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(4 " ■ —
Official Newspaper of Irwin County. Georgia.
Official Newspaper of City of Fitzgerald, Ga.
J*G* knapp! j-E ditors and Pfiilisuehr.
ScBsottiPTiON Rater:— One oopy, one year
11.50: Six months. 75c: Three months, 50c.
Tehmr—I nvariably in advance. known
Job and advertising rates made on
application. Yourpatronago solicited.
C. C. Smith,Judge Sup. Court,Haw Wnvllle.Ga
Tom Eason, Solicitor Sup. Court. MoRae,
J. B. Clements, Co. Judge, Fitzgerald, Irwlnville,
J. E. Burch. Co. Solicitcr.
j'. B. if Paulk.’cieVk Sup"Court. Fitzgerald, Irwinville, “
R. V. Handley, Sheriff,
C. L. Royal, Tax Receiver, Sycamore,
J. R. Paulk, Tax Collector, Ocilla, Irwlnville.
James Walker, Co.Treasurer,
K. J. Hogan, Co. Surveyor, Minnie,
Marion Dixon, School Commissioner.Oellln, Com..
M. Henderson, Co.
General OfHccs, Tlfton, Georgia.
NO 1. No 3- Feb. 0, 1807. No.2.|No. 4.
A. M. P. M. P. M. | P. M.
1-|-1 sssassai 4.00 Lv. Tilton, Ga. Ar. 12:00 7:15
4:13 t Brighton 11:45 ! 7:00
4:2*2 t Harding. 11:36 1 0:51
^XX®- 4:42 4:48 5:00 5:15 f t Ar. Fitzgerald. Pinetta. Fletcher. Irwin. Lv.i ■5Z-- 16 9 5 l 6:31 6:13 6:00 0:25
Trains Nos. 1, 2,3 and 4 run daily except
s Train’s Nog. 7 and 8 run on Sunday only.
TriUns'connect'atTifton railroads, aud with Georgia Plant and System Ala¬
and g s- & P-
bama at Fitzgerald. President.
H. H. Tift, Vice-President.
W. O. Tift, Traffic Manager.
F. G. Boatkiobt.
Kft'ective Junel, *97,
P. M, A. M. , A. M.
5 23 10 55 Lv Oc.Ha Ar 10 35
6 00 11 25 Lv. Fitzgerald Ar. « 45
7 30 12 25 Ar. Abbeville, Lv. * 45
A. M. p. M. Cordeie 9 05
5 55 1 40 Americus 7 20
7 30 3 00 P. M.
7 65 I Montgomery
12 25 4 15 I Halena Lu I 30
7 20 8 35 Ar. Savannah <
SU n d a y v^e V «^m 5 K Jo^m. 30
Ar A b b e
faS 8 brex?end‘nf tVa?n° 8 n No schedules B “ e l9 “and will
from which date the following
be effective: No. 20.
No. 19. Savannah ar. 10 20 a m
7 20 p ra lv.
1 06 a m “ Helena “ 3 05 "
2 14 *• Abbeville “ 1 45 “
3 35 “ Cordeie “ 11 59 “
5 07 “ “ Americus “ 10 40 “
6 15 “ “ Richland “ 10 13 “
6 36 “ Hurtsboro Lumpkin “ 8 31 “
8 26 “
“ 0 10 “
10 45 “ “ Montgomery
Close connections at all junctions and ter-
CFcn! ^in^Vm^Pr^'&Gen. Mgr. Agt. ^
'’HAS. N. Kioiit, Ass’t Gen'l Pass.
Ed Stallings, T. P. A.. Fitzgerald.
Mail closes at 10:50 a. m. aud 5010 p. ni.
Mail closes 20 minutes earlier Sunday even-
'"Sinceopen from Sunday 7 a. *”g/ri”p5A. m.to7:30p.m. M.'”
^Office open P.
Christian Science.
Services every Sunday morning 10:30; Sun¬
day school 11:30. and Sunday evening services
at 7:30, corner of Pine avenue and Lee Street.
A cordial invitation is extended to all of what¬
ever creed or calling.
Office—I n Paulk Building, Grant Street,
Fitzgerald, Georgia.
Office— In the Slayton & Kern building on
Pine avenue.__
E. W. Hyman, L. Kennedy,
Of South Dakota. Of Savannah.
Office—I n Fitzgerald Block.
Palace Hotel,
Mrs. Orcelia R. Smith, Prop.
Cor. Jessamine and Main Streets.
We are now making special rates to our fel¬
low colony members from the North. When
you reach the depot here have the hack driver
take you to the
Palace Hotel
Everything new and strictly first-class.
Or order anything in the line of
Silverware, Diamonds, Clocks and Spectacles,.
Goods and prices. Remember that we give
from 25 to 4(1 per cent from the prices quoted
in any illustrated catalogue, with a guarantee
that everything is just as represcted. Repair¬
ing in best manner and at lowest living Jewelry rates
at the oldest established "Pioneer”
Store, Grant St., between Central and Pine.
Drs, C, A, A L> C. Holtsendorf,
Office— In Slayton & Kern building, oppo¬
site Commercial hotel.. Fitzgerald, Ga
Phone 21.
List - Property
♦===== AND ■: := .+
Pay : Taxes
For non-resident property owners. Small and
large tracts of land for sale. Enclose stamp
giving full information.
r, TOMS, SOS t CO, Fiuginli, St.
Real Estate Dealers.
P. M.
5 05
4 35
3 35
2 15
12 50
A. SI.
7 50
7 85
“The Leader” Offers the Following
Prizes for Farm Products.
Thu Leader expects to sent! a
grand display of farm products to
Ohio on the 1st of October that will
be used in making a display at Day-
ton. The object in offering the prizes
is to secure the largest display.
For the largest and best display
corn, cotton, Irish potatoes, sweet po¬
tatoes, onions, beets, carrots, parsnip,
turnips, cabbage, pumpkins, egg plant,
peppers, wheat, oats, barley, Lima
beans, white beans, pears, plums, to¬
matoes, etc., a prize of 82 will be
For the second best display one
year’s subscription to The Leader.
For the third best display (5 months’
subscription to The Leader. All
competitors must leave their display
at The Leader office not later than
September 28th, at which time the
judges, which will be appointed bv
The Leader, and mark the display.
Those who will not be able 'to
make a full display of the produce
named above, will be a competitor if
they have half of the above named ar¬
All others who feel like helping
along a good exhibit can bring any¬
thing raised on the farm.
We trust our farmer friends will
send us a large amount of farm pro¬
duce as we desire to make a big show¬
ing. Each exhibitor’s name will ap¬
pear on each display when sent away.
Fruit Growers’ and Shippers’ Association
The fruit growers’ and shippers’ as¬
sociation met at colony headquarters
as per adjournment.
Mr. L. F. Johnson was called to the
Minutes of last meeting were read
and approved.
Committee on by-laws being pre¬
pared to report, the report was called
for and received. The by-laws were
then read, article by article, and after
some changes were adopted as a whole.
Moved and carried to proceed to the
election of officers. L. F. Johnson
and W. W. Breese were nominated fox-
president, voting being by ballot, re¬
sulted in the election of Dr. Breese.
A. Holman being nominated for vice-
president without opposition, was de¬
clared elected. In like manner E. S.
Child was nominated and elected as
secretary. A. L. Sams was elected
treasurer. Messrs. W. II. Amies, I.
B. Allen and Samuel Emmons were
nominated and duly elected as mem¬
bers of executive committee. Messrs.
Jno. II. Boice, Oscar L. Jay aud Jno.
Huff were elected as the auditing
committee. Transportation commit¬
tee passed, to be elected at next meet¬
Moved and ordered that the secre¬
tary ascertain the necessary steps to
be taken for the association to become
a member of the “American Fruit
Growers’ Union.”
Several new members were added
and much interest manifested.
O. L. Jay gave notice that at next
meeting lie would move to change one
provision in article S of the constitu¬
The secretary reported the success
his petition to the board of colony di¬
rectors for the use of the audience
room of colony headquarters for the
meetings of the association.
Moved and carried to adjourn until
Saturday, September 11, at 3 o’clock
p. m. E. S. Child, Sec’y.
Reasons Why Ulinniherlain’s Colic, Chol¬
era and Diarrhoea Remedy Is
the Rest.
1. Because it affords almost instant
relief in case of pain in the stomach,
colic and cholera morbus.
2. Because it is the only remedy
that never fails in the most severe
cases of dysentery and diarrhoea.
3. Because it is the only remedy
that will cure chronic diarrhoea.
1. Because it is the only remedy
that will prevent bilious colic.
5. Because it is the only remedy
that will cure epidemical dysentery.
6. Beeause it is the only remedy
that can always be depended upon in
cases of cholera infantum.
7. Because it is the most prompt
and most reliable medicine in use for
bowel complaints.
8. Because it produces no bad re¬
9. Because it is pleasant and safe
to take.
10. Because it has saved the lives
of more people than any other medi¬
cine in the world. The 25 and 50
cent sizes. For sale by J. II. Good¬
man, druggist.
For Sale.
A few more sboats, pure Holland
China. See at once. Brunswick Kes-
City Plats at The Leader
County Correspondence.
To Correspondent)!--All letters tor publi¬
cation must reach us by Monday or Tuesday
ofoachweek. Unless tlio name of the cor¬
respondent publish the accompanies We the letter we will
not same. will not print the
name of the correspondent or tell who they
are, but want the name as an evidence of (food
faith. Write news, and do not write anything
that reflects on the character of anyone.
Sycamore Muttering**.
Fotn Our Regular Correspondent.
Cotton picking is the order of the
day, and the supply of hands is not
nearly equal to the demand.
Mrs. Mary E. Paulk, who has been
quite sick for the past week, is rapidly
recovering under the skillful treat¬
ment of Dr. W. L. Stone.
Yesterday was registration day.
About one hundred and twenty-seven
votes were all that registered here. It
is confidently expected by the friends
of Fitzgerald that she will carry tit
least two-thirds of those registered.
shot Late Alfred Saturday Brown, evening W. J. Webb
the charge strik¬
ing Brown’s middle figer and com¬
pletely tearing it away. Webb then
made his escape and has not yet been
captured, although a warrant has been
sworn out for his arrest. Whiskey
was the cause of the trouble.
Good Hope Items.
From our Regular Correspondent.
The machinery for the new mill is
expected in a few days.
J. G. Elder was at Ocilla on busi¬
ness Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hoffman spent
the Sabbath with J. Fletcher.
Another big saw mill, just 11 miles
south of here on T. & N. E. R. R.
Fred. J. Hoffman has secured em¬
ployment as engineer with Small Bros.
Two more houses are going up at
Pearson Bros. Six “Yank” carpen¬
ters are working for them now.
Messrs. Evans, Woodsman and Bess,
the boss carpenters for Pearson Bros.,
who have been sick, are about
Miss Effie Fletcher has been visit¬
ing with Miss Laura Cowel’s, who has
just closed a successful term of school
at J. Fletcher’s.
Last Tuesday the Good Hope de¬
bating society met at Mr. Hoffman’s,
with Pres. Norris in the chair. The
“ Structure and Spirits of Man” was
discussed. The disCusion of the sub¬
ject was quite animated, which dem¬
onstrated the fact that the gentlemen
participating in the discussion were
well posted on the subject. Wednes¬
day, “Social Democracy” was thesub-
ject. Observer.
Sparks From Wolf Pit.
From Our Regular Correspondent.
Items few and far between.
Picking cotton is all the rage at the
present time.
Jesse Gaff is picking cotton for
Peter Troupe this week.
Fred Ray has been hauling logs
this week for himself and Shorty,
Mrs. M. Gaff and daughter at¬
tended Sunday, the Royal and Fnssell wed¬
Dwight his Foxworthy still keeps im¬
proving place. This week he put
up a chicken house.
The saw mill that located out here
is going to get out as soon as possible,
on account of not getting the kind of
timber the proprietors want.
George Hascall and Ray Cham¬
pion went up between Lulaville and
Queenland to work this week. How
lonesome a couple of the young ladies
of this vicinity are.
The Boy With One Eye Ouen.
“It is against the law,” says At¬
torney-General Terrell, “for a county
to lease out its misdemeanor convicts
to private individuals, and if habeas
corpus proceedings were instituted
they would all have to be turned back
into the hands of the county.”
Every expectant mother has
a trying ordeal to face. If she does not
"--LI l f^f\| " j get there ready is no for telling it,
\ what may happen.
u Child-birth is full
of uncertainties il
Nature is not given proper assistance.
Mother’s Friend
is the best help you can use at this time.
It is a liniment, and when regularly ap¬
plied several months before baby comes,
it makes the advent easy and nearly pain¬
less. It relieves and prevents '' morning
sickness,” relaxes the overstrained mus¬
cles, relieves the distended feeling, short¬
ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer¬
tain without any dangerous after-effects.
Mother’s Friend is good for only one
purpose, viz.- to relieve motherhood oi
danger and pain.
$f dollar per bottle at all drug stores, or sent
by mail on receipt containing of price. valuable informa¬
Fuel Books, will be sent to address
tion for women, any
upon application to
Atlanta, Ga.
. i
Legal Notices--Published l»y Authority.
Road Notice.
T F no good cause to tbo contrary be shown
a. on or before the first Monday in October
next, at my office, Irwinville, Ga.. 1 will grant
an order establishing u new public road in the
]537th roud district of said county: Commenc¬
ing at southeast corner of 5*acre tract, of colony
land, No. 273, and southwest corner tract
No. 804, thence due north to the Wilcox county by
line, the same having been marked out re¬
viewers and passing oyer the following o-a ric
tracts, co ony domain: 804, 805, 80(5, 1014, 1015,
1016, 1017, 10J8, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1083, 1024,
273, 274, 275, 999, 998, 997, 996, 995, 994 , 993, 992,
991, 990,989, also 10-aere tracts Nos 1071, 2081, 2072,
2073,2974, 2075,2076 , 2077, 2084. 2083. 2082,
2080, 2079, 2078. M. HENDERSON,
Com. Roads & Revenue Irwin County.
This Sept. 6, 1897.
Notice of Local Bill:
\J OTICE is hereby given, that whereas the
Xx ordinary for Irwin county, Ga., has called
an election of the qualified voters of said
county to vote upon the question of the re¬
moval of the county site from Irwinville to
Fitzgerald or to such place as the voters may
by ballot designate, and whereas the law of
Georgia requires that if the voters vote in fa¬
vor of removal that such vote shall be ratified
by the general assembly of the State, and that
notice of the local bill necessary for such rat¬
ification, must be advertised for 30 days prior
to the introduction of such bill, therefore if at
the said election to be held on the 21st day of
October, 1897, the county 6ite of Irwin county
shall he voted to Fitzgerald by the lawful ma¬
jority, to-wit, two-thirds of all the votes cast
utsuch election, a local bill will be introduced
in the house of representatives at the next
meeting of the general assembly entitled as
“A bill for an act to be entitled an act to
change the county site of Irwin county, Geor¬
gia, and to remove from Irwinville to Fitzger¬
ald in said county, aud for other purposes.”
This Sept. 14, 1897. lw
Registration Notice.
VTOTICE is hereby given that I will be at the
-c> following places on the respective dates
mimed for the purpose of registering the legal
voters of the county for the election upon the
question of removal of the county site to be
held on October 21, 1897. Only the vote cast in
said election will determine the question, viz.:
Sycamore, Monday, Sept. 13, 1897
Ruby, Tuesday, " 14. “
Harding, Wednesday, 15, "
New Fifth, Thursday, 18, “
O.d Fifth, Friday, 17. "
Ocilla. Saturday, 18, "
Minnie, Monday, 20, “
Dorminey’s Mills, Tuesday, 28, 21, “
Fitzgerald, Wednesday, “
“ Thursday, 23, "
Registration books open at Irwinville on all
days, except Sunday, til)September 27th, 1897.
J. R. Paulk,
Tax Collector and Registrar I. C.
State Irwin of Countv. Georgia, \
Notice is hereby given that a bill will be in¬
troduced at the next session of the Georgia
Legislature, to amend the act entitled an act
to incorporate the city of Fitzgerald and to
define the city limits there of, etc., approved
December 23rd, 1896, so that said city shall not
include any of the five acre tracts of the
American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company
as appears by the recorded plat ef said Amer¬
ican Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company on file
in the clerks office of the Superior Court of
Irwin County, except on the east side of said
city which shall include the first tier of five
acres tracts to define said city limits as des¬
cribed by the recorded plat of said city of file
in the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court of
said County, with the extension.
This 8th day of September. 1897.
Notice of County Site Elec¬
State of Georgia, i f
Irwin Countv.
Notice is hereby given that on the 24tli day
of August, 1S97 there was filed in this office a
petition signed by more than two-fifths of the
poll tax payers of Irwin county, Georgia,
praying that an election be held as provided
by law to enable the voters of Irwin county,
to vote upon and the determine site the Irwin question of
the removal of county of county,
Georgia, from Irwinville to Fitzgerald or to
such other place in said county as the
voters may by their ballots designate.
Now therfore it is ordered that an election
be held in and for said county,of the qualified
voters thereof, to vote upon and determine
the question of changing and removing the
said county site lrom Irwinville to Fitzgerald
or to such other place in the said county as
the voters may determine. Said election will
be held on Thursday the 21 st day of October,
3897, at the usual polling places in the various
election precincts of the said county.
Witness my band and official seal at Irwin¬
ville, Georgia, this August 27,1897.
[seal] .1 J. Lee,
Ordinary in and for Irwin county, Georgia.
35-7 w.
Petition for Incorporation.
State of Georgia, i
County Irwin, f
To the Superior Court of said County:
The petition of Frank S. Bauder, Win. R.
Bowen, p. H. Fitzgerald, Thos. S. Free, Sam¬
uel Jones, L. I'. Thompson, T. W. Hayde, S.
M. Whitchard, FredJ. Clark, M. Buice, Henry
N. Jones and Hurst Bros., of Irwin county,
Georgia, respectfully they shows: for themselves
1st. That desire and
their associates to be incorporated under the
name and style of Cotton Warehouse and
Storage Company. object their association
2d. That the of and
the particular business they propose to carry
on are as follows: To carry on and conduct a
cotton warehouse for storage purposes, to buy
and sell any and all goods and articles neces¬
sary or required in and about said business,
to do and perform for all the acts carrying and things said neces¬ busi¬
sary and proper on
3d. That the principal place of doing busi¬
ness of said corporation will be in the city of
Fitzgerald, Georgia.
4th. Tluit the amount of capital to be em¬
ployed by said corporation will be the sum of
two thousand dollars ($2,000) divided into
shares of fifty dollars ($50), fifty per cent of
which has actually been paid in, with the priv¬
ilege of increasing said amount of capital to
live thousand dollars. Stockholders to be lia¬
ble to amount of unpaid subscribed stock,
each share of fifty dollars entitles the holder
to one vote.
5th. In addition to the powers necessary for
the carrying out of the purposes above set
forth petitioners ask that said corporation be
empowered as follows: To issue said stock
when determined on by the stockholders in
meeting assembled, otherwise to erect, own, realty buy, sell,
lease, rent or acquire and
mortgage the same, or to rent or lease any or
all realty in their possession if so ordered by a
majority of the stockholders. And generally
to have enjoy and exercise all the corporate
powers and privileges under the laws of
Georgia. Wherefore petitioners that they
pray and
their associates may be incorporated for the
purpose aforesaid, under said corporate name
with all the powers aforesaid for the term of
twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at
the expiration of said time. And your peti¬
tioners will ever pray, etc.
Frank S. Bauder,
Wm. R. Bowen,
P. H. Fitzgerald,
Thos. S. Price,
Sani’l Jones.
L. F. Thompson,
T. W. Hayde,
S. M. \\ hitchard,
Fred J. Clark,
M. Buice,
Henry N. Jones.
Hurst Bros.
Filed in office clerk superior court Irwin
county, Ga., this Aug. *25, 1897.
j. B. D. PAt'LK, Clerk Superior Court.
State op Georgia,) f
Irwin County,
1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor¬
rect copy of the original petition for incorpor¬
ation of “Cotton Warehouse and Storage Com¬
pany” as appears of file in this office.
This Aug. 25,1897. J. B. D.
35 Clerk Superior Court Irwin County, Ga.
i Late of tlio Best Amorican Hospitals)
Specialist in Chronic Diseases,
Of Men and 'Women,
Office, S. Grant street, near Magnolia. (Per¬
manently located.)
i T. W. HAYDE,
IJ ns
9 9 9 0 9
Mouldings, Brick, Lime, Cement, Etc.
On and after this date we will take orders for IVhito Pine Sash and Boors for quick ^
and prom pt delivery. We guarantee to meet competion in both price and quality of
goods. It is asked us why we sell nearly all the Sash and Doors that are sold in the
city, and our answer is that as we carry strictly home manufactured goods. We are
glad to believe the people realize the importance of protecting home industries and
thereby keep the money at home, which is a great benefit to our county and Stnte; #
but we occasionally have a customer who has heard that puttv does not stick so x
well to yellow pine sash as white pine, (which, under our system of preparing the x
sash, we are prepared to contradict by a guarantee it will), and for this class of cus- x
tomer8 we will hereafter be prepared to give them estimates on White Pine goods for x
X quick delivery. While we are at it we desire to call your attention to the fact that Y
>js we are headquarters for Brick and that it was but a few months ago that we com- x
Y menced selling brick, at which time a poor quality of brick was selling here at 99.d0 x
Y per 1,000. We are much now lower maintaining figure. a We yard also price on 1,000 large brick stock at of $6.50, Glass, and and in quan- will X
titles at a very carry a ^ x
bo pleased, on short notice, to make estimates on Plate and Window Glass for store
fronts. Remember our location on
Central Av., Opposite the New Cotton Warehouse. I
4 J§£ $ £ Jft SfS $ Sf: Sfg $ 5|S 3$ % $ $
/ V "1'
7* L>
1' 73$
£ 7 ±
| #
v (> Shoes, Hats, Caps, ■#*
# Trunks, Valises, Etc.#
T We invite you to make our Store headquarters, We4» '
!> solicit a part of your patronage.
Your Obedient Setvants,
# # $ # # # # # 5§S # J#S # ## $ 3§E
* ■! * *5* \ k OH, YES! 4 * v
4 Let us remind you that J. E. BENTZ will sell you first-class goods at 4
the very lowest figures, and will, at all times, meet any legitimate [&)
r\ competition. When you want Groceries cheap cal! on J. E. BENTZ, ♦
4 And your wishes will be gratified. We also handle Gold Medal, \'Aj\
Ballard and Pillsbury’s Best Flour in Sacks. 1/Sv
* T:
4 * 4 J. B. BENTZ, 4 % 4
4 East Pine Av., Fitzgerald, Ga. 4*
Do not give out your order for Nursery Stock until you come and see my stock and
prices. Hundreds of men told me last winter they were very sorry they gave their order
fore seeing my stock and getting my prices. So don’t get caught again. I will sell you No.
1.1 une Budded Peach Trees for $35.00 per thousand, and 3 to 4 foot trees for $45.00 per 1000. I
will have stack In my yard on Sonth Main Street about the middle of October; so do not
out your order until you see me and my stock and get prices.
E.*M. WINSLOW, Manager. Fitzgerald Nursery Co.
V; is ... pEJIw
%44’i S ^ ___
+ manufacturers of—♦
iron and Brass Castings, Engine and Boiler Fittings,
Tnsnirfltors injectors. Lubricators, Jet. Pumps, Steam Gages; Globe, Angle and
Valves-Pine and Fittings: General Machinery and Mill Supplies; Pulleys. Shaftings
r-minllnizs-Leather aud Rubber Belt; Lace-Leather and Imbricating Oils. SS'-Repair
a Suec altV AGents for all kinds of Machinery. NOTICE.-Iron and brass melted six
ineverv ‘week. A second-hand 50-horse power Engine for sale. Call on or address, for l'u
prticulars, R. S. KELL, Manager, Tifton, Ga.
PBS M m m m .T ❖ ❖ i4i *5* *5* *T* im 141 im *m tm If
—i ® C3 3 s o S ^
* J I 8 * § * s o ? 1
*5**t**7**5**§**5**S 4
ISfir kit: i» "ii® ijlllWI Z±i ;=:si 5 | If If-ii tm fjif l tm tm I® f mt p HU d ♦Wt l *hl tmt il i l/*\, •5**$»*5 ,
- fi