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Da;, Hats and Corn.
Fire, Life and Accidenf.
Renard Block, FITZGERALD, GA.
The Josey Drug Co.
A full line of Drugs, Patent Med-
icines of all kinds, Druggists’ Sun-
dries, Etc., Etc.
Toilet Soaps and Fine Perfumery.
The Finest Soda Fountain in Wire-
grass Georgia.
Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night-
The Josey Drug Go.
South Grant, Fitzgerald, Ga.
For the New Grocery
On Pine Av., between Sheridan and Thomas Sts.,
A new and Fresh stock of Goods,as good as the bestcan afford—none
better to be had in the market and more coming all tbe time. Please
call and see me and you will receive prompt attention. Look for the
name of the proprietor on the front of the building, ‘
Yours Truly,
J. E, 03
We have a full and complete stock of Men
and Boys suits for Summer wear at lowest
prices. Summer.Coats 50 and 75c. Nice dark
iSatteen and other grades at $1.00, and good
Black Alapaca Coats $1.50. Cheap Pants from
75c up, and the largest stock of Straw Hats in
the town, including the imported Chinese Bam¬
boo Hat, tray or turtle shape, very desirable for
k sun protector, at 50 and 75 cents. Boys and
Childrens Straw Hats of all description. Mens’
Working Shirts, good quality, 50c, and laundred
Percale from 50c to $1.25. Our goods are all
first-class, and if not found as represented, can
return them and money refunded.
Pine Avenue.
Providing for the Establishing of a
Fire Department.
He it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Fitzgerald, Georgia:
Section 1. That there is hereby
established in said city a lire depart¬
ment which may consist of two en¬
gines, hose and hook and ladder com¬
panies, the number of each to be not
less than fifteen or more than 20 men,
as may be determined by resolution of
the city council at any time and shall
be formed and governed as herein¬
after set out.
Sec. 2. Said lire department shall
be under the control of a chief fire¬
man, and an assistant chief who shall
be recommended annually to the
mayor for appointment and confirma¬
tion by the city council, the same to
be done at the first regular meeting in
January, or as soon thereafter as may
be, and lie shall hold his office for one
year from the first day of such month
or until his successor is appointed and
qualified, unless sooner removed for
cause by the city council.
Sec. 3. The chief fireman and as¬
sistant, together with the captains of
the different companies, shall consti¬
tute the board of firemen of the city,
and they are hereby clothed with po¬
lice authority in all matters relating to
the fire department,and fully author¬
ized to enter any building where there
is supposed to be a fire and make ex¬
amination thereof, and it is hereby
made their duty to visit any building,
yard or premises in the city where
it is known or supposed that any
character or fixtures exist which may
he dangerous in causing or promoting
fire, and on examination thereof
should any such danger exist, they
shall direct the owner, agent or occu¬
pant thereof containing such fixtures
to remove or alter same.
Sec, 4. The said board of firemen
shall have the general supervision and
control of alt property intended for the
use of the tire department, and shall
see tiiat the same is kept in good re¬
pair. Said hoard of firemen shall
have a clerk to be elected from and by
themselves, whose duty shall be to
keep a correct minute of all the pro¬
ceedings of the hoard, and shall be un¬
der the direction of said board; he shall
make a report at the first regular
meeting in January and July in each
year, and oftener if requested, to the
city council ot the condition of the
engines, hose, hooks, ladders and all
other fire apparatus as well as all mat¬
ters pertaining to the fire department.
Said board of firemen or either of the
members of said board may be re¬
moved at the will of the city council.
Said board shall meet once in eacli
month for the transaction of business
at a time fixed by themselves.
Sec. 5. The chief fireman of the
department, or in his absence, the as¬
sistant chief or captain of any com¬
pany to he designated by the meeting,
shall preside at all meetings of the
hoard of firemen, and at ail fires the
chief fireman shall have the sole con¬
trol over all the members of the fire
department and of the engines and
apparatus connected therewith, and in
case the chief fireman is not present
the assistant chief, or if he be absent,
the captain of any company which
shall first arrive at the fire shall he the
officer in command until the chief or
assistant shall be present; provided,
that the board of firemen may, by res-
olution, provide otherwise.
Sec. (>. Each of the several fire
companies shall annually, on or before
the first day of February, elect a cap-
tain who shall hold his office for one
year or until his successor is elected,
and in case of vacancy, the said office
sliall he filled in the manner above set
forth for the residue of the term,
Said companies may respectively make
regulations for their own government
not inconsistent with the city ordi-
nances or the laws of this State.
Sec. 7. The captain of the several
companies may, from time to time, en-
list men from the residents of the city
of the age of not less than eighteen
years and when enlisted report the
same to tlie hoard of firemen. Pro-
vided, that every member shall be a
citizen of Fitzgerald, able bodied, of
sober and moral habit, and who shall
not have been convicted of a felony in
this State, and provided, that the
number of men in each company shall
not exceed twenty, nor less than fif¬
teen. All men and officers shall he
subject to removal by the city council
at will.
Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of all
firemen to attend all meetings of then-
companies, and in case of a tire to re¬
pair with their implements to the
place thereof, and to use their best ef¬
forts to extinguish the same under the
directions of their officers, and it shall
he the duty of the several companies,
whenever the engines or other imple¬
ments shall have been taken from
their respective places of deposit by
order of their officers or upon an alarm
of fire, to return the same in an or¬
derly manner when dismissed from a
fire, or when so directed by proper au¬
thority, and the same immediately
cleaned, and at all times to he kept in
good order and fit for immediate use.
Whenever any of the machines or ap¬
paratus of the Die department are
taken from the houses on any fire
alarm, or for any other purpose, they
shall, as well as the firemen, be,subject
to the direction and control of their
respective Officers the same as at a fire,
until returned to their several places
of deposit.
Sec. 9. The chief fireman *s here¬
by authorized and empowered to dis¬
miss any member of the fire depart¬
ment who shall violate any of the pro¬
visions of this ordinance, or any rule
adopted from time to time for tlie
government of tlie fire department;
but such person so dismissed may ap¬
peal to tlie board of firemen, who up¬
on such appeal, shall fully examine in-
«} Savannah Shoe Sfore,
We are overstocked with Ladies’ Oxford Ties and i
tlemens’Tan Shoes. We will sell for the next 20
the above-named Shoes for 65 Cents on the Dollar. ;
in mind that this sale is straight goods; no fire or 1
but li ving facts. All we ask of you is to call on us,
amine our Shoes, and get our prices before you pure,
to the merits of tlie case and report
tlie same to tlie city council for its ap¬
proval or rejection.
Sec. 10. No fire company shall
leave tlie city to attend a fire or tour¬
nament without the consent of tlie
committee on fire department, nor to
attend any parade without tlie consent
of tlie city council.
Sec. 11. This ordinance shall take
effect and lie in force from and after
its passage and publication.
Passed June 21 st. 1897.
Approved June 21st, 1897.
C. C. Go<5dnow, Mayor.
II. II. Kaurich, City Clerk, (l. s.)
Tlie best way to keep lemons fresh
is pack them in moist sand.
A Pleasant l)nty.
“I feel it my duty to give you a truth¬
ful accountof what Chamberlain's Col¬
ic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy did.’
writes J. S. Collins,of Moore, S. C.
“ I had a child about two years old
that had the diarrhoea fof two months.
I tried all tlie best known remedies,
but none gave tlie least relief. When
this remedy came to hand, I gave it
as directed, and in two days the child
was completely cured.” Sold by J. II.
Goodman & Co.
I shall he absent three or four
weeks in Boston and New York on
business and F. O. Messenger will
have full charge of my business dur¬
ing ray absence.
John II. Williams,
Of F. Williams, Son & Co.
June 21st, ’97.
Court House Removal Petitions.
The attention of all male residents
°f U* e 1537th district (the district in
which Fitzgerald is located) is invited
t0 tIle f act that petitions asking the
ordinary of Irwin county to call an
election of the voters of Irwin county
t0 vot e on the question of ttie removal
of the court house from Irwinville to
Fitzgerald, are now ready for sigpia-
tures and can he found at various
places in the city, where every one is
earnestly requested to call and sign at
once. Don’t wait for a member of
the committee to call on you, but step
in «nd contribute your mite by volun-
tarily signing the petition. Petitions
can be found at the following places:
First Ward: Colony headquarters,
Clare & Co. and L. O. Tisdels. See-
ond Ward: S. M. Whitchard. J. II.
Stalker and M. H. Plopper’s, also Col-
ony bank. Third Ward: City hall,
Rymaii & Kennedy, Sam Fleming,
Cheney & Burch, Way & Jay, Peiper’s
grocery, Itew’s stand, Leader office,
IE G. Taylors, Denniston’adrug store,
T. S. Price & Co.’s, Smith & Wliit-
man’s real estate office, Clark’s furn-
iture store, Savannah Shoe store and
Wilson’s real estate office. Com.
For Tailor Suits
Pine Nent Door to Ccmmercial Hotel
A perfect fit guaranteed. A trial is all I a6k.
All garments cut and made on premises.
doming. Repairing and Pressing a Specialty
Notice of Special Election.
J^OTICE is hereby given to the qualified vo-
that on Saturday the 24th day of July, 1897, at
the herinaf ter named of polling said places, of a Fitzger¬ special
election of the voters city
ald, will be held for the purpose of determin¬
ing the following question, to-wit: “Shall the
city council be empowered to make a contract
for a period not exceeding twenty years, with
such person, firm or corporation as it sees lit,
for the use of water and light, or either by the
city?” The polls will open at 9 o’clock in the
forenoon and remain open until 4 o’clock in
the afternoon . The polling places Headquarters. will be M -
follows: First Ward—Colony Oco¬
Second Ward—Whitchard’s store, corner
nee and Thomas streets. Third Ward—F itz¬
gerald Leader office. Fourth Ward—Store
room on southeast corner of Lee and Pine
streets. No person will be allowed to vote at
said election who has not registered for the
same. Any person otherwise for qualified said to special vote
at city election may register city clerk at the
election, with the mayor or
city hall at any time between this date and 5
o’clock in the afternoon of July 19,3897. 22,1897.
Dated at Fitzgerald, this June
C. C. Goodnow, Mayor.
For all the news, read The Leader.
: II
*))i* *i|r
a s
V •'
Some People do noth-
ing but talk. We pre-
frer to let our custo¬
mers talk in regard to
our low prices and im-
mense stock to select
from. We have no
competition that can
duplicate our Prices.
Remember we are the
Pioneer and here-to-
stay Hardware dealers
of Fitzgerald, Ga. Our
interests are identical
with yours. We are
here to assist in devel¬
oping this Garden spot
of Wiregrass Georgia.
Boyd Harduiafe Co.
. .....-
mmm , i *
-■ j),
J&U _ „ 1*3^
■: I -
K'- 'S'r" - • Jl
Iron and Brass Castings, Engine and Boiler ''■'''liiif'M Fittings
Inspirators, Valves; HHiniiM Pipe injectors. and Fittings; Lubricators, Generai Beit; i Machinery Lace-Leather Jet Pumps, and and Mill Steam Lubricating Supplies; Gages; ~ Pulleys, Globe, Oils. SST’Iiepair Angle Shaftings and (
Couplings; Leather and Rubber NOTICE.—Iron and' brass melted sB
a Specialty. AGents for all kinds of Machinery. Engine for sale. Call address, f<
in every’week. A second-hand 50-horse power on or
prticulars, 1 :
R. S. KELL, Manager, Tifton, G
We are located on tt y
corner of Central A I
• .;
and Grant St., in ot ,
own brick, building ,
Our Mammoth Stoc
Is full and Complete
and embraces
Builders’ Material
Farm Machinery,
Stoves, ■ Crockery,
Mixed Paints,
Shelf ■ Hardware,
Wire Screens, Etc.
In fact we keep in stock
everything known to
the Hardware trade;
A Specialty.
Of the Best and Latest