The Fitzgerald leader. (Fitzgerald, Irwin County, Ga.) 19??-1912, December 22, 1911, Image 1

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SttfescMpttea Hates '»• Tmi ....... V.5# t>:« a«uM>*..... .75 'ft tms Meatks . . .01 Official Organ Ben Hill County. The Motio theatre Damaged By Fire ?■'; - ■ Miss Sallie Al^affder’s moving! picture show, The * Motio, damaged considerably by tire Wed-; aesday night, when one of the! aelluloid nies became ignited; and soon had tfie entire lamp house in flames. Mr. --who was operating the machine states that to the soma unaccountable way and was • beyond control instantly. It is in- deed fortmnM dhufc the house .« not full of people, for in the citement some would have surely been injured, tin an effort to get out of the building, the only exit b^ in the front of the The lamp house was not hoed with fire-proof-matarial, and the ceiling was burnt, as well as !POBT. V. BOWEN. vC #P - ’• :: v DIGK •TJ.iB. CLEMENTS. a No. 839C> ,J E. TURNER, ^DEPOSITS $4(00.000.00 iJ. D. DORMINEY. >M- M. STEPHENS ,1ft ioofU Asst. The Exchange National Barak aJNITBO STATES DfiPOSKARY Fitzgerald, &&«„ ^December 22, H9U. Je Our Patrons and the PtMic: Ammally, about the <tclose of our btae&ness year, we reflect over the reoord of the past :twelve months width a feeling tinged slightly wi-ilh sadness, because we cannot live .over the days that have passed, and at the same time experience a feeling flavored with the joy of the approaching Christmas time.. It is an emotional season; so, .may we be pardoned for taking this method of return¬ ing thanks t© every one who., in the past by patronage and friend¬ ship, has made it possible for this bank to record 1911 as the most successful year of its existence. We realize fully that we could not publish a statement showing such <a healthy, sound and prosperous condition had it not been for the ^reat, growing faith that the great, growing and enlightened public have in our liberal and business-like policy, and it is for this faith in us, and this friendship for us, that we hereby return ©ur best thanks. To reward our patrons, our friends and the public for the great, favor of their friendship amd patronage, we hereby pledge ourselves to watch and direct the distribution of our banking aid in 1912 so that we shall be more useful to the people in our ter¬ ritory in that year than we have been in the past, although our record for usefulness and for development is unsurpassed. We shall live just a little closer and closer to our cher¬ ished policy, LIVE AND LET LIVE, and we shall live a little closer and closer to the strict U. S. Government statutes governing National Banks, so that as we grow in experience we shall grow stronger. While 1911 i6 terminating unprofitably for all important interests in this section of the country, we find ourselves in splendid shape for taking care of our loyal and faithful patrons, and with enough funds in hand with which to meet the reasonable needs of substantial and deserving people who engage to bank with us exclusively in 1912. Our wishes for you are that you may have a good and happy Christmas, followed by a successful and happy 1912. Sincerely yours, . E. TURNER, Active V.-Prest. e-, - D. DQRMINY Cashier, u. U. STEPHENS, Asst. Cashier. SCM I-WEEKLY The Fitzgerald Leader. FITZGERALD, BEN HILL COUNTY GEORGIA, DECEMBER 22, 1911. With Malice Toward None and Good Will to All, THE LEADER WISHES YOU A Merry ChrsiLmas and a Happy New Year Schools Close For Christmas Holidays The Fitzgerald public today for the Christmas holidays and will not held any *nore>sessions until after ttihe first of the:year. Thefirst three months of the Lave been exceedingly sue- 'eessful, and the work of Super- to the Board of Education. Many of the teachers will spend ^tateand some in other states. ............. ......... .................... _ and the moving picture**- no in- guraoee, and her many friends sympathize with her in-the mis'for- tune. To Act On Morse’s Petition Atlanta Dec. IS.-The report of the military physicians at Fort McPherson on the condition of Charles W. Morse was forwarded to the department ■ of Justice last Saturday, at w Teamed. Friends of the (former New York backer 'hope ‘President Tart, fifteen year sentence until the physicians mould *• report on toss *0*512 The < tin-effect "* P0 “ °' declared "* report that Morse’s ^condition is the sav&e as when removed from the federal prison several weeks ago. The =ou,T f representation had been made to him regarding rthe health. Bishop Pleased With Rev. ,North-Tum- man’s Work. Rev.. F. North-Tummon has returned from a week’s tour some 0 f his mission points in hisdistriet He was accompa¬ med by the b shopot Georgia Geor la and and acted as the Bishop s chaplain, Drily a portion of hisdistrict *"* J 1 * ~ highly gratified with the work being done by Mr. North-Turn- T* T"! 4 ' re8U "*. of ‘ he pas * week, Three new missions organized by the Bishop, and land given and help pro- .cured for new churches. Moultrie, where Y “i about twelve communicants organized them- selves iinto the New Mission Christ Church. The preached, confirmed one, baptised two. Wednesday afternoon Bishop visited Vidalia. Thursday they drove twenty- six miles to Perry’s Mill, married a couple, and drove three miles more for service. A new Mission was organized here and one at Lyons. Friday morning Holy Com¬ munion was celebrated at the Lilliott place do about seventeen. Then they -drove sixteen miles to Uralda and took train for Doug¬ las for services. Jury Indicts Three Deaths of Auto Victims Atlanta, Dec. 19.—Dr. O. H. Morris, owner and driver of automobile that struck and killed Farrar Hall atthe corner of Luckie and Forsyth streets a couple of week ago, has been indicted by the Fulton county grand jury on the charge of involuntary manslaugh¬ ter and is at liberty pending his trial onder a $1,000 bond. Two other indictments for in¬ voluntary manslaughter, growing out of alleged reckless driving, have been returned by the grand jury, both against negroes. Ed Hayes, the negro chauffeur who is held responsible for the death of a young woman in West End after she had been hit by the automo¬ bile when she stepped from a trolley car in a heavy rain; and John Williams, driver of the city sanitary down wagon, which knocked and fatally hurt Mrs. Ophelia Toole, are those two. David Burns, a negro, was in¬ dicted for seven robberies in one night. ______ Mr. P. lj. Clark, eashier of the American State Bank, leaves to¬ morrow night, and will be absent from the city about two weeks, transaeting matters of business in New York. Mr. Clark will also visit Washington and Philadelphia before returning to the city. Dudley M. Hughes Takes First Step To Secure Post Office Building Introducing The Following Bill In The House Of Representatives Be it reacted by the Senate and^House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pur¬ chase or otherwise procure a suitable site at Fitzgerald, Georgia, and cause to be erected thereon in said city a convenient and suitable public building, with fireproof vaults and other conveniences, for the use and accommodation of the postmaster, post office and for other governmental purposes. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury is also authorized and directed to have plans and specifications furnished for said building, which are to be approved by him, and he shall cause a good and suffi¬ cient t tie fer the site to be secured *and furnished to the United States. The site selected must be of sufficient size and so located as to leave the building when completed unexposed to danger from fire by an open space on every side. No purchase of site nor plans for the building shall be approved by said Secretary which shall involve an expenditure of more than one hundred thousand dollars for the en¬ tire cost of the building, completed, including the cost of the site and all other expenses. The contract for the purchase of the site shall not be closed until estimates of the cost of the building, which will furnish suitable and sufficient accommodations for the transaction of the pub¬ lic business and which shall not exceed in cost the balance of said sum after the price of the site has been deducted from the one hundred thousand dollars, shall have been approved by the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided, That no money appropriated for the purposes herein specified shall be available until valid title for the site of said building shall be vested in the United States. CHRISTMAS FROM American State There is no time of the when the spirit of appreciation se bright as at Christmas-tide. We of the American State Bank realize that when we opened for business September, 1910, that our chanees for success depended not only on our ability to serve the people as far as our means would allow, but depended also on the hearty co-operation of every one who felt a eft ire to contribute to our growth. We were not strangers to the community and it may be because of the estimation in which our officers and directors were held and the confidence the public had in them for many years back, that they have so generously given us their support and in¬ fluence. We have made a record in sev¬ eral ways. We show 800 accounts on our books, all individual counts. During some months we averaged over THREE new ac- counts a day. Our depositors now are higher than a month ago. We continue to grow in times like these. We do not say these things in a spirit of braga- doccia nor with the desire to (Mlieiai Orgai of Bm K ill County. tl.M I Y«f. VOL. XVI. NO. 91 Joint Installation Colony Post No. 14 and the Woman’s Relief Corps will have their public installation of officers at the latter’s hall on Tuesday,Jan. 9, 1912, at 2 p. m. This is tha annual installation, and a cordial invitation is extended to the pub¬ lic generally. sound our own praises, but to thank all the good people of Ben Hill and adjacent counties for the part they have played in our progress. Let us make 1912 a gran der and bigger success for tne Amer¬ ican State Bank. We are here to help you and will do so to the utmost power within our resour¬ ces. See us about that Savings account? We have something new to spring on you soon in this respect and a talk with us now may mean something to you. Again thanking you, all of you, for your goodness to us, and w,Bhl ... " e !f , h and everyone of ^ ou Merriest of Christmas’ and the Ha PP iest N ew Year's, we beg to remain, very cordially, AMERICAN STATE BANK, W. R. Paulk, Otis H. Elkins, RL Duckworth, L. L. Griner Eli W. Walker, John B. D. Paulk and P. F. Clark, Directors.