Fitzgerald enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1895-1912, February 10, 1906, Image 1

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FITZGERALD ENTERPRISH Volume XI The Fitzgerald Shoppers will please bear in mind that we keep the finest quality of all kinds of Fruits == ~ Oranges, Pineapples, Apples, Bananas, Grapes, Nuts. Candv Made Daily at 10¢ Per Pound. Gold Fish, Canary Birds and Parrots for X-mas Presents. Tobacco and Cigars. et e Fitzgerald Fruit House BOWEN BLOCK. - GRANITOID, ‘The Only Fire Proof Building Material. .Prettier Than Pressed Brick. _ - Cheaper Than Rough Brick. Granitoid Sidewalk and Door-steps. HAYES, ' The Granitoid Man, : Corner Pine and Lee Streets. e FITZGERALD., GA. New Boarding House COR. GRANT AND MAGNOLIA. REGULAR DINNER 25 CTS. Will take boarders by the month very reasonable. Nice clean bed and room and the best board in town for the money. Mrs. C. L. Tucker. P. S.—Out of town people will find what they want here for dinner. = e .- : - , o Whit.e Goods, Dress Goods and Embroidery Sale | _——NOW GOING ON AT BROWN BROS—m————— Come before the best selections are all picked over. Having bought heavier than ever before, and having the cash to pay down enables us to give you all some of the Best Values ever seen in Fitzgerald. We treat one and all alike, and give everyone the ad vantage of our close Cash Buying. Ribbons! We have them for everyone. Thanking you all for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of the same, we are your friends st oy o BROWIN BROS. THRICE-A -W E EIXIX FITZGERALD, GEORGIA SATURDA Y, FEBRUARY 10 19086, MRS. CALLIE H. HOWE, Lecturer for the W, C T, U,, Wil Be In This City . February 18th, Rev. L. D. Hamil, of Tallapoo sa Ga., in writing to Rev. Eliing ton of this city cocaering Mrs. Callie H. Howe says: **Mrs. Callie H. Howe, National lecturer forthe W. C. T. U, will be in vour city Feb. 18th, You will do well to arrange if possible for her to hold one or more of her services in your church. She spoke in our church here last Sunday afternoon and ia the S. Methodist church Sunday and Monday njghts. The churches jplace and at each service and the people think that her lectures were the very best they have ever listened to. One Mr. Hawks a first cousin of Mrs. Formosa,is a wealthy citizen of Chicago and travelsagreat deal and avails him self of all such opportunies possi ble, was hereand heard her three lectures and declares that he has never heard any hing that will ex cel them. Mr. Hawkesis a very brilliant man of 50 years of age aud I should think that with all of his experience as a traveller, availing himself as he does of hearing good lectures would be a very intelligent and safe judge. I am sure we cannot estimate the amount of good she has done in our little ci‘y but the cream of tae churches are agreed that her coming was a great aand rarel trust.” - : Colliers Weekly has secured the farm in Central Kentuckey where Abrabam Lincoln was born and has turned it over to a national association so that iti shall be the property of the peo ple all the time. | D. N. Whipple, of Chicago, ar-? rived yesterday and will spend a month or more with his daugh ter,Mrs. G. W. Havice. He saw no snow until he arrived at Sprin field, Ills., and found still moreat St. Louis and never got out ot it until he got into Tennessee. A Happy Marriage. Miss Maud Mcllwinner, one of Carolinas charming youong ladies, formerly of Durham, of that state, but now of Fitzgerald, Ga, ‘was married to Mr. George L. Mercer of Fla, at the residence ot the bride's parents, "Mr. and iMrs. J. W. Mcllwinner on Wed nesday at Bp. m., Rev T. G. Davis offic ating. ‘The bhappy pair departed Friday morning for a trip to Jacksonville, and Tampa Fla.,, and Cuba after which they will return to their beautiful bome in Florida. The bridegrcom is tlhe owner of over 1000 head of cattle in Cuba and Florida and hasa fine orange grove in the latter state, The Enterprise extends congrat vlations to the newly wedded pair. ! WOMAN’S HOME MISSION SOCIETY “Ye bave not chosen me, but ] bave chosen you and ordained you that ye should go and bring forth frult.” John 15: 16. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The important work cf elect ion of officers will come before the society at our next meeting. We cannot hope for our work to raise higher than the woman who lead us, and how pecessary'it is for us to pray that the members may beled by God to choose wisely and wel), determining bis work shall rot suff.r. May the officers of 19.6 respond cheer fully and intelligently, and be re : ' iding with | the Master., ‘ | LIFTING AND LEARNING. 1 A well known writer says, in‘ ‘every department of life, we ‘bave twenty leaners where there in one who lifts. How true! In the Masters vineyard a few do the work, and make sacrifices of time and energy; the others lean on them. There is a lot of work to do for our Lord—not big tasks but common everyday work. A few tired overwrought women are breaking under the strain, and do more than their share be cause so many lean on them, ~ Friends, is there not some woman near you, who is lifting more than her share of the load, because you are neglecting your duty? If thereis, turn in and help the overtaxed brave one. ITEMS FROM THE BULLETIN Miss Heath, principal of the Vashtißlasingame Home, Them asville, Ga., says, the new kitchen and dining room are finished, and the dormitory alwost com plete. Mrs. Ed. F. Cook bas recent ly been elected editor of Leaf lets and already entered upon duties as such with characteris tic zeal. The Homer Toberman Deac oness Home, Los Angeles, Cal,, bas been a mcaos of doing gmcb good; more than one bas gone away declaring their intention 10 lead a better life, because of their stay there. ‘ GRATIFYING NEWS. Flattering reports continue to come from all lines of Home Mission Work, especially Ci'y Mission work. Christian men and womean are being arcused to the opportunities that have been lost in uplifting the less fortun ate ones with whom they come in daily contact. All this is gratifying and cheers the hearts of the workers but does not sat isfy. Let the good work go on until every woman is aroused to ‘her own personal responsibility. | GoDs’ TENTH. ; We know that tithing is an un popular theme, but God empbhat ically and urgently commands ‘that we pay at least one tenth of Continued on last Page. . WE ARE NOW READY % TO QUOTE PRICES AND SUBMIT SAMPLES OF’ : FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. WE CAPRY EVERYTHING IN READY-TO WEAR, AND ALL ORDERS WiLL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Always Remember ~1. Wa send goods by exrress C. O. D. subject to examination before acce.ting, 2. We send two or three styles of garments for selection. 3. We allow 10 per cent discount for cash, ex= cept on contract goods. B. H. Levy, Bro. & Co., THE BIG STORE SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. @ , ] Fitzgerald Poultry Farm, £ :;S'/ \"“ ; i vy' e” lb 7 @ [/ sOMEL) D\ eq| Twa ¥ % Wz %, % ) a SE 2 | s, % ‘\_g‘”’”’[ : | ,' \§ .- "“:—"4 P' op' e ot Sst A s NS S 100 Cockerels, of Folowing Breeds, For Sale! Light Bramas, sired by ‘“Georgia King,"” First winner at Ma con Fair. 1905. Single Comb Black Minorcas, rired by ‘‘Black Prince,”” Firs' Prize winner at Chicago Show, 1903. Single comb Brown Leghorns, of Siedel. Mall and White strains. White Leg horne, Knapp and Siedel strains. Barred Pivmouth Rocks, Thompson’s famous ringlet straina. Whire Piymonth Rocks, U. R. Fishel’s strain, ‘‘The Best in the Worid Buff Conchins, sired bv “Illinois King.” Silver Spangled Hamburgs, ‘*Pride of Eng land 7 We eXhibited seven [7] birds at Macon Fair, 1905, win ning nine (9) prizes, as follows: ‘“*Frost K ng,” White Piymouth Rock (ockerel, won Fi st Prize and two specials. ‘Msud,” White Plymouth Rock pullet, took Sccond Prizs *‘Lizzie,” White Pivmouth Rock pullet, winning Third Prize in her class, ‘' eor gia King,”” Light Brama coc =<, Firsr Prize ‘‘Salhe,’’ Light Brama hen took "hi d P ize ‘*‘Sarah,”” White Leghorn hen, carried off Second Prize. ‘‘Mary E ” White Leghorn puliet, winniog Third Prize. ECGS FOR SETTING, FROM ANY OF ABOVE BREEDS AND HENS FOR SALE. Vlsitors Welcome. Corrsepondence Solici ed. : J. C. BONEY & CO,, : Sale, Feed & Livery Stable CENTRAL AVENUE. : Kentucky and Western Horses and Mules ALWAYS ON HAND. ' Finest Turnonts in the city. Stock Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Everything sold guaranteed as represented. Call Around and See Us Fitzgerald, Ga. Num bea