The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, September 27, 1887, Image 3

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Wn ■ SSdsst (]ITV ANI) corxit >«. r ^Mr SUNSCRIBKM /sa to itMi lUr PAVER, thry <nB pfow. noft'/y «• ^Ihs/MtimfetUatAy. rUKSDAT, September 97th, 1887 — }l>ruLIIHEU »»( — A.J. Jbhnigan&Co., — )|’U*I.HU*E* ft rHO|-REiToM.( POWDER Absolutely Pvra. Thin powder uevsv varWa. A Marve parity, **rrwgth asd whotc.nm.iiM Kurt ennuiftJfil than the itr4l«irjr iiaj >•4 o(»w«t U nM In eo«|ialiti<Mi with the ivuliitiiiU of to* torio, cksrt weight alum Col A Q Tunstull i. » t homo Mr R. V, Jones has returned the city. to w uhon|>it< pitle. M *u3v ii Rot 41. P»Wt»*a Co. It M Y. pm 10« well REMOVAL. I havemoved to the itore formerly occupied liy J, |), Newman, and am better prepared than ever to aerve customers, with the best goods at lowest prices. TlitnkCut for i>ast lavors, and solic iting a conbiiM Uncfc, llcSpoCtfuilv, V. iACKSOX. —*-~ Joltunie I lobk, Suporior Court’has adjourned Mr Thomas Adams siya he did not purchase |jhe gout and wagon The Grand Jury Treicntmsnt* ippears in tftiif issue, and is aq ei|le document, , V ( . Ths case •(Bloiiot ya’ the City,- a verdict was BRpderad in favor ‘ of Blount for $10a «m»»-4 *• George Retool colored was ieo- tenced to tkespcwtontiftrylbr three yeare (or etnbeaclmsnt. Two colored men near Wartheu l*» into a diaiiMMMhihiie friv ol* matter and passed random dole at each otto**. " ’ * • ».w, Marrikd—On Sunday-last Wg« Wn. Duggan, K. P, Mr. Viuiun V. Tannof ud Minnia L. Nc«tt, all ot Washington connty, ; * The day train on tho iMd arrives at 10 oolo^Bsnhd |g«ves w S 2<>, p. m. this giyy^ our citizens |' w ?!*»« 4 ihfipjo to ''spend ■w hours in our city, G T Bailcy x Sc Co have opened •Grocery store next door to Dug> 'Mnd Son, they pre clever gentle w and deserve n liberal share of "♦public patronage. Ik* survivors of the fiflth Ga. 'gi'nent arc earnestly requested ts 10 “icet in Macon on the 26th Oct. h| t»t 10 o'clock a. in. at such place **'* committee of the survivor 8 •"wiatioa may direct. resent to our readers in this an array ot Advertisements of ®t the best business houses in “luita. You will find their 1 to suit the times and their “II right uod wn apeak for <* liberal share of the patronage. Miss TiIHe Rennoy of Augusta, has returned home. OrAJK.W.ofM.o™, ... i„ the city Tuesday. Miss Georgia Duggan of Lintou, w m the city last Week. Prof, Walter Whitaker has re- turned to Alt*. Miss Mattie Cason of Jewells is visiting Mr Wm Martins family. Dr H N Hollifield who has bean quite sick, is improving. Mrs John A Quinn has returned from Virginia. Dr BE Parsons of Wairenton. visited his brother Mr 8 L Parsons last wetk. Mrs Dr llmntley and Mrs Dr. Hatch of Tehnilje, who have been visitlAg Mrsfdppencot of Philadd- phin, huVe returned home. • *• Mr Clarance Peacock is attend< ing the Kirkwood Military Insti tute near Atlanta. Mrs J B Evcritt, of Thomas county, is in tbs city tho guest of Judge aud Mrs J T Youngblood. Mr Charlie 8 Wood of the firm ^ 8 Wood avd Bro, Commission Mcicliauts of Havanuab, is iu the «ity. Col C S llarhy of Greenville, Elm, attended the marriage of Mr 8 M Hitchcock and Miss Sal lie Taliaferro/ Col T O Wicker, who has been quite *ick, woare glad to aee. is able to be out agaiu • C.ipt. P R. Taliaferro, Dr. G W H. Whitaker, and Rev. B II Ivey, attended the Baptist Association at Sparta Ikat week. ROBSON TAX CASK. When on last Friday morning the case of'the State vs Jesse A Itolmon was called, Mr. Robson tailed to put In an appearance. Judge Jenkins presiding, ordered Mr..It’s bbnd for reited and directed the Sheriff to have III ns arrested by telegraph, or "".V other wmt. Mr-Wall wired to the Chief ol Police at Atlanta, Sa vannah, Macon, and Milledgvillei re- qacHiug them to miike the arrest; •mi if mftile to be notified of It. On Saturday minting the Chief of t he Atlanta police wired to Mr Wall t he arre it made. Judge Jenkins or dered Mr Wall to go alter him. Soon aller a telegram was received from flun. R. J. Afo.v; aur Repreaentativc saying that lie won.d bring hfm home that evening, Mr. Wall did not go then. -Allerhis trg|\W. AT ieiinillc n nuw lmnd was made for mm to the auiouaterf AMOWIMftirii-. •or his appearance to the uext March Term of the Superior Court- Thetbllowiug-arehisboodss men, Messrs 8 G Jordan, G W Peacock, J W Renfroe Atlanta .1 A Robson; J W Robson, Reifi. Boatwright, Dr M G Hitch, W T Brantley G W Wylcy, JD Frank It i Sid Fughesly of Einauuoi »W M Peacock, R J Moye, j T --%*wT, wick aud D R l'luker Oar Align Mttft : Air vert Ineth. rosier St nssibif, Mess. Poster A Doughty, Cotton r actors and Couipressera, present their Card in th|s issue; announcing their readiness to' serve, any who may faVor them with Coiisigaments, their cliargns wru moderate,and facil Hies extensive for economically hand Hag the weighty packages la their very large warehonlfc With Uheqnhled receiving A dcilveilig' faciHMea, by rail-enable thenj.t^ saye drsyage. '•■isMa Jewelrv and IteUr • HsfiM; The ‘Augusta JewVlrr A Music .Ijouae at fi»8 B^oad Httwet Augusta G«., are on time with their Watches and Clocks, and have a splendid ns- Norpintat <+ J^p|lry.^r Musical liistrunenls an<I Sheet Mu sic in any quantity ; litre’s the plnie to get your money’s lyortlr. i Don’t forget it. Jewelry Ac' I'cpiiitcd by skillful workmen and thoroughly warranted, Uciiunuhec the oUee 138 Bhsad Street. Mrfi'lfi/JWI file is tin Money Tirloafi,' The undersigned are prejihred to LOAN UPON heal B8- lAlh, security or npproved C’OL- LATERAL paper. Terina ensy. Evans & Evans, J Aliorarjs Mi Law. Mr Wm Brantley and b# s^n near Rulillovillc, are quite sick Mr Soloman Brooks near He* brou, is very sick with lyphoid fe ver, Judge Hints «ni Solicitor Gen. yraf Rogers, are bolding Johusou Superior Court this week To tli6 Editor of .the Mkrcury < . ,. P 1 ttr( j® n , mo for*askin£ you to publish this letter ns a vindication ol myself trom tho slanderous at* tavk of treacherous friends in the George Jlobison uud the Odd fellows Lodge. . morning after the night that George says the money was pcrlotned lie came to me to go and fee the condition, and I being thq highest officer of tho Lodge he said it was best to tell me: I went and saw the window open aiid tracks leading from snmu. George tiled goes to Wesloy Simmons to’come imd see ,as I had «looe; <Wesl j* <»nio, aiid George told both of us [not together] the same story and'.* this beuig the entire business of’ i is the I’niprieter^ CrsaiisN* tleiaaSrr . Gtag^ton.and .Afii'kdujfc-r CotUm factors and Guam* Dealers, at 727 Kcynols street Augusta*3A'1 put. in Vlieia claim, fur recognition itr^Abr CouRgnmcnf of Cotton, kcsenre mon well known amongwwrVfcgusta traders. Whose affability uud mW, vity olWuirfierH liuvo already won a g(KHl share of eld Waahingtoil’s (nisi ness. Dealing very largely in Guano limy arc prepared to I'uruuli Crons, ton s Am. Dig. Cottontmml l'urc. Ruw..ftkm^ Meaty * Mgfr grade Acid Thus, ami Dissolved Bone wRh a pure article !njxmjH Ge«uau" K«nj| * l«*r yaur .WRoaffaffis] Crops aud the'pntfchvS orKing Cot* tou, Street, Augusta Ga. (better known as the L-e aud Iks.hwell will stand) present i i this issue their invitation to ’.he Merchants and Farmers of this section, to call when visiting the Gitv. They offer hardware, Agricul tnral*, Flow castings Harness, and just such nrtiuies the Karine -, Planter and his Tenants and Choppers are necmsurilv com pellc.1 to have; at bed-rock bottom prices. Now when von eension over the Narrow Gang-*, or go on special appointment step in and try, them hr a lew. You will 6ml them Courteous and at their immI ready to till Oder*. •AM mmS AHMSTNwm, We. take great pleasure in ( ailing thcfaUcutlon of the public te the ad- vertisment of Mess. Daly A Arm strong HI llrosd Street Augusta Ga Theirs is an old reliable House, and .well np dith the times in all their Branches of business. Dry Goods, Notions, Novelties, Ac. Samples’ will he s nt by malt on ap plica lsn. They., give a positive unqualified ii a ran toe on prices against every -arketinthe United State*. You ill loose nothjq^by examining tliclr £tovk aruk wo.feei e«kiideatAo exam ine will lie n temptation to piireliAte you cannot resist. ItemSmbcr 822 Broad Street, when visiting Augusta fi’i.i: )*■.*■ in*. our secret o^iyr I. ^pMnk it a r>’ to pc* ort the fiousetou Col C 8 Hnrky wi th lus t loVety young daughters MissM’Ida and Cora, who have becu visiting Augusta Mr l* R Taliufvrro s family left for id Hjivesjlhefr home in Greenville Fla, last Saturday; * Misses Chorilln Harman and An, nie Smith have gjue to the Lucy Cobb Institute. Mr F 8 Strange who was taken suddenly ill a iew days ago, we are glad to learu is better, necessary ro get on the housetop to (tfcacnj it; hut I notified the Dfcputy nt tho MitcheTs Lodjlfd vfpb scut uu examiner; this being flic diiVy require!'of me. Now^ slanderers,, of soy,'name take this occasion to sav l am ac cessary to tlm crime,’ ! to’’ these J say they are Use cnlohnntrt, ^, 1( ) strangers to truth ou’d'jusUce.' ■ * ■' ' __ Lewis Mathis-, T. L/ WINN, . PAINTER, House Painting, Gruiuing, Kaf sosnining, Pa]ier Hanging, *c., done with neatness and dispatch. Leave your orders at Dr Win Rawlings Drag Store HARNEY * RAMSEY. Karasev A Ramsey; at 613 Broad Street Augusta Ga. ure Boss Whole sale and reuil -dealers in cliojee family groceries and plantation sup. lilies. All have to eat unci many are very choice ns to- what tiiey cat. Wo venture the assertion, everything at tliis house good jrt the last. Don’t take our ford simply, prove it when in ncc*i oT*snytfiing in their line cail«on tiieist’or send,, your or- derq. Quicjf waits; sinali pruilts and fhn jiaupiuc** oJ'aMpastng is. tlisu uu4to. V See tliei rV^rd I ififfWft *. ue WHEEEMS STAMP PNESl fOMPAVV Tlie Wholes* Stamp l*rc»sjUo at 748-Reynold Slyeet AuglelHtX, olt^f what every man woman and child in WnsliingUin County wagjj. ne«»ii m,,l should have. Rubber stamps, lor marking clothing, quicklv, Qga|)y. ami in uniform style Oilit4 Seals, Badge?, Checks, Stencils^ Ac;, tiiey are the .sole inauiifactariiw of the Selfiuking,Rubber Stamp'p'rtnvftig P-»qns,‘«avetfouqp.t Mief jf kol’ wrder you need it,, send tor tlielr’CIreiriars •and see tho immehsc economy ii it* use. - "*' ” J. U, BAILEY A SOM James G. Bailey well known in th|e.sq our hands, even a pasfii. the new attraction , otlifinlT IJ Its 4l7#.II .* Warlheis Method lei Mevlval. It is quite refreshing when we are sufferiug from drouth, to learn of rc freshing showers near by. We are almost spiritual}- parohuti , no ; precep- tablc blessing having fallen u|fonour churc lifor some time therefore w-c arc greatly rejoicetl to hear of the copi- on* shower that fell on the church at: Mrs Boardman Joyner of dlcville is quite sick. Rids for iblic; -ugene Garlick, one of out "citizens, leaves for Augusta in Ult of employment among the J e “ 8 boil8 C8 of that City. We be* or Mr. Garlick a favorable .Wktion among those doing > 8 | u County. He is an » bookkeeper and accountant f 1 * 0 ’ c oni|)otent and reliable; j. ° ee * w arrantcd in saying any ° n gi ’ t ' B him will be well filled* Mrs Muttic Parker who has been visiting Capt. Ben Whiddons family has returned home. Mrs A T Linder and daughter Miss Jennie of Wrightsville, are the guest of Col E O Bostick’s fata. ilj- Oa Th Harried. trch 4? da * Iftat Ht th.Q.. Baptist ten ^ r - 8. Af Hitchcock «t •'•d Miss Bailie the lov» I . !r of Hon P R Taliaferro i 0 1 ^ r ,1W. A. J. Battle, of- 1*' ^ Je following were the >C’ r Dr H B Hollifiebl *yj“' e ’ T °yner, Mr Ash Jewel '•k »p le Mr Lop«w ^ Ml n RudUi,, « Dr J ^'ghsm M* IIarby ’ Mr C Hr?! L ° h “ Mi “ Car.. ^ ^as Ad. Ba aa a Mi ^ Planters 5 9IerchantH EXCURSION October, 5th, 1887. Qver the Augusta Gibson A San dsrsrille R. R. iu a Special Train of elegant Coney Island and l’assongor Coaches owe lUHnnun and sixtt miles for oxk BuaDMi) and rirw cists One dollar and a half from Sanders ville to Augusta and return or from any station to any station and return ItCtBTS LIMITED TO 500 OOOD OSLT ON TUI* M KCIAL. Train going to auousta and good on •ny train oomiug to bandkksville for five days after sale date. To afford Merchants and Planters an opportunity to visit Augusta or any station on the Naiisow Gauoe at cheap rates. A Superb train ot Coney Islaud and Passenger Coaches will leave Sandersville for Augusta and any station at 9.30 a in. Wednesday. Oct. 6th 1887- Buy your tickets from Agents. Col. R. M. Mitchell Press, and Gen. Manager* j Wnrthcn, dining the last series of meetings conducted by .their pastor. Rev. Aron Denion.ypssis^Mfi by Rev, G. S. Johustoq, or IlliTs city. The Holy Spirirdecended in .such |>owcr that several men of advanced age came out upon the fiord’s side, such men ns will he of great benefit to the church. There were fourteen addi tions to the church. Our much es? teemed friend, Col. Thomas Warthen- wc are glad to learn was one of the number. Mr S. J. Al for a joined also We hope the Lord will continue to bless them. Groceries of all KindVctreap at Frank Castellcw’s at Whitakcr|s old stand* , -*• ' '** in New Goods for the rail trade, ns enumerated in their udvertismeuti in this issue elai.n more than' ordinary inspection notwithstanding the prob ability or a very short harvest; after such flattering prospects to the plan ter many will want, and purchase household articles for time and util ity and if vou go to ftfeilq}’’* y ou w |*j be surely H-warded for the trip and in your humnness oviAu big bargain gat ibrget^thank u¥ for ci^in^ you * ROWI.KS' Mess, Flemming A Bowles, the pro- prielores of the Augusta Furniture palace, present a samp!* schcdtis! of prices in their advertisement shown on another column, which is fully worth your while to stop and read. Mr Bowles hss dealt with so many of our patrons, that no word of eoinmen- dutiorf is needed from us* aad those ■wfarowce purchase, after sccarching *around generally find they have niiadea bargain* aud one not soon Jorgqtton, but unnniiibured with pleas ure in comfortable enjoyment of the article |tossessed. Nothing adda to the attractiveness of home, makes til e Good Lady more eoalenUed and and agreable than a nice set of fur niture and 'while putting in your per munent improvements don't lorget this little item. Gail on them at 838 Broad Street Augusta Ga. Wo know from experience. All artiulea sate fully packed from a neat picture Tram* to the in mt elaborate Parlor Suit. FIMB J BU1QLAR8 t THIEVES! S-fi.r’ES! OUR VICTOR tonumil&lllllB safe i. MwtUmini N«. i. Faemers' Ms*, MxIML Nn.1. Noneeheltf Mie, 22xl5xt8, Me. I. |ma(t Deefoee' Wie, 28> «*. »- nemn veew**’ Wie, 2txMxl8, 4. Peetmeeteee' aad ORee tlxe, 33x22x22, Ho. 4 has Inside door, with flat key look, f O* horglar-pn lof eoasMa* otlon lock, safe, adapted in eepacMf Md price to smt their requireBMXte. The victor is first-clase in every ram E? ct ’ A "Z n ! m4 aad con structed In the mostlmpraved manner. We now use on each and every mi* •nr new nea-piekable emnMastlnn leek, and inside bolt-work. It he* all mud corners, exterior beautifully finished end ornamented by hand with all burnished portions nickel-pUwd. ^Interior nicely fitted np with mb-trem- uriee, book-spaces, and pigeon-holes. weight. III lb*. ,r MO lb*. P. L. HATES, ‘ Painter. House Painting, Graining, Kal* sominiiH?, MarUilizing, Glazing, Pajhdr Hanging, &c. Leave your onlurs at Dr. A Mathis’ Drug Storo. 8m (TP. WILDER AND PICTUi E FRAME MaMPAI’TIIKR, ficbtt Strut, '• lifiuU firga GOOD ADVK F. “I used It in the suring of 1866 with excellent resultsfor bronchitis and catarrh, and 1 have taken pleas ure in recommending it to invalids. Several have sent for it and it bar- worked well. I think it will do good in nil,’ So writes a Clergymen In Portland, Me. when w:iting Oct 1! 1886. to Drs. Starkey A Paled to send him another full Treatment of Compound Oxygen. This Comyound Oxygen has history (wonderful in its way, and worth reading by everybody whose life is worth preserving. This his tory is embodied in a very interest, ing two hundred page treaties which is scut free by mail on application. Please address Drs. Starkey A Pslcn 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa., «EO. W, CHAME. We present to our readers in this issue the Card of Mr. Geo. W. Crane Cotton factors and Com mission-Mer chant ot Augusta Ga. who Ii:m an ex|>encncc ol thirty two- years in handling the fleecy staple, having boon from its existence a member of the firm of Wright A Crane of that City. Whoever may favor him with their consignments (anil we beeocmb tor hfiu a».lliteral shareyvijl HaSmu and. wftli tho vim to i*Jet--all jtetition; having the experienced judgment of years, an accumulated capital for any necessity. Mr Crane is an old soldier of the war. ham-ain served us,2nd Lieutenant 4e m<*'-wi tirn Ga.' Regiment with zeal and fi deiity. .. . WHELESS STAMP PRESS -COMFANT.- 141 MH0L0S STRICT, MNVSTfi, filMIl I Agents Wanted! Catalogue Kant! RUBBER STAMPS, 8EAL8, BADGES, CHECKS, STEN CILS. STEEL STAMP8, Ac., ^ Sole Monufaeturera of The Whcicse Melf.leklai Neb. berMaayPrieUei Pm*. Sep-27 ’87*ly. •00 lbs. 140.00 •00 lb*. IM.00 . . , . ..... , duplicate keys, finb-troaenricn have flat key-locks, with duplicate keys* IT* are sole oemen of patents and sole manufacturers at the Victor fifes. We caution persons against making, buying, setting or using safes snfnngma on our patents. ip paknU ' 11 ** dangerous to buy fisrp person wko is sntmed of a 'safe will find it profitable to correspond with « *» once, before an agency iseeUbllahcd in his locality, and receive the benefit of owBpeiiatQfer in open territory. W* want ftowraf Mseokants and Dssdsrs to help ns carry out our .fwbr Stow Co-opmiOr* Tins. EsecSssioe control free. A highly profiUbln connection to last MobeWy for a life-time. Ritt east but onosmitarn pastel card to learn fall parti. ■ l iTniiriii^rn! 01 *! 11 ^ S ”* ou ■W»c*Ron* In writing us menUon a. . ^ Til Wh SH> fc LiR Co^ CMC-AIH I. N. W. MURPHEY, Broad Street, Augusta, 9eorgia. KHOKS y °" * f ° W ° f l,i ’' ,,ricCT ,n and The Oriel,rated Jinnee Mrinie $.1,00 Short, The Crlihmteil A .1 Ilnltl,- Shore „„ "i/ttroganfrom n.uu wp Jhr All So/nt w 11/ 1 In,i/dnt frntn% 1,00 up Lae tire Fine Kill Shine $1,00 yi-WOT WmAM.lHIWOH.B. | fcSit HLftficSOil* iSStfiwSi?"“**"“'“* * ool “ ,, f.* ■erklra’i Arwicw Swlve. Tho Beat Salve iu the werld for cats Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Klieum, Horo *' Ttttter ' Chapped Hunds Chilblain*, Come, and all SkinErup- lions, and positively cures Piles, o uopuy required, it ia guarantee Ml fR ve perfect satisfaction, or mone fWfiffifle.1. Price 25 cents per box FOifSALE BY DR. liAWUNGS Slop to $300 The good pooplp of Washington are respectfully invited when A a nOte Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines Repaired by K. TWILLLY, on ♦I^rnifin n6it to Mr. Uenj* 4 Wiudflou’fl residence. Best Green Cofie 25et at Fruilc Castellaw’s Whitak-'r’s old stand. A Coburotion—I did not come from Sparta ns the Middle Georj Progress stated, but from Chari ton, 8. C- .• Nelson. Fresh hafns‘ r tbr «ale at F. M. Castcllaw’s * Fresh canned goods of the best brands at F M Castellaws <jy. - visit tho City of Augusta to nil the old reliable shoe and hat house of N. W. Murphey tlieir Head- t^urif- tors for Boots Shoes and Hats; (bis is liic oldest aud one of the most reli able Business Houses in theCityl L Mr. Murphy would lie glad to t any of his old friends qf-’Aflti BdUi«Ci>L dayrf and ill the young folk oi vhi4 ?; Washington Co. The Merchants are res|ieetfullyrtinted to examine his goods' before purchasing else where, as.he invites wauMjetitjon, for quality none can" undersell him, for reliability he has the confidence of., nil Who know him, for a firilnn'd selected stock none can ‘Jt 1 ’*- 1 ] Read his advertisement. No 564 Broad 8t. JESSUP BltOTHEKfS Mess Jessup Brotiiers, Jobliers and Retailers step to tho front with thfcir Cooking and heatifig (Moves End with A J/ONTH _ __ can be .mad* *)rkiiig tor us, AgyA'w •qimferml niotsitt fflrnish tlieir nvrn horses and gimheir whole time to th^huviness _gi*hicnta may he profitably y«(Lalso. A iew vacnicica in town* and cities* B. F. JOHNSON A CO., 101J Main street, Richuxond l ! ' ■Ya. A-TaSm’" AUGUSTA, - FURNITURE - PA3UA0ET Th« Hlggest Boom Ever Heard oft LOOK AT THESE PRICES AND BE. . . CONVINCED: A GOOD BE.VDSTAD for $1.50 worth $2,00 A NJCI*. BURBAU for $0,00 worth $7,00 A COMFORTABLE LOUNGE for $4,s$ worth ti.50 A GOOD MATTRESS for $2,00 worth *2/>0 * A STRONG CHAIR for 40c worth 50c sorfrvhitt ( ii M | K S T ,01 ? j5 » eo wortl * #18,00 P A to Lfi w n itoV^' ? 00, l be l t *? r 5 00 * W woith $40,00 NH’F KiTt' lUe< J n ^J.'Mlijlw $85.o0 worth $45,00 NICE 1IC1 UHK8 Largo Sue lor 75c* worth $I.oo 5 OIL PAINTING8 Gilt Frames for $»2,00 worth $4 00 BABY CARRIAGES all Styles $0,00 to $.>0,00 ’ We know you will -say how can this thing be. Wo Answer* We buy for CASH; Every tiling New, Stylish and Fresh. ’ 3f*Call ami see us, or write for illustrated catalogue und price lists. FLEUING & BOWLES. The Leaders! *38 Bread, and 837 Kills Streets, elUQlST.1, GEORGIA. CARPETS and HOUSEFURNISHING GOOOS. 1NH7. Mew (woods. Fall Trade. 18HT. Window Nliade* aojl L»ce Curtains, Wilton, Velvet, BruH»el«,3-ulv Uwrnin Ar ‘ ^ r,Wt ’ Windcw Shade, of every size a»cf (dor, e.uhriee- iauui. Citon and Napier Muffing., Floor Oil Cloth, and l.ino- J*** Curtain.,* Window Cbrnicca and Pole^ New Walnut. Cherry, A.h, and /tra»M t;.,rm c *. and Foie*. Turcoman Ourtaius and Draiierie., Uplml.tery Good* Kaw » ' ,n “ ’ r w ,e , t . y I . of I >ut,ernH ; Fringe, in all Odor., Hair 6’lo h Cane und Gitnp and /luttoiu*. Wall Paper., Borden and Decoration.. * Just Opened For All Trades, JJrrY ltEGisTHATioy. My opsn fdr the ragiatradun of votei hir iba «Te'c j'vu for fttayoraad Aldermen on October 5th lehfiook. .wilt elo*e Wednesday 28 1887 ■t. V '■■' i c HEXKY MITCHKLL. i “I'AKNEmi MVOHITE.” Is meeting with satisfactien with planters in; Washington county, to ilsi*foun'd at Kifreka Mills. 7-14t Ttix Yodcp for 87. ..FI^ST ROUND: •'•Twill be at (he following Precinct, oa the day mentioned below for the puruoae of col. feeling Tax Taberiiacle 1115 September 22nd Clay. 100 Friday 9 to 12 - '•* 23rd Uunkeoiub 138 •• 12 to 3 •• Sun Hill 93 Monday - Wartben. )3. r >0q'itrsday Tennille 1350 tVrdiU’nday ltoatwright 90 Cutott. 95 Friday tvile. 90 Monday October Oil Painting., Engrav ing and Chramo.. Proora., Duster., ba.l-.el., ;w Mul, Wnl- at'} .wert Piioes^ Atri P" for lh>or* and Window., to keep out cold, and all told JAMES G. BAILIE & SON, Chronicle Building, 714 Broad .Street, Augii-tn, Georgia. E. S. LANGMADE, ATTOIIMSVAT LAW, SAMPBmSVILLE. Oft. s. o. B. D. Iron, Ja Albion Cooking Stove cut a big slice in the Cajce, presenting this quality; backed by a reputation of filW>n W»rs, standing the fire in the vukina- Tk«4»y ry departments as a Ne Pit* Ultra. e.Ine^ay When needing anythig like ““ in Iron or Marble, Grates otr 'Tin ' •are give them a trial order.. They . .... obligate to plcoae. See tlicrr fldtti - Wednemlty tiscuicnt elsewhere inlthia issue; ICieSelfc*id»J f384 Thiiniday . Jowys 92 Friday „ J4th AHRIMtiTON 4k COOPER,^.WjlktoAn Serder.ville Every Saturday Ilrbron 98 Tiiurtday ' 88th Friday fitltoif 91 Monday Woroiuack. 89 Tuesdav'’ 23rd 211th 27th 28th 29 th 30th 3rd 4th 5th tith 7th 10th llth I2lh 13th 14th EVANS ft EVANS, attorneys at law - SANDBBVILLE. OA. F.S. SAFF0LD, attornky at law, •AlDUSmiX, GA. jjljl FjitUssixMnh* Court. Of tbs ■i441s Circuit aad ia ths counts lurrouuding Waahingtoa. Special ah touMou given to soaswerrial law. G. W. H. WHITAKER, DENTLST SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA. —TERMS CASH.— Otllee upstairs in the Photo- ffiafih Gallery formerly occupied by T. C.‘ Glenn, Joues Building. Apr 20-’80 H. N.HOLLIFIELD PHYSICIAN * SVOEON, Sandersville, Georgia. Office next door to R. T. Walker’s Grocery Store. Patronize Home In* dustry. EUREKA HILLS, Sandersville Qa. T HESE mills tire now making the best FUtur arid Meal of any mill in tlio country. Every accommodation is provided for people coining in from a distance. Honest men arc ia charge, and EVERY POUND of ., Meal, Flour and Bran iliat the wheat and corn wiilmukois GUARANTEED TO THE CUSTOMERS of the mill, less the toll. So bring in your WHEAT AND corn at the same time and thereby save going to mill twice. (J. 1L PRINGLE, Prop’tei* 7 -9 8 £—tf .J L. YAOlt, Miller