The Fitzgerald leader. (Fitzgerald, Irwin County, Ga.) 19??-1912, March 15, 1911, Image 2

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THE FITZGERALD LEADER WEDNESDAY. MARCH 15. 1911 DODD SUPPLY CO ■! Wholesale and Retail General Supply Merchants We are now ready to sell the farmers all their supplies on a credit on approved paper, and invite all the farmers of this section to call and see our credit man and arrange their ac- count in due season. We have leased the large Central Ware¬ house on Central Avenue in front of the Court House, in order to carry our line of heavy feed stuffs—Hay, Corn, Oats, Soda and Fertilizers, as we buy all this in car lots. FOR CASH we will meet competition and sell you at wholesale prices, as we buy Oats, Corn, Flour, Hay, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls in solid car lots. We have got in a big line of Fertilizer Distributors, Cotton Planters, Haymond Plow Stocks, Georgia Rachet Plow Stocks, Little Joe Harrows, Scooter Plows, Whole Shovels, Lynch¬ burg Plows, Hoes, Pitchforks, Shovels, Dixie Plows. Dry Goods, Shoes, Notions, Hats, Garden Seeds, Staple Groceries and the best grades of House Paints. For Goods Sold for Cash- We Undersell. For Goods Sold on Credit-Our Motto Is: “ Liue and Let Live." Yours for General Supplies, DODD SUPPLY COMPANY 212 East PineSt , Fitzgerald, Ca. THE TELEO-MECHAN1CS OF*NATURE And Subconscious Minds From Scientific, Religious and Medical Viewpoints Summary of Contents in 10 Parts INTRODUCTORY 1 - human being, all these cells being precisely alike in size, r. o :t which the Hark of Evolution Splits, ap- ■c The Hock upon 'Lite Executive Ability ol The Tel e .Mechanics f Nature. Chapters ~ to hi explain their mode skilled or operation in building up every work form of organic micro- seopicaily life showing how they ••strive with Drummond and manipulation to perfect their as observed by Huxley. other,scientists. An OI»Jeet-l.esson In Teleo-»Ieclianicisin. Chapters 14 to 40 elucidate the great biological principle of tin* Division of Labor among the individual ceils of plants mid animals as revealed in that greatest ol all Mysteries ot Creation, the Slphouophords or Colonial Sea-Nettles. 'i'lie vll -I*sycliic I,lie f IMunts. Chapters 41 toitT are replete with extracts from the works of noted Botanists showing tie,i plant- are animated bv a HIV-principle analogous to our own. Lovers of plants will tout those Sixteen chapters of absorbing interest, as well as highly insl motive to the stu¬ dent of Nature. >Ialf'oriuatloiiH and Monstrosities. Cluipters Iisto ts prove, instead of disprove, Intelligent di-ign In Nature; explain the c ,, use of t t’sits N ATttitAK ami itow i o guard tt gainst them: tell till at amt the cause, preveu- tion aiul cure of Appendicitis ; how to control and predetermine the sex of prospective otl- spi ing. etc. rovfil cute in recreation. Chapters 49 to IW consist of a veritable Cvelopedia of lnlormntlon relating to Hour 1 10 The Involution of The Human Mother. chanters en to t:i show how tiu> Tcioo Meeiiiinh’s ao-ompiisiie.i this "erownirift work In the temple of Nntuie." The extnicts ipioted from Henry Iirummoml’s celebrated work on ‘the ascent« f timeLather. Chapters74 comparatively U>80 explain how thesubmltids of our primitive forefathers adapted them to a perfect type of Mother, vividly portraying Urn trans tlunal Stages through which man had to pass to reach his present altitude In the Organic Kingdom. Chttptore^HoSfl tUu*rhJ*of MiU*rlalt8tu^hut^oons'ciu^*m'h!d* Is generated through cerebral activity >de*\u‘ : disprove Weisman's theory of Heredity by Prof. Elmer Gates s>dmmHa«SVIiD organization, , eVpu l , p*HVieious that , ti!arer\\\ , !M > te coiiteiitimi'tiuu'Tmr*wts*are'determ- ined by our and we art? therefore not. responsible lor our acts. World Problems. Chapters and' *>tt to9ti trent of the relatIon of woman to Human Progress; of the merits and iiousands sate it hoot 1 h.VTMiwe'pT.’JintiveVmd leaving mark, and which Remedy 1 f^'shal^J which ilu"eu?S abolish i w 1 a lias induced the German Emperor to “^Yn^'^U^au^Jand & rdYR a^nlPYheT^nmYihGion !/f s^html'n'd' Religion to the consummation of wlilch tlds entire volume is devoted. with hY.dT-GU/MfG.nniv. of Nature great interest aiul sincerely hope that your masterly vdlorts will contribute '.uch towaiUs iiNpellitiLT Jopi.y the ohsy.urity sii.l prevailing in these momentous problems of s i nee amt Professor Hereward ('arriimton. of the S(H‘i(‘tv for Dsychioad Researeht “I thank /m n.YiY l 'YY;;T;p , Yn!/Yrhn : TYUd:;TY.U l YW-dG!Wi 'udfGYim’havc'Y'.ldYhiy infUY i isting book." Mrs. loscpiiinc lv llcnrv. author and lecturer, and President of tin! American Seen- larl’uioti. Versatile- Kv. write- 11 Vein >.vnepsi> ef I'lie Telce-Mechanic- of Nature lum opened Pelieveumt up great fields hook of thought tome. More light will coitions 1 read and ponder, truly your will have a wide circulation and be translated into man *< hut Many other letters of same tenor are open to inspection. Price $1.Ml in paper cover; $" co in cloth and gold, postage cents. Pamphlets oon- taittiug giving complete S,v nopsis wit it t It roe elm liters on Temperance, ohibitton and Vaeoina- tion. above mentioned infallible preventive and sure re for smallpox, S cents each, postage t unit. Now on sale here and at all uewstui'ds, or address on receipt, of price. Wettstcin Publishing Company, 414 Main St., FITZGERALD, GA. * ft CITY BAKERY » x SOUTH GRANT STREET £ X All Varieties X of Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies Made ig X Every Day. eft “ X *■ Delivery wagon makes daily canvass of resident section. Your Patronage Solicited. | CITY BAKERY, "V™.™ . Feeding The Chicks The chicks need no feed for the first two aays after they are hatch- ed. It is better to leave them in the nest with the hen the first day and move to the coop when one day old. A light feed may be giv- en the evening of the second day, and the next day give three feeds and increase one feed a day till they are fed live times per day. H the chiefs can not K et on the ground where they can get sharp sand, they should be given a little with the first feed, flat flakes or pin-head oatmeal makes a very good , teed , for the . „ first day , or two. Some prefer to give bread or cracker crumbs wet with milk and squeezed as dry as possible. Eith¬ er of these feeds will be all right, but do not gi\e too much . of . either, . Feed a little at a time and often: never try to coax the chicks to eat. Tj It . they , are not . , hungry when , , . mg time comes they have had too much at the last feu and \t\> jet- ter to let them go without till they are hungry again. After the first couple of day S hnely cracked grains should added to the ration. 1 his can be II. R. Caulfield, National Organizer of the Order of Owls in the United States and Canada, Furnishes some Interesting Information Regarding Fraternal Orders. He says: i ( While 1 am a member of the Eagles and the Elks, 1 have never known in the History of fraternal or¬ ganizations One to Enjoy such an Unbounded success in so Short a time as the Owls. 4 t Of course, it is very easy to make a claim for mem¬ bership dnd sick and death benefits disbursed by any secret order, but the evidence that we adduce is incorporated in the most reliable publication of its kind in the United States or anywhere else. t ( 1 refer to The World Alamanacand Encyclopedia, which devotes considerable space to the statistics of fraternal organizations. In their edition of 1911, 1 quote verbatim: ii i Owls, Order of—Founded 1904, Home Nest I, ubordinate Nests 1,642; Members 152,421; Benefits Dis¬ bursed Since Organization, $521,316; Benefits Disbursed Last Fiscal Year, $173,316. Supreme President, John W. Talbot; Supreme Vice-President, George Lauterer,Chicago: Supreme Secretary, George D. Berogh; Supreme Treasurer, Dr. C. B. Crumpacker; Headquarters, “Home Nest/’ South lUlld, Indiana, “The World Almanac is accepted as an authority by the bureau of Stat ist ics . in Washington, and is used in that department of the National government as one of its reference t>OOkS. The WOl'ld . , AlmaiiaC . , flglireS ° 31*e Collected ,, , . HOt , O IllV , tlWOUgll tile great Commercial ageilCieS Of Dunn’S and Brad- street’s, but by the painstaking labor of agents of The New York World in every citv, town and village in this country. Consequently when a Fraternal Organization is Enrolled in The World Almanac, You can Depend that tf e Account of them Given there is Absolutely True. ‘‘Any Fraternal a ■ Organization ^ •a* that a does j not — a Appear A in The World Almanac is a Concern—Or, I had Better coy o W/»lipmn__That Uldl thp H1C 1 Pllhllt* UUUL OHUU1U SllOllld hp Ul (’areful CtlClUl of. Ul. “Jp The WOl'ld AlmaULlC iS ShOWll G lllOSt interesting fact—that the Odd Fellows in America outnumber the Ma¬ sons. The Odd Fellows have 1,441,403 members, while the Free Masons have 1,389,317. Of course, you must take into consideration that these are old orders. Ours is a very Young One, but at the Rate we are going, we Hope within the Next Decade to have 500,000 Members. “We started in Atlanta with 2,160 Members, and over 700 at the Second Meeting February 17. Now is the time to join Fitzgerald Nest, which will be instituted March 19th. IN. G. BREWER, Deputy Organizer 1 08 Pine St., • m m Fitzgerald, Ga. bought ready mixed for chick 1 feeding, in most towns. When I make my own wixture, I use one part of corn, one part oats and ^ w0 parts parts wheat. The corn must be quite finely cracked and the wheat should also tracked. lor the tirs f two ]ed oatg Corn bread can be used to good advantage for two of five feeds. I make it out of equal parts of corn and wheat middlings, mixing SfdT T feed^H co ld. If you have infertile eggs, boil them the hard and feed with the bread, using four parts of bread to one part of egg. Do not give more than two feeds of this per the day? making the first and last of grain. This can be continued till the chicks are from four to six weeks old. From that time the purpose for which you want the chicks will determine how you should feed them. If they are for breeding stock gradually substitute a dry mash tor the bread, and the gram be cha A d to larger " size as SQOn as the icks can eat it . if f or marke t as frying-size chickens, more all fattening f ee d should be giv- en they will eat and should not have to la & a raT)ge ._j. S . Jeff- in Ka g 0 h (N v . C>) Progress- • ive Farmer. WANTED FOR U.S. ARMY— Able bodied unmarried men, be- tween a g es 0 f 19 an d 35 ; citizens of United States, of Good charac- ter- anc ] temperate habits, who can S p eak? read and write the English j aD „ ua g e For information apply to Recruiting Ofhcer 113 bouth Main St., Fitzgerald, Ga.. 13 West York St , Savannah, Ga.. West Forsvth St., Jackson- vi „ Fla u0 Market St , Char y The Ladies of the Grand Army meet at 2 p. m. on the 2nd and 4th Satur¬ day in each month at Ihe K. of P. Hall on Central Ave. FARMERS, Try some of that famous Cotton Seed, Poor Marvs Friend” We Buy Hides, Wax, W00], Scrap Iran, Cotton and Cotton Seed. BEN HILL CANNING CO. Held their annual meeting Feb. 24, paying 10 per cent, dividend on the investment. Machinery all paid for. The following officers were elected: R. J. Prentiss, President; D. B. Treasurer; G. B. A. Kinard. General Manager. Directors: Ii. J. Prentiss, G. B. A. Kinard, ,T. M, Stout, I). B Mull, O. P. Webster. We are ready to let contracts for vegetables to be planted for our factory. We will also sell a few shares of the capital stock, for the purpose of increasing our plant. Those interested call on our mana¬ ger, G. B. A. Kinard, who will explain to you. We will can your fiuits and vegetables for you at a small cost this season. Yours Respectfully, BEN HILL CANNING COMPANY Office 316 E. Pine St. Fitzgerald, Georgia. % 'fh. K “Keep Tabs” on shirts, how collars, often you sendyourj' w cuffs, etc., to this laundry until they’re no longer wearable. That will convine you that we prohng the life of linen beyond most .4 | 4 F washers and ironers thereof. I m HI iUii!, fll Test work—we "can ftpn our stand jlNttJ it. nr- WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY 1 Seaboard Air Line These arrivals and departures published only as informa¬ tion and are not guaranteed. Leave .......... fDaily except Sunday. Fitzgerald..... ^Sunday only. 10:e0 am For Abbeville, Gordele, Americus, Montgomery; also Helena and Collins. f5:25 pm Savannah and all points East and West *9:25 am For Abbeville, Cordele, Americus, Montgomery; also Helena and Collins: *5:03 pm Savannah and all points East and West For further information, reservation, rates, etc., see I your nearest Seaboard Ticket Agent, or write R. H. Stan- sell, A. G. P. A.. Savannah. C. B. R. Y AN, G. P. A„ Portsmouth, Va. C. BOYD, M. D. Physician & Surgeon Office over Postoffice. Office hours, 8 to 12: 2 to 5 Sundays 9 to 10 34 Years Experience Hemorrhoids [or Piles] and all) rectal dis¬ eases. Eczema and all skin diseases, chronic diseases of Women and Men, Lost Manhood. The above diseases treated by latest ap¬ proved methods. Medicines furnished. Consultations and Examinations no charge prices right. $100,000 TO LEND ON TERMS and Fitzgerald the City Lowes Proper- ty. Interest t. Terms the best evei offered in this section. Loans promptly made. Come to see us, or write. Prompt attention giv- en all written inquiries. W. M. BRYAN 311 GARBOTT-DONCVAN BLDG. FITZGERALD. GA. Representing ELLIS & ELLIS 4 lyr Tlfton. Ga.. It is guaranteed to turn out 40 per cent and is worth $5-00 per bushel, but we are closing out our supply at $2 50- We sell all kinds of FEED STUFFS and PROVISIONS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, FARM IMPLEMENTS and FERTILIZERS- We are the agents for, Cheneys Marble White Lime, Famous Columbus, Ga., Brick. Fairfax Re- fining Cos- Paints, Oils, and Greases. DR. LOUIS A. TURNER DENTIST Rooms 5 Story 208-208 Building 1-2, 2nd Floor ! TAKEN UP— One Large Black Sow not marked. Annie Tarpley. The Fink farm 2 miles east town. ll-4wk.