Fitzgerald enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1895-1912, February 10, 1906, Image 3

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Che Exchange Bank With Its Large Capital and Surplus hus Opened < M . Javings st Zeparlment i For Your : v Benefit . Aud Will » 5 Pap Yo 0 ®n - @@g 4 / uuur , " et : 0 i.fimu‘y... v You are Almaga Welcome. Che Exchange Dank, Fitzgerald, Georgis, Vit the Brocession, MRS, NETTIE C. HALL, (MOTHER ENTERPRISE.) Ladies wanting calling cards should phone 42 right awav. The most fastidions house wives buy Royal flour. tf. High grade fertilizers.-Phenix Warehouse Company. ' 'Mrs. M. J. Drew Broxton visiting with her daugher, Mrs, T, C. Price. / All kinds of Masks at the Cheap Store. J. J. Jowers, of Coffee county, was in the city on business yes terday. Buy the “made in Fitzgerald” sort souvenir postal cards at the Eaterprise office. Hot and cold baths at the Grant Street Barber Shop, P. B. Owen,Proprietor. tf Mr. Homer Adams has pur chased the Pantridge house on west Oconee. Bargains in Rugsat the Bazaar Store. Prices range from 78: to $3 24, at the Bazaar Store. 2-t Mrs. Mollie Alderman, of Moul trie returned hgme yesterday af ter a visit with Mrs. F. C. Austin. D. Thompson and Alice Ellis were married yesterday by A, M. Brett, . | : Miss Maggie Horn and Mrs. J, L, Baokstoo, of Abbeville, stopped over oam their.way to Worth county for a visit, If you need a svit case you can buy it cheap at the B.zaar Store. 3 2-t Mrs. J. L. McCarty and little daughter Elizabeth, will leave tOsl day for Unadilla wher they will yisit friends for a few days, _ FOR RENT:—Four room! boyse, twao lots, all fenced, g'oo,d] chicken park and coop, good well. laguire at the premjses on Altas maba 2nd house west of North Schoolbouse, < - Mattie Russell Hepler. Oar atock of shoes is large and we can fit your feet, and your pocket book. Pricescnt hard on every pair in the house. 2-t Bazaar Store. Mr. L. Robitzsch lost a good dwelling two miles east of the city by which is supposed to be the-work of anincendiary. He passed through the city yesterel day on his way to put the blood houunds on the track. :You are invited toattend the' special mission seve-vices at tbe{ Episcopal church beginicg Sun-‘ day the 18th and extend to the 27th. Rev. W. J. Moody an evang elist will assist in the services. Mrs, Mary Player and Mrs Bib Minchew of Isaacs, were in town shopping today. Mrs. Becky Moore, of Fletcher attended the bargain sales today. r&)NS(J’ IL.T ' DC. A BOLTZENDORE, LEADING DENTIST, L Over Firat Nationu] Bank, ; Oleomargerine. High grade at Whitcbards. 131-tf Miss Clara Sheritt, of Pope, returned home today. Do you love good biscuit? Then buy Royal flour, tf. Mrs. S. H. Platt and Master Spence took a trip to Broxton tcday. Watch the crowd and the bundles and you will see that the Bazaar Store is doing a lively business. 2-t Ed Sayre one of the early colonists, but now Terre Haute, Ind., is in this city visiting rela tives, Mrs. Rose Y. Colvin, Lady commander of the Maccabees took her departure this morning for Brunswick. J. A. Gleichmaa and daughter, Awmy, took the train yesterday for Jacksoavil e, F'lorida and will stop here again on their return ‘home, : Be sure to see our bargain counter at the front of our Store Display changed every day. Lots of useful articles at from Ilc to 14c. Bazaar Store. 2-t Messrs J. C. Gill, of Chipa Hill and John Hess of Valdosta, were visjtors in town today. Mrs. A. A. Wright, of Atlanta, arrived yesterday to visit with her grand-daughter Mrs. J, T, Price of this city, Texas Rust Proof Oats, Georgia Rye, Blue Stem Wheat, Peari Onoin Sets, at Campbell’'s Seed Store, Phone No. 32, Fine St. FOR SALE—II rcom house and 5 lots all in complete order. Also an 8 room house with recep tion hall. city water and light and two lots. One of the finest corners in the city. Terms easy Address Lock box 546 city. : Lottie Strickland, of New Qr- Jeans has started 10 walk from ber home to Washington city to witness the marriage of Alice Roosevelt, She had got as far as lCincinnati where she was detain ed by the city authorities who be lieved she was not of sound mind. For Sale at a spap;—s acre tracts No. 1255 and 1256, City lots No. 1§ and 16 square 15 Block 14 S. Lee Street. City Jots No. 14 square 15 Block 7, ‘Cemral ave, adjoining Opcra House. All desirable. G. W. White, of Pittsburg, Pa., who has been quite ill in the Valdosta hospital is now a guest at the Jassmine House and some what improved. On Wednesday the mercury was 11 degrees below zero at Rushville, Indiana, and at Sheby ville 15 degrees below. Miss Sallie McAuly, of Atlanta who has been visiting Mrs. Harrod Hyde of this city, re turned home yesterday. . ' The W.C. T. U. of this city ‘has established a Ladies Aux iliary to the Georgia ladustrial Home at Macon according to in structions in the "Helping Haund” the lit:le paper published by the Home. Mrs. A. M. Cull, of Waycross, who bas been viviting with Mr. E. J. Cull, of this city returned home yesterday. 4 The city council of Cordele bas offered the employes of the A & B. railroad ground for their hospital as well as city water and light free and a cash donation. What will Fi'zgerald do?. " The Benevolent Society will meet Tuesday Eeb. 13,at 3 p. m. with Mrs. C. A. Holizendorf, "~ Mrs. G. E. Ricker, Secy. Mr. W. T. Christopher, of Americus, returped home yes terday after attending the Maff ett clearance sale cver which he bad entire charge. Mr. Christo pher has been a newspaper man which probably accounts for ex cellent business methods. Any way the newspaper work hasa tendency to enlarge our Kknow ledge of human nature. The Fitzgerald Iron Works is in receipt of orders from dif ferent sections of the country— the latest being Arcadia, Fla,, which is something mnear 300 miles. Gleanville sent to them f.r a building contractor for art ificial stone and Mr. Leverett turned the contract over to R. J;. Abrams, GET INTEREST ON YOUR IDLE MONEY. TSSOSO IT TAKES only one dollar to opeu & bank account with us, after which we take deposits of 26¢c and up to the thouss ands. : The poorest people in Irwin county will find we take spec ial pleasure in aiding them to start a bank account. The rich ect people in the gounty divide their bankiog business with us because we are safe, we are courteous, we are appreciative, we are progressive and because they believe we endeavor fully to bandle their business to their entire satisfaction. We offer a SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY to all peo ple to save money by depositing with us for safe kerping a portion of all the money they receive. On their SAVINGS we pay interest every three‘months at FOUR PER CENT per annum COMPOUNDED. HOME SAVINGS BANK. Wesson’s Cooking ooil at Whitch ards, < Four city lots for sale cheap. Irquire at Grant street Barber Shop. : | Mr.and Mrs, John Oaks, of McComb, Ohnio, are spending the remajader of the winter here and are stopping at Mrs. Pearsoa’s Tourist Home. Smoke the'‘Made in Fitzgerald”’ kind. They are the best smok ers. tf. Miss Rose Holder after a very pleasant visit to Mrs J. C. Haynes Roanoke Drive returned to her ‘home at Hawkinsville Ga on we dnesday Jast. Miss Holder made many friends while in the city ‘who yregret yery much to see ber leave and will look forward to her future visits with pleasure. Rev. Carl Minor of Bainbricge, who was recently called to the pastorate of the First Baptist church of this city, has accepted the call and will come to Moultrie at once to take up the pastoral work. : Mr. P. J. Dell took the train yesterday for Bridgboro, where he will spend two or three weeks. Mrs. Dell accompained him as far as Tifton where she Wlfi spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Anna Weathers. -~ Ezekiel K@phafl.fim U. B. church died this week quite suddenly. Some six or seven years ago he ran to catch a ‘rain and suffered from a col- Japse owing to heart-strain. He recovered sufficiently to keep up an active campaign in his church work until twenty miautes be fore the end came while seated in the office of a friend at Ind ianapolis, Ind., far from his home and family. - ‘Mr. Henry D. Temple, special inspector of the postoffice regis ter department, called upon the Fitzzerald pestoffice Thursday and sent back a splendid report of the work. Mr. Temple in spects the registry department in many of the states even as far north as Pennsylvania,and occu pies a most responsible position in government service. He re marked that the report of his last yisit some two years ago was so go.d he bhated to send it to Washington-for they might think he was either favoring post master Marsten or not doing his full duty This time the report was even better. ~ Lester Schnare has received an appointment in the govern ‘ment service in the Navy Yards at Pensacola, Fla, as stenogra pher and type writer. C.-A. Oliver is one of the direct ors of the Johnson Hardware Co , of this city and occupies the p(- sition of president of the board, Kidnapp:d, Eddie Stone, a 10 year, old boy dark complected, grey eyes. Was last seea in the yard adjoin ing the Empire Store in compa ny with an old man with grey beard who is supposed to have taken him away. They proba bly left town in a buggy driving a red mule Saturday afteraeon the 3rd. Any information will be appreciated by his parens Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Stone on West Cypress St, NOTICE, I have sold out all my interest in tne Winner Grocery acd bhave no further connection with it. I am responsible for all bills prior to Jan 19:h and am ready to pay same on presentation and all ac counts due the Winner grocery prior to that date is my prop2i ty and pavable only to me. These accounts I am anxious to collect and urge mv old custo mers to give same prompt atten tion, Respectfully 2 E. D. Byrd. + Tam located at the cormer of Sherman and Pine Sts. with a full line of feed stuffs, country produce and in fact every thing good to eat Come to see me or phone No. 68 4-w The W C.T. U, of this city joins with the other white rib voners over the United States in sending a telegram to the con gressmen of eachstate similar to ‘the following., “The remoyal of Smoot from the S:nate will plese your con stituents.”” KEvery represent ative citizen of Irwia county is requested to wire the same mes sage to Hon. A. O Bacon and Hon. A. S. Clay, Washington City'D. C. Asa n'ght message from Fitzgerald it will cost 32 cents. e o , cimse N e & , ~»;-»,; ',“‘,_,, “\ | ..Garden Seed@ A FRESH AND COM PLETE STOCKOF E . b ifié ) g WE GUARANTEE TO HAVE NO OL D SEEDS ALL FRESH AND NEW, RECEIVED FROM SEED FARMS THIS WINTER. CALL TO SEE OUR STO'K AND GET OUR PRICES AND ONE OF OUR SEED CATALOGUES. . . . . WE CAN PROVE TO YOU THAT OUR STORE IS THE PLACE FOR YOU TO BUY YOUR GARDEN SEEDS. . . . o . e . . . . . ° DENMARK DRUG GOMPANY, DRUG. SEED ANG BOOK STORE, Pine Street : . . FITZGERAL DA. ’ For Particular People! i Private Stock Flour! ' The Finest Product of Carefully Selected Wheat, | § For Sale by all Good Grocers l | FOR SHERIFF. E ) hereby anneunce myself a candi 'dam for relection to the office of Rheriff of Irwin County suhbject to the Primary. Thanking the perople for their past confidence and again ask their support with the promise of as fuithfal service as I am able to give. D A. McCINNIS, Maxell Dixon 6 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dixon met with a serious accident at the intersection of Pine and Grant streets at 2 p. m. this afternoon. He was riding his wheel tbro the street crowded with vehicles and before he or any body else reali z=d it he was uader the feet of a spirited horse driven by Mr. Paul Price. The buggy passed over bis tody, woundiog him seriously. The T. O. G. Club, The club of royal sweetness, erjryed an afternoon fcast at Mrs. T.J. Hail’s the guests of Mi~s I-abella de Wandelaer. “t he {ollowing officers were elected for the neqt three months Isabella de Wandclar, Pres, Fane nie Boyd, Vice Pres. Eunice Graves, Sec. Maud Glover, Tres. Two weeks hence they will dine with Miss Fannie Boyd. Mr. H. W. Bussey, of Turner Coun'y, an <l4 Irwin Co. citizen is in the city today. WARE HOUSE FOR RENT. East end of Magnolia St. on side tract of A. & B. Metal roof. Adjacent larids scitable for lume ber yard. Apply toJ.]. Camp bell, or M. Buice, At Private Sale. Having decided to break up housekeeping we bave various articles of household furniture to sell. Such as Beds, Chairs, Tables, Stands, Carpets, Side boards, Dressers, Glass fruit jars, Sewing-machine and many ather things which will be sold at a sacrifice. Call soon at South east corner of Altamaha and Sherman street, Thur. 2-w John Kirschner. Fi:emen’s Annual Ball, - The F. V. F. D.,, will give their regular annual Masqurade Ball Feb. 14. Admission to Hall and dance 50c. All spectators 25c. Ladies who mask free. Music by Rickers Orchestra. . ANNOUNCEMENTS. PoPN NN NI NSNS FOR TAX RECEIVER. g We hereby announce » rchie MoMil=- lan for reelection to the office of tax recei er of Irwin county, suhject to the white primary, with the promise * of as faithful service in tbe future as be has rendered in the past, o e ettt e eee e et e A ST FOR BTATE SENATOR. E We are aurhorized by the friends of - Hon. Jobn B. D Paulk to announce ' bim for the office of state senator, subject to the white primary. For STATE SENATOR E We hereby announce Hon. J.* A. J. Hend rron as a suitable ' candidate for State Senator, and confidently ask for bim the sup=: port of the voters of the district’ at the approaching primary. Maxy VoTERS, FOR COMMISSIONER. At the solicitation of friends and’ on my own personal desire, I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Comwisioner and rcspectfally ask the subport of tbe voters of the | county at the next primary. If eleotf* ed | promise to serve to the best of my übility, and to give éaeh part of the county fair and impartial ser vice, and all busfoess shall be prompts = iy attended to without fear or favor. ! Asking your support, I remain, Yours for the bestinterest of Irwin County, S W R. WALKER. FOR TREARURER. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the cffice of County Treasurer. T am grateful to the people of the county who have bonored meand trusted me with th:s important office, and it is at the request of many prominent friends that I bave decided to again stand for: election. Of course my candi-} dacy is subject to the white pri= mary to be held in the spriag or summer. e Sincerely, M. W. HoweLL. | FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Dr. E. J. Dorminy, candidate for representative Irwin county, subject to the white primary. FOR CLERK SUPE~IOR COURT. lam a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of | Irwin County, subjact to the action of tbe primary, and res spectfully solicit the support of the voters of said County. = Sincerely, Marcus Luxe, Jr. Terra cotta well curb, sewer pipe, drain pipe etc. [ Fitzgerald Pottery Cg At the Enterprise office.