Fitzgerald enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1895-1912, March 03, 1906, Image 1

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FITZGERALD ENTERPRIS Volume XI . - Business Lot Both for (25 BY 120 FEET.) : e Residence Lot $30.00 (60 BY 120 FEET.) !/ | The town site of Mystic which is laid out in streets, parks, business and reeidence sections, is situated on the highest point in the county of Irwin at the crossing of the Atlantic and Birming ham and the Ocilla and Valdosta railroads, 16 miles north of Tif ton and 25 miles east of Ashburn. This point was chosen by Ex- Governor Northern and Mr. P. H. Fitzgerald as the most. desir able site upon which to locate the great Fitzgerald colony, but the owner refused to enter into nogotiations for its sale. and these gentlemon were forced to find another location. The town of Mystic has many natural advantage to be found nowhere else. The surrounding country of from 15 to 20 miles square, will support a town of 5.000 inhabitants or more. It is located upon two great railway lines and-enjoys excelleat—freight and passenger service. The site lies perfectly level except for natural drains which cross the property diagonally and will afford perfect drainage to the entire town. The neighboring country is dotted with the finest farms in South Georgia whose owners are, without exception, progressive. intelligent and successful agri culturists. The climate is mild and equable and no section of the south is more delightful and healthy. No fever—no malaria. Mystic has delightful elimate and perfect natural d.rainage. Two charches, school house and many residences are now being built. Located at intersection of Atlantic and Birmingham and Ocilla and Valdosta railroads. Mown supplied with Artesian water and plans of waterworks will be prepared. : Virgin pine forest for park in the town. 3,000 acres of fine farming lands in immediate vicinity at prices less than the timber is worth. Oleverest people in South Georgia live in Mystic and surround country. In Making Remittance to Trust Co. of Georgia, use blank below. If remitting to Citizens’' Bank, use blank at right. eiy e SO P TR RGO i S eRi PO S e BATE. 00l A 00000 GEORGIA COLONY & DEVELOPMENT CO. CARE TRUST CO. OF GA., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Gentlemen: I enclose §................c.. payment fOr....ceeseeceeensveeene ... DUBINGSS IOtS fin the Town of MYSTIO, | with which lam to receive, free of charge, the same num- | ber of residence lots. | Sgadriceiptito.. .ol L e To the White Voters of lrwin County. On Saturday February 17th, our Democratic executive com mittee met at Fitzgerald, Ga., and ordered our primary elec tion to be held on April 26th, next at which time in addition to County officers and State House officials—we we are to nominate a representative and senator to serve us for two years in 'the General assembly of Georgia, for by our rotation system—it is now Irwin’s time to name a ‘senator from the 15th, senatorial district of our state. Up to this writing, I understand we have two canidates for both the House ‘and Senate and ‘‘Madam rumor” _has'whispered it along thetmes that possibly before the battles are fought—there may be other aspirants to these high places of 1 ' GOOUD y ~ Ifit is §5%,)-GOODS You Wat, (all m Brown Bros. As they are Close, Careful, Cash Buyers, and for Goods for Right Now you can not do better than to call and inspect our stock. Exeryone will be treated right in every instance. No purchase too small. Yours appreciatively, | - BROWN BROS. Brown Front, 117, East Pine St., South Side. i FITZGERALD, GEOR% trust and honor. For several years to my certain knowledge— the state of Georgia has been largely dominated in her state po'itics by certain corporate in terest through their hired rep resentatives whom they send or keep at the state capitol during the sessions of our General As sembly. Youingire, is it possi ble, that the majority of our legislators can be bought by the mercenaries who compose what is called by some the 3rd, house? No, I do not make any such wicked statement, but some times it looks very much like some buying and selling is going ou—from the queer things that men sometimes do. I do not think thatthereis much straight out trafficing in legislative votes, and further, I'm confident that during these years spoken of— that we have had as great per cent of honest law makers asany TEHEHRICE-A-VWVW E EXX FIVZGERALD, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1906, In a Tract of More than 3,000 Acres of the Finest Farming Lands in Georgia, which has been held by One Owner Against All Offers for nearly 50 Years. The Georgia Colony & Development Co. are now opening the new ‘ IRWIN COUNTY, GA. IW e aioe s n IR e e MYS Tl C Is Intersection Atlantic & B.ermingham and Ocilla & Valdosta Rys.and has 6 Passenger Trains daily MYSTIC isin center of Irwin County—High, Dry and Healthy. MYSTIC was Original Site Chosen for the Great Fitzgerald Colony. MYSTIC has Pure Artesian Water and Perfect Natural Drainage. MYSTIC is Surrounded by the Best Farming Lands in Georgia. MYSTIC will draw trade from 15 to 20 miles all around. MYSTIC already has 200 people; Annual Cotton Receipts 2,000 Bales. MYSTIC offers Unequaled Advantages to investors and Home Seekers. MYSTIC is Backed by a Half Million Dollars and Means Business. - Factory Sites On Railroad will be Furnished Free, G = gorgia Golony & Development Go, Fitzgerald, liwin County, Georgia. J. H. HARRIS, President and General Manager, Fitzgerald, Ga. J. B McCRARY, Vice-President, 726 Empire Building, Atlanta, Ga. W. F. RUDISILL, Sec’y & Treas., Cash’r Citizens’ Bank, Fitzgerald, Ga. other state in this union. Never the less, I do not think there ever was a time in our history, when we have had so many hon est legislators steered wrong, and that is why I write this ar ticle. There are weighty and far-reaching measures to be passed upon by the law makers whom we select this year; meas ures that are of the highest im portance to the moral and mat erial developement of our people. Unless action be taken during the next session of our General assembly—some or all of the following measures must be pas sed upon by the law makers in question, namely. The ‘‘Australian ballot sys tem’ which will tend to purify the ballot—the Fountain-head of the best system of government koow to men. : The “'Anti-jug law” which will prevent the liquor or wet coun- }ties from ‘‘slopping’’ over on to ‘the dry counties. : } The ‘“‘limiting or curtailing of franchise” by which the largest ‘part of our immoral purchasable yote will be illiminated for all time, and then state prohibition will be assured. ~ The *‘elec}ion of Railroad com missioners” by popular ballot— ‘which gets us further away from the one-man power, and will be a %long step towards equity and justice equality between the ;Railroads and the shippers. - The “‘Child Labor bill’’ which will liberate hundreds of white children slaves and better their conditions mentally, morally and physically. A “bill to close all the liquor Gecrgia,” which if pas sed—would “with one stroke of the pen’” bring greater benefity to the people of Georgia for all time and eternity, than any law Business Lot Both for (25 BY 120 FEET.) L . ® 3 Residence Lot s3o.° J (50 BY 120 FEET.) s How Lots will be Sold® For $30.00 you can buy any busiaess lot (size 25 by 120 feet,} in Mystic and with each business lot bought will receive, absos lutely free of charge, one residence lot (50 by 120 feet.) This I 8 the greatest bargain opportunity ever offered in Georgia real estate. Oentral lots, which are included in the above offer, are worth today $lOO.OO in open market and would easily bring that price if now offered for sale., (Lots in the neighboring town of Fitzgerald which were bought a few years ago at $40.00 are now worth $lO 000.00.( ? Lots will be sold for cash and $30.00 for each business lot dflfé sired must aocompany application. On a date to be announced§ later the general distribution of lots will take place, at which"‘;f time each buver will receive absolutely perfect title to both the business lots which he buys and the residence lots which are given him. The allotment will be conducted with perfect fair ness and by entirely disinterested parties and every buyer will receive ‘‘a square deal.’ g | Send in your applications at once, for these lots are selling rapidly (14 were sold at Tifton, Ga., between trains, in about 2 hours.) Whether you buy for investment of for personal use you will make no mistake. Such an opportunity will probably never again be presented Iy you desire any further information write the company or any of its officers. Applications and re mittances for lots should be made to The Trust Company of Georgia, Atlanta, Ga., or Citizens’ Bank, Fitzgerald, Ga., who will properly receipt for same. FACTS OF INTEREST. Mystic was named by the Tifts, of Tifton, after their home town of Mystic, Conn. Land was owned by ‘‘Uncle’’ Jack Fletcher for nearly half century, who was often solicited to sell but never before con sented. > . Titles to Mystic lots are absolutely perfect. 0 On one acre within half mile of Mystic Mr. Z. J. Bussell, in 1904, raised over three 500 pound bales of cotton and was awar ded $lOO in gold as prize for best acre in Georgia. Thirteen 500 pound bales were grown on 6 acres last season. Fine lands near for truck tarms, berries, fruits, etc. 13 car loads of strawberries shipped last year from Fitzgerald. Town site laid out by J. B. McOrary. Consulting Engineer. In Making- Remittance to Citizens’ Bank, use blank below. If Remitting to Trust Company of Georgia, use blank at left. PDATE ... ot 190 GEORGIA COLONY & DEVELOPMENT CO. CARE CITIZEN’S BANK, FITZGERALD, GEORGIA. Gentlemen: 1 enclose il payment for .....cccescevierrecrieccvennnennbifiness lots in the Town of MYSTIO, with which I am to receive, free of charge, the same num ber of residence lots. Send recelbb 10 iil e e now on our statute books, or any measure that will ever be enac ted to law. Some or all of these and other good measures will have to be passed upon by the iGeneral assembly of 1907 land 1908. Therefore, I do not think \it unreasonable, or unjust to ask each and every candidate inques tion—to state in plain language what in the main he stands for— and also what he opposes. Our law makers on all great issues‘ should be willing to express ‘themselves—-so that we may know what to expect from them, especially, when such far-reach ing issues are to be passed upon, we should know before nominat ing—whether our representatives and senators will line up with the corporations, trusts, and liquor dealers association, to the detriment of the masses. or will they oppose the selfi:hness of the corporations trusts, and m whiskeys gang—occupying such high moral ground—that wilk enable them to always work and vote unbiased for all measures that tend to the up-lift of the ‘masses—and yet not discrimin= ate against the classes, and vot'{ against all measures that tend' to make the burdens of the very poor harder to bear. Yours to better conditions. B. E. WiLcox. Register, Register! The registration books a now open in the various districts of the county, and only those who register can vote in the ap= proaching white primary. Following are the registrars: Dorminey’s Mill: M. G. Youngfi Old Fifth,Warren Paulk, Irwinville: F. L. Taylor. % Minnie: Wm, Williams, Roberts: Warren Fletcher. Ocilla: Wm., Henderson. j Fitzgerald: Drew W. Panlk,