The Leader-enterprise and Fitzgerald press. (Fitzgerald, Ben Hill County, Ga.) 1915-1915, November 15, 1915, Monday Edition, Image 1

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Monday Kdition Official Organ Ben Hill County, Chas. S. Barrett and J. J. Brown at the Courthouse Farmers and business men are invited to hear these speakers on the Farmers Problems at the Courthouse at 10 o’clock next Saturday morning. The Plot. _ When Venice was the wealthiest city in all Europe, there lived a rich merchant named Antonio, whose great ships traded as far East as India and West as far as Mexico. When all his wealth was at sea he wished to furnish Lis kinsman and best friend, Bassanio, with means to pay his court to Portia, a lady of Belmont, in Ttaly, and borrowed the sum of three thousand ducats for ninety dayvs from an enemy of his own, one Shylock, a Jew, on agreement that if he failed to pay the debt when due, he should suffer the loss of a pound of his own FLESH. This bank takes no man’s flesh—we are reputed to L be LIBERAL, FAlR—giving any right-minded person a chance; but we are MOREOVER REPUTED TO BE ONE OF THE STRONGEST BANKS ANYWHERE. The Exchange National Bank Holding place on Honor Roll of Strongest Banks. Deposits passed the Half-Million Dollar Mark. BritishGolonies Prepare For Gonscript] 0 LONSCIIpLLoN, Special to The Leader-FEnterprise. Wellington, New Zealand, Nov. 15, 1:30 p. m.—A degree has been issued by the Government providing that no males between the ages of eighteen and forty-five will be permitted to leave the country hereafter for destinations over sea, without a military permit. This is the first time that so drastic a step has been taken by any of the colonies of Great Britain. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Greets the readers of the Leader-Enterprise with the announcement that its business has been highly satisfactory this fall and with its RESOURCES OF EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS it is fully capable of caring for its patrons and friends as never before We pay interest on Savings Deposits at the usual rate and on Time Deposits at an agreed rate If yon are not already a customer of this Bank, we beg you to start an account today CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $225,000.00 1 its 21 t 323 Just opened Lovely Black and Blue Suits *2l to 28 Ji et Dandy broadcloth Suits—Dbraid and fur trimmed—Smartest, snappiest of the mid-seasonl;s élevl:; ;nlg((i:isN '(1‘211;,(:3 fl(éo(; dept.) - ~ Checks MPI : . Dandy Spflrt CoatSs49B t 0 35.98 p‘;:i:s E‘W“'- "-P':fi:;e"m One Price to Evrybody I A """Pl;:zm BN A 7 oo R i SUENON E TSN A BN L B I A . Ginyd § et i h*w————————-—m’w———‘——————_,a It’s our treat to the Grand—Every $3 worth of cash purchases entitles you to free admission to the Grand Theatre! i .3 N 3 ' g { 0 £ ¥ LR " 3 B SR R B g BB 4 K € AN N N A B VR s I ol el s ey N X J Blankets and Comforts—the biggest as well as best line in this section—sl.l9 to $10.50 FITZGERALD, BEN HILI, COUNTY, GEGRGIA, NOV. 15, 1915. Anderson And Howeli To Go With Inspection Party Dixie Highway Tour l . - Meets Popular Accord. The proposed inspection of the ‘“Short Route” now definitely set for Dec. 2ad and 3rd is meeting with general approval and is beginn ing to take on an aspect of finality. The commissioners along the route in Georgia have notified the ‘*Short Route” association of the final work being done on the road and from Pierce count? comes the cheer ing news that that county will cooperate in meintaining the short mileage through their county, being enthused by the work done in their county by their neighbors, through whose efforts and money the "twelve hundred foot bridge was built over Beaver Dam creek. Jack sonville is making preparation to receive the tourists at the Florida line, where Charlton county will serve a barbecue dinner on the Brd. Nassau county Florida reports its road being given the finishing touches, and Hilliard promises to meet the tourists with its Bani and turn the entire town into a reception committee. Waycross has planned special entertainment featur2s for the evening of the 2nd and the tourists will be given a rousing welcome by the entire city. Mayor Davis of Nichols has secured the use of the couuby outfit and will put teams to work to finish the short stretch between Douglas and his lit tle city, that has given the tourists some concern. It 1s now up to Irwin county to make their promise good to finish the six miles to tbe‘ Coffee county line, when the boasted ‘high gear” through Georgia will become a certain reality. Through the efforts of the officers of‘ the “‘Short Route” association Commissioners Howell and Anderson of the Dixie Highway association are expected to accompany the tourists on this inspection and no effort will be spared to bring the campaign for the official title to a successful finish on this trip. The following resolutions have been sent out by the Ben Hill county commissioners: WHEREAS, 1t is shown to us that the Dixie Short Route is be- Ing put in first class condition rapidly through riost every County of the entire route from Macon to Jacksonville, and WHEREAS, the President, Mr. Wm, R. Bowen, of this route,l has appeared before our body this day inviting this body of County Commissioners to accompanv his and some of the Dixie Highwayl Commissioners on an inspection tour at an early date, either from‘ Macon to Jacksonville via Savannah or via Fitzgerald and other in termediate points, and it appearing from various reports that the prospects of our being named the Official Route by these Commission ers 1s verv fine and encouraging: BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS B Y, that it is the sense of this body that it is the duty of this body, as a whole, andthi lieves it also to be the duty of every Countvy Commission cr on this route to arrange to join the Commissioners on this inspection tour proposed: BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, that we send a copy of this resolution to every County Commissioner at interest, urging them to lay aside all other matters on some certain day, which will later be announced, and arrange to join every other County Commissioner on the route in an automobile inspection tour: BE IT ESPECIALLY RESOLNED, that itis the opinion of this ‘body that no calculation can determine the dontinuing and increasing ‘benefits to come to the towns and farming communities on this entire route by virture of our being duly adopted as Official Route. The foregoing resolution was duly presented and adopted at the regular meeting of the County Commissioners of Ben Hill County Georgia, held on the 2nd day of November, 1915, R. V. Handley, CLairman. M. W, Garbott, M. Dickson. J. H. King; Jr. Clerk of Board. THRICE-A-WEEK And Fitzgerald Press The St Adriati Special to The L.eader-Enterprise. : New York, Nov, 15, 1:30 p. m.—There was a report circulating in maritime circles this morning that the Steamship Adriatic had been sunk, but the report did not state whether the steamship was the big passenger of the White Star line or was the British steamship Adriatic which left Kvmassi, Greece on Oct, 13 for Pinladelphia and passed Tarit Spain on Oct. 19th. ’ . ! ; Special to The Leader n... rise. Berlin, Nov. 15, 1:30 p. m.—The announcement was made by the war office today of the capture of 8,500 Serbians with twelve cannon. Of this numbes 7,000 prisoners and six cannon were captured by the Bulgarians who are continuing their pursuit of the Serbians all along the entire front. 'R lans Defeated In Galici 4~ pecial to The Leader-Enterprise. } Berlin, Nov, 15, 1:30 p. m.— A decided defeat of Russia in Galicia is announcel today by the War office. which statese that troops of Gen. Von Linsingen drove back the entire Russian army froq) thg ! west bank of the river Styr, The entire west bank of the river hss now been cleared of the enemy. Russian attacks near Snorgen, east. of Vilna have been repulsed. The Ben Hill National Bank The following was received on a postal card from one of our good customers a few days ago: } November 11, 1915. - Ben Hill National Bank, Fitzgerald, Ga. | AR Sirs:— ; I received your circulars and letter, for which I thank ; you. I am glad that my parents taught me to save ; money when I was small. If we learn to save we have ; plenty easier than to be hard-up most of the time. ; Yours very truly, : E The above was written by a mun who knows the value of : a bank account. E It is the purpose of THE BEN HILL NATIONAL BANK : to get every person’to learn this great lesson, and we in | vite you to commence NOW by making a deposit with : us, and then keep adding to it and see how the habit will : grow. ‘The Ben Hill National Bank Mondav . Wednesday Friday VoL. XX. NO. 136