The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, September 20, 1887, Image 3

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X- citv axi. (#i>'rv — o . ... . If tjftj 0/ our SUBSCRIBERS JMl to l/itr their f 1 AVER, they will pleagc notify w« ^tkt fi*i jSMMmbr*. TUESDAY, September 90th, 1887 — 'VUilMSHKl) HY( — A.J. Jernigan&Co., — )l‘LBI.I8HKItS * I'ltOI'ltKITniIS.f — POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tin. powder ntver viries. A inarve of pirity, strength and wholcsomcne- M#>rr icmiomical tlmn the or linary kin.l and oonnot lie sold in competition with the niilltitilde of low test*, short weight iillun or phoupnto powder. Kohl only in cam. Koval HaEIMo PuWimil co. 10(1 wall hit N Y. Prot. Whitakers reduced term f .i- music is intended for those, only, who enter for the Session. Those who do not enter before the 1st of October will he charged full rates I is heretofore, (j. S. Johnston,• wi l preach in Oilm m on Thursday omd Fridnt nights after the 4th Sabbath in this tmnth (the *2!)..h and UOth insh) an-' Zoar on Friday the noth iust., at 11 o'clock a. m. “I want to thank you,” writes a vonng man to 15. F. Jol, ns „n & Co., Richmond, Va., ‘for placing mo in n position which I a n enabled to mak money foster Ilian I ever did before’ Hus is but a sample extract of many 'Kindred of similar receive. b.y the above film. See their udvei ii80inent in another cohiinu. 1 id “Enterprise” of Oihsou says: dMr. J. D. White, the mail agent mi the N. (>., is now confined in close quarters while lii.s mail ear i* being repaired. Although hardly having room to turn urottnd, Mr White does not fail to keep even thing O. K.” As the time is near at hand to elect a Mayor nttd Aldermen, wo think it would be best for the citizens to cull a meeting to take in consideration propriety in having a mtnina REMOVAL. 1 have moved to the store formerly occupied by J, j) Newman, and am better prepared tlmn ever to servo customers, with the licst goods at lowest prices. Thankful for past levers, and sodc iting a conti nit mice, Respectfully, V. JACKSON. See Tux Notice of First Round. Cottou is selling at 8 1-2 to 8 8» 1 Read new advertisements of Or dinary. Attend moo th. tho Stalo Fair noxt The Tennille High School nuni® lers 88 pupils on its roll Cotton brought Savannah prices in the city lust week. Wo are glad to sen Mr Jimmie •Muher looking so much better. The Jury list drawn for March Term 1888 will be seen in this is sue. lie sue! for her hand before mar riage and Iter hand sewed lor him after. Judge Hines is Pntnuin Conn’y Si pe ior court for Judge Jenkins this week. The bill for maintaining a Pub lic School has been passed aud signed by the Governor Four hundrtd and seventy-live hales of cotton has boon sh'pped from Wurthea to Augusta. Mr E 0 Jordans cottou screw was stimek by lightning a short while back and was badly damaged Mr Ne'sr n ot S, C. will open a general shoe store in tho Herman building A large crowd ot tho colored population went to Augusta the Phli inst., on the excursion. Who says Sandersville is not # li*’«ly place? There's more than 15 visiting young ladies here now. Thunks lo the Editor of the Way cross Reporter for a copy of -bit paper. h Hupps Son & Co. are buying cotton for importation, this will |ttko Sandersville cotlon market l.Vely, Double amount of cotton has een shipped this season up to date •otn Sandersville, than wai ship- M lust year up to this time, Mr J R Mackey of Oconeo, is in * 9r y bud health, and has beon so or nearly a year, We hope to hear ,0 °n ol his restoration to Health. Rev N II Olm8tead closed an in rcresti tho tion. We want no position or have any favorites, but we want a good set ot officers to fill these responsi ble positions. “Yellowstone Kit,’ 1 the gent doctor, who makes the blind see, tho lame wnfk, and heals all di smses is in Augusta scattering sil ver coins like sowing seed. When Hr. Kit loaves Augusta for oth r parts we hope he will make San* | <lersvilie one of them, especially if he is going to scatter the “chink.’’ Wo have just “ocoived one of the prettiest songs ever written, called “There’s no one like Mother to me," by Charles A. Davies. For a nice home song, in which both the words and niiis.c are so very pret ty, it is hard to equal. It can b t played on the pinn i nr organ, and will bo sent to any address tor only 22 1-cent slumps. Address the pub-ishers, -J. C. Greene & Co-, 80 a id 42 Arcade, Cincinnati, O. Ephriain Hint was shot by Charles Hiickliortner, on Mr. C. G. Raw lings plantation near Sandersville both colored. Tile hall entered hi- chest and came eat Ids hack. After being shot Kph caught Charlie and whipped him until lie weakened from the loss of blood; Ephriaiu’s sons Grant mil Alice then took a tarn with Charlie and used him up badlv, knocking the skin off of tho side ol his head with an axe. Groceries of all Kinds cheap at Frank Custellow’s at Whitaker’s old stand PERSONAL rent ion. Mr J S Browii of Oconee is quite sick. •• I Mr Cleon Attains who has been quite sick is improving Mrs M E Wart!lien who has been quite sick is improving Mi Alfred 0 HArrison of Agiico- la, ivsn ih tile city last week. Mrs S It Ufnlt it Me,', is visiiing •Mr and Mrs Geo, W Miss Georgia Duggan ot Linton visited relatives io Dublin and Stepheiivtllo last week. Hon J W Brinson of Jefterson county, was in the city Thursday, the guest Of M«j. J U Wicker. -’ Mr a tut Mrs James Outlaw ol W rightsville, who have been visit ing CjI E 0 li Slick fa i i y have returned home M S3 f mini j Wood, t f Oconee, and Miss Della Wood, of Sflh- are in Irwinton, visiting! relatives, the guest* of Dr. J. s. Woo l aud family. —Appjnl. Mr aud Mrs L A Chapman and family, left lor Duiblin last week, vvliioh place they expect to make their future home, tvonrosorry to part with this Excellent family but wo hope the tniWe will be beneficial to thorn. saved daily will provide a fund ol $7,000, sufficient to purchase a good •arm. Every poison should provide •or old ago, and (lie man in business who can ia.v b,v a dollar a day will eveut.naIIv find himself posses-e ! of over $100,000. -jKol CHILD liflTi f JO LHIY. '■Ill:' (II11.It'S MISSION. H’.C. T. 11. CGL«J.7In ‘Yon Wivo' 4'mission IitiIt*on Though your life in just begun: For there’* work' lor nil (o do, In the world We ith- ytisring through You 1 may he likd mljjpls lit?,*. s*- K 1 " e R0|Y( ''^ dikappen ;' Wmmhg crowns (Imt nlndl bfe gSven, I'o die fniHiflll (Mien io heaven. Fr on die < rndle to die tmiV'e, Ev -ry precious moineii' nav ; Fill your life witli deeds of love, Trea-ures brifght for you above." Kreplug Tlio Pledge A boy signed the temperance p-edge. His mother said, “tiring the brandy; I want some for those pies." Davy obeyed. Hat ns lie went the thought e.imo to him. “Can I, a tom prenee hoy carry a jug?" Hurrying ' a k to the kitchen, he said, “Mmii ai.i, I can t carry that brandy jug— j ve signed the pledge; but I'll stir ill i butti while you go.” N\ ithoiit a word the mother gave •iho iis litte hands I he spoon ana went herself to bring the jug, She “ If If, in harvest fields Where strong ones reap, May I bind one golden sheaf For love to keep! May spoak one qut >t Word When all is s'i t, Helping some fa nling b'&fcrt To bear Thy will; Or sing one liiyli- ckinr song, On which to soil’ S iinei glad soul li- nveuwnrd; I ask no more.” ‘•Mother,” said a Loyal Temper anea Legion boy, “Mother, you wo men have got a big contract on your hands, put you II do it." That is tn»e dear sisters, This re- lorrn work docw look like a liig con- "act; 11i,it it is a contract tor God, an 1 if we 1 pray and not taint,” with the faith of this precious child; we know, we'll do it. Tiiioai.n; qtitsTioN, —o — Dear Union Signal:-1 saw not long since in yotur eolmnus an article on the graijo question. 1 have tried woaL I consider very nice way and would lilke others to know and ty the sip me, Pick tho grapes from •din strange, choking Bcn'imtion in j nil stem^ nud wipe carefully then r P s : U,s,,u ,lnt ’ * u,h8 the jug. When she came down i,lu dear little fellow was bcutin about half tu 1, put in while sugar to till the interstices, and when full M'siesJuliti Wicker, and Mat- tie Ainsworth inrho have b en vis king I iends in Augusta and War renton, have retnrmd home Miss Annie Wicker ot Warrenton h visiting Miss| Julia Wicktir Mrs W 0 Donovan of Wailley, who has been visiting Mnj, ,1 R Wickers family returned home last Saturday I Mr Nelson and family of South Carolina, have moved to the city and are living itti tho Laveigno resi denc-j Miss Mamie Wall 1ms returned heme. at the dough. His eyes followed her' aid more sugar. Seal right up, aud to eiimiTnn» l '. , | ,lie “ ink began set away in a cool, dark place. J « r ^ 1 ?r u “ i 1 ? 1 th “ “Tin emtying out the brandv .l nluu unt|l the present time for cum- We’ll not have any more in our Imilli °n wine. It is also nice fin doth pride melt away*before love. or-.I gla-s in i'um of ] .j j. "Hr Alfred, is an apple; divide j it politely with your little sister.” j “How slm l I divido it puli' el v, I mnnuuii?” Give the luvgor part to the o li [ person, my child.” i Alfre I handed tli i pple to liis I itilo sister, sayiug: “Here, 6is, you j divide it, yourself.” j n. u. Time can lie had at j Juruignn <k Son’s Jewelry S;.ore. Dcncon—It pains me, Mr Foggs, to see j on coming out of - i bar room. V Hoggs—All right, iloncon! Anything to save your tt-elin’g, '11 go right in again. “So the • Iiss .- is io lie married, eh,” said tho g inlncr to the cook. “Yiss; and in tin illigunt stoyle, too. iSlio’s go in' for ter have a dliress thray yurruds long, and four pall bearers to kerry it. hyman; DENTIST, Tennille Georgia. No. Ifl r. K. II. Kxivaets Tooth WilhotH Fain. Plate work a .Specialty. Prices moderate Satisfaction Gun ran Iced. Office at residence.—S-0-1 y. Religious Appointments INI TTltOlllvr <TIITI«C1IUS. NDKRSVlI.Id-;—Rt- V , (} H. Johnston K. K. iSCilhIM LhiV “ Sandersville And Tennille Mrtil-Hond I , u To take etleet May 23d 1887. I-v Knndrraville 7 <fti - Ar Tennille 'ZZ\\ « I Lv Tenntlff - sini- Ar HaisleraVtllc 8 1-i a m ir Lv leu life laaufl •« r a V 111 e...-; ■ ,.1260p Lv aamlersvittr....r;...-. j> Lv Ti-imliju J t' lin 1 mville S'ia'w TIMETABLE! OF THE WKIOHT-SVILM-; TENNILLE aud DUBLIN K. R 1 an 165 215 2 20 2 50 »*» 3-30* 3 : 6<V The Editor ari 1 Indy spent Situ day and Monday laM, in Augusta We’ll not uiinee pies “Oh, mamma! I’m so glad! Then I can eat them too can’t l 111(111111111?'’ 1 es, my dear; and uiuutiim will never make anything again tin t her '•car boy cannot eat.” Oh, lin so glad we’re going lo have temperance pies!” Davy fairly danced up and »’ovn in the kitchen as the brandy gurgled ill the sink. Don’t you think Day is a real good lenipurniu'e In y? Then tot low his example. Touch not, t isle not, handle not the unclean thing. Union Siijnal. ihu price , each day of a single ‘beer. '»ill pay insurance through Lite And one cigar a day the less Insures your life and happiness. ! year; Dr. E lwin II in 1 lie city. irris of Atlanta is Mr. A. 8. Sparks was registered at the Planters Hotel in Augusta on the Utli inst. Misses Fannie ail*, of Forsythe and Julia Rii-Ji- are in the city vis Dentil ot Dr. 1. C. JH. Summer lin. Dr. M. D. C. H. Summerlin of our city, a well kuown physician, a member of the Methodist church and an exemplary mason diail at his home on Friday morning lust. He was buried with Masonic Honors at the family buying ground on tho Gain er plantation. We extend our heart f dt sympathies io the bereaved fum- 1/. Host Green Code 2oct at Custellaw’s Whitaker's old stand. death of Samuel duggan. In g meeting at Tabernacle, on e 7th inst, resulting in an acldi- •on ol 24 to the membership. The adjourned Superior Court y *’ Un y e 8terdny at 2 oclock p. m. ’’ ,1 8 e J- J. Jenkins of Eatonton Residing *J> U wan *’ - V0l,r watch or clock old rMt -1 ui° t0 ^T ick Jernigan t’ae th e u lu .^ e w ^° i* atill working at Court'u° e88 ’ North Side of ‘he P£ IlIJJV ^ Uje * Twenty teaks ex Diuo.—At U10 residotice of Nrr. C. I. Duggan on, Saturday the 17th inst., about 13 oclock. Mr. Samuel Dug gm, in his 21 year. Again are we called ^ipon to listen to the sad admonition of death; again are we called upon to mourn for the loss of one we loved. Our friend and companion Samuel Duggan is no more, his spirit has taken its (light, and his body now lies in the family burial yard. He was a young man of great promise, a tine speciman of ol phisical manhood, beloved, rcspec ted by all who knew him, just enter ingiu life with a bright future before him (being in liis twenty-first year) lie lias been suddenly called from among 11s; and gone to receive his re ward in that land where trials and troubles arc unknown, aud partings are no more. Mav he rest in peace. To liis family and friends we ex tend oHrsincbre sympathy. May the Lord bless them and com tort them in this their hour of tiial. ~ Died? Mrs Dr Nun of Bell Town, died on Monday the 12th, inst. Mrs Johnnie Bridgers died on Sunday the llth, inst. Mrs Robert L Stephens died on Friday the 9th inst, and not Mrs J B Stephens as the Mercury stated last week Fresh hums for sale at F. M. Pfisfellaw’tt fling and I'liends. Muses Saltier, of Mars Bluff Sr nu Ella Singletary C., are in tho city visiting the f<tujiily| of Mr. B. D. Evans, Sr. Miss Sillie Acory of Camilla and Miss Lula Harley of Thomas- ville are in the city the guests of Albs Jewel Johnston. Mr®. S. II. Echo s has given up the Telegraph office at this place, an l taken a position with the of fice at Albany. A nice lor. ot Jewelry Clock®, Watches, Spectacles And Violin Strings for sale JKRN1GAN & SON. Fresh canned goods of tho best brands at F M Castelluws City"Reoistbation. My tmok-i nrc now 0|k-.n fortUe regUtralion of votes for the elec li m for Mayor an I Aldcrmlen on Oetober 5th 1887. ftjyHooks will close we-lnes-t"v 28 1887 6'HENRY MITCHELL. 1NTEJIKKIMT. The following rules are so simple and so true, according to nil business usages, that every banker, broker, merchant o'' clerk, should post them up for reference. There being no such thing ns a fraction in it, there is scarcely any liability to error or mistake: Six per cent.—Multiply any given number of days of interest desired by the principal; separate the right hand figure and ilevide by six; the result is the true interest, in cents, on such sum for such number of days at six tier cent. Eight per cent.—Multiply any given amount for the number of days upon which it is desired to asserlain the interest, and divide by forty-five, and the result will be the interest on such sun: for the lime required, at eight per cent. Ten percent.—Multiply the same as above and divide by thirty-six, and the result will be the amount of interest on such suin for the time required at ten percent. What it will do,—If a mechanic or clerk save only two aud three- quarter cems per day from the time he is twenty-one until he is three score, the aggregate, with interest, will amount lo $2,000; and a daily saving of 27£ cents leaches the im portant sum of $2'J ll 000i. A sixpence DOIMa «.OD'S EKUANDS. Hester loved to do errands for her mother, and have her call her a faith- till servant when she did them well. One day site had been talking with her mother about God, when she quickly raised her head with a bright bought in her eyes, and said: II h\, mother, then God is send ing us on errands all the time! 1 am His little errand gill, too." ‘Acs, dear; He hits given us er rands 10 tin, and plenty of time to do t tein, and a book written full to show us l.o.v. Ev.ry day wi e 11 toll Him iio.v we try to do them, an I ask Him to help us, so when He c. ills us we will run to meet Him, ami give Him our accoun„. “I like that" the child said, nest- ! ling hack to her comfortable seat I ‘ 1 “ ,<l! l " bo Soil’s little errand-girl.’ “One of my errands is to take care ot you ‘ sain her mother. “Am J ne of mine is to honor au-l obey 3 o u ” said Ik-ster quickly. I think |He gives us very pleasant errands to do "—Child s World. 3. Lktteb Ex him a* lu (arm, but not in land, In gravel but not in sand; In ash, but not in elm; In anchor, but not in helm; III chicken, but not in fowl* In trot, but not in howl; In study, but not in think; In water, but not in drink; In island, but not in sea; In milk, but not iu tea; In love, but not in mloie; In trading, but nht in store; In race, but not in win; In wicked, but not in sin; My whole is a worker well known in in our land; Her praises are sounded on every baud.—Selected. munion wine. It is also nice foi table usy, tasting so like the fresh 1 grapes. —K. K. L., Cor, Sec. Crofion, 17 , Auguel 27, 1887. “We must have I ho liquor tax to j pave our streets,” says a politician. Rut I think ill’ mothers hud control, They emilil pave to-d.iy The broad binbuliy 'Viili Komctl.lnjt not so white as the souls Of the innocent boys at play, j 'Vliy can’t bun pave tin* biisineM maria | With somethingIhmder than women’s hearts-) la there tin {gold that will serve their turn, 8a ve the shining gold ol the heads thill rest 80ft on a lolving mot tier's breast'.’ Musi these go down lu the drunkard's gruvi In order that we tin* streets may pave'/—AV He who holds to his appointment, and does not keep you waiting for him, showls that he has regard for your time as sfnll as liis own. Diligence is tho mother of “good 'uck. The ij won of Madagascar said to those who proposed that she rcceivi a revenue front strong drink; “I can not consent a4 your Q icon to take revenue from that which destroyer jh i souls and bodies of my subjects.’’ Light wines—nothing so trench- eri'tih! They iullame the the brain like fire, wpile melting on (lie palate like ice. A1 inhabitants of ligl l wiue countries uro qunrrelsom.—Lyf ton. i’‘V*! ,,r i : ,, i r 7''’!;i"K oil the 1st, 3rd and 4th Kiihbuihs at 10:.10, a. m., and on the 1st 2nd and 3rd Sabhiitlis at 7.15 ... m . oJ eiu’li month. Pr.iy.-r Meeting cv.5ry Thursday night /; 1 • > p. in. h at LOO'“'"in, 01,001 CVery S,,m, “ y ; • I'.N NI■ Rev. (». •S.Johnaton, I’mdor, ! rc,idling every 2nd Sunday at 1 (1;.'50 a t , and every 4lh Sunday night nt 7.15 >, in. ’ 1 ' ' mi '' Vt ; ry I R '" Hl;l . Y evening ,\ ' . . L ( l. Rev. J. J. Analev Pastor. 1’reach 1 ng every 1st and 2nd Hahbaths cue:, inotiili. every Sum lay evening. It ) H.f'LM.SrKND’K Appohitinonls. rabematle.-Every )s t Kun.lnv, u„J Siilurdny before, in end nmnili To take effect November 14 18S6,. GOING south. So. 1 No. .7." . - A, M. p. \r Lv Tennille r. , . ’ Lv Harrison ZZZ. a fa 100 Lv l>in«van "« .... Ar VTrigloav’lc .....Z. Q 60 Lv 'VrightsvilJe M Lv Condor r S Ar Dubhn OOINU NOItTH. No 2 No i f Lv Dublin A ,i £ tvSS :: - u 00 * Lv Lovett 11 18 5 10 Ar wrighi.viiie;::::;;;. v::::.iooo US f’V Wrlghtaville | () # L v II a rrison "IIV.V.V.'.'.'.V.V.V 10 86 ArT ^"-’;” : ?M0 7 20 W ’ B Fhomas, President, L»en I Snpei iulciulant. Nov. 14 LS80. •»y before, in each month. DeejiKlcp.—Every 2nd Kiinday and Saturday before, in each month Cabin lliil. Every 3rd .Sunday, „„d S.itmday lipfuit*, 111 each month. May Springs.—Every (Hi Kimdav and o.iuirdny 1 elure. iu c ioli month. Jlelhel. —Every lstSiilnliiv ul l;0(l n in juney .'/mint. Evory 4th .Sunday at p. m. 1 RlllDLF.YlLLE.—Rev. J. J. Amdev, i„ r . preaching evoiv Sunday, and SaturdlV before. A. G- & S. RAIL-ROAD. fc fe=t»lR!fer5sS MAXIMS I'D It IU|\(. MEN. Never be idle. When yom bunds are not usefully employed attend to tbe cultivation of your mind. Always spoak tlie truth. Keep good coinpuny or none at all. Make lew promises. Live up to your engagements. When you speak to a person, look him in the face. Good company and excellent co iversation tire the very sinews of virtue. I Good eliftniietcr is above all th ugs elso, Rover listen lo loose or idf BAPTIST < <IUItCIIES. dAND’’USYILMC.-K,*-. II. H. Ivey, p a «. tor Preaching every 2nd and 4(h Sun days in uach , lno ? th inlay School every Sumlnv morning. i> " O ing every Fr dav t ight • ;T LK.—Rev- T. J. Heck, pnator. Proacbi'M 0 ''O’ •*'■<» Sunday at 10: u ...... in null. a. '[\\ ll.LE—Uo'-. Turner Smith, HI ... r T*reichiiig evuy 2nd Sunday in 1 a • 11 li each m ItO—’lev. W. L. I\ illpeti ick w.. , i.->. OPrc chnu every 2nd Sibl at 1 in' p imor. tu- , each moll K hal.batl, MWrr 5, Mn ^, v evonlnr mu •iTiAN niriK'ii Ar Augustn p.oo No 51 r >1 Lv Sundemville 2 05 Lv Wiirthen ,* .39 IjV Hines 3 oa Lv Gilxon 4 00 Lv Ile|ihzihah 0.42 Ar Augusta 8.00 81 ND.V\—PASSENGERS ONLY. No 1 a. m. Lv SnnderHvillu5.5l Lv Wn-ihen 010 Lv llinoii 0 40 Lv GiliMun.... ArS’ville „ So 4 r. m. 11 Lv Auguaia.. 6.14’ Lv IlephxilMh 0.14 LvGiljHcn 7.52 IImen.,., y ;j4 . Lv Wart hen.. s.'oD ArhandenivilleO.Gi IjV * iiiiHDi) 7.22 Lv Ilophiibah 0 13 August 10 13 •’* 1*. »(. | Lv Samlemville 2.51 Lv Wnriheu 3,16 Lv Hines 3.40 Lv GIImou 4 22 Lv Hephailmli 0 13 1 No 2 a, ir, fv AugiiaU 8.!4 Lv llv| Lv GiImoi, 11.04 Lv Hines H.63 *'V "arllicn 12.10 Ar .S’vllle f 2.44 A# 4 1* it LcavAangmiL 3 1 •v Hepluihali..4.4 >. * Lv Giunun (J 1 opj' LyU art hen ,7.oj W livjr lat Suuu. j at .'Very Sunday evening -RING’S Apixiiutineuls 4 ANAOitAM. Iltcro si out a ulsgel cnninoct ni file ahtt ew anc faodi f ot sole. (Anuwers in two week.) HK\ DOWN VO Lit OI-ASSES- I once heard a st >ry by an o’.d la dy eighty years ot age. When she was a yi ung girl, an l visiting at a house a few miics fro 11 her home, she noticed that the fa vo lte ol the famiy was a bright little boy of about ten years old. The fam ily consisted of father, mother, grand ma, three young men, and litte fed. As was then the custom, cider was passed round at the dinner table; fa ther, mother, and sons turned up their glasses, for what they thought the perfectly harmless beverage. Grandma looked across at bright little Ted, and said in her sweet, trembling tones, “Turn dovn your glass, my little man. The little fel low did not then understand, but did as grandma told him; in after years how glad he was that the voice which long had been hushed forever called him back to the right path, when others saw no harm in the temp ting cup. How many people say a little ci der will not injure them! but by de grees they often crave stronger and stronger drinks, until, like many wretched men, they will fill drunk ards graves, and their last cry will be, “Had I but keeded when a boy.” Remember that,‘right-side up is al ways upside down” for the glass ted for liquor. —Selected. listen to loose or conversation,. T ou hud bolter bo poisoned in iyour blood than in your princi ples. Your chiaraciter cannot be essen tially injured except by your own aets. Early in life si euro a prrctical business educatit n. Do not make too great haste to be rich, if you would prosper. Small and steady gains give competency with tranquility o! mind.. Never pipy games of chance, or make l ets of any description. Avoid temptation through the fear that you tnay not withstand it at last. Drink no intoxicating liquors. Never run In debt, unless you see a way to got out again. Keep yourself innocent if you would bo happy. Save when you are young for when you are did. Aim high in this life, but not so high that yoiu cannot hit any thing.—Exchange. 0 P. DOOLITTLE, WILDER -PICTOE-^RAME: MNIII’ACTORER, 12S Jackson Street, SANDE ! V!LLK..!!j> v |||-I ■ lul l, e . 11 o’c’rck a. m. "f’av .' hoo hi Y. A '. .. t month of Aiijniit. I'iiion.. 1st Kiimlm* »t 11 o'clock n. 111. Itcllinii n...2n I Si nilny lit II o'clock n. ni. Iliirrix 11...3nl Si inlay at li o'clock 11. m. Tennille... tin Sim lay 111 11 o’clock n. ni. Home of ill ' l’o„r...4lli Sunday nt 4 o'- clt ck p, in. LA rilOLIC LHL KLH. -'ANDERSVI! LE..„Services every 2nd Sunday in each month, At Saint Wil liam’s lliureli, CENTRAL On 1,mi i,ffeMl,n^Vn^£Af 8 . 87 will rm.imP.rtly units, marked /, which are Daily except Sunday. T w,,lcl * The Standard time by' which them train. LvHav’h 7:10am 8,20 pm515 A. tn „„ A. Milieu 0;40nni Ui./dMi. ’&OpmV^ ^ ArAngUAta l;45p^a,:0am 9;35pn. ‘ iwopm -M pm 1:17 a m ‘HOprn 3:20am 5;40 p m 7;I5aui 2:45 p nr Ar Tennille Ar Macon Ar Atlanta Ar. ColumbliH 0;30 p in Ar Montgomery 7:25 a m 7;00 i, Arhufaula, 4;33 » 3;50pm Ar Albany 10;00 p ... 2545 » m \uftr Nylvunin, SunderMTill^ Si’S! 1 ■ ■ rSra, ■ nd la, lllakcly and CJuvton alimild ,i._ lllakcly and Clayton ahoidd take 8;20 p m tram, ln 1.0.00 P m CjOoam lA Mhcoii J 0;.{.i h iu 10;> r >0 p m th« gladly p —o— SPECIAL MEETIMUS. LADIES I’ll VYElt MEETINO...Every Wednesday at 3 o’clock p. m. MENS PR l YEll MEETING.... Every Wednesday nigln. BAND OF HOPE...Every Friday evening at 3;00 p m. GOLDEN REAPERS...Every Friday eve ning before the lal Sunday iu each month at 3;00 p. in. BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY... Meets Monday after every 3rd .Sunday in each month. ADMANS MISSIONARY SOCIETY...Ev cry jl/omlay after the l»t Sunday in each niimtli at 3;D0 p. 111. Y M. C. ASSOCIATION...Regular meet ing, every Tuesday night, in tho City Council Chamber, Devotional Kxerciaes every Sunday evening, at the Baptist Cliureh immedi ately after Methodist Sunday Sellout. All young men cordially invited to both meetings. W T. I'...Meets at the Bapsist Church. Tuesday before tlie 4rd .S'unday, at -1 p. m in each month. THE METHODIST... Parsonage Aid so» i ety meets every 1st Tuesday m Augusta and J/aeqn, Kavaimah 1 the Mcth uesday odist Church at 4.00 oclock p. in. PROTRACTED MEETING...At Smyrna M P. Ciin, pastor Saturday before the 4th Sunday in August. SUPERIOR COURT CALENDER. HON. JAMES. K. HINES, Judge. COL. O II. ROGERS, Sul it r or Ouir.rul A. M. MAYO, Clerk. C. A. WALL, Sheriff. $100 to $300 woikiii.!; The Union Signal, $1.50 a year; The Young Crusade!', 50 cents a year; towns anti cities' Oak and Ivy Leaf, 20 cents at i & CO., 1013 Main street, Richmond A MONTH can be made lor us, A gents preferred who enu furnish their own horses and give their whole time to the business Sparc moments iruy lie profitably employed also. A few vacancies in ‘ ■ ‘ 15. F. JOHNSON ■ u,ioiii Sleeping ears on all iriunii between Sav Savannah and 1U11I Atlanta, Macon and Columbus” Irani leaving at 8;20 pm and arriving it ,j,5j a m will not atop to pul off or take on passenger* between Savannah and, MiG I, 'mcid,; eCt ‘? ur at 1 Sjw 1 nna1 ' *»kli Savannah i.i Flmida' d " K«ilvaa>- for all points Tickets for all points and sleeping car bertha on sale at city office, No. 20* Bull street, and depot office 30 minute* hetor, departure ol each train. ’ G A WHITEHEAD _ K SHA'r,Tl.kg7 < w”t | " A ““ <1TY DIKLU TOKY ^ Mayor, J. N. Gtf.jrottK, Mayor Pro Tern W. R. TjikjI'kx. Aldermen. 15. K. Rouoiitox, J. 15. RoHKitTS. A, M. Mavo. •S. G. Lam;. Clerk. C. IJkkky Mtieiiti-r,. Treasurer. 15. *T. Taiihutton. Marshal. It. M. Ritotv.v. yaar. Ya. TOWN of TENNILLE. MAYOR. Johu Harman ALDERMEN J D Franklin, H S Hatch W J Joyner, J. F. Murchison. CLERK S H B Massey, MARSHAL ‘ A 23 3m (; Hamilton WJl 3 S 5