Newspaper Page Text
| __
Good Mew Goods, Low Prices, £
2; t Hardware, Builders’ & Shop Material f
Tinware, Stoves and Crockery. *
We carry an Elegant Line of PAINTS, Etc. Send for our
# Color Card. Our Specialty is Improved
In fact everything needed on the farm. Agents for CIIATTA-
22 W> NOOGA Mitchell Celebrated PLOWS, Planet, Ore and Jr, Two-Horse Cultivators. Wagons. McCormick Turpentine Mowers,
M /Sj Mill All Goods Supplies, Guaranteed Steam Mill he Fittings, just Emery represented Wheels, at etc. time of sale. !$§ £>
to as
| The Josey Drug Do.
A full line of Drugs, Patent Med-
icinesof all kinds, Druggists’ Sun-
% dries, Etc., Etc.
| Toilet Soaps and Fine Perfumery.
-J The Finest Soda Fountain in Wire-
$ grass Georgia.
A Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night.
* The Josey Drug Co.
$ South Grant, Fitzgerald, Ga.
r ^F _- 0 6 -'trti —tos —o'6 ""Lt rcT “ & ---o'r> -tsV o -T»V'
to i. ft
to # *:■? p Fok the New Grocery % ?
On Pine Av., between Sheridan and Thomas Sts., ;
# w p ft
better A new to and he had Fresh in the stock market of Goods, and as more good coming as the all hestcan the time. afford Please -none to
£ call and see me and you will receive prompt attention. Look for tiie “
' of the proprietor on the front of the building, ’ J.
V name
# Yours Truly,
m y.\ —o p — —gg ——gj —g.g *$* —o_n tS‘
% ? *i ; at? ft* ft 8 * ft 8 * ft 8 * ft** ' : *frft* ft* ft* T| to
I)o not give out your order for Nursery Stock until you come and see my stock ana get
prices. Hundreds or men told me last winter ttiey were very sorry they gave their order be¬
fore seeing my stock and getting my prices. So don’t get caught again. I will sell you No.
1 June Budded Peach Trees for $35.00 per thousand, and 3 to 4 foot trees for $45.00 per 1000. I
will have stock in my yard on South Main Street about the middle of October; so do not give
out vour order until you see mo and my stock ami get prices.
E.‘M. WINSLOW,Manager. Fitzgerald Nursery Co-D
Advertising Asks AYE
Would you have your business List
pay? and answers, *’Then make
it better yourself—you can do it. -
But not waiting on the future.
Advertising Says AN D f
the the Prosperity undecided. waiter, will or to come, the timid, but not or to to Bay :
The far-seeing, the energetic and For non-resident property owners. We nlso
the is fore¬ furnish Abstract of Titles when desired. En¬
courageous man now close stamp giving full information.
closing on the future. He recog¬ F. WILLIAMS, SON A 00,, Fiizgerald, Ga,
nizes in the present his oppor¬
tunity. Real Estate Dealers.
Advertising Asserts For Tailor Suits
That old methods have had their
day. The jog trot, in either
wholesale or retail business is CALL ON
done for. The pace has changed. E.
Only the up-to-date, the most J. DANCY,
progressive mau is successful
nowadays. Fins A?’, Next Door to Commercial Hotel
Advertising Proclaims
A perfect fit guaranteed. A trial is all I ask.
Higli tension throughout is the All garments cut and made on premises.
prime necessity. Given this, Clem?, Repairing and Freesin? a Specialty
then Brains, Courage and Energy
will compel success. ICE? ICE!
Your move is to advertise—ad¬ -
vertise to-day, to-morrow and
next day. Don’t quit till you
quit business. It Is Economy TO Save
Advertisers Say
That the medium with which to
;“pover the field” is the"
THE : LEADER, Vegetables Z
A Straight Story, and One-half having the cold comfort water, of solid life butter is keeping and fresh cool
Of Straight Goods vegetables. The best quality of Hygenic Ice
made from pure distilled water will be deliv¬
ered at your door. Send your orders and re¬
In a Straight Paper ceive the part prompt of employees attention. will Any receive negllence prompt on
bound bring business. If attention.
Is to
you have a‘ good thing, adver- LYLE - ICE - COMPANY,
The ▼ Y Leader. I have Wanted number to of Trade. pieces
a excellent
And you’ll hit a market you can¬ of Florida land that I wish to trade for
not hit through any other Fitz¬ Fitzgerald property. Who has some
medium. Each has to trade? Call and see me at the ice
gerald whole family for its audience. copy factory. J. F. Stansbrough.
a truthful, fair and City Plats at The Leader
Clean, newsy, Office.
square. I
An Ordinance to Amend Ordinance
No. 22, so as to Provide for Addi¬
tional Compensation for the City
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Fitzgerald, Georgia:
Section 1. That section one of
ordinance No. 22 of the city of Fitz¬
gerald be and same is hereby amended
by striking from the fourth line of the
printed copy of said section the words
“threw hundred and fifty” and insert
in lieu thereof the words “live hun¬
Sec. 2. All ordinances and parts
thereof in anywise conflicting here¬
with are hereby repealed, and this or¬
dinance shall take effect from and
after its first publication in the cfficial
Passed July 12, 1897.
Approved July 13, 1897.
C. C. Goodnow, Mayor.
II. II, Kabricii, City Clerk, (l. s.)
An Ordinance to Provide for the Re¬
bate of Certain Taxes Heretofore
Collected of Certain Dealers in In¬
toxicating Liquors.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Fitzgerald, Georgia :
Section 1. Whereas, Frank Pap-
worth, A. B. Marcus and S. M. Cohen
have eacli appeared before the city
council and have respectively, orally
stated to the council that they have
each paid the city certain sums of
money as a license for retailing intox¬
icating liquors in the city of Fitzger¬
ald, for certain periods of time during
which they each claim to have not
been in business, and ask the council
to rebate to them the respective sums
they have paid for the period of time
not in business; and whereas, the
city council being desirous of doing
equity in the premises, and not de-
sirig to collect a tax. from any person
for any period of time such person is
not in business, therefore if the said
persons, or any of or either of them,
shall make and tile with the mayor, an
affidavit signed and sworn to before
some officer authorized by law to ad¬
minister oaths, stating that such per¬
son has paid to the city a certain sum
of money, naming it, as a license tax
for retailing intoxicating liquors in
city of Fitzgerald, during a certain
period of time naming it, during which
such time the said person did not by
himself or agent or employee, within
said city engage in the sale of such
liquors, then the mayor is authorized
to deduct from the amount of license
due from such person on the first day
of July, 1897, one half of the amount
claimed to have been overpaid, and to
deduct the other one half from the
amount due on the first day of Octo¬
ber. 1897.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take
effect from and after its publication,
and all conflicting ordinanees are
hereby repealed.
Approved July 13, 1897.*
C. C. Goodnow, Mayor.
H. II. Kabricii, City Clerk, (l. s.)
An Ordinance to Provide for the
Registration of the Voters of the
City of Fitzgerald, Georgia, to Cre¬
ate a Board of Registrars, and to
Define Certain Duties of the Elec¬
tion Managers of said City and for
Other Puposes.
Be it.Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Fitzgerald, Ga.:
Section 1. No person shall be per¬
mitted to vote at any city election
held in the city of Fitzgerald, unless
such person shall have first registered
as hereinafter provided.
of each year the city clerk shall
for each ward of the city, a book to
designated as “Voters’ Book,”
hooks shall thereafter be kept open at
the office of the clerk at all times when
the said office is open for the transac¬
tion of official business of any kind.
Any male person who is a citizen of
the U. S., and who possesses the qual¬
ifications prescribed for voters by the
city charter, who shall first sign the
oath of affirmation specified in para¬
graph six shall be entitled to have his
name entered by the city clerk in the
voters’ book for the ward in which he
resides, or where he makes oath or af¬
firmation that he resides; and it is
hereby made the duty of the city clerk
to cause such person’s name to be
properly entered as aforesaid. The
city clerk or his lawful deputy, or the
mayor, are hereby authorized and re¬
quired to administer tiie oath to vo¬
ters as specified in paragraph six. In
tiie absence of the city <clerk or Lis
deputy, the mayor shall perform all
the duties of the city clerk in relation
to registering voters as herein pro¬
vided, and in the absence of both the
said duties may be performed by the
city attorney. The said affidavits
shall be kept on file in the office of the
*ity clerk until the last day of Decem¬
ber in the year next succeeding the
year in which the said affidavits were
made, when they shall be destroyed
by tiie city clerk unless otherwise or¬
dered at that time by the city council.
Sec. 3. For the purpose of identi¬
fying tiie voters, tiie city clerk shall
make an entry opposite each name
recorded in the voters’ book showing
whether such voter is white or col¬
books open as hereinbefore provided,
the city clerk shall, from the date of
the ordering by the city council of any
regular or special city election, until
three days before said election, keep
said voters’ books open and allow vo¬
ters a chance to register every day,
Sundays alone excepted, from nine (9)
in the forenoon until five (5}
o’clock in the afternoon.
Sec. 5. Three days before any reg-
ular or special city election the city
clerk shall deliver said voters’ books
and each of them to a board of regis¬
trars for said city, which board shall
be composed of the mayor, city attor¬
ney and city clerk. The mayor shall
be chairman and the city clerk shall
be the clerk of the said board. Said
registrars shall meet at the city hull
three days prior to any city election
and inspect the said voters' books,
and each of them, and if the name of
any person whom the board has rea¬
son to, is not entitled to vote at such
election, is found in any of said books,
such person shall be notified, by the
board to appear before it at the city
hall at a time to be fixed by the board
to show cause why his name should
not be stricken from the list of voters
of said city. At such hearing the
board may hear any evidence offered
touching the qualifications of such
person, and may act upon knowledge
of any member of the board. If the
person suspected is found disqualified
a memorandum of that fact, with the
cause of disqualification shall be kept
by the clerk of the board. The board
shall, on the day of election, before or
at the time of opening the polls, fur¬
nish the managers of election for each
ward of the city with a certified copy
of the list of qualified voters for such
ward, and also a list of the disquali¬
fied voters.
Sec.- 6. The oath or affirmation re¬
quired to be signed by voters before
registration shall be as follows, to-wit;
Georgia, Irwin County,
City of Fitzgerald:
I do swear (or affirm) that I am a
citizen of the United States; that I
am 21 years of age, or will be on tiie of of this cal-
endaryear; that I have resided in
this State one year, in Irwin county
six months, in the city of Fitzgerald
60 days and in tiie........ Ward 30
days, or will have so resided oil the of of tiie calendar
year; that I have paid all taxes which,
since the adoption of the constitution
of 1877, have been required of me, ex¬
cept taxes for this year, and that I am
not disfranchised from voting by rea¬
son of any offense committed against
the laws of Georgia. I further swear,
or affirm, that I reside on.....(or
tract No.....(between street
and street in city of Fitzger¬
ald. My age is... .years, my occupa¬
tion .
Sec. 7. At the close of the city
election held for any purpose, the
chairman of tiie managers of election
for each ward of the city shall return
to tiie city clerk tiie list of names of
qualified and disqualified voters fur¬
nished them by the board of regis¬
trars, which lists shall lie kept by the
clerk with the returns of said election.
Sec. 8. Be it further ordained that
all persons who have registered for
the special city election to be held
July 24, 1897, shall not be required to
register again for any city election
held in the year 1897. But the regis¬
tration list prepared for such election
shall be a part of the 1897 registration
Sec. 9. This ordinance shall take
from and after its first publica¬
in the official paper, and all con¬
flicting ordinances or parts thereof are
hereby repealed.
Passed July 13, 1897.
Approved July 13, 1897.
C. C. Goodnow, Mayer.
Attest :
II. II. Kabrich. Vity Clerk, (L. s.)
An Ordinance to Permit the Tifton &
Northeastern Railroad Company to
Use Certain Alleys in the City of
Fitzgerald, Georgia.
it Ordained by the City Council of
Section 1. That tiie Tifton
Northeastern Railroad Company is
hereby granted permission to lay a
track in the alleys of square 4, of
block 12 of this city to connect the
main line of said road with the ice
factory in said square. Said track to
be laid in said alley in accordance
with the directions of the street com¬
mittee. The said railroad company
to at all time keep said track in such
condition as to prevent accidents, and
to fence the same if required by the
mayor or city council.
Sec. 2. All ordinances conflicting
herewith are hereby repealed. This
ordinance shall take effect only after
publication in the official paper, and
shall not be published until the Lyle
Ice Company shall first make and file
with the mayor a bond to be approved
by him, conditioned that said company
will indemnify tiie city against all loss,
cost or damage by reason of any suit
against the city for damages on ac¬
count of said tracks in said alley.
Passed July 13, 1897.
Approved July 13, 1897.
C. C. Goodnow, Mayor.
II. H. Kabrich, City Clerk, (l. s.)
Notice to Colony Stock Holders.
The stock of the Colony Co. will
now be retired and taken up by the
Colony Co. under the following pro¬
It will be taken at face value in
payment for any and all new purchases
made for either city lots or land tracts.
It will be taken at face value for
payment of all allotments where per¬
sons prefer to take out their deeds.
On such transactions the stock will
be taken in any amounts presented.
Stock cannot be taken to pay any
obligations such as notes given prior
to this date, but applies to all new
purchases and to allotments where
improvements have been made.
Board of Directors.
Wall paper from 2J cents up. Look
at our samples.
Colony Furniture Co.
1 fl
•ijr •ijr
Some People do noth-
ingbuttaik. We pre-
frer to let our custo¬
mers talk in regard to
our low prices and im¬
mense stock to select
from. We have no
competition that can
duplicate our Prices.
Remember we are the
Pioneer and here-tc-
stay Hardware dealers
of Fitzgerald, Ga. Our
interests are identical
with yours. We are
here to assist in devel-
oping this Garden spot
of Wiregrass Georgia.
Boyd HarduJafe Co.
i ---------
] /
b 1 . «? ,—"•’L-'-wi - •*• v i t
r M V'- r ^
g - i 9 u
tit |f|& . |
^is -. ^;^3 , JBHpf Iff
Iron and Brass Castings, Engine and Boiler Fittings,
Inspirators, injectors. Lubricators, Jet Pumos,, Steam Gages; Globe, AngleandCh
Couplings; Valves; Pipe Leather and Fittings: and Rubber General llelt: Machinery r.aee-Le /f.^d «^Milt Lubricating Supplies; Pu Oils. lley s^Stiaf 83!^ Repair tings w > >
a Specialty. AGonts for all kinds of Machin » Wt- JICE.—Iron and brass melted sixd.
inevery Week. A second-hand 50-horse pov yjo foreale. Call on address, for ,
prtieulars, R. S. KtliL, Manager, Tiftor., Ga.}'
Contractor# Builder
Plans and Estimates Furnished on Short Notice
Address Lock Box 8, Fitzgerald, Georgia. T*
Notice to the Public.
Notice is hereby given that we have
sold our interest in the store known as
the Paulk Grocery Company, to John
B. Paulk. All accounts due thr firm
are payable to the undersigned as well
as all claims against said firm will be
paid by us. D. T. Paulk,
W. T. Paulk.
This, 23d day June, ’97. 26-4t
Vitality and Sexual Strength.
A modern treatment tor debilitated,
weak and nervous men. The Ameri¬
can Cure for this class of weakness is
put up in the shape of small nerve
tablets and called “Mazo Tonic.” It
will cure. It brings strength and
vigor. The price is $1. We will send
it to your address upon receipt of the
price. American Remedy Co.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
P. O. Box 168. 23-2m
We are located on the
corner of Central Av.
and Grant St., in our
own brick building.
Our Mammoth Stock
Is full and Complete,
and embraces
Builders’ Material,
Farm Machinery,
Stoves, ■ Crockery ’
Mixed Paints,
Shelf - Hardware,
Wire Screens, Etc
In fact we keep in stock
everything known to
the Hardware trade;
A Specialty.
Of the Best and Latest
Attention, Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received ri
my office, Irwinville, Ga., until 12 iri
Monday, July 19th. 1897, for contrac
to make certain repairs and improve;
ments on the present county com-
house. The same to embrace two act
ditional wings, two story high, 24x3}.
feet, extension to main building of If
feet, and repairs and improvement}
in court room and offices on first floor}
Successful bidder must immediately
enter into proper contract and giv^
bond in terms of the law. Plans and
specifications of work will be on file in
ordinary’s office after first Monday in;
July next. Payment made for same,
as work progresses. The right to re- 1
ject any or all bids reserved.
M. Henderson, Co. Comr.
June 73, 1897. 25-4w i
For all the news, read The Leader.