Newspaper Page Text
m I The Josey Drug Go
$ A full line of I)rugs, Patent Med-
* icines of all kinds, Druggists’ Sun-
$ !pj dries, Etc., Etc.
Toilet Soaps and Fine Perfumery.
& The Finest Soda Fountain in Wire-
\ 10 grass Georgia.
Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night.
m The Josey Drug Go.
South Grant, Fitzgerald, Ga.
W e have a full and complete stock of Men
and Boys suits for Summer wear at lowest
PRICES. Summer Coats 50 and 75c. Nice dark
Satteen and other grades at $1.00, and good
Black Alapaca Coats $1.50. Cheap Pants from
75c up, and the largest stock of Straw Hats in
the town, including the imported Chinese Bam¬
boo Hat, tray or turtle shape, very desirable for
a sun protector, at 50 and 75 cents. Boys and
Childrens Straw Hats of all description. Moifs’
Working Shirts, good quality^ 50e, and Hundred
Percale from 50c to $1.25. Our goods are all
first-class, and if not found as represented, can
return them and money refunded.
d. c. McCollum,
Pine Avenue.
/ v
'i*rf V ,v
1 ,, ,, 111 mmm
,. Iron and Brass Castings, Engine and Boiler Fittings,
Inspirators, Valves; Pip© injectors. and Fittings: Lubricators. General Machinery Jet Pumps, Steam ’Gages; Globe, Angle Shafting's and Check
and Mill Supplies; Pulleys, and
Couplings; Leather and Rubber Belt; Lace-Leather and Lubricating- Oils. Repair Work
a Specialty- eryvveek. A Gents second-hand for all kinds of Machinery. NOTICK.—Iron and brass melted six days
*nt*v r A 50-horse power Engine for sale. Call on or address, for fu
R. S. KELL,^Manager, Tifton, Ga.
Fitzgerald Bottling Works,
North Grant St. All orders will receive prompt attention 1
Palace fiofel,
Mrs. Orcelia R. Smith, Prop.
•Cor. Jessamine and Main Streets.
low We aro now making from special the rates North. to our When fel¬
colony members driver
you reach the depot hero have the hack
take you to the
Palace Hotel
Every thing new and strictly first-class.
For Tailor Suits
Pins Av’, M Door to Csmisoml Hots
A perfect fit guaranteed. A trial is all I ask.
All garments cut and made on premises.
Cleaning, Repairing and Preseinea Specialty,
(Lite of the Best American Hospitals)
Specialist in Chronic Diseases,
Of IVIen and Women,
Office, S. Grant street, near Magnolia. (Per¬
manently located.)
Notary Public,
Fitzgerald. Georgia
Dn. C. L 1 1-1. Maitaf,
Officb—I n Slayton Sc Kern building, oppo¬
site Commercial hotel. Fitzgerald, Ga
Plione 21.
East Pine Avenue,
Is now prepared to give rates on short, notice.
Having had fifteen years experience, perfect
Satisfaction is guaranteed. For rates and
bills rail at LKADERoffice
Off ice— In Paulk Building, Grant.street,
An Ordinance to Provide for the Col¬
lection of City Taxes,, mid to Pre¬
scribe the Manner of Enforcing the
Payment of the Same, and for/Other
He it Ordained by the City Council of
City of Fitzgerald, Georgia:
Section 1. Ad. valorem taxes,
levied by the city council on the real
and personal property in the city of
Fitzgerald, Georgia, shall be due and
payable as follows: One half on the-
lirstdny of May and one half on the
first day of October of eacli year, but
provided, however, that for the year
1897 the first installment of sucli taxes
shall become due and payable on the
first day of June.
Sec. 2. All city taxes are hereby
made payable at the office of the city
clerk, and it is hereby made the duty
of such city officer to collect such
taxes, and at the close of each day to
turn over to the_city treasurer all
monies collected and take the receipt
of the treasurer therefor. The city
clerk shall give eacli person paying
city taxes a written receipt therefor
showing in detail the amount of tax
paid and for what purpose, and if the
tax collected be against real estate
the said receipt shall contain a de¬
scription of the land for which the
tax is paid, as same is described on
the assessor’s tax digest. The city
clerk shall keep a stub of all tax re¬
ceipts issued by him, and shall, at the
time of making out each tax receipt
enter upon the stub thereof the same
facts which are hereby required to be
noted on the receipt, which stubs shall
be kept on file in said office as a pub¬
lic record of the city. The city clerk
shall also, at the time of collecting
any city tax, note the payment there¬
of on tfie assessor’s tax digest oppo¬
site tlie name of the person assessed,
or if on real estate, then opposite the
description of the land on which the
tax is
Sec. 8. All city taxes, except spe¬
cial sidewalk assessments, not paid
within thirty days after becoming due
are hereby declared to be delinquent.
'To all delinquent taxes remaining un¬
paid on the first day of the month
succeeding the time in which such tax
or installment of tax becomes due,
there shall be added by the city clerk
as a penalty for non-payment thereof,
the sum of ten percent, of the amount
of tax then due and unpaid. Which
penalty shall be added to the tax
originally assessed and shall be col¬
lected at the same time and in same
manner as the said original tax. Pro¬
vided, however, that nothing in this
section shall be construed as applying
to specific license taxes, or to special
assessments for sidewalks and cross¬
Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the
city clerk to make out on the first day
of November of eacli year a list of all
lands within the city limits against
which there are unpaid city taxes,
whether general or special, and also a
list of all persons owing the city any
taxes assessed on aecountof personal
property. On said first day of No¬
vember of each year or as soou there¬
after as possible, the city clerk shall
issue executions for said unpaid taxes
whether general or special, which ex¬
ecutions shall bear test in the name
of the mayor, and shall be directed to
the chief of police, whose duty it is
hereby made to levy the same and col¬
lect the taxes due and pay the same
to the city clerk. Said executions
shall command said chief of police to
levy on the particular description of
land against which tiie tax lias been
levied and is unpaid, or in the event
that tiie unpaid tax shall be personal
tax then said execution shall com¬
mand him to levy on the goods, chat¬
tels, lands and tenements of the de¬
fendant, or so much as may be neces¬
sary to satisfy said tax, and to sell the
same according to law to satisfy said
taxes. All sales shall take place at
the front door of the court house of
Irwin county, and shall be conducted
in same manner as required by law for
the collection of State and county
taxes. The person conducting said
sale may adjourn the same from day
to day, but shall give notice of his in¬
tention to adjourn, if necessary,in lire
• J dv.ertisement of sale.
Sec. 5. All city tax sales shall be
advertised once a week for four con¬
secutive weeks in tiie official paper of
the city and also in tiie paper in
which the sheriff of the county adver¬
tises his sales. The notice of sale
shall state the amount of tax claimed
to be due, whether for general or spe¬
cial purposes, and the time and place
of sale, the property- to be sold, and
the name of tiie defendant. Tiie city
clerk shall cause the editof or pub¬
lisher of the newspapers in which .tax
sales are advertised, to make an affida¬
vit of such publication and atfacli to
Ihe same a printed copy of such no¬
tice, which affidavit shall be lfept on
file in the clerk’s office.
Sec. 6. The mayor is hereby ap¬
pointed as tiie agent of the city to bid
for it on any property offered at city
tax sales, fie .is authorized and re¬
quired to bid at such sales in conform¬
ity with the provisions of the general
laws of this State governing municipal
tax sales. The officer making such
sale shall execute and deliver to the
city a deed of the property bid in by
its agents at any city tax sale, which
deed shall be valid and binding after
the period of redemption has expired.
Provided, however, that no redemp¬
tion shall he allowed of personal prop¬
erty sold for city taxes.
Sec. 7. Whenever any land is so
sold the owner thereof shall have the
privilege of redeeming said land at
any time within one year from date of
sale hv paying to tiie purchaser the
amount paid hv the purchaser for said
land with ten (TO) percent, premium
thereon from the date of the purchase
to the time of the payment.
Sec. 8. Whenever any person shall
attempt to remove from the city lim¬
its permanently, any property against
which there are unpaid city taxes
whether the said taxes are due or
otherwise, it shall be the duty of the
city clerk to issue an execution against
said person and properly, and the
chief of police shall forthwith levy the
same and collect said tax by sale of
the property as herein provided.
Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the
city clerk when issuing tax executions
to add to the amount of general tax
assessed and due against any descrip¬
tion of land within the city,the amount
of any special taxes assessed by order
of the council against the said land
for sidewalks or other purposes, and
the tax execution shall require the of¬
ficer making the lew to sell the said
land for said special Uxes as well ns
the general taxes, and at the same
time and place and in the same man¬
Sec. 10. Any lot owner who shall
■fall, neglect orTefnse- to comply with
the provisions of any ordinance or
reeolution of the city council relative
to the construction of any sidewalk in
front of his lot, shall-forfeit to the
city af a penalty for such failure or re¬
fusal, a sum equal to 25 per cent, of
the amount necessarily expended by
the city in building such sidewalk in
front of said lot or lots. Which said
penalty shall be added to tiie amount
of the special tax due against said lot
or lots for such sidewalk, and the
same shall be collected by the sale of
such lot or lots in the same manner as
hereinbefore provided for the collec¬
tion of general or special taxes.
Sec. 11. This ordinance shall take
effect from and after its first publica¬
tion in tiie official paper of the city.
Passed June 7, 1897.
Approved June 7, 1897.
C. C. Goodnow, Mayor.
II. II. KabRicii, City Clerk, (L. s.)
Great people always have small ene¬
mies.—Itam’s Horn.
A Grateful Letter From a Baptist Min¬
I was suffering from rheumatism
when I was advised to use Chamber¬
lain’s Pain Balm. I now desire to
attest to tiie happy results. A few
applicatiomfof this liniment proved of
great service to me. It subdued the
inflammation and relieved the pain.
Should any sufferer profit by giving
Pain Balm a trial it will please me.—
Respectfully and gratefully yours, E.
Edwards, Minersville, Pa. (Pastor
English Baptist Church.) For sale by
J. H. Goodman & Co.
The first car of watermelons were
shipped from Quitman, Ga., last Tues¬
day. Another car was loaded the
same day and sold for $150.00 on track.
W. B. Johnson, Newark, O., says :
“One Minute Cough Cure saved my
only child from dying by croup.” It
has saved thousands of others suffer¬
ing from croup, pneumonia,bronchitis
and other serious throat and lung
troubles. J. II. Goodman & Co.
Legal Notice.
To the Honorable Allen D. Candler, Secretary
of the State of Georgia: I.X.
The petition of Geo. W. Parrott, Sr.,
Cheves, Geo. W. Parrott, O’Neal, Jr . W. S. Thomson,
Jacob Haas, B. P. William Seandrett.
W. li.O’Neal, J. T. West and T. A. Scott, re¬
spectfully show the following:
First. That Geo. W. Parrott, Sr., Geo. W
Parrott, Jr., and Jacob Haas, areresidenis of
the county of Fulton: B. P. O'Neal, W.S.
Thomson, William Seandrett, W. B. O’Neal
and 1. X. Cheves are residents of the county
of Dooly; and J. T. W est and T. A. Scott a re
residents of the county of McDuffee, all being
in tiie State of Georgia.
Second. Your petitioners have associated
themselves together and under desire to the incorporate
a railroad company general
railroad laws of the State of Georgia, under
the name of ‘"The Dooly Southerd Railway
Company. The length of said road,
Third. as near as
can be estimated, will he about thirty-five
Fourth The general direction and location
of said road, and the principal places througli
which it shall pass, are to be as follows: Be¬
ginning ator near Bichwood, er some other
point on the Georgia Southern and Florida
Railway Co,, between CordeleandUnadilla. all
being in the county of Dooly and State of
Georgia, and running throughout its entire
length in a general southeasterly Alabama Railway direction,
crossing the Georgia and at
ornear Pinia, in Dooly Cordele, county, or at some
other point between in Dooly continuing county,
or Rochelle, in Wilcox county, and
on in the general direction indicated, to a
point at or near Irwinville, in the county of
Irwin, or to some other point in said county,
on the Tifton and Northeastern Railroad, be¬
tween Tifton, in the county of Berien.and
Fitzgerald, in the county of Irwin, all being
in theStateof Georgia. The counties through
which it will pass are Dooly, Wilcox and Ir¬
Fifth. The amount of capital stock is to be
*50,1100.00, divided into five hundred shares of
ono hundred dollars each, all of which stock
is to he common stock.
Sixth. The number of years said corporn-
lion is to continue is eight, with the
right and privilege of extending the same at
that time according to law if so desired.
Seventh. The principal office of said cor¬
poration is to he in the county of Dooly in the
State of Georgia. petitioners intend in
Eighth. Your good
faith to go forward without delay to secure
subscription to the capital stock, construct,
equip, maintain and operate said railroad
Ninth. Your petltitioners further show
that that they have given four weeks notice
of their intention of to this apply their for said petition charter the by
the publication in
newspaper containing of the counties the Sheriff’s through advert which se¬
meme in each
said road will probably thefllingof run, once a week for
four weeks before this petition, as
appears by affidavits of the several editors
below attached
Wherefore they pray to he incorporated un¬
der the laws of this state under the name
aforesaid with all the powers, franchises,
privileges and Lmuntties guaranteed such cor¬
porations under the Constitution and laws of
the State of Georgia.
Thomson & Whipple, Petitioners’ Attor¬
neys. Parrott. I.X. Ciikvks.
Geo. W.
G W. Parrott, Jr. B. P O’Neal.
Aeon Haas. Wm. Wm. K. O’Nkal.
Thos. A. Scott. Scandrktt.
JohnT. West. W. S.Thomson.
Statu Dooly of Georgia, County. 1*
Personall a ppeared before the undersigned,
T X Cil6V68 B. P. O’Neal and Wm B.O’Neal
who, each being sworn, say that the names
signed to the above petition for incorporation,
aro the genuine signatures of the persons
named therein, and that the matters therein
set forth are true to the best of sueb affiants’
knowledge, information andbelief.
I. X. Curves,
B. P. O’Nkal.
Wm. B. O’Nkal.
Sworn to and subscribed to before me this
May 1H, 1BS7. Cue I! Jones, N. P. D. C„ Ga.
Wanted —Horse and cattle hide.
Apply Lascelles Grocery Co., llenard
block, Fitzgerald, Ga. 22-tf
msmssmmxsmm 'wwmmmm
wm Ps *. ■ GROCERIES, w
Hay, Oats and Con 1
sssgsssssa ALPINE: BIGirOI-ES- assssfisso
8 % $39 ' 50% 33 The Gelders ———-—————',:::=—‘E§j—Wv:v News Be 01 3 @539503 g ‘ 5:? , 8
agmgssw . . P ' 63;:3318339'
, »_
Princeton Alpnm , . ‘ B10} . Bicycles, 7 (3135, . . . $50 $39 00 00 , > SAFES,too, We 59“ Bicycles |SIDORE and will 0" gladly GELDERS, '"stal'ment- quote you Manager. We Prices. 3?” ( Sterling Wax ‘ T erly Bicycles, Blcycles,- . " _ $10000 $69 ’ _' ’00
mm. mm. .4... .m. .11.. .21. um. .29.. .1, mm dz. mu dz. dim um um; w,» “QM mot. mugh -15 am. $92 man. ”w. n}. d». ~92. ms, .3; -7». ”n. u; m, M
CfJ —'*’*6 -^4 -'<’6 —<~o
& P i if
& f! For the Nfw Grocery ? % *
On Pine Av., between Sheridan and Thomas Sts., *
> A now and Fresh stock of Goods, as good as the best can afford—none
better to be had in the market and more coming all the time. Please
call and see me and you will receive prompt attention. Look for the S' *
'Jw » name of the proprietor on the front of the building, <
Yours Truly,
4* J. E. BENTZ. ? I*
£ -jjj ~-M *3*
f 1 iP at* ntJ