Newspaper Page Text
For Tax Receiver
I announce myvself a candidate
for Receiver of Tax Returns of
Ben Hill County, Subject to the
Ruling of the White Primary and
if elected will faithfully discharge
the duties of the office to the very
best of my abifity and look after
the interest of each tax payer of
my county. ,
Very respectfully yours,
Karly Gibbs,
For County Commis=-
: sioner.
We are authorized by the friends
of Hon, J. G. Minchew to an
nounce him for re-election to the
board of County Commissioners.‘i
Mr. Minshew represents the Wil
liamson Mill district, and has
served the countv and this district
’vith credit to himself and satisfac
tion to the county;
‘\For Tax Collector
I'respectfully announce myse]f‘
a candidate for re-election to the
office oi Tax Collector of Ben Hill
county, subject to the White
Primary, I will appreciate the sup
port of the voters of our County.
Thanking you fér your past sup
port I am, Yours very truly,
F. M. Graham. |
To the Voters of Ben Hill County:
I hereby announce myself asa
candidate for re-election to the
office of Ordinary, subject to the
white primary to be ordered.
I have endeavored to faithfully
perform the duties of the office in
the past, and if elected will con
tinue to give the public my best
I will appreciate your support
and assure you of my appreciation
for past favors. C. M. WisE.
For Ordinary
I hefeby announce my candi
dacy for the office of
Ordinary of Ben Hill County,
subject to the White Primary,
and, if elected, it will be my
pleasure, as well as my duty, to
cheerfully and faithfully perform
every function of this important
office to the best of my ability
and strictly as the law directs.
Your vote and influence is an
important and necessasy asset in
this undertaking and I assure
vou that they are both much de
sired and will be very highly ap
Sinecerely yours,
l- P. 1. Martin.
For Commissioner
Roads and Revinue
To the Voters of Ben Hill County.
I hereby offer myself a Candi
date for Commissioner of Road
and Revinue from the 3rd. Dis
trict of said County. If elected I
promise to do my duty as a Com
missioner to the best of my ability
realizing that each and every por
tion of said Countv should have
their equal rights. I would thank
you very much for your support
at the polls.
Yours for the best interest of
tne County.
W. B. White, Abba,
For Sheriff
To the voters of Ben Hill County:
I herebv announce myself as a
candidate for the office of Sherift
of Ben Hill county. I promise,
if elected, to enforce the law in
the county in so far as lies withip
my power and perform all other
duties to the best of my ability.
1 also announce the names of
Charlie F. Dixon and Mat. D.
Young as'my deputies.
‘W. H. Fountain.
For Sheriff
I hereby announce myself a can
didate fo = re-election to the office
of Sheriff of Ben Hil! County, sub
’ject to the Wtite Primary to be
beld later on. As heretofore, if
elected, I promise to till the office
to the best of my ability, with
equal rights to all and special pri
vileges to none. Thanking you for
past favors, I beg leave to ask you
again for vour loyal support.
I am fraternally yours,
Tohn W. Norris,
T e
| For Sheriff
;To the Voters of Ben iHill
County: I will be a candidate
for Sheriff at the next white pri
mary.for the nomination of coun
ty ofi‘igql's. Your support is here
by solicited. =~ GEO. W. ROGERS.
Tax Receiver
I announce myself a candidate
Tor re-election to the office of Tax
Receiver, subject to the white
primary, If elected I shali do my
duty as I have in the past. Thank
ing my friends for their support
I trust my administration of the
office has suited them [and added
new ones to my list,
. J B R Dixon
For Treasurer
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for re-election to the of
fice of County Treasurer, subject
to the white primary to be order
ed. If elected I will fill the office
to the best of my ability, as I have
done in the past, I will appreciate
your support, and assure you of
my appreciation for past favors.
G. A, JollrEY!
For Clerk of Superior
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for re-election to the
office of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Ben Hill County, sub
ject to the white primary to be
brdereda : .
I have at all times endeavored
to perform the duties of this
office, and trust my services have
been satisfactory in the past. If
elected again, I will try and per
form my duties in strict compli
ance with the law as heretofore.
I appreciate your favors shown
me in the past, and trust my
service will merit your approvai
at the polis. _
Yours Very Truly,
D. W. M. Whittley.
For Judge of the City
Court of Fitzgerald
At the earnest solicitation of
many, 1 hereby announce myself
a candidate for Judge of The
City Court of Fitzgerald, subject
to the white primary recently
ordered. 1 will appreciate the
support of all my friends. If
elected, it will be my pleasure to
track the law, and administer
the office without favor or preju
dice. :
My motto is an impartial ad
ministration of the law, courte
ous treatment and a square deal
to all. _
Your vote and your influence
will be greatly appreciated.
D. E. Griffin.
Judge City Cowurt
To the People of Ben Hill
I hereby announce as a
candidate for re-election to
the Judgeship of the City
Court of Fitzgeraid.
E. Wall.
For Coroner,
I hereby announce mysclf a
candidate for the office of Coroner
of Ben Hill County, and respect
fully solicit your vote at the
White Primary on April 17th,
Fitzhugh Lee,
For County Surveyor
I hereby announce myself a
candidate forre-election for the
office of County Surveyor for
Ben Hill county, subject to the
white primary, and if elected
will, in the future as in the past,
do my whole duty to the best of
my skill and ability, and will ap
preciate your support.
Yours very truly,
Oscar Baron.
For Congressman,
To the Democratic Voters of the
3rd Congressional District:
I hereby formally announce my
candidacy for the office of congress.
man from said district to the De
mocratic primary to be held next
summer. Owing %o my familiarity
with conditiors 'n Washington
(being the contia2asial clerk to the
speaker of the House) I believe if
the people will honor me with the
great ofiice, that I can be of service
to them and I will certainly strive
to faithfully and intelligently re
present ail the people of the dis
trict. Their interest and welfare
shall regulate, coatrol and in
fluence my every vote and act and
at all times I will be true to the
masses of our people. DBefore the
primary I will announce a formal
phitform of principles, address the
voters on the public questions of
the day, presenting my views fully
to them and endeavor to see as
many of them in person as possible
If you can give me your support
and influence I shall always be
most profoundly grateful,
Very respectfully,
CuARLEs R. Crisp,
For Congressman,
“To the Voters of the Third
congressional District: I have the
ambition to represent the Third
district in congress. As to my
fitness and worthiness, I propose
to submit that to the voters of the
district, along with the other gen
tlemen who may? aspire to the
honor, in a democratic primary.
“] am a farmer, was born and
eared on a farm in this district,
and have contributed all that I
possibly could to the advancement
of the farming interests of my
section of the country.
““As a member of congress I
would be controlled largely by the
same desires and purposes that
have actuated me as a private
citizen in advancing the farming
interest of the state nd country,
which ultimately is the interest of
every person, whether merchant,
lawyer, doctor, banker, mechanic
or citizens following other callings.
I shall be glad to meet the vo
ters face to face in every county
of the district before the day of
election. Sincerely,
cos eel e B
For Coroner
I hereby annouuce myself a can
didate for re-election to the office
of Coroner of Ben Hill County,
subjzct to the Primary election of
April 17th, Your support will be
| William McCormick,
For Coroner
At the solicitation of many of
my friends I hereby announce my
self a candidate for the Office of
Coronor of Ben Hill County, sub
ject to the White Primary April
17th, 1912, I will appreciate the
support of the voters and promise
to discharge the duties of the office
to the best of my ability, -
J. C. Peavy,
For County Treasurer
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for the ofiice of Treasurer
for Ben Hill county, subject to the
voters of the Primary election.
If elected I shall endeavor to dis
charge my duties faithfuliy and
satisfactory to the people of the
‘ K. M. Smith,
For Clerk of Superior
To the voters of Ben Hill County:
I announce layself as a candi
date for Clerk of Superior Court
of Ben Hill County. If elected I
promise a faithful and impartial
discharge of the duties of the of
fice, I will appreciate your sup
port and influence.
W. L. Smith.
IFor Solicitor Of
' Tne City Court
{ To the voters of Ben Hill County:
| I beg to announce myself a
!candidate for the office of Solici
| tor of the City Court or Fitzger
iald. lam the candidate of no
lone man or set of men, and if
ielected, shall strive at all times
'to deserve the honor conferred
upon me.
W. H. Horne.
Sheriff’s Sale
Will be sold, on the first Tues
day in May, 1912, at public out
cry at the court house insaid
county, within the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which
the following is a full and com
plete description:
Ore oak gear, rosewood body,
end spring, steel tire, Hull
buggy bought by C. A. Gibbs on
the 16th day of June, 1911, of J.
W. Scarbrough and Company.
Said property levied on as the
property of C A. Gibbs to satis
fy an execution issued from the
City Court of Fitzgerald, said
said county, in favor of J. W.
Scarbrough and Company against
said C. A. Gibbs: said property
in possession of C, C. Dozier,
Deputy Sherirt. .
This the Ist day of April, 1912.
C. C. Dozier,
Deputy Sheriff,
City Court of Fitzgerald.
| Sheriff’s Sale
Grorcia—Ben Hill County,
Will be sold the first Tuesday
in May next, at public outery at
the court hosue, in said county,
within legal hours of sale, to
highest bidder for cash, about
forty bushels of corn and from
150 to 200 bushels of fodder.
Said property levied on as the
property of S. W. Walker to sat
isfy an execution issued from
the City Ceurt of Fitzgerald.
said county, in favor Planters
Warehouse & Loan Company
against said S. W. Walker and
being in possession of S. W.
This sth day of April, 1912.
Deputy Sheriff,
City Court Fitzgerald.
Sherift’s Sale
Will be sold before the Court
House door in said county on the]
first Tuesday in May, 1912. With
in legal hours of sale the follow-|
ing described property, to-wit: ‘
~ Lots of land Nos. 38 and 40, |
together with all improvements|
thereon situated in what lis
known as Mcore’s Addition to
the City of Fitzgerald, said coun
ty, said Nos. being in accordance
with the map of said Moore’s
Addition as appears of record in
Plat Book 1, Folio 10, office of
the Clerk of the Superior Court
of said county. Said property
levied on as the property of A.
L. Moore to satisfy an execution
issued at the Jan. Term, 191 Z,
from the City Court of Fitzger
ald, in said county in favor of
The Third National Bank of Fitz
gerald against A. L. Moore as
principal and Early Gibbs as
This the sth day of March, 1912.
J. W, Norris, Sheriff.
Sale of Land
GrorciA—Bex HiLL Counry.
By virtue of an order from the
Court of Ordinavy, of Ben Hill
County, will be sold at public
outery, on the first Tuesday in
May, 1912, at the Court-house
door in said County, between the
legal hours of sale, a certain
tract of land in said County, de
seribed as follows: One hundred
twenty-two and one-half [122-2]
acres on the South side of lot One
hundred forty [l4o] in the Four
th Land District of said County,
and bounded as foliows: on the
North by lands of Sam Young,
on the East by lands of Dick
Tucker, on the South by lands of
Jacocb M. MeMillan and on the
West by lands of M. Dickson:
said lands will be sold to the
highest bidder for cash.
This April 4th, 1912.
Thomas A. Young,
Administrator of Estate of
Mary Young.
L i
l £ B TR N |
86 Ysars ¢n the arket
By helping your land to yield the greatest possible production
will accomplisd this end.
Its intelligent use will enable you to make more money
on less acres with less help. To this end call on our Agent
at FITZGERALD or write us at Savanyau for valuable
printed matter.
We have in stock at
a good stock of Ohemicais and Complete Fertilizers, and our
prices, like our goods, are attractive.
Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.,
D, L. MARTIN, Sales Agent.
; ? A 9
Direct line to Augusta :
and all points in the Carolinas, Virginia, Washing
ton, New York and all Eastern cities via Augusta. Close
connections made at Hazlehurst with Southern Railway for
Helena, Macon, Atlanta, Chattanooga and points North and
West. Sleeping Car service on trains Nos. 6 and 7 betweer
Augusta, Valdosta and Madison.
" N0.7N0- 3| grpecTivE NOV. 12, 191 [NO- #NO.6
Hatwl o g 0T I,__[) )a. | Da.
9000 T:08lLy .. .. Aueugta. ... . . Ar 595 Gl4O
R:000id0lly ... .. Swamsboro.... ... Ar 2485 857
5001 93y ... ... Millen. .. . ... . Av 295 805
25012000 y ..., . ... . Nidilla .. = Aiiecsß 148
4:151l LiolAr ... Houzlehuest....,.... Lyil-dgliein
o) IloiEy ... Hogihawst,, .. .. .. Ar|11:46i11:00
6;30‘ Raay ..., Dajelan LV‘lo:3o} 9:30
7:30| 2:2s'Lv ceeiieenddlonelag. .. ... AT G
8:27| 3:os]Ar ....... Willacoochee. ...... Lv| 9:39] 8:12
9:15| sialye . . Haae ... ... 1 8:54| 7322
10:22 4601 y ... Nauldosts. ... . . Ly T:5O 600
11:45 6:4OAr ... ....Madison.. ... Lv| 6:15| 4:10
e gditlar .. . 5EmE.......... 1 7;25i 4:25
10:13! G:ipnr ... .Xl ol UAE 88N
11:50)_’_’(’fi:,_5_5_ B o Monitrie . ...... ¥ 5:151_2§§
N030‘N034 N 032
dailyiExsu’ Sun
Douglas to Barrows Bluft PM |AM |[AM
Lo e
W Daaelas ... bee T R R SR
Y W 12:35(11:45
Ar Bumwe Blull . ... 0 viieni s aaiend pin) DI Lo
H H Thompson, Commercial Agent, Douglas, Ga.
H C McFadden, Traffic Manager, Augusta, Ga.
C H Gattis, Assistant Traffic Manager, Augusta, Ga.
T o R
302 South Grant St, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Agent for the best Gasoline Engines. Expert on Gas Engines—
will give prompt attention to all calls in my line.
a 4 5 &
All prices from the cheapest %{/\2?% o q‘* ?, e~n
to the best. All calls will re- {{"‘s& ‘:“% -.'s'."’ 7"‘s“,’\’"“‘
ceive our immediate attention. }:" - I{*;}, (v\é;",—-,
Sandlin Furniture & Undertaking Company,
Day Phone 116. Night Phone 375.
® ()
The Equitable Casualty Company
Of Atlanta, Georgia
Is the only Company that issues the EGCA POLICY, '
Which pays for every kind of Death, every kind of Sickness, every kind of
Accident, Hospital Indemnity, Trained Nurse Hire, Quarantine Indemnit;
Burial Benests, Carbuncles. Boils and Felons.
ALSO Gives your Beneficiary Free Insurance, Monthly Settlements at
the request of the Insured.
Call on M. M. Sapp and have him show ycu a Sample of this Pclicy.
We pay our Agents to Represent us. and not to Knock other Companies.
Agents wanted. Address
V. M. SAPP, cen’l Agt,, Fitzgerald, Ga.
T %ég g@g” i
Q9T ; e 8
= i G
Harness Maker e o O
and Rapairing ks g ‘v~ £
%‘f 4 o < f'_" g "fi' S 5
Old Harness Made Good as New, both in
Looks and Durability.
See me. Satisfaction Guaranieed
n .
221 E. Pine Street.