Newspaper Page Text
The Leader
j. II.
3 •ijr *i|r
J '
- :
Some People do noth¬
ing but talk. We pre-
frer to let our custo-
o . ,
er s $lers talk in regard to
read 3>ur low prices and im-
< mense stock to select
uti irom. We have no
Vo; competition that can
or 11; duplicate our Prices,
remember we are the
case Aioneer and here-to-
T stay Hardware dealers
g of Fitzgerald, Ga. Our
tf interests are identical
e with yours. We are
b here assist in devel-
t to
d oping this Garden spot
of Wiregrass Georgia.
; Boyd HarcLuJare Co.
• gssxssxsssss* *-’■
Grocery.! *
The Corner Ml
JS. W. WHITCHARD 6c BRO., Prop’rs
t We carry a full line of Groceries. Feed and Fertilizers. Mag-ie im
11 Stock and Poultry Food, tne only reliable Condition Powder.
Acts like magic ! Wo sell the celebrated “ Atlantic Dissolved
X Bone,’’ the beet fertllzer on the market, at same price of cheap
grades. Call and price our goods.
% Free Delivery' 'Phomas 19------ Corner Thomas and Oconee.
-*- r
" Good New Goods, Low Prices*
", Hardware, Builders’ & Shop Material,
wi Tinware, Stoves and Crockery.
lis ^
We carry an Elegant Line of PAINTS, Etc. Send for our
# ^ Color Card. Our Specialty is Improved |
In fact everything needed on the farm. Agents for 1
tyOOGA PLOWS, Planet, Jr; Cultivators, McCormick Mowers,
•on Mitchell Celebrated Ore and Two-Horse Wagons. Turpentine
F Mill Supplies. Steam Mill Fittings, Emery Wheels, etc.
it Ml Goods Guaranteed to he just as represented at time of sale. 8
live mei the Et Our of Job prices work. on all classes
fi * t
m □
N .1
► y
We are located cn the
corner of Central Av.
and Grant St., in our
own brick building.
Our Mammoth Stock
Is full and Complete,
and embraces
Builders’ material,
Farm Machinery,
Stoves, - Crockery,
Mixed Paints,
Shelf - Hardware,
Wire Screens, Etc
In fact we keep in stock
everything known to
the Hardware trade;
A Specialty.
Of the Best and Latest
County Correspondence.
Tu Correspondent*—All by Monday letters (or Tuesdar publi¬
cation must reach us or
ot each week. Unless the name of the cor¬
respondent accompanies the letter we wiU
not publish the same. Wo will not print the
name of the correspondent or tell who they
are, but want the name as an evidence of (rood
faith. W rite news, and do not write anything
that reflects on the character of anyone.
Ocllla Pots,
From Our.ReKular Correspondent.
Crops and gardens are looking tine.
The little girl of Mrs. Hickman has
been quite ill.
We hope to liav.e an express office
soon; it is more than needed at pres-
We had an able sermon from our
regular minister, Mr. Register, on
Sunday last.
Supervisor Harrison was over the
new road from Fitzgerald to Ocilla,
Monday last.
The G. & A. depot is being nicely
painted, which will add much to the
beauty of our prided city.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ward, of this
city, spent last Saturday in Fitzger¬
ald, and on their return reported a
good time and the city on a boom.
Since our last writing the mother
of J. IT. Powell lias died. She has
paid the debt that all must pay, and
gave beloved children the parting
hand. We are very sorry for the be¬
reaved, but we can sympathize and
resolve our sad thoughts when feeling
assured that the good mother has gone
to rest.
Sycamore Mutter logs.
From Our Regular Correspondent.
Dr. W. W. Hall, of Arabi, was in
town Sunday.
Mrs. Percy Borker, while driving to
church last Sunday, was thrown from
her wagon and very seriously hurt.
This section was visited Saturday
night by a copious rain, much to the
delight ot the farmers.
Genial John Royal, of Dooly county,
was shaking hands with friends and
relatives Saturday and Sunday.
An adjourned term of Isabella
court convened last Monday. Several
of our citizens have gone over on busi¬
Messrs. Sam Jackson and Jim Story,
two popular young men from Dooly
county, visited here the latter part of
the week.
Col. W. A. llawkins, a prominent
young attorney from Cordeie, was the
guest {J. tiis uncle, Dr. W. L. Story,
last week.
A large congregation attended di¬
vine service at Pleasant Hill church
Sunday. Elders I). W. Taylor, of Ro¬
chelle, and-Brown, of TyTy, de¬
livered able and impressive sermons.
The corn crop in this section is the
poorest in many years, while the cot¬
ton crop though small, promises to
make a large crop. Omega.
Sparks From Wolf Pit,
From Our Regular Correspondent.
VVm. Pollman lost a fine cow. this
Miss Mary Dunbar visited Miss
Francis Gaff, Friday.
Fred Dunbar is working at Law¬
rence Lewis & Co.’s saw mill soutli of
this place.
Eddie Loufman conducted an ex¬
cursion south over the C. II. & D.,
Sunday p. m.
Ross Cooper attended Methodist
conference at Tifton last week, and
reports an enjoyable time.
Several of the young ladies from
Old Field and vicinity were in attend¬
ance at the ball game.
Some of the boys in this vicinity
say next time they go fishing they
will take some bait along.
Mrs. Swafford and Mrs. Blood vis¬
ited tiie former’s father southwest of
the city Tuesday and Wednesday.
Charley Smith and Jesse Gaff are
making them a boat to put on the
river. We don’t know whether they
will he like t h e old woman with her,
straw pot—neither lend nor borrow.
Jesse Gaff took a special train out
over the Ha. Ha. division of the Chi¬
cago & Great Northern road Sunday
p. m. Jesse tries to deny the run,
but there is too much evidence against
him. We saw the cape jessamine he
got, all the same.
' The latest thing in these parts is
the Wolf Pit fishing club. The fol¬
lowing named gentlemen are the offi-
icers: Sam Gaff, chief catcher; Sena¬
tor Fox worthy, vice catcher and hoiik-
baiter; Shorty Pearson, keeper of
hooks and bait digger; Judge Ray,
stringer. All the rest of the club are
general roustabouts at fish-frys.
The Old Field nine and the Wolf
Pit nine crossed bats last Saturday on
the Wolf Pit ball grounds, and bad a
very interesting game, and as usual
the Wolf Pit boys come out ahead,
but there was good playing done on
both sides. As we didn’t get the score
correct we cannot give it. Toward
the end of the game there were sev¬
eral flies and fouls in the air. The
same clubs will cross bats at the Ash-
dale diamond two weeks hence.
Tiie Children day services of the
"Wolf Pit Sunday school was held at
F. Ray’s auditorium, Sunday, May 30,
and was a grand success. The pro¬
gram that appeared in the correspond-
ence Home time since, was carried out
with a few alterations. There was a
large crowd in attendance, and all en¬
joyed themselves hugely, and espe¬
cially at the noon hour when the boun¬
tiful repast was spread on the table
consisting of the good things that is
required to refresh the inner man, and
the way the grub went out of sight
showed that the crowd knew how to
do justice on such occasions. The
afternoon program was short and
sweet, which was followed by a short
sermon by Rev. J. J. Lohr, after which
all went home happy and glad they
were there. ...»
Tub Boy With Onk Eye Opijn.
Whopping Congh.
The two*year-old son of W. L.. Fur-
gason, of Bolton, Miss., had whooping
cough. “ After several physicians had
prescribed for him. without giving re¬
lief,” writes Mr. Furgason, “ I per¬
suaded my wife to try a 25 cent bottle
of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. The
first dose had ttie desired effect, and
in forty-eight hours he was entirely
free from all cough. I consider your
remedy the best in the market, espe¬
cially for children and recommend ir,
at all times.” The 25 and 50 cent
sizes for sale by J. II. Goodman Sc Co
Vitality and Sexual Strength.
A modern treatment tor debilitated,
weak and nervous men. The Ameri¬
can Cure for this class of weakness is
put up in the shape of small nerve
tablets and called “Mazo Tonic.” It
will cure. It brings strength and
vigor. The price is $1. We will send
it to your address upon receipt of the
price. American Remedy Co.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
P. O. Box 168. 23-2m
Dissolution Notice.
This is to certify that the firm of
\V. O. Wilson & Co. has this day been
dissolved. All moneys and accounts
due the above firm are payable to Har¬
ris & Carson.
W. O. Wilson,
23-3 w Briggs Carson & Co.
The burglar ought to be in good
health, as he is continually picking up.
“ They are dandies,” said Mrs.Bow-
ers, of ttie Crocket, Texas. Enterprise,
while writing about DeWitt’s Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills
for sick headache and disorders of the
stomach and liver. J. II. Goodman &
In time of war you should prepare
for the cemetery.
Terrible Accident. —It is a ter¬
rible accident to he burned or scalded;
but tiie pain and agony and the fright¬
ful disfigurements can be quickly over¬
come without leaving a scar by using
DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. J. H.
Goodman & Co.
Every man is a king in his own
backyard.—Ram’s Horn.
Don’t thin your blood with sassa¬
fras or poison it with blue-mass ; but
aid Nature by using DeWitt’s Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills
for constipation, biliousness and stom¬
ach and liver troubles. They are pure¬
ly vegetable. J. H. Goodman & Co.
There are nearly 400 varieties of
humming birds.
Sick headache can be quickly and
completely overcome by using those
famous little pills known as “De¬
Witt’s Little Early Risers.”' J. II.
Goodman & Co.
Conscience is never dilatory in her
Not only piles of the very worst kind
can be cured by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Salve, eczema, scalds, burns, bruises,
boils,ulcers and all other skin troubles
can be instantly' relieved by the same
remedy. J. H. Goodman & Co.
Wanted to Trade.
I have a number of excellent pieces
of Florida land that I wish to trade for
Fitzgerald trade? Call property. Who has the some ice
to and see me at
factory. J. F. Stansbrough.
Attorney-at- Law,
Fitzgerald, Georgia.
Officb—I n the Slayton & Kern building on
Pine avenue,
E. W. Kjrinwu, L. Kennedy,
Of South Dakota. Of Savannah.
OreiCE—In Fitzgerald Block.
Be On the Safe Side
And Take Your Work to
The Pioneer Jeweler.
Watches, .Jewelery, Clocks, Silver¬
ware, Diamonds, Spectacles, etc., at
Lowest Living Rates.
GrantBt. Between Pine and Central A vs.
J. H. (J. r. KNAPP, KNAPP, : Editors mi hk.iL
NO. 23.
Headquarters For
ffmue ©rugs,
Goodman’s New Drug Store,
Cor. Pine and Grant Street.
Everything Fresh and New with a Full Line of
Patent Medicines. Prescriptions Compounded.
[»Go Where The People Qo&% j
*+++++++ ]
| Look Out for Bargains
1 Otir Big Stock of Goods!
I :
Are Here and we are Going to Quote You
| The Ever Heard Lowest of in Wiregrass Prices Georgia. Here j 3
► 3
are a few Remarkably Choice ones. Remem¬ —
ber we are chock full of New Goods and every- :
I thing marked down to Bed-Rock Prices, viz • 3
e Lonsdale Bleached and Fruit of the Loom, 3
s 6c per yard. -*■
Good Bleached Muslin, 4c -N
t per yard. - -<
I Best Drilling, 5c per yard. 3
All kinds of Prints 3, 4 and 5c per yard
t jj
l Corsets, worth 75c, now 49c. 3 3
\ Imported white dotted Swiss goods at 23c \
jyard. ■t
- per «■
I 40-inch India Lawn 12 l-2c per yard.
I Black Henriettas, was 50c, now 20c pr yrd. I
i 1 was 49c, now 35c per yan . \ 3
t 3
\ Our Shoe Department is Full of Bargains . 1
$2.50 Ladies Dongola Shoes for $1.50. -■«
\ $2.50 Oxford Tan for $2.00.
\ Ladies Percale Shirt Waistslare going at 59c.
\ $5.00 Trunks for $2.98. 3
i»- 3
\ Call and see those beautiful Wash Dress -w ,
\ Goods that make up in handsome style for \
\ Summer wear. 3
9 a -N
C T. S. PRICE 6c CO. -a 3
Fitzgerald Block. 5
# $ 5fS $ 3$ $ SfS | $ 3f£ $ $ 3$t# $ 3$ S|£
FRANK S. BAIIBER, President. XVM. R. BOWEN, Cashier. #
{The Colony BankS
# BAUD E ft & OWEN, Bankers.
# #
This Bank is now open and doing a General Banking business. We credit
^ Northern Exchange and Pension Checks at Par ^
When deposited by our customers. We Issue Exchange on New York, Savan- ft#
•jJB* nab, Macon, Darien and Cordeie at one-half the rates charged by poBtiiflice •HB*
«"» money orders. e »
ft# Welond money on high class security, never charging overeight percent, ft# KS
per annum. sSs
Our rates and banking rules and customs are the same as those of Atlanta ”
ft# and Louisville banks. In other words, we give the business men of Fllzger- ft#
•SB* wft aid the same banking and rates Memphis and privileges from the start that it took the iner- Vgp
chants of Atlanta twenty years to get. Lack of competition
will never cause us to take any advantage of the colonists. #
Contractor # Builder.
Plans and Estimates Furnished on Short Notice.
Address Lock Box 8, Fitzgerald, Georgia.;