Fitzgerald enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1895-1912, January 15, 1897, Image 8

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Notice of my Special Eleettnn NotB*o N liorcby yivou. 1ha1 on Friday hold the 8SM tiny of .Jun., HH, lloo*- will bo a fsp«'<*|;t I tdocMon of tho (pin) I find voiors of the* city of Fit/;:cnthl. Ha.. f< r tlto following purposes. t<owit: At, *a id rlirr'-wlll Iiu Huhiulttvd t«»ftafd ViitiTx. hocMous ;jr and 41 oft ho, city vlmrlrr. rHatlyt* to tin* man ner of urant hr- city frar.ohls^s for tin* pur post* of allowing Uu* said \ <»Lrrs sootSopH of t.ho shull elt.v to ad¬ d<* t( riuirK* whirli of tin ded prrmamuit ly tt> il»t» chart or. Also at sold elect ion t ht‘r** will t>« suttrnli,t**d to said vol43n» hccMoijs JJH and 40 of t he charter, rela¬ tive to the question of prohibit sale Ion or license and rotfubuion the of the city, of Inhixlcutln^ allowin'/ liquors within the voters to determine lor the purpose which of of said sections shall he ndded permanently to 1 lie charter. Also at said election there will lie submitted to the quailfiiai of authortafrijf voters as afore¬ said. the question the eftv mi pn,„ f .;rwltbin a um %.y for itnd m!iiiiicn;uii'«‘ within <if ‘•vsimii nf public schools the clt-y The |H>)|iu; unOn.v lletubuKihiiihiinii; .will 1 k> !■■.<• follows; Flmt w«rd ,,’li iimi the utan:r." iii < ieciii.ri. \v. <> 'Vii-i.n. .1 n Kmmp (iiuf i\i»l< i '>11 Grtfl'ey. Fc<«io<l tVnrA. lit Wlilt«har<i'« store mom. <(lcH,loii. mi Tliotnns ivni Sf..; nmi tin. 711 ii• i;.■ cri nf Mi'f'or tnlcU. .1. H. Ht.ulk<*i 'Iiel f»lues I'ci i v. Third Wiird. in oiiicc of w. II \f<i. ire. on M... f -„(,!in street; n i a natters. (J. A K Stevens. J. Felper and V. M. Hue, V' »urtU Wqrd, offleo of Sam¬ uel Greer, mii Lee street,. i*ian:v/es. * >. Welch, Kdwln T«>wnc* and W. V. Way All persons who registered for the. city <d<tetlon lield T>ec. 22, Jsup. will he allowed to vote wit .bout further retrmt ration. provided they have not. since become dKqttailfh'd. A I! qualified reytvti iv/L voters do who have flu* nd, Mnvor’s previously office, may s<» ;if. <Room 1 1 if/arewiId llfock) between <he hours of 7:00 o’clock in Hu* forenoon of Jan H. :ind H: 0 h o'clock in th»* afternoon of Jnn. £0, |X“7. The four M*ct b*os ■ f 1 he charter to he sub¬ mitted read :is follows towlt.: V'\t \ NTHISK. SUCTIONS. Section !i7. T)»e city council ,«h;iH.not have Die power to ^runt finv person. pew>ns. firm or corporaMou aefjtilre. any riprlit.or franchise to pur ctutse, erect . own. op crate, marui ejetd nr In any manner coot roj mpv jras or rfc 1 Ivrlit system or part, of svn<ctu. within the snfd e.if y ; any tefephone or telegraph system nr part, of svsteni. or <o lay down pipes or Ktriujj wires in or under an v s< reel-or alley of i,Id ci'.v; or to h»y down, build, purclcise, acquire hold, own nporut.o, maniiyo or aon trol ;my within street railway the limits system of or the part of system ' elt.v; or to purchase* acfjujrt*, hold. own, UHU’Htr* bianflirc or cent re 1 ftffv NVHtoo't or part, of systrm of wntorworks wiMiiti said limits nity. or to lay down nlr«(*s wit nlri Dio ili«* vity ettv stmll for have fhe carrvin/of shall valor; hijf powor. aud fitcI, rrmlntuin own. om*rat<* and control sucti trim or ulfMtirk* HffhtJJwyst«w or part of ay statu; tAdcjjViom*, lulci/raph or ‘dr* ' t railway sy^ and wat.oru’OT'k^; hut provi u*d, Imw flvnr. that th« (jimstion of yjranim^ auv'-f wild f j isDs to nnv rson. p«*rsonv. f inn or iroj p'U’HjIon qimilfiod mayJa* snhmtttad by tin* airy ooumul i n 1 ho voters of su'd city at n spt*<’lji) el'-et/on to ho culled for (hut ptn - poso, wl'lcli AhII shall !)<*• adviirDsod not loss than four weeks in all Die newspapers j?u’ w Ushi'd in tho efty. and shall contain the to.rins, ((niGirions and rostrhdions unchn* wtiiyh said fninohlso is propnsnd to t>o prant. ed by said (luneil; and if at sueli spoeia.l el (•th ii the proposition so submitti’d to allow the eouneil Tfsint. such fra,n rliiso shidl feooivo the sanction of n majority »-f all 1 J 10 vo 4 es east at snob ob‘o - 1 ion. 1 hen said ull-y emnejl may arrant such Ira noli Iso, bet only on such terms, <vm Jithuis and r stri<»ti<ins as wtue suhhiittod to Dm voters at said *dcoDon and nanctionod by them. Provided, fur theu*. tint no such franchise shall bo jtranto'd for a period to exceed twenty years: and further provided, that Dm city oounoD shall have tin* power to retmlnte and pro¬ scribe Du* char ires for-Dm use of telephones. Kas or elee*rt lights or for tlm carrying of passe of nirr water, us op within :mv street, the oitv. railway, and for tho use See 41. The oit.v con tied 1 shall have the „ power to ifrantor sell franchises for rail ways electrie liyhts, telephones, gas or water¬ works for t he space of t wenty years, reserv Ine; Do* rkrlit to Purchase the p\ant br plants lit anv .time ?»fti»r ten yours, the value of same to bo decided by a board ( >f arbitration under the arbitration laws of Georgia. SECTIONS ltKti\TIVfj To INTOXICATlNO T)i(‘ LILMTOWS. ited Sec -is city council is hereby prohib¬ from grant!nor to anv person, persons, flrmpr corporation, the rhrht to sell, barter or v*> a wav as a be venire any malt, rin <*us. spiritotis. fc*rmented or ot.fu*r Into\i(*a.t imrliuuors.wit Isflletfon; bln said c t\ orjis police i u v. and ^haU by ordliuVnee' proscribe tines a,ml ponn It ics for such se-lllnji, hart crin ' or iri vlnij a way of «ruch liquors Provided :l).owvt.^phatln/>Wmnr be construed in this section shall ,so ns to prohibit licensed drutr jxis'ts fvdfn sellinfe - such lli|\mi*R when allowed to do >»o by the general laws of this state. Sedl lon 41) The city courmll shall have the sofc pud exclusive power and authority to "regulate the sale of sjdrllous liquors, wines, whatever malt am.l int.o.\b*atln^ liquors of every kind In said city: to trrant license for t lie s*d»* of the snum, and to fix the price for said Meensc; provided tlm sa,me sin U not bo h‘ss than $f>o0 per annum. To establish roiru lations and ies1 riot ions for the sale of t»Wo , same as they mav see pvdner, and to 1mpoise pcnali ies upon persons selling same without a License. Fltztrerald. 0. U. (lOOI'N'nw Mu'-oj*. Dated nt Oeorgla this December 29t)i. 1896, G. W. Harlan was appointed street commissioner by the city council. A wedding fever has broken out, and two were taken last night and • others have been exposed and within nine days will follow suit. 1 ANDY CATHARTIC & £ i] y w i • 10 * ■S?i •W ALL 2S* 50* -72^. .vx-.'taLi.j ass* DRUGGISTS • C A SC Alt RTS last * wood. lOitt thorn Y Ilk© candy. They re move uny bad tu 'to in theuiouth. Jeftv and r Inu CATUMTID the breath mreoi perfumed. It l» a „ real plflasuin to tnko liquids m «a«uthem Inniend of mtu* oeatinn or cuuuon-bttll pills*. .....CASCARF/T6 PURELY at© nnd pur<*tv vejfotaM© contain o«> uhm curia 1 or other min¬ VEGETABLE eral pilson. They are tna lo of the hit iored remedy's dlwcov niul are a scion before ( I flQ p u m \) i n IV 11 o O never put together la nnv form. ..... Si'toiuitlsoiitia. <"kMC.4TSK.TS S That HilUOlif iST!SS8T<ff llU KOiFesivd meuni thi-> food from I MITiiTSVC JtnarlUFin Jiu-ii, prevent tUo etoiii- fer *iF«.<S«4(fC Jbmwi. I mentation in ilia nn4 !c!il dts *** »*-& i***&-iua*t**i>** ( . a , ( . ser ,„ s ,,f 'niy kind tlnu breed and feed In the tvstem. \ /, a Te-.r-j'Ml sv.mimi; LIVER J coi tbblw'lWcrTvmk. 4-isr els stretifrtben 7 It 71,1 put wovk. them tbe Ttoey bow- into Don’t judge 6ASCHRETS by ot&r medicines you have tried. They are new, unlike anything; chc that's sold, and infinitely superior. Try a >0c box to-day, Larg-er if not pleased <ret |on!y genuine, Tho your money back! boxes, 25cor 50c. i Beware of Sample and booklet mailed free- Address imita tions! STEALING REMEDY CO., CHICAGO j MONTREAL. CAN.: NSW YORK. 239 «nt> I a cuu '8 Tobacco Habit or money refunded. Makes weak men Strong. Sold and guaraatet-d by all druggists. Get booklet Gnuccll Proceedings. Jan’y. 11 97 .—All members present except Miller. Minutes of last meet¬ ing read and approved. Order of business presented by Mr. buckler, adopted. Highway committee reported sev oral very bad roads. Mayor reported the securing of a loan of 8300 for GO days at a discount of S4.7.5. that Town ball committee reported a brick building could bo put up for from 83000 to $5000 which building wi u furnish the first floor for engine room, jail, police and fire headquar The second iloor rooms tor city ' officers. of ordinances. Next v , canu. ine tho readine reauuiK Motion made and carried to read ' then, rc-rcad ... all ordinanc . ,. r .a ^s <11 -if next meeting, ,• , , then |i,„. aci ..„f noon upon them u 1)V SOc lions. No. I, passed over Jessamine No, 2, Fire limits from and Ocmulgee running north and south, Thomas to Jackson east and west, from Magnolia to Oconee on Grant two squares on each side. Approved. defined be¬ 3 Streets named and as fore, and approved. 4th Disorderly conduct defined and approved. adopted 5th Relating to flues was after striking out sections 6 and 7. tilh License, postponed to next meeting. 7th To determine number of police men, rules, regulations, came to its first reading. r i 8th To prohibit throwing dirt, pa¬ per, grass, etc. in any street alley ox highway of city. First reading. 9th To establish a board of health. First reading. \ motion was made and carried that the city attorney read and cor rect all proof of all city ordinances, Alderman Fodder moved that con¬ tract for all job printing bo given to Citizen Dr. Merrill mentioned that fairness in to all the Enterprise have a share along with tlxe others. •Proposition was read that the Citi zen publish all legal ordinances, notices, etc. for sum of SI for one year ending 1897. No action taken. Motion made arid carried that city clerk be instructed to communicate with a responsible book manufact itre r. ‘ „ r. ioo, . r. icquos . e , ,, t. „„•. „ . be taken on printing proposition. No action. Alderman Whitcbard moved , that Citizen publnh ordinances and legal to meet Thursday , p. A iiumher of Arrapahoe JJeb. .fajn lies who have homes here hold a pie nic in tho piney woods on Mr. Watts 5 acre last Saturday.' They set table in the grove, had a basket dinner out doors, after which they gathered around <a bon-fire of pine fagots and talked otrii* old times up north and report a'geinM'al good time. Think of it a picnic Jan. 9th. Not a day but new Colonist call in our office and express,their, extreirie gratification at the,Jt»'?rft arid general appearance of orir city and delightful climate. Everybody Says So. Casenrets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬ derful medical discovery of the aye, peas act and refreshing to the taste, act bowels, gently and positively oa kidneys, liver dispel, and colds, cleansing tho entire system* constipation cure headache, fever, habitual and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of O. O. U. tn-dav; 10, :IT>, M) cents, bold imd 1 guaranteed lo cure by all druggists. .....CA»rAKET« Increuso t!i«* How of milkin crs. A. initial oaten BOBH FOR by thv iv.othHrmakCH SSBT 81 ERS her mlllc nnd mildly bus L'ur*!- id utivtt ;i mi but cert itl u effect on tbe baby, the only u safe laxative for the babedn-arms. .... OASCAKm are liked by ibwcbti* dren. They taste PLEASE pj3od \?Hu1*coHC ami ao pood, and stop S3,“.«rS;l!S!;S|T8E .. SMILDKSS# all blndo of pnrn slte« iliat live in tb© bowels of tbs crow lug child. ...CA8CAURTS, * tnk«ti imtlonUy, per- CURE i*i9icntiy.«reguar»n tix>(U<i t-ure fttiy cuso ot ccnstlpatliin, hoir old and no GUARANTEED matter oiiMtrmte, or will pur chaM! money bo .•heerltilly reiumlm) (Mta b>- four "*u drhugist, «... casca s 8<*e » box. mm l “ A AT."dmit rill brova tbetr FGH Id CENTS! iVood uu on to per- 9 w. c. t. o I wv FOR GOD, HOME, AND HUMANITY. Auction Sale itl! On Friday Jan’y. 22, in the city of Fitzgerald, Irwin County, Georgia there will be sold the to highest bidder the following to wit : The sons of mothers, husbands of wives, brothers of sisters and some of the fair sex. The sale will take place at office of Wm. B. Moore, Colony Head-qnar ters, O/Tice of Mr. Greer and the store of merchant Whitcbard. The sale will begin at 9 a. m. the morning of the 22nd and continue till 6 p. m. Auction ere: the registered voters of the city of Fitzgerald situated in the Soldier’s Colony. The property to be sold is described as follows: devoted husbands who love wife and baby more than all else, but a demon lies sleeping within them they know' not of, that this sale will arouse. Affectionate fathers, but their children’s lives will not be safe. Obedient, loving sons who will become so lost to all that -is good, through this sale that they would barter their mother’s soul to ap¬ pease their appetite. All the nobil¬ ity, and granduer ofSyoung manhood is thrown in with the sale. The gen¬ ial kindly, social nature will be more quickly affected by the sale. The baby at the breast, even the unborn child is included in the contract which places a mortgage on every cradle. Home, happiness, peace, contentment, thrift, progress, con¬ science and .all that life holds dear all thrown in for good measure. The mortgage accompanying this sale goe8 into tbe Lome an(J blanches t!ie cheeks of the wife, robs the daughter of her virtue, and cheats childhood out of its rightful inherit¬ ance. The more brainy^ a man, the firmer the makeup, the more highly strung his organization the more binding the sale. The privilege of purchase is confined to a few, a lim ited few ’ a sort of tru8 t monopoly. Thc purchaser is to give in return value received, blood, murder, ruin, desolation, degradation, misery Woe, death and a lot in the potter,s tteld - ‘ The Parties to be sold areiny neigh bors and fiends, business men and the best of the land. The city will go into sack-cloth and ashes, mourning for her lost citizens, ; neverthele8S 8ale mU3t g0 on Io we need money ? to run our city. The flat ha8 ovil r^ there is no redemption> t the re white y" serve a? the bank check before the auctioneer’s hammer falls for the last time. Taken Up. Some six weeks a'go there came to my place, one brown ox with white head and feet, neaj: 7 years of age, medium size, marked with swallow fork and under bit in the 'right, split over and under-bit in the left. Any¬ one proving property and paying ex¬ penses can have the same, Mary E Minshew, Ashley Ga. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. T. . A. Slocum, M. C., the (treat Chemist and Scientist, Will Send Free, to the Afflicted, Three Three Bottles of His Newly Dis^ eovered Remedies to Cure Con¬ sumption and all Lung Troubles. Nothing could be fairer, more phi¬ lanthropic afficted, or carry more joy to the than the offer of T. A. Slocum, M. C-. of New York City. Confident that he has discovered a reliable cure for consumption and all bronchial, throat and lung diseas¬ es general decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all conditions of wasting, and to make its geat merits known, he will send, free, three botues to any reader of the Enterprise who may be suffering. Already this ’’new scientific course of medicine” of has permanently cured thousands apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor oosiders it his religions duty—a duty which his he infallible owes to hu¬ manity—to donate cure. He has proved the dreaded con¬ sumption to be a curable disease be¬ yond any doubt, and has o n file in Jus American and European labora¬ tories testimonials of experience from those benfited and cured, in all parts of the world. Don’t delay uninterrupted, until itistoo late. Con¬ speedy sumption, and certain death. Address means T. A. Slocum, M. C., 98 Pine street, New York, and when writing the Doctor, give express and postoftice address, and please mention reading his article in the Enterprise. Bring votir JOB WORK H to the Enterprise office. Call and get prices. GEORGIA & ALABAMA RY. “SAVANNAH SHORT LINE.” PASSENGER SCHEDULE, EFFCETIVE DEC, 20TH 1896. DAILY DAILY NO, 19. No. 17. N 0 .J 8 . N'i.20. ___ 7 25 pm 7 25 am “ lv “ Savannah ab “ 940 pm|8 “ 1 88 10 “ M 8 00 " 8 05 Meldrlm 9 02 “ “ 910“ 920 “ “ Claxton “ 8 00 6:0 936 “ 9 49 “ “ Collins 7 31 “ 6 02 " 10 53 “ 1017 “ “ Lyons “ 7 0.53“ ,4 32 “ 1130 1147 “ “ Helena 5 35 “ 4 00 “ am “ “ 1220 “ 1841 ml “ Abbeville 4 40 2 58 ____ 8 15 AM 1 to pm ' lv Abbeville ax 1225 pm 830 PM “ 950 " 538 “ iau Lulavllle lv 1137 am 6 55 10 15 “ 550 “ 1 “ Fitzgerald “ 11188 " 6 30 “ 12 44 am 1257 pm lv Kramer ab 4 24 PM 2 43 AM “ 12 55 “ 108“ “Rochelle “ 413 " 2 32 1 05 “ 119 “ “ PittB 4 03 “ 2 22 “ 140 “ 150 “ AttCordele lv 145 215“ LvCordele ab 328 “ 145 “ 2 19 „ ‘‘ 2 52 “ De.Soto 2 52 “ 103 “ ah lv 230 “ 3 25 “ “ Amerieus " 220 “ 12 35 “ 2 55 “ 330 " lv Amerieus ab 215 “ 1230“ 335 “ 4 15., "Preston “ 131 “ 1153 PM 350 “ 432 Richland LV 115 “ 1138 “ , . ab No 19 I No 17 ____I____ INo 18 No 19 _& 20 | & 1 8 & 20 4 00 a m 4 40 pm lv Richland 100 pm ! 1125 pm “ 6 00 “ 610 ahC o 1 umduSLvill25 aM l 930 No 17 No 18 4 25 pm a r Richland 215 " Albany lv 4 8 45 00 pm “ lv Albany Richland a lvI b| 1215 900am pm ar 3 50am 11 38 pm 14 “ 53 “ Lumpkin 1119 ‘ 4 4 i 4 37 “ 518 “ “ Louvald Jc‘ 1056 ‘ 4 57 “ 542 “ “ Omaha ,m 10 34 8 15 “ 03 “ “ Pittsboro 1016 ‘ 6 u ‘ 547 “ 637 “ Hurtsboro" l( 948 ‘ 7 40 “ 8 40 “ ApMontg'’a y lv 750 __ _____ No 17 *18 day express trains, carrying- Pull¬ man Buffet Parlor cars. No 19 & 20 fast night lines, carrying Pullman Palace Sleeping cars. CONNEC f IONS At Savannah, with Steamship Lines for Baltimore, Philadeipi la, New York ami Bos¬ ton; with Plant System for points North and Florida points; with F. C. & P. for points North and lor Florida points and with Atlan¬ tic Coast Line for points North; with S. & A. R.v. for Tybee. Central of Georgia Ry. At Meldrlm with Col¬ At Collins with Stillmore Air Line aud lins ■& Beidsville R. R. for points At Helena, with Southern Ry. all thereon, Southern Flori¬ At Cordele, with Georgia, & Florida da, tor Macon and beyond, and for points, also with Albany & Northern Ry. At Richland, with Columbus and Albany Di¬ visions. At Columbus, with Southern Ry. and Cen¬ tral of Georgia Rr. of Ga. Railroad. At Dawson with Central At Albany, with Central of Ga., Plant System and Albany & Northern Rys. At Montgomery with L. N. K.R. for ail points West, Northwest and Southwest, and with Western Ry. of Alabama lor all points reach¬ ed thereby. CECIL QABBETT, A. POPE, 1st. vice pres, & Gen. Mgr. Gen. pass. Agt. TIFTON & NORTHEASTERN RY. “SOLDIERS COLONY” .• ROUTE. LOCAL TIME TABLE NO. 4. H. H. TIFT, Pres. l v General TIFTON, Offices GA. [MW , ' 0., V.-Pros. TIFT, , No 73No 5'No .-——~~——- 31N0 1 Eflective No 2 No 4INO 61m) 8 -——.;~~«— D mla mp Dec. 30. -——~— -—— m’a -——:-—~—- 30‘ ma m—-————————-a mp Imp m 4 00 12I 7 4 00 7 302W Tifton a 12 00 7 15‘10 25$ ’7 05 g 4‘20“? 7 42 50‘ 4 13 7 45“ Brighton Harding 11 45 7 00.10 l3i 6 53 4 22 7 55f 11 36 6 51£10 945! 05 6 45 440‘s 445 815 lo 448 442 8 831 15f Mystic Pinetta 11 11 16? 10 631 6‘25 940 625 620 456 826 500 843fFletcher 00‘ 1059 613 929 609 5 10 8 40 ‘ 5 15 9 Fitzg’rald 10 45 6 00 9 ~15 5 55 WWW M '1V1 l ' Trains 1, 2, 3 and 4 run daily, except Sunday. ' Trains 5. B, 7 and 3 run on Sundays onlyfl ,. [f] Flag station. Trains stop only on-gignal, The trains make connection with the Plant "System Tifton and Georgia Georgia: Southern and Florida a: and and Alabama at Fitzgeram. F. C. BOATRIGHT, Tratflc Manager. LEWIS WEARY, BUILDER & CONTRACTOR. entral Are. & Merrimac Drive. FITZGERALD, GEORGIA. SAM’L. 0. SMITH, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. *■} > ■f OFFICE ON GRANT SXA NEAR PINE. PARKHURST & LAGAN, Are not the only painters but they are RELIABLE and their work shows for itself. Give them a trial. Oconee Ave.. between Thomas an'd Sheridan. RICHARDS & WISER, MANUFCTURERS OF BRICK, LULAVILLE, GEORGIA. • We are colony members. Our brick yard will is on land obtained from the colony, We deliver good brick to yon at bottom prices as soon as we get your order. It you have not time to come out and see us, call on J. S. Shuck, Mansion House, Grant St. and Alta¬ maha, who will send us the order at once. ROUSH & CRIMBLE Job Tinners. Manufacturing everything in their line Sell the best pump in the market GRANT between CENTRAL & PINE M.'H. GROVER, DEALER IN Harness, Saddles, Whips, Lap Robes, Etc. Oconee, Btw Sherman & Sheridan. Fitzgerald, Georgia. E. W. F.YMAN. L. KENNEDY. HYMAN & KENNEDY, ATTORNEYS, FITZGERALD, GEORGIA Offices in "Fitzgerald Block.” FRED A. KARNISH Boot olid Siioe Maker. Repairing done in best of order. Grant Street near the Post Office. uniu Clothing - House, East Pine Street. WHEN ? “When words are deeds”,—“when fiction is facts”, “When silver is gold,—when credit is cash. Some folks may sell as we do now. Boys’ Suits and Children’s Suits at Cost. BARGAINS IN TRUNKS. Ladies’Trunks $2.50 to $8.00. Men’s Ttunks $1.75 to $8.00. Boys’ Knee Pants 25c. to $1,00. Men’s , Work w „ Pants, Goc. to $2. Boys’ Overalls, best bine den- Men’s Hats, 50c. to $51.00. em, 50c. Men’s Dress Neglige Shirts, 35c. Men’s Suspenders 10c. to 75c. to 7'c. New Goods are arriving daily. W. J, FERGUSON & GO., FITZGERALD, 6A. & MICHIGAN FAIR STORE, & o la the place to buy Groceries, Provisions and o: your o Tinware. Teas a Specialty. Fine Garden Seeds. % M. H. PLOPPER, Prop. 9 Near Cor. Sherman and Altamaha. $ mBmmmsmemmmmBmm School Books School Supplies, Stationery, etc. At GELDER’S News Depot In Glarks’s Furniture Store. Abbeville Bottling Works C. L. BAILEY & CO , Props. Manufacturers -OF Highest Grade Soda Water, Ginger Ale, Cider. Call on us near G & A depot Abbe¬ ville, Ga, or our Agents, Messrs. Shumway & Co,, Fitzgerald, Ga. MOTTO: “Honest Dealing, 1st Class Seeds” COLONY mm ST0EE IS 1 Patent Medicines, Pure Drugs and Chemicals. HEAD¬ Paints, Oils, Varnish and Brushes, Stationery, Per¬ QUARTERS fumery, Toilet Articles Etc Prescriptions always re¬ FOR ceive our Careful attention. COR. GRANT & PINE, J. H. GOODMAN & CO, Fitzgerald, Ga DR. C. A. HOLTZENDORF, DENTIST. Office on Pine Street, Opposite Commercial Hotel. Fitzgerald Georgia. , .-Xirr JACOB BURSICK & CO., CONTRACTORS IN Brick - and - Stone. Cut stone and cement work. Leave orders at Enterprise offlee Call at the FITZGERALD MUSIC STORE, for the Bruno-strung instruments. Also agent for the Carpenter Organs. MAGNOLIA AVE NEAR GRANT. F. C. & P. From Columbia, S. C. via Savannah, Ga., Jack¬ sonville, Florida, —TO— Tampa, Florida. Solid Vestibule Trains. Jacksonville, Fla, -TO— Jersey City, Helena, Georgia -TO Cincinnati, Ohio, Without ch - N. A S. O.MacDoxweu., Pexxixoto.v, T. G. M. P. A. } Jacksonville. Fla W. H. Ritchey & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF fine: cigars, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Tobacco. Central ot Georgia Railway M: Ask for your railroad tick , this line to the West and No- * " and to Philadelphia, Wife* Baltimore and New York to New York, Philadelphia" tMfeBos ton via. Savannah and elegant storm- In¬ ers of Ocean S. S. Co. and New land and Savannah S. S. Co. VM system also touches Atlanta, Sarao nah, Maqon, Columbus, Albany and Augusta, Birmingham, Ga., and Montgomery and Ala. For rates, routes and all information write to or call on W. P. Dawson, T. P. A., Macon, Ga. iiHil llpilps®* J %r * • The Pullman Car Line ■ <•. ■ BETWEEN LOUISVILLE, Ginoinanti or lodianopolis AND CHICAGO, Northwest. ZTolW:'^ Special attention given to Im¬ migration Business. W. H. McDOEL, Vice Pres. & Gen. M. r. FRANK J. reed; G. P. Agi*Ii For further Information address, R. W. GLADING, Gen.l Agent, ThomasvilU. BELIEF FOR THE SICK Spread the Good Nevr. Doctor W. W. Breese, physi'i: and surgeon, formerly of Maeo Georgia, is now in Fitzgerald ready to treat all forms of A<ju and Chronic Diseases. Office in \ L. Norris’ Real Estate Office, opp site the postoffice, where he can found from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. daily, He has had great experience l the treatment of Catarrh, Rbend tism, Gout, Neuralgia, Billious Coli Enlarged and Stiffened Joints, diseases, Stomach, Liver, Blood ail Bowel diseases. Also Kidney m p! ~Onna, troubles, Heart Malarial disease, disease] (hi* mij a lots, Chlorosis, F I Hysteria, etc., etc. foeme| teaTChronic Diseases in all