Newspaper Page Text
l The Corner Grocery. |
e !
t In order to reduce our stock before moving up town, we will z
e sell at reduced prices for cash any goods in our stock. Gusto 3
t mers are all pleased with our goods, for they are the best; with 3
e our prices, for they are the lowest. Our stock of New Crop 5
t Raisins are unexcelled. We sell Ralston’s Hearth Breakfast 3
; Food and Flour. The Cheapest Tea in the city ; Tobacco and -
I e Cigars. Cor. Thomas and Oconee. ’Phone 19. I
Headquarters For
pure Drills,
Goodman’s New Drug oo f
Cor. Pine and Grant Street.
Everything Fresh and New with a Full Line of
Patent Medicines. Prescriptions Compounded.
I £> Merry: •/ Christmas! <3>
I | Is coming, and what would make a prettier or a t |
more suitable gift than one of
<*> E. H. WILKERSON’S ■*-
I —■
1 «
♦ 9
♦ i
f t
<e> i
<8> V 9
I i N
; M
'•> / (O -
!'- - BsJ- J 0
I 0
| Buggies and Bicycles. ^
Everybody in or within 100 miles of Fitzgerald should see our e
large assortment of Buggies, Pteutons, Surrys, Traps, Spring k
Wagons, one and two-horse Boys’Bicycles Wagons, and our complete line of %
V Ladies’, Gents and before purchasing elsewhere. We ^
have as large a stock to be found in any store in the State. Call, %
f see and be convinced. 0
- $
1 E.H.’^Wills.e^arsson «Sfc C5<o • 9 <9 <s>
<s> Cor. Grant St. and Magnolia Avenue.
OH, YES! f :
* II
* Let us remind figures, vou that J. E. BENTZ will sell you first-class goods at 918
V*V competition. the very lowest When and want will, Groceries at all cheap times, call meet any J. E. legitimate BENTZ, y*\) (V)
819 you gratified. handle on Gold Medal, M
And your wishes will be We also
% Ballard and Pillsbury’s Best Flour In Sachs. v*J
* J. B. BGN-TZ, J '
* East Pine Av., Fitzgerald, Ga.
* /♦
I «l
| Tlie Pioneer in tlie City.
- A nice place to eat, centrally located and everything first-class; best
c attention paid to details, and guests made to feel at home.
Boss Lunch Counter
t In connection. Lunches served every hour of day or night. We
~ k ee p f res h Pies, Calces, Sandwiches, Boston Baked Beans, Fried
\ \ Chicken, Quail of all and kinds, Oysters Pickled in every Pigs style Feet, ; Tongue Wieners, and Sausages, Tripe. Bolog- Game
na s, Cheese
C and Fresh Fish a specialty.
! Coffee, Tea #■ 5off Drinks
c We keep on drought the best of Coffee, so acknowledged by our
e guests. Our Tea is not excelled, and our Soft Drinks are of the best.
% We strrive to please ; are Pioneers from Kansas, but formerly from
E Ohio. Call on us when in the city.
Remember the Place, f|, & A. BRU 1 MER,
% On East Pine Avenue,/ 1 Proprietors.
e .
Fitzgerald Bottling Works,
North Grant St. All orders will receive prompt attention
County Correspondence.
To Correspondents—All letters for publi¬
cation must reach X'nless us by the Monday or of Tuesday tho
of each week. name cor¬
respondent accompanies the letter we will
not publish tho same. We will not who print they the
name of the correspondent or tell
are, but want the name as an evidence of good
faith. Write news, and do not write anything
that reflects on the character of anyone.
Sparks From Wolf Fit.
From Our Regular Correspondent.
Mrs. Blood is still on the sick list.
Mr. Casney was in this vicinity
It is gone again, What? The
and house on 4675.
Mr. Lewis Blood is putting up a
fence and house on his 10 acre tract.!
Mat Kettle went to Minnie Thurs¬
day to get some rice hulled.
Captain Tom Readnour made a run
over the C. Ii. & D. Sunday.
Miss Nancy Horton was the guest
of Miss Etta Pollman Friday.
Mora Horton was the guest of
Mable Kettle Wednesday afternoon.
George Hascall is hauling lumber
j for week. Champions to their 20 acre this
Mr. Dan Yoeinun was the guest of
Mrs. M. Golfs family Saturday night
and Sunday.
We understand there is to be a
Christmas tree at Wolf Fit shod house
Christmas Eve.
Roy Champion is working out at
Peter Troupe’s now and O, how lone¬
some Nancy is.
Mrs. Lambert’s mother and brother
has been on the sick list but are better
at this writing.
Mr. Ilogle has been making door
and window frames for Shorty’s new
house tin's week.
Fred Ray and.Shorty are building
Shorty’s house. The way they drive
nails is a caution.
Some of the folks of this vicinity
attended the party at Mr. Reapnour’s,
near LulaviUe, Wednesday night.
Sim Swafford and wife arrived here
at his fathers Thursday morning from
Indiana where they have been during
the past summer and fall.
The Boy With One Eye Open.
Good Hope Items.
From our Regular Correspondent.
Mr. Cowell is clearing his 20.
Quite a frost Monday morning.
Mr. 1)urfee is cutting timber on iris
F. W. Pierson is quite ill will chills
and l iver.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott have moved into
their new house.
Mr. Best, who lias been on the sick
list, is able to work again.
Pour more new houses in the Pier¬
son addition of Good Hope.
Pierson Bro.s’ tram road is complete.
They are now shipping lumber daily.
Fred Hoffman and August Gollum-
beck spent part-of last Thursday at J.
F. Hoffman.
Geo. Holland, Pierson Bro.s’ saw¬
yer, has gone to Seville to move his
family and household goods.
Good Hope was almost deserted
show day, there being only a few who
did not take in the sights.
Mrs. Fox is having logs hauled to
the Labor Exchange mill. A good
sign of more improvement.
Wm. Ayers, brother of James Ayers,
is assisting the latter setting out
strawberries and fruit trees.
Adam J. Weikert, brother of Mrs.
J. F. Hoffman, arrived last Tuesday,
and reports snow and cold weather in
the North.
We had quite a nice rain Saturday
night, but it was of short duration.
Thanks for small favors, large ones in
proportion. Observer.
Irwin County Sunday Schools.
On the 23d inst., all (lay and eve¬
ning, there will be a grand rally of
the Sunday school workers of Irwin
county at the M. E. church. Fitzgerald.
This rally has been appointed by J. II.
Miller, the Feld Worker of the Georgia
State Sunday School Association, who
will be here to conduct it. Ail who
have seen and heard Mr. Miller know
what a treat is in store for them. Fol¬
lowing is the program :
10 A. m.—D evotional Service, Rev. O. O.
10:00—Music, followed by an address of wel¬
come by Re v. J. M. G lenn.
10:15—Responses by J. C. Griffin and R. S.
11 : 00 —Address by State Field
1:45—Class Drill by W. H. Hal6ey.
2:00—Shiney Grove school and an addresB by
C. P. McMillan.
2:30—Short talks by Superintendents and
other workers.6
0 : 00 —After music Mr. J. H. Miller will give
us the Feature of the Day.
7:00 p. M.—Somr Service.
7:15—Address to "Cold Water Battalion.” by
Mrs, Nettie Hall.
7:35—Closing exercises, conducted byj. H.
The music for the occasion will bo managed
by tbe M. E. choir. Come with full baskets
and enjoy a social dinner at the church.
FannieK. Lee,S ec’y.
Notice of Dissolution.
The eo-partnershjp heretofore existing he
tween the undersigned underthe in the firm name
of Gunn & Co., engaged manufacture
of naval stores, near the town of Fitzgerald,
Irwin county, Ga., is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. The business will be con¬
tinued by L. M. Gunn, who hereby assumes
all liabilities of the firm and who alone is au¬
thorized to receive all indebtedness due said
firm. L. M. Gunn
J,B. D. Woodburn.
Nov. 18th, 1897. 48-41
State of Georgia, I
Irwin County, f
Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the
4th day of January, 1898, within the legal
hours of sale at the front door of the court
house in Irwinville, Georgia, there will be sold
at public outcry One the following boiler, described prop¬
erty, to-wit: engine, one the saw
mill and planing mill and saws. belt6 and fix¬
of tures Wilson used & therewith, Ledbetter, all levied he on as property
and to sold to satisfy
one tax li. fa. and costs, issued by the city
clerk of Fitzgerald, Georgia, for 1897 city taxes
duo said city from Wilson & Ledbetter.
J. S. Jones, Chief of Police.
TIiIb December 7,1897.
Irwin Sheriff Sale.
Will besold before the court house door of
Irwin county, Ga., on the flrstTueeday in Jan¬
uary next, within the legal hours of sale, the
following property, to-wit: 25 per cent, of five-
acre tract No. 480 of American Tribune Sol¬
dier Colony Co„ and One two story dwelling
house situated thereon, levied on and to be
sold as the property of C. E. Goodnow, from to sat¬
isfy six county court 11. fas. issued the
county court of said county as follows: One in
favor of Harley & Holmes vs. said C. K. Good¬
now; one in favor of J. D. Small vs. said C. E.
Goodnow: one in favor of Stokes & Martin vs.
C. E. Goodnow and it. C. Kimball; one in fa¬
vor of E. L. Todd vs. C. E. Goodnow and R. C.
Kimball; one in favor of T. W. Haydo vs C. E.
Goodnow and R C Kiinbali; one in favor of E
K Ashby vs C E Goodnow.
Will be sold before the court house door in
Irwinville, Ga., on the 1st hou Tuesday in January, the fol¬
1898, within the lawful rs of sale,
lowing property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 81 in
the Ctn district of said county, containing 490
acres more or less, levied on and to be sold as
the property of T. I). from Young, to satisfy three of
(3) executions issued the county court
said county, two (2) in favor of Bank of Tifton
vs. Tlios. B. Young and Jehu Branch; one(l)
in favor of L. S. Shepherd vs IMH Fletcher,
T B Young and Jehu Branch. Written notice
given defendants in possession as required by
law. Rogers, Levy made bailiff. and returned to me by Wm.
Dec 7, county 1897.- i
Also at the same time and place will be sold
the following property situate eight in hundred said Irwin and
county: Five-acre tract
eighty-three of the domain of tho American
Tribune soldier colon j company; levied on as
the property of D. B. Boyd to satisfy an at¬
tachment fi. fa. issued from the justices corn t
of tho 1537th district, G. M., of said D. county, in
favor of A. J. Swords against B. Boyd.
Levy made and turned over to me by W. J.
Brown, constable.
December 5, 1897.
Also at the same time and place will be sold
the following property, to-wit: Three acres,
more or less of 5-acre tract of land No. 1205, all
of said tract north of the T. & N. E. railway:
levied on and to be sold as the property of
Colony Co-operative Canning and Pickling Co,
to satisfy 3 county court fi. fas issued from
the county court of said county, as follows:
One in favor of R C Kimball vs said company;
one in favor of Stokes & Martin vs said com¬
pany; one in favor of Harley & Holmes vs
said company. All the above levies made and
returned to me by \\ m. Rogers, county court
bailiff. D. A. McInnir, Deputy Sheriff I.C.
This December 1, 1897.
Election Notice.
State of Georgia, ) f
Jkwin County,
Notice to the qualified voters of tho city of
Fitzgerald, Georgia, is hereby given that on
Tuesday the 21st day of December, 1897, there
will be held the annual election in and lor said
city at the hereinafter named polling places at
which election there will be elected the follow-
ingrofficers, to-wit: each One of alderman-at-large the four wards and of
one alderman for
the city. Two (2) members of the school board
l'oi each ward of the city. The polls will open
at 9 o’clock in the forenoon and close at 4
o’clock in the afternoon. The polling places
will be as follows; 1st Ward, Colony head¬
quarters; 2 d Ward, Whitchard’s store; 3d
Ward, city hall; 4th Ward, store room south-
east corner Lee and Pine streets Registra-
tion books close three days before election.
M. Buice, Acting Mayor.
State of County, Georgia, i f
Under and by virtue of a power of sale con¬
tained in a mortgage executed by William
McPheeters to Matthew Barnes, dated 30th
day the of March, 1897, and recorded in tho office
of clerk of the superior court of Irwin
county in book **D.” folio242 and243, the un¬
dersigned will sell at public outcry at the
court house door in said county during the le¬
gal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, on the first Tuesday in January, 1898,
the following property, to-wit: That tract or
parcel of of land lying land and number being in the hundred northeast
corner lot of one and
ninety-six (196) containing one hundred GOO)
acres, more or less, said lot of land being in
the Fourth (4) district of said county. For the
purpose of paying a certain promissory note
for the sum of five hundred dollars, executed
and delivered by Wm McPheeters to Mathew
Barnes on the30th day of March, 1897, and due
on the3Utb day of September, 1897, stipulating
for interest from date at the rate of 8 per cent,
per annum and ten per cent liquidated dam¬
ages. The total amount due on said note be¬
ing five hundred dollars principal, twenty-six
and 66-JOn dollars interest and fifty dollars at¬
torney fees, together with the cost of this pro¬
ceeding as provided in said mortgage. A deed
to the purchaser will be made by the under¬
signed. Mathew Barnes.
This 3d day of Dec , 1897.
Election Notice.
State of Georgia, /
Irwin County, f
Notice to the qualified hereby voters oL ! the that city of
Fitzgerald. Georgia, council is election given, hereby by
authority of city herbinal'ter an is
called tp be held at the designated
polling places on Tuesday the 11th day of Jan¬
uary. 1898, for the purpose of enabling the
qualified voters of said city to vote upon the
question of authorizing the city council to is¬
sue the bonds of the city in the amount of nine
thousand dollars $9,000) for following pur¬
poses, to-wit: Said bonds to be sold and the
proceeds used in settlement of the claims of
the American Tribune Soldier Colony Com-
puny, the purchase of school houses, sites and
school furniture, and the balance remaining to
be turned over to the school board to be used
by them for the maintenance and support of
the public schools of the city The said bonds
tq.draw interest at 0 per cent, per annum, in¬
terest payable semi-annually, principal to be
paid in one payment ten (10) years from date
of bonds. The polling places will be as follows:
1st Ward, Colony headquarters; Ward, 2d Ward,
Whitchard’s store; 3d city hall; 4th
Ward, storeroom southeast corner Lee and
Pine streets. Polls will open at9 o’clock in the
forenoon and close at 4 o’clock in the after¬
noon. The registration books for said election
will be open at City Hall from January 1, 1898,
until three days prior to said election.
M. Buice, Acting Mayor.
Dated this December 6,1S07.
Application tor Charter.
State of Georgia, j
Irwin County, Court i
To the Superior of said County:
The petition of VV. R. Bowen, of said county,
and It. V. Bowen and J. D. Mashburn, of Wil¬
cox county. Georgia, such respectfully other shows:
1. That they and pe rsons as may
hereafter he associated with thee m desire to be
incorporated for twenty years under the cor¬
pora tc name and style of Bowen Telephone
Company. they desire to be incorporated
2. That as
aforesaid for the purpose of acquiring by con¬
struction or purchase, Cl- both, and owning,
operating and maintaining for profit a tele¬
phono sytem or exchange within the city of
Fitzgerald in said Irwin county, and for the
purpose of likewise acquiring, owning, oper¬
ating and maintaining a points telephone within line or
lines from said city counties. to any The office said
Irwin or Wilcox and prin¬
cipal place of business of said company will
be in said city of Fitzgerald, stock of
3. That tho capital said company
will bo two thousand dollars, divided into
shares ol’ fifty dollars each, all of which has
been paid in; and that they desire the power
and privilege of increasing the same at their
option to any amount not exceeding five
thousand dollars. Stockholders to be indi¬
vidually liable to creditors of the corporation
only to the amount of ther uupnid subscrip¬
tion for stock.
4. That they desire to be invested with the
following powers and control, privileges: Topurchase,
erect, lease, own, mortgage and cou-
vfiy real and personal property: and be sued: to loan have and
borrow money: to sue to a
corporate seal: to make rules and by-laws for
the regulation and conduct of the business of
the corporation. And, in addition hereto, to
exercise and enjoy all other powers and priv¬
ileges usually conferred upon like corpora¬
tions, or that may be necessary or incident to
the carrying on of the business of the corpor¬
ation, and not inconsistent with the laws of
Georgia. Wherefore petitioners the granting of
an order ot the court incorporating them and
such other persons as they hereafter be asso¬
ciated with them for the time and purpose,
and with the powers and Att’ysforPetitioners. privileges aforesaid.
Ryman & Kennedy,
I, J. B. D. Poulk. clerk of the superior court
of Irwin county, Georgia, do hereby certify
that tbe foregoing is a true and correct copy
of an original petition this J. day B. filed D. Paulk, in my of¬
fice- Irwin
Clerk Superior Court 1897. County, Ga.
This 26th day of November,
GET our prices on
all kinds Job Work
* 8
Up-To-Date Goods!
-pj_j £ ^■aaOSZESlp*
Empire: Store.
Central Avenue, Fitzgerald Block.
Ladies 7 % Genfs 7 Shoes !
-Mf w
o o 2; o to o t o ^
We have just receved a ’Magnificent Line
of New Goods, including Ladies’ Wraps.
And the latest Novelties in
Dress Goods, Ladies’ Under¬ . ji
wear and Childrens’ Shoes. Mm
■m ■ GO TO THE
xJtei •$•<* uimiF ❖4*
w v*I* PDnmY onimri %t
* 5 ** 5 **§* *5*»5* 4*'4* •§♦•§♦***
tf 1 tt ■"■‘a..... 4$
f-i- ’
*5* *§**§**5**5* ®5**v 4 *^**5 4 ****5* < 5**5 t *J*^**5**2* *5**^**v**I'* *J* 4 i , ** : i 44 5®*J**5**5**5‘•J**5**5**5* *5*
m *2»*§**£* w §**5 4 *§**§**§*»§**§**5**§ , *£**5**5**§**§’*5**§**5*‘§**5* , §**5* t §**5‘'*§**5**5' > *$*‘£**$* 5**j*^*^ 4
[I On prices East will Pine Avenue, My and motto see what is: *• I Cash sell goods for. My
save you money.
I M . sr
w M <1*
I wish to inform the good people of Fitzgerald and
vicinity that they do not have to go to another town to get
M W Snead and Alberta Peach Trees. III
v/ as I will have a full stock on sale and will guarantee that
~A” they arc not infected with the San Jose scale. We have
JML ImP in stock everything usually kept in a first-class Nursery, V C
Office and sale yard South Main Street, Fitzgerald, Ga. -p’*
# E. M. WINSLOW, Nanager. m
FRANK S. BAUDER, President. WM, K. BOWEN, Cashier.
JThe Colony Bank|
ThisBankisnow open and doingaGeneral Banking Business. Weoredit ^
Exchange and Pension Checks at Par ^
When nah, Macon, deposited Darien by our and customers. Cordele one-hall’ We issue the Exchange on New York.Savan- 2& L
kK Z/ at rates charged by postolBee
money orders.
We lend money on high class security, never charging overeight percent
per Ourratesnnd annum. banking rules
and customs are the same as those of Atlanta
and Louisville banks. In other words, we give the business men of Fitzger- I.
aid the same hanking rates and privileges from the start that it took the mer- s
2L chants of Atlanta and Memphis twenty years to get. Lack of competition
will never cause us to take any advantage of the colonists.
In Ladies’ Wraps, Cloaks, Capes, Em,
we feel sure'fthat we can please you in
quality, style and price. Should we not
have in stock just What you want, Wewill
order the goods for you.