The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, October 25, 1887, Image 4

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-THE oener retiro wnue r nee tne otucerr “No, no," cried the banker, impatiently; ‘I wish to learn more of this affair, Itnn- ooys ami worries me. As to Mabel, -he trill not violate the confidence of our inter view, even if she cares enough to listen to it." “Be Rented.” A roughly dressed, bearded man rntojftA- 'Oompany, t the Apartment. He sank to a chair li v ^ |s probably Wed, in her solicitude for iier eoneeal her emotions, altho-, ,, ran breaking. -uCTi ll ‘° detective It was an kou* * returned, 9 ominous. His,'Into, gentlemen,” he said simply; .arf. Elliott never went near Klson and and your fifty thousand dollars now on the way to Canada. I time-worn me#y„ xe covered With notea. H <: "fletfj on?' he asked. "SlraD B lather of "A Weird Wedding Wight,’’ "Thi i "' Vcr r wclI> C|U, ° *? f the b * nk ’ dnt ®’ Love Of Her rtf. « ..... _ ,'forms, and so forth. Trtvate theory, oash Love of Her L fe, The 8tolen Bride- ,— lraraiu.i ni, n<u. tutomaton at Vance’s words. efr. Elli- otemced your man to a place near that office, | "’Jhis ia my business parj^ha your re- ; then to a hairdresser's, nnd then to a sec* ott,” spoko \ once; “you o.i» ’ ond-hand dealer's, where he seenrod a dis- I port to both of no." ,<.,1 nn j produced a ! fulse. The regular force will try to stop j The detective jj^ um book. | him if he goes bv train. Tbo man s gone, By GENEVIEVE ULMAR, groom,” "Cruel as the Grave,” "Her Wedding Nigh£ Etc., Ete, Eti ctr: CosmtiKD: It was buainess rcqnir. ments for the mo- men i, and he addressed Vance courteously and with duo deference ns presiding offiror of the bank, despite his personal dislike for him. "You sent for me, Mr. Vance?" ho said Interrogatively. The crafty actor looked up with a pre occupied, confused air. “Oh, yes, Mr. Elliott, this package”— au 1 Vance indicated the ono tbo ca-hie) bad just brought into the room. “It con tains a large amount of money, and tho ne cessity of its safe ami prompt delivery makes it roi|Uisit>‘ that you take it. I will write the address," aud Vance did eo. Giulio glanced at it, placed it in an in side pocket, and turned to leavo the room. “By tho way," spoke Vaucc agnin. “On your way to Elso i aud Company, will yon leave this check;" Vance folded what resembled a check in an cnvolopo, addressed it, and hauled it to Giulio. “Mr. Elliott and myself may glance over the accounts this morning," ho continued, and if you have tho receipts aud vouchers of your department ready you may send them into mo," was Vance's concluding re mark. "They are ready now, Mr. Vanoe." Giulio left tho apartment with a Iasi fond glance at Mabel. A minute later tho secretary brought in a large envelope containing tho papers Vanoe had requested of Giulio, whioh tho former had placed on the desk within the roach of Mr. Vance. Tho schomcr'* oyos glnwod like two lurid stara of light, aud a triumphant smile crossed his face as ho bout over his work. The blow is struck—tho gntno in fillip v." ho breathed in an intense tono of play voice. “It cannot fail if Allison has car ried out his agreed Jilan. Nearly eloven o’clock. If tho deteotivo wonld only como while Elliott is here." Ho pretoudod to be exceedingly bU9y at the papers for somo moments. Mabel bad become wearied of the opprea- iive silence of theplaco aftor tho departure of Giulio, nnd restlessly wandered to the window. Mr, Elliott laid down his pnpor and tnrncd to Vanoo ns tho latter, as the clock struck cleveo, abandoned hiH pen and wheeled in his chair toward tbo banker “Well, Vanoe," spoke tbo latter, “tho bank is still paying n hundred cents on the dollar, I suppose, nud can afford n few laces nnd triukots for tbo extravugant youug ’ady yonder?" Mr. Elliott's tonoB were jocular odor, but bo repressed bis cheery rnnnuer ns Vance ropllod with oxtremo Hei iousuoRs. "The solvency of tho built no ordinary enuso can ntl’oct, Mr. Elliott; but I am far from being satisfied with some of tho do- { tails of its opor.dion. ” “ludoedl" replied Mr. Elliott, in somo surprise. “You refer " “To its interior economy. Mr. Elliott, ilicro lias b eu n steady deficit in its cash bnlanoo for over a week." Mnbol Elliott, at tlio window, started tmddeuly and turned toward the two men, with a quick, frightened look on her fnce. Involuntarily she recalled tho moimeo of Dudley Vauco. Somolliing in his tones now made bur fear ninl tremble; she know not why, “Vance, yon nmazo mo!” Bpoke Mr. El- liolt, fully aroused from tho contented quietude of the lionr. “There is n defioit." ’’A large one?” "No. It only amounts to a few thousand dollars.” "But tho cashier, tho olerks " “Aro above suspicion, their past records imply; still, a steady deficit has boon go ing on.” “Aud cannot bo traced?” “It has not bi'Oii tinned so far. Wo have sot a watch, but it was of no avnil. Each night there has been n shortage." “ L'hls is iuorediblo!" Mr. Elliott satHtaring vacantly at Vnnoo, overwhelmed at his rtarl'iug statements. It was not so much the amount of the loss that disturbed him ns tho fact that in all tho years the bank had been in opera tion not a single dishonost net-bad ever stained tlio record of employer or omployo. “May there not have boon aomo error in the accounts?" ho ventured at last “No, unloss with tho now mon.” “You mean Omlio niul his friend, Mar- cy?" “Mr. Elliott is nbovo suspicion, Vnnco hurried to remark. “He has been trusted unquestionedly wilh the most important bnsiuoBs of tbo bank." “Aud Mtiroy?" "1 would vouch for. Besides ho had no •]> oiiimity to Rica’,” •‘is lie still the bookkeeper's assistant?'' .shod Mr. Elliott "So; lie did not like tho work, nnd left is a day or two sinou." "And bis accounts wero found a'l right?" “Ho did not act independently, but im- 1, r the bookkeeper's direction, so .there was to error there." “And Giulio?" “Sir. KU ott is too thorough to make a nistako. However, 1 asked him to bring no I ho vouches nnd receipts of liis <le- mrtment J hey are there." Vauco iud’c ded tbo envelope Giulio bad u it lei'l on tlio desk. Mr. Elliott took it up mechanically. Mabel bad sunk to a clmir, but with cited breath and suspenseful heart watched lie progress of their interview. “No, Mr. Elliott," resumed Vance, “I do lot imagine tlio accounts will show any rrors. Some ono has boon steadily steal- tig from the bank." “ Then that some one must bo deteoted." “He shall bo,” "You have reason to believe you can fiud Ire thief?" “Yes.” “Then you have takon measures— “To secure nis conviction, yes. I em- jloysd a detective two days since. ” “Not in the bank?" asked Mr. Elliott. “No, on the outside. Ho has been fol lowing tho bank employes individually each day. ” “I don’t like to play the spy on old and trusted employes, Vanoe,” romnrked the banker, seriously. “It was necessary." “Perhaps so. Has the detective made a •eport yet?” "No, except to indicate that he was shad owing all the bank employes in turn. ” “I would like to see him. ” “You shall do so." “Then you expeot him here to-day?” “Yob, ho made au appointment for eleven o'clock." “It is past that hour now. ” “What-is it?" The secretary had entered ihe room. Ho presented a card to Vance, who •canned it hurriedly, and said: “Show the gentleman In. ” Then aloud to Mr. Elliott he remarked: “It is the detective.” There waB a slight flutter from the ibair where Mabel eat. “Perhaps yourself and Miss Elliott bad box worked during day. Detailed ou out side work by Mr. Vaneev First man — cashier. ” Mr. Elliott started with manifest dis- pleusuro. “Mr. Bolfe is above inapiolon," ha said, Indignantly. “Maybe, sir, but orders to find thief, aud I take no chances.” “You found him innocent, of course?" “Straight as a die, air. Next man paying teller. Given a little to fast horses, but thoroughly houesk" “Proceed," murmured Mr. Elliott anx iously. “Bookkeeper all right, Assistant book keeper a little shady, but no opportunity of theft Mr. Giulio Elliott " There was n low, gasping aspiration from the chair whero Mabel sat. The detective eyed hor sharply, and closed his book with a snap. “Well, well, go on to the next," ordered Vanco Rhnrply. “No need, sir." “No need?" “Exactly, We stop at Mr. Olnllo Elli ott. " “What do von mean?" demanded the banker amazoaly. Tho detective'* face wns a compound of triumph, nssnrnuoe, and ooufldeuco as he ; replied simply: ‘‘We stop at Mr, Ginlio Elliott, bo- I causo he is our maul” CHAPTER XU. A rciikmxk'b triumph. “It Is CfxIbo—it is all a cruel plot of bttred and jealousy, and Mr. Vnnoo knows ltl These were tho wild, impulsivo words whioh arose to tho lips of Mabel Elliott al most involuntarily at hearing tho torso, terrible acctisntion of tho deteotivo. But they did not And utterance. They wero checked ere spoken ns a gleam of icnsoning told the indigunnt girl that her rcfutnl would be most indecorous umtd business counsels; that her impassioned words would reveal tho cherished secret of her lovo. More than all, a deep, abiding faith in the integrity of Giulio caused her to keep C lance, and, awaiting his return, witness is certain refutal of tho vile calumny. Quivering with omotion, thn young girl nnintainod a rosolute silence, but glanced 'urtively at hor fathor's face. It was a void of blank emotion, pale, dis- tossed, Incredulous at onoo. “This statement is totally inoorrect—you rave made some terrible mistake." Tbo false tones of Vauoo's voice spok< ihe words sharply. “OU, yos, there must be somo error. Gi- nlio involved in a dishonest transaction) Tho idea is preposterous,” echoed Mr, El liott, rccovoriug from tbo first shock of tho that’s sure, nnd the woman Beatrico is with him." “How dare you sny that?" The detective recoiled in consternation And surprise. Mabel Elliott confronted him with trem bling form nnd indignant face. “Shall I answer hor?” bo asked of tho banker. “You eau answer us, yes," came the weary response. “Mabel, my child, you mast not got excited. If Giulio has "de ceived us it is only nnother idol shuttered.* Only another! Ono torturing wail of anguish surged in the girl's tormented heart, as she realized what utter death to fervent first love tho cruel words might signify. “Very well, then," said the detective, prodnetng n lotter. “nero is a note from Giulio Elliott to the woman Beatrice, toll- t ug her to keep the four hundred dollars i* incloses, and saying ha will get more from the hank to-day", nnd they wdl fly from tho city. Ho visited her every other evening, the landlady says. There’s tho letter, miss.” One glance at tho familiar handwriting, and then all the pent-np emotion of poor Mabel Elliott’s honrt broke forth in ono wall of stricken anguish, as she flung her self into her father’s arms. “Oh, papa, papa!” she monnod wildly; “tako mo home! Giulio is falso, and my heart is breaking!” [TO 1IB CONTINUED. J A "Terror"’ Subdued. Small Hoy—“'Well, by .Hinmlny! I think I can give Fox'o Dick, tho Hoy Crook, Sonus points on spunk. I’d just like to itavc a chance at. tlint old crow what bounced him. I wouldn’t take any of Ip r—” surprise. Tbo dotuctivo looked hurt. “Gentlemen," lie snid, with a ludicrous Assumption of diguity, “I never mnko a mistake." “Youhnve in this cuso," assorted the hypocrit cal Vance. "Did 1 follow orders?" "1 presume you did." “And have no object in decoiving yon?” “I can imagine nouo." “Thc-n don’t tell mo I’m mistaken again. Mr. Ginlio Elliott is your mnn. llo tool tho money, or nobody did. He’s been tak ing it right along, nud overy due points tu him ns the thief. " Thoro w as a lapso of silence. So con fidont wove tlio do'.ective's touos, that o white, npprdic sivo look had como into tlio banker's face. Still be said with uttoi Incredulity: “Havo you any proofs of what you as sort?” “Lots of them." “AVhnt arc they?" “First," ho l.ogan, “as to Mr. Elliott'i habits." Mnbol started ns she rccnllod tho foci that several nights Giulio had not returned homo until quite Into. “Well," murmured Mr. Elliott. “I traced him twice to a uotoriom gambling houso." "Ob! you must bo mistaken," oiled tbi banker in touos of tho deepest distress. "Not a bit of it, sir.” wns tho confident rejoiudor; "1 enn give dates nnd ilelails when needod. Second point: Yesterday Mr. Vnnoo informed mo that Ihe loss ut tho bank was four hundred dollars. " Vnnco nodded nssontiugly. “I hnvo traced tho exact amount." Mr. Elliott was a picture of utter con sternation aud unxioty. To hear tho name of Ids beloved nnd trusted protege thus bandied about and as- sociatod with vico nnd crime almost ove • enmo him. "It cannot bo true!" he murmured; “it cannot bo true!" “You sny you trncod the exact amount?" demanded Vanoe. “I did, sir." “Where?" “To a womnn." Ono listening heart in the silont room gave n terrible throb of luisory and sus pense. “Who was she?” Pitilessly resolute now, Vnnoo asked tli* question. “Her name is Beatrice; oilier name un known; desoribed as rather ; ret'y; biouglit to the houso wlioro she lived about a week ago; Mr. Elliott paid all her expenses." “Oh! heavens, it is false, it is false!" In nn agony of doubt, uncertainty, nnd grief, Mabel Elliott crouched back in tho chair where she sat, dazed nud over whelmed. Mr. Elliott was stupefied, crashed by the accumulating evidence of tho hour. “The reason why I know that Mr. Elli ott sent a certain four hundred dollars to the womnn last night is because she re ceived a lotter from him yestei day that I found in her room to-day. By the way, Mr. Vnnee, that reminds mo; is tho young man here now?" “No; I just sent him off on a mission of eomo importance.” r “Money in it?" * “A matter of fifty thousand dollars.” The detective made a movement of utter amazement and alarm. “In cash?" ho asked. “Too bad!" "What do yon mean?” “That you’ve lost your money, and lost your man. The letter I referred to told the woman to meet him to-day as agreed; that he intended makiug a o g haul nnd leaving the country. Gentlemen, don't delay me if you want this man caught." “No, we do not wish this mattpr made publio." It was Vance who spoke. “Yes, a thousand times, yes,” cried Mr. Elliott, springing excitedly to his feet. “Go, officer; if Giu'.io is gu lty ho shall suffer to the fullost extent of the law." “Papa! papal Oh, Mr. Vance, ho is dy- Ingl* The exoitement of the hour had been too pinch for the banker. Ho staggered un steadily, and sank to a chair scious. The detective asked a single question of Vance, and darted from the room Vanoe with Mabel’s aid man ged to re store her father to oonsciousnes;. Then, a gloomy, silent Jrio, they sat awaiting the detective’s return. What anguish the tortured heart of Ma bel Elliott suffered she alone knew. But ho did.—L\f«. Dncorntjve Flowor Box. For single fine specimens, decorative pots, vases and jardinieres are in request especially when the plant is to be grown indoors. The stores aro full of pretty receptacles of one sort or nnother, such ns hanging baskets, window boxes, etc., of terra cotta, earthenware, wire and other materials. The accompanying cut gives a model for a decorative flower box that may bn readily made at home in localities where bark niul gnarled wood arc plentiful. WORDS OF WISDOM. We nre martyrs to our own fnults. To live fnst means too often to dir fftst. Misdirected labor is a waste of nc tivity. Nearly all great nlen have had remark able memories. Do the truth you know, nnd you shal' learn the truth you need to know. Feebleness of means is, in fact, the feebleness of him that employs them. Call not that man wretched who, what ever ills he sutlers, has a child to love. Extraordinary alllietionsnrc not always tho punishment of extraordinary graces. We talk of creative minds. That is but a figure of speech—we can create noth ing. False men are not to be taken intd cdil- fiiletice, hor fearful indn into a post that requit'd resolution, To be free-minded mid cheerfully dis- jioscd at hours of meal, sleep and cxcr- cis ', is one of tlie best precepts of long lasting. Let us live like (hose who expect to die, nnd then wc shall find that wo feared death only because wc nre unacquainted with it. Inquisitive people nre the funnels of onversatioti! they do not take iti any thing far their own use, but merely pass it to another. Contentment is a pearl of great price, nml whosoever procures it at the expense of ten thousand desires makes a wise and a happy purchase. In free countries there is often found more real public wisdom nml sagacity in slums and manufactories tliau in the cabinets of princes in countries where none dare to hnvo nn opinion until they come into them. Re 1 Estate Bubble. The prediction is m&de that the Cali fornia real estfttn bubble is bound to burst in the neit throe or four mouths. It is estimated that| taking the,whole Country between San Diego and Ddctatnelitfej in which tho speculation has been most ram pant, the deferred payments, due in No vember and December, will foot up $45,- 000,000. That Is to &!$•; the great army ol men nnd women speculators who hsi^e purchased for n rise and pnid a third or less down must pay up between forty and forty-five millions between now and next Janurify ot forfeit their purchases and what they have already paid. raid In Gold Coin. _ _ . In Dee., 1SS6, I. S. Johnson & Co., 22 Custom Houso.St., Boston, Mass.,offered eight preml- ums payablo In g *1<1 coin, which they sny crea- froii it tllb uSfi.cir SlioriasHM. r*bwdef to HetiSIMy. Of edurso all whri compete L get tfiie of the premiums, but some iff tbo last year’s reports scut us show that tno parties ought to have been well satisfied If they had not recetvod any other benefit llinn the In crease of eggs they got while making tho trial. Fot example * ” ‘ 1 ‘ “ five t ggi. Tllb first week she only got (the last week 277 eggs. iiat the use of Picturesque Jnpaneso Customs. The sword is held in special veneration loy the Japanese of all classes. It sym bolizes the divine authority of the Mikado, the Invnlfy and martial pride o( the warrior; and Jnpnncsc writers speak of it In glowing terms as tho “previous possession of lord nnd vassal from times older ttmn Ihe divine period,” or as '’Ilie living soul of tlio samurai.” Many treatises hnvo been written on this theme, the art of determining the maker and date of a sworil-blnde being one of great research and labor. Those hiadc before lOOU, A. 1)., are called old swords; those made since, new swords; and the former was a long. Rlraigiit, double-edged weap on called tlie ken, the latter a katana, single-edged and slightly curved toward the point. A short sword ordirk. Called the wakizaslii, was worn with tho katana ns a sign of gentle l>irtIt or military in heritance. Members of the fourth or fifth rank In the Empire wore n short dirk without a guard, which doctors nud artists were also I’eqltTcd to carry, and stilettos a foot long wero n part of an officer's and nobleman's dress. Others could be mentioned, but these will suffice to show their important character among it people who inscribe such sentiments as the following upon their blades: “In one’s last days, one's sword becomes the wealth of one's posterityand, “One's fate is in the hands of Heaven, but a skillful lighter does not meet wilh death,” Tea-drinking and dancing arc inti mately associated in Japan, and both are carried to a high degree of artistic per fection. Tlio tea houses are. to Yoko hama what the Boulevard cafes are to Paris. Tlio waitresses arc graceful girls, who move about with noiseless trenl, serving flagrant tea in dainty cups, with slices of sweet cake; and entertainment is furnished by fair dancers in silken robes, who move tenuously to tho bizarre strains of tlio koto, tho kngti, and tho samisen. Tlieso native dances arc a species of noted charades, each having it central motive or idea to illustrate. This gives rise to nil infinite variety of pleasing motions nml tableaux. There nre | ara-ol- dances, fan-dances, flower-charades, il lustrations of the seioons, and many more.—Frank Ltidic's. .. v—........ tho first premium was twenty- o dollars takon by 0. A. French, Washing ton, N. 11.,who fed thirty hens the SHeHdnU s l’owdcr for eight weeks. The first w eek he got only ten pkks; tlio third week tlio hens laid <?01 eggs,and tne eighth week 208 eggs. During the olgM weeks trial he got 11(98 eggs which, at tne price of eggs In Boston or NewTork markets in mid-winter, would have yielded |48.fl0, or ll.Mfur each eight week's time. Con sidering the small expense Of keeping * hen tlO animal on a farm will pay like that. The fourth premium, which was ton dollars, went to Mrs. F.. B. Carlin, Conklin Centre, N. \ ., who th tile eight weeks received from forty G- TH8 first week [he last week 277 cgi i clearly demonstrates tli Hherldan's I’owdor to Mako Hons l.ay will in crease tho profit several hundred per cent. Johnson A Co. will solid Uvo 25 cent packs of Sheridan's I’owdor post paid to any address for CO cents Ih pottage stamps; or a largo 2I< pound call of 1’qwdor For |l,un. To each person or dering a largo can ns above they will send free one copy of tlio * Farmer a Poultry Ulilde” (prico, 25 conts). There nre about 25,000 Hebrews In California, and they mako desirable citizens. Idle In Ihe l’arls Newore Is possible, far a short time to the robust, but the majority of refined persons would prefer Immodlnle death tooxlstence 111 their reeking atmosphere, liow much mote revolting to Ue In one a self a lielno scU’cr. But tills Is actually the cahc with those in whom the inactivity of tlio liver drives the rofuso matter of tlio body to escape through tlio lungs, breath, tho pores, Sidneys and bladder. It Is astonishing that life remains In such a dwelling, Dr. Pierce s “Goldon Medical Discovery” restores normal purity to tho systems and renow tho whole Doing. Prohibition dominates eight of North Caro lina's ninety-eight counties, l.lllig 1'rduble*nnd Winning Diseases can be cured If properly treated In time,as shown by the following statemortt from D. C. Fiikkman, Sidney: “Having bcon a groat sufferer from pulmonary nttneks, nnd gradu ally "list ng away for (lie past two years, It affords mu pleasure to testify that Seim. 8 KMUiauoNof Coil l.lver Oil with Elmo and Soda lias given me great relief, nnd 1 cheerfully re commend It to all suffering In a similar way to myself. In addition, 1 would say that it Is very pleasant to take.” The victory of tho Volunteer makes 8 yacht victories for ihe Americans over llio British. “Iter face so fair, as ficsli It secniod not. But heavenly portrait of bright angel s hue, Clear an the sky, without hlhnio or blot, Through goodly mixture ot complexions due. And In hor cheeks tho vermeil red did show. This Is tlio pool's description of a woman whoso physical system was In a perfectly sound and healthy state, with every function acting properly, nnd Is tho enviable condition of Its fair patrons produced by l)r. l'ierco s "Favorite Prescription." Any druggist. 15 counties in Florida voted local option law, ami prohibition has carried 12 of them. For weak lungs, spitting of blood, shortness of breath, consumption, nighl-swcftts unci nil lingering coughs, l)r. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" is asoverelgn remedy. Superior to cod liver oil. By druggists. Throe million women In tho United Blalos wot k for money. fairs, ami If this moots the eye of any ono who is suffering from Ihe effects of a torpid liver, we will admit that he ih Interested In getting well, (let a bottle of Prickly Ash flitters, usu It ns directed, nnd you will alwuys he glad you read tills Hem. lloiii’-GInssPi. WINDOW-llOX W1TTT CYCLAMEN. These boxes may be ma le, of coil sc, in various sizes anil shapes. They are at tractive in the rough, iiiifinisho 1 slate, thou^li a glossy finish, gained by a coat or two of varnish, is preferred by sonic. The plant represented in the same cut is a cyclamen, an admirable growth for window culture. 'It is a Jme bloomer, the blooming season lasting under favor able ciicumstaneos two and three months. The (lowers are usually white, tipped at the base with purple. The plants ought to he kept cool until the leaves are w. II grown, but as soon as the flower I) i Is begin to show on tli" foo.-stivlk it want! a sunny exposure.—Neic York- World. Wealth oi me Aueienls. Croesus possessed in landed property a fortune equal to £1,700,(10(1, beside money, slaves, nnd furniture nnioueting to in equal sum. Ho used to s.iy that a citizen who hnd not sufficient to support mi i.riny or u legion did not deserve the title ot n rich man. The philosopher Seneca bad a fortune of £3,500,1100. Tiberius, at his death, left £2:>,‘72-1.010, Whioh Caligula spent in twelve mouths. _ VeBpaBiun, on ascending the throne, cs- Unrated all tho expenses of the state ut £35,000,000. The debts of Milo amounted to £(100,- 000. Ciesar, before he ontorod upon any ollico, owed £2,005,00(1. He had purchased iho friendship of Corio for .£500, and that of Lucius Paulus for £300,000. At the time of tho assassination of Ju lius Ciesar, Antony was in debt to ihe amount of £3,000,000; be owed this sum on the ides of March, and it was paid bv the kalends of April; he squandered £147,00.',- 000. Apicius spent in debauchery CeOO.OHO; and finding on examination ot' bis affairs tlmt he had only £80,000, poisoned himself, be cause he considered .hat sum insuffle''jnt for his madnletutqce. before hour-glasses, or sand glasses, were used in churches to indi cate Ihe time occupied in the delivery of sermons, they were used in tournaments to limit tlio duration of combats mid pre vent them from being really sanguinary encounters. Of two adversaries engaged in “a gentle passage of arms," he was accounted victor who obtained the greater number of advantages before tlio sand had run out from the glass turned at the commencement of the combat, Sand glasses were employed, also, in scholastic discussions. Pascal, for in stance, in one of his letters, mentions a discussion in which lie took part in the Korhonne, when tic spoke for half an hour by the sand-glass or sable. And there were, eventually, so identi fied with scholarship, as well as preach ing, that artists frequently placed nn hour-glass as well as a book in the hack- ground of their portraits of eminent scholars. They were a'so made use of at sales. But though thus used in the fif teen! hand six teenth centuries, il was in tho pulpit in the seventeenth century that they obtained their wider popularity,nnd on tombstones of tho same period that they were most frequently delineated. The high pew, or “puc,” as it used to he written, the long sermon and the hoir- glass of the pulpit, are as vivid a pre sentment of Queen Anne's time, too. i.s would he the snuff-box, lire clo tiled cane, or the fans and brocidcsof I lie fashionable folks who took the air in the Mall. —Qu'urr. “t want to thank you," writes a young mnn to B. F. Johnson tic Co., iUclumuiu, Va, "for placing mo Inn position by which 1 am enabled to mako money faster than 1 evor dill hoforo. Tills is but a sample extract of the many htiu- dreil similar letters received by llicabovo firm. See their advertisement In another column Addition Alnliliig Shorter. AVhnt word Isthutto which If you odd asyl- lalile it will make It shorter? Short,—Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of BweotGum and Mullein will shorten your cold and cure your cough. Dnugliters, Wives and .llolliors. Send for Pamphlet on Fomnlo Diseases, free securely sealed. Dr. J. 11. Marchisl, Utica, N.Y A BURR CUltR FOR INDIGESTION nnd DYSPEPSIA. Over 5,000 Phynlclnnn h«v« sent lin their upprnvnl of OKIKSTYMN, ■living Hint It In the bent preparation for Indigestion that they hare Wo have nerer heard of a oa D1UK8TYLIN waa taken that FOR CHOLERA .. WILL RELIEVE CONSTIPATION. For Bummer Complaint* and Chronic Diarrhoea, which ar« the direct remit* of Imperfect digestion, DIUE8TYLTN will effect nn Immediate cufd. Take DYOE8TYLIN for all pain* and disorder* of the stomach ; they «U come from Indigestion. Ask rour druggist for DK.ErtTYLIN (price $1 per lorg# Lottie). If he «loen not have It send one dollar to US wid we will solid a bottle to you, express prepaid. >o not hesitate to semi your money. Our house is vllable. Established twenty ftvo years. ~ 1i.. V. Do you feel dull, ljtffguld. low-spirited, life. ess, snd Indescribably miserable, both phyei- laUy und mentally' oxpcrionpe a sense of fullness or bloating after eatlnff, or of "gone- —— ’< of emptiness ot stomaoh in the morn- cc«ted, bitter or bad tasto in „ iw ,_ „„„ III — baustlon. Irritability of turd par, hot flushes, ailttbattnif with chilly ssnslttlcms, sharp, bltirtfy transient pains here aud there, cold feet, lirowelHcw after meals, wakefulneoe, or disturbed nnd tinrefroehing sleep, oohjtant, inde»ot1 feeble.feeling of dread, cr of topoife Uotia Dyipepilu, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more Complicated your diseaee lias become, tho greater the number and diversify of «ymp- tilliiJ, No matter what eteae it has rcru hw. Dr. PlorCtM noldon Medical Discovery will subdue It, If taken according to direc tions for a reasonable IwitartlJ of time. If nof cured, complications multiply and Coneump, tinn of the Lungs, Skin Diseases, Heart Diseaee, Rheumatism, Kidney Disease, or otfear gravo maladies arc quite liable to set In ana, wouev or litter. Induce a fatal termination. Dr. Florae** Holden nodical Dle« covery acts powerfully upon tlio I.iver, and through that great blood-purifying organ, cleanses tho system of nil blood-taints and im purities, from whatever enuen arising. It Is equally efficacious In acting upon the Kid neys, find oilier excretory orgnnK, cleansing;, strengthening, nnd hc-nltng their diseases. A* nn appetizing, rCfftorntlvo tonlo, It promote* digestion and nutrition, thereby building up. both llorih and strength. In nmlarinl district*, this wonderful medicine tins gained grcaC celebrity In curing Fever and Ague, Chills nnd Fever, Dumb Ague, nnd kindred disease*. Dr. Plorco’s Golden nodical Die. covory CURES ALL HUMORS* from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to tho worst Scrofula. Salt-rlioum, " Fovev-soree,'’ ttcnly or Hough Skin, in short, all dt*eniiqi caused by bnd blood aro conquered by thin powerful, purifying, nnd Invigorating incdt- oltie. Great Entlng Ulcers rapidly heal tinder Its benign influence. Especially has It mani fested Its potency In curing Tetter, Eczema. Erysipelas, Bolls, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scrof ulous Sores nnd Swellings, Illp-Jolnt Dlscngu, "White Swellings," Goitre, or Tblck Neck, nnd Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents In stamp* for a largo Treatise, with colored f lutes, on Shin Diseases, or the samo amount or a Treatise on Hcrofulous Affections. ••FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.”' Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce’s Oohlcii Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength and bodily health will bo established. CONSUMPTION, which Is Scrofnla of llic Lungs, is arrested! aim cured by this remedy, If taken In the earlier stagos of the disease. From its mnr vclnus power over this terribly fatal disease, when llrst offering this now world-fumed rem- city to tho publio, Dr, Florae thought soriouily of calling it his “ Consumption Cum:," but abandoned tha' mimo ns too restrictive for a mcdlclno wliloit, from Its wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-eleausing, alitl-blr _ lous, pectoral, ami nutritive properties, Is unequalcd. not on li nn a remedy for Consumption, but for all Chronic Dlscnses of tlio Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short ness of Breath, Chronic Nusal Catarrh, Bron chitis, Asthma, Sevoro Coughs, and kindred affections, It Is nn efficient remedy fold In’ Druggists, at fl.OO, or BIx Ilottlej for <<8.00. ! {fr~ Bend ten cents In stamps for Dr. Pierce i book on Consumption. Address, World’s Dispensary Medical Association, G03 Plain Ht„ BUFFALO, N. V. EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Grist Medical Work for Young snd Miridlt-A&ei Men. The Hoard Growing; After Dentil. An Oakland (Cal.) undertaker cites n:i instance of a smooth-shaven man’s body being exhumed fifteen years after burial and disclosing a snow-white heard I lint reached almost to the feet and flowed over tlie sidesof the corpse, filling rearly all the space in the (ofiiti. The dead man’s widow refused to believe the body was that of her husband until the posthu mous beard was shaved off, when she nt once recognized the face. The under taker says: “If the body is preserved from decay by lining buried in an iron, air-tight casket, the beard will not die, but go on growing just so long a: cor.uptioii is averted. I do not think tlint tlie hair of the head ever increases in length, hut you know, even in 1 fe n mqn’s locks become scanty, and finally disappear altogether, as he grows old, while his age usually serves to make his beard thicker and longer. I can vouch for tlio v.tal ty of the hair that sprouts from the chin." The Merry Ilnutor. Ol who so h qqiy us tho hunterf The game laws, like himsolf, aro out; Up with the sun this bonny morning, How proudly does ho strut about. A bolt of shells, a tine breech-loader, A brand new a la sportsman suit— He bus all tlieso to make him happy, And money in bis purao to boot. Now if he hunts ull day for nothing, His credit will be just the same; His money wifi do more than he can; It will not fail to bag the game. .'/Vjxiji - Purity and Strength Tho former la the blood aud the latter tin uughout the system, aro nocessary to the enjoyment of per fect health. The bout way to secure both Is to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which expels all Impurities from the blood, rouses the kldnoys aud liver, overcome* that tired feeling, aud imparts that freshness to thu wkolo body which makes ono fool perfectly well. "I havo takou not Quite a bottle of Hood’s Karsa parllla, and must say it Is one of tho best tnodlclncx for glrtez an appetite, purifying the bloatt aud refu latlng th# digestive organs, that I over heard of. It did me n groat deal of good."—Mils. N. A. Stanley, Canostota, N. Y. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for f5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD Lt CO., Apothooarlos, Lowell, Moss. IOO Doses One Dollar The best and surest Remedy for Care of all diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowel*. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation, Billons Complaints and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to the beneficent influence of j&jj umsiiij It 1* pleasant to tho taste, tones up the system, restores nnd preserve* health. It 1* purely Vegetable, and cannot fall to prove beneficial, both to old and young, a a Blood Purifier it Is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at 61.00 a bottle. Ely’s Cream Balm Price SO cent*. Will do more l<i ( urine CATARRH. Tlmn $>500 in any Ollier Way. Vpply Balm in‘o each noatril. ifly Bros.,236Greonwioh St...N.Y. JlvLulLI lv bounty collected; Ikeaertera ^ relieved; 22years’ practice Success or no fee. Laws »«nt fre«. A. W. McCormick A Bon. Wa«hlnft«*, d,C< AMI 111 Morphine Hafill Cored In 19 OPIUM 5 SOLDIERS and their Widows Pensions now for you all. Art ie cUtuii X- Co., Washington, LU^J. KNOW THYSELF. Host on, Muse. WM* II* IL Consulting Physician. More than ono mimou • opies •old. It treats upon Nervous and Physical Debility. Premature Decline, Exhausted Vitality, Impair*! vigor, and Impurities of the Blood, und lUo untold miseries consequent thereon. Contains 300 pages, substantial emboss <1 binding, full gilt. Warranted the bust popular medical treatise published In the Entllsh language. Prion only $1 by moll, postpaid, and concealed In a plain wrapper. Illustratii* tumpls frrt if you send now. Address As above. MEN AND BOYS! J >o you want lo “““ earn nil about n Horne < How to I'lck Qat a Uopil Ono f How to Know Imucr- fcctioiis nnd uo (•unrd acainst Fraud? Mow lo Doled D-lsoaee nnd effect a euro when sum© In possible ? Ilow to Tell tho Ago ky Iho Tooth? What to call the Different Farts of the Animal ? Ilow to 8li and other . — to thn Cqnlnr Kneclee mu be reading our 1o6-I*A(«K IIOICSE HOOli, which I this, luting __ Ir.od by MdSTUATKI) will forwnrd. Great Starching AND IRONING POWDER. HOW TO WASH AND IRON The art ot etsrchlng, Ironing end brought to perfection in “ R 2F? n ,“„ 1 !, 1 ?| V Added to »f»rch give* eplendld gloM, body, illffneae end polish. The onlyweshin*.com pound that can lie so used. Fr fT « n . t 1 ?* t "°‘' l otting or rubbing up, il*hos Iron .111' tJ■ Saves Iftbor. Saves three-fourths the •*‘><<0. A revelation In housekeeping. A boon to wo men. A new discovery, beats the wor.d. Clean* and purifies everything. Invaluable < only safe, uon-lujurious and perieot Dirt, do as nice washing and Ironing “ done tn any laundry. lJotllng not necewuT. 10 A 20c. pkgs. at all J*, 11 Grocer*. E. 8.Wells. Jersey City, b. J., U. a- * evury town for It Is the uuu'iln.u.iB m>ln on of u y • untomers that your ” anslil ■ Punch” Is the rat5c. cigar ih *y have ever smoked. Many cUdm ihut it Is as goal as the majority of those at 10c. John A. Dadd, DruygDt, Milwaukee, Wit, Address R. IV. TANM1LL & CO., Chicago. JOEUES HK SAYSthe FREIGHT 5 Ton Wagon Kcales, Irsa Lover*, Hu el Hrtriug*. Urua Tajs Be*m and Rasn Rot for BTorr For fre# pru* list ■•ntlan ihl* paper and addrets JBNCS OP BINQHAflTOM* BINUHAMTON* N. fr* A MONTH can be made working for us. AGENTS preferred $JQ0toS300 NtiON A CO., 1013 Mala St., Richmond, Va. PATENTS ■ ham, Patent Attorney . * «.***«, i i/i .MumiUg Rugs, j Tidies, Hoods, Mittens, etc. Mu- I chine sent by mail for $1. Send for late reduced price list. K. Honk Ar Co., Toledo, O. Obtained. Fend stnmp for Inventors’ Guide. L. Bixo- Attorney, Washington, D. C. MEXICAN WAR ITI dress K. II. (joli mCF By reurn moll. Fall BeeerlptUa EllPP M..4y’a New Tailor Hy.U« ef i»r«M ■ KIIdw Catting. H00DY k CO., Oiveiaasti. 0. M to §8 a day* Samples worth fl.50. FREE Liues not under tho horse’s feet. Wrlie Brewster Safety Rein Holder Co.. Holly, Mich. G OLD is worth $500 per lb. Pett t’s 'Kvn Sni*Tu wont. *1.000, bot i. .old el «.! i b3*% dwuli* HERBRAND FIFTH WHEEL Latest Buggy und Carriage Improvement. HERIIRAND CO., Fremont, u. *AU KAMMEBltSS. IOAlt TH J’ t t E .fJrara E |i iAHHATTAH HAMMERUSS. I NEPER BREECH lOAtEU- Bend for Catalogue of Bpeciaulcs. BCHOYKRLINO, DALY A e* and 80 Chambers Street, How York. J. P. STEVENS & BRO, JEWELERS. Atlanta, Ga. 8rnd toy Cut a lug no. nnd 5VMIMKF.y irAIUT.“l cured at home without pa ■ Book of particulars sent B. Iff. Woolley, M. D, Atlnmn, «n. o»f' CE ®i* trnHt. Afention this paper.- BUSINESS Education a specialty at MOOItB’8 IJNlVKTtHITV, Atlanta, On. One of the dm* schools in the Country. Send tor Circulars. Bl-jJ- n;j3_ Great English Gout kSlair S rlllS. Hheumatlc Remod/.» Oval Jlox, Gil round, J 4 1 !»»•• . to Soldiers ft Ilelm. Bend tor circulars. CO - - HAM, Att'y, Washington. new il Ou rod i.ti.futorr iirfiv. * ,|V 'mr- l'r.r, j. a. 1UI1TOS. Silk CUMm.*. * ..Foriy-i'vii^’ 8 ?- OPIUM HaS,t curecl ThlR represents a healthy life, Throughout Its various scenes, The original panel Hire, of this p Jn bent on receipt of * Smith’s Bll.g SEANS pnrlfy tho hlooil, hy acting: alrocUy ana promptly on the I.iver, Skin nud Kiel- buys. They consist of a vegetables combination that has no cqunl iu medical science. They curoConstlpa- tlon, fflalarla, aud Dyspepsia, nnd ure a safeguard against all form* of fevers, chills and favor, gall stones, audit right's disease. Send 4 cents posta —-ago for a sam- —:—„»r botllov pUpackaKo aid test tho TIIUTK of what wo nay. Price, 25 ce ' 1 '* ■Mlled lo any address, nostnald. DOSI-i ONH 35I5AN. Sold by any address, i>ostpald. UOSF r, jp- 13aaxmx db co.. rjtopBiBTojis, ssrE 1 , Tho man who liuu lnvchled from three to live dollars in n Rubber Coat, and at hiu first half hour's experience ill a Morin finds to liis sorrow that it Is hardly a better protection Thau a mos quito netting, not only feels chagrined at being to badly taken In, bui also leels If lie does not look cxuclly like ASk lor tho •* FISH BRAND” SUCKER A I,OUlS. Wo oiler the mnn who wanta Willi them >w-boy ull over tlio mnu. rtl0 f a only perfect Wind and WatJ I „ iat la " Vower‘8 Full Urnnil alhtcr. - onu„.n m ln _. «, a.,d take no other. IO[ c, U S W*. doc»nutimvcthcPlan muND,sendfordeBcriptlvocntntoymj. A.J.ToWEll.20Simmon.8UKoy 0 "-V r.