The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, October 18, 1887, Image 3

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jjjyrY A«p COUNTY "jf n nj of our SUBSCRIfiERS full to re • K Heir PAPER, they will please notify us d,e fad immediately. TUESDAY, OCTOBER lSlli, 1S87 ' —M'UllLIiiUEt) I!V( — y. J. JERNIGAN& Co., ^.Jpuiii.isiiEHS .v ruornEiTons.(— POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tliis powder never varied. A marve of parity, strength and wind pro men oa jfore economical than lie ordinary kind mil connot lie sold in competition with the multitude uf low louts, short weight nhiin orphospntc powder. Hold only in cans. Koval Dakino Powder co. 10(1 wall St N Y. PERNOMI. Bnv vonr Cotto Press Hope a LANG <£ WILT’S mnl nave money Miss Lula Parsons attended *lhe marriage of Miss Annie Gnl 1 filler. Mrs Mitchell i3 visiting her dauglitei Mrs C 13 llendrix of llilcdgevillo. Col. N. W, P. Bacon, of Crawford- tillc was in the city last week, in view of locating. Jlisa Callie Wood is visiting Mr Win Avant in tlio county. Macon wants 2000 young men to march in lino on the 26th. Miss Bobbie Gtiuse has returned to her home in Millodgevillo. Mr John Bayne of Milledgeville ms in the city Wednesday. Mr Will Guost of Foukecpsie, N. Y. was in tho city hist week. Mr J Lofton of Chatanoogn nt* imloil ilao marriage of Mr Porter Hale. Mr Win Avant of this county was married to Miss Etta Bower nl Irwin ton ou last Tuesday, Bov W S Baker. Tho Editor and Indy spent scv-. ttil days in Augnsta last week, Col. 0. II. Rogers and lady' have returned from visiting relatives in Milledgeville. Mrs. R. R. Powell and children of Bogeravillo, Tenn., are stopping at the Gilmore House. We were glad to meet our old friend Dr. J. 13. Barwick and bis ex> cellent Indy in Augusta last week. Sow Oats cRdXyo when it rains. A cold wave struck our town last week. Quito a largo crowd from our city attended the P.edmont Fait this week Jiulge J. K. Hines and Col. O. H Rogers will hold Bulloch county Su perior Court next Monday. Dr J. B. Barwick 1ms lndlt a nice residence at Blythe on the A. 0, & S Railroad. Sandcrsvillc was well represented at the Hancock cocnty Fair in Sparta last week. When you go to Augusta to purchase shoes, he sure to call on N W Murphey and Son. Tho Ordinary lnul the flag staff taken off the Armory building, last Wednesday, as was recommended by tho last Gtarul Jury. Mr. M. W. Still wall has made some shelving and a prescription desk for Messrs. Alex Smith & Co. which does him much credit. Al - . M. llupp has pnrcliascd n lot ou Harris street and will soon have a handsome residence built. A big excursion to Augusta on lint A G Si S idload to-day $100 the round trip. O11 Thursday morning last the Gin house ot C<>1 ihotuns War- then, at Wnrlhcn, caught lire Uv>m the fiiclion of the. press and burned to the ground, 'flic house contained uu engine, press, 18 hales of cotton, etc. The loss is estimated at three or lour thous and dollars. The New Council was installed on Wednesday night and Mr Robert M Brown wne elected Marshall Dr. J- B. Roberts Treasurer, and Mr A. M. Mayo Clerk MARRIED. Mr Porter Hale a rising young tow of Ohatanooga, Tenn,, and brother to Mrs E A Sullivan of our city was married to Miss Annie Gallaher, daughter of our esteems ^ townsman, Mtvj Win Galluher, nine o’clock on last Wednesday .morning at the Baptist Church, by ^ ev Geo S Johnston, The church handsomely decorated. After ceremony, a reception was ten- dered at tlie residence of the brides filter. The happy couple left on " le e ^veti o’clock train, for Chata., :^°8 a * their future home, We * l8 h them a pleasant voyage on llf e's sea. Mie bride and groom will attend 5 e Piedmont Exposition on their "8)’ to Ohatanooga. Bie presents were elegant. fonts 6 full0wi ”S were t * ie ft Uen- Mf John Lofton, of Chatanooga, '!'* 1 Miss Mattie Ainsworth; Mr ^ Cohn, with Miss Lena ^ties, of Ainericus; Newman v* l a * l ® r i with Miss Minnie Bell, y '' Newman, with Miss Lula e fJ ‘ Fcrinillo; Mr Alex Smith, '•'Miss Nora Cohn: Air Morris ln, w 'th Miss Gussie Joyner; y‘ Mill Guest of Poukeepsie, N K Miss Mary L Bayne; Mr Jii ytocof Milledgeville. with Lula Papons; Mr H T Gib- D r 1’ Miss Wrllo Park; and * Holliiield, with Miss Eliza ft! ii, T, C. BUGII T. C . Bliglt tit 840jjB:oad Street Augusta Gtt., oilers some rare liar gains in his line of Crockery and Glassware, unit is prepared to wait on callers, who may favor him, with that prompt courtesy, so general among Augusta Merchants. On the favorite excursions over the A. G. A S. Road, don't forget him, but sup ply all deficiencies in yotti Crockery a are. GEO A. OATES. George A. Oates, of Piano’s Organs and New Music, has no end, wo like to have called him one of Augustus Contennariuns, having known hi in so long, and to excuse our thoughts and what we like to have sttitl, will ask our renders Don’t you know gates," not to know him argues your sell'unknown, for latest songs he al ways had them, and instruments of the best quality, his is unrivaled. Call and see him or send your oilier. V. RICHARDS. V. Richards’ Frcdrickburge Store still keeps its deserved lively and popular place among Augusta’s Sltowey Dry Goods Stores, and with an array of smiling clerks ready on tho alert to capture, entertain and supply any crowd, don’t be afraid, excursion right on them, they will welcome you with hospital tongues and give full ‘‘value received" for every nicklc you leave. PIC LOT and COLE. Messrs Peiott & Cole, showed ns through their extensive Gallery on Broad Street G28 and we can scarcely remember when and where to have seen such an array of lile like pic tures. they are fully up in their pro fession, and present opportunities not always at hand lor securing the ‘Slmddow on the substance fade’’ and ifyou desire having mementoes that will stand the racket of time, dust anil decay patronize them and further, il you have the face ol a friend long departed, you would have enlarged, and framed, lobiighton up memories, they are prepared to cn- latge to Cabinet, and life size, any such keepsake, call on them they are never too busy fora welcome and will please you in serving your wants. PERKINS MANUFACTURING CO The attention of Builders, and nl anticipating permanent improve ments on their property, is called to the advertisement of the Perkins Manufacturing Company, to be found iu ibis issue, tor doors, sash, blinds mouldings banisters, and brackets, they are prepared to furnish afly kind and quantity, and at the most reasonable price. Their extensive Saw Mills located in the town of Harrison, on tho W. T. & D. Rail Road, arc prepared to furnish any quantity and quality ot lum oer, shingles, lathes, etc., or cut to-or der any size bill and compete in price with any parties offering same class of goods. Send them your or der it will be tilled with dispatch. PELOT * (Eli, ■Plaotograplscrs.- <*28 ltrontf St., Augusta, Best Photographers in the State at lowest prices. Old Photographs ami Daguerreotypes le-produced into any size desired. OliDENT MUSIC HOUSE in the State. Established in Augusta 1848. Geo- A. Oates ts happy to inform ids Friends and I he Public, that he is still able to fur nish Pianos, Organs. And Otuer-Musical Instruments, of the host Manufacture, and AT AS LOW P1UGE3 as can bo found any where. Having sold Pianos in this city for nearly 40 years, and very many of them, ho is proud to say that lie 'has never hud to take ou 1 back for infe riority, ns be always kept such as be c mid recommend. He will be pleased to show bis goods to any one, wheth er they wish to buy or not. A full iloek of I.NBTItUMENTM mill M USIO a ways ou band at his store, 1HS, Mill St., Augusts, taeoi'Kiii, T. C. BUG IMPORTER and JOBBER OF Gli/iss, CRIJ'la EjmTflEJ<Wjip, LAMPS, BRACKETS and CHANDELIERS, —STAMPED AND PIECED TINWARE,— -HOUSE - IFtTIRKriSiHiXKra- QOODS,- <■ 040 BROAD S i’EEET, , TRADE MAHIT V REaifTCim. Wff— *880 Arch Street. Phllad'a, Pa. A Well Tried Treatment For CoiiMiniiillon, Axthinn, Ilroiiclills, Dyspepsia. Uiihurli, liny Fever, lleail- iiclte, Delillllj- itliciumilisiii, Neuralgia, and alt Chronic and Ferrous Disorders. When "Compound Oxygen" is inhaled tin; liemt 1ms impnrtcd to it increased vitality 1 lint Organ semis forth the blood with more force and less wear to itself; the vital cur rents h-nv on llodr circuit new deposits vital force in every coll oftissac over which tliev pass and retarn a#, in for a new sop ply. This simple story is the rational ex- plinalion of the greatest advance that medi cal science has yet made, “The Compound Oxygen Treatment ’ which Drs. Starker & I’aicn, No. 152!) Aren Street, Pliiiadelplim, have been using An tile last sixteen years, is a scientific adjust ment of tlie elements of Oxygen and Nilro gen magnetized, ami thccnmponnd is so eon ilensed and made portable that il is carried by express to every portion of tho country —indeed, it is sent ull over tlie world. Dus. Sahkey & Iiave the liherf to refer (m proof of their standing as Phy. siciallS) to tlie following named 'Veil-known persons who have tried their Treatmen I Ion. William D. Khi.i.kv, Member oj Chtigress, Philadelphia, Rev. Yimt'oR L. Comuau, Editor Lutheran Observer, Philadelphia, IfKV. Oil.MILKS W. CltsIlINU, Editor American Reformer Xr.o York, IIox. Wu.i.iM 1‘unn Nixon. Editor Inter-Ocean, Chicago, It, Junoi: Josni-it It. Flaniiuhs, Temple Court, AVu- I ork. Mas. Makv A. Caiok, W idow of the late Dk IIaiiVEV ('ax<)R Onnden. New Jersey Mils AlAltY A Douuhty, Jamaica, Long Island Xcv York Mrs Marv A LtVKu.MOltK Melrose Massachusetts Judcik It S VooltilKES, Few York City MrUki.uoe \V Edwards l vopt’r St George,s Hotel Philadelphia, Mk Frank Siduall A veil-known Merchant, Philadelphia Mr William II Wiutkly, Silk Manufacturer Philadelphia, Pa, And many others in every part of tlie U H Augusta., - Georgia Perkins Manufacturing Co. -AND THE— PUBLIC m GENERAL.! Accept my sincere and hearty thanks lor (he kind patronage extended to mo for the len'. QUARTER OF A"CENTURY, For a number of years T have retrained from advertising, owing to tho absurd methods practiced hv many to catch the public eye. Ou entering the SECOND QUARTER of my business career, I requst o my Friends upd Customers in Augusta, tin neighboring Counties and the public in general, a careful examination ot my JXTe’w. Stock oth WHOLESALE & RETAIL. It in not my intention to advol iso goods below cost and then when they tiro called lor by cu.jto mors to inform them that tlm last piece has just been sold, nor will make use ot any such artiiices to entrap the unwary; on tho contrary I will inform you through tho pross^of such bargains as are to Lm found daily' on my counters. Asking for a continuance of your trade, IJfprotnise [the racsi carelul attcntionjto your wants, and will guarantee honest quautD, quality' and price. AixsTi hit nnjiaiaimH:v W1 iOLESALE & RETAIL MERCHANT, 810,1 BROAD SItTEET 810 AUGUSTA, GA, -MANUFACTURERS OF Yellow ]Pme Siambcr. Dressed and Matched Flooring and Coiling, Weathcrboarding Rough nnd F itiDli, Window nnd Door Frames. Lumber Worked to Ol d-r. Largo si okof moulding always onjhaml anil special designs cut to onl-r. SHINGLESAND LATHS. Saw. Shingle and Platting Mills, are Located at Harrison, Georgia. W. & T. railroad, Where We Invite l’eiHonal Inspection of. P®-Prices Cheerfully Given by Mail. Our Factory at Augusta Ga - , (urns out daily immense quantities of Doors, Sash Blinds, Brackets, Balusters, Hand Uailins, Newels, Stair Wotk, etc. Price list and catalogue of this department sent on ap plication. Perkins Manufacturing Company. '‘Compound Oxygen—its Mode of Action and Results" is tlm title of 11 volume of nearly 200 pages, by Dro Starkey A I’uleu which gives to nil inquirera full information as to ihi remarkable curative agent and a large record ol suprising cures in a wide range of chron ic cases—many of them being abandoned to die by other physicians, it will hemailad tree’ an address on application SJSCS STAKKUY A IMLEN. I.VJS) Arch St., I»liil«dcl|*IUtt r Kiicklcii’s Arnica Sailvc. Tho Best Salve in tlio world for cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped IL-nils Chilbluiun, Corns, and ail Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Files, o no pay required. It ia guarantee to give perfoot satisfaction, or mone refunded. Price 25 cents per box FOR SALE BY DIt. RAWLINGS Tax Notice for H7. FIRST ROUND. I will ho at tlie following Precincts on the day mentioned below for the purpose ofeol. leeting Tax Tabernacle 1315 Thursday September 22nd Clays 100 Friday 9 to 12 " 23rd Blinkcomb 130 " 12 to 3 " 23rd Sun Ilill 93 jl/onday " 20tli Warthens 1350 Tuesday .. 27lli Tennille 1350 Wtdimsday .. 23ili Boatwright 90 Thursday .. £9th Catoes 95 Friday .. 30th ClileH 9ti Monday October 3rd Davisboro 94 Tuesday .. 4th Riddlevillo 1253-Wednesday .. fitli Deep Step fit) Tiitirsiluy “ fitli Hebron 93 Thursday .. Oth Oconee SStli Friday .. 7th Harrison 91 Monday .. 1 Ol h Wommacks 39 Tuesda/ . 11th Stone Wall 1315 Wednesday .. 12th Cleveland 1384 Thursday .. 13th Joseys 92 Friday ^ .. 14th Will be in Sardersville Every Saturday untill December 20th 1887 B T RAWLINGS Tax Collector Sept 9th 1887 W O If your watch is out of order take it to the old relia ble, A, J. Jernigan and Son’s Jewelry Store. k fm Kemits Concerning S'he Old Sredvieksburg Store And Shi Stock Of Poods Jfcnv So Ac Sound An Shat Sr eat fimporiarn Of Sashion. The house bus been tv louder in Augusta in the buying anil Rolling of good anil honest goods, at low prices, tor over twenty-two yearn. It claims among its patrons numbers who were, at its beginning, young, and who purchased of it their wedding outfit, and whoso children are now buying over the same counters thiis Trousseaus, and with ho.trly wishes that the old house may'still lie acti.o in lhe trade when their children ute old enough to do the same thing. Many who dealt with the ho»se long years ago and who Imvo moved to distant Htutei still patronize it by sending many orders, borne livens far as Texas. •sit is a noted fact that dining tho existence of this house more young men, after years of training, have left it to engage in business for them selves than trom all tho other Dry Goods House in Augusta put to gether. TUE BANNER IS NOW FLYING FOR THE FALL TRA DE AN D V. RichMdsILco. ...invite all the people, h-imre ilm cold Weather cume-i ami n fine the g-eil runti l->r CLOAKS, J AGKLT.3 ami WKAl’S, and before they are picked over, to come ami m ike their selection. Their atock is now complete, and yon can bo united to any style Hint ipiality. from the low priced ut $1;5[ up to the ilAN’DSOM 14 FLUSH, YKLVK 1‘ and SILK as high ai!8 35 and tj 40 with BEAUTIFUL MI FFS to match. UKAl-TIFUL J AC KETS and CLOAKS al $2.50 $3,$3.50, 4, 5, li, 8, 10, 12, i5. 18, 20, and 2-1$, \ We liardly know how to speak of our DliESS GOODS stock, it is so immense and va ried. We have BEAUTIFUL CA8HMEBES iw ull bIikIcs as low as 15c, and HEAVY TWILL HEROES doubble fold, at 1GJ and 20 cents. Then- goods have sold as high a 25 and 30. We have ull the very tow priced goods from 5.01, 3, 10 and [2'e and in all the new similes and a-vles- Then we advance to the liner grades in new efleds ami fabrics, tlie foreign names of which would almost break 'he jaws of nn experienced linguist B. 11 they arc new and lusiiionahlc and me THE THING, ami must lie seen to be appreciated. They are iu Gol den Brown Cheeks, Grey, Teiraeottu, Navy Blue, Goblin Blue, Olive Green,Cardinal ,-Ve <Vc, beginning iu all Wool as low as 25c per paid ami running up into tlie hollars, accor ding to line-.ess of texture ami width, and such variety of New and II-inihoineTrimmings in Braided Sets with I’anneis to match thegoods. Beaded Ornaments and Fasseificnter/e in Black and nil the beautiful, chan'cable colors. Tuhlur, Astraean arid Gimp Braids, and such a Variety ofChungeable, Mai bled, WaWrcd,Striped and Plain Velvets from Hie up 10 $1.60 per yard. In all these we defy competition, both in variety uml prices cither North or South, Yon should see our BEAUTIFUL JERSEY FLANNELS for Misses and INFANTS JACKETS and -SACQUE-S from 15 to 75e per yard. We wish we could tell you all snout ourBEAU IT FUL SILK-, SAT [NS, V ELV4VFS ana FLUSHES. Wo have u-ime of tlie heaviest BLACK SICKS fro* 75c to $C3'5 we ev er had the [ileusuve ol'ofh rii g our customers. Ourt-OLOREu SILKS', SATINS, uml RllADMKKS are in priors from 35c up to $1-50. in the BLACK GOO S DEPARTMENT every tiling that is new and good can lie found uml at tlie lowest piieeu, Alic Crepe, Crepe Veils and nun’s Veiling far mourning Veils, We have nice Blank Alpacas, Cosliim res and other styles aa low as 10, 121 and 15c. In tine goods we have Silk Warp Henriettas, Cashmeres, Sehaetopools, iikirit/. and many new weaves in prices at 35, 40, 50, 75 and up to $2, As we said in our immense stock \v e scarcely know where to begin or to end, It is utterly impossible to describe it. Iu our Hosiery stock we Iiave evoiy quality and color from -5c to $1,00 per pair. Marino and Lamb’s Wool UnuiTvest for Ladies. Children and Gents fr m 25.) to S2 Scarlet Undervest ane Drawer* from $1. to 1.5o e u li. Our CLOTH and CASS1MEKE DEIIARTMENT is just overloaded with everything that a gentleman or hoy could want, from tiie very lowest priced Kentucky Jeans at 10c to the choicest of suitings. Beautiful Cawdmera at 50, 05, 75, 85, $1 and up to $2,50 per yard Gen;s’ Fine unel Medium Priced Shirts,Collars Culls and ties, ail tlie best value and low est prices- Ladies Collars from 5c up. Ruihings in endless variety, including the Favorite at 25- per 1-ox. No end to Lacea from lc per yaid up tlio finest. Handkerchiefs from le each up to the Handsomest Enibaoidered. Corsets of all the best makes at manufactureis’ prices. Bustles of every shape and quality from 5c up. In Domestics we liaye tin- Crows Cottons 1'iom 3Jc to 8e. Bltacesd Cottons from 4j-- to 10c. We are offering as 0 great bargain a fine 4-4 Bleached Cotton as go -I as Fruit of tlie Loom at 5jc. We have Ca/ieies from 8J to 5c, 10 4 Sheeting ut 18, 20, 221 ami 25c. 10 4 White Bed Blankets a: ^5e to the best California at $8, $10, and $.2. Beautiful Blankets at $2,50, 3,45, $1 and $0. We have Towels, Table Linen, Turkey Red Damask of all tlie qualities, w filths and sizes at every price and as cheap as tlio cheapest. Bed Ticking from (Vjc up to good- at 10 nnd 12c. Flannels at 12J, 15, 18, 10, 25 and 25c up to tlie limst and heviest yard wide shaker a 35, 45, 5lland OOe. < otton Flannels at 5-j, 01 8, 10 nnd up to 2oc for the best English. Embroidered Flannels, various prices and cheap. We can save our customers money, as wo always Iiave doncs by making their pur. chases of us, as we put no enormous profits on anything and then throw out a few 1-ait- to diceive tlie public. We ho;-e to see all our old patrons this sea-on and many more and eirncslly extend to all an invitation to give -Air goods an inspection. V. Richards & 6 N. W. MURPHEY, IteoadL Street, Augusta, Seorgta. Gives you a few of ids prices in B TOTS til SHOES, The Celebrated James Means *3 00 Shoe -. The Celebrated A A llnitic $2,50 Shoe' The IXtehrnlrd Murphey Eureka 5-3,00 Shoes, The <dl Solid Odf Warranted *2 00 Shoes, Shoes from $3,00 to ¥5,0') Cdf RroyonJrum $l,Uo up t -.f ,|« ,■gotta ') ax llrogans /ro//i$l,09 vr> /, idirs Einr Kul Shoes $1,00 -r uiivr w i v i- il I T-ir 1'i’ie Rid Shoes, Solid, $1,25 and Li,50’ .-A”. "-V \ 1 ALL i , /1, it A.- .,1). | Lad ies Fine JJmgola hid from $1,60 tr S9 t'C Misses and ('hidrrn S!,„. - from -l. on" ' l-.i the latest ami finest Stock of IIATF for C’ltildren, Boys ami Men'at 53* Ilrotul Sirct'l. *41 \ , A L ,v . 1 f - •85 i,i* -The. all Solft OtiJ C'i tftV, .Fine Hand Made P,. “R. ---J Alt Solid Pi - 'ri-V if Tor All Solid We - - ^URMITUBS - lib cCibs TEie Ets^vnt Baeet S4rer|IEcnrd]|of f LOOK AT THESE PRICES AND BE coBirrmoBD: A OOOI) UKADSTAl) lor Sl.r-0 wortli 82,00 A NICK RU IvM AIJ for F-t>,00 wortli o7,00 A COM FORT a RLK LOl’NCK lor £4.50 worth $5,60 A GOOD M ATTRISSH l’or i ; -,00 worth A STRONG CHAIR for 40c worth 50c 7. A NTwYT lilii) ROOM SICT tor fS15,00 worth $18,00 SOLID WALNUT lied Room Set for £30,00 worth $40,00 PARLOR SlJLTo Tiitm-il in Plush for $35,o0 worth $4s»0O N 1C JO i’ll ITU R ViS;'-! Size for 75c worth $1,00 .• OiL PAINTINGS Gilt i'rtiincfl for $2 00 worth $4,00. RADY CARRIAGES all Stj’iea $6,00 to $50,00 Wo know you will nay how can this thing bo. Wo Answer: -j We buy for CASH; Everything New, $tylish|and Fresh. 9 l -. 'Call and see tut, or write lor illustrated catalogue and price lists FEbESHEKJ© a IIOWLES. The Leaders! W *“ T ^ .Ki*oi3i3, «3is<1 Ellis Streets •AUGUSTAS, GEORGIA CARPETS and HGDSEFURUNG COOPS. ^ewlKOttds. Fall Trade. Window Shades and Lace Curtains, Wilton, Velvet, Brussels,3-ply Jngrair. Gup-': ileurlh Rug-, Dmir Mats, Art Carpel, Window Shades of evury Size and Color, emhrie..,-- ing all the New Styles, Cocoa, Giton and Napier Mattings, Floor Oil Cloths and Lino leums, Lac.- C irtains, Window C.-rnices and Poles, New WalnntJ Cliorry, Ash, Ebony n -.c’ /ir.-tssfnrnicos and l'-iles, Turcoman Curtains and Drapei-ie*, Upholstory Goods, Ha"* -Silks in a variety of Fatterns. Fringes in all Colors, ilulr ClotliJCaneland ,Giinp uid /futtoms. Willi Fajiers, Borders and Decorations. Just Opened For All Trades, Oil Paintings, E-'-raviiig nnd Chroimis. Brooms, Dusters, Baskets, Door Mots, Wal nut and Rubber W eat her Strips for Doors and Windows, to keep out cold, and all sold JAMBS. G. BAILIE & SON, Chronicle Ihiihling, 711 Broad direct, Augusta, Georgia. Copiicr The Pliiatcrs JBIatcl. GUN SIP. Gun Pistols and Sewing Machines Replied by E. TWILL.EY, on Jei-uifran street, next to Mr. Denj. Wihddott’s residence. Fresh hams for sale at F. M. Cast el law’s 0 l [rgirgu lit a liifi!/ ■AND- 1HAKL'FA€TVRE<1K, g2l csaJcto Street, • Augusta Georgia FIRE! BURGLARS! THIFAX Sy&JE’JIB OUfe VEO'r'JM i Are expressly meant to supply r- gont deuiancf from Fas /iters, /atjf > Doctors, Small Storekeepers, Pottmasi<■:, Express and Railroad Agents, Towv.she' and County Officials, Trustees, Ret.. ; V Business Men and Families, for t.f-YJC class flro-proof, burglar-proof combin ation lock, safe, adapted in capacity and price to suit their requiremoiefo. Tho viotor is first-class in event- res pect, warranted fire-proof, ana uotr- Etructed in tho most improved manner. Wo now use on each and every safe -. .-AS/ our new non-plckable contbitiailc:. -dT lock, and inside bolt-work. It has ell *'<• %m. round corners, exterior beautifully - ■. 'C - s H.v finished and ornamented by hand witn ’ i all burnished portions nickel-plated. V. ■!'-'F ; '>4’4lnteriornlcelynttedupwithBUO'troa** Nilf&AZn uries, bock-spaces, and pigeon-hole*. Advertisement No. 1. . No. I. Farmers’ Size, 13x12x13, - - - $ weight. 135 lb*. $24.00 No. 2. Household Size, 22x15x18, - No. 3. Small Dealers’ Size. 28x13x18, - - * ®00 |b». $40.00 No. 4. Postmasters’ and Offloo Size, 32x22x22, • 800 lbs. $60.00 No. 4 has insido door, witli fiat key lock, duplicate keys. Sub-treasuries have fiat key-locks, with duplicate koyB- Wc are sole umners of patents and sola manufacturers of the Victor Safes. Wc caution persons against making, buying, sun n! or using safes infringing on our patents. . Every first-class safe compami manufactures under patents. It is dangerous to buy spurious goods bearing no patent*dates. . b. Every person mho is in need of a safe will find it profitable to correspond wltn us at once, before an agency ia established in his locality, and receive tb“ benefit of our Special Offer in open territory. , , , - Wo want General Merchants and Dealers to help us carry out our InteT’SVM Co-opcralire Plan. Exclusive control free. A highly profitable connection to Ust probably for a life-time. If 732 cost but one cent for a postal card to learn full parti cular:;. Illustrations and testimonials sent on application. In writing us mention advertisement No. 1. Address, _ . « , . A muaimuiti a Ths Victor Sato & Lock Co., CINCINNATI, 0.