Newspaper Page Text
&&$&$$$# 000000000
00 While Talking 00
Don’t Forget To Mention That 00
00- Is out to Sell every Voter the
ssfRost 00068*2
He ever did get for
1 1 W Money, 00
00 00
00 And Quotes a Few Prices : 00
Bed 11.50 to $8.00. 00
00 Mattress $1.75 to $6.00. 00
00 each. 00
00 Chairs $40e to $2.50 00
00 Ex. Tables, 6 ft., beauties, $4.1 ■>,S 00
Inf- 00
00 fDatfm? 5 of 1 all Kinds. 00
00 ■ M
ft# . 00:
And everything to be found 00
00 in a First-Class Furniture 00
00 Store. 00
|| Fred J. Clark 00
00- Blook - 00
00000000 HWim
As There are Plenty of Golden Nuggets to be
Pieked Up Right Here in Our Store Without
Risking Life and Limb in the Far Northwest,
Is a Veritable Klondyke, and Worth Prospecting.
Our Line of the CeIebrated^® BBB ^
Barnesville k Rockhill Buggies
is Complete, and the Prices Lower than Ever.
If you are in need of a Wagon, come and look
over the “FLORENCE,” either one or two horse.
The RAMBLE BICYCLES are going fast at
Our Mammoth Stock of
Is Full and Complete and Embraces Tinware,
Builders’ Material, Farm Machinery, Stoves,
Crockery, Mixed Paints, Wire Screens and
In fact we keep in Stock Everything Known
to the Hardware Trade.
When in need of anything and you don’t
know where to get it, come to the
Boyd Hardware Co •f
Fitzgerald, Georgia.
thIe county-site QUEST ion.
A Logical and Convincing Letter From Ex-Gov. Northern
Fitzgerald More Accessible by Railroads and Covenient For
The People to Transact their County Business!
Editors Fitzgerald Leader.
Whilst I have not been in position to keep myself fully posted on
the details of the campaign now in progress in your county for and
against|the removal of the court house, I must confess to some sur¬
prise that there should be any special opposition to the proposed re¬
moval to Fitzgerald. discharged always
The public business of any community should be
at the convenience of the greatest number of citizens. The center of
population, and not the geographical center of the county, therefore
should determine the location of county public buildings. If this
proposition is not true, the people of any given county would be sub¬
jected to great inconvenience, without the least possible public ben¬
efit therefrom. The view I am presenting is especially true, when
the convenience of travel from the more sparsely settled sections are.
desirable and satisfactory. the
The contest, as I understand it, is between Irwinville, present
county town, and Fitzgerald, the proposed location for the county
business. Fitzgerald and the country immediately contiguous, and
easily accessible would be far more convenient for a large majority
of the people of the county. Irwin county is now entirely traversed
bv railroads leading directly to Fitzgerald, while transportation to
Irwinville would involve the necessity for hack lines that could not
be expected to be sufficient for the demands, on public occasions, be-
cause the business occurring during the interval of regularly ap¬
pointed public days would not authorize a proper outfit and regular
engagements with the trains. Of equal importance with the fact
just presented, it is no reflection upon the good people of Irwinville
to say, that hotel accommodations for the entertainment of the peo¬
ple attending upon public days, are far better at Fitzgerald than
they can ever be made at Irwinville. The people of the county can¬
not afford to neglect this consideration as a prime element in de¬
termining their choice between locations. I am sure the citizens of
Irwin county have already awakened to the fact that there is a
great and unusifal development awaiting them in the near future.
The prime, if not the sole factor in this remarkable opportunity has
come through the large and desirable interests built in and about
the city of Fitzgerald. In my candid judgment, the public spirited
people of Irwin cannot afford to deny to this opening prosperity any
condition that would advance the common good. What helps Fitz¬
gerald helps Irwin county and, indeed, helps the State. The peo¬
ple who have built Fitzgerald have already put into the county
more than one million dollars worth of taxable property. If prop¬
erly encouraged and given their share of opportunities, this large
Slim will feel the benefit. I cannot believe the intelligent people of
the county will vote away these chances. Whilst the developments
in Irwin, brought about by the good people at Fitzgerald, are un¬
usual in the history of the State and, certainly in the history of the
county, they have, by no means, reached their ultimatum.
Irwin county, the State of Georgia and the South are now inviting
desirable settlers upon our unoccupied lands. To get them, we must
not only offer land upon which they can squat, but we must recog¬
nize every element of good citizenship they bring with them, and
open up to them, without qualification or restriction, the same con¬
ditions of growth and profitable settlement that we claim and exer¬
cise for ourselves.
The question, stripped of all undue considerations, is simply this:
Shall the public business of Irwin county be transacted, hereafter at
Irwinville, a small community, centrally located, with limited hotel
accommodations and away from the line of railway ; or shall it he
located at Fitzgerald, a large and thrifty city', with abundant hotel
facilities, easily accessible from all points of the county by rail, and
the center of population ?
This is a simple business proposition, submitted to intelligent busi-
ness people, who should look to the common good, and not to any
personal preferment or local honors. If this is done, I do not see
how a good citizen can hesitate a moment in determining his choice.
I trust that I will be pardoned for this interference, when it may be
said I have no local interest. I do not believe the people in Irwin
county who know me and my purposes will make any such undue
criticism. My identification with them in the past, I feel quite sure,
has obtained for me their confidence, and I cannot but believe that
they will accept my statements as made from the standpoint of the
public good. W. J. Nortiien.
Atlanta, Ga., September 23, 1897.
Important Notice. Read Very Carefully.
A rigid and thorough inspection of
all colony lands, including city lots and
all tracts, will be commenced on Octo¬
ber 1, 1897, and all such as have not
not been improved as required by the
board of colony directors, will be de¬
clared forfeited and the allotments on
same cancelled. No extensions, ex¬
changes or trades will be granted or
made until after the auction sale on No¬
vember 18th, next. By order of the
board of colony directors.
D. C. Welch, Superintendent.
The New City,
Not in opposition to Fitzgerald, but an
extension of Fitzgerald or to give her
citizens as well as others an oppor¬
tunity of settling and investing in
manufacturing enterprize that hereto¬
fore lias been denied them for want of
water power and transportation facil-
itiee. Nowhere from Macon to Sa¬
vannah or Darien does tlie Ocmulgee
river present as beautiful, lovely and
inviting a location for a manufactur¬
ing city and fruit and truck growing
farms as at Lumber Landing, just
north of the city, and within one mile
of Fitzgerald colony lands. Eight
hundred acr^s of land with unclouded
title, lias been secured by Messrs.
Smiths, and will he disposed of at
nominal prices. City lots on river
front, and four-acre lots in rear. For
further particulars address G. E. and
VV. E. Smith, real estate agents, or W.
B. Fassell, treasurer, Crisp, Ga.
City Taxes
Due and Payable
At the office of the City Clerk.
s City Clerk.
For Sale at a Bargain.
A fine mare and a horse, wagon and
harness for sale. Call at Leader
office. 39-4 w
List - Property
•f - -1 " AND —. 4-
Pay : Taxes
For non-resident property owners. Small and
larire tracts of land l’or sale. Enclose stamp
Hiving full information.
F, WILLIAMS, SON & CO, Fiasgonld, Do,
Real EstateDealers.
LEADER to any address unless paid for in
advance. No cash, no paper.
Latest and Greatest Invention in Bicycle Eqi
A marvel of simplicity and a career of usefulness.
A Medal winner in the prize competition of valuable and meri
tions confered by the WEDDERBURN Board of Awards, Wash
Our confidence in the merits and universal demand for our POR'J
TOMATIC BICYCLE PROP induces us to make the desiring following lil
tion and unprecedented GUARANTEE to Agents to ban
portant PROPOSITION—To Accessory to Every Bicycle. applicant sending order for
the first us an <
will assign the exclusive Agency for City, Town or County as desist
teet their rights by referring to them all subsequent for orders dozen, receive
territory. Thirteen will be sent with the first order one <»
liver a single Prop, prepaid, to any address in the United States
upon receipt of the regular retail price, $2.50, and deduct that amou
first GUARANTEE—We dozen ordered by the same party. them accomplish all claim,
confidence, guarantee to refund the purchase we
dence of our faith and agree to ]
PROPS remaining unsold and returned to us in event of desiring fn
to discontinue the Agency. influence sale, have
They require no elaborate oratory to a you on
tention to the one in operation on your wheel.
Applied to any Bicycle, Tandem, Triplet, Quad Sextet or any Mu
equally effective on incline or level road pavement, floor, ice, glass
single Prop will hold any bicycle or tande#i. Triplets, quads, sextets
require Constructed two. of ALUMINUM, and free from springs, will not rattle
tarnish or fail from any cause to perform the work of two men and a
ing a wheel RIGID and STATIONARY. Aluminum isanexpensb
the advantages of lightness, freedom from rust and beautiful finish
make it more desirable and far superior for this especial purpose.
Weight only four ounces (or half the weight of the ordinary hi
Rapid, reliable, durable, simple and automatic. Dismount, release tb
As shown The clamp in the is adjusted illustra¬ V 1 HOI I» .
tion. ' Tklf ■j. ■
at a proper height to give the lV
wheel the same inclination as J fa
contact the lever with when the the.point floor. Swing is in ) I m
five six ■
the point of lever or , - m ,'Ar \
inches toward the rear, al- i
lowing the clamp to turn on % *
the tubing and set the screws < - 7/
securely. H
- To Reverse, first bring the
wheel to perpendicular, al-
lowing tomatically the lever in the to slot. drop au¬ In¬ ■\v
vert the lever and it will se¬
curely hold in this tubing, position and
parallel with the f msr V ?
iu no way interfering with - V-p
manipulating the wheel. 0f-
•C oy
Dismounting—Lift the lever, allowing it to drop at the same t.r
the wheel, and as the point contacts with the floor, release the w' oman
In ordering mention size of seat post tubing. Write for confidenf
discounts. Address all communications to
# 0 <¥ 0 5^ 0 0 010 0 0 0 00 v Z
M President. WM, It. BOWEN, Cashie •king
"A M. The Colony Bank Y.
/ V
w BAUDER «Sa BOWEN, Bankers. i >n 35
W •*-----<
This Bank is now open and doingaGeneral Banking- Business. We cred p \
Af Northern Exchange and Pension Checks at Pa : wv,
V/; When deposited by our customers. We issue Exchange on New York, Sara-r.
nah, Macon, Darien and Oordele at one-hall’ the rates charged by postiiffie • .
i# We lend money on high class security, never charging 1 over eight percent
annum. *
per Ourratesand hanking rules and customs are the same as those of Atlanta
:Y/ and Louisville banks. In other words, we give the business men of the Fitzger-
aid the same banking rates and privileges from the start, that it took mer-
chants of Atlanta and Memphis twenty years to get. Lack of competition
# will never cause us to take any advantage of the colonists.
lCmre ©rugs
Goodmans New Drug Stoi
Cor. Pine and Grant Street.
Fresh and New with a Full Line
Medicines. Prescriptions Compound'
and Estimates Furnished on Short Noti
Address Lock Box 8, Fitzgerald, Georgia.
Dr. Maury M. Stapler,
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
506 Mulberry Street,
(Late ol* the Best American Hospitals)
Specialist in Chronic Diseases,
Of IVXeii and Women,
Office, S. Grant street, located.) near Magnolia. (Per¬
GET our prices on
all kinds Job Work*
For Tailor Sui
E. d. DANCY,
Fine A h NkI Door to Ccmmoroial
A perfect fit guaranteed. A trial is all j
All garments cut and made on premises.
Clewing, Hairing ani ressin? a Spaa