The Fitzgerald leader. (Fitzgerald, Irwin County, Ga.) 19??-1912, June 17, 1897, Image 8

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    4 11 Lascelles
r| Grocery
$ Company,
9 Oats and Corn.! 0
& Hay, 0 0
§siimur«LU 8 ,g
0 0
Rre r Life and Accident ^
Renard Block, FITZGERALD, GA. if
The Josey Drug Go.
A full line of Drugs, Patent Med¬
ial icines of all kinds, Druggists’ Sun-
dries, Etc., Etc,
Toilet Soaps ami Fine Pcrfumerj.
to The Finest Soda Fountain in Wire-
to Georgia.
to grass
'to Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night.
i The Josey Drug Go.
South Grant, Fitzgerald, Ga.
#j *5 »» ** * » *1 4*
U-VE —(To qnr-
tfr f>
4' ^ At
* 'For the New Grocery =
On Pine Av., between Sheridan and Thomas Sts., *
1+ •V.
A new and Fresh stock of Goods,as good as the bestcan afford—none
better to be had in the market and more coming all the time. Piease
£ C call and see trie and you will receive prompt attention. Look for the
o|. ’I ' name of the proprietor on the Yours front of Truly, the building,
% ,
■ v\ -<g iiiWFIWWW "-g-g JLV- ?j* ’2L
m w ****
We have a full and complete stock of Men
and Boys suits for Summer wear at lowest
prices. Summer Coats 50 and 75c. Nice dark
Satteen and other grades at $1.00, and good
Black Alapaca Coats $1.50. Cheap Pants from
75c up, and the largest stock of Straw Hats in
the town, including the imported Chinese Bam¬
boo Hat, tray or turtle shape, very desirable for
a sun protector, at 50 and 75 cents. Boys and
Childrens Straw Hats of all description. Mens’
Working Shirts, good quality, 50c, and laundred
Percale from 50c to $1.25. Our goods are all
first-class, and if not found as represented, can
return them and money refunded.
Pine Avenue.
Connell lVocvedingg.
Til'd city council met in adjourned
session last Saturday evening. All
the aldermen were present. The min¬
utes of last meeting were not read. A
communication from the board of ed¬
ucation informing the council of the
resignation of W. F. Way as the pres¬
ident and as a member of said board
was read, and on motion, placed on
tile. The ordinance abolishing the
board of education was then taken up
and the further consideration of the
same was indefinitely postponed by a
yea and nay vote as follows: 7 yea;
nay, 0.
Mr. Lascelles appeared before the
council upon request of Captain Cov-
erdale, and requested that no further
action be taken upon the water-works,
etc., question until next Monday
evening when Mr. Coverdale would be
here to represent his side of the case.
The request wad unanimously granted.
It was moved and supported the ex¬
penses of the city attorney while in
attendance upon court in Hawkins-
ville attending to business connected
with cases in which the city is inter¬
ested, be paid by the city, and that
an order be drawn for $10 upon the
treasurer. Motion prevailed.
Alderman Lee made a verbal prop¬
osition as coming from the residents
on 5-acre tracts just west of Roanoke
Drive, offering to give as many days’
labor on the improvement and enten-
sion of said drive westward, as the
street commissioner would be able to
furnish by parties working out their
poll tax. The subject was thoroughly
aired, but no definite action was
taken in the premises.
It was voted that proper notice to
tax payers, informing them that city
taxes were now due and payable, be
printed in the city newspapers pub¬
lished in the city.
The council then adjourned to meet
on Monday evening at 7:30 June 1L
Council met in adjourned session at
7:30 o’clock last Monday evening. All
the aldermen present excepting While
and Lee. The meeting having been
called for the purpose of giving Mr.
Coverdale, interested in the water and
light franchise, an opportunity to ex¬
plain the delay in the commencement
of the work, that matter occupied the
undivided attention of the council
during the whole session. Mr. Cover-
dale, upon invitation by the mayor,
proceeded to explain his position,
which he did in our opinion, in a fair,
candid and concise manner. He be¬
gan by assuring those present that in
a business career, extending over a
great many years, during which per¬
iod he had built more than twenty gas
and several water-works plants, he
had never yet failed to respect an ob¬
ligation or shirked a responsibility,
and never been made a defendant in
any suit at law, That if, in this case
the council, after a fair and impartial
investigation, should determine that
he had failed to comply with every re¬
quirement of the contract or franchise
purchased by him, he stood ready to
pay the amount expressed in his bond
into the treasury; that all he wanted
was fair and honorable treatment at
their hands. He then gave a brief
resume of his connection with the
building of the works, from the first.
Stated that everything was working
favorably; that he had ample capital
at command to carry the works
through to a successful termination in
connection with the American Ripe
Line Co., of Philadelphia, one of the
most responsible concerns of that
character in this or any other country;
that all the papers bearing upon the
subject bad been laid before a meet¬
ing of the board of directors of said
organization, carefully considered, re¬
ported favorable upon and by them
referred to their attorney’s for their
examination. After several weeks’
delay they returned the same with the
decision that the contract was not
drawn in accordance with the laws of
the State of Georgia: that the council,
under the charter, had no authority
to incur an indebtedness—which they
did do in granting a twenty-years
franchise and agreeing to take a cer¬
tain number of hydrants at a yearly
rental; that it was clearly within their
province to execute a contract year by
year and for no greater period of time;
that it would be necessary to call an
election and have the people vest the
council with power to execute such a
contract, thereby legalizing the same
in strict conformity with the laws of
the State and the provisions of the
charter under which the city govern¬
ment was organized. This decision,
with others, of minor importance,
caused the said company to decline to
invest any money until these object¬
ions could be overcome. Not wishing
to rely implicitly upon the wisdom
and legal opinion of the gentlemen re¬
ferred to Mr. C. had tire papers exam¬
ined by several of the beat lawyers in
Philadelphia and other cities be could
find, but with the same result. In
every case the decision harmonized
with the first. He stated that under
no circumstances would he sell the
franchise; that his whole aim in life
now was to complete the works here
according to contract, own and ope¬
rate himself, become a resident of our
city and pass what remaining years of
life, which a ktnd Providence might
allot to him, in our midst. He cer¬
tainly made a strong ease and by his
thoroughly earnest manner and gen¬
tlemanly bearing, impressed all pres¬
ent very favorably, and held their re¬
spected attention until his case had
been preseuted in full. Mr. Lascelles
here explained brielly his connection
with the subject at issue and made a
strong point when he said that if the
legal opinions handed in by the gentle¬
man employed were correct, then he
and his associate, Mr. Coverdale, were
blameless and not responsible for the
delay. If, on the other hand, the po¬
sition assumed, cannot be maintained,
then we are liable and the council’s
vL* Savannah Shoe Stored
We are overstocked with Ladies’ Oxford Ties and Gj danB
tlemens’Tan Shoes. We will sell for the next 20 W]
the above-named Shoes for 65 Cents on the Dollar. Bear
in mind that this sale is straight goods; no fire or fake,
but li ving facts. All we ask of you is to call on us, eM
amine our Shoes, and get our prices before you purchsl
action in voting the franchise can¬
celled and the contract mil and void
is a proper and tenable one. After
which it was moved and supported
that a committee of three, of which
the city attorney shall be one, be ap¬
pointed to examine into the merits of
the law points cited by Mr. C. and re¬
port upon the same at some future
meeting to he called by the mayor.
Motion prevailed. Aldermen Brunner
and Fockler were appointed to act
with the city attorney on said com¬
Mr. Perry Holland, on behalf of the
Loan and Investment Co.,of Atlanta,
made the following verbal proposition
to loan the city $30,000 to enable them
to complete the works, provided the
city can, under the law, issue bonds to
the amount of $60,000, the city to take
300 shares of class “A’, stock in the
above named company, making two
payments on the stock and guarantee
to keep this stock in good standing
until such time as the city can so ar¬
range its affairs as to not delay the
loan on the part of the company. The
company referred to to furnish die
$30,000 upon the following named
terms: Upon payment of 50 cents on
each share of stock, or $150 per month,
$150 on the principal, and the inter¬
est $150; making a total of $150 per
month, or, to be more explicit, $450
will be the face value of the notes,
after receiving the $30,000, subject to
a discount of 6 per cent, on all ad¬
vance payments, as provided in the
by-laws. In the event of the city not
being permitted to bond for that
amount the offer will hold good in pro
rata degree, viz: On $42,000 bonds
$21,000 could be realized, and so on
The Fitzgerald Iron Works Co. were
granted permission to lay a \ inch
pipe from Ivora’s well on Monitor
Drive to their foundry and machine
shop north of Altamaha. Adjourned
subject to the call of the mayor.
Court House Removal Petitions.
The attention of all male residents
of the 1537th district (the district in
which Fitzgerald is located) is invited
to the fact that petitions asking the
ordinary of Irwin county to call an
election of the voters of Irwin county
to vote on the question of the removal
of the court house from Irwinville to
Fitzgerald, are now ready for signa¬
tures and can be found at various
places in the city, where every one is
earnestly requested to call and sign at
once. Don’t wait for a member of
the committee to call on you, but step
in and contribute your mite by volun¬
tarily signing the petition. Petitions
can be found at the following places:
First Ward: Colony headquarters,
Clare & Co. and L. O. Tisdels. Sec¬
ond Ward: S. M. Whitchard, J. H.
Stalker and M. II. Plopper’s, also Col¬
ony bank. Third Ward: City hall,
Ryman & Kennedy, Sam Fleming,
Cheney & Burch, Way & Jay, Peiper’s
grocery, Rew’s stand, Leader office,
II. G. Taylors, Denniston’s drug store,
T. S. Price & Co.’s, Smith & Whit¬
man’s real estate office, Clark’s furn¬
iture store, Savannah Shoe store and
Wilson’s real estate office. Com.
W. B. Johnson. Newark, O., says :
“One Minute Cough Cure saved my
only child from dying by croup.” It
has saved thousands of others suffer¬
ing from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis
and other serious throat and lung
troubles. J. II. Goodman & Co.
Wanted —Horse and cattle hide.
Apply Lascelles Grocery Co., Renard
block, Fitzgerald, Gu. 22-tf
For Tailor Suits
Fins Av>, M Door to Commercial Hotel
A perfect flt guaranteed. A trial is all I ask.
All garments cut and made on premises.
Cleaning. Repairing and Pressing a Speeialtv
' ' T ‘ ‘ Au: ' w 7 ' ' ’ ‘ ' '7' ' .‘a ' ' '
g§§§§§§g ’INE BIGYGLES- g§®§§§$§§g
@§§§§§§§§@ g$3950g The Gelders News De p ot ' $$$$$st 853950§
. -‘-'-I HEADQUARTERS FOR 23+ ’ ‘
Princeton Bicycles, $50 00 We 39" Bicyc'eSf 3:3}:Eg'éogigggt; 0" '"Sta'ment- 32:13:?“ We.Seil Sterling Bicycles, $100 00
Alpine Bicycles, $39 50 SAFES’ too’ \Vaxel'ly Bicycles, $60 00
jjgfeiianna ^ 7v]/n3 mm %33\ feii I
p». . 7
m =£5, •• $
rf i; 9fff. II li-dip IIP W mm m
; tv;
Iron and Brass Castings, Engine and Boiler Fittings, :
Inspirators, injectors. Lubricators, Jet Pumps, Steam Gages: Globe, Angle and Che.
Valves: Pipe and Fittings: General Machinery and Mill Supplies; pulleys. Shaftings al
Couplings; Leather and Rubber Belt; Lace-Leather and Lubricating Oils. JS^-Repair Wc 1
a Specialty. AGents for all kinds 50-horse of Machinery. NOTICE.— Iron and brass melted sixda for 1
inevery >veek. A second-band power Engine for sale. Call on or address,
prticulars, R. S. KELL.IManager, Tifton, Ga.
Fitzgerald Bottling Works
North Grant St. All orders will receive prompt attentio