The Leader, enterprise and press. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1915-1921, December 17, 1915, Friday Edition, Image 1

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“Friday Kdition Official Organ Ben Hiii County, o o ° Britisk Again Defeated Turks Take Fortified Positions Outside Kut el Amarah. Tren%Fj,g\pting - ! ARG In The Dardanélfes Constantinople, Dee. 16—1 It was officially announced this morning that the tortified positions of the British on the outskirts of Kut el A.asrah were taken by storm by ‘the Turkish forces Morday. The Turkish batteries also sunk:one of the Allies monitors, .. = Kut el Amorah is on the Tigris river, mMe&ommEf and is the point to which the British ‘fgll back when defeated by the Turks in front of Bagdad. Another defeat bere may mean that the British ex pedition is in a critical positi:on, or it may be only an exiggeration of an outpost engagement, ; E o : r——.'—f—_‘__h—'___——w———mv Berlin, Dec. 16—Panic prevails in Salomki and the German and' Austro-Hungarian colonies are preparing to leave the Greek port, ac-J! cording to the Overseas News Agency, which add: Violenee 1s feared from the Entente troops after the departure of the Greek detachments and also the town’s eventual siege. The people also consider the atti tade of the Serbian refugees suspicious. Freach soldiers miat.nied, re fusing to work at the trenches. : Saloniki, Dec. 16 Withdrawal of Greek troops in tke Saloniki zone is well under way today. The civil administration of Saloniki and the surrounding distriet has been taken over by the Allies, who have replaced the Greek officials with military men.. While no Bul garian troops have invaded Greece as yet, opinion is-divided asto whether they wili yet do so. A french officer said today that he be lieved the Bulgarians wou'd cross the frontier within ten days, | I LEND FARMERS MONEY 5 and 10 years Dbest terms. J. E. .TURNER, Exchange National Bank. : tf HELCU G T e AN R SRR RIF B e e T R ee N N ] " : Beginning Monday night, December 20th, the Empire Store will remain open 1 For our customers convenience ovgningéguntil 9 ;clogk—-l“ri:l'ay ovening until 10:30. - <2345, Bag 500 EVERY DAY from now till Christmas we’ll be busy as bees helping you get ready for the festival season. Every department of this old reliable " g . Empire Store is ready to help you to the utmost—Sensible, useful Gifts for every member of the family at most reasonable prices. » Christmas reductions in " Ready-to-Wear LA_DElES’dSuitz, Dressets', ?oats, Skirts---lt‘xslflffi} Gifts inaeeaq, an presen prices are remar 8 e One lot Ladies’ Suits and Dresses, $2.98 One lot Ladies’ Suits and Dresses, $4.98 One lot Ladies’ Suits for - $6.98 Above sold formerly for three and four times as much as prices quoted, : All othe: Suit-s and Dresses - 1-3 off 1-<2 off all Ladies’ and Children’s Coats : ' Novelties for every member of the 0 S 0r t e C l ren Family—2sc, 50c, 75¢, $l, $1.50 and up to $6 for nice, suit ® able presents for Men & Women, Boys & Girls—visit each Dep't. i EMPIRE MERCANTILE CO. (§ e e S nnd o bomes, BtoLl Y & bown, e ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY b £ Notion Secton_atiracive House Slippers, Bath Robes—For Men, Women and Children—ln Men’s store & Ready to Wear Dept. THE LEADER ENTERPRISE - WOOD FOR SALE—Buy your winter supply of wood by the cord. Good four foot' wood $2 per eord. Phone 143, v YRR FITZGERALD, BEN HILL COUNTY, GEORGIA, DEC. 17, 1915. War Brevities By agreement between Bulgaria and Greece a neutral zone ex tending two kilometres on each side of the Greek frontier has lbeen arranged. The zone was established at the instance of Bul garia, which an official communication from Sofia says desires to iav_oid any possibility of accidents between Bulgarian advance posts and Greek frontier guards. = Although the Bulgarians have halted to the north of the Greek ‘boundary and have made no attempt to follow the British and French forces falling back on Saloniki, there is a possivility that the operatiors agiinst the entente allies may not long be deferred. Unofficial advices say that 60,000 Germans are now at Gievegli, near the Greek border, and that others are approaching. France and Great Britian, however, continue to land additional forces of men and arms and ammunition at Saloniki and a Saloniki dispatch quetes a high officer there as saying that the entente allies will net quit Saloniki until peace is signed. : ‘ Meanwhile the Austro-Hungarians and Bulgarians continua to push further into Montenegro and ‘aleng the Albanian frontier. To the west of Ipek in Montenegro, they are declared by Vienna to have forced the Montemegrins to retreat toward Plava and Gusinje, which lie in the direction of the North Albanian frontier. The capture of heights north of Bjelopoje and of ground half way between Rajaz and Berane is also reported by Vienna. ~ Again from the Freneh front come oniy reparts of srtillery and mining 'op,erations.' On the Russian front starcely any fight ing is taking place. Bombardments, interspersed here and there with infantry attacks are in progress along the Austro-Italian linej with no appreciable changes in the positions of either side. ; The heavy artillery of the alliea troeps on the Gallipsli penin sula is bombarding across the Dardanelles the Turkish batteries in Asia. The Turks at Kut-El-Amara, in Mesopatamia, have not re sumed their attack against the British sinee their récent defeat, in which the British General Townshend estimates they lost fully 1,000 men. The American note to France concerning the removal from steamers of the-Porto Rico Line of Austrian and German subjects has been delivered to the Foreign Office. Taking -a Religious cencus. Under the supervision of Geo, W. Andrews, Field Secretary of the Baptist Sunday schools, the Christmas reductions in ) Men’s Wear MEé‘J’}S‘ ?;Jits tsn‘ngl odd ’l‘(;'osusers'-,--Our ft;‘mou's Hart All Suits and Overcoats - 107 off Boys’ Suits and Overcoats for 1-44 Off T Ghing 5 our Christ- THRICE-A-WEEK }membersof the Baptist Sunday sehool of the city took a general religious cencus by wards Thurs-‘ day afternoon. The tabulated ‘ results of the workers will short ly be published. l Austrians Make New Gains Against The Montenegrins Vienna, Dec. 15—In th: Russian and I;aliéa: theaters there is nothing to report. ‘‘Balkan theater: The Austro-German forces of G neral Koevess yesterday captured Montenegrin positions south of Vianagora. One pursuing column penetrated Para Pass and scattered an enemy battalion near Clibacs. Other troops advanced to Grab. *‘On the plateau east of Berane Mohammedans and Albanians are fighting alongside o our troops against the Monteregrins. Here 840 soldiers and 150 men hable for military servicas were taken prisone;S.” mm WIRE COMMUNICATION STOPS - London, Dec. I6—A wireless dispatch from Berlin qudi' the Pester Lloyd of Budapest as declaring that it has reliable repmfts ?ha't. the Russians are removing from the Bessarabisn frontier most ofé{;.the‘. troops stationed there. Telegraphic communication between Russia. aod Ramania has been stopped, according to advices to the newspaper.. 7 % Paris, Dec. 16—1 It is reported from Rome that King Peter, of Serbia, driven from his country by the Teutonic mvasion, will take refuge in Italy. A Rome dispatch to the Matiu tays the king has ac cepted Italy’s offer of the palace at Caserta, near Naples, which is now being prepared for his use. - . For Sale Cheap 1913 Mdoel Overland Road ster in good Condition! J. M. POWELL, Phoenix Warehouse. Phone .470. } Bnt too many people get into ap argument who have nothing to say. | Christmas reductions ™ Rugs, Trunks, Bags N oot hoinser B All Rugs 107 off 'This includes the new Seamless Axminster Art Squares, 36 and 27-inch Rugs, and those above men tioned. Trunks, Bags, 107 off B robe Tranko—Loather Catas ué Bop o ey i . Mondaw: Wednesday- Friday VOoL. XX. NO. 151 I WRITE PIRE [NSUR=- . ANCE in old, strong éompa nies, I don't risk young, cCOmpanies, J. E. TURNER, @t Exchange National Bank ig , ‘