Newspaper Page Text
e :
And Fitzgerald Presa
Published Every
Monday, Wedn=-sday and Friday
The Lieader Publishing Co.
ISIDOR GELDERS ... ... .....Managing Editor.
One Dollsvr and Fifty Cénts Per Year :
Entered a2t th 2 Post Olfice Fit~derald, as Second Class Mail Matter
Under Act of Congress, March 18th, 1897
QFFICIAL ORGAN Sity fficazerald ana
Rates for Display Advertising Furnished on Application
Local Rzaders 10c per Line for each insertion, no ad
takan for less than 25e¢.
The Lean Shark Evil And Some Remedy
The siiit bronght by several cmployees of the Central Raiiroad of
G :orgia 1n the Superior court of Bibb couaty against the firm of Kn g
Bros, and Co. of Ma¢on and Atlanta for an sbleged violation of
the State’s anti-usury laws, calls speciul attention to the tieed of 4 more
«ertain remedy against practicés which, unmoral and disastrous tostle
welfare of the R. R, road employces though they be, are generally
tolerated for want of a system that will step into the breach when the
funds are getting low between paydays, Fundamentally wrong,
acting as an economiec handicap to both employée ‘aud employer, it is
strange that some remedy has not been applied befste now, to relieve
the employee of the necessity of resorting to this means to secure the
small amounts needed during the interim. The Railroad Companies,
as well as other employers on 2 larger scale, of labor, both white ar d
colored, must realize that a constantly harrassed employce can certai; =
ly not achieve and retain the efficiency in productive labor, to Whi(‘h;
the employer, paying for the services, is entitled. The demand of the
State Federation of Labor and the Railroad organizations for a semi-‘
monthly pay day would obviate the need of borrowing but in the ab-l
sence of such a law, it wav and appears to us, is practical for these
corporations to employ a system of advancing en the wages of their
employees, through some agency or department of their own, con
pected with the management cf the railroad, at no cost to roads and
«only a fraction of the cost to the borrowing employes. A system of
this sort would we believe make for more efliciency in the work and
- greater interest and loyality to the roads. We do ot know of any
~road that practices this system but it does appear to be simple and
easily put into operation. A payroll, such as is averaged in, the Fitz
g-rald territory, should notcal! for the use of more than $4OOO, averag
~ing less than fifteen daysa month and at 19 for the use of it a momhl
the office expénses, Bond ete.. could well be taken care of, thus saving |
the employees | undreds of dollars monthly on their interest charges,
veluminating the embarasment of appealing to a loan agency and pro-
Vidin ;o way for témporary relief without the risk of loosiug the self’
rospect, thut so inevitable follows the recurrent appeal to usuro: s'
m mév lenders. The very fact that the victim sneaks iu and out of
those offices prove the disrespect in which the traflic is held and a fre- i
q ent repetition of such trips will soon loose the company the full
value of the efficiency of a self respecting employee, ' ]
Harvard has a professor whois only nineteen years old, but he doe: 't
smoke cigarettes. v el : |
Insist to your wife that she is perfect and your own stock will go u'pl
a thousand per cent. ‘
The collector is a fortunate individual. He of all people is most fre’
uently invited to call again, ;
Jernigan-Butler, ‘
Charles Butler and Mss Jenettet
Jernigan were married in this city!
on Wednesday evening, Nov. l'ith.,;t
Rev. L. A. Cocper officiating. The
young couple have the best wishgs%
of their many friends.
Mr. and Mrg. W. R. Paulk
‘ve . this afterncon for Floral
y Fla. in their auto to visit
batives for a few weeks. They
pect to visit Miami and other
ints before returning home via
Jacksonville and the ‘‘short
route.”’ :
Thursday being Thanksgiving
Dayservice will be held in St.
Mathews chureh at 19;30 a. n.
WANTED —Work by a com
petent stenographer for all or
half day. References furnished.
Address—Box 808,
tf Fitzgerald, Georgia.
We-Have-Them :
Sweet-mixed, dill and sour
pickles in bulk, plain and
gtuffed o lliv es, prepared
Horse radish, mustard, cat
‘sup, sweet-relish, chowe
chow, woreester sauce, chile
con-carne, cod fish in bulk.
Bee Hive Gro..Phone 72,
Mrs. G. C. Smith of Brunswick
is visiting her mother Mrs. Keim on
North Lee St.
Miss Elizabeth Pryor was the
week- end visitor in Cordele, the
guest of friends while there,
«Mrs. Travis and Miss Jeaneate
Venable spent Thursday in Atlan
ta enjoying the festivities of the
Harvest Festival’
Mrs A. E. Jones and children
will spend Thanksgiving with Mr,
Roberts near Cordele.
Mrs. L. L. Griner will leave to
morrow to-morow for Milledggville
to visit her father., .
Mr. Ed Pittman has returped
from a business trip to Atlanta.
Mrs.’Louis Knowles has returned
to her home in Vidalia after a
pleasant visit to Mrs. S. M. Hall.
Mrs. T. L. Griner will come Wed
[nesday from Athens to visit Mr.
and Mrs L. L. Griner at their home
on South Main St.
T. C. Smith of Gainesville has
accepted a position with L. O.
1 Notice-To-All
Cramberries, mince meat
citren, apples, bannas,
oranges, lemons and cake
- \
Bee Hive Gro. Phone 72.
Thanksgiving---Notice '\
Leave your orders with us
for your turkeys, fat hens,l
ducks and frying chickens.!
Hams, Bacon and Countryl
meat. Butter and fresh!
eggs all the time.
Bee Hive Grocery Phone 72
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. McMullen
announce the arrival of 4 boy at
their home. ’
. Mrs. H. E. Keefer left for
Manchester to spend a few days
‘with her sons Col. P, L. and S,
||A. Keefer,
| .Mr. and Mrs. ..Fred Jacksoi:
and children leave Tuesday for
Commerce to spend a few days
with his parents, and to attend
the nuptials of his nephew Mr.
Rev. R. M. Mann returned
Saturday from La Grange where
he attended the Synod of Geor
'l'ne South Georgia Coiiference
of thé M. E. Church convenes
this week in Cordele. Rev. G.
W. Mathewd and Prof. R. J.
IPrentiss represént Fitzgerald
iat the gathering.
Cane grinding and syrup boil
ing are the attractions for tre
young people on the farms at
this time. Auto Parties from
the city nightlv virit their coun
try cousins and enjoy the hospi
tality of the farmers.
The fire departmernt wasecalled
to East Oconnee street this morn
ing to extinquish a small blaze.
Damage about $lOO. ¢
The date of the dedication of
the Catholic church is Wednes
day December Ist. instead of
next Wednesday, as it appeared
in Friday’s Leader-Enterprise.
Col. U. J. Bennettleaves Tues
day night for Commerce to at
tend the marriage of his brother
Prof. W. T. Bennett, chief farm
d °monstration agent of the
C:ntral of Georgia Railway.
A large congregation assembled
at the Ist M. E. Church last even
ing to bear Prof. Blanchard Moore
on the ‘**Holy Land” who failed to
arrive in time to fill his engace
ment, but the sssembly was fully
compensat>d by the cloguent s ral
mon preached by the psstor Rev.
E. A, Wa''ess. Prof. Moore will
deliver tHis lecture on Siberia to
night at the chureh. ‘
A False Alarm.
“I know something, I do, about a
member of this family,” said littie
Bobby Slithers triumphantly to his oid
er sister, Maud.
“Oh, dear!” exclaimed Miss Slithers,
“lalf a dollar Is all I have, Bobby.
Will gou promise not to tell if I give
you that?” .
“Sure, I will,” answered Bobby in
surprise.’ *“‘But it ain’t nothin’ on you,
sis. It was the' eook and the iceman.”
—Birmingham Age-Herald,
e A i,
What She Léarned.
Mrs. Willis So your daughter is
home from domestic science school.
I suppose she has learned seéVeral new
ways of washing the disheés. Mrs.
Gillis—No; she seems to have learned
several new ways'of getting out of
washing them.—Judge.
Don’t Worry.
Mrs. Wullaby—De agent says if we
ain't got de rent nex' Monday we's got
to git out. Sam Wullaby—Nex’' Mon
day? Den we doan' need to worry fo'
de nex’ fo' days.—Puck.
There are only two roads by which
any important goal can be reached—
sheer strength and perseverance.—
Your Position at Work.
In what sort of a position is your
body wher you work? Do you know
that working bent over causes the body
to adjust itself—bones, muscles and
Joints—to the unnatural position? Try
to see that you have exercise in recrea
tion hours which will offset the bent
over tendency.—Pittsburgh Press.
i sl
e ———————————————————
Knicker—What would happen if an
irresistible force met an immovable
body? Bocker—The mule would kick
itself.—New York Sun. |
P —— \
Intelligence is the mother of good
luck.—Benjamin Franklin,
Cause and Effect.
“How dejected those cows look "
“Magbe that is why their milk is so
blue.”—Baltimore American,
Gooper Will Prove
Famons Theories
Ce?ebrafed Medicine Accom
plishing Remarkable Re
sults in Leading Cities
Referring to the recent visit to
Atlanta of L. T. Cooper, the man
who electrified the larger cities
of the country with his philantk
ropy, health theories and celc
brated medicine, Tanlac, G. F.
Willis, his southern representa
tive, said;
' “Thousands of the mcst pro
minent people in Atlanta, Birm
inghani, Nashville, Chattanooga,
Louisville, Kno¥viile and other
cities where his celebrated medi
cine has been accomplishing such
remarkable results, are even
more enthusiastic over Tanlac
than Mr. Cooper himself.
““As previvusly stated, Mr.
Cooper contends that nine-tenths
)f the diseases and ill-health of
the average personis due toa
catarrhal condition which pro
duces faulty digestion and im
proper assimilation of the food.
“In a recent interview Mr.
Cooper was asked if 'l'snlae
would relieve kidiiey trouble,
liver complaint, rheumatism aid
a dozen other ailments, and in
this connection said:
| “'As I have repeatedly raid, my
Imedicine acts directly on the mu
cus membrane, stomach and
blood, expelling from them the!
impurities and toxic poisons, and
rendering to them a strong, heal-i
thy condition. I am e'o‘nvinced|
that the stomach regulates the
condition of the blool, and is the
fountain head eof health or di
sease, as the casemay be. My
medicine is intended primarily
for the regulation o the stomach
and catarrhal inflammration, but
it s no uncommon thing for per
sons who have used it to come to
me and explain that it has reliev- |
ed them of Rheumatism and
’ many ether ailments not general- f
ly recognized as having their
"origin in stemach trouble.”’
““The ingredients or medicinal
elements which make Tanlac
come from many remote sections
of the earth—the Alps, the Pyre
nees, Russian Asia, West Indies,
Mountain states, near the Rocky
Mount4ins, Mexico and Peru are
among the points from which the
principal parts of the preparation
are obtained. In the prineipal
laboratory of the Cooper Medi
cine Co., Ine. under the efficient
direction of Herr Jos Von Trim
bach, a native German. chemist
of note, these medicinal herbs,
roots and barks are assembled in
the rough and painstakingly de
veloped so as to attain that high
standard of efficiency shown by
the wuniform preparaticn of
In referring to the unpre
cedented demand for Tanlac in
Atlanta, Mr. Chas. A. Smith,
Manager of the Jacobs Pharmacy
Co., saids
*‘l have been in the drug busi
ness in Atlanta 25 years, and not
iln my experience have we
handled anything that even ap-
“NQA '
44,‘ :% /,.// N“:\ T :
NW ~ ”4.::
The Popular Oliver Chilled Plows
Another Car Load Just Received- -All Sizes
Repairs Always on Hand- -Also the New Hoosier Drillg
- Ask for articies made by the United Drug Company.
Guaranteed Quality. Get coupons with your purchases and
use them to help pay for Silverware as follows:
Retail Value At Rexali E{sré
! Tea Spoon, $ .20 . for 2 ¢oupons and 10¢
1 Table Spoon, .40 . for 4 coupons and 20¢
1 Medium Fork, .40 ° for 4 coupens and 2o¢
1 Medium Knife, 40 ~ for 4 coupons and 22¢
1 Ice Tea Spoon, .30 . for 4 coupons and 15¢
I Sugar Spoon, .49 . for 4 coupons and 20c
1 Dessert Spoon, .33 . for 4 coupons and 20c
1 Butter Knife, 40 . fr 4 couponsand 20¢
1 Butter Spreader, 50 . for 5 coupons and 25¢
1 Cold Meat Fork, 80 . for 10 roupons and 40¢
1 Berry Spoon, 1.30 . for 18 coupons and 83¢
1 Gravy Ladle, 1.00 . for 11 éoupons and 50¢
1 Dessert Fork, .38 . for 4 coufiéns and 20c
1 Salad Fork, (Ind.) .50 . for 6 coupons énd 25¢
This Silverware is the Exeter design in Reliance Plate
made by the famous Oneida Cémmunity, makers of the finést
silver-plated ware in the world.
The weating quality of Reliance Plate is guaranteed for
25 yeans for ordinary family use, That portion of each piece
of Silverware which is most exposed to wear /carfies an extra
heavy plating which practically makes it wear-proof. The
Oneida Community always interpret their guarantee very liber
ally and they can be absolutely relied upon. They have a
reputatton for excellence and integtity in manufacture second to
none in the country,
Denmark Drug Co.
Zie Store
Drugs, Seeds and Stationery
proaches Tanlac as a seller. In
less than five weeks’ time we
have sold and distributed
throughout our eleven stores
over 9,000 bottles, and on last
Saturday alone over 400 people
called at our stores to obtain the
medicine. Judging from the re-
Coal! Coall Coal!
Extra fine quality Coal for demestic use.
Beliv’gred anywhere in the City $5.50 per ton cash.
Phone 145 or 407-L..
Coal Yard coriter Central Ave. and Thomas St,
\\};?M S
@*% R e Q\:”@# D
& D
3 Z
$§ : ”4% \
K 2
H 2 B
i\ AT
| The purchase price of this famous. l
give coupons with every 25¢. pur- E
chase of 21l the high grade guaran
> teed_products made by the United
7 gCo. We are willing to lose money
c. e silverware to get you acquainted
wit i these goods, which are standard in
theic l::e,
' 't 503
Liggett’s and Fenway Candies,
Harmony __ Perfumes, Toilet
Articles, Brushes, Stationery,
u Rubber Goods and hundreds of
other items, household prepar
ations, .etc, When you want
something ask for a United
Drug Co. product because cou
pons are only given with these
goods. You cannot afford not
to secure this pogu]ar silver
ware, guaranteed 25 years,
when you can get it on our half
bought plan. -As an example,
this teaspoon that sells for 20c.
you can get for 10c. with cou
pois. |
peat sales and.-the many . expres
sions of satisfaction from these
who have actually tested Tanlae,
the preparation must be some
thing of extraordinary merit.’’
Tanlac is sold exclusively in
Fitzgerald by Denmark Drug Co.