The Fitzgerald leader. (Fitzgerald, Irwin County, Ga.) 19??-1912, May 13, 1897, Image 4

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Memorial Exercises at AndersonvHie. H KADQUAKTKU8 COLONY POST No. 14, 1 Department of Georgia, v ( Fitzgerald, Ga., May IS, 1897. Special Order No. 2. The following prog-ram for Memorial Day exercises at Andersonville, tia., on Saturday, May 29th. is hereby arranged: Assembly at rostrum at 11 a. ra. Music—Martial band. pla Pra yer - De pa r t in en t cha i n. Song- A meriea—AII present. Heading of General Orders—Adjutant ol‘ Colony Post: Kemarks—Commander of Colony Post No. 14 Reading of K.xtracts from Lincoln’s famous address delivered at Gettysburg— W. W. Drown. J. V. I). Com. Recitation-“Cover them over with beauti¬ ful iiowers.” (Carlton)—Miss Louise Goodnow* Oration—Prof. C. E. Becker. Formation of Jino under direction of mar¬ shal of the day—1. D. Morse. March to the Ceremonies—Department monument. offl Decorating command of Comrade V. P. Dill¬ cers, under ingham. 8.V. Dept Com’r. Bred by detail from Salute the Dead—Volley 5th CT. S. Infantry. by all present. General decoration of graves G. The G. A. R., W. R. C., Ladies of A. R. and S. of V. are especially requested to see that every grave has a flower or evergreen placed thereon- Dinner. of The time of leaving, the route and time return will be announced later. By order of WvniEY, Post Com. \V. H. (Official.) G. E. Whitman, Adj’t. MEMORIAL EXERCISES AT FITZGERALD. Headquakteus Colony Post, No. 14, I Department of Georgia. G. a. 1897.) It. Fitzgerald, Ga„ May 12, Speciil Order No.3. Tlie following program for Memorial Day exercises at Fitzgerald, May29, 1897, is hereby promulgated The comrades : and friends who do not to school child¬ go Andersonville, together with the ren, will assemble at tlieG. A. R. Hall at 9:30 a. m. Prayer—By Rev. .1. II. Stoney. Song—“ America.” Orders—By Prof. J. T. Reading General Saunders. Remarks—L. F. Johnson, Acting Com’dr. Recitation—Miss Grace Chanel. Recitation—“ Blossoms of Flowers,” Miss Bertha Chovin. Childriln. Song—School Memorial Address/Hon. T. F. Powers, Past Judge Advocate General, Department of Ne¬ braska. Song-School Children. Addresses—W.H. Martson, Past Junior Vice Commander,Department of Michigan; Prof. J. T. Saunders, Rev. J. H. Stoney and others. Song—School Children. The line of march will then be formed under the direction of the Officer of the Lay, lead by the school children, and proceed to the ceme¬ tery where the decoration cermonies by mem¬ bers General of Colony Post will be performed. by the schools decoration of graves Song—“God be With You till we Meet Again.” Dismissal and and return. Special Order No. 4. In compliance with general orders and in accordance with rules and regulations, Sun¬ day, May 23,1897, has been designated as the day on which tiie G. A. It. Memorial Sermon is expected to be delivered. It is therefore ordered that Colony Post. No. 13, will assemble at their hall at 9 a. m.. Sun¬ day. May 23, and march to the Christian Church, corner Sherman and Jessamine Av., where the memorial sermon will be delivered by Rev. J. H. Stoney, be pastor of the M E. church. The music Will under the direc¬ tion of Pros. Sussex. The Womans' Relief Corps, the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, are especially requested to meet at the hall and march with us. All friends are cordially invited to >am us in paying this, our annual tribute, to our departed heroes. By order of W. H. Wit lev, P. O Official: G. E. Whitman, ,-Uij't. Baby Mine! Every mother feels an inde¬ scribable dread of the pain and 7 danger attend¬ ant upon the most critical pe¬ riod of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering make and danger of the ordeal its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER’S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf¬ fering incident Jo maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman’s severest trial is not only made moved painless, by but all the Those danger who is re¬ its use. use this remedy are no longer de¬ spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and. other distressing con¬ ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com¬ mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother’s Friend. It is a blessing to woman. ?1.OO PER BOTTLE at all Drug Stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. BOOKS Containing invaluable information of FREE interest to all women, will be sent to any address, upon application, by The BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, fla. A (1 eat Day at Andersonville May 21). Decoration at Andersonville this year promises to be a more important event than any previous year. Tiie G. A. R. Posts at Atlanta and at other leading centers are arranging to be there, and all the roads at inter¬ est sire preparing to handle immense crowds, Tiie Georgia & Alabama railway will run specials over that system, using schedules that will en¬ able their patrons to arrive at a de¬ sirable hour. Tiie return trip will also be arranged to suit tiie conven¬ ience of the majority. Printed matter advertising the schedules will be dis¬ tributed in the near future. It is es¬ timated that there will be over twenty thousand persons in attendance. One Minute is all tbe time neces¬ sary to decide from personal exper¬ ience that One Minute Cough Cure does what its name implies. J. II. Goodman & Co.,Druggist. Look Here—W e board and lodge you for $3.50 per week. Everything first class. See us. Brunner’s Restaurant. Wool Wanted. See us before selling your wool. Will buy in any quantity. Rousseau & Co. 19-4t Grant between Central & Pine. HSAPQUAKTeRS FOR I e SOLS AGSNTS FOR IRWIN COUNTY: Princeton Bicycles, $50 00 We Sell Bicycles on Installment. We Sell Sterling Bicycles, $100 00 Alpine Bicycles, : $00 50 SAFES, too, and will gladly quote you Prices. Waverly Bicycles, $60 00 ISIDORE GELDERS, Manager. They Recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. In a letter to the manufacturers, Messrs. Davis & Buzzard, of West Monterey. Pa., says: Chamberlain’s Gough Remedy lias cured people whom our physicians could do noth¬ ing for. We persuaded them to try a bottle of it and they now recommend it, as do the rest of us. For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by J. II. Goodman & Go., Druggists. This Will Interest You. The Atlanta Weekly Journal is now running a missing word contest For 50 cents they send the Weekly Journal one year and allow the person sending the subscription one guess at the missing word. The sentence se¬ lected is: “lie who has ceased to enjoy his friend’s-has ceased to love him.” The missing word is the one neces¬ sary to fill out the above sentence and make perfect sense. It is not a catch word, but is a plain every day English word. To the person first guessing the right word The Journal will give 5 per cent, of the amount of subscriptions re¬ ceived during the three months that this contest lasts, and 5 per cent, ad¬ ditional will be evenly divided ba£*r all other persons who may -guess the missing word. The WeeklwJoufnal is a first-class family ©ajs^iaving ten pages mem-1 filled with matter that will interest all bers of the family. It has a first-class j woman’s page; an admirable cliil- 1 dren’s department; at least one story every week; a vast amount of miscel¬ laneous features; and all the news of the world. Address the Journal, At¬ lanta, Georgia. First Class Table Board by the week at $3.00 at Brunswick Restaur¬ ant. They are so small that the most sensitive persons take them, they are so effective that the most cases of constipation, headache and torpid liver yield to them. That is why De- Witt’s Little Early Risers are known as the famous little pills. J. II. Goodman & Co., Druggist. Webster’s unabridged dictionary, worth $3, only $1. Send in your or¬ ders. Gelder’s news depot. First Class Table Board by the week at $3.00 at Brunswick Restaur¬ ant. Many cases of “Grippe” have lately been cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation seems es- peeially adapted to the cure of this disease. It acts quickly thus prevent¬ ing serious complications and bad effects in which this disease often leaves the patient. J. H. Goodman & Co., Druggist For Life and Fire Insurance see Sidney Lascelles, Room 6 and 7, Fitz¬ gerald Block. Don’t allow the lungs to be impaired by the continuous irritation of a cough. It is easier to prevent consumption than to cure it. One Minute Gough Cure taken early will w*ard off any fataling trouble. J. II. Goodman & Co., Druggist. For Life and Fire Insurance see Sidney Lascelles, room 6 and 7, Fitz¬ gerald Block. Legal blanks and Georgia forms for justices at Gelder’s news depot. If youTtave ever seen a child in the agony of croup, you can appreciate tiie gratitude of the mothers who know that One Minute Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quickly as it is administered. Many homes in this city are never without it. . J. II. Goodman & Co., Druggist. Seventh Annual Reunion Confederate Veterans at Nashville, Trim., June 22-24, 1897. The Georgia & Alabama railway is making arrangements for a special service to accommodate all confeder¬ ate veterans who desire to be present at the seventh annual reffhion of the united confederates at Nashville, June 22-24. This movement promises to be one of the most attractive features of tbe Tennessee centennial, as special dis¬ tinctions will be accorded the organi¬ zation. The rates that will apply are lower than used in favor of any other organization, and will doubtless be taken advantage of by a large major¬ ity of confederate veterans and tbeir families. Any agent or official of the G. & A. railway will be pleased to furnish any further information de¬ sired. The fielders News Depot. Bibles from 50c up to S3.50 at Geld- er’s news depot. Torturing, itching, scaly skins erup¬ tions, burns and scalds are soothed at once and promptly healed by DeWitt’s Witch Haze! Salve, the best known cure for piles. J. II. Goodman & Co. School books and school supplies at Gelder’s news depot. It is surprising what a-wee bit of a thing” can accomplish. Sick head¬ ache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomachs, dizziness, are quickly ban¬ ished by DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. J. II. Goodman & Co., Druggist. Persian insect powder ]0c, at Geld¬ er’s news depot. First Glass Table Board by the week at $3.00 at Brunswick Restaur¬ ant. writes E. E. Turner that after of Compton, suffering fwm Moy us piles for seventeen ygius, - lie com¬ pletely cured thepjr Tby using three boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It cures- eczema and severe skin diseases. J. II. Goodman &Co., Druggist. Baling Press Wanted. Wanted to rent a hay baling press with privilege of buying same. 2nd hand power press capacity 10 to 12 tens pel 1 (jay, A. K. Fisher. 13-Smo, Abbeville, Ga. ‘ “ “ Arta, May 11.—It is reported that the Turks have severed the arras and legs of the Greeks in the village of Lou- ros and left the mutilated bodies by the roadside to terroize the people. Her Courage Severely Tried. Mrs. Samuel Stumn, of Loganton, Pa., bore her thirty-four years of suf¬ fering with courage and fortitude. Her trouble was rheumatism in the knee. In consequense, her limb had become so stiff that she could hardly walk. Mr. Stamn is a well-to-do mer¬ chant, and had spared no pains or ex¬ pense to relieve her, but with little suc¬ cess. until one night when it grew so painful that she could hardly endure it; he persuaded her to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm; the effect was magical. The first application relieved the pain, and its continued use has remov¬ ed all stiffness and given her the free use of her limb once more. For sale by J. II. Goodman & Co., Druggists, Notice to the Public*. j We will buy all second-hand school i books for cash, and pay all they are i worth, for them. I Guilders News Depot. ; ! E. NICHOLSON, | j /k.UCtiOHeei* 9 East Pine Avenue, FITZGERALD, GEORGIA. Is now prepared to give rates on short notice. Having had fifteen years experience, For perfect Satisfaction is guaranteed. rates and hills call at Leader office. I Have Lately Brought S»i | j Petroleum — Prince ' The famous trotting-bred Hamble- tonian Stallion, of the New York Trotting Register, to Fitzgerald, and parties the wishing of to engage his services for season 1897 may call on me at the round-top barn east of Van’s livery barn on East Pine Avenup. HENRY INGLES. Palace Hotel, Wm. H. Smith, Prop. Cor. Jessamine and Main Streets. We are now making special rates to our fel¬ low colony members from the North. When you reach thedepothere have the haokdriver take you to the Palace Hotel Everything new and strictly llrst-ciass. m 7 L i a WHOLESALE DEALERS IN /*v 4* * i 4* GROCERIES + :* Hay, Oats and Corn. SIDNEY LASCELLES, INSURANCE BROKER! FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT. Renard Block, FITZGERALD, GEORGIA, Welcome News to Persons Suffering From Chronic Diseases. Drs. Jansenius, of the Columbus, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala., sanitar¬ iums, at the request of their many pa¬ tients in Fitzgerald, have located it branch office at the corner of Pine and Thomas streets, which will be the foundation of a sanitarium they in¬ tend to locate in this city. They use the Massage and Vapor Bath treatment, and there will be no need of going, at great expense, to Hot or any other medicinal springs, to cure chronic ailments. The above treatment is now used by the loremost physicians of Germany. France and this country, and is the only sure and safe method of eradicating diseases of long standing. Following are some of the diseases we treat: Rheumatism, lumbago, sci- iitica, swollen joints, paralysis, syph- ilis, blood and skin diseases, lung liver and kidney complaints, gastritis, dys- pepsia, malaria, nervous prostration, debility, corpulency, mercurial poison, the morphine and liquor Habits, fe¬ male complaints and irregularities, dropsy, spinal diseases, catarrh, dis¬ eases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Dr. A. J. II. Jansemus was here one month ago and has met with univer¬ sal success. By permission we refer the following cases: John Gerber, cured of inflamation and Polypi of bladder. Mrs. Clara Wettstein, Mrs. Win. F. Heinicker and Mrs. C. Blase, cured of female complaints. Mr. J. T. Stone, cured of rheuma¬ tism. Mr. Joon Gerber was suffering such excruciating pains lie was unable to work, and now after one month's treatment, lias resumed work. Give us a call. Respectfully, Drs. Jansenius. Office Hours: For ladies, from 8 to II a. m. For gentlemen, from 1 to 4 p. m., and evenings from 7 to 8. Irwin Sheriff Sales. State of Georgia, j IitwiN County. I Will be sold before the court house door in Irwinville, Ga., on the 1st Tuesday the in June, 1897, within the legal hours of sale follow¬ ing property, to-wit: Two hundred and sixty- five acres of land, being part of lot number one hundred and sixty-six in the 6th district of said county, and known as the Hearn place the same being levied upon and to be *old as the property of J. Y. Fletcher, to satisfy 3 executions issued from the count y court of said county, one in favor of Henry W. Jones for the use of Jeff Kirkland, one and in favor of A. D. Adair and McCarty Bros., one in fa¬ vor of the CitiBen’s bank of Valdosta, against J. Y. Fletcher, property pointed notified out by plain¬ tiffs’ attorney. Defendant as required bylaw. Levy made and returned to me by Wm, Rogers, county bailiT. This 28th day of E. April, V. Handley 1397. Sheriff I. C. , Will be sold before the court house door of Irwin county oo the first Tuesday in June, next, between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the up-right following de¬ scribed property, to wit: One eight- horse power engine and boiler, levied on as the property of H. Kory, to satisfy the superior one su- perloroourt flfa issued from court of said county in favor of the officers of said cou rt. This. Hay 5th, 1897. Sheriff County. R. V. Handle v, Irwin Legal Notice. '\X7HEREASs it is deemed expedient and ▼ » tor the best interest of the Wadley and Mount Vetnon Railroad Company that its raii- roacl he extended by the building of a branch Paiffioad from Rixville, a pointon the railroad ol said company, in Emanuel county, Georgia to Georgia; the town said of extension Fitzgerald, in branch Irwin county’ or railroad to be built through the counties of Emanuel. Montgomery, Laurens, Tel fare. Dodge, Wil¬ cox, Coffee and Irwin, or any one or all of said counties, as may be by the directors of said company deemed feasible and to the best in¬ terest of the Wadley and Mount Vernon Rail¬ road Company, so as to connect the present brie ot said railroad company at Rixville, Emanuel county, with the town of Fitzger¬ ald, Therefore, m Jrw.n county. be, and it is hereby resolved by the hoard of directors of the Wadley and M0,nu } ernon Haihoad Company, iii meeting theTHi'/d . ih*^ a® kdiJI ville, a point on the lino ol (ho Wadley mid of Kmanne"°Mom Telfair,Wilcox. Coffee and Irwin, or any one reomrslrVaiaSiVanydeSSIcimoBtfeaffibie ? mJ tp.tke best interest the r ' Railroad Company, of Wadley & ol Fitzgerald, erjion in Irwin county. Georgia. to the town The • length of said extension or branch railroad as near as can be estimated, will be about seventy-five (75) miles, and the general direc¬ tion ot same will be in a southwest direction through the counties above named, or any one or more of them, from Rixville, Eman¬ uel county, Georgia, to Fitzgerald, in Irwin county, It Georgia. is further resolved, by tbe said board of directors, that notice of the building of the extension or bi anch railroad above designated be given by publication of these resolutions once a week for four weeks in the newspaper iu which the sheriff’s advertisements are pub¬ lished in each of the counties through which said extension or branch railroad will probably run, prior to the time the right to build said extension or brunch railroad is sought to be ex- c I CISCq . ltesoived further by said board of directors, that this resolution be entered in the records ol its proceedings. This 24th dfty of April, 1897. L D. Tyeor. secretary of the hoard of di- i ectors of the \Yadley and Mount Vernon Rail- om J >a J iy * d ? hereb y certify that the “ ot the original foregoing is a true and correct copj resolutions unanimously passed by the board of directors of the Wad¬ ley and Mount Vernon Railroad Company, as the same appears of record on the minutes of said directors’ meeting. Witness mv hand and the seal of said CO 111- puny, this the 24th day of April, 1897. G. D. Tysor, Secretary. State and County Taxes ’97. I will be in Fitzgerald, Georgia, at the Col- ony office during office hours on eueh daj' on tiie iallowing dates for tiie purpose of receiv- ior smv und co,u,,y MAY, Date. Tuesday..... 4 Thursday..... Wednesday . 5 Friday_______ tt Monday. 7 ....... Tuesday...... Wednesday. ... Thursday. Friday....... .. JDNE, Tuesday.... „. l Thursday,....... Wednesday...... 2 Friday......... 3 Monday........ 4 7 Tuesday....... W edn*j»day.... Thursday...... 10 Friday......... Monday...... u Tuesday....... 14 Wednesday.... 15 Thursday...... Jfi 17 After the above dates I shall positively close my books, and all parties failing to give in their returns will appear as defaulting and their property assessed at double value, in terms of the law. c. L. Royal Receiver of Tax Returns, Irwin County** Ga. Commissioner Henderson will be located at The Leader office on the above dates for ttf h purpose of receiving property for taxation. April 15,1897. makes BACKACHE the young-feel old, and the old feel that life is not worth the living. It is a danger signal of Kidney Disease. It can be CURED I want to say a good word for Dr. Ilobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills for the benefit of those who have been in pain and misery for years as I have been. My trouble was a constant, pain in the back, aggravated by kidney troubles, and no medicines 1 bought and none of the prescribed by physicians seemed to afford n.e any relief. I used Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills, and am happy to say that these pills have given me the relief 1 have so long prayed for. Those fearful backach pains have gone, my kidneys are again strong and well, and I now consider myself completely and permanently cured. These pills I believe to be the greatest remedy for kidney diseases and backache that lias ever been dis¬ covered, and I think the asparagus in them must have something to do with their strong curative properties. John II. Klink, N. Second St, Memphis, Tenn. HOBBS Sparagus Kidney Pills. HOBBS REMEDY CO., Proprietors. Chicago. Dr. Hobbs Pills For Sale in FITZGERALD, GA., by J. H. GOODMAN & CO., Druggists. The United States government wilt be.called on, says the Constitution, to furnish headstones for the federal sol¬ diers who lie buried in the little towns of north Georgia. S. A. Darnell, of Jasper, is at the back of the movement. The s ildiers for whom the headstones are wanted were members of the regi¬ ment of Georgia troops that fought on the side of the Union during the civil war. Georgia Southern & Florida Railway, Third Annual Cheap Personally Con¬ ducted torsion to Tampa, May 24 to June 1, ’97. We have arranged for our Third Annual Personally Conducted Excursion to Tampa Fla., and return. Train to leave Macon, Mon¬ day May 24th, 1897, at 11:50 a. m., reaching Tampa 8a. in.. May 25th, remaining* in Tampa until and Faiday, other Mayisth, 9 p. in., reaching Ma¬ con junctions following day in time for all outgoing trains. Those who desire can remain until June 1st. Below we give vou rates from principal points: Macon...... Fare *7 00 Oordele..... '* 5 09 Tifton...... 4 00 Valdosta..-. i«i LaG range.. “ 7 50 Thomaston “ 7 00 Americus.. “ 6 00 Fitzgerald . 5 00 Correspondingly low rates from interme¬ diate points between points from which rates are We quoted have above. entertaining and arranged an program cursionists. guarantee plenty > of enjoyment to our ex- We feel confident that our past record oil these personally conducted excursions will guarantee us a nice crowd this time. Cars will be filled have to seating fear capacity alone, only, and iadie» ne d no of going as the parties in charge will see to their every want. We will also have several ladies as chaperons. anxious have these desiring sleep¬ We are to ing ear accommodations communicate with us at the earliest possible moment such to insure sleeping their berths. Wo can only put on cars as are actually needod, and very often parties think there will be no trouble in se¬ curing berths on train, in which they are mis¬ taken. As vve will not stop for meals en route, we would suggest that those who care to should bring their refreshments with them. Mr. T. C. Parker, proprietor of the Brown house, Macon, Ga., will have shovld charge of refreshments on the train, which need no further guarantee of good things to eat at reasonable prices. Plenty of ice water. The ttaln will be under the personal super¬ vision of G. A. Macdonald, General Passenger W. L. Agent, Macon, Ga.. assisted by Messrs. Glessnerand D. G. Hall, ORDINANCE NO. 29. An Ordinance to Amend Sections 11 and 15 of Ordinance 6 of the City of Fitzgerald, Georgia. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City Fitzgerald, Georgia: Section I. That section 11 of or- dinance number six of the city of Fitz¬ gerald, Georgia, be and the same hereby is amended by adding to the end of said section the following words to-wit: “Anyperson licensed to sell intoxicating liquors as prescribed by tliis ordinance, or any other ordi¬ nance of tiie city of Fitzgerald, who shall by himself or employee, directly or indirectly, sell or give a way any in¬ toxicating liquors to any person who is intoxicated, or who is in the habit of becoming intoxicated, and any person so licensed as aforesaid who shall al¬ low any minor to remain in tiie room or upon tiie premises where such in¬ toxicating liquors are sold, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars or more than fifty dollars and costs of prosecution, and for a second offense shall forfeit his license. Sec. 2. That schedule “C!” of sec¬ tion 5 of said ordinance be amended as follows: Strike from said schedule these words ‘-contractors, builders, resident, $10.” Amend schedule “E” of said sec- t'on 5 by striking from the last hue of the printed copy of said schedule the words “$50,” and Insert in lieu there¬ of tiie words “$25.” Amend schedule “B”of said section by striking from the paragraph fixing the tax on dealers in “builders’sup¬ plies, etc.,” the words “$25,” and in¬ sert in lieu thereof tiie words “$12.” Amend schedule “P”of said section by striking from the same these words, to-wit: “Painter, resident $10.’' Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts thereof in anywise conflicting with this ordinance are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall take effect from and after its first publication in the official paper. Passed May 3, 1897. Approved May 6, 1897. C. C. Goodnow, Mayor. A ttpof . * H. H. Kabrich, City Clerk, (l. s.)