Newspaper Page Text
.1 onev Drug Co, J H Goodman & Co,
Denis ton,
EP Wight man. Wettstdn,
Geo McMullen, M H Grover.
S B Miller, Wilson & DeLang,
R W Hathaway, West & Kora,
Bush & Co , Price,
Got man & Woodrow, Adams,
IJ Nichols on, H Kabrloh, eity clerk,
City Council, Colony Bank,
Thompson, Sampson blcyclo shop,
WmMcCormick, Undertaker.
Plop per, Economy,
Bontz, Red Star,
Rousseau & Co, I X L.
Mull. Magic City,
Lashley, Paulk,',
(Hare, Sutton,’,
Tisdol, Whitehard,
Howell & Gardner, Stalker,
Kimball, Campbell,
Beaukamp, Central Market,
Colony (rear Clares), Smith,
Ritchie, Pitts,
Boll. Thompson,
Grand Central, Dempsey,
Palace, Kimball,
Nelson, Mri. Jones,n
Paulk, Gardner, Martin,
Brunswick, Mrs.
Thomson, White.
Miller. Fussell,
Stoney, Turner,!
Glen, Long,
McIntosh, Harrington,
Hyman & Kennedy, Cheney,
Colony Co Smith & Whitman
E L Childs, W 0 Wilson,
“Leader,” Enterprise,
Citizen, FACTORIES.!
Anguish, Wilson & Ledbetter,
Fissell, Fitz. Cigar Factory,
E L Todd, M H Gorman,
Bly8tone & Frink.
T 1’ Price, Haisden,
Piorrueci, Miss Saunders,
Graves, Mrs. Allen,
Harley & Holmes, Boyd Hardware Co,
T W Ha 5 -do, Uenckes.
Some names may have been uninten¬
tionally omitted from above list. These
will be added in later issue.
Lyle Ice Co.
Strictly Confidential and Private. Best medi¬
eval skill and nurses. Lock liox 526, At¬
lanta, Ga. 30-1 mo
Dr. Maury M. Stapler,*
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
506 Mulberry Street.
Auction e e r ,
East Pine Avenue,
Is now prepared to give rates on short notice.
Having had fifteen years experience, For perfect and
Satisfaction is guaranteed. rates
bills call at Leader office.
Palace Hotel,
Mrs. Orcelia R. Smith, Prop.
Cor. Jessamine and Main Streets.
Wo are now making special rates to our fel¬
low colony members from the North. When
you reach thedepothero have the hack driver
take you to the
Palace Hotel
Everything new and strictly first-class.
For Tailor Suits
Pins At-, M Soar to Commsrciil Hotel
A perfect fit guaranteed. A trial is all I ask.
All garments cut and made on premises.
CU nia j, Repairing and rsssinr a Specialty
—AND —
Paper - Hangers.
Estimates given on short notice. Country
work a specialty. P. O. Box 4.
'Central Av. and Jackson »t.
Fitzgerald, Georgia.
It] Is Economy TO Save
Butter, i
\ One-half the comfort of life is keeping cool
ahd having cold water, solid butter and fresh
vegetables. The best quality of Hygento Ice
made from pure distilled water will be deliv-
erod lit your door. Send your orders and re¬
ceive prompt attention. Any negllence prompt on
the part of employees will receive
Resolutions of Ro-pect.
The Epworth League on the death of
Miss Edna Culler, who was an active
member and an earnest worker, have
adopted the following resolutions of re¬
Whereas, God, in his wisdom, has
seen fit to enter our ranks and taken to
Himself our dear sister, therefore bo it
Resolved, That in the death of our
sister and co-worker wo have lost a
faithful member; but we humbly bow
to God’s will, knowing our loss to be
her gain, and God to be “too wise to
err, too good to be unkind,” and that
He “doeth all things well.”
Resolved, That we tender to the be¬
reaved family our sincere and heartfelt
sympathy in this, their hourof sadness,
and be it further
Resolved, That our charter be draped
for a period of JO days, that a copy of
these resolutions be handed to the city
papers for publication, one copy to be
presented to the bereaved family of the
deceasedland one to be spread upon the
records of the League.
Ruel W. Keefe, i
Blanche Moore, - Com.
Burt S. Bullard. )
Whereas, It has pleased the Great
Grand Master of the universe to re¬
move from our midst, our respected
brother, Jacob B. Wilson, of Fitzger¬
ald lodge No. 35, I. O. O. F. There¬
fore be it
Resolved, That in this affliction, our
deepest sympathy is extended to the
bereaved family and friends.
Resolved. That a copy of these reso¬
lutions be furnished his family, pub¬
lished in the city papers and spread
upon the records of the lodge.
J. B. Seanok. Com.
Norman Burton, 1
Whereas, The Supreme Commander
of the universe has seen fit to remove
from our ranks by death, our comrade,
J. H. Waters, we feel that Colony Post
No. 14, G. A. Ii. has lost a true and
loyal comrade, the community an up¬
right and honest citizen. Therefore be it
Resolved, That in this affliction our
deepest sympathy is extended to the
bereaved family and friends.
Resolved, That a copy of these reso¬
lutions be furnished his family, pub¬
lished in the city papers and spread
upon the records of our post.
G. E. Whitman, i
J. R. Green, -Com.
I. D. Morse, j
Ladies Who Suffer
From any conyplaiot peculiar to
their sex—such as Profuse, Pairj-
ful. Suppressed or Irregular Men¬
struation, are soon restored to
health by
Bradfteld’s Female Regulator.
It is a combination of remedial
agents whicl) have been used with
tfje greatest success for njore than
25 years, ai)d known to act speci¬
fically with and on tlje organs of
Meostruation, and
recomroended for
such complaiots
m I orjly. It ijever fails
to give relief ai)d
I restore the health
of the’ suffering
womai). It should
v /- vi be taker) by the
1 girl just budding
1 $ iijto womanhood
whei) Meostrua-
tion is Scant, Sup-
Jt.A. pressed, Irregular
or Pa i o f u 1, aiyd
all delicate worijeo should use it,
as its torjic properties hove a vvor>-
derful iiyfluence iQ toiying up and
strengthening the systen) by driv¬
ing through the proper channels
all impurities.
“A daughter of one of my customers missed
menstruation from exposure and cold, and on
arriving at puberty her health was completely
wrecked, when until she was twenty-four years of
aga, upon my recommendation, she used
one bottle of Bradfleld’s Female Regulator, com¬
pletely restoring J. W. her to health.”
Hkllums, Water Valley, Miss.
The BaAoriELD Reoulatob Co., Atlanta, oa.
bold at all oaueaisTS at e> per bottle.
August 23rd to 28th, 1897.
We take for pleasure in advising Annual you Personally that we Con¬ hava
ducted arranged our Fifth Augustine, August 28rd,
Excursion to St.
1897. Tickets good to return on any train np to
and including August 28th. furnish advertis¬
It will afford us pleasure to
ing matter, including detailed itinerary, upon
Following are rates from principal points :
Georgia Southern & Florida Railway.
Macon.. t4 00 Valdosta........ $2 00
Cordele. 3 50 Jasper.......... 1 50
Tifton.. 3 00 Lake City...... 1 26
Macon & Birmingham Railway.
LaGrange M 50 Thomaston..... 14 00
Macon, Dublin A Savannah Railroad.
Dublin.. .......»5 00 Danville..........15 00
Jeffersonville ........»5 00
Georgia Railroad.
Auguata 00 Camak .....IS 00
Milledgeville M 00
Georgia A Alabama Railway.
Montgomery $5 00 Columbus....... 15 00
Amencus 4 00 Abbeville........ '1 00
Sparks, Moultrie A Gulf Railroad.
Moultrie 13 50
Tifton & Northeastern Railroad.
Fitzgerald W 50
Correspondingly low rates from intermediate
G. A. MACDONALD,. & f Macon , Ga
B. G. STONE, M 4 B K>jri Macon, Ga.
A _
JAMES AMOROVS *. ™°^ D .* S , M . CO n f GA
M. F. g M & ^ Spart3i Ga<
F. G. BOATBMrf^ N . B ^ ^
A. G. JACKSOK^ Georgia Ry» E.B., Americus,Gfli Angtutt, G«.
A* POPB» G.P.A^ G. A A*
Colon}’ Members and Citizens.
We, as Directors of the Colony Co.,
and residents of the city of Fitzgerald,
are given to understand that the
agent of an outside corporation doing
business in Macon, lias made
statements to the effect that
they would give away ice to the con¬
sumer, but that they would ruin and
break up the business of the Lyle Ice
Co. The present ice war would seem
to indicate that the Acme Brewing
Co., of Macon, is determined to keep
their threat and ruin the almost first
manufacturing enterprise started in
our city.
The colony lias given this Ice Co.
the land they occupy and have prom¬
ised their support; therefore we ask
all citizens to stand by our home in¬
dustry, as it is simply a choice between
patronizing Macon or Fitzgerald.
The Lyle Ice Co. have invested sev¬
eral thousand dollars in their enter¬
prise and intend to put in bathing
pools and other improvements if they
receive the support of the people of
Fitzgerald. They have promised us,
and made statements to others, that
if they can receive the support of the
citizens and business men of our city
and colony, that they will hereafter
sell ice to the people of Fitzgerald at
a fair and reasonable reduction from
prices that ice sold at previous to
their starting the factory.
We therefore ask that all citizens
and members of the Colony interested
in the upbuilding of our city, give
their support to this industry and
thereby show to manufacturers and
capitalists that the people of Fitzger¬
ald believe in protecting their home
Board of Directors
of Colony company,
As President of the Colony Com¬
pany, I-fulIy endorse the action of the
Board in requesting that our home
industries receive the full support of
the Colony. Unless we show a dispo¬
sition to support those factories that
may be located among ns. few, if any,
will ever come. I believe the only
way to secure industries to locate
among us is to guarantee them
our full support. Here we have an
about and the general cry among onr
members was, if we could only get a
good supply of ice, it would be just
what we want. The ice plant came,
men had suflicent nerve to put the
plant in. Now comes a more wealthy
combine that makes beer their busi¬
ness and couples with it the sale of
ice. They crush the weak industries
because they are able to do so by giv¬
ing ice away. Now we ask, did they
give us ice before our factory was in
operation? Not much. We ask
further, would they give ice away if
our factory was to leave us? Not
much. Therefore, our little factory
stands between the Colony members
and the foreign contractor. lie com¬
pels them to lower prices or even give
their ice away to get rid of our first
little industry. Will our Colon}' mem¬
bers submit to such treatment? We
cannot see how they can afford to do
so. Men who have come among us to
aid us, to give work to our members
are the ones we should support. Such
men use the money they receive in
father improvements of our city in
aid of our workmen, wiiiie, on the
other hand, all money paid to foreign
institutions is taken away from us.
The citizens should, to a man, lend
their aid in support of a home insti¬
You may say, we will support the
ones who sell the cheapest. That is
short-sightedness. You may get it
cheap for a short time, but it will not
be the cheapest in the end. You may
say, competition is the life of trade.
That is so where competition arises
from institutions of our own city, but
where it is a question between home
and foreign institutions, it means
death to your home industries unless
you stand by them. We should do so
in this case, and in all cases help
those who have come among us to aid
and help us. I endorse the board’s
action and hope the whole colony will
do the same. P. H. Fitzgerald,
President Colony Co.
For Rent.
A desirable plantation in Glynn
county, four miles from Brunswick,
Ga. Healthy location, no malaria,
fresh salt breeze daily. Sixty acres
open land under cultivation. Eighty
acres wood pasture, and one hundred
and forty-three acres of salt marsh.
Soil especially adopted to truck plan¬
tation,divided into four fields of about
equal area. Tract having two to five
acres of hammock land. The improve¬
ments are a new seven room cottage,
piaza all around; excellent water, new
barn, stable, poultry house and yard
for 200 fowls, outbuilding,, etc. On
the place are 400 La Conte pears, one
hundred Japaneze plums, four hun¬
dred grape vines, twenty Scuppenougs,
also peaches and Japanese persim¬
mons. A most excellent opportunity
for a man of vim and energy. Will
rent as a whole or apportion to three
or four reliable small farmers. Through
rail connection to west, and low di¬
rect water route to New York. The
most desirable property in this sec¬
tion for trucking, dairying and farm¬
ing. Possession given Aug. 1st.
Rent low to approved tenants only.
Owner is busy city man, only reason
for desire to rent. For terms address
L., Box 144,
Brunswick, Ga.
GET our prices on
all kinds Job Work’
Legal Notiee/t -published by Authority.
Notice of Change in Firm.
The Telephone business In this olty eon-
ducted by D. H. Ledbetter, F. D. Ross,
Cordelo Telephone Co., E. S. Hander and others
under Arm styles of Colony Telephone hereby Comp¬ given
any has been changed. Notice Is
that F. S. Hander has sold his interest in
above telephone business nnd Is no longer
conneoted with it in any way. F. S. Ba
Fitzgerald, Ga., August II, I8II7. 38*4 w
Notice to Present Claims.
Notice is hereby Riven that the undersigned
have by order of the Superior Court for Irwin
county, been appointed us receivers of the
nssetts of Colon* Post, No. 14, Department of
Georgia, Grand Army of the Republic. All
persons having claims against said Colony
Post are hereby notified to file such claims
with H. K. Symons, Receiver, at his office
room 1, Fitzgerald block on or before the 1st
day of November 1807. All accounts must be
itemized and all claims of every nature sworn
to by the owner or his authorized agent.
Dated this 2nd day of August, 1897.
H. R. Symons, > Receivers
4w-32 T. C. Kuhn, )
Irwin County Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Septem¬ with¬
ber next at theoourt house in said count
in the legal hours of sale to the highest Did-
der for cash, the following property, to-wit: t
One bay stallion horse, said horse levied I on as
the property of J. B. Whiddon to satisfy an
execution issued from the county court of
said county in favor of J. S. Nelson, receiver of
Smith Sc Ross, against said 8. B. Whidden.
This 31st day of July, 1897. De puty Sheriff,
M. D. Duke,
Will be sold before the court house door of
Irwin county oli the first Tuesday in Septem¬
ber next between the legal hours of sale, to
the highest bidder for cash, the following
property, to-wit: Two mules, one dark brown
color about 12 years old and one mouse color
about 5 years old. Said property levied on in
and by virtue of a city court 11. fa. issued
from the city court of DoMglas, Ga., Purvice& in favor
of Bagby & Rivers, and against R.
Co. Said property pointed out by said I. plain¬ C.
tiff, s attorney. R. V. Handley, Sheriff
This Aug. 5, 1897.
GEORGIA, Irwin County.—Will Jrwinville, be sold Ga., be¬
fore the Court House door in
on the 1st Tuesday in September next within
the lawful hours of sale; the following prop¬
erty to wit: acres more or less of lot of
land No. 19 in the 0th District of said county
The same being the Southwest half of said lot
of land. Bounded on the west and south by
the original south and west line: on the north
and east by Hat Creek, said creek being the
line. Levied upon and to be sold as the prop¬
erty of Lot Warren to satisfy one fl. fa. issued
from the Countv Court of said county, in fav
or of the Bank of Tifton against Lot Warren
and Jehu Branch. Said property pointed notified out
by plaintiff’s attorney. Defendant as
required by law'. Lew made and returned to
ine by Wm. Rogers, County Bailiff, this 3rd
day of August, 1897.
Also at the same time and place will be sold
50 acres of lot of land No. 487, in the 4tk Dist¬
rict of said county. Bounded on the east and
south by land of Jacob Meritt, west by land of
W. A. Mobley, north by land of Lawrence
Newborne. Levied on and to be sold as the
property of Jos. ph and Charles Jacob "Mikler R. Paulk, to sat¬
isfy two tax fi. fas. issued by
tax collecter of Irwin county. Tenant in pos¬
session and notified as required by law. Levy
made and returned tome by Wm. Rogers,
County Bal’ff, this 3rd day R. of August, V. Hanley, 1897.
Sheriff Irwin County.
Executors’ Sale.
Will be sold before theoourt house door in
Abbeville, Wilcox county, Ga., within the le¬
gal hours of sale, the first Tuesday' in Septem¬
ber, next, the following lands belonging to the
estate of J. W. Mashburn, deceased: Town
lots fifteen (15), sixteen (16) and seventeen (17)
in block three (3) in the town of Rochelle, Ga.,
bounded on the north by alley extending
through said block, on the south by Third av¬
enue, on the east by Baptist church, on the
west by lands of the Rochelle Land and Lum-
ber Co., forming a tract 150 by 150 feet. Also
the old home place about seven (7) miles south
of Abbeville, about two (2) miles west or the
A. & \v. railroad and ten (10) miles north of
Fitzgerald, containing about eight hundred
(800) acres, one hundred and twenty-five (125»
acres in good state of cultivation, and on said
place there is a five (5) room residence, barn,
cribs and other necessary farm houses, two
(2) wells of good free stone water, a good ap¬
ple and peach orchard bearing fruit. Terms,
one-third cash; balance December 1st, lollow-
ing. Geo. D. Mashburn.
T. D. Mashburn.
Receivers’ Notice of Sale.
By virtue of an order of the judge of the su¬
perior court of said count}', passed on the
29th day of July, 1897, in the ease of the Irwin
County Lumber Co. vs. Colony Host No. 14,
Department of Georgia, Grand Army T. C. of Kern the
Republic. We,L, F. Thompson,
and H. R- Symons, as receivers in the above
stated case, will sell in front of the building
known as Grand Army Hall and Opera House,
in the city of Fitzgerald, Irwin county, Geor¬
gia, on Saturday, September 4, 1897, between
the hours of 11 and IS a. ra.. to the highest
bidder, for cash only, the following described
real estate belonging tract to said of defendant, to-
wit: All that or parcel land situated
lying and being in thecity of Fitzgerald, Irwin
county, Georgia, being (301) a the part fourth of land let three
hundred and one in district Df
said county, and known in the plat of said
city as shown by the records in the office of
the clerk of the Superior Court of said county,
as lot number sixteen (16) in square number
sixteen (16) in block number seven (7), and sit¬
uated on the northwest corner of Central ave¬
nue and Thomas street, and having a front of
forty (40) feet on Central avenue and extend¬
ing back north same width as front, along
Thomas street one hundred and seven (170)
feet, together with will be the improvements reon
Each bidder certified required check to for$25 dep osit with
the receivers a 50, and no
bid will be received from any one that has not
complied with this requirement.
L. F. Thompon,
T. C. Kern,
H. R. Symons,
Augr. 9th. 1897. Receivers.
Notice of Bond Election.
■\TOTICE of is the hereby City given of Fitzgerald, to the qualified Georgia, vo-
that on Tuesday, the seventh day of Septem¬
ber. 1897, at the polling places hereinafter des¬
ignated, there will be held an election of the
qualified voters of the City of Fitzgerald, Geo-
gia. lor the purpoaeofallowing the said voters
to vote upon and determine the following
proposition: Shall the city council issue the
bonds of the city in the sum of Twelve Thou¬
sand Dollars, bearing interest at a rate not
exceeding semi-annually. six per cent Seven per annum. Thousand Interest
payable lars of the principal of said bonds be paid Dol¬
in one payment ten years from date of said
bonds, and the principal ot Five Thousand
Dollars of said bonds to be paid at one pay¬
ment fifteen years from the date of said
bonds, following the proceeds of said Seven bonds to be used
for the purposes: Thousand
Dollars to be used for the purpose of paying
the claims of the American Tribune Soldiers'
Colony Company for school houses, school and
other public the grounds by and said school Colony furniture to
be sold to city Company:
Five Thousand Dollars (or so much thereof as
may be necessary) to be used for the purpose
of constructing an artesian well or wells for
the purpose of supplying and furnishing wa¬
ter for the city. be
The polling places will as follows: First
Ward, Colony Headquarters Building; Second
Ward, the building adjoininng Whltchard’s
store on Oconee avenue: Third Ward, at the
City Hall, in the Fitzgerald Block on Central
Avenue; Fourth Ward, the store room on the
southeast corner of Pine avenue and Lee
street. Polls wi 1 be open from nine o’clock
a. m until five o’clock p. m., Tuesday, Sep¬
tember 7,1897.
Dated this 4th day of August. 1897.
C. C. Goodnow, Mayor.
Log and Balance Carts manufact¬
ured and for sale by Dwight Gibbs,
Benia, Dooley county, Ga. 31-4W
Lost—L ast Thursday evening,
“Sheriff’s Badge,” gold-plated with
my name “R. V. Hanley” on same.
The finder will be rewarded. Leave
same at my residence or aLjTHE
Leader office.
m ii
•ijr •ijr
Sone People do noth¬
ing but talk. Wepre-
frer to let our custo¬
mers talk in regard to
our low prices and im¬
mense stock to select
from. We have no
competition that can
duplicate our Prices.
Remember we are the
Pioneer and here-to-
stay Hardware dealers
of Fitzgerald, Ga. Our
interests are identical
with yours. We are
here to assist in devel¬
oping this Garden spot
of WiregrassGeorgia.
Boyd Hardware Co.
s m M CO •
A Full Line of Drugs, Patent Med¬
icines of all kinds, Druggists’ Sun¬
dries, Etc., Etc.
Toilet Soaps and Fine Perfumery.
The Finest Soda Fountain i<n Wire-
grass Georgia. Prescriptions Com¬
pounded Day or Night.
The Josey Drag Co
South Grant, Fitzgerald, Ga. 3
Advertising Asks
Would you have your business
pay ? and answers, “ Then make
it better yourself—you can do it.
But not waiting on the future.
Advertising Says
Prosperity will come, but not to
the waiter, or to the timid, or to
the undecided.
The far-seeing, the energetic and
the courageous man is now fore¬
closing on the future. He recog¬
nizes in the present his oppor¬
Advertising Asserts
That old methods have had their
day. The jog trot, in either
wholesale or retail business is
done for. The pace has changed.
Only the up-to-date, the most
progressive man is successful
Advertising Proclaims
High tension throughout is this, the
prime necessity. Given
then Brains, Courage and Energy
will compel success.
We are located on the
corner of Central Av.
and Grant St., in our
own brick building.
Our Mammoth Stock
Is full and Complete,
and embraces
Builders’ Material,
Farm Machinery,
Stoves, - Crockery,
Mixed Paints,
Wire Screens, Etc.
In fact we keep in stock
everything known to
the Hardware trade:
A Specialty.
Of the Best and Latest
Your move is to advertise—a
vertise to-day, to-morrow ai.
next day. Don’t quit till y
quit business.
Advertisers Say
That the medium with which
“cover the field” is thej
A Straight Story,
Of Straight Goods
In a Straight Paper
Is bound have to bring business,
you a good thing, ae
tise it in
The ◄ < Leadf
And you’ll hit a market you
not hit through any other ']
gerald medium. Each copy
a whole family for its audit.
Clean, newsy, truthful, fair &
square. i
City Plats at The Lea
Office. '■