The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, September 13, 1887, Image 3

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If 'four SHHSonmKJi.'i pi l to ,•(! their 1' I I'XU, they trill pi, of the fuel iome.iJUilrlij. Tl' ESI) A V, .September L-J• Ii, 1887 —)i'i ni.i.sni:i) m( — A. J. JEKNIUAN& C()., — )ri:ni.isniri;« a quoi-i:!:iti«.(- ^ >od teacher ami we recommend liim to. the citizens' of Clay county* Mr A \V Guinn'oiie of our clever cdizons who served in the war, and al its close sai I lie would not shuw atiy more until a democrat presi dent was elected, and has kept his promise, and never shaved until ih.s court, it has made quite an improvement in his looks, although he was a fine looking man before. Di o no! forget the grand excur sion to Augusta ITidajy the fare the round trip will cost the small Miss Lilia Cook and mol In r of I'emi'dlo, have returned from the Springs Mrs 1 T dordan ot Sparta, is visiting her sisto Mrs, Sydney -Mitchell near 1 Dvif-boro rhi'jsrituc- Vaiiy Story ol (It, 'I'iMif 1 . Mr E If lh-nV of Sparta, vhited Ins relatives Dr J 1 Irwin and fa nr ily in llm city utx,i:s w. ns r.u. ippev, there nroRC I Ins c’*v Kinm Mi: <lisct|)les,J“i)oAr Lord* Ms it 1 ! Aotvil jiiL,' sorruWlVil/’iliUfi Faith the word riiut one, a tniitoi 4 , feasted rtt the board, who tliut same niglit hU minster must betray When mammon hud.usurped bis Master’s Cols .1 W Lindsey and Frank II Chambers of Irwinton attend al our Superior Court on Wednesday K i lm , , , , - Hon Ci'orge T llarnes of Angm sum of 7 L f 5 Cood order arid fine A ", .- , .... , ' , neeommodalidfls are promised 1-* A' 1 - <>m 1 ej>r; n.ative ol of the nil: promised to 1 , v , , tdt, the public are cerdiay i nvited 1 ( ■‘.'iigrmimial l», was i.i th l'nc limn igt-r will provide speoial i uity last week. . ii'Wehes Cm while tiiemls tiie j 1 Fain will lcav Sander,sville at 7 a, I Capt W C Phillips and family 1 of Louisville, was in tin Extraordinary hut nevertheless ! true. Me. refer to the announce* ; nient ol II. E. Johnson A Co., of . Eieliiiiond Ebm-inia. In wlii^i they propose to show working asd energetic men how to make from !? 100 to SkjIko a I month over and ahov week visituq Curly Mr M. city last W A Me ceNiU.VOKO A llimmfnt more and the door of the cot-rage flew open, and before I lie | MWo thirty pic-res Mimlod so his eyes, astoiilshed group stoml tlm King and 1 lidrl them slm*.; ‘ml tir-d in Mercy's ttiieen, Almira’s father and mother; j mes--, With a great cry of joy they nt disii | Ik-learned to b,ve t!i.* .-liver in his purse; into cadi others arms, and as they I What should jiavo lwen a bE*-«big proved embraced each other. real's of jov J !l vuiso. and -1.0 111 u I - i;i n down i.lui: . - h ee A- ; Not for the goo-1 il might have (1 are tin 1 poor Merits e.aon >1 (ieseiifw; the feelings! ' 1> * |*r ',-t.ilod; ho c-nild iiot endure f, f the |js 1 dlls who saw (heir di.rlilm Mush w .v*,e ,>|i.i,itmeiit on thv Navio, f--t, alter we tong a sepparafien; she whom ' for thinking on the perns-, to him ••«hu,„4- they had lamented ns dead had re IVouhfi hat tin- love ofsilmr ami of pdf 1 "fried to them. Mmiming with life : llail p.,ns,i«<l when I hat traitor hanged him and more lurch than ever. Tin ir * vil - liv that ol ; I* ;l "ve-i now arc ohristi ia men today : E- ro Alfred, is an apple; divide 1! politely willi your liftlo sister." I low t!p,all l divide it politely, mamma?'’ | • (live the larger part to tho oilier !'«-rson, my cliikl.” Alfred ii'anded tho apple to hi itlie sister, flaying; “Here, sis divide if yourself.’’ yon A11- 11- T ime van be ha- Jerni-,au A Son’s .Tewolry Store. 1 roacoii It pfiina me Eogi’s, to tee you coming u'bir room. Hong®—All A 11 vl hi 11 g to sit ’ll go right in u Mr. ut of T- right, e your nun. dc.aeonl b-elin’g. Lv Wamk-raville ... Ar Tcnnillo I>V Ton,ilia ■' 1 .Sninliravllh.. bv sandi rsvijln.,,, Ar I'- muf'o. I v Ten il|o..'.! ti Sainli-rsvillc....'. " niil.-r«viile . He......... nn'ille ailrrsville .... L'So it-|{oiit| lake etlei-t May g’3il 1887. rn Lv m 'll u a.. 1 11it: 1 e-l only if War Mister Mamie Fowk reu county an 1 Noll 1 in Marlin* id' Cnthheit, ate the guests ot Mrs !)i Mathis AbsoSuteSy Pure. expenses. 1'iie meeting at Smyrna i’mptisi >i'ieh began on Friday night -Gill of August and closed on Tm-s •lay last. The I*, tor I’ev. M. 1’. Cam car,ducted the meeting nsust 1 fmi II W Carsw11! of I/Oirsvilb- Cols F II 8-ifin'd, II It Daniels i>t Swainsboro an 1 W.1 rtli<>n Carter Esq. of SaViinnab, ntti-nded our courtlu t week, This pnwilor m-vi-r varies. \ niirv of p irity,' ntjoiiKth ami wholvaoninni More-I Ilian the nr.linarv kind and eonmit he said in cunipothinn with the niilllitildi) of luiv (esH, «hnr. Weight alum nr plnispnli-powder. Sold only in cans. I 0(1 011 Monday by Uev T ,1 linv IL IIaK-CNu P.iVKj-ut CO. 10(> wall 1. , .. * . , Si N V. jlloiines ..Notwithstanding the "liiMbvATTrh^o moved to the J •nccUu^.t Deep Step was in G. Hatch, of Tcnnillo store formerly oecu|iied by J. 1, '"'"gross, the meeting was web! Mi Newman, and am heller prepared Dtcnded and 12 members were The Misses Hatch, of Augusta, are visiting Air. Henry and l)r. M ,1,an ever to serve customers, with J added to the cliurc.t the hcnt goods at loivest prices, j ’I’li 1111UI uI for past tavors, and sodc iiing a eontinunnee, lii-sp-jcl full v. V. JACKSON. I.1KIAS, S6IiS0VI riKS See Tax Notice of Fi st Hound. Cotton is selling at S’ I -2 lo 8 dM l Misses loose and (loodwvn, a< , Tlic schools of our eitv opened on I coiiipanied by Mis- Alary Ciilmo; ! Monday.(yesteiday)The new seliocl | have returned lo Macon, i hill has heeil signed liy the govonoi', i i an-l is now a law. I The board of education has fixed the entrance lees as Col lows* j 11 the ! : High school dcpai'-inent -tHfOO ! Editor Howell, of the Gibson Ea Mr i> W Snell, is running Mill near Wrightsville. Mr Gainer Thigpen for Mr (! M Fit ghum• is clorkint ‘Tinmmar ^ 0.00 Primary * .poo Ii: the Colored schools lim entrance fee is fixed at $2,00 The I'm - are for I hi 1 year and must lie paid in advance to tin} teacher before the scholar i- adlliitted 'Flu* Saridersville I’ublic opeuetl v.'.tli 8t) scholars. School We selected an anagram and enigma : for tin- etiildVen c ilninii this issue •Vi in vim's over her maf-vellour release j from her ein-liaiitr >’ sleep 11 the lie art o! the sendee pine forest. By all I these extraordinary oecurances the rude e i a-,* of the po-ir chareoal- | burner lm I boon transformed into a veritable pniuee of liealiitele. The I angels looking down upon the earth I through the star windows of heaven, J had never, since the world was made beheld a happier family group than wr.s now galhered under this lowly - void. Midnight was long past when ylfioy n In, | a ml" m pi-rated Ibr a brio! I rest, and lo get sleep they could before morning. t ! At an early hour on tli hnlnwiiigday a In ilti.-iiit cavaleiide of beds and j knights, forming the royal retinue, i who had camped in i he adjoining for- lest during tiu- night, uppeaiei at Sam Duggan is Still quite sick 11 ‘ eoaieoal Inn U'-r eotl.e- -, ready I to escoitthu royal lamily tmek to the efipdal. The glad tidings of the wniideviid n-c ivory of the princess Almira had spread everywhere. The rejoicing of tie- people wn- unbouniled. the highway over which the grand procession passed on its way to the capital was crowded with people, .-ill HUMOUS to sc. llm beau tiful sight, a nil to bless tiie below 1 princes At tlm great g - to of the ei ty and in all tlm avenues leading to the loyal palace, multi- Hide had assembled, whim;: liuzas a- 1 he euvvlcnde ea* l e-1 made the very welkin ring. Every house was dee orate l, innumerable flags an l pen Miss Lena Boyer, one of Kul'ilu's : n-uis waved in tiie bright -niishine. charming young ladies, is the guest I 110111 •'""W towetr. and -leep'e-g tri wilting tu lie Tin; ■ -till ,a*i- 11.0m evid's -II- on to ■lids lint llidiplis', t'nitr -Id "M l".v ‘‘So ter, Is it J j libl- tbe M issis is to he inurried, eb," sniil.the gat'dikt to the cook. is-; ami in tin illigant sloyle, too. tSle ’s goin’ for ter have a *1 h less tli ray yarruds bmg, and four pill bearers to kerry it. TIMETABLE Wilh OF THE- illTSVIl.i.E, TUNNILL13 BLIIITN It. K Dr. Summerlin is better. 1 >ear mother.-, have your i 1 on forewarned 1,ml thus fore*- aimed c>n the t inperauee subject. Build a bridge ov.r the grout 1 iver id,sin, having lour arches, viz: Scripture, Science, Exper ience and reason.” Learn all you can about science on the (cmpoi's am e subject, and give them a ti oi-iuigii leinpenme.i education resulenee.- S (l-ly. luivo I in-in behind to temperance , -oeietie:; tea li them that till! j I'loi: is for life, that it is tiecos- 1 sary mu! that bv taking and keep*, j ing it they ideate fJod. 18.H0, AX. a>t\ si. ac. im ffSLVTIST, ir u* ills MS (!•:* • A<*. i '•» IS. IS. Evh-ne!..; 'J'f»el,li With .at Fain. Plate speeiiiliy. ['rices moderate, lion (Juaraiileed. Ollleo a; la take effect November l-l CioiNu sot; t it. No. 1 No. 3. 1'. M. I-v Tennilln Lv I lurrison bv I'oiiovan A i- n^liuv’le ' bv Wi-igliUvillu bv faivute I(V I 'voi k a Sallsfi riltiiii,. t tondor., tiiiblm. A. M. H ..0 10 ■Ii lit) .0 50 d! 60 .7 CO .7 83 1 on 1 35 00 ./ •>> S 15 316 2 20 2 50 3 10 3 30 3 00 Religious Appointments (tOl.NU XoitTIJ. No 2 '* ibT It «Ii tST (III I.'CIIIIK, 'HE DI l: Ei T Bui I I- v ti S. deli a.(on ! tiu- l-i,!tnl nnd tth 1 and ea tiie ]*t ! "t (.I ) p, 111. ol bv I loll. ( A tln'n ta. R V’ringiu 1ms returned ta mill. Rev J 0 A. Clark \< in the oil v • A nt c 10 t undo 1 n.-.ui t of pm limi-nt.” So tb.-v might it over. Jt didn't . .-cm to a .--elf evident propositi m. \A iiy uoi? a mi I. llien came, a, torpruie, I lev (< .-if, Win I lieu. in the city. 8. Johnston is visitin'. of Mrs M H Bovcr in the eilv I Uliqilu Jill Miss Clara Truwick of Linton i in the eii.v visiting friends .agree in Washington at S;> irta 011 Association o.iiivono.s F-idiy, 23d iust* hoping the children Will try to send ! Airs M 1! Lacriner nnd (e-iight answers. We will not put in an-* ' Deruiule win have been visiting t swer until two weeks E-htors Family have returned I to 111..'tee square, -sic i'llK Tin* my 'fei iiie.I in: ^1 relies spanned columns lV-st.oom.-d , alul display ia wue erected andjubu the air yval palace had lie fail v palace e I iron; with i-v tli” puhli i rains ol run Mr Wiley Harris is making an improvement on his residence on Church street. their home in Augusta was in the hands with IHI! VUItlilUT J A. A \I.TJO J M. AN I). Salt, Druggist, Bipptis, | lad., ti-siilie*- “I can m-omiiK-nd 1 Electric Bitters as lie- very best i remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every ease. One ma.11 took 1 •six bottles,ar.d was cured of Rheum atism of 12 years’ sy.-uidiag. A bra j ham Hare, d.iagisl, B.-llville, Ohio Mr It It Powell the cotton buyer • iu ',T’ l s ? 1,i "» PF (1i, ' i " 1 :! . * ■ I have ever handled m my 20 year.. . is in tlm city i\ ,uly to purchase [ exp-.-i-ieiH-.e, is Eleetrie Bitters.'’, yolir cotton. Thousands of others have added • their testimony', so ilia', the verdict , Tho Superior Court adjourned 1 is llliau ' a " MIS Hiut Electric Bitter AH E s Je nigan of the A'laua uv, was in AuMista Mimlav 1 ad the magnifl ot loiely c-hililren with lii'irs! ei'oivas Hood on the mass sill”ilia with all Uncle Torn Weils city last week shaking h.s old fr.ends song o| lauds el flowers ; eeill Inills : a band dressed in white upon 1 heir heads, ivc. marble steps their happy hearts a to welcome. j 1 lie splendid festtvilies inhonor nl'j the occasion, were continue-l fora week, and years aI'u.,-rwa.nls travelers, There is only one empty dwelling " l u l"ivign eoiiulries, v. Im had wii-j nesne.l the neuuUfulscone, speak ol it with delight and loved lo recount its ' nia-iy marvals to tlieir asumnislied Mrs -I I! Stephens a moat, estima ble lady "di 1 has been sick tor sev- -ral weeks, died on Friday. in the city. Some er.terpiisin sb'oulil build more. ,,,.,* 1 . i| . - do cure a, 1 diseases ol me liver an ' ^. on,l ;B'- n udge Jenkins Kidneys or blood. Only a half della 01 thu Geiimlga CjrciuL will preside il!ll)U j 0 a t,Dr. Rawliugs' Drug Sun Miss Worsie Blake of Mac-in, is of the liver mid | visiting Mrs 1-' S Strange of'Ten nille. the w i t'e chi reoai- (>m One hundred members joined ! flic Ebonies 1 eo'or;d (diuroh near the line of Jefferson and Washing- bui countv. P K IWO.Vl L 51EN T 2 IfN. Dr Summerlin is he'ter. T ii- am II ii >y wli) h uigi run id the parlor and m ikes faces at his tuM.-r’s beau should b- punished for j Iast HHrurndMy' AO.itenint of camt. Miss Pauline Herman is improv ins Mrs Max Geiutuer and daughter of Augusta, are visiting the editors family. their Ii I)r J It Duggan was in the citv Mrs A W Konncily, in dher’ am! family are stopping at Sander.,villi- Hotel Eono.-l old pelei biiruer, amt his go 1 for.; i-1 . u by I In- K A he Mil it a 1 \ i:i.-i «a, eoiit.aiidrig every I i eon 1 I " ish fur in 1 lie w:t nr luxury, in addition lying nppninte I obi Fetor ('idef AV.-.r i deu of the royal iorest for li "i-, to ! whi 'li high ollleo an ample income j was attached. Li their beautiful vil-1 la, e ; bleu ted and at case, the good ‘ Von might a a well try to anro the loo-li iolie by,act of pirii uent.’’ 'J’Jiis mad.- me n fleet; 1. had been troubled with tie toothlclic; worried liy il, maddeue 1 by it, kept off work, my melds, u.v happines* by it. Mv he 11 Tli was Tailing in cousequ nee. My temper was gone. My mind was g"i"g. J was invited lu try various remedies. g iippropriate I T flaK1 80100 ' ‘‘ 13ul bowV " „ ,L 1 11, ‘t u “V l - “1 ill tin- tooth with gold,” thoyex- 1 ue too h w is (bus primed nut tin toothache wont on. “( a i l' it out, Hii-f. others, -1 [ow lev ” was my agon .'. -I , x-.-laiuiu: , , 1. . P-eiltise tii” I thing out,' Hie- : -id me. Jdid. 1 got it inspeete j, ilinmiuatoil, syringed, fumigated’ Illldo beautiful with ehamphorated <■11 illk, tnilli brick, lue powder, and j Il niiim.- No good . "'Dive ii a l‘e.*l on snud ty,' Raid a ' -.•! 1 ■. 1 ii.ii biend. I tried this; van on >)nu'liiyd 1.110re w.i-s tso.iit', h'Aui fidr : t" if!-.- ion .Mondays it was ay bad ' as ev-.-i. Whirl was I to do? “Be extra careful what von let ink 1 i’> ad a-'ed a civic fiu.c*.ion-try. Ni-thing could exceed my e.u e. I.'Jirtn. i m igistrates ccriiti -d tlm good, harm | lea- , exoidfcnt cl a icf.r of all I pul ! Milo my tooth. 1 felt safe, N n. for 1 0011 !elt sold Tho result I NDIdlsvikLE.- I I’ll-U.ll-. 1 *|-i--l.-lii,, S.iblmiJm ni ]0;3(i, n. 2n-l anil fil'd ,kabballi eieli mi,i-.tli, D'-'CVer Meet in- every Tlmrsdn 7;bi |>. in. at !,00 |i. in,- ' ■N 11 - J -1 11-v. (I. S. Johnston, I ’.-inter, : - 1 el cry Jail Sunday al J0;:;i) ' ■. anil every -ilh Sunday niglit at 7; 15 i», niglit I -veiling j No 4 A A£ 1> m 30 4 2tt 0 O0 4 60 »J8 .5 10 0 35 5 10 10 00 0 10 ..... In 00 0 10 10 18 OHO 10 35 0 50 11 10 7 20 iio.itAS, President, v , . Gou’l iSuperinteiHlant. Nov. U |s8(j. Lv lliihlin I (V (jniulor Lv ill 11ton ! l.v Lovell j 1 Nr Wriglituvill,.- bv WrightMville.... bv P miivan by ! Iart'i->rin A r Tenjlilfe... . W. B T oD". ’ BehOol every Sunday evening, A Uev. J. .1. Amdev, PnBtor. ’ n 1 -Very 1st ami :.’iul H.ibbaile. in A. 8. &§, RAIL-ROAD. \ A Pr *! ninhtli | Si'il.i!!, *:, very -nr,-lav evetitnir. ill.'.A^ N 11. <' i, d * I I. >. 11 s A I'pointnu-iil-, ! 1 '' ■ !l ' ( lay, an I i , Titnrd iy hi liin-. b, .-a,■), nttaitli. i'v 1 uy 'nil .Sunday and Sumrn.-iy hef.ire. uv-”ndi nunilli. A shin if 'll. fit'.ry 3rd .Siimlny, and! br.Inrdny h lore, i-i each moiitli. I-ay Springs.---Every 4l!i Sunday nnd j .Salmday l-elbi e. in u leli uioiltil. I ••-(lie!. - -Every E: Sunday ul I ;llh |i. in, i Fiitey Afinnt.—Every 4tii Hui.duy al I 3;0J |i. in. 111 HIM i:ATLEI-;.-K.-v. j. J, An-h-y.ins. ! I '■ ‘ - in- , evciy Ilh Sunday, and :* 1 turd 1 v la-faii-. '*0 % Lv Saiidi-raville I I" '''sville l.aj.'l | l.eave A.lg„Kt„7 18 fl -10 | Lv Mines V' V 1 20 I hvAVarthe'n 12.44 Ai .Vtigustii 0.00 | A rS’ville N») 3 i. M , No 4 p t jj Lv Hand”,-sville 2 05 | Lv Aug,lain.. ' ' 5.14 \‘l "o'' ! Lv MiSm!n!;.7 52 Ar ^'0 I ArS„„leravliloij;,J '. l NBAV- F.AV.SK'NCflSBS ONLY. , 1 , , A - I No2 A , r I v \v ;ir,, ‘ j I^vAllflrUHU 8.H f W. 1 ll,on F 'j I I.V IL-nlmlmh.o J Ev Mine SA N tnr. Dr, i'i'.r i m./JDSBKK. I LLH.—U 8.14 .. ,1 ,,| 1 r ,, l’fWibHlj.,9.14 '* I Rv (nl»8on 11 (u “"a......... 1.22 I Lv Mines 1163 Is' Heplmbid, 0 13 | J, v AVurlliei, 1240 ... In Id | Ar .V’ville 1 2.44 \a ”, t I‘. M. N„ 4 I’ / M i ll nun.tli -ii v. 15. M. Ivor, pis- 1 ry '-nil and dih Sun- 1 !v w!Sem!!::Sl 'l t"1 TEX 1.. | Lv ife|ilizitin|, 4 45 r I"' HiU„J::o 1 b'* I b'lih/.ib'a'ii"" 0 b! I! v AVa'rthei'r'.foj ySmid.-iv morning, ry I riday night, j •b Ih-ek, imstnr. ; I'reaeliilig every 4cli Sunday at 10:00 j a. in. in raeh month; IMP faster. I’ each iiiiintii ’ (>:i nun PAYISBORO Up AV. I. K'l|W!rick, will rtm im Daily unlesa maikud“T,Nvh[eli !"■ ler. 1 rein J11 ii 4 every 2nd Tthh. ilh in j are Pally e.\”e|it Sunday. * ” i: " ' : ,;ith ' ' ,!m S e al -!';"':!.ii'" u "'hidi these trniiiH lower than Savannah Tmnej Smith, 2nd Sundjiv in I CENTRAL B-K- .say \.vsaii (bv., July 3, IS,37 1 |I|M ll,lle fa-Htnger ihiins loth ' el I r-.'erv Sun-lay evoniil" A CfU Iti 81, run 01 .in nmiuie-H city lime, bv Snv’h I'tiii: for them, I wns disajipoiniuig, (listri rts rt ih :rllh -d uppli'. the luomenl N'"t a liner looking or more in- Flligeut set of Grand and Traveres -Imy ever served nt any court as fkere lias at t his. ' "li a lady has a red nose every one inquires about her b id cold. If a ■Tin has a red nose every one swear "'ey can smell whiskey fifty yards oil.” H you waul your watch or clock red go to Mack Ji-rriigau tiie “D reliable who is sliil working at iUt business, North Side of the Boui'i House. Twicntv yuahs kx J’EU 1 i;n l ■ 13 Miss Alice Castillaw has return- ■ii from Dublin j Mrs Lizzie Mix-m of Wrights- ; viile, visited Mrs Henry Li'lle. last I week tdd coiq dc' paused the i cs: ,d' their I days, v. •nei'aU'd by all; and when tln-ir m mis passed : away into tile hcau'.ilu 1 iluvon it was like the grand s nn setting in tin: clou- illt-ss west,. I'u II of ul 2 tin- .'Jury to the In -;l. Rose liccaine tli - j ornament and uni versa 1 favonte nl ' tiie royal in i’ iAIiss Alice Broom lias returne- to Augusta Capt’G W IVacock of Donova was in (lie citv last, week Judge Samiford of Milledg, viile, was in- the citv last week Frank Uuslell ivv s.'-\ bitaki-rs old 1,-iU, 110 wn > the < tantl. Mrs J g Wood lias returned Savanal), Mrs !! W McKoncn wis quite sick last week but is much better M.uuni-:i.,.—On llio 7th inst., at me residence of the brides father Jt B M trmitls N. P. Mr W T Wil ]|, )W8 and Mbs 'liis count Eusan L Josey, ail Bliss Annie Hodges is in Irwin- ton visiting Mrs L IL Given Hex H. D. D.Twiocs. This able and disUaguished Law yer, who for a time resided ia our town, and for several years presided vviselv and sotisl’actorialy over our Superior (Joart as judge ol - the mid dleiircuit; -.yas a prominent figure here last week he was attendant up mi our Superior Court and represen led nmny eases 011 the criminal dock ot. He fully sustained his reputa tion ns a learned, eloquent and zeal ous advocate. He is a hard worker, and his success is phenominal—but he well deserves it. one The cai'da are out for Hie mar- ""Se of Mr S M H tebcock of Wai ,l,r " <i'id Miss S R lie Taliaferro 1,1 1,1 'SandersviHe'.s lair daughters ' ,U! 1 HipLiBl church on Tlmrsdav ‘• K pU-inhni* 22d iust. ut J O o'clock ' .. . , . r ■ . “TIk-v who scatter with .... Btr Win A vunt was m frwmton , hftn ,, tthei . wit i, tvvo , always last week visiting relatives |, ut Hud. Nothing' mul- j !i plies so nitu-h as kindiie-s; it Bliss He tlic Utishin of Linton i-s | brings “nuiekJe meal iiciu a stopping with Mrs C C Brown We . !t)iU ' n <V*>m Mr David I-i. , l ' ,11 ; lll!, g that quite an interesting "' Bug closed at Jackson Church ■" les Monday the 5lh ,'inst, c h „“i;" ,l '" rs ««" I-- Bliss Mary Lizzie Duyue is vis* itiug friends at L ’xington G i Miss Tillio Rainey of Augusta; is the guest ot Miss Mary Martin mickle 1.1 ill. ” .•|m. fiom Glasscock county Mr J,.h <-% 11 N Jlo,gers left for Bluf- Jjjj. .' County, accompanied by e 7 C( ' llo,l! 1 ' u1 . v - Mr Ivogers “cJiscliuol a! BlulTron AA « lv ■ hoiu! sir the will Springs’ Mr R 11 success in their new Fine Hill Mr. Editor. , Flense rdiow- us a Cow lines in tin Mum ah,. AA e ;e'is ol' lln Fine'll ill Neh 001, in uu- ’.) I eh IE,!, are glad to say wn are pleased with j our (i-aehi’r. he has served out his - Bliss Jiary Martin has returned 1 seven months term, nt its elose on! Sept 3rd 1887 he gave a celebration, j we had quite a. ianre crowd an I every- j thing passed nil' pleasantly, Ouri hearts could not help leaping with joy will'll ive lu-ai’d our children read j and spell, and when it came to math . emu lies, we were carried away to 1 see how they made the ei uyrms e'.rtt- ; ter on the I,luck-board. At niglit' we had a grand time. A groat many j white Incub.;, both nude and female j attended, Am! we hope to have- our same teacher back for 1887 to in- ! struct onr children, known ns-J, AV. 1 M ax. well. anion and intimate friend of Prince- . Al in,! ra. They delighted in doing goo i ! t'» tln-ir fellow being*, in promoting I" ace and good will, and especialv, ! i" relieving the poor, Tho lesson j impressed upon tlieir hearts bv their! , strange adventure with iiie rnymeri : ous Iorest spirit—-the Dwarf—King;-i "ore blessed fruit in their daily lives i they became loving and niit'aiiiiis* ! fountains of goodness and :1a-lie *:, j whoso sweet waters iiouii .hi- I in «e- ; ‘■ret the of divine purpose.- mil ill they grew «nd iloui i«!:c-«i green, i beautiful ami strong as tic mighty primeval iinefc', i . tln-ir own NnVtlr ; Hind. 1 Im glory 01 Heavon slione on \ i ami through tliem will, an added 1 ! splendor, as the light el the sun ”Ih- j ers new beauty by b.-ii-e riillJei.e,] I i'roin a prism of crystal. They |,.,,q | ! learned that tin? humblest may l,e- i i-imc b'es-ed iiisi.niinimr.s in tin- hands ol Provident and in the most i iiuexpvui-’! ways, arid that nothin” . however insignificant it may be lo j men s e\es, ns insignificant, in (io-b* 1 | eyes; for Fie is the creator and p.-e : server of ail tilings great and .small I I and He will not a‘jlm v His works to 1 j hn despised, even though it he bili j : grain ol Mind, on the bi-ashore, or ii ! j shrub in the forest. 0 u-.'iating. Somehow < alios lost its virtur it got !n ide. “Hold a dj-inlC of water in your mouth and 1-ii oil the ii,e liii it bobs,” my.o I a knowing one. 1 bign.u to this was (lie on y i-enn dy. At, last, f took counsel ot a f nni.tie, ‘ Cj-y ih, pn-li imentary cure,” said lie. . “'What's dial? ’ said I. "H ive tlm loolli oui; a short ael. wi 1 do it-' Tins noeiued dr. alio. J1 would leave a gap in my social svh tem. ) s.ionld mi-.:-; an iiiil fiiend. i'he tooth hud n Misled in ten eat. I took courage. "E-t the operation cost what it mav. it must, come. 1 cried, amt so 1 smu- moued lie- dentist. "X tun ready lor iho paEia nentai-> cure,” said !. Jf took a strong pull. It was done, lie: tooth was gone. ,So was the tooUiuctie. X was luippv. Oncj more 1 refleted Exti-amion e fttses tootifacho. I iz< -.1 this Ik loro' No tooth, 11 > tooth ache; ibis is strange, but true. And I yet yuf. cant make a man sober by an"! act of prainmeur? Ii-.'l, us o-e, no liiiith, no toot-hnche i (Ir,luted- No drink irafiie; no drink j Eh, wlnit/ Is that 11 Inc ? No driid;- 11,«ii 1 drink; no drink, no dimik- j c.inicss. A mule with no bind legs doesn’t kmk; Ifs is qmut If a man can get nothing todrinlc he iloes-.-n’l, j drink. He is a ilc.-r- An act of Far 1 ante nr- can make him so, By white ! washing the public house? Not quite. Hav.eiitying it on Snnduis! m iog l-iaee- only? What, then. d-> 1 .A mi wan i'arliaii.ellt to enac.l.? j Brijiibittoii! irk.'* Tcmptivant: | L 1: ■ Ii ,.li'iiii! 8,20 11,11 AilA 11m .van • or 1 | i f, 3|"" 7;:iO|ini -3:45pm ""IM at i • T-'S: 'i'-n-. -liOOa.0 OkiApm ' ‘ } y I’ "1 1:11 a m evc,,in K 1 Ar Ailaun, * • * - - ' * - 1***1 -s i, * tjipomtmeni* *.. t ■ 1.... 1 SANDER AT bid pastor. I’lc.u-ld 1 I o’clock a.- -ii. lor if,- mon'li of Angusi. 1 moil... 1st Sunday 01 11 o’clock a. 111. I'. (|iki'I.i...2ii:I Snml.iy al JI o'clock a. in. ! i n'l'i*on.. Ui'd Snailay .-U 11 o’clock n. in. T■ illilie...-till Siicilav ni II o’c'oek a. m. Hoiic- ol'tjit l’e»..1"...11b Sunday nl 4 0’-* i‘In I.' |>. 111. I XTIIOUl DI?! 11. AND * in each inontii, 1 ianf* l 'I1111 cli. everv 2nd feitini AVii- PA i'(ll{S...AVill plcnn their, id, IIICIKC do not i:|ij>t-ii- ill full, they will please let ” know wh.-it part is loft out, Pastor’s i" the <-mmty, wince appoiilt- liients do not iippur, if ih.-y willdrrtp ns 11 postal slating their ii|ipoi;itmen(j, we w ill gladly pitldi-h, S«S. hiTn,w. ita axe; —o 1,A DIES I’ll AY bit MKEITNl AV.-dlV-dtiV al 3 o'clock p. in. MENS PH AY Ell .MEETING. AVedm-s-kiy ni”hi. i;XI)()!•', IIOPE... Eveiv Friday evening 1 al 3;00 p 111. (iUbl'bX HE A PEPS... Every Friday, eve- 1 mug before (In- lot Sunday in each month 1 L'lupm 3:20a m “cl" P ni 7; 15 a in Art d 11 in lu 1 s '.f.'lOp,,, ”:45pm • U Mon 1 go,,,cry 7:25 a m 7;00 p 111 At Lufaaki, tl 3.50 p m .' r Albany 10;00 p 111 2f45 pm . ciigers hr Sylvaniu. b'amlersviljo, ■’ "s’”--'"!", Mi halgeville and, Eatontou ."iiould t;iko /;]0 u in trnjrt - ,,,r ' 1 ’ i . ,0 '. uaHto ". Carrollton A, iff V l l,lbo!U ’" Bu«m Vis. • , HaU-U iinJ Clayton HiiouJd take tl.c »» m tram. Ey Any", ta. lOjOOpm 0;0() a m V - ■ " o’, L0;3,f a in I0;50.p m Arlcuiulle 12 21pm 12,54am "d m change* to : bv Atlanta (i;50 a. m 0:50 p m iM-jimr appoint- I bv Coluimm* 11;00 p m 12;45 p m !' v M'"itgomoi v 7;25 pm7;40 11 m . bn ..,oa _ 10,15 p„, 10;4‘Jam b\ t I t,any a 111 J J ;55 :l m J.v Milieu 2;28pm 3;lUam 8,15nm 5;20am Ar 8a\ all ojOOpin 0;£oiim ll.HOaiu 8;00 am Su-cjnng ears on .-ill niglit passenger [!•"" tween Sayanimh and AugtiHtu and SI Mil,r,all and J/aeon, Savuimah Atlanta, .#Ucon and Colllmblls. 1mm leaving at 8;20 pm and arriving ■c ,,, a ni will not atop to put off or take on passengers between Savannah and.Mil- . Every Every ; Utl A BY HOLTE’VY... •very 3rd Sunday in Bir Gorge Whitaker is all,mil iuo- LAughkocfliti business college. days Troy Ah- M Hupp spent a with relatives last week Ala. Misses Annie Mathis ami Mattie BLiiy Burnett, was in tiro city '1 ucs H a steady. gontlci)inr> * pay I-1'JTKU A. In warrior but nc in man; in dish but not in pan; In i lu.t bu' not in i'ooi; 1 tt chisel luil not, in tool• In. key but n t in door; in ceiling but not in j-loor; in yacht but not in boat; *i hole is 'something for men “oto, A '.A UR AM Okie ot-n otuh nopu etii e.hwu ti si udr lit-ie is, sig'nilletuil paragraph' | from the. Democrat., pflbLflhcd a; i • i ./l*.r, Tex.: “Kann.:,s !uu: lOti.OOO i Min,re. people Ilian Texas, Kansas lut* 1 | one penitentiary with nine hundred and ninety »ix prism,rs. This is tin : i sub ot prohiniUon. T-->.ns ii.-m ; H'.bX if’'.t'flO le<s people, t.lw.n Kan* is and 'C ; '*b. !'l,cr iiouor i.raiii”. T-,\as lip--. ; wo | ian;e penilerilinries witli 3.0()0 con- i victs. 'i he spiing comt will .send ! abo'ut five hundred more. Don’t you I think prohibition a tieee-.*ii yr” HA IT'1.--T MISSIOI .Mci't Monday after each month. A'o.U.V XSMISSitiX.A RY KOC1 l-fl'Y...l.v ,-rv .l/„nd:,v after the 1-t Sunday in each mi.-nih ,-u !l;tl(J |>, m. Y M, C. AS,SO’ f ATKdN...M’.-gnlar meet ing, every Ti vsday uiglil, in. the City ( duncil Gliamhcr. I >, void i, 1 bxcn-i.Lcs every Humlay cveiiii.;-, at the I: ipii-<i Cdnmli imtnedi- atelv aft’-r Alelhudi :t Sun !ay School. All young men cordially invite-1 to In.tli inciting-'.. AY < '. T. I ...M o ts at Il,t* ( hnrvli Tuesday before the 4t'd Sunday, at f p.-m. in each month. Ttlb .Al b 1'BUldlST... I’araon.jgp Aid so* ei c-ty meets every 1,; To, .- lay in the Mt-lli o i.*t tjhiir-.'h al 4,00 i.-eloek. p. ill. f’HOI'lt At l'i-'|) A/l-;l-,TlN(b..vtt Smyrna -V. I*, (’tin, jiiistor Saturday bet,re the 4th Sunday in At ('qm-eetlonsai .Siv.-unah with Savannah j"' 1 M <stern Railway for mi points in r Ufrula. 1 Dck’-ts fora!! points and sleeping car h. mis on sale ut euv ollice, No. 20 Bull sttL'i'i, and depot, office Ju minutes beloru (k-partuni ul ltu.'Ij train. Jb :*u AAA', Ticket Agent G A AATHTEHEAD h-neral Passenger Agent 1 SBPiKIGR COURT CAiffll. < ra’Y JHIJINyrotiY Mayor. J XX. Gii.moui-. • Mayor l'ro Ton AA'. 1!. 'X iutit’K.v, AUlr.rmon. B. E. Roucinox, J- B. RonmtTs. A. .AL .Mayo. S. G. J.axc. Clerk. ! '. 1J UXitY ,AI lTi;lI£j.r Treasurer. B. -T. Tauiwttox . Markka R. 51. Buown. AMES. K. It INK ii. i. /I.:| K A. M. Li/A YU, U G. A. 'V A Id, -S', rig. — r i j,/,-,. {tor timer wur A d/O.NTIl can bti made lor u.s, Acct is prefer rod wliicli ; .Mv dciu*, why are tin, nqo>; nlwat a '-viio eau I'urni.-.ii their oAyn horses and hard at breakfast now?" asked Mr. ; g'ivt; tHEgviiolo Unto to the inu-iuess. Snaggs. “ 1'liey must be eggs of tiie , Hp;treVn"-mqi)|^yin:i v be profitably lnjj« , new liens,” replied Mrs. Hnaggs, eiuployed a!.”-,. A lew vacancies in j.thoughtfuiiy. “The now liens! AYliy ! towns and cities* B. F. JtBIiNSON 1013 Main street, Richmond, ! A.-23 8m mwu ti si etlr linc-tv 1i <■*»I.vih gj t , Uiougiitlufiy. “14to. new liens! AA by '"«>•* :' 51-clo iiFlito upc. nil wo tf ntvtici < sbould lbdr L ’b T b'« 1,0 hard?” "TJu-y 1 & (. (>.. 1 ctslil iiitur’u— fGvusacler. are Plymouth Jio.-ks,. you know. As, ill _ -.w TOW N of TIBVNILLE. • MAYOXL John Harm an ALDEUMENT •1 J) Frank fin if S Hatch ’ WJ Joyner, J. T'. Murchiroii". CLERK 'S II I! Massey,; -MARSHAL C JtimiUoR,