The Fitzgerald leader. (Fitzgerald, Irwin County, Ga.) 19??-1912, April 05, 1912, Image 2

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. Church Directory WW\MW‘ Every pastor ia Fitzgeraid is urged to send in his notice of church ser vices for this column. R e CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday Schoo] 9:30. Mass 2nd and 4th Snnday in each month at 10 o’clock. A. H. Schonhardt. Priest. Sl et L U. B. CHURCH Directory of Services. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Preaching 10:45 a. m.and 7:30 p. Y.P.C.E. U, 6p m. Mid week services Wed. 7:30 p. m. Official board meeting the first Thurs day evening of each month at 8:30. J. L. Leichliter, Pastor. Ry e FIRST M. E. CHURCH. Lee and Magnolia Sts. E.J. Hammond, Pastor. Residence, 118 W. Magnolia Street, Phone 406. Sabbath Services. Sabbath School— 9:30 a. m. | Morning worship—lo:4s, Epworth League—6:4s p. m, Evening worship—7:4s. Prayer service Wednesday eveningj at 7:45. The general public, especially | strangers, always welcome, Sse e e L | CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lee and Jessamine Ste. Louis C. Hamumond, Pastor, Bible School, Howard W. Brown superintendent, meets every Lord’s Day at 9:30 a, m. Morning worship, with Lord’'s Supper, Littla sermon for Children, and Sermon, 11:00. Y.P.S.C E. 6:30. Evening wership at 7:30. Midweek sgrvice, with address by the pastor, Wednesday evening at 7:30. Everybody welgome at ]! meetings Only once a stranger hgre, ‘ CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH | Cor. Lee St. and Central Ave. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.C., A, Wheeler Superintendent, Pieaching by pastor 11 8 m, 4:00 p. m. Senior Epworth League 6.45 p. m. Preaching by pastor 7:30p, m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 7: 00. All are cordially invited to these services and strangers are especially welcome : Guyton Fisher, Pastor. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. W. Magnolia, between Main and Lee Streets. Sunday School 9.30 a,m. L. Kenne dy, Supt. Preaching services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. Royal Ambassadors Sunday evening 7:00. *rayer mecting Welnesday night 8:00. B.Y.P. U., Friday night, 8:00. All are cordially invited to attend all these services, Thos. M, Callaway, PRESBYTERIAN CHOURCI Corner Paslm and S. Grant streets, Rev. S. G. Hutton, Pastor, residence at Mrs. Pearson’s. Phone 292,-—Mrs. Quattelbuam’s residence. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o’clock. Evening service from April Isv to Oct. Ist at 8 o’clock; Evening service from Oct. Ist. to April Ist at 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Sabbath School ay 9:45 a. m. The Lord’s Supper administered at the morning serivee the first Sabbaths of January, April, July and October. The 3rd Sabbath morning in each month the collection is for General As sembly Causes, No collectlons taken up at cur night services. Free Pews:; and a cordial welcome to you and your friends. Come and worship with us. e s Torturing eczema spreads its burning area every day. Doan’s Ointment quickly stops its spread ying, instatly relieves the itceing cures it permanently. A% any drug store. 24-Bt, e s e Don’t use harsh physies. The reaction weakens the bowels, leads to ¢h r o nic¢ constipation, Get Doan’s Regulets. They operate easily, tone the stomach cure con tipation. -Bt, Dividing the Night. A Chinese proverb runs: “Think of your own faults the first part of the night (when you sre awake), and the faults of others the latter part of the night " (when you are asleep.”)—Ave Maria. Doan’s Regulates cure constipa tion, tone the stomach, stimulate the liver, promote digestion and appetite and easy passages of the bowels, Ask your druggist for them. 25 cents a box, 24.8 t. . Secret Order Directory WWWW‘ All the fraternal orders of Fitzyerald are requested to furnish us, for publi cation, notice of time and place of their meetings. e The Ladies of the Grand Army meet, at 2p. m. on the 20d and 4th Satur day in each month at the KX of P ‘fall on Central Ave. ol e i s s 'ADAH CHAPTER N 0.115 O.E.§ Meets every flrst and third Monday night at Masonic Hall corper Central Ave. and Grant street. SOy e el Fitzgetrald Nest Of Owls. Meets every 2nd and 4th Monday Nigh corner Central Avenue and Grant Street. H. A, Witham, Sr, Pres. R. L. King, Secty GEORGE CROUSE POST NO. I 7 G. A B, : Meets on the Ist and 3rd Saturdays of each mooth, at 2 p. m, in the K, of P. Hall. J. B. Schroll Commander, GETHSEMANE COMMANDERY NO. 20. Meets second and fourth Friday pights of each month at Masonic Hall, corner Central Ave, and Grant street A. E. Jones, Eminent Com. 7. B. Seanor, Reccrder. PINE LEVEL LODGE NO. 353 A.F. &AM, Meers every second and fourth Monday nights of each month at Mason.. iall, corner Central Ave. and Grantstreet. P, L.. Keefer, Master Pine Level Lodge. J. W. Pearson, Secy. UNITY LODGE NOSBs K OF P Meets every second and fourth Thursday nizht in the Knights of Pythias Hall on Central Ave, Vis iting Knights cordially invited to attend, : J, E. Turner, C,C. R I King. K OfR and"»; K. 0: 2. M, Ilst, 2nd, and 4th Wednesdays io ,¢ch Month, Perry Keefer,Com, John Earpest, Keeper of Records FITZGERALD LODGE NO. 85 100 @ R Meets every Tuesday night at § p. m. in Odd Fellows Hall, corner Mair and Pine sts. Visiting Brothers welcome. J. D. Hutto, Noble Grand. J. H. Burke, Vice Grand. E. J. Brown, Recording Secy. C. M, Simons, Finanecial Sec, A V. Armantrout. FITZGERALD CHAPTER NO. 32 R. A. M. Meets first and third Tuesday night of each month at Masonic Hall Corner Central Ave. and Grant street. J. E. Turner, High Priest. Jno. B. Russell, Secy. COLONY POST NO. 14 G. A. R. Meets the Ist and 3rd Saturdays of each month at 7:30 p. m., also 2nd and 4tb Saturday at 2p. m. in W. R.C. [lfl.”o E D Stone Commander, C A Brooks, Agt, FITZGERALD ENCAMPMENT 1,000, N N 0.9 Meets every Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. in Odd Fellows Hall. J. D. Hutto, N. G. | E. J. Brown, Sec. l WHITE JESSAMINE HIVE No. 21, L O TP M. VMleets every Wednesday afternoon at 2:80 in W. R. C. Hall. By order of Recording Keeper. MAGNOLIA REBECCA LODGE No 22, £ 0. 0. F, Meets every Friday night at 7:30. Jdd Fellows hall. Alma M. Justice, N, G. Cora Simons, V. G. Ada Eretwell, sec't., WOODMAN OF THE WORLD Meet every first and third Wednes iay night at Odd Feliows hall. Good «ttendance is urged. Visitors wel ¢ Ime. B, W. Mayo, Camp Clerk. W. R. C. Colony Relief Corps Nc. 2, meets at their Hall on South Main St. every first and third Tuesdays at 2 o'clock. p. m. Lizzie Haverfield President. Mrs. Eliza Mosher, Secretary. P Q.S 0F A, Meets everv Friday evening of each weekat W. R. C Hall F. Freeman, Pres; Tom Porter, Vici Pres; P. B. Heifner, Master of Forms, H. Smith, Con'd. M. A. Hartley, Sec'y, F. L. Bigham, Treas. THE FITZGERALD LEADER, FRIDAY APRIP 5, 1912 Greater Farm Efficiency The watchword of the present seems to be conservation. This appar ently may be applied to all lines of work. Not only is this true in the commercial woerld, but it will hold true in rural pursuits. The farmer is exerting every effort in obtaining more efficiency from his activities aud to do this he is gathering about him every kind of modern machine or con venience that is obtainable. Concrete on the farm is becoming an important factor and with the ad vent of this new medium of construc tion, feeding floors, troughs, racks, fence posts, silos, farm buildings and many useful necessities are being add ed to the farm equipment. Many of these useful things may be construct ed by the farmer himself or his regu lar help. All that is necessary is a working knowledge of ' concrete and its reinforcements. In the construc tion of large buildings a knowledge of the reinforcement of beams and gird ers is irequired and such construction should be submitted to an architect or a bridge engineer who is 2cquaint ed with these problems. Materials used in the construction of concrete work are usually propor tioned 1-2-4 or 1-21%-5, 1-2-6, 1-4-8, de pending upon their character. That is, 1 part cement, 2% parts sand and 5 TABLE I. MATERIALS FOR ONE CUBIC YARD CONCRETE. Mixture Mixture Mixture Mixture 1-2-4 1-215-5 1-2-6 1-4-8 Bbls. cement per cu. yd. of concrete... cccceeesscsecessesl.d 1.07 1.00 1:2 Ci; yads, sand per cU; Vd, Of CONCTeIe .. .. cecepsaescis 42 .44 .33 .84 Cu. yds. stone per cu. yd. of 84 . .88 1.00 1.68 TABLE 11. DIMENSIONS FOR RECTANGUI’AR TANK. Capacity Dimensions Materials in A B @ 10 E F K Sacks Cu, ft. Cu.ft. Barrels In In Ft Ft Ft Ft ¥t Cement Sand Gravel 56 16 8 2.8 2.2 6 4 9 32 2 111 48 16 7 2.8 2.2 6 4 9 29 66 102 40 16- 6 2.8 2.2 6 4 9 27 62 96 413 14 7 2.8 2.2 6 4 9 .26 60 93 33 14 6 2.8 2.2 6 4 9 24 63 82 28 14 b 2.8 2.2 6 4 9 22 49 76 31 12 6 2.7 2.3 6 3 8 16 37 58 25 12 5 2.0 2.2 6 3 S 15 33 50 1914 12 4 2.7 2.2 b 3 8 12 27 41 21 10 5 24 2.2 5 3 8 12 27 41 16 10 4 2.7 2.2 b 3 8 11 25 38 11 10 2 24 2 5 3 8 9 21 32 1314 8 4 2.6 2.2 4 2 7 7 17 26 914 8 3 2.6 99 4 2 7 T 14 21 7 6 3 26 2.2 4 2 7 6 10 15 5% 6 e 2.6 2.2 4 2 7 ) 10 15 w:%_!‘e? S : o PILL OF LUMBER FOR 10 FT. X 6 I'T. TANK. gize, . No. Length, Purpese, Eihe s - Pes, 4 e S2in. x 4 In, 8 2 ft: Qin Stakes, ’ oiin. x4in. 17 2 ft.:sin: Outside stifieners. 2 in. x 4 in. 4. 161 t oin Outside forms (sides). 5 2 in. x 4 in. 4 6 ft. 6in: Qutside forms (ends). ot 2in.,x 4 in. 4 15 ft. 41in. Outside forms (sides). v % 21in. x 4 5 .ft. 2.1 n. Outside forms (ends). 2.ln:ix 4 in: 4 2.1 t 21in; Inside stiffeners. 2in. x 4 in. 6 2 ft. 6 in. Inside corner and corner stiffeners. ‘ 2 in. x 4 in. 3 4 ft. 10 in, Center braces. : g 2 in. x 4 in. 3 6£t 6 Ind Form supports, : 2 in. x 6 in. 8 51t Tin, gide kraces. Craiy Ry st 2 in. ¥ 6 in. 8 Agft Odn. ‘@ Outside forms\-| (sides). e ;\9 5 3in. ¥ 6 in. 8 6 ft. € in, g Qutside forms (ends). set 411 x6in. 6. 1b tt 4in T 2 ft. x 6 ini G 0 Bt 8N e parts crushed stone or gravel are used in the 1-21%-5. The mixture selected will depend upon the nature of the work in which it is used. Table No. I. shows the materials necessary for one cubic yvard of com crete. In order to determine the amount of cement necessary for any amount of concrete, estimate the number. of cubic yards and multiply that number by the figure 1n the table opposite, “Bbls. cement per cubic yard of con crete,” and under ‘‘mixture to be used.”” The amount of sand and of stone is determined in the same way. Batch miving, as indicated by the name, is an intermittent process and is the ocne most used in silo construc tion. Under certain conditions tie continuous mixing process may be em ployed. Continuous mixing is done by machinery, the materials * being fed into the machine without interruption during the mixing process, which may continue for four or five hours. Batch mixing may be done by machinery If it seems more desirable. Simple me chanical mixers have been very suc cessfully constructed from an ordi nary kerosene barrel. Water should be added until a slop py mixture is obtained. . This will per mit the material to be readily poured. The concrete should be prepared upon a water-tight mixing platform, usually about 10x12 feet. In placing the ma terials upen this platform, some meth od should be used to get the proper proportions; that is, if a 1-2-4 mixture is used, some simple measure for the materials should be employed where by this may be easily determined. Weighing is accurate, but somewhat / ol @/f Measuring Box Used in Mixing Con crete. slow. Using a wheelbarrow of known capacity, or counting the shovelfuls is the most common practice and is con sidered a fairly accurate method. The bottomless box shown in the figure is the best means for this determination. The sand and gravel should be clean. The following test may be used to determine if the sand is clean: Fill a glass fruit jar one-quarter full of the sand and add clean water until the jar is three-quarters full. Shake well, and Concrete a Profit Maker By PROF. C. A. OCOCK, Wisconsin College of Agriculture {f a layer of mud or clay settles cver the sand, do not use it. Gravel or stone should be free from sticks, leaves or any foreign sub stance which-would in any way de stroy the action of the cement upon the sand and gravel. If clay is pres ent, always wash it cut by pouring wa ter over the sand or gravel which is tp be spread over an Inclined screen. Spread the cement upon the sand and gravel if they are in combination g 2 the water-tight platform and mix wntil the whole mass is of uniform scler., Then add water unless cesecned gravel or crushed stone is »#irg used, in whickh case’ place the eement upon the sand, mixing until a uniform color; add gravel“or crushed stone and mix thoroughly, and then add enough water to produce the proper consistency, Hoes or shovels can be used to mix the concrete, but the latter are moré often employed. Concrate shonld be mixed in small guantities, only such amounts being prepared sz will be used up,K immedi ately. Concrete hardens so rapidly that lumps often begin to form throughout the whole mass before it can be used. Under these conditions the whole amount should be discard ed. Concrete ought not to stand more than 25 or 20 minutes after the ce- ment is first wet, without Dbeing placed. In placing concrete, the most impor tant thing to be observed is the man ner of handling. The materials must not be separated when poured into the forms. Pouring from a considerable height should not be practiced, as the AR ‘?.‘-mfi».;h?:1:':1:1:55:::1;?:‘.3:- S Lo b R getA g b RO | Ly e .*_'3;s?{:’-:3;5*2 Be L 7O SR S S S S e S e e RRN ARSI «4:.-(3»'-;\{ R RET AR RSN RE XSR Rl R 25 Sae LR SR ’& a 4 s\,’%&~ R SO R GBS T R BB SN N e SRR i SAL MRS S OR R B A e SR ST W e RT R R T ’¥%Q S it TR &U\,‘”\ S A o SRRy A .?:“:‘ée iR et eRI AR Sisgrd zg‘%,} f ARk R R SR R AN B Slt SRR e e ,3~“v},‘;~<»*<}%‘>‘3°\{ SRR A S :}“?‘"‘s_’%‘%«x"-?}Z"""}R"i»:-:‘&.\:’({?{i‘:fi- RERS 35 28 e R 8 PSSR R S (DS 06, 1 i e R b R N A e-‘#ffi}x“* Y O R SEalnTtaawen o g Bled Re @ e R RN R T TSR A Rosi R e g S e ‘)’W”@?fi\:(f SRR A-*&:\ TR s it N WRASN PR s e2O SRERRIOT N SRR S e B Silo Made of Cocncrete. beavier parts will be separated from the lighter and forced to the bottom of the mass. Good concrete is only obtained when the stones and gravel remain in contact with the mortar. 1t is not hard to make the forms for concrete tanks. In fact most any one can invent a form of his own. The amount of stock to be watered at the tank must be taken into considera tion when the size is planned. If a rectangular tank is to be used, the proper dimensions can be determined by consulting Table [I. 1t often happens that around a stock tank there is a mud hole. This can be easily avoided by making a cement platform around the tank extending out six feet on all sides. In making the forms for the tank, the outside measurements of the in side forms should be one inch greater in boih directions than the outside dimensions of the tank. This is neces sary to avoid the possibility of any part of the tank being supported by the floor proper. The outer edge of the floor should be omne inch lower than the edge s.rrounding the space to be-occupied by the tank. This pro vides drainage for water that is spilled to be occupied by the tank. The bill of_materials shown above is for'a tank ten feet long and six feet wide. The price of such a tank can be easily computed by a local dealer. k. ) Student’s Savings Bank Open for Deposits Each School D sy 8:15 to 8:30 a. m., 3:15 to 3:30 p. m. We’ll take care of your Pennies. Let the Big Banks care for your Dollars. Open An Account With Us, Building Material George H. Bryant @ Son Big fresh supply of Shingles, Flooring, Brick and everything 18 the Building lime. . .. . . wWOOD iy, COAL Phone 190 FITZGERALD, GA. The above brand, manufactured by THE FITZ GERALD COTTON OIL GO.,has built up a repu tation for Cotton Seed Meal goods that has caus ed two other mixing plants to be established in our city. Prizes were awarded in every contest last fall in Ben Hill Co. to some usersof VICTORIA FER TILIZERS. Get our prices before placing your require ments for the coming season. - Special Formulas will be manufactured on application. We do not mislead with a lot of different brands. ‘VICTORIA” is our brand under which we manufacture all our different analyses, ® ; ® Fitzgerald Cotton OQil Co. Farmers Warchouse and Fertilizer Company Fitzgerald, Ga. For high grade Fertilizers, call and see us before buying. ~We sell the BLUE RIBBON Brands, manufactured by The Macon Fertilizer Works. EVERYTHING IN THE FERTILIZER LINE Ammoniates, Blood and Bone, Fish Seraps, Meal. H. H. James MANAGER Fitzgerald, - - - Georgia FOR JOB PRINTING, Give the Leader a Trial