The Fitzgerald leader. (Fitzgerald, Irwin County, Ga.) 19??-1912, April 02, 1912, Image 1

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Subscription Rates Oge Yesr. ... . $1.50 s'x MonthS....ceeee 75 T) ree Months....ees .50 Official Organ Ben Hill County, Emmstt R. Shav. At this time when sons of labor ers, farmers and clerks, grandsons of peasants, serfs snd foundlings are sawing continents in half, building tongues to talk across the sea, changing water into light, making corn out of desert sand; when the sons of toil the world over are uncrowning kings, caus ing thrones to topple; when the kingdom of brain has begun, and the shackles of ignorance broken, it is with pleasure that Clay Coun ty submits one of her sons: a self made man, a man of force and energy, who has walked the com mon road; who came the plain man’s route oy sheer force to where he is, It 1s a genuine privil ege to ask the consideration of the fifteen counties of the Third Con gressional district— of the fifteen thousand white Democratic veters in behalf of one of the men of the hour: Emmett R. Shaw. He has been tried out by his county, dis trict and state, and has not been found wanticg. He has fought for the interests. of the average man with all the fidility of him, he has challenged crooked politics and voliticians upon every battle-field; he has hit sledge-hammer blows every time for the men who live by toil. ' He is a brave and fearless man who has made a study of political economy and of governmental af fairs. He is a man who, if sent to Washington, will see no enemy with a scare, one who will meet any foe in defense of his convic sions and his. people. He is brave enough to stand up in this district and ask to be heard in behalf of what he stands for. He asks to be remembered for what he has already done. He is a fourth-generation Geor gian, and a descendant of men who have hnown the trials of those who live by their own effort He him self is not a stronger to manual labor: Clay county and Clay county’s people are proud of the record of Emmett Shaw, and when Clay county’s vote is counted on elec’ tion day it will be seen that Abra ham Lincoln- never got a bigger majority of the votes cast in his home section, in proportion to the ' - “Easter-time at the oid reliable Empire Store” ‘ ® ® ® : This men’s store is ready for you--and Easter FOR twelve years now we’ve been supplying the men of this section with the best to be had in the way of men’s wearables---ready with the right merchandise when you need it; ready always with your ‘cloth ing, shoes and furnishings of the better class; ready with the right qualities and prices, and ready to make oood if anything we sell you should prove unsatisfactory. Not a bad kind of a store to tie up with, is it?" ° 9 Boydens Spring Gxfords : In Tan, Gun Metal and Vici , :-"' In Patent, Button and Lace LN\ at $6.00 R "y ? \ DN, N\ N\ The choicest styles, Dbest \\) \ shoe-making and highest S class shoes to be had. If B A there were better we’d have ,»,, ™. them for you. W. L. Douglas Oxfords in Rel all leathers : $3 $3.30 $4 $4.50 The new Shirts, $l.OO to $2.50 Y The new Neckwear, 25¢ and 50c¢ The new Suspenders, 25¢ and 50¢ THE FITZGERALD LLEADER. votes cast, than did Emmett Shaw in his countvy, where he was born ina irg house on a tarm, ; Emmett R. Shaw has always made a friend worthy of any man’s friendship who gave it; a neighbor: as good as the best: a citizen of the highest type; a pub lic official who has never turned a deaf ear to duty’s call, and who has served his county, district and state with honor 4o himself and credit to his constituency. Saperior Gourf Is In Gession. The April Term of Ben Hill county Superior Court was con vened by Judge Walter F. George yesterday, at which time the un contested civil cases were tried. Judge George charged the Grand Jury, who =are afterward organized with 1. Gelders as fore men; T. M. Ransom was chosen Bailiff and Zeb V. Barden Clerk, Others serviog on the Grand Jury are: J. W. Beall, W, S. Minshew, R. L. Porterfield. S, Y. Gibbs, S, H. McGlammory, R. F. Robitzsch, M. M, Stephens, «. T, Gardner, W. A. Hunter, J. S. McCall, W. M. Fussell, A. J. Sword, W. R. Booker, J. B. Seanor and R R, Dorminey. Judge George will re-convene court tomorrow for the trial of criminal cases, «Whi » White Sale.” Don’t forget to visit the White Sale, given at P. R, Morrison’s Pressing Club, Saturday April 6th, by the Pius Ultra Class, of the Christian church. They will have on sale every thing good for the Easter dinner, such as salids, pies, cakes and Easter Eggs. They will have all kinds of prettv handkerchiefs, embroidery work of all kinds, The sale will last all day, so come early and get your pick, Mayor A. B, Ceok, Mr. Jno, D. Dorminey, Dr.dJ. H. Goodman and Mr. W. R. Dykes left for Albany today to serve on the U. S. Court jury this week, FITZGERALD, BEN HILIL COUNTY GEORGIA, APRIL 2, 1912. b 4 “Haster Angels The choir of the Central Chris tian Church will render that beau tiful Cantata, ‘‘Easter Angles”, at the evening service of Easter Sun day. No doubt but what the church will be packed, as every one knows it will be a rare treat to hear this Cantata rendered, for they have either heard or heard of, what this excellent choir can and has render ed. A c>mplete program will be seen in Friday’s issue, so be sure to read it and hear it. There will also be special music at the morn ing service, : The choir is receiving praise by all who attenced the last Sun day night’s service, as the program they rendered was indeed wortn while to those so fortunate as to nave beard it. Some of the special features were: A Solo by Miss Isla Green, a Claronet solo by Mr. Turner Brown, and a solo by Dr. Louis Turncr and Quartet, Mrs, Louis A, Turner deserves special mention for the great suc cess she is having as leader of the choir, Another added feature is seen 1n the fact that Mrs. W. A, Green is pianist, she being one of the most skilled in the city. Special Notice The evening service at the Epis copal Church has been changed to 7:30, Vicar commencing next Sun day. 2t. F. North-Tummon, Vicar. Miss Blossom Mercer is enter taining & number of her friends this afternoon, in honor of Miss Margaret Harris, of Atlante, First National Bank Pays Quarterly Dividends First National Bank Dividend checks are in circulation among its stock holders, April Ist completed the first quarter of this year acd as usual these crisp Dividend checks are in evidenoe, Every three months this strong institution gives its stock holders 3 per cent, making a total of 12 per cent on their investment per annum. Very few banking institutions have prospered as has the First National Bank. Its record is one of our city’s prides. and those of our citizens who are so fortunate as to have investments in this stock are certainly to be congratulated. : The officers of the First National Bank report that the quarter’s business has been most excellent, showing a remarkable gain over the corresponding quarter of last vear. | o ' Your Easter Suit Boys’ Youths' Men as well buy your spring suit right now and come out with the opening of things on Easter Sunday. We've ‘ never seen better values than we’re showing this season ‘ IN Serges and all the snappy, mixed materials. | Boys’ Suits $5.00 to $lO.OO . They have Peg Tops and all the other wrinkles. Youths’ Suits $lO.OO to $25.00 ' In Hart Schaffner Suits—Miller Bros. Suits. Men'’s Suits $lO.OO to $27.50 For the long, stout or regular build men. ! PIR | _W R _BOWEN. Prosident 3 A MURPHY. Manngor SEMI-WEEKLY Two More Games Won' By Fitzgerald | Some Fitzgerald boys won ton games- of base-ball at Douglas, Saturday. | The Fitzgerald boys went to Douglas in answer “to a challenge for a game Saturday, sent by the Boy Scouts. l The game with the Scouts was at 3 p. m,, but when they had been defeated with the score ofl 17 to 5, one of the teams from the Agricultural College asked for another game of 5 innings. | In this game the Fitzgerald team wes made up mos ly of Hgh School players, Pension Bill is Beatenl Washington, D, C. March 29 The senate tonight, by a vote of 15! to 16 rejocted ti:e Sherwood dollar -a-day pension bill which had pass ed the house and enacted the Smoot general age and service pension law which it is estimated will increase the pension roll by $20,000,000 an nually during the next five years, Notice. Beginning May Ist I shall en force the fly screen ordinance. This will give all persons affected by the ordinance, plenty of time to put on screens and arrange rooms so they can comply with its reguirements. * L. S. Osborne, Health Officer, The many friends of Miss Mary Lobingier will be greatly pleased to learn that she is fast improving after an illness of several weeks. ~ Subszribe for the Leader. = (NATIONAL)2 Z\BAN % eczs S Boy Scouts The Boy Scouts will meet Sat urday morning at 9:30 at the First Baptist Church, - Let every Scout report at that hour. Scout Master. Mrs. Charles Herring is very sick at her home on West Central Avenue. ' . @ AR, o 1 ] | o Jou 4 ; IF . IF You have some- F {/% ~"ZT~‘ :‘;\ You are in need thing you wish SAY ? of good Station |to sell, adver- X\:\_f : ery— and good tise it through N business men the columns of use no other The Leader and PHONE kind let the it goes. 328 Leader do it. John 08. StetSOn i “‘ég/&é . Derbys and Soft Hats 1 _5:;’%‘55/; $3.50 to $5.00 ’ /w—‘*‘*‘”“'.'fi/ HAWES Derbys and Soft Hafs ®a= SN in newest Spring styles s‘F ( y $3.00 ' _ The New Straws \og=” _ In Yachts, $2 to 3,50 / | Ass Panama for $4 {§ 5 A Bovys’ Straws 25c¢ i / @9 N : 05150 WA Boys’ Caps 25c-50c [ @¥p* “‘Serges and Fancy Mixed’’ Everwear SOX (Cuisiis monms) $1.50 box Porosknit, Crzpe, Balbrigan, {'nierwear 50c garment The new Soft Collars 15¢c and 25¢ Officlal Organ of Ben Hill County. $4.50 a Year, VoL. XVII. NO. 24 The many friends of Dr, A, C, Tebeau, who spent his boyhood and young manhood days in Fitz gerald, will be interested to learn of his marriage to Miss Ruth Whaley, of Lumberton, N, C,, the ceremony having occurred several wecks ago. Mrs. C. C, Bosworth has return ed to her home in Waycross, after a pleasant visit to Mrs. C, A, Holtzendorf,