Newspaper Page Text
CxJ w m PC! *
Official Newspaperof Irwin County, Goorgh Gi
Official Newspaper of City of Fitzgerald,
B.F. KNAPP, I Editors and Publishers.
Subscription Kates:—O ne copy, one year
11.50; Six months, 75c; Three months, 50c.
Terms—I nvariably in advance. made known
Job and advertising rates soliolted. on
application. Your patronage
C. C. Smith, Judge Sup. Court.Hawh4nville.Ga
Tom Eason, Solicitor Sup. Court. McRae, “
J. B. Clements, Cj. Judge, Irwlnvllle.
.1. E. Burch. Co. Sollcitcr. Fitzgerald,
J.J. Lee,Ordinary, Irwlnvllle,
J. B. D. Paulk.Clerk Sup.Court,Irwlnvllle, Fitzgerald, “ ’
K. V. Handley, Sheriff.
C. L. Royal, Tax Receiver, Ocilla, Sycamore,
J. R. Paulk, Tax Collector, Irwlnvllle, “
James Walker, Co. Treasurer,
E. J. Hogan, Co. Surveyor, Minnie,
Marion I)ixon, School Com.,
M. Henderson, Co. Commissioner,Ocilla,
General Offices, Tifton, Georgia.
Nol. No3. j Feb. 9. 1897. No. 2. No. 4.
k y ? P. M. a
®*XX-I-I-> litssasi .*»>*- 4*. <**■ in zn sissgss Lv. f f f Ar. Tifton, Fitzgerald. Brighton Pinetta. Harding. Fletcher. Irwin. Ga. Lv. Ar. 11:45 10:59 12:00 11:30 10:45 11:10 11:10 Ot-l-l 35 3ZOiO> S5SSS8S:
Trains Nos. 1, 2,3 and 4 run daily except
S Trafns 7 and 8 Sunday only.
Nob. run signal. on
(f) Trains stop only on Plant System
Trains connect at Tifton with
and G. S. A F. railroads,and Georgia and Ala¬
bama at Fitzgerald. President.
H. H. Tift, Vice-President.
W.O. Tift. Traffic Manager.
F. G. Boatright.
Passenger Schedule, Effective June 1, ’97,
P. M, I A. M. A. M.! P. M.
5 S3 in ,55 Lv Oo lla Ar 10 35 5 05
6 (10 III 25 Lv. Fitzgerald Ar. 9 45 4 35
7 30 112 25 Ar. Abbeville, Lv. 7 45 3 35
A. M. P. M. Cordeie 9 05 2 15
5 55 1 <0 Americus [ 7 20 12 50
7 30 M. A. .«.
7 55 Montgomery 7 50
1215 4 15 4Ar. Savannah Halena Lv.l 7 30 J 2o
7 20 8 35 i
Sunday—Lv. Ocilla 5 15 p. m; Ar. 9 30 a. m.
Ar. Abbeville 6 40p.m.; Lv. 8 00 a. m.
On September 12th, 1897, the Georgia & Ala¬
bama railway resumed the double daily pas¬
senger service between Montgomery and Sa¬
vannah by extending trains Nos. 19 and 20,
from which date the following schedules will
be effective:
No. 19. No. 20.
7 20 p m lv. Savannah ar. 10 20 a m
106am " Helena " 4 15 “
2 14 ^Abbeville “ 3 05 “
Cordeie “ 1 45 “
3 35 “ Americus “ 11 59 “
5 07 “ Richland “ nr*
6 15 “ '* Lumpkin “
8 36 “
Hurtsboro “ 8 31 “
8 28 “ “ 6 10 “
10 45 “ “ Montgomery
Close connections at all junctions and ter¬
minal points for all points. Mgr.
Cpcii. Gabret, Vice.Pres. A Gen.
A. Pope, Gen. Pas. Agt.
fit ,as N. Kight, Ass’t Gen’l Pass. Agt.
Ed STALLINGS, T. I*. A., Fitzgerald.
Mai! a. m. and 5:30 p. m.
closes 30 minutes earlier Sunday even-
office open from Sunday 7 a. from m. to7:30 9:30 a. p. m. m. to 10.30
Office open E. H. PlEPER, 1 M-
Christian Science.
Services every Sunday morning 10:30; Sun¬
day school 11:40, and Sunday evening services street.
at 7:30, corner of Pine avenue and Lee
A cordial invitation is extended to all of what¬
ever creed or calling.__
Off ice—I n Paulk Building, GrantStreet,
Fitzgerald, Georgia.
Office—I n the Slayton & Kern building on
Pine avenue.
E.W.Ryman, L. Kennedy,
Of South Dakota. Of Savannah.
Office—I n Fitzgerald Block.
Palace , Hotel,
Mrs. Orcelia R. Smith, Prop.
Cor. Jessamine and Main Streets.
We are now making special rates to oiir fel-
low colony members from the North. When
you reach the depot here have the hack driver
take you to the
Palace Hotel
Everything new and strictly first-class.
Or order anything in the line of
SiWerware, Diamonds. Clocks and Spectacles,
Goods and prices. Remember that we give
from 25 to 40 per cent from the prices quoted
in any illustrated catalogue, with a guarantee
that everything is just as represeted. Repair¬
ing in best manner and at lowest living rates
at the oldest established “Pioneer” Jewelry
Store, Grant St., between Central and Pine.
Drs. C. A, A l C. Holtzsndorf,
Office— In Slayton & Kern building, oppo¬
site Commercial hotel, Fitzgerald, Ga
Phone 21 . __
List - Property
-fs==== ANI> ===♦
Pay : Taxes
For non-resident property owners. Small and
large tracts of land for sale. Enclose stamp
giving full information.
f, mum son co, mi, r> i
Real EstateDealers.
The picnic register can be found at
Dr. Deniston’s drug store, where all
persons who were at the picnic and
failed to register their names are re¬
quested to call and register that we may
have a complete list.
Prof. T. E. Becker,
E. S. Child,
There are liars in every town whose
sole aim in life to set the pot of gossip
boiling and try to stir up strife and dis¬
content in an otherwise peaceful com¬
munity. Why don’t they take a vaca¬
tion? Society can dispense with their
services and a good long rest of their
jaw might kill them. A wagging
tongue that hangs on a swivel can do
more harm in fifteen minutes than a
skunk in a'graveyard. A person who
is addicted to the habit of tattling and
spreading news is an eye-sore to the
world, and he is an everlasting nui¬
sance.—Rochelle New Era.
City Taxes
Due and Payabfe
At the office of the City Clerk.
City Clerk.
In the large stock the Savannah
Shoe Store got in this and last week
they have 371 pair of mens’ shoes, as¬
sorted colors, which they offer at $2.
Go and see them for curiosity sake.
A Rare Bargain.
Two iiur.dred and sixty-five acres of
land, 8 miles east of Fitzgerald,
for sale at a bargain; 50 acres in cul¬
tivation, four room house, outbuild¬
ings, two good wells of water, all kinds
of bearing fruit trees, etc. Part casli
and balance on time. Call at prem¬
ises or address me at Dorminev’s
Mill, Ga. J. J. Luke.
Sealed Bids.
Sealed bids will be received at the
mayor’s office, Fitzgerald, Ga., until 6
p. m., October 4,1807, for the
construction of an artesian well ac¬
cording to specifications on file in thd
mayor’s office.
C. C. GoODNOW. Mayor.
Sept. 16, 1897.
For Sale at a Bargain.
A fine mare and a horse, wagon and
harness for sale. Call at Leader
office. 39-4w
Belting, buggies, cotton
bagging, light wagons, bicy¬
cles, at the Boyd Hardware
Co. We pay the highest
market price for cotton. Su¬
gar mills for ten days at
$22.50. Sugar kettles are
also low in price. Call and
get prices.
Boyd Hardware Co-
Advertising Asks
Would you have your business
pay ? and answers, “ Then make
it better yourself—you can do it.
But not waiting on the future.
Advertising Says
Prosperity will'come, but not to
the waiter, or to the timid, or to
the undecided.
The far-seeing, the energetic and
the courageous man is now fore¬
closing on the future. He recog¬
nizes in the present his oppor¬
Advertising Asserts
That old methods have had their
day. The jog trot, in either
wholesale or retail business is
doDe for. The pace has the changed.
Only the up-to-date, is successful most
progressive nowadays. man
Advertising Proclaims
High tension throughout Given is the
prime necessity. this,
then Brains, Courage and Energy
will compel success.
Your move is to advertise—ad¬
vertise to-day, to-morrow and
next day. Don’t quit till you
quit business.
That the medium with which to
“cover the field” is the,
A Straight Stor y,
Of Straight Goods m
In a Straight Paper
Is bound to briug business. If
you have a good thing, adver¬
tise it in
JT CD ► ► Leader.
And you’ll hit a market you can¬
not hit through any other Fitz¬
gerald medium. Each copy has
a whole family fi$r its audience.
Clean, newsy, truthful, fair and
Reasons Why Diarrhoea Chamberlain’s Remedy Colic, Chol¬
era and Is
the Rest.
1. Because it affords almost instant
relief in case of pain in the stomach,
colic and cholera morbus.
2. Because it is the only lemedy
that never fails in the most severe
cases of dysentery and diarrhoea.
3. Because it is the only remedy
that will cure chronic diarrhoea.
4. Because it is the only remedy
that will prevent bilious colic.
5. Because it is the only remedy
that will cure epidemical dysentery.
6. Because it is the only remedy
that can always be depended upon in
cases of cholera infantum.
7. Because it is the most prompt
and most reliable medicine in use for
bowel complaints.
8. Because it produces no bad re¬
9. Because it is pleasant and safe
to take.
10. Because it has saved the lives
of more people than any other medi¬
cine in tile world. The 25 and 50
cent sizes. For sale by J. H. Good¬
man, druggist.
A Protest from Abroad.
Editors Fitzqbkalp Leader.
Dear (Sirs —In your issue of The
Leader of Sept. 16,1 notice an arti¬
cle scoring non-residents. This is it
step in a good cause. Being one of
tlie persons referred to I wish to state
in a few words my opinion on this
subject. First, it is tlie privilege of
any person to purchase property
wherever he pleases. lie has no au¬
thority to maintain a nuisance next to
his neighbor of any kind. Native for¬
ests are not considered a nuisance.
Now. if tlie author of that article
wishes not to he on good terms with
the outside world he lias taken a step
in tlie right direction. Persons who
invest money in tlie colony or city of
Fitzgerald are entitled to some pro¬
tection to their property. I have prop¬
erty in tlie colony and city of Fitz¬
gerald. My tract lias been robbed by
some one; my city property is being
treated the same way. Now, if tlie
mayor or tlie agents are trying to
down non-residents, it is useless for
ns to put any more money there. I
would also state that I have been in¬
formed that parties or some one is
taking plants anil wrecking tilings
generally on the premises located on
the corner of Magnolia and Logan.
Some one will be bebj for jt ; If the
citizens of Fitzgerald are to do up the
non-residents it is a good time to find
it out. F. C. Mallory.
St. Fa ul, Minn., Sept. 14, ’97.
MOTHER!’"Hi such tender and
and about which
holy recollections cluster as that
of “ Mother ”—she who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid¬
ed our first tottering step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Moth¬
er is beset with danger and all ef¬
fort should be made to avoid it.
Mother’s so assists nature
in the change tak¬
ing place that
Friend the Expectant is
Mother ena¬
bled to look for-
ward without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore¬
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement—in short, it “makes
Childbirth natural and easy,” be as
so many have said, Don’t
persuaded to use anything but
“ My wife suffered more In ten min¬
utes with either of her other two chil¬
dren than she did altogether with her
last, having previously used four bot¬
tles of ‘Mother’s Friend.’ It is a
blessing to any one expecting to be¬
come a MOTHER,” says a customer.
Henderson Dale, Carmi, Illinois.
Of Druggists at $1.00, or sent by mail on receipt
of price. Write for book containing testimonials
and valuable information for all Mothers, free.
The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
In Florida
Orange grove, large dwelling, burn,
etc., suitable for boarding lionse, 22
acres, on hill, center of villinge, ad¬
joins Flagler, of “Ponce de Leon”
fame, property Surrounded by post-
office, stores, churches :ind pretty vil¬
las of wealthy northern people, for
stile. One-third cash, balance at in¬
terest for any time wished.
F. M. Stansbrough.
Fitzgerald, Ga.
Legal Notices--Published by Authority.
Notice of Local Bill.
JAf VTOTICE is hereby Georgia given that legislature at the next
session of the there
will be introduced public a special bill entitled “A
Bill to establish roade and highways in
the American Tribune Soldier Colony, and to
discontinue and abandon certain roads now in
said colony, and for other purposes.”
D. C. Welch, Supt. of Colony.
First published Sept.23,1897.
Notice of Local Bill.
VTOTICE is hereby given that a bill will be
■li introduced at the next session of the
general assembly of Georgia to amend the
charter of the city of Fitzgerald by abolishing
the office of city recorder and empowering the
mayor to preside in police court.
Fitzgerald. Sept. 20, 1897.
Notice of Local Bill.
"\T OTICE is hereby given that there will be
Lx introduced at the October session ol' the
general assembly of Georgia, a bill entitled
"A bill to incorporate the board of education
of the city of Fitzgerald.”
Fitzgerald, Ga., Sept. 20, 1837.
Notice of Local Bill.
-LY VTOIICE is heroby legislature given that of the at thq State next of
session of the special hill
Georgia there will be introduced a
entitled “a bill to amend the charter of the
city of Fitzgerald, Ga.,” relative to the man¬
ner of issuing and the payment of city offices, war¬
rants, the abolishment or certain city in
and giving the mayor the casting vote case
of a tie vote in the city council.
First published Sept. 30th, 1897.
Local Legislation.
-IN ’VTOTICE is hereby given that application assembly
will be made to the next general
of Georgia, for the passage of the following
local bill, of which tlie following is the caption the :
A bill to he entitled an act to Incorporate of
town of Ocilla, In thecountyof Irwin, councilmcn, State
Georgia, to provido fora mayor,
recorder and other officers of said town; to
authorize the officers and corporate authori¬
ties of said town to exercise such powers and
do such things as may be neceseary or proper
for the best interest, benefit, peace, said good or¬
der, health and general welfare of town,
and the inhabitants thereof: to confer other
and additional power and authority upon such
officers and authorities: to authorize the cor¬
porate authorities of said town to pass and en¬
force proper rules, by-laws and ordinances for
the government of said town; to authorize
punishment for any violation of said rules, by¬
law s and ordinances; to regulate or prohibit
i he sale of spirituous and intoxicating liquors,
mid license the same, and impose penalties for
selling the same without a license in said town; the
to repeal an act entitled an act to prohibit
sale of intoxicating liquors in Irwin county,
approved Sept. 28,1879, included so far as in the the 6ame re¬
lates to the territory corpor¬
ate limits of said town, and other purposes.
Notice of Local Bill:
\T OTICE is hereby Riven. that whereas the
lAl ordinary for Irwin county, Ga., has called
an election of the qualified voters of said
county to vote upon the question of the re¬
moval of the county site from Irwinville to
Fitzgerald or to such place as the voters may
by ballot designate, and whereas the law of
Georgia requires that if the voters vote in fa¬
vor of removal that such vote shall be ratified
by the general assembly of the State, and that
notice of the local bill necessary for such rat¬
ification, must bo advertised for 30 days p rior
to the introduction of such bill, therefore i fat
the said election to be held on the 21st day of
October, 1897, the county site of Irwin county
shall be voted to Fitzgerald by the lawful ma¬
jority. to-wit. two-thirds of all the votes cast
at such election, a local bill will be introduced
in the house of representatives at the next
meeting of the general assembly entitled as
“A bill for an act to be entitled an act to
change the county site of Irwin county, Geor¬
gia, and to remove the same from Irwinville
to Fitzgerald in said county, and for other
purposes.” 1897. lw
This Sept. 14,
Road Notice.
T F no good cause to the contrary be shown
JL on or before the first Monday in October
next, at my office, Irwinville, Ga.. I will grant the
an order establishing a new public road in
1537th road district of said county: Commenc¬
ing at southeast corner of 5-acre tract, colony
land, No. 273, and southwest corner of tract
No. 804, thence due north to the Wilcox county
line, the same having been marked out by re¬
viewers and passing oyer the following 5-acre
tracts, co'ony domain: 804, 805, 806, 1014, 1015,
1010, 1017,1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024,
273, 274, 275. 999, 998, 997, 990, 995, 994, 993, 2072, 992,
990. 989, also 10 -acre tracts Nos 1071,
2075,2076, 2077, 2084, 208-3, 2082, 2081,
Com. Roads & Revenue Irwin County.
This Sept. 0, 1897.
State of Georgia, 1
Irwin Countv. f in¬
Notice is hereby given that a hill will he
troduced at the next session of tlie Georgia
Legislature, to amend the act entitled an act
to incorporate the city ot' Fitzgerald anil to
define the city limits there of, etc., approved shall
December 23rd, 1896. so that said city not
include any of the five acre tracts of the
American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company
as appears by the recorded plat ef said Amer¬ onfile
ican Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company of
in the clerks office of the Superior Court
Irwin County, to deflnesaid city limits as des¬
cribed by the recorded plat of said city of file
in the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court of
said County, with the extension.
This 8th day of September, 1897.
Notice of County Site Elec¬
State Irwin of County, Georgia, J. (
Notice is hereby given that on the 24'th day
of August, 1897 there was filed in this office a
petition signed by more than two-filths of the
poll tax payers of Irwin county, provided Georg’a,
praying that an election be held as
by law to enable the voters of Irwin county
to vote upon and determine the question of
tlie removal of the county siteof Irwin county,
Georgia, from Irwinville to Fitzgerald or to
such other place in said county as the
voters may by their ballots designate.
Now therfore it is ordered that an election
be held in and for said county, of the determine qualified
voters thereof, to vote upon and
the question of changing- and removing the
said county site irom Irwinville the to Fitzgerald
or to such other place in said county as
the voters may determine. Said election will
be held on Thursday the 21 st day of October,
1897, at the usual polling of the said places in the various
election precincts and official county. Irwin¬
Witness my hand seal at
ville, Georgia, this August 27,1897.
[seal] J J. Lee,
Ordinary in and for Irwin county, Georgia.
35-7 w.
Petition for Charter
State of Georgia, I
Irwin County. f
To the Superior Court ol said County:
The petition ol'J. B. Paulk, J. T. Boyd, F.
J. Clark and 1). W. Paulk shows:
First—That they desire to form themselves
and such other persons as may be associated
with them, into a private and style corporation under
the corporate name of ‘'Fitzgerald
Mercant lie Company. ''
Second—That the object of (his association
is pecuniary gain, and the business they pro¬
pose to engage in and carry on is as follows,
viz: To buy, store and sell all classes of dry
goods, notions, shoes, lints, "caps, groceries,
hardware, and first-class in fact everything that is kept
and sold in a general mercantile es¬
tablishment, and to do a general mercantile
business. To buy and sell all kinds of personal
property and real estate, and to convey the
same, to lend or borrow money on notes, bills,
deeds, mortgages, or other liens oroliligutions.
to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded,
to liave and use a corporate seal, to enter into
and carry out contracts, and generally m do all
acts and things necessary ami proper for the
promotion and maintenance of the business
and objects of the corporation.
Third-The amount of capital employed will
he ten thousand dollars, ten percent of which
is actually paid in and the capital stock shall
be divided into shares of one hundred dollars
each. No stockholder shall be personally lia¬
ble except tor tlie amount of stock subscribed
Fourth—Tlie Fitzgerald, principal place Ga.. of cloinjr busi¬
ness will bo in and sufch other
places as may be necessary for the promotion
of said business.
Fifth—In addition to the powers aforesaid
to carryout the purposes and objects of said
corporation, and the powers common to all
corporations under the laws of this State, pe¬
titioners desire the following- special powers:
To increase the capital twenty-five stock from time to
time to the sum of thousand dol¬
lars. to receive in payment of stock to be is¬
sued, money, lands or other property as may
be determined by the board of directors, to
make by-laws not inconsistent with the laws
of this State or the United States, and gener¬
ally to have, enjoy and exercise the corporate
powers and privileges incident to corpora¬
tions under the laws of the State.
Wherefore petitioners pray that they and
their associates be privileges, incorporated with the
rights, powers and etc., for the
term of twenty years, under the aforesaid
name piration with the that privileges of renewal at the ex¬
of time.
Cheney & Burch. Petitioners’ Attorneys.
Original filed in office Sept. 25th, 1897.
State of Georgia, I
Irwin County. I
I. J. B. D. Paulk, of tlie superior court of
said county do hereby certify that the forepro-
intt filed is a true and correct copy of the petition
in my office.
J. B. D. Pauek, C. S.C. I. C.
For all the news read, The Leader.
S. M. Whitchard & Bro., *
* |
••■■r -Are Constantly Receiving- nipw—-
Fresh Groceries 9
H Which are Going at Bottom Prices. \
(&) 500 bushels of Texas Rust-Froof Oats for Seed, and Georgia Rjo. Car Balt:
' Crockery and Lamps. We make a specialty of Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff.
* s (’Phone 19.) Corner Thomas and Oconee. T
s T. W. HAYDE, -
J t 9
Mouldings, Brick, Lime, Cement, Etc.
On and after this date wo will take orders for While Pino Sash and Eoors for ouiek
„ & and prompt delivery. We guarantee to meet compction in both price and quality in'the of
goods. It is asked us why wo sell nearly all the Sash and Doors that are sold
- city, and our answer the Is that as we the carry importance strictly home manufactured goods. We are
glad to believe people realize of protecting home industries and
tbereby keep the money at home, which is a great benefit to our county and Stnte;
but we yellow occasionally have a customer who has heard that putty does not stick so
well to pine sash as white pine, (which, under our system of preparing the
* sash, we are prepared to contradict by a guarantee it will), and for this class of cus¬
tomers we will hereafter be prepnred to give thorn estimates on White Pine goods for
„ quick delivery. While we are at It that we desire to call your attention to the fact that
& a> we aro headquarters for Brick and it was but a few months ago that we com-
monced selling brick, at n hicli time a poor quality of brick was selling here at $9.o0
a, per 1,000. We aro now inaintaininga yard price on 1,000 brick at $8.50, and in quail-
X titles at a very much lower figure. We also carry a large stock of Glass, and will X
v he pleased, on short notice, to make estimates on Plate and Window Glass for store X
fronts. Remember our location on x
i Central Av., Opposite the New Cotton Warehouse.
<S^<£<3><8x8x8><g> <$><&<&& <&$><$<$>
S§7 $ $ 3& SjS 3$USft:Sfj Sfi Jjs 3§S $ 5§« sfe
Sk W
tfc w \A
$ 5P 5k
Iff Shoes, Hats, Caps, «Jg
$ Trunks, Valises, Etc.#
5*5 *4*? k'*’
» We invite make Store headquarters. We <g[|&
you to g
k i solicit a part of your ”3 atrona Z*
*F* 5
sp? *4g
*J v! !« Jfc t* *&&& «!« SjS 5|s $ $ sis
* OH, YES! 0 *
* *
* <$>$><$><§ <§><§><§><§> It %
X Let us remind you that J. E. BENTZ will sell you first-class goods at
- fv competition. the very lowest When figures, and want will, Groceries at all cheap times, call meet any J. E. legitimate BENTZ, /W) W
you on
'/*v 4*' And your Pillsbury’s wishes will Best be Flour gratified. iu Sacks. We also handle Gold Medal, (&A
Ballard and
1 J. B. BENTZ, g T
* East Pine Av., Fitzgerald, Ga. *
*' ■
Do not give out your order for Nursery Stock until you coine and sec my stock and get
Hundreds of men told mo last winter they woro very caught sorry they gave their order be¬
seeing my stock and getting my prices. So don’t get again. I will sell you No.
June Budded Peach Trees for $35.00 per thousand, and 3 to 4 foot trees for *45.00 per 1000. I
have stock in my yard on South Main Street about the middle of October; so do not give
your order until you see me and my stock and get prices. F'itzifera.lcl
E. 51 WINSLOW, Manager. Nursery Co-
777Z >
■ff -w Hiigiiii!^
ftsayyiiigia m 1 i: nsJlS
ar -I-.,-.
Iron and Brass Castings, Engine and Boiler Fittings,
injectors. Lubricators, Jet Pumps, Steam Gages; Globe, Angle and Check
0 l Pipe Le and Fittings; a n < General k?nds°of'5fachinery. Machinery a^nd C MBl^ Supplies jg°^^rork
a S peciaUv AGent s for an NOTICE.--Iron and brass melted six days
inevery week. A second-hand 50-horse power Engine for sale. Call on or address, lor iu
prticulars, S. KELL, Manager, Tifton, Ga.