Fitzgerald enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1895-1912, February 08, 1906, Image 1

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FITZG ITZGERA ExISH Volume X 1 - The Fitzgerald Shoppers will please bear - in mind that we keep the finest quality of all kinds of Fruits———=—o» ' Oranges, Pineapples, -~ Apples, Bananas, | Grapes, Nuts. Candy Made Daily at 10c Per Pound. Gold Fish, Canaty Birds and Parrots for X-mas Presents. Tobacco and Cigars. Fitzgerald Fruit House BOWEN BLOCK. ~ GRANITOID,- . The Only Fire Proof” Building Material. Préttier Than Pressed Brick. : Cheaper Than Rough Brick. Granitoid Sidewalk and Duur-steps. HAYES, : The Granitoid Man, . Corner Pine an¥ Lee Streets. FITZGERALD. GA. New Boarding House GOR. GRANT AND MAGNOLIA, REGULAR DINNER 25 CTS. Will take boarders by the month very reasonable. Nice clean.bed and room and the best board in town for the money. ' ' ‘Mrs. C. L. Tucker, P. S.—Out of town people will find what they want here for dinner. _ | Ai e SRR VR e ] 4 ' &k e @ v White Goods, Dress Goods and Embroidery Sale —_——NOW GOING ON AT BROWN BROS—Mm—m———— Come before the best selections are all picked over. Having bought heavier than ever before, and having the cash to pay down enables us to give you all some of the Best Values ever seen in Fitzgerald. We treat one and all alike, and give everyone the ad-- vantage of our close Cash Buying. Rifbbonds! We have them for everyone. Thanking you all for past patronage and soliciting " a eontinuance of the same, we are your friends | . | ' g ; \ BROWN BROS. . TERICE-A-WEERIES FITZGERALD, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1906, SMITH LEADS; ESTILL SECOND Clark-Howell is a Close Third in the Race for Governor in this County. From the Moultrie Observer. Hoke 5mith......... 67 J. H. E5ti11y......... 28} Clark H0we11........ 21 Dick Russell ........ 3 G. A. Nuna11y....... 1 . JimSmih.......vio.o 8 The Observer obtained the above result in taking a straw vote on the candidates for gov ernor. - A ballot ‘box was pre- pared-yesterday afternoon;sealed [and arropening made in the top. iEvery citizen met, or found in his place of business was given an ofiportunity to write his bal lot secretly and deposit in the i box., :I‘he ballot box was taken in the court house this morning ‘while the democrat mass meeting was in session and every one present was given the chance of voting. Absolute . impartiality ‘was observed and we believe the vote to be a pretty safedAndication of the strength of the candi dates, ‘» N A large number of people re {used to vote a? all. Some said th not given the race for }governor much thought and was ‘not prepared to vote. Itis prob able that not more than two thirds the people voted to whom the opportunity was given, which indicates that there is lots of work to be done here by the can didates. This was ¢&specially true of the people from the count ry. Most of them manifested very slight familiarty with the race for governor. | “Yes, I congratulated the wrong young lady—took the sis ter for the bride and yet I've al most raised those girls., It was right in the A. & B. depot before a whole crowd, It was very em barrassing indeed with the proud bridegroom standing by'—and here Mother Eaterprise mopped her face. Later on the old lady was seen meandering down the‘ street chuckling to hereself. “Say, do you know I phoned to a} leading bar room this morning inquiring if the speaker at the other end of the phone was—well never mind who, I will admit that I tbought I was talking toa leading minister in this city who, all unconsious of any blunder, was busy ia his study getting up another good sermon, and by the ‘way be is a pronounced prohibi ‘tionst in bis view of -the saloon’ The question in my mind is who is the joke, Ifancy the bar tender thought it was himself from the way that phone shut off after an understanding took place. You sge I unwittingly left off one figure in calling up the minister. P-l-e-a-s-e don’t 'iell on m=e.”? : | WITH THE PROCESSION l MKS. NETTIE C. HALL, (MOTBRRER ENTRRPRISE) NEWS EDITOR. The Armantrout Bros., sold six Schacht buggies yesterday. Ed‘ltor Rogers of Irwinvil'e was a visitor in our city yester day. : W. C. Busb, of Cincinnati, Ohio, was a visitor amoong us yester day. ' : Mr. A. B. Clark of Broxton was in town yesterday to consult Dr. Ball, (Dr. Powell) Successor, Mrs. C. E. Crawley, who lately moved to this city, took a trip to Tifton, her former home yester day. “Mr.J, W. Farnell mother & policeman Farnell arrived Tues day after a three mouths visit at Unadilla, : Mr, Beojamin Brantly of Haz flehurst, “s in town yesterday to place hilaself under the care of Dr. B°V. Ball. - } Mr\S. O. Swafford and little idtughte; Mildred, who have ‘been yisiting Mrs. Swafford’s !sister, Mrs. C. M. Smith, re turned to their home at Irwin ‘ville yesterday. ! Post 14 will give a Basket Social on the evening of St, Val }én@es‘ day. Briog lunch enough for two in each basket and your name in the bzsket. Everybody cordially invited. Among other records held by Muskogee, I. Ter., is that of be ing the largest city in the TTnited States without a saloon, joint or place where liquor is sold.—Mus kogee Phoenix. Let us remember that nothing befalls us that is not of the na ture of ourselves. There comes no adveniure but wears to our soul the shape of our everyday thoughts, and deeds of heroism are but offered to those who for long years have been beroes in obscurity and silence.—Maeter linck. A young man in Orangedale, Cape Breton, married Bertha McGregor and promised to wash the dishes, darn his socks, es chew tobacco and to grow whis k‘ers. If the fool-killer was to come around he would catch that man sure. Patriotic services will be held at the Oddfellows hall next Mon day in honor of Lincoln’s birth day. Speaking by some of our #est home talent led by Rev. Ellington—Services to begin at 10:30. Everybody cordially in vited. Mr. James W. Pridgen came down from Moultrie Sunday and spent a few hours with his rfi tives. His many friends will be glad to learn thatj James has a good paying pqgition in Moultrie ‘the contract x:unning*for one year, 1 He reports everything progress ing in Moultrie. WE ARE NOW READY ° TO QUOTE PRICES AND SUBMIT SAMPLES OF FALL GOODS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND GCHILDREN. W'E CARRY EVERYTHING lh‘_REflDY-TOa‘ WEAR, AND ALL ORDERS WL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. 4 . Always Remember I W; send goods by exrress C. O. D. subject to examination before acce.tirg, 2. We send two .or three styles of garments for selection. 3. We allow 10 per cent discount for cash, ex= cept on contract goods. ’ B. H. Levy, Bro. & Co., THE BIG STORE SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ® . 5 % Fitzgerald Poultry Farm, e NN/ TS S A\ (S ‘frfi[;; A [ 1 /78 ) NSS Z T | SKIN, A AT e T ; [ @ Sy f‘—?% S W Plop' PR t:';e.v.-"% e s L = o %fiyi:??;{%::gfi/}: Cle TR GESaNeE ——— TN S C A N '” ' . 100 Cockersls, of Foliowing Breeds, For Sale! Light Bramas, sired by “Georgia King,” First winner at Ma con Fair. 1905. SBingle Comb Black Minorcas. sired by ‘‘Black Prince,’’ First Prize winner at Chicago Show, 1903. Single comb Brown Leghorns, of Siedel, Mall and White strains. White Leg borne, Kvapp and Siedel strains. Barred Plymouth Rocks, Thompson’s famous ringlet strains. White Plymonth Rocks, U. R. Fishel’s strain, ‘‘The Best in the World Butf Oochins, %ged, bv *‘lliinois King.” Silver Bpangled Hamburgs, ‘*Pride of Eng land ?” We eXxhibited seven [7] birds at Macon Fair, 1905, win ning nine (9) prizes, as follows: ‘‘Frost King,” White Piymouth Rock (‘ockerel, won Fi'st Prize and two specials. ‘'Maud,”’ White Plymouth Rock pullet, took Second Prize ‘‘Lizzie,’ White Piymouth Rock pullet, winning Third Prize in her class. ‘' ‘eer gia King,”’ Light Brama coc¢z, First Prize ‘‘Sallie,”’ Light Brama hen took Thi:d Prize. ‘‘Sarah,”” White Leghorn hen, carried off Second Prize. ‘‘Mary E.” White Leghorn pullet, winpning Third Prize. : - ? EGGS FOR SETTING, FROM ANY OF ABOVE BREEDS AND HENS FOR SALE. Vlisitors Welcome. Corrsepondence Solici‘ed. J. C. BONEY & CO., = ) - : Sale,’Feed & Livery Stable CENTRAL AVENUE. ». Kentucky and Western Horses and Mules ALWAYS ON HAND. e Fipest Furnonts in the city. Stock Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Everything sold guaranteed as represented. Call Around and See Us w Fitzgerald, Ga. Numb&