The Leader, enterprise and press. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1915-1921, December 01, 1915, Wednesday Edition, Image 1

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Wednesday ~Edition - Official Organ Ben Hiii -County, Roumania To Issue Ultimatum S;cial to The Leader-Ehtérprise. g% : London, Dec. 1; 1:30 p. m. —Roumania will deliver an-ulimatum to Austria as soon as the Entente Allies éoncentrate__ 500,0(0°¢ nops in the Balkans. The report does not indicate what may be asked of ‘Austria. o e o No Trace To Canse Of Explosion Discovered ‘Spacial to The Leader-Enterprise. NG ' ; e Wilmington, Del., Dec. 1,'1:30 p. m.— Although searching inves tiga‘t_ion into cause of the disaster was started by officials of the Do pont Powder Co. immediately after explosion which caused death of 31 workmen and serious injury of 6 others inthe company’s upper gagley Yards yesterday nothing of tangitle nature had been discover ed up to today. = - : i-as : Said Berlin and Vienna Fail to Agree 4 A L Sb cial to The LeadersEnterpris2. : Rome, Dec. 1, 1:30 p. m, —*The real object of Ewmperor Williams visit to Vienon was to puta stop to efforts Austria was ‘making 'by means of négotiations through Madrid with the Vatican, to obtain separate peace with the Quadrupple Entente” says the Tribune. “Vienna and Berliq-disagreé on. the question of Peace. ' Berlin desires to treat separately with each of the Allies so as to break up the Quadrupple Eatente aud then to crush England, but Vienna de sires real and lasting peace to end the tension which rapidly is be coming too great for Austria to bear. Stk NO VERDICT IN WATSONCASE =~ = JORYERILS TO Agßee y ok | Special to The Leader-Enterprise. ke o 44300 G ? - Augusta, Dec. 1, 1:30 p. m. —The Watson ‘cas.'e jury still was deadlocked at 12:30 o’clock today, after having, been out’ 22 hours. There was no prospect then of early agreement, if one is reached, through rumors from the Jury room whera poll had switchéd: from 7 to 5 for acquittal to 10 to 2 for not 2!};“?!-;“ . The jury mafi%aa ’f@dgt,l to the court about 10 v’clock that it was unable to agree, but no fur ther direct word had reached the court since that hour, . Cunstantinople, Nov. 30—British- troops™ defeated ‘ifi t.hé\ i'ecent fighting in the Bagdad region of Mesopotamia, continue to retreat, the Turkish War Office announced to-day. T L LR Thompson’s Glove-fitting Cdrs_ets—éthe bgstwfor Regulhr figures, $l, $1.50, s§. Nemo Corsets make stout figuresgfacefnl, $3 &$5 December Selling at the Big Store EMPIRE. STORE STOCKS——thelargest ‘perhaps‘, in this entire section are ready to help you at every turn Upstairs, 'downstalrS’ all over thgg gaod store you’ll find opportunities to fill yourevery need in Merchandise of Ladies’ Suits and Dresses Reduced! ‘Lovely Suits in ‘S'erg_e‘; j.B'l‘(')aadovt:‘l{;!'td V(.i“a‘i"'b'erdi;ié, thé. season's newest stylesi in Navy, Brown, Green and Blackel’.resgnt reductions mean a sa‘yvl;\g.of\,sz to $7.50 a Suit—sizes 14 to 44. i s i Dresses in Silk and Wool combinations, Silk Dresses, Serge Dresses, Middy Dresses for Misses. A nice selec . yet and preéent prices éaje youfrom t}l?{lF:f,?.Q.BO};-,.-Size's"l4'to 45.. Rt : o . Special Reductions Waists, Skirts 10:olf 1-4 OFF MILLINERY ! et tings o he ssson st o i ANKETS COMFORTS - pPIRE MERCANTILE (0. 5" puir—-Comiorts 8155 to 83.00.* *'°°° * JL WR s GNE PRICE 10 EVERYBODY & Minrmv It’s our treat—Every $3 worth of Cash purchases entitles you‘ to free admission ticket to Grand Theatre: ,aas BB ESt ARG Dess . s - T FITZGERALD, BEN HILL COUNTY, GEORGIA, DEC:1,4948: - Roscoe Kimball ‘ ~Looses Three Fingers * Roscoe Kimball had the misfor-l tune to get hisleft hand mixed up'with a shredder and as a con seqnence he is minus three fingers on his left hand. The accident oc curred ou hi> farm east of the ¢ity Prompt acuion by bis father pro bably saved his arm, BARBECUE AT FOREST GLENN A number of the widé—awake mem bersyof Mt. Zion Sunday-school at Forest Glenn' gave their many friends a Thanksgiving barbecue, said to be the best ever prepared at that place. Several apptopriate speeches were de livered by Marion Dicks, Dr. Royal, Rev. Cozart, J. T. Dicks and others, after which dinner was served, con sisting of barebecued pig, kid, mut ton, 'possum and well-filled baskets, brought by the thrifty housewives of the settlement. The afternoon was enjoyably spent in short talks, prome nades through the woods by the young folks and boating. The oc casion on the Ocmulgee will be long remembered by those present. .¥% B : No Race Suicide Here - - Mrs. William T. Martin, near Forest Glen gavebirth to her 19th child Jast week. Ten of the chil dren are living. Wé are informed that three sisters of MTs.' Martin’s father gave birth to 68. children. The family moved here from Jacke son county. | ~ Seaboard Appointment D. N. B‘fig Made Superin tendent of Seabeard With Headquarters in Savannah - Americus, November 30. Trainmaster D. N. Bacot, of the Alabama divyision of the Seaboard Wwith headquarters at Americus has been selected by the manage ment for the .pesition of superin tendent of the new Charleston division of the Seaboard with headquarters at Savannah. Sup perintendent Bacot’s -appoint ‘ment is effective tomorrow. - B. G. Roberts, of Jacksonville, is ‘transferred to Americus-as divi sion train master. . " THRICE-A-WEEK Delightiully Enter tained by Odd Fellows About two hundred members and friends of the Fitzgerald Lodge, I. O. O. F, were delightfully entertained -at the Odd, Fellows hall last -evening, the occasion being a “Home Coming” celebration of the membership of the local lodge. Friendship, Love and Truth were the subjects of the speeches allotted respectively to Revs. Bleker, E. G, Orahood and C. A. Ginn, each of whom strove to emphasize the virtue of his subject and to im press those present with its relative importance in the well being of civ ilized society. We would find it dif ficult to say which one of the gentle men succeeded above the others as they all in turn made one feel that it is. “well for brethren to live together in Friendship, Love and Truth.” Mr. J. E. Turner, who delivered the ad dress of welcome, was especially hap py in the selection of well-fitting stories to illustrate the meaning of the gathering. Mr. C. A. Fretwell, écting" as toastmaster for the -acca sion introduced the speakers. Dr. Louis Turner . rendered a musical number and Mr. Smedley gave a short reading to the delight of the audi ence. The Fitzgerald Orchestra fur nished the music for the evening. A splendid supper, furnished by .the members of the Rebecca lodge, was served after the literary entertain ment. Several cars of Ocilla Qdd Fellows and, their ladies were among the guests =of the evening. The friends of the order, who were for tunate in being present, as well as the members and their families, spent a delightful evening. ‘ C. M. E. CHURCH : : ———Y ’ ~ Rev. L. A Hill, pastor.| . . ' Mr.jMatthews will preach his final 3 ,n%g d}g “merning on the text: Lg&h‘é‘vw "Pe gw&n*fien, and the Sanctification, Without . Which No Man Shall See the Lord.” He brews XII; 14. (Revised versions.). ’ A full ‘attendance of the member ship is especially desired. i 3 Rev.J. L. Ware will preach at 7:30 p. m. : Junior League at 3:00. 3 Sentor Ledgue at '6:45 p. m. | Public cordially invited to all ser 'Vic'e"é."' ARy Ly O 0 10y - Dr, J. C. Luke of Ocilla transacted ) business in the-city Tuesday. " New Grist Mill We have installed a New Grist Mill and will buy your corn or grind it for you. Highest prices paid. Best care oi your.corn. FITZGERALD COTTION OIL MILL 80,000Serhs Organizeto Fight On Saloniki, Nov. 30—Eighty thousand Serbian troops: escap‘eii.‘ipto the mounteins of Albania and Montenegro, according to official repdm which.reached the Allies’ headquarters today and are now beibg q’f ganized into an effective army which; will take the offensive as soon aq §g9glie*ybich are now on the way arrive, .. ‘ ‘ In escapinz the Teuton Bulgar trap the Serbians had to abandon most of their cz{nnon and ammunition, bgt saved their light artiller'y‘. It was announced today that'all the members of the Serbian Government had arrived safely at Scutari, where they will be joined by the entente Ministers now ut Podgoritza, T o GERMAN GARRACKS ARE SHELLED * Amsterdam,; Nov. 30 —Allied aviators bombarded the German bar racks at Marche, in the Ardepnes, yesterday. says The Echo Belge,, killing many soldiers. Catholic Church Dedicated R. Rev. Bishop Kelley assisted by a number of visiting priests dedicated the Catholic church this forenoon. The edifice was filled with catholics and members of other churches, intent on seeing the ritualistic ceremonies. A male choir furnished the singing, accompanied by Mrs, DeVald on the pipe organ, ' § High mass was conducted by Rev. C. M. Reich of Albany and the dedication sermon delivered by the Bishop. The ceremony wagone of great solemnity. The interfor -of the church was a re j'velationfto many who visited the church, as the altars and the 5 beautiful railing of white marble, ‘has not been equalled in a church. lin a city of the size of Fitzger }ald“ 418 S Comé -and see the choice lot of mulps at the Planters Warehouse and Loan Co. The prices are \rigbfi. £ _ 144-tf. Christmas - ' Suggestions! | Handkerchiefs, Sc to $1.50 each. . Chanuet Kid Gloves, $1 to $2 pair. + - Fur Muffs and Scarfs, $1.98 to $18.50. Onyx Lisle Hosiery, 25¢c and s§oc. “ * : Onyx Silk & Fibre Hose, 50c to $1.50. German Silver Novelties, 59¢. =~ Keen Kutter Scissors, 50c to $1.25. . Cut Glass Dishes, $1.25 to $4.50. : Italian Statuary, ivory finish, 59¢ to 98¢ Manicure and Sewing Sets, 25¢ to $l.. ‘Parisian Ivory Odd Pieces, 50c to $l." - i Parisian Ivory & Silver Sets. ~ - Monday Wednesday - Friday < VOL. XX NO. 144 300 MINERS ENTOMBED BY PREMATURE EXPLOSION" Boomer, W. Va.,, Nov. 30.—Three hundred miners were entombed to day in mine No. 2 of the Boomer Coal and Coke company here by a blown out shot, followed almost immediately by two other explosions of léss vio lence, All but 25 or 30 of the: méem ‘had made their way to the open ajr ’by 3 o'clock and Superintendént E, T, Hudder expressed the belief that they | lwould be saved as they were works. Jng back of the mine beyond wherg, the explosions occurred. ; Rescue parties which ~ had” been quickly organized, expected to reach ‘them before night. : FLOUR MILLS MAY HAVE TO CLOSE. Ottawa, Nov. 30.—A subcommittee of the cabinet is engaged on the prob-y lems arising out of the wheat com mandeering order, but thete is no in dication that there wiii be any com pensation from the government for the sudden seizure or complications thdt may arise out of failure to fill contracts. J Some of the grain interests repre sented -here bhelieve the government will allow them to have the seized’ grain for immediate use if able to re place it at the government, rate quick ly. This would tend to prevent a tie-up of millers and other contracts. C. B. Waters, of the Dominion Mil lers’ Association 'stated today that the Ontario mills wou'd have to shut down unless they could get the wheat. Judge J. R, Horton and Joshus Troupe motored to Jacksonville Tuesday, to look after some’ busi nessmatters, . ... . i, o