The Leader, enterprise and press. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1915-1921, December 15, 1915, Wednesday Edition, Image 1

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Wednes?ay EMition - Official Organ Ben Hiii County, Anglo-French Line . : £ Berlin, Dec. 14— Bulgarian troops have broken through the # Anglo-French line and cut off the French forces from the British, ac 'cording"!o an official statement dated December 12 received here today i from Serbia. : ' . It s stated a long section of the French front was taken by storm L the Freoch forces suffering heavy losses. Pursuit of the allied troops fcont,inues. b : The statement as given out by the Overseas News agency follows: | “‘The Bulgarians continued pursait of the Anglo-French troops on :}mtb baoks of the Vardar, in the direction of Gievgeli and Doiran. “On the right bank of the Vardar the Bulgarians stormed the . whole French front between Milektovo and Smokavitza southwest ot Kovanetz. Freoch regiments number 435, 84, 145 and 284 suffered i,‘,l;eavily. Near Nebortzi our cavalry routed a Krench battalion and ;_(_:aptured its commander. H “On the left bank of the Vardar we ejected the French and British from fortjfied positions on Raba mountain. The, d,g._f.g:g'‘il};it,i/sh with drew to the southeast toward Karauglarlar an&mth‘e;Fgapéh to the _southwest toward Bogdantzi. A Macedonian division broke through the front, captured Bogdantzi and cut off the French from the British. ; *“The French killed or captured belooged for the most part to ‘(General Bailloud’s division, composed of regiments 175%and <176 and Eythé second regiment of Zouaves. TP ‘ Austrians Advance , In North Montenegro . Berlin, Dec. 14—Anstro-Hungarian troops are advancing in porthern Montenegro, having compelled the forces opposing them )ere to retreat, it was announced today by German army. headquar %ers. No other important operations are reported in the official state. gment, which reads: ; % ““Western and Eastern theaters of War: ‘‘There is nothing to re “Dßylkan theater of war: ‘‘To the southwest and south of Plevlje ?(in northern Montenegro) Austro-Hungarian troops again forced the ;enemv to retreat. Here and in the esstern Montenegrin mountfins' “about 2,500 prisoners were hrought in,” Bulgars Occupy Border Positions ‘ London, Dec. 14—I. a dispatch filed at Saloniki Monday Reuter’s correspondent says the Bulgarians haye occupied the positions former-. 1y held by the Serbians along the Greco-Serbian_frontier. At last re ports all was quiet there. ‘ : .i The most attractive line of Neckwear for men that we’ve ever shown 50c to §I; Men’s Sets, very pretty combinations $1 te $2 Busy Big Store Helps for Christ USEFUL things for every member of the family Special pre-Christmas 13 off reductions on Ladies’ Suits and Dresses— : Ladies’ and Children’s Coats *; off—Millinery—Smart, stylish Trimmed Hats 1/3 off—in fact--- Il There’s loads of good things for you o the 2nd floor as well as in all the main floor Depts. : # @ én unéns_tially'rg‘om}‘l %?lrie(:y-l-)-Those el;gant ® splendid Garments mako stout figures look | Dresses and Suits for the Stout Ladies; Eisnizmsz NOvEL T l E S 29¢, 50¢, 75¢, $l.OO, $1.25 and $1.50 Items--- | ; g ® A splendid collection of nice little things for Gifts---Hand made Novelties such as Sewing and Manicure !; : 9 Sets, Cushions, Racks, Nice little silver Novelties and Cut Glass items. Collars, Neckwear. Furs. I Handkerchiefs---In nice packages for Christmas. A i 7 $ All our Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothing 109 off }! ® All Boys’ Suits and Overcoats 10% off. | Z, n e en S 0r e ® Specially attractive line of Bath Robes, Slippers, | it ™ Neckwear ; FUl'S—The best makes and most reasonable prices ! l' ‘ Great Blanket Selling $1.19 to $10.50 EMPIRE MERCANTILE CO. | Big Double Blankets---in woolnap and all wool---Solid white and plaids in daintiest colorings -- ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY m g:::;:llgo?;g:&ti;i3n8u:l;b;gs.ot:)f: $2.25, $2-75, $3.98, $4.98 and $5.98--Silkaline and Wi & AWEH St ). A, NURPHY Mumsger ! Trunks, Traveling Bags and Cases 10% off for Christmas—Art Squares and Rugs 10% off also THE LEADER ENTERPRISE FITZGERALD, BEN HILIL COUNTY, GEGRGIA, DEC. 15, 1915. ¢ Saloniki, Dec. 14 —Bulgarian troops have occupied all posts for merly held by the Serbs on the Greco-Serbian frontier. m——-fim—_”—_—:—m— -2,300 MONTENEGRINS ARE Berlin, Dec. 14—Montenegrin forces opposing the Austro-Hun garian troops have been forced to tretreat, the War office announced today, Montenegrin prisoners recently taken by the Teutonic forces number 2,500. A Musical Treat i By The Band The concert given last evening by the Fitzgerald Military Band under the efficient leadership of Prof. M. Setterick was an artistic success but enjoyed only by a very limitedi audience. Overtures, solos andi marches as well as a beautifuly ren- | dered vocal number by Dr. Louie Turner, showed a marked degree of training and a credit to the leader as well as to the band boys who are giving their time to the study of music. The absence of members of the various institutions who have had the free services of the band since its reorganization, was espec ially noticeable, as the boys deserv ed at least the courtesy of attend ance by those whom they served free when called upon, Gratitude does not seem to be in the vocabul ary of some people. The band !boys are making every effort to ‘make their band a geod one, is an lasset to the city when needed and the public must awake to give them a better support. | Be sure and see the car load of nice Tennessee mules at Spell Live Stock Company. 1t I LEND FARMERS MONEY 5 and 10 years best terms. J. E. TURNER, Exchange National Bank. tf THRICE-A-WEEK Negroes Have Fatal Fight Two negroes employed on the Warren farm, south of the city are laying a: the point of death as a result of a fight early this morning. One of them was shot the other fataly cut. Sheriff Fountain went to the scene and brought one of them to the jail, where he is being attended by the county physician the other is being attended to at his home. It is propable that both will die. Chicago Wins A - @. 0. P. Meeting Washington, Dec. 14—Chicago was selectek by the Republican national committee tonight as it.\he meeting place of- the 1916 Republican national convention, to be held June 7, one week be fore the Demoncratic convention in St. Louis. ‘ I WRITE FIRE INSUR~- ANCE lin old, strong compa nies, I don't risk young, companies. J. E. TURNER, at Exchange National Bank ; tf Minstrel Friday Dec, 17 The home talent show which is to be held at the Grand Theatre on Friday night Dec 17 is the largest and most complete home talent show ever attempted here. It is composed of the best talent in‘ Fitzgerald and consist of 35 peo. ple, every one is well up in his part and anyone seeing the show will be well pleaced. There will be a large parade ard everyone will find it up to the minute and in keeping with the rest of the show from all accounts we cannot praise enouch and you will have to see the show to appre ciate the good work by the young talent. The outline of the show is as follows, it will open wup with a Minstp:l after which their will be an intermission during which time the orchestra will render a number or two, then comes the OLIO which will consist of ten vaudevyille acts all of these are good, the show will close with an after piece and it is a laugh from start to ftinish. Those taking part in the show are as follows: Geo. Stubbs, Hy. Evens, Dow Brown, .Jim KEvans, Abe Krugger, ¥. Schmitz, Bill Mashburn, Chas. Garwood, Lester Norris, K. Green, Dick Hack ney, S. Doolittle, Mr. Shaw, S. Stilhe, H. Watters, G. Waters, R. Waters, H. Rigsby, J. Reiss, Ed. Dormicey, Coy Brown, Jim Murry, O. Barron, M. Barron, C. Hansen, R. Chappie. F. Harring ton, A, Lagerstrom, J. Cone, J. C. Cruse. The quartette composed of J. Cone, B. Mashburne, Geo, Stubbs, Jim Evans, will be one of the fea ture acts. It is not only good sing ing but it has plenty of good comedy mixed in this one act alone is worth the price of admission. The dancing by Bow and Evans has been greatly improved and will _Monday Wednesday - Friday-. VOL. XX. NO. 1: 0 OF “UNCLE” SAM For Fraudulent Use of Mails Albany, December 12. —Homer C. Stroud, a young white man, was bound over Saturday to the federal grard jury by U. S. Com missioner Cruger Westbrook in the sum of $2OO, on the charge of using the mails to defraud. Stroud was brought here by Deputy U. S. Marshal W. D. Dayis. It is alleged that in the year 1913 he ordered articles from a Chicago mail order house, using fictitious names and giving checks bearing signatures of per sons whom the postoffice in_Spec tors have been unable to locatk. The names given were of per sons supposed to reside in the vicinity of Mcßae and Helena. As these two places are in the Macon division of the United States court, the bond was made returnable to that division. Wit~ nesses in the hearing here yes terday included W. N. Norman, cashier of the citizens’ bank of Helena; J, M. Smith, assistant postmaster at Helena; A. S. J. Mcßae, postmaster at Mcßae, and J. B. League, a postcffice ‘inspector. ‘ k Mrs. Lula Bowen Shepard ar rived in‘the eity to spend the holidays at home. prove to be very entertaining. The parade will form at the A. B. & A. depot and marzh dowp Central Ave,, to the court house, out Sheridian to Pine and up Pine St. to Grant where they will stop and make announcements from this point it will go to the opera house. Starts Promptly at 11:30 o'clock,