The Fitzgerald leader. (Fitzgerald, Irwin County, Ga.) 19??-1912, June 24, 1897, Image 1

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    The Fitzgerald Leader
Established. 1890.
I To the ♦====£♦ Public: of Dry- ft
Our assortment A |
Goods, Notions, Shoes and g
Millinery is ineparable and
worthy of your most care- li
0 - I ful inspection. Dress
'4 ;|5 (/) PC I Goods such exquisite styles |C |^0 $ f;
illJ | were never before seen in ^
CC I Wiregrass Georgia. Colors SQ}
| and designs modest there and. | | —| ^
§ unobtrusive. And *
$ O t are many other stvles of I fOJ m ^ 0
xk pr % I opposite . '■ effects—brilliant . , /.... ,
n <f$|QQ i tints criss-crossed reckless- ^
& 1 ]y and daringly. Quality
\ unsurpassed. Ladies, you
i it
tern must see these & sroods to ?
appreciate them. m
^ ? In Ladies fine Shoes we f JU ifF
pA* J mm | have can recommend. nothing bu err- what Ladies we !(/)f
o ■
and Childrens’ Shoes a spe-
al cialtv. %
i/ o
Our Notion stock is full $
and complete. O
& We are headquarters for
I all kinds of late style Mil-
-3 | linery.’ 0
0- ♦ i Hurst Bros. I
l{ The Corner Gr ocery. |j
Ms. W. WHITCHARD & BRO., Prop’rs. t*t tr*
ill . , Acts Stock We carry like and rnagic a Poultry full line ! Food, We of sell Groceries, ttie the only celebrated Feed reliable and “ Fertilizers Condition Atlantic Dissolved Powder. Magic cheap t!»:t f 'j£ 4* t
, J Bone," the best fertilzer on the market, at same price of xZt
tit -'J grades. Call Thoms and price 19. our e< goods.
Tree Delivery. — 4*4*4*4^4*4*i^\ t§t
4»W4* 4*4»4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4 4 4»4‘4*^4*4*4* , 4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4 4 4 4 4*4*4 , 4«4*4 , 4*4 4 4*
t**.*+. *. *: *. *' a *5*: ~+t *** *■* a *:* t
4« 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* *2*4“* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4**** 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*
/ '
Good New Goods, Low Prices. #
p Hardware, Tinware, Builders’ Stoves and & Shop Crockery. Material, f
m i m Color AGRICULTURAL We Card. carry an Our Elegant Specialty Line is of Improved PAINTS, UIPLEMTS. Etc. Send for our i 5
Mi * In fact everything needed the farm. Agents for CIIATl’A-
& on Cultivators. g
NOOGA PLOWS, Planet, Jr. McCormick Mowers,
w Mitchell Celebrated Ore and Two-IIorse Wagons. Turpentine ^
Mill Supplies, Steam Mill Fittings, Emery Wheels, etc.
^ All Goods Guaranteed to he just as represented at time of sale.
| «mttwnttsfl»sssMn«S HARLEY & HOLMES. |
Do not give out your order for Nursery Stock until you come and see my stock and get
prices. Hundreds ol' men told me last winter they were very sorry they gave their order be¬
fore seeing my stock and getting for $35.00 my prices. thousand, So don’t get caught 4 again. for J will $45.00 sell you No.
1 June Budded Reach Trees per and 3 to foot trees per 1000. 1
will have stock in my yard on South Main Street about the middle of October; so do not give
out your order until you see me and my stock and get prices. > 1
JD. M. WINSLOW, Manager. JP'itzgrera.ld Nursery Co-
County Correspondence.
letters for publi¬ 1
To Correspondents—All reach Monday Tuesday
cation must vis by or of the
of each week. Unless the name
respondent accompanies the letter we will
not publish the same. We will not print the
name of the correspondent or tell who they
are, but want the name as an evidence of good
laith. Write news, and do not write anything
that reflects on the character of anyone.
Sparks From Wolf Fit.
From Our Regular Correspondent.
Several fine rains this week.
The corn and cotton is getting a
hustle on growing.
Wm. Pollman and wife dined with
Mr. SwafTords Sunday.
The school of Miss Cleah Swafford
at this place closed June 1.
Mrs. Sam Gaff was the guest
Aunt Laura Blooe Sunday.
The Thursday night prayer meeting
was held at Mr. Harpers this week.
Mr. L. Shumway, of Fitzgerald, week.
was in our vicinity one day this
Miss Mable Kettle was on the sick
list the iirst of the week, but is able to
be around at this writing.
About all the fishing club does is to
go to the river to see after their in¬
terest in the fish that they want to
catch. »
Mrs. Margaret Gaff and son, Billie,
went to her brother, J. T. Dixes,
above Bowen’s Mill, Sunday and re¬
turned home Monday.
Some of the boys from this place
who went over south of here to get a
job on the saw mill are back again on
their old stamping grounds.
The time of meeting of the Young
Peoples’meeting and preaching has
been changed from 2 and 3 o’clock to
6:30 and 7:30 in the evening.
Fred Ray was on the sick list Sun¬
day and was not able to attend
church and Young Peoples’ meeting.
Sick headache was the cause.
Etta and Nancy says it was pretty
dark coming home from the school
house after prayer meeting Tuesday
night, and had to come home by
themselves. What was the matter
with Roy and George?
The ball game at the Ashdale
grounds between the Old Field nine
and the Wolf Pit nine last Saturday
was a grand defeat for the Wolf Pit
boys, as they got it laid over them bad,
and it made the boys look pretty blue
for awhile, but they say they are will¬
ing to give the other club another trial
in the near future. Pitcher Kipple
says one reason he could not play was
that he had to look at the pretty
young ladies that were in attendance
at the game.
Several of the people saw a strange
light last Wednesday night in the
heavens and did not know what
caused it. But we are of the opinion
it was a meteor or that stray air ship
that has been seen in the different
parts of the country lately, causing so
much comment through the leading
papers of the country. It may be the
ship that was stolen from Esquire
Hoffman and Co. at Roana, Ind., who
made a trip to the North Pole early
in the spring, and after they came
hack the ship was stolen from the
There was a meeting held at the
school house Monday afternoon of the
people of this vicinity to see about
getting a saw mill to locate in the
neighborhood. Fitzgerald, Mr. Ernest, a mill
man, from was at the
meeting and made some propositions
as to bringing called his mill order here. The
meeting was to McGregor by Com¬
rade Swafford. Mr. was
chosen president of the After meeting and
Fred Ray secretary. some dis¬
cussion on the proposition made by
Mr. Ernest, it was moved that the
proposition be accepted show and Mr. a com¬
mittee be appointed territory to and find suita¬ Enl-
est over the a
ble location, and draw up the con¬
tract. The committee consisted of
Messrs. Simpson, Kettle and Lam¬
bert. We do not know what they
have done, as we have not heard from
the committee.
The Roy With One Eye Open.
Sycamore Mutterings.
From Our Regular Correspondent.
A good rain is badly needed.
J. M. Hargrove visited Quitman
Dr. C. E. Walker has recovered
from his late spell of sickness.
R. E. L. Hammond and wife, of
Dawson, were visiting week. friends and rel¬
atives here last
A large majority of the voters of
this district are in favor of removing
the court house to Fitzgerald.
Prof. Lucius Brown, of Upson
county, has opened Hill a flourishing
school at Pleasant academy two
miles east of here.
The closing exercises of the Syca¬
institute on Monday and Tues¬
last under the able and efficient
of Prof. Clifford Grubbs,
a splendid affair.
Two young men living near the
river, were brought to Syea-
more last Saturday morning and tried
betore Justices Ray and Parker,
charged with having set fire to Mr.
Sebron Summer’s barn in the early
part of this month. They were dis¬
missed as sufficient evidence was lack¬
ing to warrant the court in binding
them over to superior court.
It is with regret that we announce
the death of Mrs. Eva Morris, which
sad event occurred at her home Sun¬
day morning last. Her remains were
interred Monday at Pleasant Hill
cemetery with beautiful and appropri¬ hus¬
ate ceremonies. The sorrowing
band and friends have the entire sym¬
pathy of the community. Omega.
Ocilla Dot,,
From Our Regular Correspondent.
J. A. J. Henderson has a line boy.
Ashley Stone has a fine watermelon
Our Ocilla dude has bought him a
new belt.
It. D. Gowan keeps Ocilla in ice and
cool drinks.
The weather has been very hot the
past few days.
Mrs. Thomas and Mis. Susie Price
visited Fitzgerald Monday last.
Wm. Raker, of Waycross, was visit-
ing friends in Ocilla iast week.
Since our last writing we have vis¬
ited a large section of our county and
find crops extra good.
We learn that the Kissimee tigers
were overhauled Monday last. They
promised to stop business, and not do
so any more.
The little boy of Reasey Sanders
while playing at Mr. Conners, fell and
broke his leg Sunday last.
Mr. Lockhart, of Worth county, was
in town Tuesday last. He was in¬
vestigating prices of land. He ex¬
pects to open a merchandise business
at this place soon.
Council Proceedings.
The city council met in regular ses¬
sion last Monday night. Present,
Aldermen White, Whitchard, Brun¬
ner, Allen, Fockler and Merrill.
Ordinance No. 41 relative to va¬
cating alley in square 4, block 12 and
permitting same to be used by T. &
N. E. for railroad purposes was read
the second time and failed on its final
passage by a vote of yea 2, nay 5.
The fire ordinance was read the
second time, adopted, and ordered
printed. ordinance providing that the
mayor, alderman-at-large be and presi¬
dent of the council appointed first a
board of auditors, was read the
A proposition from Perry Holland
giving conditions upon which a loan
would be made to the city was read
and placed on file.
The water and light franchise matter voted was
taken up and the
back to Sidney Lascelles and II. T.
Coverdale. The election was ordered
for July 24th.
The cainpiiign in Georgia next year
promises to be a regular South Caro¬
lina sizzer. With a dozen guberna-
tional aspirants, the pops in the “mid¬
dle of the road,” and statesmen ga¬
lore wanting to save their country in
the legislature, there’ll be music in
the air and fun for all.—Lawrence-
ville News. 1
On account of increase in the busi¬
ness done the salaries attached to the
following postoffices in Georgia have
been increased: Brunswick, Cordele,
Dalton, Fitzgerald, Griffin, Albany,
Tifton, Americus, Carrollton, Coving¬
ton, Dawsm, Fort Valley, Hawkins-
ville, Waycross, Bainbridge, Carters-
ville, Cuthbert, Dublin, Gainesville,
LaGrange and Waynesboro. No de¬
crease is made in any of the Georgia
offices.—Tifton Gazette.
A Grateful Letter From a Baptist Min¬
I was suffering from rheumatism
when I was advised to use Chamber¬
lain’s Fain Balm. I now desire to
attest to the happy results. A few
applications of this liniment proved of
great service to me. It subdued the
inflammation and relieved the pain.
Should any sufferer profit by giving
Pain Balm a trial it will please me.—
Respectfully and gratefully yours, E.
Edwards, Minersville, Pa. (Pastor
English Baptist Church.) For sale by
J. H. Goodman & Co.
List - Property
> --- - AND - f
Pay : Taxes
For non-resident property owners. We n?so
furnish Abstract of Titles when desired. En¬
close stamp giving full information.
F. WILLIAMS, SON & CO., Fiasgerald, 6a,
Real Estate Dealers.
B. F. KNAPP, : Editors udhbM8»;
J. li. KNAPP,
NO. 25.
Headquarters For
pure IDruQs,
New Drug Store,
Cor. Pine and Grant Street.
Fresh and New with a Full Line of
Medicines. Prescriptions Compounded,
* Go Where The People
I Look Out for Bargains i
t I
^ | OUr Big Stock of Goods I
j ^
t- Are Here and Going to Quote You
=: we are
I The Lowest Price I 3
— Ever Heard of in Wiregrass Georgia. Here
► are a few Remarkably Choice ones. Remem¬
^ ber we are chock full of New Goods and every¬
E thing marked down to Bed-Rock Prices, viz ••
l Lonsdale Bleached and Fruit of the Loom,
I 6c per yard.
t Good Bleached Muslin, 4c per yard. —
l Best Drilling, 5c per yard.
U1 kinds of Prints 3, 4 and 5c per yard. ^
c Corsets, worth 75c, now 49c. -«
l Imported white dotted Swiss goods at 23c f
l per lyard. 2 ]
40-inch India Lawn 12 l-2c yard. -a
i per -*
► 7? 50c 20c
was o r pr i -X
► 7 '
’ 49c, CC -*«
7 was ’ now c per yt
} Onr Slioe llepartuient is Full of Bargains, f
| $2.50 Ladies Dongola Shoes for $1.50. 3
| $2.50 Oxford Tan for $2.00.
| Ladies Percale Shirt Waistslare going at 59c. §
| $5.00 Trunks for $2.98. I
Call and see those beautiful Wash Dress -j
Goods that make up in handsome style for l
I Summer 3
I wear. -X
Fitzgerald Block.
# # ^ # sjs sjt # sk yk is
* FRANK S. HAI DER, President. WM. R. BOWEN, Cashier. v
* The Colony Bank “A* m
# #
BAUDE Tt «Sc BOWEN, Bankers. *
# *
■II sSjc*, This Bank is now open and doing aGeneral Banking Business. We credit
When Norton deposited Exchange by and We Pension Checks at Par H
our customers. Issue Exchange on New York Snvan- "is** w
■Sfe* dpiS) nah, Macon, orders. Darien and Oordelo at one-half the rates charged by postofflee
# Welend money on high class security, nevercharglng overeight per cent.
qurrates and banking rules and customs are the same as thoseof Atlanta
# and Loutsrflio banks. In other words, we give the business men of Fitzger- %#
aid the same banking rates and privileges from the start that it took the mer- ~* 7 *
# chants will of Atlanta and Memphis twenty years to get. Luck of competition
never cause us to take any advantage of the colonists. #
Contractor # Builder.
Plans and Estimates Furnished on Short Notice.
Address Lock Box 8, Fitzgerald, Georgia.;