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sn m rn
Official Newspaper oflrwin County, Georgia.
Official Newspaper of City of Fitzgerald.
and Publishers.
Subscription Kates:—O ne copy, one year
11.50: Six months, 73c; Three months,
Terms—I nvariably in advance.
Job and advertising rates made known
application. Yourpatronage solicited.
C. C. Smith,Judge Sup. Court. McRae. ’
Tom Eason, Solicitor Sup. Irwinville,
J. II. Clements, C). Judge, Fitzgerald,
J. E. Iiurch. Co. Solicitor,
J. J . Lee. Ordinary. Irwinville,
J. B. D. Paulk, Clerk Sup. Court. Irwinville,
R. V. Handley, Sheriff, Fitzgerald
C. L. Royal, Tax Receiver, Sycamore,
J. It. Paulk. Tax Collector, Ocilin,
James Walker, Co. Treasurer, Irwinville.
E. J. Hogan, Co. Surveyor, Minnie,
Marion Dixon, School Com., Ocilla,
M. Henderson, Co. Commissioner,
General Offices, Tifton, Georgia.
No 1. No 3- I Feb. 9, 1897. (No. 2. i
A. f P. M. y c
sshssSo f f Lv. f Tifton, Pinetta. Brighton Harding, Fletcher. Irwin. Ga. Ar. -i cr. rs 3JC5 -i 35 isassis:
Trains Nos. 1, 2,3 and 4 run daily except
S and 8 Sunday only.
Trains Nos. 7 run signal. on
(t) Trains stop only on with Plant System
Trains connect at Tifton Ala¬
and G. 8. & F. railroads, and Georgia and
bama at Fitzgerald. President.
H. H.Tift, Vice-President.
W. O. Tri'T. Traffic Manager.
F. G. Boatright.
Passenger Schedule, Effective Sep. 12, 97,
No. 19 No. 17 STATIONS. No. IBiNo. 20
M. A. a.I P. M. ! > . M.
7 55 lLv. Savannah Ar. 8 35 o 20
9 9 :N Claxton 6 50 -1
3(1 10 03 ; Collins 8 23 SI 59
10 31 j Lyons 5 55 a 15
1 11 58 Halena 4 15 25
12 18 Abbeville 3 25 Oft
P. M. P. M. M.
7 2 8 35 Lv'. Abbeville Ar. 12 25 30
A. M
9 28 1 3ft Ar. Fitzgerald Lv. 11 25 fi 00
Ocilla 10 30 5 20
P. M. A. M.
?8’s5S 1 07 Lv. Rochelle Lv. 8 lie 2 40
2 1 17 Pitts 2 55 2 27
2 08 Cordele 2 20 I
4 2 40 De Sota 1 27 112 55
P. M.
S3 3 n:« ! Americus 12 23 111 59
3 45 j Preston 12 A. 13 M. 11 05
6 4 00 Richland ,11 55 10 10
p. 5 20 Columbus j 10 30 1 15
1 9 35 Albany | 5 00 2 25
6 4 21 Lv. Lumpkin 1128 10 13
7 r> 05 Omaha 10 40 9 28
7 5 27 Pitts boro 10 18 9 05
8 5 M) ! Hurtsboro Mont’mer: 9 7 41! 50 I 8 fi 31 10
7 55 Ar.
Georgia Nos. 17 & and Alabama 18 day express new and trains, magnificent carrying but-
te a r r rS fast night trains, carrying
Nos . i9 and 20 between Sa¬
Pullman palace sleeping cars
vannah and Montgomery. at all junctions and ter-
Close connections
minal points for all points. & Gen. Mgr.
Cecil Gabket, Vice.Pres. Gen. Pas. Agt.
A. Pope.
Ed Stallings, T. P. A., Fitzgerald.
Mail closes at 10:50 a. m. and 5:30 p. m.
Mail closes 20 minutes earlier Sunday
m §ffice from to 7:30 m.
open 7 a. m. p.
a Office ope " SuU " ay 1 r °E.Tu p K |K i'ei l. M.
Christian Science.
Services every Sunday'morning 10:30; Sun¬
day school 11:30, and Sunday evening services
at 7:30, corner of Pine avenue and Lee street.
A cordial invitation i6 extended to all ot what¬
ever creed or calling.
Office —In Paulk Building, Grant Street,
Fitzgerald, Georgia.
Office—I n the Slayton & Kern buildins?
Pine avenue.
E. W. Hyman, L. Kennedy,
Of South Dakota. Of
Office—I n Fitzgerald Block.
Mrs. Orcelia R. Smith, Prop.
Cor. Jessamine and Main Streets.
We are now making special the rates North. to our When
low colony members from
you reach the depot here have the hack
take you to the
Palace Hotel
Everything new and strictly first-class.
Or order anything in the line of
Siheira, Diamonds. Clocks and Spectacles,
Goods and prices. Remember that we give
from 25 to 40 per cent from the with prices quoted
in any illustrated catalogue, a guarantee
that everything is just as represeted. Repair¬
ing in best manner and at lowest living Jewelry rates
at the oldest established “Pioneer”
Store, Grant 8t„ between OenUal and Pine.
Drs. Ci L & l C. Mzendorf,
Office—I n Slayton & Kern building,
site Commercial hotel* Fitzgerald, Ga
Plione 21 .
Auction e e r ,
East Pine Avenue.
Is now prepared to give rates on short notice.
Having had fifteen years experience, perfect
Satisfaction is guaranteed. For rates and
bills call at Draper office.
County Correspondence.
To Correspondents—-All by Monday letters tor Tuesday publi¬
cation must reach us or
of each week. Vnless the name of the cor¬
respondent accompanies the letter we will
not publish the same. Wo will not print the
name of the correspondent or tell who they
are, but want the name as an evidence o( good
faith. Write news, character and do not of write anything
that reflects on the anyone.
Sparks From Wolf Pit.
From Our Regular Correspondent.
Mrs. Cooper visited Mrs. Tollman
Kev. Patrick preached at Wolf Pit
Sunday night.
Wm. and Wes. Pearson dined at
Mr. Bloods Sunday.
Revs. Lohr and Parks dined at
Mr. Pollman’s Sunday.
Wolf Pit was well represented at
the picnic Tuesday at town.
The prayer meeting Tuesday night
was not well attended on account of
the picnic.
Rev. J. J. Lohr preached his fare¬
well sermon Sunday forenoon at this
The Boy With One Eye Open.
Woodland Items.
From Our Regular Correspondent.
The weather is cool and nice.
John H. Boice would like to trade
stove wood for cow feed.
Don’t forget to vote for the county
seat at Fitzgerald on election day,
We w’ould like to see the county
roads worked while the sloughs are
dry. How is it with the commissioner?
Gibbs & Snyder talk of launching
their boat in the Ocmulgee river in a
week or two. Our best wishes, boys.
Miss Sadie Sams was out of school
a few days last week on account of a
boil. Never mind, Sadie, they that
laugh best laugh last.
John H. Boice, of the city, an old
friend of Mr Roderick, gave him a
call last Saturday, finding him very
sick. Jo Dandy.
. Good Hope Items.
From our Regular Correspondent,
J. G. Elder has paid two visits to
Abbeville the last week.
Mrs. John Drexler has moved into
her new residence.
Fred J. Hoffman, of the city, paid
us a flying visit last Sunday, showing
his new bike.
Miss Alta Ayers, who has been on
a visit with friends and relatives at
Fitzgerald, has returned.
David Pearson, of Pearson Bros.,
has gone to Macon and Savannah on
business. Robert Pearson of the same
firm has gone to Palatka on business.
Still they are Aldrich improving built in Good ad¬
Hope. Mr. has an
dition to his house in the £hape of a
dining room and kitchen.
The machinery for Pearson Bro.s’
big mill is being put in place, and
soon they will begin operation. They
have about 500 trees hauled close to
the mill. They are grading their rail¬
way to connect with the T. & N. E.
Ladies Who Suffer
From any corDplaiijt peculiar to
their sex—such as Profuse, PaiQ-
ful. Suppressed or Irregular Men¬
struation, are soon restored to
Ijealth by
Bradfield’s Female Regulator.
It is a combination of remedial
agents which) have been used with
t!)e greatest success for rt)ore than
25 years, ai)d known to act speci¬
fically With and on tfee organs of
Menstruation, and
recomrijended for
such comp!ait)ts
oi)Iy. ft rjever fails
LfTjj to restore give the relief health ai)d
jj of the suffering
woman- It should
\ be takei) by tbe
'/ girl just budding
ii)to womanhood
wheo Menstrua¬
tion is Scant, Sup¬
jt*. pressed, Irregular
or Pa i o f ul, ai)d
all delicate wonjei) should use it,
as Its toi)ic properties b°ve a woq-
derful influence ii) toi)ing up and
strei)gtt)ening the systen) by driv¬
ing through the proper channels
all impurities.
“A daughter of one of my customers missed
menstruation from exposure and cold, and on
arriving wrecked, at until puberty her health was completely of
she was twenty-four years
age, when upon my recommendation, she used
one bottle of Bradfield’s Female Regulator,com¬
pletely restoring her to health.”
J. W. Hellums, Water Valley, Miss.
The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
The Brunswick Restaurant, the best
place to rest and get a square meal
when in the city, or oysters in every
style, E. Fine avenue. 40-2w
Fininger, the high class tailor, is
now ready to receive your order for a
first-class suit of clothes. They make
suits to order from $15 up. Trousers
to order $4 up. A fit guaranteed or
you can not have them.
Fine Organ at a Sacrifice.
$50 cash will buy (if taken at once)
a magnificent organ and stool, all new,
with latest improvements; worth dou¬
ble the money. For further particu¬
lars address. Organ, Lock Box 799,
Fitzgerald, Ga. 40-ltx
Brunswick Restaurant, lunch coun¬
ter in connection. Everything first-
class. 40-2w
Fitzgerald Cotton Market.
TnunsDAV, September 80,1S97.
The market is quoted as follows:
Good middlings 5 13-1«
Middlings....... . 6S
What the Northern Farmer Who Has
Formed In the South Says.
Well, here's winter coming again.
What a change from the old days up
North. Winter comes, but I no
longer dread it. It's always pleasant
and never stops my work. It only
makes a change from one kind
of outdoor work to another. Clear¬
ing, plowing and planting can go
right along. How the folks like it !
Mother and the girls are not shut up
in the house by bad weather half the
winter. All of us are healthier and
happier than ever before. I don’t
have to spend in winter all I make in
summer. This is a money making
country for the farmer all the year
Legal Notices—Published by Authority.
Notice of Local Bill.
VT OTICE is hereby given that at the next
In session of the Georgia legislature there
will be introduced a special bill entitled “A
Hill the to establish Tribune public Soldier roadc and Colony, highways in
American and to
discontinue and abandon certain roads now in
said colony, and for other purposes.”
I). C. Welch, Supt. of Colony.
First published Sept. 23, 1897.
Notice of Local Bill.
-i-Ti VT OTICE is hereby given the that a bill will be
introduced at next session of the
general assembly of of Fitzgerald Georgia to amend the
charter of the city by abolishing
the office of city recorder and empowering the
mayor to preside in police court.
Fitzgerald. Sept. 20, 1897.
Notice of Local Bill.
XTOTICE is hereby given that there will be
introduced at the October session of the
general assembly of Georgia, a bill entitled
“A bill to incorporate the board of education
of Fitzgerald, the city of Fitzgerald.” 20, 1837.
Ga., Sept.
Notice of Local Bill.
VTOIICE is hereby given that at the next
session of the legislature of the State of
Georgia there will be introduced a special bill
entitled “a bill to amend the charter of the
city of Fitzgerald, Ga.,” relative to the man¬
ner of issuing and the payment of city war¬
rants, the abolishment of certain city offices,
and giving the mayor the casting vote in case
of a tie vote in the city council.
First published Sept. 26th, 1897.
Local Legislation.
VT OTICE is hereby given that application
•Li will be made to the next general assembly
of Georgia, for the the passage following of is the the following
local bill, of which caption:
A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the
town of Ocilla, in the county of Irwin, State of
Georgia, to provide fora mayor, councilmen,
recorder and other officers of said town; to
authorize the officers and corporate authori¬
ties of said town to exercise such powers and
do such thiiigs as may be necessary or proper
for the best interest, benefit, welfare peace, good‘or¬
der, health and general of said town,
and the inhabitants thereof: to confer other
and additional power and authority upon such
officers and authorities; to authorize the cor¬
porate authorities of said town to pass and en¬
force proper rules, by-laws and ordinances for
the government of said town; to authorize
punishment for any violation regulate of said rules, prohibit by¬
law s and ordinances; to or
the sale of spirituous and intoxicating liquors,
and license the same, and impose penalties for
selling the same without a license in prohibit said town;
to repeal an act entitled an act to the
sale of intoxicating liquors in Irwin countj\
approved Sept. 26, 1879, so far as the same re¬
lates to the territory included in the corpor¬
ate limits of said town, and other purposes.
Notice of Local Bill:
VT OTICE is hereby given, that whereas the
ordinary for Irwin county, Ga., has called
an election of the qualified the question“of voters of said
county to vote upon the re¬
moval of the county site l'rcm Irwinville to
Fitzgerald or to such place as the voters may
by ballot designate, and whereas the law of
Georgia requires that if the voters vote in fa¬
vor of removal that such vote shall be ratified
by the general assembly of the State, for and that
notice of the local bill necessary such rat¬
ification, must be advertised for 30 days prior
to the introduction of such bill, therefore if at
the said election to be held on the 2ist day of
October, 1897, the county site of Irwin county
shall he voted to Fitzgerald by the the lawful ma¬
jority, to-wit, two-thirds of all votes cast
at such election, a local bill will be introduced
in the house of representatives at the next
meeting of the general assembly entitled as
“A bill for an act to be entitled an act to
change the county site of Irwin county, Geor¬
gia, and to remove the same from Irwinville
to Fitzgerald in said county, and for other
purposes.” This 1897.
Sept . 14, lw
Road Notice.
T F notfood cause to the contrary be shown
X. on or before the first Monday in October
next, at my office, Irwinville, Ga..I will grant
an order establishing a new public road in the
1537th road district of said county: Commenc¬
ing at southeast corner of 5-acre tract, colony
land, No. 273, and southwest corner of tract
No. 801, thence due north to the Wilcox county
line, the same having been marked out by re¬
viewers and passing oyer the following 5 -acre ~ *
tracts, co’ony domain: 804,805, 806, 1014, 1015,
1016,1017,1018,1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024,
273, 274, 275, 999, 998, 997, 996, 995, 994, 993. 992,
99], 990, 989, also 30-acre tracts Nos 1071, 2072,
2073,2974, 2075, 2076, 2077, 2084, M. HENDERSON, 2083, 2082, 2081,
2080,2079,2078. & Revenue Irwin County.
Com. Roads
This Sept. 6, 1897.
State of Georgia, >
Irwin County.
Notice is hereby given that a bill will be in¬
troduced at the next session of the Georgia
Legislature, to amend the act entitled an act
to incorporate the city of Fitzgerald and to
define the city limits there of, etc., approved
December 23rd, 1896. so that said city shall not
include any of the five acre tracts of the
American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company
as appears by the recorded plat ef said Amer¬
ican Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company on file
in the clerks office of the Superior Court of
Irwin County, to define said city limits as des¬
cribed by the recorded plat of said city of file
in the Clerk’s Office the of the Superior Court of
said County, with extension.
This 8th day of September. 1897.
Notice of County Site Elec¬
State of Georgia, i f
Jrwin County,
Notice is hereby given that filed on in the 24th day
of August, 1897 there was this office a
petition signed by more Irwin than two-fifths of the
poll tax payers of county, Georgia,
praying that an election be held as provided
by law to enable the voters of Irwin county
to vote upon and determine the question of
the removal of the county siteof Irwin countv,
Georgia, from Irwinville to Fitzgerald or to
such other place in said county as the
voters may by their ballots designate.
Now therfore it is ordered that an election
be held in and for said county, of the qualified
voters thereof, to vote upon and determine
the question of changing and removing the
said county site from Irwinville to Fitzgerald
or to such other place in the said county as
the voters may determine. Said election will
be held on Thursday the 21st day of October,
1897, at the usual polling plaoes in the various
election precincts of the said county.
Witness my hand and official seal at Irwin¬
ville, Georgia, this August 27,1897.
[seat/] J J. Lee,
Ordinary in and lor Irwin county, Georgia.
35-7 w.
For all the news read, The Leader.
Irwin Sheriff Sales.
Statu of Georgia, i
Irwin County, f
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Novem¬
ber next at the courthouse in said county,
within the legal hours of sale, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following property to-wif .*
One ten-acre tract number 2305 of the colony
domain ns shown by the recorded colony plat of the
American Tribune soldier company,
same being part of lot of land number 94 in the
4th district of Irwin county. Said land levied
on as the property of D. T>. Carpenter, to sat¬
isfy an execution issued from the justice
court of the 1537th district, G. M., of said coun¬
ty, in favor of IS. K. Nelson against said D. D.
Carpenter. It. V. Handley, Sheriff I. C.
This Oct. 5th, 1897.
Will be sold before the court house door of
Irwin county, Irwinville, Ga., between the le¬
gal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in No¬
vember next, the following property, to-wit:
Seventeen acres of lot of land number ninety-
four (94) in the second district of Irwin county,
Ga., bounded on the west by lands of Murray
& Deloach; north by lands of W. A. Story;
east by lands of Mrs.T.D. Swearingaiu: south
by original land line, one acre excepted of
lands of Mrs. Susan Williams, levied on and to
be sold as the property of A. J. Dyess, to sat¬
isfy one county court fi. l’a. issued from the
court of Irwin county, in favor of It. H. Sut¬
ton vs. said A. J. Dyess, levied on and re¬
turned to me by Wm. Itogers, county court
bailiif. Written notice given tenant in pos¬
session as I). required McInnjs, by law. Deputy Sheriff I. C.
This October 5, 1897.
Also at the same time and place will be sold
the following property, to-wit: One five-acre
tractor land number nine hundred and twelve
of the domain of the American Tribune sol¬
dier colony company, in Irwin county, a plat
of which domain appears on record in the
clerk’s office of superior court of said county,
together with the buildings and improvements
thereon. Said property levied on and to be
sold as the property of O. L. Jay, to satisfy one
county court fi. fa. issued from the county
court of said county in favor of L. F. Thomp¬
son vs. said O. L. Jay, levied on and returned
to me by Wm. Rogers, county court bailiff.
Written notice given defendant as required by
law. D. A. McInnis, Deputy Sheriff I. C.
This October 5,1897.
Petition for Charter.
State of County, Georgia, I f
To the Superior Court of said County:
The petition of Madison Buice, Z. V. Borden
and First—That J. J. Borden, they respectfully form shows: themselves
desire to
and 6uch other persons as may be associated
with them, into a private corporation Ii under
the corporate name and style of win County
Dry Goods Company.
Second—That the object of this association
is pecuniary gain, and the business they pro¬
pose to engage in and carry on is as follows,
viz: To buy. store and sell all classes of dry
goods and wearing apparel boots, for male shoes, and hats, fe¬
male customers, including
caps, bonnets, millinery goods, first-class notions, etc ,
and to own and run a dry goods
store, to buy and sell all kinds of personal
property, and real estate and convey the same,
to lend or borrow money on note, bills, deeds,
mortgages, or other liens or obligations, to sue
and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to
have and use a corporate seal, to enter into
and carry out contracts, and generally to do
all acts and things necessary and proper for
the promotion and maintenance of the busi¬
ness of the corporation.
Third—The amount of capital employed will
be twenty-five thousand dollars, ten per cent,
of which is actually paid in, and the capital
stock shall be divided into shares of one hun¬
dred dollars each. No stockholder shall be
personally liable except for the stock sub¬
scribed for. That the principal place of doing
business shall be In Fitzgerald, Ga., and other
places as may be necessary for the promotion
of said business.
Fourth—In addition to the powers aforesaid
necessary to carry out the purpose and objects
of said corporation, and the powers common
to all corporations under the laws of this State
petitioners desire the following special pow¬
ers, viz: To increase the capital stock from
time to time to the sum of seventy-five thous¬
and dollars; to receive in payment of stock to
be issued, moneys, lands, or other property as
may be determined by the board of directors;
to make by-laws not inconsistent with the laws
of this State or the United States, and gener¬
ally to have and enjoy and exercise the cor¬
porate powers and the privileges of this incident State. to cor¬
porations under laws
Wherefore petitioners pray that they and
their associates be incorporated with the
rights and privileges aforesaid for the term
of twenty years under the name aforesaid,
with the privilege of renewal at the expira¬
tion of that time.
Cheney & Burch, Petitioners’ Att’ys.
Original filed in office 85th day of Sept.. 1897.
State of Georgia, / (
Irwin County.
I, J. B. D. Paulk, clerk of the superior court,
of Irwin county, do hereby certify that the
foregoing is a true and correct September copy of the pe¬
tition filed in my office this. 25,1897.
J. B, D. Paulk, Clerk S. C. I. C.
Petition for Charter
State of County, Geohgia, i f
To the Superior Court of said County:
The petition of J. B. Paulk, J. T. Boyd, F.
J Clark and D. W. Paulk shows:
First—That they desire to l'orm themselves
and such other persons as may he associated
with them, into a private corporation under
the corporate name and style of "Fitzgerald
Mercantile Second—That Company." the
obj'ect of business this association
is pecuniary gain, and the they pro¬
pose to engage in and carry on is as follows,
viz: To buy, store and sell all classes of dry
goods, notions, shoes, everything hats, caps, groceries,
hardware, and in fact that is kept
and sold in a first-class general mercantile es¬
tablishment. and to do a general mercantile
business. To buy and sell all kinds of personal
property and real estate, and to convey the
same, to lend or borrow money on notes, bills,
deeds, mortgages, or other liens or obligations,
to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded,
to have and use a corporate seal, to enter into
and carry out contracts, and generally to do all
acts and things necessary and proper lor the
promotion objects and of the maintenance corporation. of the business
Third—The amount of capital employed will
be ten thousand dollars, ten percent of which
is actually paid shares in and the capital stock shall
be divided into of one hundred dollars
each. No stockholder shall be personally lia¬
ble except tor the amount of stock subscribed
Fourth—The principal place of doing busi¬
ness will be in be Fitzgerald, Gu.. for and the such other
places as business. may necessary promotion
of said
Fifth—In addition to the powers aforesaid
to carryout the purposes and objects of said
corporation, corporations and the the powers laws of common this State, to all
under pe¬
titioners desire the following special powers:
To increase the capital stock from time to
time to the sum of twenty-five thousand dol¬
lars. to receive in payment of stock to be is¬
sued, money, lands or other property as may
be determined by the board of directors, to
make by-laws not inconsistent with the laws
of this State or the United States, and gener¬
ally to have, enjoy and exercise the corporate
powers and privileges incident to corpora¬
tions under the laws of the State.
Wherefore petitioners pray that they and
their associates be incorporated with the
rights, powers and privileges, etc., for the
term of twenty years, under the aforesaid
name with the privileges of renewal at the ex¬
piration of that time.
Cheney & Burch, Petitioners’ Attorneys.
Original filed in office Sept. 25th, 1897.
State of G eorgia, i
Irwin County, f
I. J. B. D. Paulk, of the superior court of
said county do hereby certify that the forego,
ing is a true and correct copy of the petition
filed in ray office.
.7. B. D. Paulk, C. S. C. I. C.
Brunswick Restaurant, lunch coun¬
ter in connection. Everything first-
class. 40-2w
In Florida
Orange grove, large dwelling, barn,
etc., suitable for boarding house, 22
acres, on hill, center of villiage, ad¬
joins Flagler, of “Ponce de Leon”
fame, property Surrounded by post-
office, stores, churches and pretty vil¬
las of wealthy northern people, for
sale. One-third cash, balance at in¬
terest for any time wished.
F. M. Stansbeougii,
Fitzgerald, Ga.
T. W. HAYDE, «>
9 9
Mouldings, Brick, Lime, Cement, Etc.
On and after this date we will take orders for White Pine Sash and Boors for quick
and goods. prompt It delivery. why We guarantee sell to meet eompetion in both price and quality of
is asked us we nearly all the Sash and Doors that are sold in the
^ city, and our answer Is that as wo the carry strictly home manufactured goods. We are
o glad to believe the people realize Iniportanceof protecting home industries and
Y thereby keep the money at home, which is a great benefit to our county and State;
x but wo occasionally have a customer who has heard that puttv does not stick so
Y well to yellow pine sash as white pine, (which, under our system of preparing the x
T sash, we are prepared to contradict by a guarantee it will), and for this class of cub-
X turners wc will hereafter he prepared to give them estimates on White Pine goods for ^
X quick delivery. While we are at It we desire to call your attention to the fact that ♦ ®
X we are headquarters for Drick and that It was but a few months ago that we com-
X menced soiling brick, at w hich time a poor quality of brick was selling here at }9.n0 X
x per 1,000. We are now malntalnlnga yard price on 1.000 brick at {7. 00. and in quail- $>
X X titles he pleased, at a very short much notice, lower figure. make estimates We also carry a large stock of Glass, and will $
on to on Plate and Window Glass for store
“ fronts. Remember our location on
I Central Av., Opposite the New Cotton Warehouse. |
<$> <®><^<s><&<s><s><s><®> <s><$><®><s><s><s><s>^ <®>^><s><$>^><s><$><s> S
* OH, YES!
* 4. 7 w.
♦ *
f L A".
W Let us remind you that J. E. BENTZ will sell you first-class goods at ***
the very lowest figures, and will, at all times, meet any legitimate /WJ
competition. When you want Groceries cheap call on J. E. BENTZ, v*\
$ s»! Ballard And and your Pillsbury’s wishes will Best be Flour gratified. in Sacks. We also handle Gold Medal, » 'jL ♦'
$ J. 5. BENTZ • i *
* East Pine Av., Fitzgerald, Ga. (*)
Do not give out your order tor Nursery Stock until you come and see my stock and ge
Hundreds or men told me last winter they were very sorry they gave their order be
seeing my stockand getting my prices. So don’t get caught again. I will sell you No.
June Budded Peach Trees for 335.00 per thousand, und 3 to 4 foot trees for *15.00 per 1C00. I
have stock in my yard on Sonth Main Street about the middle of October; so do not give
E.’M. vour order until you see me and my stock and get prices. Fitstgreralcl Nursery
WINSLOW, Manager. Co.
\ v 1&
V* ft S'
is as. M
i m\ A 4
7? ll
m i
: . 1 .
Iron and Brass Castings, Engine and Boiler Fittings,
Inspirators, injectors. Lubricators, Jet Pumps, Steam Gages; Globe, Angle and Check
Valves; Pipe and Fittings; Rubber General Belt; Machinery Lace-Leather and and Mill Lubricating Supplies; pulleys^Phattings Oils. fS^Kepair Work and
Couplings; Specialty. Leather AGents and all kinds of Machinery. NOTICE.-Iron and brass melted six days
a for sale. Call address, for fu
ineveryweek. A second-hand 50-horse power Engine for on or
prticulars. R. S. KELL, Manager, Tifton, Ga.
Sycamore 3ULtitterings.
Foin Our Regular Correspondent.
Col. A. J. Davis, of Ashburn, was
in town on legal business this week.
Editor H. D. Smith, of tbe Ash-
burn Advance, was in town this week.
Tbe water in tbe creeks and rivers
is again low enough for fishing.
B. K. Reeves received a letter Sun¬
day calling him to the bedside of his
father who is sick near Thomaston.
Messrs. Henry Ray and George
Young paid Fitzgerald a pleasant
visit Thursday and Friday last.
Col. W. T. Williams lias just re¬
turned from an extended visit to
friends and relatives in Macon county.
Messrs. J. J. Fountain, C. L. Royal
and Richard Tucker attended the as¬
sociation of the Primitive Baptist at
Mars Hill, in Dougherty county, Sat¬
urday, Sunday and Monday last.
The Irwin county News, formerly
published here, has been moved to
Ocilla, and will thenceforth be pub¬
lished there under the management of
Prof. Clifford Grubbs.
Reasons Why Cliambeilaiii’s Colic, C'liol-
era and Diarrhoea Remedy Is
the Best.
1 . Because it affords almost instant
relief in case of pain in the stomach,
colic and cholera morbus.
2. Because it is the only lemedy
that never fails in the most severe
cases of dysentery and diarrhoea.
3. Because it is the only remedy
that will cure chronic diarrhoea.
4. Because it is the only remedy
that will prevent bilious colic.
5. Because it is the only remedy
that will cure epidemical dysentery.
6. Beeause it is the only remedy
that can always be depended upon in
cases of cholera infantum.
7. Because it is the most prompt
and most reliable medicine in use for
bowel complaints.
8. Because it produces no bad re¬
9. Because it is pleasant and safe
to take.
10. Because it has saved the lives
of more people than any other medi¬
cine in the world. The 25 and 50
cent sizes. For sale by J. H. Good¬
man, druggist.
In requirement of the statute in such
cases provided, notice is hereby given
that at the next ensuing session of the
General Assembly of the State of
Georgia a hill will he introduced to
amend an act entitled, “ An act to in¬
corporate the city of Fitzgerald, in the
county of Irwin, in the State of Geor¬
gia, to define the corporate limits of
said city ; to provide for the election
of a mayor and aldermen, and other
city officers, for the government there-:
of; to enact all necessary ordinances,
and to provide penalties for violation
of the same ; to regulate the sale of
spirituous, malt and intoxicating
liquors, merchandise ami other com¬
modities ; to provide a system of pub¬
lic schools ; to construct and maintain
a system of sewerage ; to regulate fire,
sanitary and police protection; to
raise revenue by taxation and specific
license, or otherwise ; to defray ex¬
penses of the city government; to
grant franchises to railway, electric
light, telegraph, telephone, water
works and other companies, and such
other franchises as may he deemed
necessary ; to provide for the laying
out of streets, alleys, sidewalks,
drives, parks and other public grounds,
and maintaining the same, and for
other purposes,” and approved De¬
cember 2, 1896. Said bill will seek to
amend said act of incorporation by
repealing sections thirty-eight (38),
thirty-nine (39) and forty (40) entirely ;
and also all that part of section one
hundred and three (103), which lias
reference to said sections 38, 39 and
40. Also an amendment to said act
of incoporation by introducing into
the same a section wholly prohibiting
the city council of said city from reg¬
ulating or licensing the sale or giving
away of any spiritous or malt liquors,
wine or cider, or anything else which
can intoxicate, within the limits of
said city, or within the police jurisdic¬
tion of the same. Also at the same
time a bill will be introduced into the
General Assembly to repeal the entire
act of incorporation hereinbefore re-
fered to by its title, and a new bill in¬
troduced with the same title.
Rev. J. II. Stoney,
President Citizens’ Reform League.
W. W. Bkeese, M. D., Secretary.