Fitzgerald enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1895-1912, February 04, 1898, Image 8

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EVENTS OF THE EEK. NEWS IN AND AROUND TOWN. Wbnt People Have Keen Doing the Past Week. Things That Attracted Attention. We want 2 foot wood on subscription, right away. 25 per cent Discount on all Jewelery at Baldwin’s The morning service of the M. E. Church will hereafter begin at 10:30 a. nl. See Stringer on Main street and Jassumiue for Fine Crackers. Who wit) bring us some ‘‘Pine knots" on subscription, right away—quick. Just recievod a splendid reflector Lamp,—cheap. Harley Hardware Co. S. Greer and others are arranging to build a brick block on coiner of Pine and Main. M. 1.. Johnson, the well known pho tographer, was taking some fine snap shots, around the city, last week. Preaching at Wolf-Pit 10:30 a. m. by the pastor. Rev. O. O. Johnson Sunday School 9.30 a. in Buy your Mocha and Java Coffee of W. Stringer on Main street and Jassamine. Major Powers is now domiciled in rooms in the Atherton building on Mail holia, and is getting along finely. Harley Hardware Co. have the best Washing machine on earth, —prices cheap.) Christian Science services are held every Sunday on Pine and Lee. at 10:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. cordial welcome to ail. E. F. Joyce, the well-borer, came in Thursday, from Jackson vjHe, and will now push the work on the new well. 2 packages of Arbuckles Coffee for 25 cents at Stringers on Main street and Jassamine. New Field U It Churph Class Meeting 6:80 a m.; H. School 10:30 a m.; Preaching 8 p. m. by Rev. O. O Johnson. Pastor. Mrs. S. B. Chapman, propietress of the Palace Hotel, knows how to do business as her twenty new guests in two davs, confirms. You can positively get the best values for your money from Harley Hardware Co. For Saw?'—O ne Surry, shafts and pole, also one set of double har¬ ness for 875.00i Apply at this office. A colored girl, in Arbor Place, of 10 years, had the misfortune to have her dress catch fire, last week, which burned her badly, Ladies, Harley Hardware Co. carry the nicest line of Crockery, Tinware and Cooking utensils to be found in town. Services at U R Church: Sunday School 9:30 Preaching a ill.; a lively Class Meeting 10:30 Johnson, n, ill ; by the pastor, Rer O O. at 7 p. m Bead the new “Ad” of the Parlor Grocery and call and get their prices. You will find them accomodating gentlemen. Headache, vision blurred, can’t read by lamp light can be cured with glasses by Baldwin, the optician. Guaranteed. 8t. Paul’, Lutheran Church, Rev II F. Long, pastor. Services in the Presbyterian church on South Grant Sunday street every Lord's Day at 11:00 a. m , School at 2:30 p m. The public is cordially invited to attend. Rev. Bliteb gave a fine temperance lecture Sunday eve at the M. E. Church South under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. Before removing up town we are Belling at reduced prices, any goods in stock—cash. > S. M. Whitchard & Bro. Episcopal Church —Rev. J. W. Turner, Pastor. Morning Servloe 10:45 a. ni Evening Service 7 p. in On account of the absence of the pastor nu that day there Is no service on the seeond Sunday In each month Sunday School at 9:15 a in Organist, Mrs. E. V, Graves. Everybody made welcome Hal Johnson has purchased the old Becker building on Lee, of VVhitly Grocery Co., and it preparing to add to and im¬ prove the appearance of it, making it Jiome-like, as well as larger. The large safe in the Mayor’s office was levied upon by Constable Brown last eve. Judge Cheeney says it’s an old “sore” with the city marshall of Eastman that caused the attach¬ ment; The gentle zephyrs from a nor¬ thern blizzard made it rather un¬ comfortable for the atjdience attend¬ ing the “Benefit” given by G. A. R. Post No, 14 Tuesday eve. as there was no arrangements for fire in the Opera House. You missed something good if you did not get a sample of Dr. Tiche nor’s Antiseptic. It is the biggest thing out for cuts, burns and other injuries. Write to Sherrouse Medi¬ cine Co., New Orleans, La., or Mem¬ phis, Tenn., for sample. Comrade Atherton is laid up, for a few days, with his old trouble, rheumatism in his foot, but is better at this writing. That foot has traveled over acres of ground in this Colony, on errands of mercy, and now deserves good care. No use losing sleep and walking th floor with Baby at night because it has colic. A dose of Dr. lichenor s Antiseptic (diluted and sweetened) will relieve it in a few minuts. Very pleasant taste and odor, free front opiates and perfectly harmless. Ask }V. J. Jusey for it. v :; >. $octo arc Stubborn !<©« atv j - Vc ' , - !o ' JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! We will close out our stock of WinterCloth ing and Gents /Furnishing Goods at cost, to make room for our Spring Stock. WE WILL SELL: 88.50 Trunk for ......88.00 83.00 Pair of Pants $2.50 7.00 l ( t t 5.50 2.50 “ “ “ 1.75 6.50 << 5.00 1.50 “ “ < ( 1.15 ... 6.00 tt u .. 4.50 Good Black Work Shirts at .20 5.00 ti 11 3.75 “ Jean Pair of Pants at .40 4.00 ( < U .... 3.00 “ Suits at Cost. 4.00 Pair of Pants ... 2.75 “ Dress Shirts. Caps and. JFTats, Valises and I Travelling Bags 75 and 90 Cents on the Dollar. This Sale will last until all goods are sold. Call and see our prices. East Pine Avenue. □ HID CLOTHING HOUSE, SL/“S TALKS and opens the door to good Bargains to be found at ^ pjhRLOR Gf?(w % ■ \ — y Phillip’s Block (Brant. 9 on To The People of Fitzgerald and Vicinity. Walk into our PARLOR GROCERY, says Crawford & Mc White, and you will find the best Groceries in reach or in sight. Our Motto is “TO PLEASE”, and we assert without fear, that if you will leave your orders with us, they will be ACCURATELY FILLED; and you will SAVE MONEY also by walking from other stores to ours before you buy your Family Groceries. Don’t be¬ lieve it? Come and see for yourself. BfciT LOW PRICES AND CASH SALES. CRAWFORD & McWHITE. Call at Stringers on Main street and Jassamine for big solid cabbage. The Savannah Shoe Store is nicelv lo¬ cated in their new quarters in the Phillips Block on Grant St., and have new goods arriving, right along. Ladies, do you want a good pair of sissors? Como to Harley Hardware Co. Sheriff Handley has discharged all of his Deputies, but reinstated one or two of the old men. Chief of Police Jones has been appointed a Deputy Sheriff. The Y. P. C.U., of the U. B. Church, wishes to make it known that any mem¬ ber of any church of any denomination, may become active members of their l u ion. Pride must always have a fall, and “Mother Enterprise” went down;—flat on the new concrete side-walk. Cause,— ‘ pieee of iron left lying across it, on that windy day. Mr. Twist, whose wife is keeping house for Mrs. Tebeau, was carried to Mrs. Tt beau’s home, Wednesday, for a visit, un¬ til the cool weather is over. Mr. Twist is a great sufferer. Two arrests were made this last week. Both were strangers and failed to secure rooms at Hotels, but prefered to sleep on the streets. It cost one $9.25, and the other $8.50, for the privilege. For Sale:— One bay horse, seven year old, weighs 1000 lbs. and is per¬ fectly sound,—Harness and Hack, all for 8150. Address, C. M. Mumford, citv. Don’t cut yoitr finger just to try Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic, but when you get hurt it is the very thing you want, and don’t you forget it. Only 50c. a bottle. For sale by,W. J. JOBEY. J. W.JConnely, from Indiana, is trying a Georgia winter. He served in the Rcg’t of Keith of Columbus, whom we knew from a little boy, and the Hoosier btate never had a braver man. Nathan Porter and Kid Morrison, two colored youths, were bound over the Su pe’ior Court, in sum of $500. Charged with robbing an old Mullato by the name of Dixon, last Saturday night. The U. II. Church, of New-field, will dedicate their new church building, next Sunday, at 10:30. The Presiding Elder H. E. Temple is expected from Chatanoo ga. to assist in the dedicatory services. Everybody invited. The Pastor, Rev. O. O. Johnson, is carrying on interesting re¬ vival services in their church, on Oconee. Services held at the Salvation Army | da u i corner Central Ave. and Grant St Every night at 8 p. m. Street meeting , :w *’• 9 n Sunday—11 A. M. holi¬ ness. 3 P. M. praise meeting. 8 P. M. salvation meeting. Everybody welcome. Leaders ( Catt. Goi.niE, ( Lieut. Hall. Harley Hardware Co. other fellow follows. For Stoves come eee us. The Fitzgerald Brick and Tile Yard has opened their first Kiln of brick and are well satisfied with the result, and With their large steam press expect to be able, soon, to supply all demands for Brick and Tile. At a meeting of the Irwin Co. Sunday School Association, last Saturday, a unan imous and cordial vote of thanks was ten¬ dered to Mr.Gelde rs for the donation of a beautiful and convenient record book for the use of the Societ". Wm. Miller, this Divine Healer, who was at Atlanta, some time ago, is now stopping at the Windsor Hotel. His first case is I. M. Mallory, the Imigrant agent, and believes he can make a cure in his case. lie invites the afflicted to call upon him. airs. C. M. Haines has removed her Dress-making rooms to her home on Cy presSi b<tweea Johnson and j acks on, where she will be glad to see herold cus tomers. She also does Tailoring, and repairing men’s clothes The Lutherans have the brick piers and foundation plates laid for their new church o.i cor. Grant and Jessamine. The bu’t tng will be pushed as rapidly as finances will justify. The intention, at present, is to only put up a room 24x36, enlarging as circumstances demand. Mr. Majors writes from Morrison, Ills., to his wife at this place, under date oi J in. 30th, that the snoW lies from 1 to 10 'ecr, They had to shovel a path tc ihe ::t.k, for the cattle, and the cut was so p it hid from view, the family horse, tllat stands ovtr 1G eands high> W. Brown, a brother-in-law of A. W. ! ' aLoe ) is lleie f° r a fe ' v weeks, looking tter the improvements of his “10s", northwest. Mr. Brown is a large con¬ tractor of Chicago, building the Concrete sidewalk, of Chicago, and the Grand Pa¬ cific Hotel. He is the owner of 90 acres of Colony land. L. F. Johnson, Commander of Post 14, postively denies the rumor that he has objections to G. A. R. news or any other news being publisned in the Enterprise, or any of the other papers, and further¬ more that he is a friend of anyone who is making an effort to build up-ihis Colony. We cheerfully give space to this avowal. The transfer of the Lyle Ice Company turned the business over to the Fitzgerald Ice Oo„ on Jan. 20th. Mri Lyle goes out, transl'ering his interests to E. W. Coding ton who is the owner of several factories in Florida; Vice President of the National Bank of Bartow, Fla., also of the Florida Brewing Co. Mr. Stansbrough will con¬ tinue as manager of the Company, The indebtedness, of the Lyle Ice Co,, wiil be settled as soon as Mr. Lyle returns, which will be some time this month, HOW IS THIS? WATTS HOLMES HARDWARE CD’S Complete and entire stock of Hardware Is being offered at prices within the reach of every one. Stoves and Ranges. From smallest to largest Heaters of various kinds and prices. Table CutSery. A fine line of Table Cutlery in steel and silver. Bicycles and Harness. We have a few Bicycles at the bottom price. Come and sec them. Look out for our drivers in Harness. Light driving, wtirk and farming harness at selling prices. Buggies, Wagons and Farming implements. They are going out—our Wagons, Buggies and Stirries. Farmers, attention to our complete line of Farming Implements! Oliver Chill Plows, one and two horse. Boy Dixie and Boy Carbon, Georgia Batcbet stocks and shaped of ail kinds. Cultivators and Harrows, and a full line of Gardeti Tools. hi na- ware and r ockery. Ladies come and see the complete line of decorated China-wijre and bottom Crockery. A few choice china tea and chocolate seta^at prices. Will soon be gone. Our itlifnense stock enables us to make close prices, and when you want anything in the hardware line come right into Watt & Holmes’ and have your orders filled. WATT & HOLMES HARDWARE CO. Boyd’s old stand on Grant St. and Central Ave. A HASRVEi^T For Bargain Seekers. I have on hand a large amount of !x4 FENCING, which I Sell Cheap. Furnish also anything up to 40 FEET LENGTH. Manu¬ facture all kinds of Rourglr and Dressed Lumber, at my Mill.—Prepared to deliver anywhere In the city. A. J. SWORDS, iST MILL:— 2 *4 miles north-west of fitzgerald. N. B.— Leave Orders with C. A. DeLAJYG, City. SRI DR. DENISTON & CO., The Always Reliable, Sell PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, and DRUGGIST’S SUNDRIES. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. ■gJ 3 *”— FIRST DOOR EAST OF POST OFFICE IN FITZGERALD BLOCK. Don’t Go to a PoUiceman, But Tell your Troubles to us! When in need of t t t i Groceries, Canned Goods and Produce Call on us. t t t t t ROUSSEAU & CO., Phillips Block, First door north on Grant Street. At HALS EY’S , For the Next Week, (^losing (F)ut 21 lottery ^)oo55 AT COST to make room for new goods. Still a few Suits of Si Si Si £3 BOYS' and YOUTHS' CLOTHING g (kill S 9 8 of the McCollum stock left at: Boys’ Suits....................................... S1.00 to 82.00. Youths’ (14 to 18 years) Suits 82.00 to 810.00. 6 . A. R. HATS (complete)......50c. G. A. R. BUTTONS (per tJoz.).. 25c. DRESS Nl AILING A. Specialty. Labor Exchange Checks Taken. Lath and Pickets VP --Manufactured by J. □* FIE5EL a Meal and Feed Ground; Saw Gumming a Specialty:, Cornei' Suwanee mid Logan Streets. FINE FRUIT TREES Of every kind for sale at the Fitzgerald Nursery by E- M. WINSLOW. AH stock guaranteed Patronize Home Industry. E. M. WINSLOW. South Main Street, •,' • • i Notice. Notice is hereby given that, I, Drew Yf. Paulk, duly elected Justice of the Peace, in and for the fifteen hundred and thirty seventh (1537) Georgia Militia District of of Irwin County, by the power invested in me as Justice of the Peace in and for said District, State and County, aforesaid, established a Justice Court House and set a date for the purpose of holding regular monthly terms of Justice Court as the law directs in aforesaid District, State and County aforesaid, as follows’.-Said reg¬ ular monthly term of Justice Court to be held on the first Wednesday in each cal¬ ender month of the year, the first term to be heldjon the first Wednesday in April, and so on hereafter the first Wednesday of each calendar month during the year, in a two (2) story frame building (known as the Paulk building) up stairs front room facing Grant Street on the east tufd situated on lot No. twenty-two (22) in square No. five (5) in block No. eleven (11) in the city of Fitzgerald, Georgia and District and County aforesaid. Given under my ofTcial hand andjsignature this 26th dayjof January 1898. Drew W. Paulk, justice of the Peace, 1537th Ga, M. Dist., 2-4-2m Irwin County. To Trade For wood, a good Autoharp. Call at, this office. Judge Fleming’s Court. Last week, the city brought suit against R. T, Hewitt, charging him with selling liquor without a license, the last X l of the year 1897. Hewitt claimed that he had the consent of the Mayor, who grant¬ ed it because Hewitt was short of funds and was expecting to leave the city, soon, and would then pay the fractional part he might owe. His Att’y (Way) took the ground that the city officers had no right to prosecute a party whom they, them¬ selves, had aided in violating the law, and that his client had gone on doing bus¬ iness. openly, after the conference witty the Mayor, and that the charge should have been brought while the violation; was being committed—the conversation 1 with the Mayor having taken place iiv November. Ryman, for the city, insisted 1 that Hewitt knew the law and had violat-* ea it, and, more than that, he showed poor policy to come in and throw blame on the' man who had befriended him. Judge Fleming fined him $o2.50 and costs. Later, we learn that Hewitt appealed his case on the ground that $50 was the amount of license he should have paid,, and that he(Hewitt) was made to pay $200 for license, while Sivift got his license for $133.33. Sour Krout. The “IXL” has a fresh supply of H. J. Heinz’s sour krout—10 ot3. per quart. 22 Business Men Meet to Organize a Bank. A number of business men met last week to talk up tbe organization of another bank in this city. Lee Jones was made chairman who sta¬ ted that he did not ask our folks for* capital but said “we want your bus¬ iness loans, discount and banking business. Want your business men as the advisory board;—want your influence and good wo.d.”— “The bank of the Naval Store supplies which 1 represent has a backing of over half a million.” It was voted to call new business venture the Irwin County Bank and a member of bus¬ iness men subscribed for stock. They talked of the Renard building for their location. Board of Education Has fixed the tuition fee for students outside of city limits, (to take effect Feb. 15th,) payable monthly in ad¬ vance, as follows:— 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade... 80.75. 5th to 6th grade...... 1 00 . .... . 7th and 8th grade...................... 1.25. High School 1.50. Mrs. Ellis who has been teaching in the 7th and 8th grades of the 3rd ward school tendered her resignation to take effect Friday eve. of this week. Sour Krout. H; J. Heinz’s famous Sour Krout is kept at tbe “IXL” grocery—price 10 cts. per quart. 2x Election Notice. Georgia,- Notice -Irwin County. is hereby given that on Tuesday the Sth day of March, 1898, at the hereinafter designated polling places, there will be held an election of the qualified voters of the Citv of Fitzgerald, Georgia, to enable the said voters to vote upon the question of authoriz¬ ing the city council of said city to issue the bonds of the city in the sum of ($33 000 00) Thirty-three Thousand Dollars, the bonds if issued, to be sold and proceeds used in the digging of artesian wells and putting in a system of water works and a lighting plant all to be owned and controlled bv the citv’ The said bonds shall be issued in (ienomina tions of 81 , 000 , each and the principal of each of said bonds shall be due and payable SO years from date of bonds; interest on bonds to be six Per cent per annum, payable semi¬ annually. The lull amount of said bonds principal and interest, to be fully paid within 30 years from date of bonds. ’ The polling places for said election Headquarters* are as follows: First ward, Colony building; Second ward, Witchard’e store room at corner of Oconee and Thoma<< streets; Third ward, City Hall; Fourth ward McCormick’S building on Pine street be^ tween Mam and Lee streets Polls open at Nine O’clock a. m and close at Four O’clock This January 27,1898 28-l-St G C Goodnow, Mayor. lost » A bunch of keys containing the keys to Jail-door and Cell and hand-cuffs. Please return to this office. • ii; u