The Fitzgerald leader. (Fitzgerald, Irwin County, Ga.) 19??-1912, May 27, 1897, Image 8
CLOTHING! Wo have a full and complete stock of Men and Boys suits for Summer wear at lowest PH JOES. Summer Coats 50 and 75c. Nice dark Sattccn and other grades at $1.00, and good Black Alapaca Coats $1.50. Cheap Pants from 75c up, and the largest stock of Straw Hats in the town, including the imported Chinese Bam¬ boo flat, tray or turtle shape, very desirable for a sun protector, at 50 and 75 cents. Boys and Childrens Straw Hats of all description. Mens’ Working Shirts, good quality, 50c, and hundred Percale from 50c to $1 .*25. Our o 2 'oods are all first-class, and if not found as represented, can return them and money refunded. Dr C. McGOLLUM, *5 £ 4*5 4ft Ate Aft * * --irV - ’ Tse' -- - tnS I'Ve! 5 ^ ■6T 4 * HELLO! HELLO! 3 it /fr 4 \ V.. * JForthe New Grocery;* r 4 ■ On Pine Av., between Sheridan and Thomas Sts., » 5 •■V. 4 X A new ar.d Fresh stock of Goods, as good as the all best the can time. afford-none Please 7 * better fo be had in the market and more coming: Look the y I 'V £ call and see me and you will receive prompt attention. tor 4 > name of the proprietor on the Yours front of Truly, the building - , ■"J* o A- 4 e J. E. BENTZ. a ^ -t> P -og »!* ___ iiL * ■***«#s *w K& 4* | The Josey Drug Go. $ A full line of Drugs, Patent Med- w, f icinesof all kinds, Druggists’ Sun¬ dries, Ete., Etc. Toilet Soaps and Fine Perfumery. K The Finest Soda Fountain in Wire- grass Georgia. tt ¥ Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night. $ The Josey Drug Go. smmmmmmmmmmmmm ^ South Grant, Fitzgerald, Ga. r 'i Y S’ —- . ; A j' r M r* 1 A, fc? H-’ : r «•*- r * L u ’ r i . ife i> TIf’TON FOUNDRY S MACHINE COMPANY. ♦-MANUFACTURERS OF-♦ Iron and Brass Castings, Engine and Boiler Fittings, Inspirators, injectors. Lubricators. Jet Pumps. Steam Gages; Globe. Angle and Check Valves; Pipe and Fittings: General Machinery and Mill Supplies; Pulleys, Shaftings and Cm plings; Leather and Rubber Belt: tace-Leather nnd Lubricating Oils. ISVRopair Work a Specialty AGents for all kinds of Machinery notice.—I ron and brass melted sixdays ii»everv*woek. A second-hand 50-horse power Engine for sale. Call on or address, for lu prtieulars. R. S. KELL, Manager, Tifton, Ga. ||I 55 <c I! fi The Corner Grocery. ||?S. W. WHITCHARD full line & BRO., Prop’rs. ||| +0^6 A* We carry a of Groceries. Feed and Fertilizers. Magic + i)T vd* Acts Stock like and magic Poultry ! We Food, sell tne the only celebrated reliable “ Condition Atlantic Dissolved Powder. & * grades. Bone," tbebestfertilzeron Call and price goods. the market, at same price of cheap *5*(Vi'S* -F /T;d- it „ our Free Deliver;- 'Phomas 19. — ;.v~ , ri>oma ~ i — 1 °—• tm \ d- -i-*P*Fd-d-d-4--!'*!••;*d*d*-Fd-d-d--hd-d-d-d--I-d*d-d—P-Fd-*f-*l-*§-d-d*d-d*d-d-•$..£*-I-•;* .;. Fitzgerald Bottling Works, North Grant St. AM orders will receive prompt attention OLIN S. McCOY* Don’t ride a bent crank than the first repair shop, Sick lieadache can be quickly and completely overcome by using those famous little . pills known as “De- Wilt’s Little Early Risers.” J.H. Goodman & Co. Don’t jump curbstones because horses race in steeplechases. Not only piles of the very worst kind can be cured by DeWitt’s Witch Ilazel Salve, eczema, scalds, burns, bruises boils,ulcers and all other skin troubles can be instantly relieved by the same remedy. J. H. Goodman & Co. Don't fail to clean the bicycle every time yon ride any great distance. Quinine and other fever medicines take from 5 1o 10 days to cure fev-*r Johnson’s Chid and Feve Tonic cures in ONE DAY. Don’t ride at full speed over street crossings, ruts and depressions in the road. Don’t neglect a cough because the weather is pleasant; before the next storm rolls around it may develop into a serious difficulty beyond repair. One Minute Cough Care is easy to take and will do what its name implies. J. II. Goodman & Co. Don't let the tiies become so much deflated that you can feel the jolts as tlie rim strikes the pavement. Whooping Cough. Tlie two-year-old son of IV. L. Fur- gason, of Bolton. Miss., liad whooping cough. “ After several physicians had prescribed for him, without giving re¬ lief,” writes Mr. Ferguson, “ I per¬ suaded my wife to try a 25 cent bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. The first dose had tlie desired effect, and in forty-eight hours lie was entirely free from all cough. I consider your remedy tlie best in tlie market, espe¬ cially for children and recommend it at all times.” The 25 and 60 cent sizes for sale by J. H. Goodman &Co. Don’t let the chain sag perceptibly either on tlie top or on tiie bottom. It puts it under a constant strain that soon wears it out. Johnson’s Chill and Fe¬ ver Tonic is a ONE-DAY Cure, it cures the most stubborn case of fever in 24 Hours. Don’t fail to inspect every bolt and nut at least once during the week". They wear loose, and tlie machine is easily racked and strained if they are not properly adjusted. “They are dandies,” said Mrs.Bow¬ ers, of tlie Crocket, Texas. Enterprise, while writing about DeWitt’s Little Eariy Risers, the famous little pills for sick headache and disorders of the stomach and liver. J. H. Goodman & Co. Don’t pour a gill of oil into the bearings as often as you start for a ride of five miles. A little oil once a week is enough for any bicycle, and some need oiling but once a month. Tekiuhle Accident.—I t is a ter¬ rible accident to be burned or scalded; but the pain and agony and tlie fright¬ ful disfigurements can be quickly over¬ come without leaving a scar by using DeWitt’s Witch Ilazel Salve. J. II. Goodman & Co. Don’t skip the teeth of tlie sprocket wheels when you clean every otlier part of the bicycle. Tlie grit that ac¬ cumulates at those points is enough to wear out the best chain ever made. Take JOHNSON’S CHILL & FEVER TONIC. Don’t take chances on a loose sad¬ dle. Riders have been injured for life by trusting that good luck would pull them through with improper fast¬ enings. One upset might mean the everlasting smasbup of the wheel, even if the owner wasn’t injured. Don’t thin your blood with sassa¬ fras or poison it with blue-mass; but aid Nature by using DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation, biliousness and stom¬ ach and liver troubles. They are pure¬ ly vegetable. J. II. Goodman & Co. New Orleans has followed the ex¬ ample set by Californid and organized an association for the purpose of con¬ ducting Sunday racing. JOHNSON’S CHILL AND FEVER TONIC Cures Fever In One Day. A bicycle concern in England makes it a business to lease wheels to women only, and by tlie year or quarterly. It is co-operative, and Mrs. William T. Stead, wife of the author of “If Christ Came to Chicago,” is its chief officer. YOUR KIDNEYS if they are healthy filter the uric acid and poisons out of the system through the urine. If tiiey Bright’s are not Disease, acting right the results are Rheu¬ matism, Neuralgia, Bladder Trouble, Dropsy, These etc. can be CURED While in Altoona on business, I was taken with a severe attach of kidney troubles, tried several doctors who could do me no good, so I was told about your Kidney Pills and ed a box and was relieved almost mediately. lean never praise Hobbs Sparagns Kidney Pills too much; they are worth their weight in gold and my home shall never be without them. Eor further information to any wish to find out the true merits of Dr. Hobbs Asparagus Pills, address. R. S. Booker, 322 S. 2d St., Richmond, Va. HOBBS Sparaps Kidney Pills I HOBBS REMEDY CO., Proprietors. Chicago, Dr. llobbs Pills For Sale in FITZGERALD, Druggists. GA., bv J. H. GOODMAN & CO., A stout man’s bicycle club has been formed in Brooklyn, called the Big Six Wheelmen, and no man can be a member who weighs less than 200 pounds._______ A Pleasant Duty. “I feel it my dmy to give you a truth¬ ful accountof what Cliamberlain’s Col¬ ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy did.’ writes J. S. Collins, of Moore, S. C. •‘Iliad a child about two years old that had the diarrhoea for two months. I tried all the best known remedies, but none gave the least relief. When this remedy came to band, I gave it as directed, and in two days the child was completely cured. Sold by J. II. Goodman & Co. Johnson’s Chill and Fe¬ ver Tonic is a ONE-DAY Cure. It cures the most stubborn case of fever in 24 Hours. Australians are greatly taken with William Martin, the American. They say he beats faster men than himself because lie thinks quicker and is more daring._ ___ Some for ten, some for twenty and some for thirty years have suffered from piles and they have been quickly and permanently cured by using De- Witt’s Witch Ilazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and all forms of skin disease. J. II. Goodman & Co. Among tlie latest persons of note to become members of the L. A. W. is John Wsnamaker,’ of Philadelphia. He is enthusiastic over cycling, but has little time for riding. IV. B. Johnson. Newark, O.., says : “One Minute Cough Cure saved my only child from dying by croup.” It has saved thousands of others suffer¬ ing from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious throat and lung troubles. J. II. Goodman & Co. Take JOHNSON’S CHILL & FEVER TONIC. Tbe Scottish Oicylists’ association means to liave records broken at the international meet at Glasgow, Scot¬ land, in July. Tlie track now being built will cost 86,000. It will be three and one-lnilf laps to tlie mile. A Grateful Letter From a Baptist Min¬ ister. I was suffering from rheumatism when I was advised to use Chamber¬ lain’s Pain Balm. I now desire to attest to the happy results. A few applications of this liniment proved of great service to me. It subdued the inflammation and relieved the pain. Should any sufferer profit by giving Pain Balm a trial it will please me.— Respectfully and gratefully yours, E. Edwaiids, Minersville, Pa. (Pastor English Baptist Church.) For sale by J. H. Goodman & Co. Quinine and other fever medicines take from 5 to 10 days to cure fever Johnson’s Chill and Fevei Tonic cures in ONE DAY. Notice to Colony Stock Holders. The stock of the Colony Co. will now be retired and taken up by the Colony Co. under the following pro¬ visions: It will be taken at face value in payment for any and all new purchases made for either city lots or land tracts. It will be taken at face value for payment of all allotments where per¬ sons prefer to take out their deeds. On such transactions the stock will be taken in any amounts presented. Stock cannot he taken to pay any obligations such as notes given prior to this date, but applies to all new purchases and to allotments where improvements have been made. Board of Directors. City Plats at The Leader Office. luoub wn wun WHOLESALE DEALERS IN *f* c *j* 4*>j* *?» + '‘•FSSh 7# * GROCERIES * _ » 7 * E iF h» ❖' * *j* *j* *i*. f :f. f: f f f f:f:f f:f % * ♦»* Hay, Oats and Corn SIDNEY LfISCELLES INSURANCE msm m mm mm mm insHiiiRH BROKER MW mm FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT Renard Block, FITZGERALD, GEORGIA. # stsifer afc sj| sjs sfe $ ± sfe sfe 1 -™’ n sfsJr par^ain. _ Days. <§> W *Tr“ v|i» <$>■?>«>«>■$>•$><$><«><5. HURST BROS., v * f DBY-SOOriS.' ft V 0 If you want BARGAINS that will ASTONISH J v!- YOU, come to our 1 *4* I Special: Sale OF ± Dress • • <1 • Fabrics, 2 "T And everything to be found in a First-Class Dry- §§p Goods Store, on & m Saturday and Monday sfe | MAY We have hand 2S the up-to-date and colors and 31. styles. | A. <L on We don’t ask you to take our word for it, but to come and see for .ML, yourselves—that we have the largest, handsomest and best selected stock of w Dress Goods, Notions, Shoes, Etc., Etc., to be found in the City of Fitzgerald, and at Prices f that will make our competitors green with envy. All we ask is , that you call and examine our stock and be convinced of what * we say and advertise. “w* Observe 12 Pieces French the Embroideries, Following organdies, Prices jjfc worth 25c, at 20c ^5 .1 12 Pieces Figured Organdies, worth 20c, at 12|c. v “ 50 Pieces Dimities, all colors, wortli I5c at 11c. ^ Fine Scotch Lawns, Lawns, 36 28 inches inches, Wide, 4c. wortli 121c, at 9c. * M Pants Cloth—the very best Keosies, worth 20c, at 121c. sfe Cottonades, worth 25c, at 15c. Sfe u 15c, at 11c. it 12.Jc, at 9c. * Sfe We have, besides those quantities of goods too numerous to mention, a large and complete line of Ladies, Gents and Childrens Hosiery. Ladies Un¬ sfe dervests at from 4c to 25o. spivMLUNtKY.- IVAN I IMTDV To our large and beautiful line of Mil- * to bethe largest and best,in the city. Our milliner, who learned her trade after several years experience in New YorkCity, is far the most competent _ trimmer in Fitzgerald. We always have on band a large supply of the Cos- Jag «,•, mopolitan Patterns that we sell at the uniform price of 15c eaoh. 3$£ « Yours to Serve, * ■A* HURST Next Door to Postoffice. BROS.,| a Fitzgerald, Ga. Jshf spUfL ______