month hr!-ne her ilmitb, her 1« lt« r i t • > . i • • eeivml, i n l sh ( * was npaitt tv m-mbei el In r • hr»t lovu.” The old Imtiily lhl»l»*, in w*U worn, aitil Lars Iho tufirks <»! close sill fly. lU v hushtin I hut s, niiio(5 lie jr . in’vrrinuo, n «la\ never pasM «l, without r« u«liDi' her llih o, unb .-s prevtutnl l»y pruvidotittal ohuhor. Iu nil hi r tionhh h, her uomfort und consol ition wiih her Mih i a. Il) list ill new was m vore amt pr>'tr.u:to l l ut her physioiun testilioH ho ru ver miw more clr:isttnii tortitmlo an 1 ros- itintloti, iu fill hia proloHsiotml career, of 3o j ymrs, iivver a murmur esenpad her lips. 1 cilu» leaves an inti.rentim? t.imily, three i ihiiiuTiteiS, atul eno sweet Itll'e hoy of a tew | hi,mm' rs. and sve tiust h* r y hie, will I over he an incentive to them, in leading thorn t» Ood, mid finally a nuii d, unbroken fam ily, hoyonc the grave. Our sister has three | dear 111< 1 * ones, none before, un i we are happy in the thought *«lie is with them now, 1 happy, happy, with all the J aruimd the throne o! <.»• > 1. Lord ever bu near to lleaa, and protect the bereaved timily. May the lather ever Hook ecu. 1‘ott 11oin the same old lM»lc,the hamoun- eirin^ toRchinuH can therein bo lound by him, »»s by his now saintr d wile, and when 1 they are culled home*, one by on., may their ; I mps bo tilled and ln^kb d, and finally may thin he a i? m ited. unbroken laiuily in the ; nwi't t by a ml bj e. Tiulnd. Biwtray iV.Hioc. One cow about S years old, wit It I veil sides, white face and back, look up at my place below Tennille, about weeks ago. Parlies can gel, her by proving property, and paving for la- Ivin;." care of her, also paying for this adveriisemcM. KITH AN THREAT, At Claud Joyner's. August 20lh 1887. t* !*«»•'* • S50IK Vt.l'A E. S. LAHGMADE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SANDBUSVILlE, Or. __ u .. ” a D. Kvxsa, ja Habit, like the ivy of oui.walls, ee- meiits and .eonsolidiilns that which it cannot destroy. «•«'miiih untie ei’B’V non::) oJ d;;>e <'.k itivv. Hr. 0. W. II Whitaker K. A. Sullivan, Khi On finance Hon. Mark Newman Morris Hupp, Iv-ip 1 Mnj Win. 0:iil?ilier> On llulldings. Her. T. M. Huiris \ I >r. A. M at his j Hon. IS. I). Evann ) On school prop- Herman I el'ly U. 'J'lilliaferi'od K. Pringle - On Hides N. (iiiinoro ) dipt. J. lion. P. Hon. C. Hon. J Dr. H. New Komis. GEORGIA—Washington County. ORDINARY'S OEl'MCE. All |k r-ous iiiter.'Ht d. live licv.-liy notified tlmi it no good cause In? shows to the 1620 Aroh tstreot. Phllad’a, Pa. A Well Tried Treatment For CoiiMiiuiition. Asttimn. Itrom-liits, l>ys|»c|)siu, Catiirrh, Hay Fever, llenil- m-tie, liability ItliaiuintiMii, Neuralgia, anil nil (hroiucami .V nvus /finonlers. When “Pompomiil (Ixygcli’’ is inlialeil the iu-iii-t has iin|inrted to it inarensnl vitality That Orgim spoils forth thoblooil with more IbiTcuiul la-' wcvr In it set I - ; iho vital car- I rants h“?iv.' on tlo'ir l irenit now- deposits e. I ie in < l host, j v j tl | f 0| . cc in every Coll oflisaiie over whieli ,\1 iy the goo. : ,| )0V j, , ss „ lu ] ret ti rn ag- in for a new sup | plv. This simple story is the rational ex- plication of the greatest advance tlmtiuedi- I eat science lias vet made. ! “The Compound Oxygen Treatment’ which lbs. Starkey & l’alen. No. log'.) Arch | Str.-ut, Philadelphia, have Ikvii u-ing lor 1 the hist sixteen years, is a saicntUK? adjust- i incut of lie? elements of Oxygen and Nitro ! gen t:« and the compound is so eon I .tensed and made portable that it is carried i by express to every portion of the country -indeed, it is sent all over the world. Dns. S.\ricky A I’.u.K.'t have the libert . to refer (m proof of their stnndii.g as l’liv- 1,1 r ' 1 ’ sieians) to the following ti nned 'voll-known rv, Hti order will bn grunted by the under-l ‘ . , • r , , signed on HaiurT.v tin 17th day nt H. pt.-m. j I'J-rso 1 ** « ho n.n.- tliei natnun her, 1 Si-7, i stab! tin-1.1 lowing disorihu I Hon. W " MAM D. Kl-xt.fiV, [;. t Hr. dlilloill ) On Hiiivlingii, Ksq lions nltd I. 15. Roberts The ITiion Sign The Young( i iismle Hooks. if 1. fit) a year; 30eel)Is :i year; Oak and year. Ivy Leaf, 25 venls at. new ro.t.. in the r!) li an t Ulst Ihslriats, G. M., ns m u loot out t>y the Knud Commis sioners appointed for that purpose. begin nil, g at 11 an i *ou near t lie gin of Jen • ins mi.1 l'l.lgluim; tin nee along the land line between Ur 1'avis and Louis Davis a stiioglit line to the liu vir mad; thence sui t road to corner of J. W, llrailv’s fence; thence lust, s .id I’.radj’s hom e one hundred yuni te the corner ot W. U. ( hirers’ land along the 1 out tin i between said (havers and and li J.Moye, and through tl.o land ol said i hivers to the e on, r ot A. IF. .1. Woods’ land; thence iloug tl.o line between s.i.l H ood an I Cliiveis. crossing Cedar Crei k nt an old road bed; thence by stakes set by •l(jl li T. la yoV; ito nee along tlo* land line j between said boy,I utid W, J. Jenkins; thence by slakes set through lauds ot said lenlunx. Fianti Page and Itiel.ard Page, in- tersee’ing wjtli the Wrightsvilla road near ttio (,’rabb grave yard. Given under my bond ofi’ioielly this 13th day ot Aiij;ilit p J.'l’i?. M. NFAVMAN, Ordinary. 0-25— 41 F.?r le ave lo Beil Land. GEORG I A—Washington County. OJtDlXAHV'S OFFICE, gm- l? . H. 'i' imo fan J.'itiigan ik bun’s Jewelry bo had b o re. til [Ell aUTejiioriara. Asioop in Jesus, tile. ;ed ?doop, Fti in which lioni! ever wake lo weep Miss Emma Page the daughter ol Mr. E li. Page and Mrs. Sara h I Huge was born June 5t.ii Jbb7, ngi twelve years one month an,I twenty nine days tiled of typhoid fever Aug 4th 1887 after an illness of forty-six days. In her recent illness site seemed to feel that her hour ha Come, Inti spoke calmly of it. Rock me lo sleep moth- r, rock me to sleep. This is the cry ot a world wearied spirit in its longings for rest Jor surcease ot sorrow. Asleep in Jesus, Oh how sweet. This is tiki eiihn vesper thought of a child of hope retiring t> re- 1 where Jesus lay till Ike breaking of the morn of Glory, In a spirit pn- ceeding her nnconciou -nos it usting- ly serene, sweetly submissive, mid hopefully upborne, Emma approach cil death and when it came, willtou; a struggle she went to sleep. lion sad to die so early, to die in lili?’.*- spring amidst the promise and hrieli. ness and nflluencc of hope. Hut i is Nature that says this, Nut it rt stauds over the early dead ami say - Cruel Death what high dreams tlioi has left unhoMi! M lint lilt? I'milag. tliou hast nipped in the blossom. God is not the God of Lite dead, bu, ot the living. Divine lips have saiu “The maid is not dead, but sleepeth.’ Yes the dear daughter is •‘asleep ii Jesus,” but we will be so lonely whet we meet again in the school toon and miss her bine eyes anil smites But, she is gone! gone home. Wha, inspiring hope for her ioved ones here. If “Faithful unto death,’’ they will meet her again in heaven. At home, sweet home! Home with a:*, gels! Home with Gotl! Throngl the rich grace of Christ Jesus may we all reach it. A sore loss ha? been sustained by the household; bright and intellectual, she was i daughter of high promise, elicoiTnl and sunny nitliired she was llie life and light of home, bo nuich promts nud so much joy qucuchcrl in dentil Al any hearts stands by the lie leaved family in sympathy and teats Her blue eyes are closed, And.on t.lieir lids whose tcx'.ur* line, \Searee hides the dark biueor's b, l. eat h, ’the baby sleep is ntlloweti, Womtm’ill 4'iii'cs, Mr. M. ti. i'l'ulilieltstein, of Mobile Ala., writes: I take groat p'leastire in leeummetiding I)r. King's New His covery for < 'onminpttoti, having used il for a : e, ere attaelc of Hi'.mehilis a till e.ilti ft It. It gave me instant re lief and entirely cured me and I have not liecu alilieted since. I also heg to stale that l had tried other remedies with no good result. Have ?dso ti?(d Klootric Hitters and Dr King's Now Lite 1’ills, both of which ! can recommend. Dr. Ming’s New Discovery Ibr Consumption, Coughs and t 'old's, is golden a positive guar antee. Trial hollies free at Dr Raw lings. Drug Store. t. lTwimbt, PAIilT'ER, ITotiRe Painting, Graining, Knl souiiuin:;', Paper lht’igittg, &u., d *ite with neatness and dispatch. Jjeavt' vein onlevs ut Dr Win Memhrr of (.bnjrt’M, Philadelphia. ltnv. VleTOTt L. CoNUAIl, I'ditor Lutheran Observer, Philadelphia. Itnv. CiiAtn.Ks \Y. Cumiino, P.ditar .hum. an Ur Jor mu' Sew York, I Ion. Wii.uvm I’i.n.v Nixon. lid it or Inter-Ocean. Chicago, 11. Juikik Josnrii li. IT.andiuis, | Temple Court, A-nv ) ork. ti'i’iioe j Mas. Mahv A. ( A’lott. \\ iilow of Hi > Inti l)li I Iahvkv (.’.vi jii Olinden. New jersey Mas Ai a a v A Doukiity, Jumaiea, Limy Island .Yen' York Mils Maiiy A lava moiik Mel ease Massachusetts Jut OK II s Vooaill-.KS, jY. 1 ;e York City Mu Ukoiiok \V l .nwAims 1 rnpt'r St <it urge,s Hotel Philadelphia, Mn l'n x Ntc Smn.x an A well-known Merchant, Philadelphia Mu VVii.i.i.xM II Wurn-u.Y, Silk Manufacturer Philadelphia, Pa. And nutny oihi-r-i in every yurlol'the U >' EVANS SE'rtffi, attorneysat law SANRERVILLE. GA. FTH SAFFOLD, attorney at law, SANDE'RSVILIE, GA. AVill prsct’co in all 'he Oourts of Iho Middle Circuit and in the counties ,urro mding Wnsliinp-ton. hpoetal M* teiition given to commercial m'Y* G w. H. WHITAKER, DENTIST, SANDERSY ILLE. GEORGIA. —'1 ELI MS CASH.— f[W Olliee upstairs in.tlic Pltolo- giapii Gallery Ibrinerly occupied by ’J'. C. Glenn, Jones Building, A pr 20 ’80 H.N.HOLLI FIELD 1‘IUXim'ii vV MIGF4W, Sander sville, Georgia. Ollloo next ('oor to 11. T. Walker’s Grocery Store. W, G. R0330N. Attorney At Law. Sandersville, (hi. Olliee in the Gottr House. JERNIGAN&SON will fix your wat cli or clock as eh cap, if not cheap er than anyone else, come and see. IN GEORGIA, F J. Cooledge&Bro 21 Alabama St, Atlanta Ga. ‘‘Compound Oxygen—its Mode of Action and Ike ills'’ in die title of a volume of pearly 204 pugi-ti, l>,\- Dr.i f-i irucy *N 1’ivleu xviiich gives tu nil ini|iiin?rs full information ns to thi rcinnrknhleciiraliv-' anem and n large record S. G.J.trmin, At)11iinif;14ntor ot tlie cstnte | ol siijtrising cures in a wide range ot chrou* ol Timm - Ji■ r Ian, .1? ('.-nH. it, l-ns in <1 nc torni i*? c:ises—m.uiy ol .hem being Ilh iintoned to npi'lte.l to ttio und( lsigniid lor leaio to sill die liy other physicians, it will he mailed too b, longing to iho .state of sai l lie- oeaNn.t, ft'-'l sunt applie ition «ill ho lioar.l on iho fust Monday iu October n. *t, This Ibih day ot August, lhh7. M. NEw MAN, Old. 11-25—It KucUlcti's Aniicn Halve. Tho Best. Salvo in the w-rlil lor cuts UruiiKs, Soles, 0leers, Sait Rlieum, ,, , ,, . Fever Horns, Tetter, Chapped Hands uniioit lor Mrs, 1 •»11 v •Smith, , n oi.;,. I ,li.',e|.h D Smith lalo of Mint ununtv, Lltllbluiuil, GoiliS, iiu.i a,l Skin Lllip- tious, and positively cures Files, o no pay required. It is guarantee to give ported sulisfactioii, or moue. refunded. L'lieo 2-. cents per box FOR HALE BY. DR. RAWLINGS gfHF r.inve your wuieli fixed by dei liig.'tn it Son, Llu-y wil! give yen sulifiluction. liny your I 'olto Fi.s-Kopoa LANG it WILT S and SUL* looney 1Yi? are aide lo prove beyond a doubt ilia tl.r ('. mpo.ind Oxygen treatment is a sure cure for sore throat xve had.i chrunii? ease of of lo years standing |)erm;inanUy cured by i(; those who are not benefited from its use. fail because they do not carry out the Drs.’s directions' To derive benefit Jon must send cored diagnosis of your case to l)rs, Starkey and Fuleu, 1G29 -' reh Street l’ln'iulelpliia Fa. Call at tins Olliee for full particulars “FA 80131HH t'AVOatrriL” Is meeting with satisfaction with planters in Washington county, lo he found at Eureka Mills. 7-i-It V**»»r*H b'ij port, GEORGIA— WubhiugLou County, OIWINAIIY'S OFFICE, V\ Iimths tl.n npprui.'M’r.-i nppointorl to f a pin t n vs {flow (h c.LUHMl, iutvu lilt'd tin ir JU'turns in this ofllo**; all pi’VMoity crouocrncil m« hereby no- tili"«l to appriir at tliu Court ol Onlinuiy to be lo b) in hml for slid mianty ou tb« firht M-'ii bv> in Oetot rr JSH7, and f bnvv causo it any tbt»y bavc, why mi'l ltoturn Hboubl not bi* appi.iv i! ami lniulo tho jiulgoienl ol tin* Comt nl Ordinary. This loth dav ot Aniput. !* •/. * ' ;.i. aE -N M.iN, Ordv. 0 -25—It !'i/T’A dim nisi ra tor’s Dixuilsbiocj* .QE0KU1A — Waehingtou County. ORDINAUY’H OFFICE. I. Smith, Admini Viator of Iho es- • ut.» ol Ditni. 1 il .Smith laiu of said count), •?cea;;( d, 1ms in duo l.nm up; 1 i.i to mo lor Iters ot dismission from haid ndniinistm- ion, and 1 will push rpnn said iipplioation ,111 the ili-«{ Momlav in October, 18S7, at my lliee in B .n tersviliu in sal I comity. Given n.liter my lmnd and siguii- lire this dill, day ot .!nno. tSKlJ. Al NEWMAN, Ordinary. 0 30 3 m Sheriff’s Sales. First Tuesday in .September 1887. GEORGIA.-- Washington County Will l.e sold In fore tlie Court House door, in the eily i.fSandersville, on (be first Tues day in .September 1Ss7 between the legal luilliv of sale, (. i ll. highest b dd.-r (lie inl- iou ii.g property to wit. One tract of land lying in said county and Slate. Two Hun- died and thirty five a. res (235)more or less and hounded on the North by binds of J. M. Smith, on the East by lands ol li. D. Joiner, on the Smith by la mis ..I Edwin Swim, on tin? West by the big Ohoopic Cteek. Lev- i* d as ihe property of G. \V, Smith to s.ilis- fii? two Jnstiie Court li fas in favor of A. Falk Son vs (i W Smith l’ropeity pointed out I v plaii.tills Attorney an. 1 legal notice j given toaaiUsin possession. Also al same time and place will be sold. One tract ot inreel of land lying in Wash ing:.)?! County (le.irgi-i. C.mtlining Fift.en t eres more or h.-g and bounded on the North. S nith, Last A west by lands ol Mis. Ii* tsa G .Smith. Levied upon as the prop eriy of Mrs Ros t (i. Smith lo salisfy a Jus tice Court Fi Fa in favor of it Labor Lien 01 C. ti. Stewart vs Rosa G. Smith Levev made by Ii. J». M.Fs n- 2nd Ifoslriet (i• jlf, and returned io me. J - Abo nt same linn-and place w ill l-e sold one tract or parcel ..1 land ly i.ig on the progg of Williamson's Swamp ( ieek in Wasliing- Icii County, containing four hundred mill sixty (-.(.<)i acres more or less kiiown as Green Brantley's Home Place and bound'd <n ilie North by lands of George l’riue-e, on the 1 lost by lands of J . A. li'.bs. n ti list..-, Nouth by Wiliiam.- s. n's Swamp .Cr.-ek and on tile West by- land ot M, Newm.-i n* Levied on as the property of Gr. ec Brantl.-y to satisfy n l'i ha issue.I m lioni tie Siipeiior Court of said county in t;i\'or ot .}<* cpb E. J.roxvn Gov, lor the us.? ol Cob A Jl u buck vs Ii K liudistll, Prill. (. Brantley, John K Wick er, and A. A. Cullens Securities now pKieeeding fori lie Use of Lawson and Cason adiuinisiraiors on the ..slate of Nich olas J iarhnek, survivor ot the firm of Cobh and iiarhnek. Written notice gix’en Green Lrai.tley I)elendaiit in possession. This Aug. Mh 18G7. C. A. Wall SherifT, W. C. i- A bow legged man was standing before the stove warming himself. A small boy waiebed him intonilv for awhile, ,‘itid tin ti lie broke out: say, mi-ter, you're standing tor, near the fire. I guess; youTe ?. wtirpiug'’ tree an address on application l»l«N NTAiiKHY A FAM’iV. S ,■>;»!> Arch Si.. I'hiladclpliiit I* Cheiqi Gloeks at, Jernigan A Son’s Jewel rv Storo. GILMU AND PICTURE- -FRAME: SI AXl'lFAt’TlfSSi'yiS, ■ Augusta, Georgia. Post To Tim— All persons disposed to grumble xvillt the I’l.slnuistei' l«r closing the mail pouch :i liule too soon lo suit their convenience will please read the following Postal Law and govern themselves accordingly. iS'kc. -110. Postal Laws and regu lations. Time of dosing mails. Mails at. first class Post, olllces are to be closed one hour, and at all oth er offices, one half hour before the schedule t ime of departure of trains, unless such departure is between the hours of!) p. m. and 5 a, m., when they can be closed at !) p, in. The Post olliee in New York (Tty is ex cepted from ilie requirements of this section. 1 he railroad whistle is not intended as a notice to the postmaster but is a warning I.o the public to get ready. The postmaster is governed by Postal law3 and his clock, and not the railroad whistle. Respectfully, JOHN B. ROBERTS, Postmaster. Sandersvilie, Georgia, Aug. 23rd '87. notici:: 81.000.000 lo I,o;t!l AM parti.*-, in Washington an,l Biihlxvin eoundc i-wliMse loans on improve,I farms main re in ISSIt, an,I ,le>-ivo“EXTENSION ’ i.t greatly ic.lueeJ rates; will find it to their advantage to call and see mo at tlicir earliest convenience, at my office in (Jo tr. House, Sandersville. where my rep resent,t,five or my self will be pleased to accommodate them. W. It. Til Id FEN. Tennille, Georgia. Situated convenient to the depot, l’olito servants. Good rooms and charges reasonable. Respect ftillv, J. C. HAMILTON, Proprietor. The undersigned are prepared to negotiate LOAN UPON REAL ES TATF. security or approved COL LATERAL [atper. Terms easy. Evans & Evans, A iroi’iiojs :it Law. I hereby forewarn any one from hireing Joints Epbrain, colored, as lit! is nutlcr contrnel. with me f.u the present year. June 21 Lh, 1887, John Simkldino- 151 jae k H m ii 12a N h ^ p BUGGIES, and WAGONS Repaired PLOW WORK and HORSE SHOEING, a Specialty. Henry 1??. Isitlle. 0x If your watch is i'xis out of order take it to the old relia ble, A. J. Jernigan and Son’s Jewelry Store. Patronize Home In- EUREK& MILLS, Sandersville - - - Ga. T il ESE mills are now making the host Flour and .Meal of any null in the country. Every accommodation is provided for people coining in from distance. Honest men are in charge, and EVERY POUND of Meal, Flour anil Bran Thai the wheat and corn will make is GUARANTEED TO THE CUSTOMERS of the mill, less the toll. So bring in your WHEAT AND corn at. the same time and therein save going to mill twice. G. R. PRINGLE, Prop’ter i-t) 85—tt . J L. Y AOIt Miller HUY YO'Ull Pure Linseed Oil Paintg, Hail Road, Car Bridge, Iron and Roof Paints, One Coat Carriage Paint, any one can use them, Load Oil Colors, Graining Coiors, &c., &c. Write for color cards and prices. We are malin as good goods ss are made in America, Al so dealers in VARNISHES, BRUSHES and WINDOW GLASS. ft Vf vz «i «t VAiJUAIft HI • lnaa »W £ M hi ll llthai IT OFF-SETS THE LOW PRICE OF COTTON. By cleansing tlio seed pui'I’ejt, novor oho nuts light, gins fast it tikes n good sample. Tito feeder st- n the flotir, it will t tty kind of cotton regular, every gin ltteed ns reprcBcttltil a to give satisfaction. PriooA it i A.' reduced. Call nil or address, £3 LANG and WILT. Mann acturcrs Agonts, Sander.svillo, Gc u-gia. For full tlosoriptio prices and terms. A gin w 11 1)0 kept in stock where it ea he etc natty time. -IRON WORKS. L suo,.{gr "Wilt, Propt’r s. Sandersville, Ga. Miinnfacturers and Dealers in: Stoain Engines ot all styles. Smv Mills. Grist Mills. Cotton Gins, Presses mid Machinery of nil kinds A full line“ot Knhhor and Leather Bolting k |it in stock. Steam and Water Vaives, Steam pipes u“d Fittings, Inspirators, Machine Oils and Mill Supplies. Repair work solicited and prompt v done and as cheap and woll ns can he done all ^luchinery sold hy ns we guarantee to hu its roj)-» resented. Write or call on us for Prices and J, script'on of anything wiuitcJ in tliu Machitio line. €. €. BBOWM, —DEALER IN—/j , Millinery and Fancy Goods; NOTIONS, &0.3 fins just received ltnr Spriuir Stock consist,in ' in p irt, one of tho most coinpleie lines of In lies', Missot mid Chil-lron’s Hats and llouuulH tv a' brought, tu this market. 1 Valuers, Pinnies, Tips and Fiotvors in groat variety mid I guarantee (J unity, Style an 1 Prices. Call early and make vour snioctio is while th-? stock has nearly ovory VARIJE1BY mtdNTYlp, found on Urn Spring FasUioit Puitos of 18S7. j Nmi ms of all kinds OU* slant coming. FINE DRESSES Cuf, fitted and made to order. Every lady in town, county or adjoin ing counties are earnestly requested lo call ar, my slrore, see and cx inl ine my Stock whether they wish to buy or not. Cor. Harris au l Jerui- gati Streorts, Watkins’ Bail.ling. Apil 5th 1887. J. S. WOOD- —CHAS. S WOOD. J. S. WSED £ BROTHER, Cotton l« 9 actors, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA* Usual accommodation to Shippers alul^Buyei's Bagging and Tins always on hand „ 1 . K FROM tTER/Hyri C3-A.IST, (None Konuine xTitliout our trade mark.) oy llstyi) AXD FOR SALE SPECTACLES, HOSE GLASSES, Etc., Etc. Watches, locks § AND JEWELRY REPAIRED BY LiuH<3xna.A3sr. JORDAN & SMITH, COTTON FACTORS. AUGUSTA, * - ** GEORGIA. Me. \\. M, Joiibm bus been actively the Colton Ijiiriiiofs during 1 thirteen years. Eiitist'action guiirunteed in every respect. Commission 1 beauts a ■"* ' No storage if sold within fifteen days. Where w, make advances during the summer we cym 3 ihccuts a hale extra. Liberal advances made on cutton in store, BARBER--ii HUH! - A GALLON S HENRY BRANTLEY, H B THE 0 E FASHIONABLE BARBER P R HOTEL BLOCK sandersville, Georgia. BUN SHOP.. Guns, Pistols and Sewing MacliiueS Repaired by E. TWILLEY, °. n Jernigan street, next to Mr. 1' nj* Wihddon’s residence. Those suiTei'ing from Catarih 'd do well to pi tec .themselves unde Drs. Strakey and Paleu 1529 A>'P» Street. Pltiladelpniu, V'A